TliE HEADLIGHT. Cheapest Advertising Medium Tiiiksday Evening, March 2J, 1S8&. LOCAL FLASHES. Ilcly Week. Last week in Lent. 'ext Sunday is Easter. To-morrow is "Gocd Friday The river is upy way up, terribly op. Two more days and March will be numbered with the past. Don't fail to attend the meeting at the Opera House to-night. VVs are coming down thev can be purchased now at 10 cents per dozen. Court having completed all the cases it could try, adjourned sine die last Friday at noon. Subscribe to the Co-operative Cot ton Factory. Shares fifty cents each per week for four years. dood reader, you must never judge j In appearances : a brand new coai or :in elvgant silk or satin, may coyer a uire dummy. Only 11 marriage Licenses lave been j .I.., t. i ! isMieu up io uair uj uui pumt: aim efficient Register of Deeds for the present month. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Castex, are in Kortheru cities, investing in the latest .tyles of millinery and notions for their cosy establishment. Gov. Scales has been selected to preside at the session of the National J'resbyterian Assembly to be held in Philadelphia, May 24th. Many improvements are noticeable in various parts of the city. Consider able building is going on and it will increase as the Spring opens. Everything is quiet in police circles. From present appearances it seems to us that Goldsburo is the most orderly place in Eastern North Carolina. Rear iu mind that people who are generally the most severe newspaper critics, are those who never subscribe for a paper, and if they do, never pay fur the priv ilege of reading it. The Missionary Baptist c'urch con tinues to be crowded both morning and night, which can only be attribut ed to the powerful and timely discourses .deliver cd by the Kev. J. S. Dill. The spring schedule went into effect at the graded school Monday morning. That is to say the school opens a half hour earlier in the morning and closes a half hour earlier in the afternoon. Those "street signs" to which we called our city fathers attention, in our last issue, will be put up on every corner in a very few days. That's the information we received from our o thy Mayor. A great hue and cry is raised when a lottery ticket draws a prize, but the thousands and thousands of blanks, are kept as profound a secret as is the pass word to a Masonic or an Odd Fellows' Lodge. A colored boy,' Joe Rand, hailing from Wilson, stole a watch from anoth er man and was tried before Mayor Peterson on Monday last; failing to ive a bond of $200, he was committed to jail to await Superior court. The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness: to a child, a good ex ample; to a friend, your trust: to your father, deference: to your mother, con duet that will make her proud of you: to yourself, respect; to all men charity. Young people will marry in spite of all you can do or say to prevent. Par ents may interpose, but Cupid con quers and love reigns supreme. Bolts and bars cannot prevent and the old saying is still true, "love laughs at blacksmiths." The Enterprise Lumber Company of this city, continues to meet with suc cess. Large orders from the Northern and New England States are flowing in continually, and all hands are kept as busy as hoes to supply the wants of the outside world. Whatever may be said of the people and busipess of Goldsboro but few towns have better and more business- like people, and we know of no place in the State that is drawing trade from every direction, and improving so rapidly as our young city. A joint and enthusiastic meeting of our fire companies was held in the Mayor's office on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, with J. J. Robinson Esq., thftir Chief, nresidinsr. Lent. T. II. Rain delivered a most excellent dis- mnrse on. "How to fight the fire" bile his Honor, the Mavor spoke j very encou, aging words in" behalf of ! bah ceivmnies U the close it was ' lkau companies, ic ulw llBas decided that the next joint meeting j will be held next Thursday night, when' ... . 1 ' . ; jiile tic n of new members will be lv.civid That Social Hop" given last night by the Hebrew young gentlemen of this city, in the Armory Hall, was a pleasant affair, and will long be re membered by the participants. The Goldsboro orchestra furnished some excellrnt roosic and dancing was kept up till the small hours this morning. Col. G. B. Pickett, State Organizer and National Lecturer of the Farmers' Alliance will address the fanners of Wayne county on Saturday, April 7, for the purpose to organize Wayne county Farmer's Alliance. v !et our country friends torn out in mass to ! hear him. Four prisoners, all colored, who have been convicted at onr last term of conrt, were escorted to the peniten tiary by Sheriff Smith last Monday. Their names are: Joe Dortch, Sea berry Sasser, Ed. McKinzie and Jno. Jones. Their sentences are from four to ten years. Master Abe, the son of onr towns man Mr. Sam Cohn, the city butcher, was confirmed at the synagogue in Tuesday morning in the presence of a very larjr audience. He delivered a powerful speech, which is a credit to Ms religious instructer, the Rev. Marx Moses. Messrs. Porter & Godwin, of this city, have taken the contract to erect . . . t . . a iwo-siory iranie residence lor Mr. Frank Borden, on the corner of Wal- nut and James streets. J udging from th drawing, the building when com pleted, will be an ornament to our thriving city. The time for holding ward meetings is fast approaching. For the benefit of our readers we give the names of the Executive Committeemen of the various democratic wards of this city. 1st., John II. Hill : 2nd, J. B. Whita ker, Jr; 4th, J. W. Lamb; 5th. Gilbert Alphin. The song services, which were an nounced to be held on Tuesday night, at the M. E. chuich, by Prof. R. II. Randall, and lady, owing to the very inclement weather have been post poned until to-night at 8 o'clock. Let it be well attended: as there is no charge for admission. We are under the impression that crime is on the decrease in Wayne county. At the January term of our Superior court, the grand jury made only ten presentments, and we under stand that at the late term, only six presentments were made. About this we are truly rejoiced. That the Headlight is appreciated by the business men of Goldsboro is evidenced by its splendid advertising patronage and large and grov. ing sub scription list. Several new advertise ments in this issue, and a number of new names entered upon our list this week. Lt them coutinue to come, we can accommodate many more. Much complaint has bean made of late by many of our country subscri bers for not receiving the Headlight at this fiost-office. The fault does not lie with the delivery-clerk but with the subscriber. It is impossible for the former to look for a certain paper with out being asked. Hereafter, if you no to the post-office call for The Headlight and you will be sure to get it. A young clerk in one of our fashion able dry goods stores says take the customers of the store on an average, and he had rather wait on ten ladies in moderate circumstances, than one who makes riches her boast. The pretty sempstress buys more readily and does not higgle about price : the Queen ot Sheba requires an hour to make up her mind, and wants a fall of 33 per cent, on all the goods she buys. Great excitement at Raleigh ! About what about whom! Well, about C. E. Cross, and S. C. White, the Presi dent and Cashier of the State Nation al Rank, who have "skipped" to Cana da last Saturday evening, and left all depositors in the lurch. As a matter of coursey the bank is closed, and we fear that before many days, we shall hear of the downfall of many a busi ness house in our sister city. Lynch ing is too good for such high-toned thieves and robbers. It is said that $350,000 has taken unto itself wings and flown away. While paying a business visit to Fremont last Saturday we found its j businessmen and citizens in general in j a very cheerful mood. We noticed a good many improvements which plainly speeks for the push and enterprise of its inhabitants. That well-known firm of Aycock & Bros., are erecting a substantial brick ware-house and drug store, next to their extensive establish ment. We also noted a new "Racket j Store" operated by Uo young businc- en. nasungs aia j.yncn, xor wnom i i- i:k- l . wc Despeu u uei jraiiuiuge. The Headlight we are glad to say, is nearly in every home at Fremont, J ,. . " f . and the adci-iornl large list ot su" - scribers we received last Saturday is i . . i r i . : ... i.:i. ampie eviueiice ui iuccsicchi m mum the pap cr is held iu that section. From every source we hear great indignation expressed concerning the rude performance given by the "Early Birds" at the Opera House last Fri day night. Such traveling troupes are a disgrace to civilization., and to every decent theatrical company. If we were asked to picture hell, we wonld point to those fourteen "ladies," How such a "variety show" can receive complimentary notices from respect able newspapers, is more than we can account for. The business manager we suppose can do that. We ask tlu press of the country to pass them round, in behalf of an indignant community. Act At Once. J2very citizen of Goldsboro should take an active interest in everything calculated to promote the growth and prosperity of the town. There is no lack of of individual enterprise on the part of our business men, but is there that public spirit, that hearty co-operation, among them that there should be? The Headlight thinks not. Let there be united effort, concert of action, and what glorious results might be attained. When any good work is undertaken, how delightful it would be to see every man put his shoulder to the wheel. In union is strength, and united action on the part of our citizens in every useful public enter prise, even if some little sacrifice is requisite for awhile, would in the end be a just pride to the town, and to the individual citizen, and a positive bene fit as well. Push, pluck, good judg ment, and unity of effort are sure to bring in handsome returns. With these principles acted on, and there is no reason why they should not be, advancement and prosperity will be obtained and a spirit of pride engen dered that no obstacle can defeat. North Carolina's Pride. We have often spoken good words for the Wilmington Star, and now its entering upon its twenty-first year, that old favorite, reminds us to speak again. The Star is a most acceptable paper, both tor the purity of its style and excellence of its matter, which is always void of offense to one's finer and better feelings. It is an admira bly conducted paper, replete with the news of the day, and its broad com prehensive and progressive spirit man ifested in its editorials, shows the guiding force of the paper is a man abreast of the age a man of sound judgement, liberal culture, and toler ant views a man en rapport with the masses, knowing their want and de sire, and therefore specially qualified to conduct a paper in their interest. That man whose praises we sing, is Bro. Kingsbury, a polished and vig orous writer, whose splendid accom plishments have long been recognized in journalistic circles. He is to journ alism what beautiful paintings are to a wall, or as golden tints of a glorious sunset to a beautiful landscape. The Star has always been a steady twinkler to true Democracy, and it is the earn est wish of the Headlight, that its sparkle may never grow dim. Brighter And Better. Sinithfield Herald. Each succeeding issue of the Golds boro "Headlight" becomes brighter and better under the able management of friend Roscower. He is one of the best journalists in the State, and we wish him continued success. The Feast Of The Passover. The most important of Israel's festi vals commenced on Monday evening, and will be observed by all Hebrews the world over for seven days to come closing next Sunday. The feast of the Passover or gene rally termed "Pesach," is one of the great feasts in the Hebrew calendar. It is always observed on the fourteenth day of the Hebrew month Nissan, and the first and last days of the feasts are kept in str'ct accordance wiih the Mosaic ordinance. Refore its advent the domicile of every Israelite is thoroughly cleared from garret to cel lar, and articles prepared by fermen tation or containing the least portion of leaven are removed from the prem ises. One of the most impressive ceremonies after the evening services in the assemblage of families at home, when, before the evening meal is spread, a compilation of the historic narrative of the emancipation of their pneestors is read by the head of the family, and wife and children uuite in songs of the Psalmist. The strict observance of the holiday is imparative, and although the event upon which it is founded took place more than 3,100 years ago, the child ren of Israel commemorate the sacred epoch with unchanging form and cere mony. Since the destruction of the second Temple the Passover has been observed as a purely religious cere mony, commemorating the deliverance of Israel from the corporal and mental thraldom which endured in "Mizrairu" for four centuries, and culminating in their miraculous exodus and the reve lation of the Decalogue and Mosaic law to free their minds from the slavery . i i . : oi ignorance ana moiairy. Appropriate services were held in ne synagogue on Monday night and : Tuesdav morning, and tha lectures ! deUvered on iu, occasions by the Rev. : ajarx Moses are highly spoken of by .1 i i i r... inose v. uu u:iu me wu lonuue vu at tend. BOO CLQSIUGi OUT SALE. FUCHTLER Will sell for the next 30 days their GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES, HAT, CAPS & Gents Furnish ing Goods at Prime NEW YORK Stock of Spring Goods now on the way. Our Furniture department is as large ment as we are the A cents of the GOLDSBORO STEAM FURNITURE FACTORY. THE CHEAP OF 13. 3X. PRIYETT Ac CO. 1 Car Load C. R. Sides. 75 Rbls Heavy Mess Pork. 31G Rales Timothy Hay. 20 Tierces Lard, Western. 75 Cases Lard Western. 25 Bbl Early Rase Irish Potatoes, - 50 sacks Bolted Meal. - -100 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 250 Bbls Flour, (All Grades.) 50 Sacks Marshall fine Salt. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Laths, &c, &c. AIho Oyster Shell Lime per Ton or Car Load all lower than ever for Cash. West Center Street - Goldsboro, N C. w a t c n Tin mm It belongs lo one of the largest Hardware establishments in Eastern North Carolina. SMITH & YELVERTON, GOLDSBORO, N. C. FERTILIZERS! e would call the attention of our furnish them with all grades of FERTILIZERS on the very best terms obtainable. We only sell such goods as have stood the most critica' test for years, and which have given the most satisfactory results. 500 TONS ACID PHOSPHATE. 500 (i EM INC GERMAN KANIT, 0ar Own IcqtrtatUn ! 500 TONS PROLIFIC COTTON GROWEH TO M R C II A N T 9 . and all parties us'mg large quantities of goods we will make it to their inter est to call on us before purchasing. II. WEIL & BROS,. & KERN. entire stock, cooslstingof, 1RY COST to make room for their imneiis as ever, and can offer great induce Hcsptttfalljr FUCHTLEU & KERN. GASH STORE 1 Car Load Wheat Bran & Pea Meal. 1000 Bushels Corn, 1500 " White Seed Oats, 1000 Black Seed Oats. 500 " Rust Proof Seed Oats. farming friends that we are prepared to Mrs. h. W. Moore has removed he r extensive and well assorted stock or Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notion?, to the "Blue Front'' store, next door to Messrs. M. SumiuerfieUl & Co., and would be pleased to see her former friends and patrons is her new home. AflUniOXS F03 THE L4IHES. We have opened this day, a hand some lot oi Embroideries, Torchon and Val. Laces. Nainsook in Stripe and Plaid at 8 10 and 12 1-2 cents. Also 25 different patterns of French Satteens, elegant styles and superb quality. Beautiful assortment of Scotch Zephyr and Domestic Ginghams in Plain, Stripe, and Check to match, in darker shades for early Spring wear. Also a handsome ne lot of Spring Novelty Suiting for ladies combination Suits, in both Checks and Stripes. A nice assortment of new Black Goods for Mourning, also Uark Grays. LADIES CALL OK SEND FOB SAMP LES. U. E. GA8TEX & CO., Goldsboro, N. C. OABDUME. We. invite all who are in need of Hardware Tin Ware House Furnishing Goods, Stoves &c, or any thing per taining to our line, to give us a call, as we are offering our customers speci al inducements-slower prices, by far than have ruled here before we opened business. We are here to stay, and request the cooperation of all who are interested in keeping prices at a living basis to gve us a share of their patro- uage. Respectfully, HUGGINS & FREEMAN. Goldsboro, N. C. D1GII PRICES KNOCKED HIGHER THAN A KITE AT i. s. d. s a u l s. "the boss grocer;1 We keep constantly on' land all kinds of family groceries, both staple and fancy .At Very Low Prices! You can always find such as Bacon. Ham, Corn Meal, Flour, Mo lasses, Syrups, Candy, Nuts, Coffee Sugar, Lard, Soda, Salt, Fish, Cabbage, &C,&C. ALSO CANNED GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Give us a call and we will convince you that we are selling at EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES Your Friend. I. S. D. SAULS. West Waluut St. Goldsboro, N. C GOLDSBORO MARKET REPORTS ' cokkected by B. M. Pbivbtt k Company Cotton Buyers and wholesale Provision and Grain Dealers. Cotton, - - -C. It. b'ules, - -Mess Pork, - -Lanl, CU. CU. 15 25,015 5 per Ubl. IJttfJCts. - oldVJO; New, lUef llCts. $ft 1 1 Ct. per lb. - (pr 100 lbs.) 1.50 1.55 125ft 450 perbbl. - - 70(Q7 Cts. per bush. ...... 505i per buh. - . - 18 per b X. C. Hams, -Hides, - - Meal, Flour, Corn, - - - - - Oals, JJeew ax, - - - JWB-AJDINTO NOTICES. Five Cents ft Line. Ert-ryltotly teho has any vsmt to sup ply, anything to buy or m il, any busim-st or acconrmQflatiOH to turnv: iiuleeil, any trW to gratify, xliouhl advertise in thi column. Beautiful Indeed! This is the general verdict of every customer, who has inspected the line of Jewelry kept at the Emporium of Messrs. Fuchtler & Kern. Notice. To reduce my stock of Crockery and Glassware. I will sell them at greatly reduced prices f.r the next Thirty Days. Call early and get some bar gains at Joseph Isaacs. Have You Seen It ? If you have not, then you ought to by all means. We mean the beautifid line of Neckwear and Gent's Furnish ing Goods, displayed at the establish ment of Messrs. Fuchtler & Kern. A Vakied Assortment. One tltou&aitd dozen of Canned Goods, consisting of Tomatoes, Corn, reaches, etc.. will be sold for the next right days, at first cost. Don't miss this opportunity. Joseph Isaacs. SruiNo Has Come. At this season of the year cverr one is on the qui vive for hew iprin oods- Tbe ladies especially will be greatly ins terested in the new stock of Dress Goods, in every imaginable quality and shade, now offered by Messrs fuchtler & Kem. Don't fail to call. Bucklek's Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Cornsr and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is f-uarnntnod tn alvn. perfect satisfaction, or money refund- ea. rnce cents per box. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Led Astray. "Fernandina. Nassus Cn. VU March 29, 180. "I have used Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator and always found it to do what is clainiPd Air it The last bottle and two pack-iges did me no gooa and were worse than no th in". 1 see it is not nut im bv .T ir Zeilin & Co., and not genuine, and a waste of money to buv it. I would h glad to get the pure and genuine. oeuu me some I rum honest hand with red 'A and Zeilin Co's sina- ture on Wrapper). The fictitious stuff Miia win injure some one badly. "Your Ob't ervt, Benj. T. IUch. To The Public. My wife Abbie Wi llion die 1a(V . without any cause or consent, I hereby fur hid nni-mm Vr- .1 1 ..y... . name, ur eiscwnere, irum niring or harboring hei. Those failms to take notice nf this -;n the sum of $50, according to law, and also will be the defendant in a lawsuit. Rev. James Willien. A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful d; - IMS been made and that t.w k.. - this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years "iwswuu us severest tests, but her vital organs urr iinHnn:ni death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery iw consumption and was so much re- ll4Vwf All L I J A. J . slept all night and with one bottle haa ben miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutr " Tk,. -..: A it' n it . . . " ike 11 . C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C v.. net- umi uoiueai ji. JC. Uobin- son & uros' urug Store. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus. Iml., testifies: -I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bot.le sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years1 standing." Abraliam Hare, druist, Bellville, Ohio, affiims: "The" best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others havo added their testimony, so that the ver dict is unanimous tliat Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kid neys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at M. E. Robinson & Bros' Drug Store. -A- Rare Cliaiice. One of the best arranged and fur nished Wine and Beer Saloons in the State, with an established run of trade, connected with a nice Restaurant, Pool and Billiard Rooms, is For Sale at Goldsboro, N. C. The place being located in the very heart of the city makes the same all the more valuable. Motive of selling out is" retiring fiom business. Correspondence is invited. Address, P. O. Box 519, Gcldsboru, N. C. Tai-ifT Kocliic-tioii AND Revenue Rffern. The subjects of Tariff and Internal Revenue are engaging the consider a on of Congress, Press and People. Just what the outcome of this agita tion wi'l be cannot be foretold. But if tliose familiar with the prices of Wall Paper twelve mouths ago will call at Whitaker'a Bookstore, under the Opera House, and learn the pre sent prices, they will find rcasou to conclude that some kind of Tariff upon these articles las beeu reduced, or abolished. Now is the time to buy. Prices are likely to advance.' Large stock from which to select and new patterns re cently received. Cull and sev