rri-lE HEADLIGHT. Cheapest Advertising Medium Thursday Evening, April 5, 18S8. LOCAL FLASHES. flood-bye Lent. Flowers in demand. Postoffice rent is due. "Welcome gentle spring. Court at Snow nil! this week. Yesterday was a charming spring day. And you too, have been fooled last Sunday! We gain this month just ens hour of daylight. This month has five Sundays and five Mondays. Have you subscribed to the co-operative cotton factory? Winter is left behind and gentle Spring is welcomed again. AH the merchants had a big trad a vestcrday. I" fac there seemed to be a decided boom in the shopping line. Yonnr: man, now is your time to so- I loot your best girl; she will be apt to cling to you through thf picnic season, at least. In less than ten days New York will d ny she ever had a blizzard. pipers are nomuig u;j iu nui j alrjady. Already the people of the county hive commenced to discuss the claims of prospective candidates .or the va- : make her so very popular. rious county officers. At the Baptist church last Sundiy morning the following gentlemen were ordained as deacons: J. Y. Joyner, W. G. Britt, and V. A. Denmark. Mrs. E. W. Moore departed yester day for Northern markets, to invest in the latest styles of Millinery and No tions for her cosy establishment. The last few warm days have caused liht dresses and gray suits to crop out. The wearers of the straw hat are onlv waiting for some one to lead off. Her point "1 he " Voice," a republican organ will make its first appearance in this city on Saturday the 14th inst. Cco. T. Wassom, Editor; J. L. .Nixon, As sociate, and J. E. Brown, Business manager. We wish it a prosperous can er. Dr. James II. Powell is having the store in the rear of the Faircloth "Law Building," on John street, fitted up for a drug store, and as soon as com pleted proposes to open there a full and well selected stock of drugs and medicines. We are glad to note that Mr. T. M. Head, has secured a lucerative position at that famous resort, the Hotel Albert of New Berne. Mr. Head left for his new home on Tuesday evening, taking with him the well-wishes of his many friends here. On May the 7th, an election will be held at the court house, for nine Al derman of the city of Goldsboro. The registeration book is now open at the store of Mr. J. E. Petersrn,and all quali fied voters should register without de lay, as the book will close on May 5th. We trust that there will be a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen to attend the Union services at the Bap tist church next Sunday . t 7:30 p. in. The Rev. M. M. McFarhnd will de- j liver an appropriate sermon, which we trust will do much gocd to the caute of temperance. Miss Nannie Hall, of Greene, I a glorious and splendid representation of a county noted for its lovely and beau tiful women, is visiting the charming family of Mr. O. It. Band Jr., and diffusing upon all within her reach those charms of head and heart which Easter Sunday was duly observed with appropriate services at some of the churches in this city, and the churches wherein it was thus observed were handsomely decorated with ever greens and flowers around the chancels and pulpits, also with niottos suitable for this erand Feast of Easter. The Wilmington Review contains an illustration of the elegant public build ing constructed there, just such a one as we need and expect to have for Goldsboro. The finest lot of horses ever brought to this city, were unloaded yesterday for Mr. .George D. Bennett, which were shipped to him all the way from Kentucky. That social hop given at the Armory Hall on Monday night, was highly en joyed by those present, thanks to that peerless "figurc-c-iiler," Mr. 'Tom inie" Holmes. The sun is shining, the air is balmy, the birds are chirping, and now is the time for our farming friends to obey that i ijunctitn: "Make hay while the sun shines." Our sanctum was graced last Tues day with the presence of Col. A. C. Davis, the Principal of the Davis School, of Lagrange, who paid our city a "flying" visit that day. The Goldsboro Savings Bank, from present indications, promises to be come a paying institution. The amounts deposited there since its open ing on Monday, are going into thous ands of dollars already. That ornamental Soda Fountain at the establishment of Mr. John T. Ed nuindson, has begun its activity this morning, and with its delightful flavors gladdens the heart of many a "fellow and his best girl." Miss Enie Kelly, of Mount Olive, one of the finest and truest types of female loveliness teat we have ever seen, is actively engaged as saleslady, in the confectionary department at Mr. John T, Edmundson's. Mr. L. II. Castex of that popular firm of M. E. Castex & Co., has re turned from the Northern markets, and from the immense quantities of goods he is storing it would seem that he has made heavy purchases. Husbands, live in peace, love and harmony with your wives this was impressed forcibly upon our mind, when, on last Saturday, "Col." Jim Jone (cold.) was put by Justice Broadhurst, under a fifty dollar bond to keep the peace toward his "better half' for three months, for threatning to extinguish her life. If our city authorities would pass au ordinance requiring front ates to s.vinG: inward, many a citizen would rise up and call them blessed. There is no sense in a gate being made to open in the street, for one half the time many of them are left standing open, to the annoyance of people pass o2 alo:i the sidewalks. All hands are busily engaged at the establishment of Mr. John T. South erland, unpacking and displaying the large cases of goods which are daily arriving. Mr. Souther'and will open his "New York Bargain Store" this even ing, and intends to "knock high prices highor than a kite," and we believe it too. He is just the man lor the business. As we passed through Walnut street yesterday we noticed that a new firm has begun its active career, next to the post-office. The gentlemen who have formed the copartnership are Messrs. K. Denmark, and Z. M. L. Jeffreys, under the firm name of Den mark & Jeffreys, to conduct a general commission business. We wish them every success. There will be at the Baptist church in this city next Sunday morning a memorial service of Dr. M. T, Yates, Missionary to China, Dt Yatey was one of the greatest Missionaries of this century, and as a native of North Carolina, personally known to so many, this service wib be timely and interest in. The collection oa Sabbath morn ing will be for Missions. Mr. Claus Orlaudt, International Sec retary ol" the Young Men's Christian Association for the United States and Canada, held a meeting in the Mission ary Baptist church last Friday night. The meeting was well attended, and after forcibly explaining the workings and objects of this association, he or ganized a branch thereof with 32 mem bers. This we consider a good begin- Mr. Joseph Edwards, widely known as the "Champion of Low Prices" left ior the Northern and New Eng land States last Sunday for the purpose of purchasing his extensive supply of Sprin-j and Summer goods from man ufacturers. He has secured two- col umns in the Headlight, and imme diately after his return home, he will let the public know what treat he has "m store for them. Prcf. R. II. Randall and his wife, haw succeeded in organizing a large musical class in our city. They teacl 10 lessons for $1,50 per pupil, am in addition will present each with the latest edition of the Profs note books, the price of the book (75 cents) is in cluded in the price charged for the lessons. The class is being taught nightly in the Sunday school room of the Missionary Baptist church. Tire services at the Missionary Baptist church, last Sunday night, were of more than cidinary impressive ncss. The Pastor, Rev. J. S. Dill, pleached a very powerful sermon on the subject: "The mistake of a life," founding his remarks on the eventfui tragical biography of King Saul, and after the sermon the ordinance ol Baptism was administered to tw young men: Mr. Frank Beaman and Mr. William Hummel. The church was fully filled so that some had to be turned off for want of room. At a meeting of the County Board of Education held last Monday, amongst much important business trans itccd. the following order was made import ant to the Public School Teachers of the county. The County Instituti will begin on the 29th day of may next in the white graded school building in this citv, and will be under the charge of Prof. E. A. Alderman. The Teach ers are reminded that the school law requires them to attend this Institute. The colored Public School Teachers of the county are urged to avail them selves of the advantages offered by the Colored Normal School of thiscit. An adjourned meeting of the Busi ness weirs Association ci tins city, was held in the court house last Mon day night with President I. S. D. Sauls in the chair, who explained the object cf the meeting to be to com plete the organization by electing the additional officers required by the by laws. An election was gone intt and the following were elected. Judge W. T. Faircloth and Dr. W. II. IL Cobb, Yice Presidents, T. II. Bain, Secretary. E. B, Dewey Treas urer: Sol. Weil, II. L. Grant! It. M Freeman and J. E. Peterson, Execu tive Committee. Col. L. W. Humphrey addressed tne meeting at length, giving his views a. to the best modi to be devised in or der to raise money, cm tfee most feas able terms, for the purpose of building factories in our city and these viens were endorsed by Mr. Henry Weil; Mai. II. L. Grant and Mr. Jos. E. Elill CLfiSISS out mi. FUCHTLER & KERN. Will sell for the next 30 days their entire stock, consisting, of, DRY !OODS, CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES, HAT, CAPS & Gents Furnish- in Goods at Prime NEW YORK COST to make room for their imuier.se tock of Spring Good's now Mm the way. Our Furniture Leyartment is as large as ever, and can offer great induce ment as we are the Agents of the GOLDSBORO STEAM FURNITURE Mrs. E. W. Moore lias removed he r extensive and well assorted stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions to the "Blue Front" store, next door to Messrs. M. Sunimertield & Co.. and I7i vc Cents :i H.ine. ErrryffwJy who has ;y trout to nip jjy, vvhiij to j"yO'i(ttt any b"t:iticsx or urioiiiiuO'bitioii to .''.- itnlcv!9 t'i trVA to ifui'i houh oaieriur in this coin not. Tit: Cheat Rush. For Evitt & Bros Hand-made shoes continues at Joseph Edwards. It is ths general verdict of the Ladies that there is nii: fxikr in the market. Have You Seen-It! FACTORY. Respectfully FUCHTLER & RERN. TEE CHEAP CASH STORE OF JB. 3J. PHIYETT Ac CO. I If you have not, then you ougl.t to I rv nil iiipm W min tiin ln-nit5fiil would bi pleased to sje her former Hne flf eck,vear and Gent's Furnish friends and patrons in hir nr.v home i ing Goods, displayed at the establish ment oi .Messrs. r uehtier s Kern. Beautiful Indeed! A visit to the establishment of Joseph Ed yards will convince the most fastidious buyer, that he has the most varied and well selected stock of Spring Press Goods (in every imagin able quality and shade), ever brought to this city. The general expression is that they are ''hard, to beaU" ATTMCFiOXS FOR THE L1DIB. 1 Car Load C. R. Sides. 75 Bbls Heavy Mess Pork. :J1C Bales Timothy Hay. 20 Tierces Lard, Western. 75 Cases Lard Western. 25 Bbl Early Rase Irish Potatoes, 1 Car Load Wheat Bran & Pea Meal. 1000 Bushels Corn. 1500 White Seed Oats, 1000 " Black Seed Outs. 500 " Rust Proof Seed Oats. 50 sacks Bolted Meal. 250 Bbls Flour, (All Grades.) , Wc have opened this day, a hand some lot of Embroideries, Torchon and Val. Laces. Nainsook in Stripe md Plaid at 8 10 and 12 1-2 cents. Also 25 different patterns of French Satteens, elegant styles and superb quabty. Beautiful assortment of Scotch Zephyr and Domestic Ginghams in Plain, Stripe, aud Check to match, in darker shades for early Spring wear. Also a handsome new lot of Spring Novelty Suiting for ladies combination Suits, in both Checks aud Stripes. A nice assortment of netv Black Goods for Mourning, also Dark Grays. LADIES CALL Oli SEND FOIi SAMPLES. I. E. CASTEX I GO.. Goldsboro, N. C. Robinson, in short ad appropriate ie- The handsome . residence of Mr. I F. Dortch, on William street, has re- T1)e imwelc0me ne.vs spread like ntly been treated to a new coat oi paint, and it now stsnds there an orni nient to that part cf the city as a ' thing of beauty which is a joy for ever." Information reaches us that Prof. These Obscene Pictures. We are almost certain, that when reading this, most everybody will be grateful t our city fathers for passing an ordinance at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night, prohibit ing the poktin cf obscene pictures throughout the city limits under a fine of $10, for each offense, and in addi tion a fine of $10, for each day ther- after. i?uch pictures us were posted last Saturday, announcing the ooming of "Lilly Clay's G aiety Company," are a lib'.e to our community, and a dis grace to morality. We cannot be bribe d to accept complimentary tickets, for the only purpose to "puff" a com pany, of which we know very little ab&ut. The Headlight pocs into the homes of every family in Goldsboro, and we would be false to our profession if we should induce them to see a troupe whose advertisements and: post ers deserve the uttpr condemnation of the public at large. Our columns are not open to publish their advertise ments on one tide and rebuke them in another, as it happened to appear in Tuesday's Aryus. No, gentle reader, we are not "built that wav." 100 Sacks' Liverpool Salt. 50 Sacks Marshalls fine Salt. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Laths, &c. &c. Oyster Shell Lime per Ton or Car Load all lower than ever for Cash. West Center Street Goldsboro, N C. WATCH TIH SPACE! It belongs to one of the largest Hardware establishments in Eastern North Carolina. SMI T II & YELVERTON, GOLDSBORO, N. C. Important Meeting. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular monthly meeting last Monday. This was a very important meeting and all the members of the Board were present. Tax listers for State and county taxes were appointed as follow s: Goldsboro Township, E. A. Wright. N. II. Gurley. " J. A. Stevens. " B- E. Stevens. " A. J. Brown. " J. M. Wood. " J. B. Parks. " N. W. Musgrave. " Green Copeland. " W. II. Ham. " N. J. Smith. tl-nan reclinin" in his comfortable ! redy Company of Mannsville, Rhode "wildfire" through this city on Tues day, that the Rev. J. S. Pill, the be loved pastor of the Missionary Bap tist church here, has been taken sud- J,.r,lv ill. nnrl that his sickness was of! Fork, Of course, ev- ; viu""i i a verv serious nature. E. E. Smith, of this city, the well- j erybody received tne new itu j Iudian Springs, known Principal of the Colored State . deepest regret, and the most ucm, ; ew IIopej Normal school at Fayetteviile. has been! wishes for a speedy recovery were ! Saulston, appointed by the President, Minister j heard from every source. Now, we ftahunta, . t ii .,.:ri.: Great on amp, to Liberia, of which wo are reallv believe there is something in w ishing, of, as none better could be found to ' after all, for as we called at the Study ! gtoney Creek, f ll this important position. Cultiva ted, poli tiled, studious and hiidilv in tellectual he is destined to make a radiant star in the educational galaxy, and win a reputation, that ay ill be an i'V.'r to liis ,-.l0j atKj rocker, and requested us to announce Island, now bei that, although m a very weak coadi- . fffl Demg organize a, ne ex- tate and county taxer mn rrnmnlfttinn nf thtic tion, he thinks to be himself again by Cflttou Factory at Goldsboro. Said i ' Ion- to our ' time we o to press. ADOUt mib u t capital stoci; to ue not less man .iws " aro truly H-Mced. '000. FERTILIZERS! We would call the attention of our farming friends that we are prepared to furnish them with all grades of FERTILIZERS on the very best terms obtainable. "We only sell such goods as have stood the most critica1 test for years, aud which Lave given the most satisfactory esults. HAEDWAEE. We invite all who are in need of Hardware Tin Ware House Furnishing Goods, Stoves &c., or any thing per taining to our line, to give us a call, as we are offering our customers speci al inducements lower prices, by far than have raled here before we opened business. We are here to stay, and request the cooperation of all who are interested in keeping prices at a living basis to g;ve us a share of their patronage. Respectfully, HUGGINS & FREEMAN. Goldsboro, N. C. 500 TOSS ACID PHOSPHATE. 5C0 GEMLE GERMAN KAXIT, 'Our Own Imqortaiien."" 500 TONS PROLIFIC COTTON GROYER. TO- md all parties using large quantities of goods we will mak H to their inle est to call on us befoie purchasing. H. WEIL & BROS. HIGH PRICES HOCKED HIGHER THAN A KITE AT I. S. D. SAUL S. "THE BOSS GROCER;1 We keep constantly on hand all kinds of family groceries, both staple and fancy j.t Verv Low lrices1 You can always Mud such as Bacon, Ham, Cora Meal, Flour, Mo lasses, Syrups, Candy, Nut?, Coffee Sugar, Lard, Soda, Salt, Fish, Cabbage, &C,&C. ALSO CANNED GOODS OF EVERY DESCHIITIOjs. Give us a call aud we will convince you that we arc selling at EXTllAOllDINAHY LOW PKICES -Your Friend. I. S. D. SAULS. West Walnut St. Goldsboro, N. C Spkixo IIas Come. At this season cf the year every one is on the qui rire for new spring goods The ladies esjecial!y will be greatly ins terested in the new stock of Dress Goods, in every imaginable quality and shade, now offered by Messrs Fuchtler & Kern. Don't fail to call. Lowick Than The Lowi:st. To make room for the large stock of Spring Ginghams now on the way, Mr. Joseph Edwards has closed out his entire lot of Plaids and striped Ginghams at the remarkable low price of G cents per yard. Bear in mind thai t'uey are 10 cent goods. You A he Ixviteo To call ar.l examine the beautiful line of White Goods which is displayed at Joseph Edwards store. Tka as sortment is very large, and the figures arj just astonishing low. A Beautiful Lixe. One of the most varied and exten sive stock of Spring Clothing, for Men, Boys, and Children, fcas just been opened by Messrs. Fuchtler & Kern. We have never i?en anything nicer, and as far as prices co:,cern, they defy coKiieet'tion. Look for vourself and be convinced. Hate You Secx It? If von haven't, thea vou ouht to bv all means. Wt mean the varied as- sortnieiit cf Sateens just opene d at the establishment of Joseph Edwards. Bucklex's Ar.xic.v Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giva perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by M E. Uobinson & Bro. To The Public. My wife Abbie Willien has left mo without any cause or consent, I hereby forbid anyone in Wayne, or elsewhere, from hiring or harboring her. Thos fail ins to take notice of this will be fined tiie sum of $50, according ta law, and also will be the defendant in a lawsuit. Ilev. James Willien. At a Bakaix. A lot of larse size newspapers for sale at this office at '20 cents per 100 sheets. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your ap petite is poor, you arc bothered with Headache, you are fdgtttv, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bit ters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimu late you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will pu rify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitali ty, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, anb only 50 cents a bottle at 31. E. Ko.Vmson & Bro's Drim Stor-f. Tiieie Busixess Boojiixg. ' Prbably no one thing has caused si ch a general revival of trade at M. E. Kob'nsen & Bro's Dn.g Store as tlv ir giving away to their customers efso many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Tlieir trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disapjKUHts. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Crot:r. and all throat and j lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying bv getting a trhl bottb free, large size $1. Every bot tle warranted. GOLDSBORO MARKET REPORTS Tin-ill" l?cliic?tioii AND Revenue Re-form 11 ides, Meal, Flour, Corn, Oats, JV'Otwas, - - The subjects of TariiT and Internal Revenu3 are engaging the consider ation of Congress, Press and lVopl.-. Just what the outcome of this agita tion .v i I be cannot be foretold. But if those familiar with the prices of Wall Paper twelve months ago will call at Whitaker's Bookstore, under the Opera House, and learn the pre sent prices, they will fio'l reasou to ---- 7fcCt4. j conclude that some kind of Tariff upon , -- old, iJ Xcw, 10 nets. these articles has been reduced, or COKRECTEl BY B. M. Pbivett k Company Cotton Buyer and wholesale Provision aud Grain Dealers. Cotton, - - f'tfit'i Cts. CIS. Skies, TJfiS Cti. Mess Pork, 15 i5 (a 13 50 it iilsi. Lard, X. C. Hams. Nail Cta.inr lb (pr 100 lbs.) l-r0 1.53 4 2.XSJ30 per b! I 1N& p-'r abolished. Now is the time to buv. Prices are ttock from atterns re cently received. C-jII and see. 1Q(clT. Cts. it bush, j ,lkeV to advance. Large tl 50 fi 55 bnsli. which to select and new pa