TtIE HEADLIGHT. Cheapest Advertising Medium Xiu -kspay Kvexixg, April 2G, 18S8, LOCAL FLASHES. pon't fail to register. Clean up your back lots: The oyster season will soon be over. jJtrawbcrries wn soon be in market. 'The days are now longer than the , There' was a' slight frost yesterday .morning.' Fruit trees are presenting a beauti ful appearance. The city election draweth nigfc, yet vcrvtbing is quieU Our nfi'i Coventor, the Hon. t!. M. Redman spent a tew hours yesterday In the city. -ew bxiila'uigs uts goittg up in ev erv direction. Goldsboro is not stand still, 1S cvCr PusttS forward. Mrs. A. Lehman who lias been visit or hr sister Mi's. Lieberman,. at lVlii;H, returned home last Sunday. What fickle weather ! Some days we have spring in earnest, and then a ness springs that almost makes us The Friends Quarterly meeting will fce held at Woodland Academy, this cor.uty, on Saturday and Sunday next. Bear th're in mind. Repcrts from stll over the county we think justifies us in saying that, as a vhfrle the grain crops never looked better at this season of the year. The nomination for Aldermen in the different wards shows clearly thaU our people appreciate the excellent nnftagement of our city. The remarkable good health of the people in this community makes the doctors wish they had selected some other profession or located where folks get sick. Mr. L. D. Swinson departed yester day for Greenville, S. C, to engage there in business of his own. We wish Mr. Swinson the success he so richly deserves. The store of Mr. Joseph Edwards is undergoing considerable improve ment externally. He still believes in the old adage that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." We lnd a pleasant call last Monday from Mr. M. E. Byrd, a promising vounz merchant of Dudley, who paid our city a "flying" visit that day com biaing business with pleasure. We learn that the Grand Jury of Moore count found a true bill last Friday against the editor of the San ford Express, charging him with libel against Judge Fred. Phillips, We visited yesterday the grand es tablishment of Mr. Asher Edwards, and fouud his clerks as busy as bees waiting on customers. His shelves iliow all the novelties for the season We are receiving letters every week from our subscribers in all puts of North Carolina saying-. The . Head light is giving entire satisfaction, all of which are highly appreciated by us. The fast fruit and vegetable train on the Atlantic Coast Line passes through every day on time. It has proven a success from the very beginning. The freights are increasing every day now. Mrs. R. E. ripkin, who has been snending a few pleasant days with the family of Dr. J. D. Ilufham, at Scot land Neck, returned home last Satur day much to the delight of her many friends here. It is with the feelings of deepest re gret that we have to part with our sprightly contemporary, the Charlotte Observer, whic.t suspended last Satur day. Col. Jones has our heartfelt sympathy. The commodious two story residence just finished for Mr. It. E. Pipkin, presents quite a handsome appearance. It is an ornament to that portion of John street, and a credit to its builder, Mr. Wm. Dean. In last Tuesday's Senate Prof. Eze- kiel E. Smith, now principal of the State Normal school at Fayette ville, was confirmed to be Minister resident and consul general to the Re public of Liberia. Mr. T. L. Uall who opened his "Cafe" in the Messenger Opera build ing last Thursday evening, is increas ing his patronage almost- daily. The place is handsomely fitted up, and everything shows the guiding force of an experienced caterer. Voters who stay away from nomi nating conventions should remember that they arc the last ones who have a right to grumble at the tickets put in the field. It is every voter's privilege and duty to attend and state his ob jection or approval of the candidates ami vote accordingly. 'J he tanners ot tne county are hard ..f ,-..!, i - ! Hum, awu us ix vunMuence very lew of them are seen in town.- For the past few weeks' the weather has been favorable to their, work . and they have made goduse-of their time. Messrs. S. Cohn & Son, city butch ers, hare just received a very large Refrigerator froju Cincinnati, in which they will by able to sore away, about five beeves at the time, to preserve them.. from the melting heat. This was greatly needed. , The Headlight office stand? al ways open to the friends of the paper. We are always specially-glad to have our. friends from the ouhtry call to see us. When you come to town call to see us and give us the news in your section. . ; . Mr. L. Edwards left yesterday for Wilson, where he intends to make things lively in the mercantile line, for the next thirty days. He inform ed us, that he had overstocked himself with a line of fancy goods, which com pels him to take that step. It is gratifying for us to state that our young Sa iugs Bank promises to become a permanent institution, judg-' ing from its present healthy aspect. Since its opening, a little over; three weeks, there have beeu 130 deposits made, amounting to nearly $3,300. Next Sunday is the day appointed for the installation of the Rev. J. C. McMullin, as Pastor of the Presbyteri an Church in this city : Rev. Dr. B. Fi"Marable, of Mount Olive, and Rev. Peter Mclntyre, of Faison's, officiating. A complete account will appear in our next issue. We learn that the Rev. J. S. Dill, pastor of the Baptist Church . in - this city, has been invited to deliver the literary address at the annual com mencement of Ivinston College, on June 7th. A great treat is in store for the citizens- of Kinston and visi tors to the commencement. From the financial statement of the city just published for the year ending March 3!st, we are glad to note, that the condition of Goldsboro is all O. K. With such a mayor as the present incumbent at the helm, the future of Goldsboro looks brighter than ever. We forbear further comment. Another one of those pleasant and enjoyable "Rainbow Parties," was given last-Monday night at the home of Miss Mamie Casey in aid of the St; John's M E. Church, which was large ly attended by the "young folks." We are glad to note, that quitt a snug little sum was realized by the affair. That "Social Hop'.' given last night by the Hebrew young gentlemen of this city, in the Armory Hall, was a very enjoyable affair, and will long be remembered by the participants. The Italian orchestra furnished sme excellent music and dancing was --kept up till. the small hours this morning. At a joint meeting of the Goldsboro Fire department held last Friday night at the Maj-or's office, it was decided to have a grand full dress Fireman's parade on the morning of May 10, which is the anniversary of both the Goldsboro Fire Co. No. 1, and the Eclipse Steam Fire Engine Co. The view of Goldsboro from an in coming Raleigh train is grand, beauti ful and interesting. The smoko as sending from the various saw mills and other manufacturing enterprises giye it the appearance of a real manufactur ing town aud such a town the Head light desires to see Goldsboro at an early date. Col. F. A Olds, of Raleigh, return ed from Wrightsville Sound, near Wil mingtou, last Sunday, where he has been making final arrangements for the encampment ot the State Guard, which is to take place the second week in July. A better place than Wrights ville could not have been selected -for the occasion. The first issue of the Mount Olive Telegram reached us last week. Broth er Gardner has gotten up a sprightly and well printed paper which will be arreditto Mount Olive and old Du plin county. We welome it to our ex change list, and wish for it a long life of usefuluess to its patrons and profit to its young editor. We da not claim several thousand subscribers, but u-e do claim a large list scattered over this and adjoining counties that will benefit advertisers. The Headlight, as an advertising medium, has received liberal praise from those who have tried it. We shall be obliged to enlarge if the ad vertisements continue to come in. ;CnicKeu stealing has ueen going, on for some time without the slightest discovery of the thief. At last, that watchful officer, Mr. J. R.. Hurst solv ed the riddle yesterday by catching up. with Jim and Henry Boyd, chicken-thieves-and vagabonds by profession. A last accounts, they have spent a peaceful night at the city guard house. Yesterday was. the day on which the bids for the water-works were to have beep opened. We have not heard what has been done, but we are willing to risk the matter in the bands of our excellent administration and the Citi zens Water-works Committee. They hav e the welfare of the city at heart and will do what is best for the city. 1 Mrs. E. W. Moore, the fashionable and leading milliner of this city, has one of the most efegant lines of mil linery goods in stock, ever brought to this city, and the ladies have found it out, for she and lier assistants are kept busy from early morn till late at night, waiting on them. All ladies who have not already made their selections, had better call early. Our highly esteemed neighbor, the Raleigh ''Evening Visitor completed its ninth year last Saturday. A more valuable and welcome exchange the Headlight does not receive. It is a delightful paper to read, and we can not help in congratulating the citizens of Raleigh, in possessing such a potent factor. May its "evening visits' con tinue forever and aye. Mr. John T. EJmjjndson has rented the vacant store in the Messenger Opera House recently occupied' by Mrs. E. X . Moore, where he- intends to move his Restaurant. The- very liberal patronage extended to Mr. Edmundson, prompts him to make his quarters more commodious. A force of workmen are already making the necessary improvements. Those of i-ur citizens who have had the good fortune to attend the athlet ic games of the Davis School at La Grange last Thursday and Friday, ex press themselves highly pleased with everything they saw. That two act drama "Among the Breakers,' given on Friday ni;ht by the- young ladies and gentlemen of LaGrange, is highly spoken of. Sorry that we missed such a rare treat. The Headlight duly and cordially appreciates tlie honor of being quoted regularly every Saturdiy and Sunday morning by its. great and influential contemporary, the Wilmington Star, Under the the head of "Our State Contemporaries," our big brother hard ly ever fails to give us credit for j pithy editorial remark.- That is the way to aid and assist a yomiger broth er! The protracted meetings at the Missionary Baptist Church, which were started last Sunday at 4 p. m., are daily growing in interest, and the pre sent indications are that there is about to be such a revival of religion here as Goldsboro has not been, blessed with in many years. The building is night ly filled to its utmost capacity. This. of course, is mostly due to the steady work of the Rev. J. S Dili, who is an able, eloquent and forcible preacher, He has completely won the confidence and respect of the entire congregation The meetings will be continued indefi nitely. H.E-AJDI3STO NOTICES. Five Cents a Line. That Baptist Sociable. Notwithstanding the inclement weather that prevailed last Thursday night, the Sunday schoolroom of the Bantist Church was fill d almost to overflowing with members and thei friends, to partake of the delicacie and substantial so bountifully pro vided by the Ladies' Aid Society The tables beautifully decorated with flowers,- appropriately designed for the occasion, evinced decided taste at the hands of the ladies, who-are alway ready" and willing to render assistance in all noble and praisworthy objects "A few selections of a temperance lecture read by the Rev. J . S. Dill kept the audi-nce in a roar of laughter during the whole of the sociable, and it added no little to the -pleasure of the evening. It was certainly one of the most pleasant affairs we have at tended for some time, and we can at test our appreciation of the enjoyments of the evening. BEBAT ClOSIDS OUT Ml Have You .Seen It? It is an assured fact that you can buy Sea Island Cotton, .a yard .wide, for 5 cents per yard at the l'alace es tablishment of Asher Edwards He has just opened 25 bales of these goods. Call and be convinced. Bear in Mind. Do you want your goods cheap! If you do go to Soulier land's New York Bargain Store, Goldsboro. . N. C. Remember we sell C. S. Parsons & Son's shoes which are knosrn through out the whole country. - Corsets, Cokset. Bear in mind, that you cam buy Dr. Warner's Health Corsets at L. Ed- irds for $1.10, sold elsewhere for $125 Sritixo Has Cosre. At this season of the year every om is on the qui rive for new tpring goods- The ladies especially will be greatly in terested in the new stock of Dress Goods, in every imaginable quality and shade, . now offered by Messrs- h uchtler & Kent. Don t fad to call. Hard To Beat.. Ihis is the general , verdict of the ladies who hare seen tne 'arge varie ty of Spring .Priuts just opened at Asher Kdwards . Indeed they are hard to beat" as far as prices con cern, lie is selling the very best from 5 to 54 cents a vard. Call early to avoid tne rusii. Just Received - A full line of Moire watered and Surah Silks, in every imaginable shade. Also a varied assortment of all wool uress uoocis. me .Ladies will save money by calling on the "Father of Low Prices." L. Edwards. Call At Southerland's New York.; Bargain Store and examine our Tobacco 25c a lb., Cups and Saucers -from 19c; up. Our 5c Toilet Soap, sold' elsewhere for 10c. Our Gilt Edge Writing Pa per 5c a Quire. Our Pictures with Cords awl Screws", only $1,50 worth 3,00. Have You Seen It ? If you have not, then you ought to by all means. We mean the beautiful line of Neckwear and Gent's Furnish- ng Goods, displayed at the establish ment of Messrs. Fucntlcr & Kern. Without A Rival. The extensive stock of -White Goods just opened at the establishment; of Mr Asher Edwards are the latest ot the season, and in price they are just one half as they are selling elsewhere. Humdrum merchants stick to the old lines, but live men adopt new; ideas ana sen me gooas at snort quicK prof its. A visit to ins store will convince you of all this.- - " :V Beautiful Line." One of the most varied and cxten sive stock of Spring Clothing, for Men, Boys, and Children, - has - just -beeu opened by Messrs. I uchtler & Kern. e have never seen anything nicer, and as far as pric a co .corn, they defy competition. Look for yourself and be convinced. Lower Than The Lowest. When vou cret uo some mornine and find the sun rising in the west, that ji will be the day when Asher Edwards, h .1. 1 1 I I . I" I II Til I. I ins "lieuuer ui now x rices - win ue undersold in Embroideries, Laces, Flouncings, Swiss and Nainsook Skirt ings. Meanwhile you can buy thees, the cheapest at his establishment. Not withstanding the cold and unfavorable weather, the rush for thesa beautiful lines still continues. WniiE Goods, White Goods. One of the largest stock of White Goods aud Embroideries ever brought to Goldsboro, is -displayed at the store of L. Edwards.-. They have uo equal to quality and figures. Call early to avoid the rush, and get "the first of the season." Bear- in mind that he is the "Father of Low Prices." For the next. Thictt Days . our entire stock of Fritsm icE; lie closed cut At and Below - Original Cost. Ueanin mind, that. UU& oppor tunity seldowe -ottered, as -we mean, that-say- Cows and he convinced. E7- Ot E PRICES WILL -TELL THE T ALE Oar stot-k is complete We liave a full assortniota iu even thing fax tk Fi'KMTVKlt line. Below stall, give you souic-ofear jrices Bedsteads from 1.24 and up. Mattresses at $140. Cane Seat Chairs $3J! per set. Nursery Rockers (Cane) $1.25. Large Arm Cains $1.15. Bureaus from $4-50 and up. . Wood-seat Chairs $2.25 per sot. Wood-seat Xursery Rocker 15 cents. Large Arm Wood-seat $1.25. Safe4$2.00, Cradles $1.00 ' Thoiuasri lie Chairs $a.I5 per set. Thouiasville Rockers $1.00 - Our stock of Walnut ami Imitation Bedroom Seta and also Parlor Suit w ill e sold at ASTOMMIIXG FlGUKKS. We have a large supply of Children's Carriages, which will be disposed of from $4.50 aud upwards We- ean safrly claim that our stock of Carpets and Mattings is the most complete and varied, In this city. JTCIITLEIt & KERN C7" The atave prices arc only for 30 days. Goldsboro, J . C. ATTRACTIONS FOB IDE L'DIB. My Spring and Summer Millinery, now Wing complete, all are. invited to come and rsamine uiy.uuusuadb; large and handsome stock )f Nmy1Uos in Straw Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Tips etc. . YeUet v Surah's, Moire",-Crapes aud Gauae-iu; aM the-new aud haudome shades. Mourning vllats and Children's Goods a specialty this Season. Always on hand a full and varied Un of art material. MY FEXXY (JOUXTE . quite the attraction, as tlte number of articles for Osifjisi are wonderful Orders solicited and promptly filled. Respectfully MRS.E. W. MOORE Blue Front, next door to M. Suuuuertield & Company. 07 Stamping done to order. THE CHEAP GASH STORE OF. 1 Car Load Wheat Bran & Pea Meal 1000 Bushels-Corn, 1 Car Load C. R. Sides. r Ttt- TT T 1 to jdis ueavy mess rorK. SIC Bales Timothy Hay. 20 Tierces Lard, Western. 75 Cases Lard Western. 25 Bhl Early Rose Irish Potatoes, 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 50 Sacks Marshall fine Salt. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Lime, Plaster,. Cement, Hair, Laths, &c. Ac. 1500 1000 500 We are showing a great variety of Dress - Goods and Fabrics, including Henrietta Cloth,Xovelty Suitings, with Stripe and Check to match. Armuro Morie, Surah and Gros Grain Silks Striper and 'Figured India Silks with Plain to match. French Sateens with Foulard to match. Everything in Dress Trimmings and a beautiful lino of ladies & Childrens Fine Shoes. MILLINERY. In this department we have an un rivaled display, selected by Mrs L. II. Castex from the best stocks of New York. Call or send vour ordr to H. E. CASTEX & CO., Goldsboro, N. C. 4 White Seed Oats, ' Black Seed Outs. Rust Proof Seed Oats. 50 sacks Bolted Meal. 250 Bbls Flour, (All Grades.) -ALlo Oyster Shell Lime per Ton or Car Load all lower than ever for Cash 13. 1VT. PRIVETT Ac CO West Center Street '- Goldsboro. N C. JUST CHAKGE, We have been accused by some of our competitors -of selling cer. tain goods at rediculously low prices in order to "bait" the public We intend io put A.S LOW A. DPIRICE on all our goods as a .."live-and-let-livc" policy will justify; and as the liberal patronage extended to us indicates that our alleged practice of 'baiting'' i at :t factory to the "biters, w we shall continue HALL'S CAFE. 0 THE ElTtOPEAX flA CORNER OF OPERA. BUILDING, GOLDSBORO, N. C. T O T II R O IV OUT large quantities of the same.sort of "bait" in the shape of all classes of Hardware at lower prices tlian'ever, at SMITH & "YE L VEETON, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This new establishment being "nicely fit" ted up is especially designed for the patro nage of both Ladies and Gentlemen. T. L. HALL, Proprietor. Everything passed off quiet and or derly at the various Democratic Ward meetings which took place on Monday night; the several successful candi jdates in the First, -Fourth and Fifth Wards being elected on the first bal lot," and those in the Second, by ac- HAED TO BEAT- mm climation. Below we give the names The sewer pipe just placed, leading of the aldennanic candidates and ward from William street through the Col- j committeemen : vor,i 5c o naa ,.r ivnrb n,l First Isaac Fuchtler and It. M. -fe- - i" - - oMc tn lhr nrmfnrrmnr ac rll ic thf " tMniflnj If this j Second W. T 9 Is s,H -r pa urn We would call the attention of our fanning friends that we are prepared to furnish them -with all grades of FERTILIZERS on the very best terms obtainable. We only sell uch goods as have stood the most critica1 test for years, and which have given , the most satisfactory results. 5 TJ'!'t!t'iiS"f.-' convenience of that locality. If this 1 Kd W T Tlollnwell and M. L. THE OiLY FRAME PULLEY city, shall put in during next year the I Lee: J. B. Whitaker, Jr., Committee- ! YOU CAN AFFORD TO USE. substantial improvements that have ! man. IT WILL SAVE FIFTY CENTS been done during last year, we will ,, .F.ourtli-I.Ie",;y Lef Dr M !5 PER DOZEN IN LABOR. RE- have the best drained city in the land. oD" TJZ; ! QUIRES NO MORTISING. There is nothing like push and atten-, Fifth Joseph Crawford : E. A.1. SMITH Sr YELVERTON SOLE tion to matters of public trust. ' Wright, Committeeman. 'AGENTS, GOLDSBORO, N. C 500 TONS ACID PHOSPHATE. 500 GENUXE GERMAN KANIT, "Our Own-IrnqortatUn." 500 TONS PROLIFIC COTTON GROWER. . GRAND DISPLAY AT - E. CASTEX 4 C O. 1. 1 SHIS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN UEAVY AND FAN CY GROCERIES. You will find at my store the most Choice stock of Groceries to be found in the city and as to prices, I guaran tee to sell as low as anv firwt-i, grocer ii the State. I invite you to call and examine my stock and prices before you purchases. West Walnut St. Goldsboro. V. f! HARDWARE. We invite all who are in need of Hardware Tin Ware House FurnishlRg Goods, Stoves &c, or any thing per taining to our line, to give us a call, as we are offering our customers speci al inducements lower prices, by far than have ruled here before we opened business. We are here to stay, and request the cooperation of all who arc interested in keeping prices at a living basis to give us a share of their patro nage. Respectfully, HUGGINS & FREEMAN. Goldsboro, N. C. TO MERCHANTS. and all parties using large quantities of goods we will niak 't to their inter est to call on us before purchasing. H. WEIL &.BROS. TarifTKeduotion AND , Revenue Reform. The subjects of Tariff and Internal Revenue are engaging the consider ation .of Congress, Tress and People. Just what the outcome of this agita tion wi'l be cannot be foretold. But if those familiar with the prices of Wall Paper twelve months ago will call at Whitaker's Bookstore, under the Opera House, and learn the pre sent prices, they will find rcasou to conclude that some kind of Tariff upon these articles has been reduced, or abolished.' Now is the time to buy. Prices are likely to advance. Large stock from which to select and new patterns re cently received. Cull and see.