liiE HEADLIGHT. Cheapest Advertising Medium Tiii-ksda r EvExixo, June 14, 1888. LOCAL FLASHES. your Taxes. andana handkerchiefs are at a pre mium already in this city. The farmers have had a few days of beautiful weather for killing grass. 11 our city churches now commence their evening services at a quarter past eight. ;k the firm of Peterson and ydniundson if advertising in the Headlight doesn't pay. Ir. P. P. Farrior and Mrs. C. Dtown, of Kenansville, are on a visit to 3rs. John J. Kelly in this city. Vrof. Vcrex, of the Davis School faculty, and Mr. Join Simms the Hoss Tailor," of LaGrange, favored us with a pleasant call on Tuesday. hailstorm of considerable velocity visited the Southern section of Neusc river on Monday evening, doing im mense damage to the growing crops. The first corn of the season was laid yesterday on our table by Mr. II. M . Strouse. Ask him who had the first b.'ans this year and he will be sure, to tell you. Peaches are more plentiful in mar ket this year than they usually are so early in the season. The prospects for a large crop of pears are also very favorable. John Herring, a colored bov, 11 years old, was drowned last Suuday evening while bathing in a deep por tion of Little River. His funeral took place on Monday. Kdeuton Street Methodist Sunday School, of Raleigh, will run an excur sion train to this city to-morrow. We trust that our Methodist friends will make it pleasant for the visitors. Talk about your railroad centers, yet Goldsboro takes the lead in that re spect. V'e actually counted thirty trains passing through this city yester day, 22 passed over the W. k W. 11. R. Dr. J. F. Miller, Superintendent of the Eastern N. C, Insane Asylum, near this city, moved his family last Tuesday to their commodious new home on the inviting grounds of that insti tution. We need more manufactories. It is a waste of time, labor and capital to ship our products to some distant point to be made into various forms of mer chandise and then pay freight upon their return. Mr Julius Wyman of Baltimore a former salesman of Messrs. II. Weil k Uros., and a recent graduate at the Law University of Md., is spending a few pleasant days with Mr. Aaron Spier in thw city. That Leap Year Lawn Party," given last Friday m'ght by the young ladies of -our city, at the inviting grounds in front of Mr. T. W. Slo cumb's residence wasdiighly enjoyed by the participants. Bro. Henry Blount passed through here yesterday from Seven Springs where he delivered an address before a vast audience who came to attend the classing exercises of Mrs. L. C. Davis' school there on Tuesday. The "Glorious Fourth" approaches and preparations should be made for the grand demonstration, if we are to have it. And we ought to have it. Kvervbody says so and everybody is waiting for somebody to take the lead. That enterprising drusr house of M iiler & Shannon still believes in the old, "a thing of beauty is a joy forever," if we should judge from the munificent wall paper that sets off the beautiful interior Many times we have been asked the question, "who is the Messenger corre spondent of this city ?' It is Mr. T. L Hall, the courteous proprietor of "Hall's Cafe," who now semi-weekly contributes such readable dots from our contemporaries old home. Two copies of each issue of the Headlight will be-kept on file at the Teachers'. Assembly, reading room,, and at the reading room of. the Atlantic Hotel,, at Morehead City, in order to let its , visitors from at home and a broad know what Goldsboro is doing. That mammoth refigerator of S. Cohn k Son, has been placed, in posi tion, at the city market, and swaliows four beefs at the time. This improve ment was greatly needed, and we trust that this enterprising firm will receive a liberal reward for their extensive outlav. . so advanta geously. The Goldsboro Rifles will hold their semi-weekly drill to-night at their Annorv. This company now meets very Monday and Thursday, and do their level best not to get left at the tate encampment at Wrightsville, on Julv 17. A colored man, named James Thompson, was found drowned near Maj. Grant's brickyard yesterday morn ing. He has been missing from home since last Thursday, and many are un--der the impression that ho committed suicide. The coroner has taken charge of- his remains. Our article in last issue reflecting upon those "rowdies," who were dis turbing the recent meetings at St; John's Church, had the desired effect, we are glad to state. They all came forward and apologized for their disre spectful conduct, and promised not to do so anymore. We are requested by Mr. E. A. Wright, tax. list taker of this township, to state that the tax list will be kept open after this week until July 1st, every Wednesday and Saturday until sundown, and every other day, the here tofore advertised hours, in order thai all tax-payers may have ample oppor tunity to list their property. The ministers of our city's churches have formed an association, and meet in a body every Monday morning. The last meeting was held at the residence of Rev. W. M. Robey,. where thev decided to hold all meetings hereafter at the rooms of the Y. M. G. A. The object of this association is to lighten and enlighten ministerial labor. Wo would urge upon our business men to take an active part in the wel fare of the Y. M. C. A. It is a laud able organization, and ought to be en couraged by our moneyed men of this city. The annual dues are only two dollars, and the benefits to be derived therefrom, in the way of wholesome literature, are almost incalculable. More anon. The largest "fish catch" of the sea son was made last Friday at IIook3 millpond, near this city, bv our towns men, Moscoe Wilson, W. B. Pate, C. H. Stansell and II. C. Howell. As "Charlie" puts it the number of fish caught were 97. Billie Pate brings it down to 85, while Cullen and Moscoe are yet to be heard from. Gentlemen, we await your answer. Thii issue of the Headlight goes into every home at Fremont and sur rounding section. If you receive this copy and you are not a subscriber al ready you are kindly requested to send us your name, and become a subscri ber. We shall send the- paper from now until January 1st, 1889, for only fifty cents. Give it a careful perusal and judge of its merits. The fourth of the series of meetings under the auspices of the W. C. T, U. in this city, will be held next Sunday night at both the St. John's M, K., and the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. S. Dill will preach in the former, while the Rev. M. M. McFarland will deliver an appropriate sermon in the latter. We trust that crowded houses will greet the reverend gentlemen. The commencement evercise3 of Kinston College, which tookpjace last Thursday was a grand success in every respect. The address by our Rey. J. S. Dili, on "Veneered in Education and Character," is pronounced a master piece of oratory by those who had the "ood fortune to be present. This is one of the best schools in the South, one that Eastern Xorth Carolina should be proud of, The remains of Miss Sudie RoyU, a young lady of 18 summers, were brought from Durham yesterday for interment in "Willow Pail" cemetery. The Rev. J. S. Dill, of the Missionary Baptist Church officiating. Her fath- I DEALS OF MASONRY. Rev. Marx Moses' Lecture at Tiie Hebrew Tejiple by Invitation of The Masonic Lod6eofTiiis City. Last Friday evening the Hebrew Temple was filled by a large and in telligent audience, to listen, to Rev. Marx. Moses' brilliant lecture on the "Ideals of Mawmry." He said it was a subject,, in which every one was in terested, no matter what his religion or what his country may be. All in stitutions, social moral or political, had their ideals. They existed in every sect and every institution. To the ideals of Masonry he invited the at tention of his audience an institution created by man for his development and his advancement. It was not ne cessary to enter into a discussion of its history or of its principles. Mason ry was independent of social and re ligious principles. In society however it recognized the relations of human brotherhood; in politics, human rights, in religion, the need of divine assist ance. It was these three ideals so cial, religious and political, which. he proposed to consider. The social ideal of Masonry was substantial, ar.d taught a lesson of brotherly love, unexcelled by all other organizations. The Goldm en Rule was at the basis of its social ideal. He-illustrated the ancient tra dition of the social friendship between a monarch of Israel and his master builder, which had been preserved by the symbols of Masonry, and which inspired one hope oue faith, one prin ciple. The importance of a brother's welfare was constantly impressed, upon the Masonic order. This was the first point where it touched our daily life. The second reached higher. Above man was the great I am. A brother's welfare was followed by the adoration of a heavenly being. There could be no holier bonds of friendship than this; no grander ideal. This was oue of the grand social ideals of masonry, A third was to guard the honor and repu tation of a brother's name and a broth er's character, an ideal which the speaker elaborated, remarking that this ideal did not, and should not. shield a man from just punishment from crime or the transgressions of law. Another point in the social ideal was the advice guaranteed by truest friendship. The religious ideal was next considered by the lecturer. Ma sonry did not ask.a man in what nation: it recognizes all as brothers It did not ask a man what his religion; it did not care for his religion, for it recognized God. The basis of Mason ry was a recognition of the divine Creator, and the love of your neigh bor as yourself. - The bearing of Ma sonry upon political life was then con sidered. Questions of party politics never entered into Masonry, but Ma sons recognized hut nan rights, and hu man welfare. Ihe watchword of Ma sonic life was light. This was the call of soul. It was one of thj commands of the Creator. "Let there be light." The lecture, which only occupied thirty five minutes. in its delivery, was. well received, and claimed the closest at tention of the audience. It was both able and eloquent, anl was delivered in a very effective manner. The lec ture will add greatly to the reverend gentleman's reputation as a scholar and an orator, as well as a brilliant and en tertaining lecturer. Selling Out. ' My entire stock will be sold 25 per cent below first New York cost, in or der to make room for my coming- Fall stock. Sales commencing to-morrow morning. Jos. Edwards. "The Champion of Low Prices." Keep Cool If 'you-ore desirous of keeping cool tm hot weather, your must send your or ders for Milkshakes, and Lemonade U J. F. Field's stand on Walnut street and he will deliver them to you, in an; portion in the city, without any extn. charge. STILL AT THE FROIiT. And Headquarters for the CHOICEST FAMILY GROCERIES. ST ; 1 Goldsboro's Pride. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, the first block of ice was manufactured at the Goldsboro Ice Factory, and was inspected by a large crowd-of curious onlookers. The capacity for its man ufactory is eleven tons in 21 hours. Ihe machinery will be kept going constantly during the hot season from Monday morning till Saturday night, both nicht and dav. TheA.&N. C R., has just finished the laying of a sidetrack which connects with the vast storehouse of the factory,, and no doubt will prove of great convenience. The ice dealers of this city have agreed in a body to handle the output of this factory, which by the way,, will furnish the Atlantic Hotel at More head Cit) three tons of ice a day. Orders from abroad are pouring in from every direction. The starting of this establishment makes an era in the history of GfidsborV progress, and we may well be proud of it, for possessing such wide-awake business men. I Continue to carry theMargest and most complete stock in town,, and can please all classes ; from the President down to the daily laborer. . '. " m , - . AND WHY? Because I handle only the best goods, a full variety, receive, them fresh daily ; sell at small profits and give polite at tention to all customers, If you would consider your best in terest to please the inner self, all that is necessary is simply to call, and ex amine the 'goods, make a pur chase aci- h the appe-: tite and grow fat. I cannot take the space to enumerate the articles, but carry everything in the way of HEAVY $ FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTION ARIES, FRUITS, TOBACCO SNUFFS, CIGARS-; Si C, S C., Of all Description Goods delivered o -anpart of the city promptly and free of charge I. B. FOXViLLE, Oenernl Grocer and 3P i o- v 1 s i ii 3X ERCHxlN T. Goldsboro, N. C. sieat closing m mi For the next Thibtt. Days our entire tock of FrnxiTrRE, sliall and must be closeitout, At and Below- Oeigisal Cost. Boar in mind, that this u an oppor tunity, seldome oflered, as we mean wliat we say. Come and be convinced. CP" QUR PRICES WILL TELL TIIE TALE. We liave a full assortment in everything in the FcnxiTVKE line. Below we sliall give you some of our prices : Bedsteads from 1.23 and up. Mattresses at $140. Cane Seat Chairs $3.". per set. Nursery Rockers (Cane) $1.25. Large Arm Cains $1.75. -Bureaus from S-LOO and up. "Wood-seat Nursery Rcker 73 cents. Large Arm Wood-seat Safes.r2.00, Cradles $1.00 " '' ThoinaM-ilie Cliairs $3.75. per set. - Onr stock of Walnut and Imitation Bedroom Sets and also Tarlor Suits will be sold at AsTosisnixo. FioritES. We have a large supply of Children's Carriages, which will be disposed of from $4.50 and upwards We can safely claim that our stock cf Caipets and Mattings is the most complete and aried, in this city. TtllTLLK hLKi A JUST CHARGE We have been accused by some of our competitors of selling cer tain goods at redieulously low prices in order to "bait" the public We intend to put A. S L O W A. 3? H I C E on all our goods as a "live-and-let-live" policy will justify; and as the liberal patronage extended to us indicates that our allegeu practice cf 'baiting" is satisfactory to the ''biters," we shall continue TO THROW OUT large quantities of the same sort of "bait" in the shape of all classes of Hardware at lower prices thanever, at SMIT II & YELVEETON, The marriage fever that was raging through this city and section some time ago, is certainly abating; why, 'ubt month there were only 13 licenses issuod 8 for white and 5 for colored couples. What are we coming to and S city to Durham about two years whither are we drifting? Democratic Club. A full fledged Cleveland and Fowle Club was organized at the Court house on Tuesday night. 3Ir. A. B. HoUo well was made temporary chairman, and Mr. W. T. Dortch, Jr., secretary. The following gentlemen were appoint ed by the chairman to act as Commit teemen : Committee on permanent or ganization J. H. II ill, A. lloscowcr, J. W. Lamb, : Committee on By-Laws aud constitutions C. B. Aycock,D. J. Broadhurst, W. T. Dortch, Jr: w r tt T T . 11 wits nnnAniTvita . i. ; Soliciting Committee-N. O'Berry, wl the remains, removed irom this. - T , , T, . A. CoTdial Invitation. Is extended to tne citizen of Golds boro and surrounding country to visit our establishment, and inspect ouf well and carefully : selected stock of DrMjooh, Shoe, Notion, Clothituj, Hmry and Fancy Groceries. We are offering our customers special induce ments in Plwj ToUicco, which we dis pose of at 25 cents a pound a good quality. It will pay you to call on us and get our prices, before purchasing else where. Itespectfully Peterson k Edmund son, East Walnut St. BUILDIKG MATERIAL. 50 Bbls. Plaster. 4 0 Bbls Cement. 1 Car Load Laths. 7 5 Bush Cow Hair at H.'M: Privett & Co. HO IBID THIS! UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE MONEY HOW TO DOIT. Compare our LOW PRICES. Call, and examine our immense stock. Convince yourself; and buy of usall your FLOUR, MEAT, SUGAR, MOLASSES, BUTTER, LARD, TOBACCO SNUFF ETC9 ETC Please . favor us with a call and convince yourself that we are sell ing goods in all lines lower than can be bought elsewhere. R. E. PIPK1II, CHEAP ! CHEAP I FOR THE CASH ONLY. "' ' SOUTIIERLAN&S NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE is ojeriny (joods it tie follotciny lotc prices: Good Tobacco 25c a lb. Ct?ps and Saucers 1 9c set. Toilet Soap from 2 to Castile Soap 4c worth 10 Shoes 40 to $2.85. Brogans98c. Women's Polka $1.00 worth $1.40. Pants from 32c and up. Child's Waists 17c. Seersucker Coat and Vests $1.25 worth : $2.00. Needles 2c paper. Pins from 2 to 4c. Fish Lines lc. Fish Hooks 2c Doz. Clioice Prints, warranted fast colors, only 5c a yard. Gilt Edge Writing Paper 5c a Quire. Lead Pen cils 2 for lc Commercial Note 3c a Quire. Slate Pencils 3 for lc. Lady Hose 5 to 23c. Mens Hose 5 to 25c. Leader Spool Cotton only 2c. Shoe Blacking 1 to 5c. Umbrellas from 53 and up. Parlor Matches GOO for 5c. STRAW HATS From 3c and up. Tinware and Hardware lower than ever before offered in Goldsboro. Buggy Whips from 8c and up. Ladie's Sundowns only 20c. Palmetto Fans lc. Remember we sell C. S. Parsons and Son's Shoes. Our motto: Buy cheap, sell cheap. Don't forget the place, opposite "Edmundson's Confec tionery and Cafe." Very Respectfully. J, F. SOUTUEKLAXD.- . Mrs. E. Jr. Moore begs to inform the ladies tltat the has ? most srlect StOlL' Of ' niLLIERT in GoUdjOt-o, it beij constantly re- vknUhed with ick shapes, riblxms, Src, The Trimming Department in charge of a mot tlillful milliner, and hid ie tcho Jun e been dealing rcitlt me tlLi season are more than pleased tcith my style and prkes. . J take plef&ure in hoxcifj my good awl guaranty satisfaction. I hare ubto an eUga'ut line of SILK GAPS,- SILK GLOVES, FANS, BUSTLES. II AXDKERO'IIIEFS, Dr. Warner's Hetdtl irti'f Fix uch Wo ven Cowls &c -i Surah Sill at 95 per yard. Irs. E. W. Sloore. on N 0 TIC E . Parties in need of a new Gin would do well to see me before buying I am Agent for the celebrated Van Winkle Gins, Feeders and Condensers. These machines are the very best thoroughly warranted to both as to sample and'r oth r respect. Put in your be tilled in time, it will to wait later. I can also send you 'any may need, such as II EAT, FORK, FLOUR. 2 6,000 lbs CRSides. 75 Bbls 3i e s s Pork 200 Bbls Flour. 10 0 Sacks Salt Low for Cash. , B. M. Privett k Co. mil- The Feather Renovators are in town, and their process for cleaning feathers is entirely new. They have all the necessaries for Boxes and every start a Gin to Agent for the mg Company. Water-wheels kz. stock of Pipes, spirators, Valves 4c. o. I. the market and are v give penect sanstaciiou .H yield of Lint,, and in every orders early that they may not cost you any more than other Ginning Machinery you Shafting Pulleys, thing necessary to work. I am also York Manufactur Engines, Boilers, also carry a Pibe-fillings, In- CP' Repair-work a specialty. EAND JE. NOTICE. SALE OF LAND BY SHERIFF By virtue of an oi .'er f sal? or vendi tioni txvoVAs totiie niivnn m waym? County dim-lad from the Superior (Jourt cfsaM comity, in the actio' of S. B. Parker & J. II. Lockaiuy against a. 1). llumfonl & HelK'Cca Ballaiu-e. lie w.ll expose to sale for casli at public auction at the Uourt dnir of said count-, on Monday the (2nd) second day of July A. D., ISjS, one thousand eight hundred and eigutv-eight, all th interests that defendants had on the 27th dav of April 18, in a building lately built r bei:i built for a dwelling and iu the following lot of land on which the same is situated in the town f Fremont in said county bejpnning at the corner of the Xorllt Vt "iutervectiou of WiLvm aiid Oaroiina Streets, and runs with the line cf WiLsou Street iearly North to Jauie& Garduer corner, then nearly West w ith his line to. Z. D. Muniford's line, theiw nearly South with Mun:fird"s line to Carolina Street; thence with tue line of 0"aroiina Street to the beginning. Said interests wUl ne sow sr.-T 10 a mortgage from said 1$. F, May hew, registered in Book 'J Page :) 7. Dated My 'Mh 1. Jvhu K. Smith, Sheri ff c f Wayne Cou id y . ERASTUS EDWAEDS. J H SAILS. Will offer to the Cash Trade r the next three mouths Bargain in SHOES HATS. PRINTS AND PANT GOODS- Also carry a full line of Notions Groceries) Provisions.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i DEALER IN HEAVY AND FAN CY GROCERIES, The manager ot' Mr. Geo. D. Ben nett's stables in this citv, Mr. Don Scott, left this morning on the freight for Morehead City, 35 hounds and - , f x-hunting at Morehead last sununer ttas a delightful amusement for both ladies and gentlemen, aud we have very reason .to believe that "Don' ''i nul:3 it more pleasant this year. a i i KALLici.T'a corrctfuudciit there, 7 1.! dv.Iv report the rsccs made. rr..rn.l !..r l-OC tlir PilllSS vuiisuiiiuiiuu death. Our heartfelt sympathy tended to the afflicted. 31. 1j. lee,J. v . AAino, Xi. it riut, s silting, lasiuiu, CliiSLKLhl AiU UillJifi, r ir a iwll It IlrvllnwelL W. T. and frees the impurities which years nt her i ' ; ,i,.t .... n r.t it in i nutluM I hnh will be sola as kw as const em wsin is ex- 7 I thev will make a new bed out ot an old fair and honest ueauug. You will find at uv store the most C08X, HAY & MEAL I Car Load Corn. 1 Car Load Timothy Ilay. 5 0 Sacks If e a 1. 20 0 liu sh. Clay P e'as At advanced prices. J). M. Privett k Co. Tariff Rcduetiou AND Revenue Reform 1111. Xl ICSUW uicmutiauiji - " I j-ug C. B. Aycock Esq., that eloquent and jne Proprietors, 3essrs. Myers k wi.iifl our wow tn Dudlev last ! crift nra tor. made a verv aoyropriate! Smith are well knowu throughout the " '" !' ""J " I to ' . It M I" 1' " ::i. Tnw w erp olnrl to meet the Uneech. which was received amid great touutiesoi .asn, r.ogecoraoe, ance i',lus ifcii uiui .-j - ' i iia'tTair at hiitinfunipii of hnnor. 10 horses to open the 1 Misses Gertie and Katie Royall, who j enthusiasm and applause. The com-; Tfaey guarantec satisfaction or no' flwtiinrrnw. The 1 were sneudin2 a lew pleasant days j mittee on pemunent organization will OurijlaceofbusiuessisonSoutui with Mrs. John Southerlaud here, j meet in the editorial office of the . James street, aud samples of our work-! Ideire and were bound for their home near ! Headlight, to-morrow at 10 a. m. ; can be found at the Postr.fSce. Our , ft r Parson's Sloes awl Wylie Sakh Co.'s Flour A Spwiolty and Huutlev, Mks Qextie is the teacher iu Px, Persoa's school, and as a edu- to return tluir.ks to one anl all j agents will be among you in a few days j a contiriUaI:ce of tLe Choice stock of Groceries to be found in the city, and as to prices, I guaran tee to sell as low as any first-das grocer ij the State. I invita you fc Cleveland ..dlhunnan arc the peiPl 5JE2 vT ftitinnal instructox has no superior, pies' nominees, not tne politicians , that tnfire j. more trutn Pr nnrf nminhlft in disposition. are elected. while Miss Katie is a captivating talk- ; aud the people will see to it that they poetry in the old probero "Cleanliness ted, is next to Ircduaess. n Cor. North W ilium & Xorth Bounda- than t jrc " The subjects of Tariff and TntPrnnl Revenue are engaging the consider ation of Congress," Press and People,. Just what the outcome of this anitat i ikm wi'l be" cannot be foretold. But if those familiar with the prices of Wall Paper twelve months ago wilt call at fFbitaker'i Bookstore, uuder the Opera House, and learn the pre sent price, tliey will find reason to Co!ds!ioro ". C. conclude that some kind of Tariff udoii .call and examine my stock and prices ; these articles has been reduced, or abolished.. Now is the time to buy. Prices ara before- yes pwckise. West Walnut St. Goldsboro, X. C' likely to advance. Larjre stock from. which to select and new patterns rc cently received. CVil and see.