i 41 11 ! I 1f If I; t- ft v ' j 4 ,1! THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY "WEDNESDAY A. Rascowsr, Editor and Proprietor (.'oldsboro, X. C, June IS, 1890. ATTENTION, FARMERS. The MrKinW bill jrivos two (iits a ))uiilloiii!tytotlH')liHi 1ns wild produce sujr.'ir. Upon the principal asserted for this product of the Louisiana soil why are not the farmers of the West who raise wheat, eoru. oats, barley and hay. and those of the South who raise cotton, not al lowed a bounty on their produc 1 ions? This simple question is easily understood. There is no circum locution nor complication about it. The Republican bill which was driven through the House by main force and by the use of t(.(-';i', makes a broad distinc tion between surar and other farm products, without rivinr any reason for the partiality. Heretofore the farmers have been deluded and victimized by the authors and a -rents of mono poly in Congress with deceptive theories and mis-representations in behalf of protection, pretended to be for their benefit. The Me Kinley bill which increases the cost of all the main needs of con sumers, and multiplies the bur dens of taxation, removes the mask which has hit herto hidden t hese inhpiit ies. If the farmers do not now open their eyes to the infamous dis criminations to which they have been subjected by Republican tar iffs for more than a quarter of a century, and provide a remedy for this oppressive injustice, the fault will be their own, for they ha vc the power to protect themselves. Lovkks of line music who at tended the Music Festival at Charlotte have undoubtedly car ried with them only pleasant re collection, of Charlotte and its wide-awake and enterprising citi zens. Charlotte never does things by halves, and when anything is started there, there is no such word as fail. We never knew that North Carolina possessed such rare musical talent until we at tended the Musical Festival. It was a jTeat success, thanks to the untiring efforts of Prof. Jos. Maclean and Mr. C. C. Adams. Wiiilk at Statesville on Thurs day we were favored with a copy of the Landmark's special trade and industrial edition. It is pro fusely illustrated and consider able space is devoted to a history and description of Statesvilleand Iredell county and its enterprises, and the advantages it presents to settlers and for the invest ment of capital. It is a splendid piece of work and is bound to do honor to North Carolina journalism. A coi'plk of younjr fellows fought a duel a day or two ajro near Scale, Ala., about a iirl with whom both were in love. One was killed and the other, it is expected, will die soon. It is not stated whether the prl cared for either of them. As neither appears to have been willing to consult her wishes in the matter, she is fortunate, perhaps, in be ine; relieved of the attentions of both of them. Tin: Louisiana Legislature is underiroinir a severe strain just now in consequence of the muni licence of the lottery company that wants to buy a renewal of expiring privileges, and theehap lain is in danirer of beinr over worked if he does his dutv. ALL OVER THE .STATE. The Sens or the Wrek Told iu Para graphs. The Democrats of Greene conntv A Proof of Merit. There h more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all orher ! When a iviiK-dv proves ifsolf-i cure ! diseases put together, and until the . for ,iK. t,rv worst pha of blood ! last few years was supposed to be in- ; vhon, it stands to reason that min- curable, for a -real many years or effects of bad blood will rapid! v 1 doctors pronouueed it a local uist-ae, Uisannear if th, r,mwlv ?n ! 1 will hold their ccmntv convention on ' and prescribed local remedies, ami by time. Xo reined v in the world has so : constantly tailing to cure witn local ' -nod reputation at home or abroad treatment, pronounced it incurable. a.s tl cnre for n stajreg of bk)0ti j Science has proven catarrh to he a ; i UY the 31st inst. There are more than 40 citizens in -Bertie county striving for the ; constitutional disease, and therefore ; J Sal ml. DON'T Unless we Give ffif M YOL! u s a ... mm Ms otlice of coroner. An organ costing .:,250 has been purchased for the new Methodist church at Wilmington. A census-taker in Durham county has resigned because he couldn't see but eight dollars and a half in the job. destructive hailstorm passed Cleveland county Thursday, jail stones were as larue as hen A over The e"frS John King, aged 18 years, was accidentally drowned near Leaksviile on Saturday, while swimming across the river. Stephen Milton, in a fit of insan ity, committed suicide Sunday morn ing by hanging at his home in Per son county. Durham has in view to build a hundred thousand dollar cotton fac tory and a fifty thousand dollar plug tobacco factory. A Burke county farmer made 800 last year on three acres in tobacco, with an expenditure of s-t per acre for fertilizers. Eddie, the 7 year old son of Xa than Darker was accidentally drown ed in the Cape Fear river near Wil mington on Saturday. Cicero Eskridge, colored, was lodged in the Shelby jail, Monthly, charged with a criminal assault upon Ida Wilson an eight year old girl. At Winston, Tuesday, a little two-year-old girl of J. Ib 'Lloyd, fell from the second story to the pave ment and sustained serious injuries. The Democratic State executive committee elected Ed. C. Smith as chairman. The State Convention has been called to meet at Kaleigh on August 20th. At Trinity College, on Thursday, the degree of A. M. was coni erred upon Col. A. C. Davis, of the Davis Military School. A compliment worthily bestowtd. Friday evening a material train on the Xorfolk and Carolina road and a log train on the Suffolk Lumber Co. 11. 11. collided near Tarboro. Manse Hart, conductor was injured internally. Henry Jones, colored, crazed by jealousy made a murderous assault at Wilmington Sunday night on his wife and a colored man named Ilenrv X'ixon, with an axe. He was lodged in Xathan Allman died at his home near Enochville of blood poison, on Monday. A tack in his shoe hurt his foot, and from this came a sore which resulted in his death. He had been sick but two days. A difficulty between E. S. Moore and E. X'. Ilatton, near Greenville Sunday morning, resulted in the serious cutting of Moore. The trou ble grew out from an insult offered by the latter to Hatton's wife on Saturday. A railroad accident which happen ed on the W. X. C. II. 11., West of Asheville on Saturday, resulted in the wounding of ten passengers, some very seriously. Later: 31 rs. J. H. Scarborough, of Knoxville, Tenn., died of her injuries Sunday evening. Chas. Moore, a carpenter at Greensboro, took advantage of the absence of Ids wife, who was on a visit to her parents at High Point, 'Oison as B B B Hiotamn Blnnd 1 ! than you can get eiscwnere. -vu wu- umy is require:! Hall" bv is the onlv constitutional cure on the rnivd bv -ill 5 P y call. -tu- - can please you in both pRfOS and QUALITY jy F. J. Cheney & Co., Tul. do, Ohio, blood poison which refused to be we do not expect you to buy Ot US. market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drop to a teaspoon!" ul. r rea t men t. Ph vs ician s pronounced it a hopeless case. I had no appetite, 1 had pains in my hips It acts directlv upon the blood and uml j0jnts an(1 111V kidneys were dis- tuiiueei ui l i.e f;u mucous for for ea.-ed. jiv throat was ulcerated ami breast a mass of running sores. In this condition, I commenced, a use of B 15 B, It hey led. every ulcer and cured me completely within two moni hs. Kobt. Ward, Maxev, Ga., writes: j "My disease was pronounced a ter- Pritchett, colored, tinder ! ft,ru ,f hord roiso- ' i ii-.'ii 'inn chilli iiiirc woi-o -i in.;; A at Oxford. wascomi )tiol .md lillaiv the disease commuted to life imprisonment by j began eating my skull bones. Mv the Governor on Monday. j bones ached: my kidneys were de- rP.,n .,,,, ,,.,1 4iiri nimred, I lost llesh and strength, and 1 he annual meeting oi the Loan-1 , 7 . , . '. , , , , .. , ! lite became a burden. All said I ty Superintendents of 1 ublic ln-jmust ,urelv ,yWy but nevertheless. struction will he held in Assembly u"hen I had" used ten bottles of P P Hall, Iorehead Cilv, June 3d at i B, I was i)ronounced sound and well. Hundreds of scars can now be seen They . offer one hundred dollars anv case it fails to cure. Send circulars and testimonials. Address, V. J. C'HlXKV vV Co-, Toledo, 0. &3"'Sold bv Hruggists, T5 c. Jordan sentence of death 3:30 p. m. Cancer oi' the Lip Cured. on me. I have now been well over twelve months." A. 1. Prunson, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had 4 running ulcers on one leg and six on the other, and felt greatlv prostrated. I believe I I suffered from Cancer on my lip that delied the skill of the best phy sicians of the State. I had it burned actually swallowed a barrel of medi nnt W thp rm-Wmn m.lv lu-.u, it cil1 il1 Vaiu efforts to ClU'e the dis worse, causing it to spread over ease. With little hope I finally acted on the urrrent advice of a friend, and more surface and eat deeper in. I j a bottle of P P P. I experienced finally had it burned off again, and used Swift's Specific (S. S, S.) to heal it np and drive the poison out; of my blood. The effect of the Specific was magical! It healed up the Cancer entirely without leaving a scar as a reminder. This was over four years ago, and since then there lias been no sinn of a return of the a change, and mv despondency w;i: somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had taken about sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheuma tism, and all other horrors of blood poison have disappeared, and at last I am sound and well again, after an experience of twenty years of torture."' No Vse C'.ittins Flt'sh Away Lancer. 1 will cheertuliv answer i , . ... . ; to cure cancer, they can be cured bv anyempmies m regard to my case, j the u of llaaau,-; Microbe Killer J'.NOS OUNT, Bradford, Ohio. without any operation being perform ; ed, and we refer vou to lh W. M. j Park, -r Oak street, San Francisco, t Cak; Dr. II. M, Davis, County Line, A Prominent Druggist Cures!. Mass. "Eleven vears a-o I was sufferin- , Fm' s:lle h' Miller & shjmnon c i n c ir " ('oldsboro, X. C. from an attack ot White Swelling. ' A great many prominent physicians j ltc fm lnniK'a,ul horses, all attended me but failed to effect a 'animals cured in :jo minutes by cure. I commenced using Swift's j Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by Specific (S. S. S.). and after using it j - K- Kobinsoi hro., Druggists, for a few months I was entirely! ' 1 a x ' ' ' cured, and since then have had no i symptoms of its returning. I feel that the cure is entirely due to the curative properties contained in S. S. S. I can cheerfully recommend it as a medicine to all suffering hu manity.'' Paul W. Kiukpatkick, of Kirkpatrick & Watford, Drug gists, Johnson City, Tenn., Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed free, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. 31 any Persons Arc I roKon fVwn from overwork or hoiiseholJ :ares iJrowii's Iron liitiors rc"onil'l the system. ni'l digestion, removes cx-c-ss ol" bi'.o. ami enr-ji inaluiiA. Oet tho genuine. Leads all GomDetitors. i. s. D. SAULS, WhuloaL' ;uul liotail Dealer in Heavy&Fancy Groceries I have suffered for nearly a year with a very bad varicose ulcer. I could scarcely walk, and although I was under medical treatment during that time I received no benefit, and had about given up all hope of relief. Through the recommendation of a friend I tried Padam's .Microbe Killer, as a sort of last resort and with little hone. I have used five gallons with the most satisfactory Including Oats. Jiran, .. ,..1... .. . I .1 i. ...i:.. i i J , ? u'suiis, us j am aiiiwii entirely cured and in general health better than for ten years. Mu?. G. A, Wioxky, 15;! 7 Market street, San Francisco. For sale bv Miller & Shannon, Kcei.s constantly on hand a full line of Family -:- Groceries AND FARMER'S SUPPLIES, xtHtr, Corn, Meal, Flour, M(Y(f, Sugar, Copte, Jfohi.ssos, etc. Goldsboro, X. C. This is the time of yonr when the robust male graduate aml'er tabl the sweet irl graduate break forth on the world. As usual, j said he did not know he was sroin thev know it all. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweenev, King-bone, Stilles, Sprains, and Swoolen Throats, Coughs, Etc. Save .30 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv M. E. Bobin- sold the furniture and evervthine: i son & Bro., Druggists, Goldsboro. else in the house and ran away with j -" the proceeds on Friday. 3Irs. Moore " ' ' returned the next day and found no! - MeFadden, of Murf reesboro, husband and an emptv house. jTenn., writes that he has been suff- iering with a cancer of the face for At Lenoir, Thursday, a darkev several vears and had despaired of created a sensation bv sitting downier bcins: anv better, but bv the! to a tabic in the Central Hotel din-! 11 so of nine juot' Sudani's .Microbe ing room for breakfast. He was al- hlS f'f" is llcarl" TS? . , healed up and his general health is most white and was only detected ' better than it has been for a number because a white man sitting at anoth-' of vear S. D. SAULS, GOLDS I50KO, N. C. FOE PLUMBIjN G! DON'T FAIL TO SKK JOIM ' SLA UGH TEH, LAST WALNUT STIIKKT. Our Summer Stock Is In and you will find every department complete in every d IN YHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES Ave have special drives--to see them is to Buy t..; H H H ! m R H m Mi CQ I j o o CO ! r in O Ul -J h-J l. oq I ' H 6 Everything Sold at Rock Bottom SOUTHERLAHD'S NEW YORK BARGAIN too c.L 5! It, f4ay, Corn, Bran, iee jMeal -AT- i i 2 Car Loads Timothy Hay. 2 " Corn, " 2 " Bran, 10 000 ls Hice Meal, 10 000 lbs Chops, 2,000 Bushels Ots, 2,000 Bushels Rust Proof nn 1 White Oats, 200 Sacks Bolted Meal, 300 Bbls Flour, 50 " Sugar, 25 " Molasses, 25.000 .s C Ii. Sid,, 1000 Hs Fa! Backs, 500 H Cali.O.ndan hu 5 000 Lard (in ras-j, 200 Sacks Suit, 25 " c,n;-e, 30 Banel "A" II;. -e. 300 Bhl Lim-Ph 75 Bjxes Toljacc 25 Boxes .Starch, 25 Boxe. Soap, 50 Bbl Smiir, 1 ,v at noli itonon se:jc e:s ran i:sts. 33. IMI. I'VETu?, vit fi'.vT!!!: t:m WE LEAD, OTHERS ' 1 I i LOW i Coldsboro's Great Bargain Hou Is vt d.iilv ;i l;ir' l t k of 1m m ids. i"loUII-ii! . Look at our Umbrellas, Parasols, Hosiery, Suspenders- Collars fi' Cuffs. SEE OUR RARE BARGAINS An Window Shades, C aria in Poles, Drajtery ClmiiK, Lace C aria ins ! W. H. HUCCINS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN In Millinery we are Leaders! tS--3 i ' .--1 j Stationery, AVi-itinr P;imt -J to s r-pnts ;i iiii ! 7 coins jior ack. Iivo- - You can address him u itli . was acouainted with him ' staniii enclosed and he savs he will ! A ffriCUltUral " lmnlftmpnts ! Tin waro. IIoi:e Furoihin!r OrKxI?, rs. B'iin". (Iias. Wliite Lt-a.l. I.iiii.. For sale by Miller & Shannon. UVA"C- plows, castings, i E VERTHING- IS WAY DOWN ! c.a. i- i i -i IVf- full inf ni'nvi rii'm t. tli . ua u cuuin Carolina uaioeranU; " : itovc- art" amicieu. ah. ic to the white folks' dining room. j Goldsboro, X."C GOLDSBORO, K. C. Come to the Racket Store, Tlfcxe Leader -i-r-i Solid Values. i