THE HEADLIGHT. (I'j'K'IAI.ORriAXoF WAY X K (.'( ) I ' NT Y LOCAL NEWS. The collector was on his usual monthly rounds yesterday. To-day is Parents' Reception Day at the public schools of this city. Mrs. L. Lachman, of Wilson, is i;iti;ig relavivt'S and friends in this city. Theshippingof potatoes from this section to Northern markets has ;c tively hegun. The graded school, of this city, will take its usual summer vacation to morrow morning. The only marriage license issued this week was to W. P. Brogden and Miss Mary F. Wade. Several of our merchants close their stores during the morning ser vices of the Fife meetings. A young but j'loisonous snake was killed Tuesday evening in front of Mr. Jas. 1). Daniel's store. The Woman's Missionary Satiety of the North Carolina Conference will meet here the 17th inst. The paving of the business por tion of Fast Walnut street with shell rock was commenced Tuesday. Miss Sue Wright who has been teaching near Dover, returned to the city Monday to spend the vacation. The Bank of Wayne, in this city, has recently been equipped through out with electric fire and burglar alarms. Pev. G. W. Staring of Straits Methodist circuit, is visiting rela tives and friends in this city and county. The special truck train of the A. & N, C. P., resumed its regular schedule Tuesday after a short sus pension. A certain Fork township farmer was observed yesterday morning plowing, dressed in a heavy overcoat with a straw hat. We regret to learn that the condi tion of Mr. Ichabod Grant, Sr,, in Xew Hope township, continues to be extremely critical. Xew Hope township determined not to be outdone in candidates for sheriff, brings before the public this week the name of J. D. Moye. Pev. E. A. Wright, of the Metho dist Protestant Albemarle circuit, Washington county, is in this city spending a few days with his family. The sudden death of Mr. Pichard Payner, which occurred. Saturday night in the 78th year of his age, is announced to us from Grantham's township. The two-headed chicken belonsnnff to Mr. Lawrence Aycock, near Fre mont, is still living, the "doubting Thomas" of the Burlington Herald notwithstanding. The work of remodeling the Ken non hotel is still going on, which upon completion, will be undoubted ly the finest and best equipped hotel in Eastern Carolina. By change of schedule made on the P. & 1). P. P., Sunday, the mixed freight train now leaves here for Raleigh at 7:45 p. m., instead o G:80 p. m., as heretofore. The Board of County Commis sioners and Magistrates will be in joint session here Monday. The Board of Education will not meet until the first Monday in July. The Department at Washington not desiring a change of starting points in the Xew ton Grove Star Poute, the mail will continue to leave semi-weekly from this oflice. The Democratic Congressional Convention of the Second District, coinpossd of Bertie, Edgecombe, (ireene, Halifax, Lenoir, Northamp ton, Warren, Wilson, and Wayne counties, has been called to meet at Scotland Neck, on Wednesday, July 27th., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress and a Pres idential elector for the district. The protracted meetings conduct- Editor E. E. Hilliard, of the Scot ed by Pev. B. P. Hall at the Webb- j land Neck Democrat passed through town chapel came to a close Friday j this city Tuesday evening on his way night, resulting in ten conversions to LaGrange where he delivered the and eleven accessions to the Church, annual address at Kinsey Female During the thunder storm which j yesterday morning at 11 prevailed throughout this section ! C1UCK JAH,,J 01 oul Sunday night, lightning struck the in tcn.l-uicc to Iar the gifted table of a colored farmer in Fork j r" township, instantly killing his only The union meeting of the Atlan- mule. tic Baptist Association, which occurs The Presbyterian church of La Grange was duly dedicated, Sunday, every fifth Sunday, was held last week with the Smyrna Baptist byBev. W. I). Morton, D. D., of j chnrch in Vartertt county, begin Henderson, assist d by the pastor, Pev. A. II. McArn, in the presence of a large congregation. The commencement exercises of Davis School at Winston begin next Tuesday. The annual address will be delivered by Hon. P. A. Dough- ton, our next Lieut. Governor, Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock. The quarterly conference of the Smithfield Methodist circuit was held Saturday and Sunday with Ebe nezer church, Fork township and presided over by Pev. G. A. Oglesby, Presiding Elder of Wilson District. ning Friday and ending Sunday night Pev. L. E. Johnson, who was the only delegate of the Goldsboro Baptist church, was chosen Moder ator of the meeting, w hich, we learn, was very successful. The case of the city of Goldsboro against Moflit, Ilodgkins& Clark, of Watertown, X. Y., for failure to con struct water works under a contract several years ago, and in which the city has already secured judgment for $5,000 was before the U. S. cir cuit court of appeals at Pichmond, Va., Saturday. The case was argued for the city by Messrs. I. F. Dortch and W. P. Allen, but the presiding Judge reserved his decision till the next September term. The Feast of Weeks which began after sundown Tuesday was duly commemorated by our Jewish citi zens. The services at the synagogue yesterday morning were of more than ordinary interest and were attended by a large and devout congregation. Before the close of the services, the beautiful rites of confirmation were impressively administered by Pev. J. L. Mayerberg to Misses Charlotte Edwards, Bell Hilb and Masters Nathan and Bennie Edwards, still it is not completed. Another matter presents itself for the consideration of Wayne Magis trates. The Broad hurst bridge was in need of repairs. The time was set and the bridge put up by public auction to the lowest bidder. It was given to Mr. A. P. Holland for $35, by one of the Commissioners, w ho made the contract with the bidder md specified what work was to be lone and if any other work was necessary he should do that in pro- ortion to his bid and specifications given by the Commissioner. After this trade was made, another Com missioner came down and made a lifferent and private trade. Now sir, this will be another slip up in trie bridge business. It will cost Wayne county not less than $200 and I hope not more than 400. 1 think the county will not be cheated if the Magistrates will elect a new Board of Commissioners. I for one say let the old Hoard be re- leved of the arduous duties that have been imposed o!i them. Give us a new Board of Commissioners or fair play to all laboring men, other wise the county will be bankrupted. I speak in all earnestness and am proud to sign my name A Tax Payee. A Happy Event. The infant child of our former townsman Capt. B. M. Denmark, of the A. C. L., which died at Tarboro Tuesday evening was brought to this city yesterday evening at 3:15 o'clock and interred in Willow Dale cemetery. We made a flying trip to Pocky Mount Monday and were astounded at the magnitude of improvements made there during the past twelve months. Everything points to a prosperous future for that pushing town. The meetings inaugurated Sunday night by Evangelist Fife are steadily growing in interest. The services are attended morning and night, every day, by hundreds of our citi zens and outsiders without regard to creed. After a short illness, Mr. G. W. Murphy, of Harrell's store, Sampson county, died at Seven Springs Mon day morning at 7 o'clock, aged 40 years. His remains were taken Tues day to his late home in Sampson county for interment. We learn that the commencement exercises of Fremont Institute which concluded last night, were largely attended throughout and proved to be a great success. Our townsman, Mr. Chas. B. Aycock, delivered the oration yesterday morning with his usual eloquence. The commencement exercises of Wake Forest College will begin next Monday and will continue until Thursday. Our young friend, Mr. David M. Prince, who is one of the Marshals has our thanks for an invi tation to attend. The program be fore us is very interesting. The court house which for several weeks has been in the hands of Mes srs. Porter & Godwin for remodel ing, is nearing completion and is now a credit to our city and county. What it now needs is the renovation of the interior and a handsome wire fence to enclose the square. At his home in Brogden township, Mr. W. O. Collier, brother of Capt. J. C, Collier, of this city, died very suddenly of heart disease, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, aged 10 years. The interment was made near his home Monday at 5 p. m., Pev. C. L. Hoffmann, of this city, officiating. The tax list takers began their work yesterday and will continue for twenty days. On the first of July the books will be closed and those not listed will be liable to double tax. Mr. J. W. Gulick, who is county list taker for this township, will have his headquarters at the Mayor's oflice, where the city list taker, Mr. T. II. Bain, will also be found There was a happy family re-union Saturday at the residence of Mr, J. D. Denmark, in this city, the occa sion being the celebration of his 75th birthday. A substantial repast was dence of reform but we have not been served at which 40 children, erand "Die 0 u"sta e plan layed , . , .. uown oy me commissioners or u avne and great-grand children participat- countv. There is a bridge at White ed. When the roll was called 10 Hall that needed repairs, which were found to be absent. Mr. Den- should have been made on an econo mark is the father of our townsmen proper precaution they allowed Asr old and successful practi tioner, lew physicians ever prac tice so many years as Pond's Extract has, nearly half a century, Still fewer can attain the universal suc cess in treatment which that popular family remedy has and where the physician prescribes for individuals Pond s Extract is used by grateful millions. Another advantage of the remedy is that though made perfect by nearly fifty years of experience it still possesses the vigor of youth. There was a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen at the palatial residence of Mr. and Mrs. Asher Edwards, last night, who came there in response to handsome invitations sent out to attend a confirmation re ception in honor of their daughter, Miss Charlotte. After extending happy congratu lations to the young lady, the assem bled guests repaired to the spacious dining room where a feast of good things awaited them, which was conclude'd by several toasts. After supper the company enjoyed them selves in dancing, which was kept up till the small hours in the morning. The presents showered upon Miss Charlotte by a host of relatives and friends from at home and abroad, were numerous and costly, silent but weighty testimonials of the high es teem in which the young lady is held by them. Words being too tame to describe this magnificent reception, where elegance and refine ment and luxury and hospitality reigned supreme, we can only pro nounce it one of the most brilliant and enjoyable occasions ever given in this city. A Model Hotel. The wonder of those who jro to Wilmington and stop at "The Pur cell," is that so excellent a table and such comfortable rooms can be offer ed to the public at such minimum rates, "The Purcell," as acknow ledged by press and public is one of the best kept hotels in North Caro lina and perhaps in the South. Mr. C. T. Bennett, the manager, is one of the cleverest of hotelists and always pleases his guests. This popular hotel is crowded daily, and it de serves to be. Censuring the County Commis sioners. Seven Springs, N. C, May 30, 181)2 Editor Headlight: Perhaps it would not be out oi the general or der of things to drop you a few lines We are all very much in favor of any movement that will bring about the reform so often mentioned in the papers. We have in our section evi Messrs. Stephen and Willis Denmark. Wayne county to pay $1,800 for ser vices rendered on said bridge and Summer Lap Pobes at genuine bargains at the Xew York Bargain Store. Can't Be Beat ! Large Lump Gloss Starch only 5c a pound at the Xew York Bargain Store. Lower Than The Lowest ! Straw Hatsfrom 3c up at the Xew York Bargain Store. Don't Miss It ! Ladies Gauze Vest, only 83c, at the Xew York Bargain Store. Fly Traps onllSc regular price 25c, at the Xew York Bargain Store. Unprecedented Bargains in White Goods and Embroideries, at the Xew York Bargain Store. Clothing, Clothing. From SI to $25 suits at theXew York Bargain Store. Bargains in Xeckwear, Anv style and color at the Xew York Bargain Store. Good Tobacco for only 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 cents at the Xew York Bargain Store. A. Genuine Bargain. Outing cloth worth 10 cents will be sold this week for only GJ cents per yard, at C. Kern & Co, Spring Clothing. Just received a beautiful and well assorted line of Spring clothing at C. Kern & Co. Dr. J. M. Parker, DE1TTIST. Absolutely painless extraction of teeth IraT'Office over Giddeus Jewelry Store. Corns Vp are jfy Gone Q 1A CHI C'WAIiUFACTUKEDOSLVB'lS"... IPWHITLOCK'-RICHMONDYA IfflAAAAAAAAAy At Home Smoke a pipe it you will, but when you are away where you are thrown into the society of ladies and gentlemen, OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS are the correct thing and establish you as a man of rood taste and breed ing. FIVE FOR TEN CENTS. 13 SAVE TIME & MQWEY By G-o:og -bo SummerMd's Furniture Store For Bargains in all Kinds of FxmnsriTTJUE. East Centre St., Goldsboro, N. C. COMPARE the QUALITY of Seed Potatoes I olTer with what you find elsewhere. OBELISK FLOUR IS THE BEST ! If you have not tried it, you will find it to your interest to do so. Orloff and IkTassacIls: Teas are the KlIS I' to be had for the money. A single trial will fully'onvinceyou. SILVER.-. CHURN .-. BUTTBRINB i.s winning new friends every day. iSTBest and largest stock of I J1ISV GROCIIICIIX to 1m found in the city. Let ns have your orders. I- IB. FOITVIELLE, Cor. West Centre and Chestnut Sts., Goldsboro, X. C. NEW MILLINERY STORE! The ladies of Goldshoro and vicinity are herewith informed that I have iust ojK'ned, under the Ojiera House, a complete and well assorted stock of SPRING- -:- MILLINERY ! which I intend to sell at the smallest margin of profit. These goods were carefully selected during my recent trip to Northern fashion centres and I am safe to say are the "pick of the market." FOR ALL LADIES. YOUNG, OLD or MIDDLE-AGED. The Perfection Adjustable Shoe. inch over the Ball and Joints thus avoiding the Strain and discomfort ex perience by wearingotaer makes. No other shoe so effec tually prevents and cures corns, bunions and ten der feet. 0 .I and promote life. ' V ttJll Dsitnrmess from ivet side walks and floors cannot pass through the soles. A narrower shoe can be worn. Matchless in Style, Fit and Durability. Low prices. Take no substitute Consolidated Shoe Co., Manufacturers, Lynn, Mass. . For sale in Goldsboro by IUZZELL, SUGGS & COMPANY My Trimming Department will be presided over by an exKrienced New York trimmer, and the trade can rest assured that not hing but fashionable goods w ill leave my store. In our UNTRIMMED HAT DEPARTMENT I have a full line of all the various and latest shapes in all the new colors. t6T"My Notion and Fancy Goods Department is replete with all the choicest nov elties of the season. 2vIS. S I. G-BIPniT. RUTHERFORD Mil ITARV INSTITUTE, Jiutherordton, kl I fill I Sorth Carolina. Board on Supervised Mess Plan. New Buildings including Barracks, Mess Hall, Superintendents Quarters, etc. FULL CORPS OF TEACHERS. Open September ist, 1S91. Send for circulars. W.T. R. CELL, A.M., Superintendent, RUTKERF0RDT0N, N. C A FOR 30 DATS. In order to Introduce our Cry PortraltM in your vicinity, and tnns create a demand for our work, we make yon Uie following boa Met offer Send ns a (rood photograph, or a tintype, or s riaimerreotype. of yourself" or any member of yoir family, livine or dead, and we will make yon one of our finest LIFE-MIZ? ( BATON PORTRAITS ABSOIVUTEIY FREE OF ("II IRCE, provided yon exhibit it to yonr friends and use yonr influ ence, in securing us future orders. This will be a sample portrait and worm f 25.00, Cut this out and return it to us with yonr photographs, with yonr nsme and addre bak of photos, so we can ship yonr portrait accorrlinT. r our letters to TA.",CREV PORTRAIT SOtlETV, 11 DcKALB AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Oar work ran be ween In the boaaen of svoaae of tbe prominent people In the Tnlted State, viz. 1 IIIm Kmlaence Cardinal ttlhboaa. Rev. T. Leltt Talmacr.tiiorrrnnr J. Thaver of Nebraska; Mm. C.T. Crimp, wife of Ilea. C.T.Crlsp, Spraktr of the House of Repreeatatiwei. Wajthlnsrtea, IX ('., ssSawy othrrM. Refer you to all bank aaS eoaaerrlal aiceaelea 1st Mew York, mmA RroefcJja, asd all etpress tumyaalta throaghowt the L'sUtcd btatca.

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