BAR THE TOSEPH EDWARDS, THE CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES, WILL ASTONISH THE PUBLIC In the Way of Selling Goods THIS SPRING AND SUMMER. A Few Questions to the Public. I loavo these for you to decide : 1. WHO can sell goods tbo cheapest, the merchant who buys his goods for cash and gets 8 per cent, discount off, or the merchant who peddles about from one place to another and procures a few goods on time ? 2. WHY is it, when you look in JOE EDWARDS' store all his clerks aro busy selling and his store is crowded, while others are studying where to buy a few goods on time ? 3. WHY does JOE EDWARDS' trade increase from year to year ? Because he can sell his goods at whatever price he sees fit, and he is not afraid that Northern creditors will come down and close him up. So hc ucedn't "dance as his creditors fiddle." 4. "WHY IS JOE EDWARDS so popular among the people, because he keeps no shelf-worn or second-hand goods, hut always keeps oa hand a nice, cleaa ami new stock. 5. WHY does JOE EDWARDS' sell more ready-made Clothing than any one in ths State ? Because this Spring he sells 610 Suits for only $3.75, and furthermore he sells an elegant line of Cheviot Suits at $3.50 ; and, still better, he sells a nice $1 Boy's Suit for only 61.35. C. WHY is JOE EDWARDS' store so crowded with ladies that they can scarcely be waited on ever since his new goods came in ? BECAUSE he sells an elegant assortment of woolen Bedford Cords, worth 35c. at only 13c. BECAUSE ho sells the largest, handsomest line of While (Joods, such as cross-bar Muslins, India and Linen Lawns, Piques, Marseilles, etc. YOU CAN BUY THEM ELSEWIIEKE. SPECIAL AND PARTICULAR NOTICE ! I have bought out, at a Northern Sheriffs Salo, the entire lines of a wholesalo dealer, comprising Hamburg Edgings, Insertions, Flouncings, etc., etc. These goods I bought at Beiarsabli Lot Ffeires and I invite you particularly to come and examine my Slock and you will bo convinced that never, in all your experience, have you seen such a large and varied stock of them and, furthermore, never havo you bought Ham burgs at such remarkably lowT prices. People desiring to BUY GOODS ON TIME AT CASH PRICES. will find it to their advantage to come and see me as I guarantee to sell goods on time at cash figures. Country merchants can duplicate their Northern bills with me and save freight. If convenient, do not come on Saturday as it is impossible to give you on that day the attention I dosire to give you. 1 Remember THE CHAMPION OF LOW PUICES, GOLDSBORO, JT, C. 83 TRACK T the Name! 1 i l THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE, STOBlSS Tit AT AEE TOID BY THE FUNNY HEN OF THE PRESS. Settled at Last Looking Ahead In Boston Still There In a Cale A Sure Si?n, Etc., Htc. She comes into the restaurant, Hh sits down in a chair, Sie tosses up her bangs an 1 thea if he reads the bill of fare. She reads it up she reals it down; She reaus it crosswise, too; She reads it near, she reads it far; She reads it through and through. She takes it up, she puts it down; She looss around in doabt; She hums, she drums, she sighs, she starts; Her lips bgia to pout. The waiter stands with sphinx-like stare For hours, it saems to me. Aud then she says she thinks she'll have A cup of nice hot tea. Tom llasooa, in Life. IX A CAFE. Swell Young Mau "I say, can you give tae change for a fifty?" Waiter (promptly) "Yes, sir; heres two quarters.'' Detroit Free Press. STILL THERE. 'There's gas escaping," said Bunting, sniffing the air. "No," replied Larkin, also taking a sniff; 4;it seems 'to be here yet." Judsre. VALUABLE INFORMATION. 'I tell you, Trivvet," said Scadds, "money is trouble." "I'm glad you told me," replied Triv vet. "I had no idea I was so wealthy." Jude. IN BOSTON. Policeman "Here! Mini youngster!"' your eye, Bobby Backbey "I beg your pardon; but I do not see why the master should obey the pupil." Puck. UE WAS A STUMBLING BLOCK. Young Man "Do you think your sis ter would hate to marry and leave you?" The Terror "Oh, jes. She said she would have married long ago if it hadn't beca for me." Life. TWO WAYS. Teacher "Don't you know what s-u-g-a-r spells? What does your mother give yu when you won't take your medicine-?" Little Student "A 'paukiu'." Good News. WnAT HE WAS FITTED FOU. - Weary Watkius "I've jii3t iiggcrcd out what I'd ortcr been." Hungry Higgins "Well, wot?" Weary Watkins"I thiak I'd make a first-class rich invalid." Judiauapolis Journal. LOOKING AHEAD. "How far back cau you remember?" inquired Freddy's uncle. "I don't want to remember back," an swered Freddy, "It's hard enough re memocriug lessons for to-morrow." Truth. THE WORST ALWAYS HAPPENS. Mrs. Quarle3 "My husband was ruu over and had h"i3 leg broken." Mrs. Quidnuae "Why didn't he sue for damages?" Mrs. Quarle3 "Because it was his own carriage." New York Suu. A SURE SION. "Papa, there's a gentleman down stairs to sec you." "How do you know that he'd a gentle man?" asked papa. "Because he said that he owed you some money that he wanted to pay." New York Sun. VINDICATED. Miss Minnie Bill "Miss Oldangiddy was deathly sick of the grip, but recov ered by sheer force of will." Mrs. Wanter Nos "How was that?" Miss Minnie Ball "The doctor told her it wa3 only fatal to persons ia ad vance 1 years. "--Puck. NOT A FLATTERING PROSPECT. Mamma "I don't know what I am going to do with Hattie. She is per fectly infatuated with young Saod grass. She declares she will have him or no body." Papa "It look3, then, as though she is to have nobody ia any event.'' Bos toa Transcriot. A SEASONABLE EXPLANATION. The Husband "So this is the garden you'ye told me so much about! Where are the dowers?" The Wife "You see thoe laths stuck in the grouad, with pieces of paper stuck in them?" The Uusbar.l "Uni." The Wife "Those are the flowers." New York Sun. rNSOI.ICITED TESTIMONIAL. Sirs. Chugwater "Josiah, I am afraid Johnuy has been exposed to the measles. He's been playing with those Smcddler childten." Mr. Chugwater "If the children are anything liKe old Sme.ldlcr, Samantha, they won't give Johirny ths measles or anything else without a mortgage and eight pv'i cent." Chicago Tribune. A HARD qUKSTION. "Mamma,'7 said Johnuy, "caa any body hear -with their mouth?" "No, child, I don't think they can," replied the mother. "Then, mamma, what made Mr. Jonc3 tell sister he wanted to tell her some thing and put his hps to her mouth in stead of her ears?" The mother didn't question Johnny, but turned her attention to Mr. Jones, but that worthy gentleman made it all right by proper explanations, -Texas ilOME TALENT The local singer was resenting mildly to the hostess the large amount of praise which she wa3 bestowing upon the visit ing vocalist. "They didn't applaud me that way," he complained. "Oh, well, you know," she said apologetically and sympathetically, "he is a visitor whom we don't hear often, while we think of you, as the Bible suy3, lThe poor we have with us always.' " Then she wa3 very much hurt because he refused to accept her apology and left the house in a huff. Detroit Free Press. A FRIEND IN NEED. Jinks "Hello, howdy do, BliDks? Say, old fellow, come home and take tea with me." Blinks "Really, 1 am scarcely pre sentable in these " Jinks "Bother the clothes! That's all right. Come right along. My wife and I value people at their true worth ; we don't go by their tailors' bills. Come right along." Sam Jinks (half an hour later) "Ah, here we are. My dear, allow me td pre sent my friend, Mr. Blinks. Mr. Blinks, Mrs. Jinks. By the way, my dear, those tilings you told me to order I forgot all about until too late to get into the store." J'rs. Jinks (aghast) "What! For got? Um um er it's of no conse quence nt all, my dear, not the least. Happy to make your acquaintance, Mr. Blinks. What delightful weather we are having. Please excuse me one moment." Jinks (in a whisper, after Mr3. J. ha disappeared) "Worked like a charm." Blinks "What worked?" Jinks "She didn't dare say a word about my forgetting those things with company present. That's why I brought you." New York Weekly. SELECT SITTINGS. Carthage, Mo., has an undertakei aa ued Knell. Uauilly peop'e snore most when lying upon their backs. Orer2X wine growers from the Rhine region will exhibit at the World's Fair. There are forty women physicians ia India, but only two in France, it is said. Harvard University had its beginning at Newtown, after Cambridge, Miss., iu 1C3G. Monrovia, in Liberia, Africa, is named after James Monroe, in whose presidency it was founded, in 1822. Asafcetida is said to be a favorite arti cle of diet with the Hindoos, who use it in all kind3 of puddings. The largest hop yard in the world is in Sacramento, California, 80,000 worth having been sold from fifty acres. A farmer near Philadelphia, Penn., has a hea which weighs eighteen pounds and measures fourteen inches across the broad of her back. In former times it was esteemed highly improper for single or unmarried womea, to wear rings, "unless they were judge3, doctors or senators." A Floiida fish story tells of a shad, some twenty inches long, which leaped from one stream to another, over a con siderablc space of ground, in search of food. The Ancient Order of Foresters is one of the most important beneficial secret societies in the world, its English mem bership covering 701,000 male adult members. James Madison was a Congressman at twenty-eight, and John Randolph at tweaty-six, while John QuiDcy Adams was appointed Minister to England and the Nether lauas at twenty-seven. The smell and hearing of the fish are acute, and it can be douiesticatod so as to come at call; they are usually long lived. A pike was put into a pond with a ring and found seventeen years after ward. The average number of letters written per head of the population is: England and Wales, forty; Scotland, thirty; Ireland, sixteen; United States, twenty one; France, fifteen, Germany, thirteen, nud Italy, seven. The publication of a biography of the Duchess d'Angoulerae recalls the fact that this famous French court beauty ia best remembered nowadays by the pear named after her, which is popularly called the "Duchy-dangle-um." Eben Blazo, of Porter, Me., was ap pointed Postmaster of that town by President Jackson in 1829. He held the office until Cleveland's administra tion, and now, at the age of ninety, he sits around and watches his son Amos sort mail in the same office. Both the giraffes at the London (Eng land) Zoological Gardens are dead, and it is almost impossible to replace them. Of late years none have been imported, owing to the closure of the Soudan by the Mahdi. Tiiere i3 only one now in the market, and a prohibitive price is asked for it. PJatlnnni a Popular Metal. The great ueuiaud for platinum for electrical apparatus has caused such ex traordinary advance in the price o:' the metal, which has doubled in value in the last three years, and is now worth three fourths as much as gold. For certain scientific instruments this metal is indis pensible. It is found only in small quantities in a few localities as platinum ore in Peru, Columbia and Brazil, and in small steel-gray grains in California, Oregon, B irueo aud the Ural Mountains. The pr.ncipal soarc-J of supply is the Urals. The total ye:irly production has never exceeded four ton?, and at present is not more thau three ton3. Trenton CN. J.) American. Throughout the States west o!. th Mississippi River there are evidences of improvement in mining, lumber, small manufacturing, sod ia agricultural pur, KUita, THE TALK OF IS OUR Large and Handsome Stock 1892. OR SPRIH6 ME! SIHER GOODS They are the Pick of the Market and every single piece has been carefully selected with reference to thtf LADIES' TRADE of this city and section. I have just returned from the Northern fashion centres where I secured Unprecedented ' Bargains -in the Dress Goods, White Goods, Flounc ings, Laces, Embroideries, Ham burgs, Lawns, Challies, Trim mings, Silks and Satins. All these goods have been- BOUGHT FOR THE SPOT CASH and as I received a remunerative discount on the transaction, we are able to sell our customers every single A ard of goods at the exact wholesale figures, that means at the same figures as they were billed to me. IN CLOTHING AND SHOES WE HAVE GOT THE DROP On our competitors' this season. We have Clothing to fit and suit most everybody and anybody. Iu quantity, quality, variety and cheapness, they cannot be surpassed by any leading house in the Slate. Our Stock of Shoes for LADIES, MEN, MISSES and CHILDREN is something of which we arc proud of. Every pair was made especially for us and fully war ranted. In style and cheapness they can't be beat. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS in tho latest styles and novelties. In this line wo can offer special induce ments, as we have secured real and jrcnuinc bargains. Straw a in the latest shapes and in endless variety at prices never before heard of It will do your heart good to look at them, no matter if you want to buy or not. If you only will visit our vast establishment you will readily confer, if you take a look on the overloaded shelves, that wo keep the largest ;;nl best selected stock of goods in the city and perhaps in the State, and will sell them as low or lower than any house who docs an Honest, Straightforward Business. We don't mislead the public by promising to sell goods at half their value, any person with common sense knows that can't be done, bui wc do promise to sell them at WHOLESALE PRICES, and will guarantee satisfaction in every respect. WE WANT YOU TO READ every advertisement in this paper. Wc want you to visit every reputable dealer in our line, get their prices, examine their goods, then come to before you buy. You will then be posted, and can better appreciate the Genuine and Rare Bargains we are offering to all alike. Afraid of losing customers by this liberal advice ? Bless you no ! It is just as natural for you to drift back inf' the safest harbor as it is for rivers to seek the sea. It Will Be of Merest to dealers to call and examine our stock. In variety and prices we art. able to offer better inducements than ever before. KSOrders by mail will receive Prompt and Careful Attention. The Original Leader of Low Prices, GOLDSBORO, N. G. TIE M 1892. lines of- :o:- -:o:- t IHlats 3