1 TFIK HEADLIGHT. Ol I II I Al. OKI. AN OF WAVNi; COl'NTV. ( inl.liSI'oKo. X. C. Maivh is:i: L0( AL NEWS. Master comes (liis year on April l'ihI. lirl your bonnets ready. Two obituaries, received too late !ni- this issue, will appear next week. Several new residences to he con !!iuted at once have been con t rue t ...1 for by Mr. L. d. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maxwell, of i!iii'.nrton. are spending a few days here, visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Luther 11. Maxwell, after a short visit to relatives in this city, returned Monday to their home at Hamilton. Mrs. Mamie K. l'ortis has return to her home at Hocky Mount after an extended visit to friends at T,av reneeville. Va.. We were shown yesterday, by Mr. Robert Ivey, a successful fanner of New Hope township, two hen e. each wei;hin seven ounces. Miss Emma Edwards has returned from an extended visit to Northern fashion centres and is busy unpack ing her stock of Spring millinery. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cast ex. ac companied by then' milliners, return ed to the city Monday evening from 1heir prolonged Northern business trip. The infant daughter of Mi ami .Mrs. .las. Cole Wednesday, at city, aged live da vs. departed this life their home in this months and twelve Mr. A. Hilt), former salesman of Jos. Edwards, has accepted a posi- I tion with Messrs. C. Kern it Co.. ; and would be pleased to see his many j friends. .Messrs. Asher and Joseph Edwards J left Tuesday for Northern markets j to purchase a complete stock of I Spring goods for their respective! establishments. i A tire at I -a C range, early Sunday morning. destroyed three small frame stores, the loss of which is not covered by insurance. A defective Hue was the origin. Our Register of Deeds issued the: following marriage licenses this week. .1. C. McCullen to Miss Zii pha ' rantham. T. R. Fulgliinn to Miss Lueinda Brady. Our former countyman. Mr. Jno. R. Overman, who is now located at Wi'lacoochee. (Ja.. returned home a few days ago on a sad mission in re sponse to a telegram. Dr. J. M. Parker, the popular den tist of this city, has opened a branch office at Smithfield and will fill his appointments therebetween the1."ith and -2u of every month. Mr. O. J. Carroll, better known as "Jud " Carroll, who officiated at the funeral of "Maryann" Butler was in the city yesterday. He is almost sure of receiving the marshalship for the Eastern district. Every member of the Ladies' Aux iliary of the V. M. C. A., is urged to lie present at a special meeting of the society to-morrow afternoon at four o'clock. Important business demands a full attendance. Several active members of the V. M. C. A., are engaged at present in raising funds among our citizens to carry on the Association work dur ing the current year. We are glad lo know, they are meeting with suc cess. We received a pleasant call yes terday from Mr. A. R. Vail, the courteous representative of Messrs. .J. C. Aver iV. Co.. Lowell. Mass.. who is now traveling through this section introducing their renowned 1 lit i id-purifying remedies. We learn that Messrs. S. Cohu it Son. city butchers, have decided to open a branch of their business at Xewbern. If we should judge from the quality of beef they are handling here, the citizens of Newbern are to lie congratulated in securing the branch establishment. As many persons will i-it Norfolk to witness naval display of all the nations as well as to set desire to j the great j European 1 i our own ; new war shins, it is suggested that ! the Coast Line authorities give an excursion to Norfolk next month, at some date not beyond the l.Mh. .Miss Pat tie Eoote. the manager of Mr.-. CriHin's millinery establish ment, accompanied by Miss Davis. 1 f u Baltimore modiste, arrived here Monday from their extended busi ness trip ami are now arranging their novelties for a grand Spring oiieinng next Tuesday and Wednes- av. The horrible burning of Mrs. Ma tilda Sullivan, aged about (id years, which occurred at her home neat l'ikcville. Thursday, is re tort 1 by, our Pikeville correspondent. The first re tort reaching us stated that she was roasted alive, but now we are glad to know that her injuries, though very painful, will not prove fatal. burned to b'calli. We learn that Miss Cora, the 1 v.vl ve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Keen while being left alone Saturday noon at their home in (irantham's township, was burned so badly by her cloth'ulg taking lire from the fire-place that she lived only a few hours amid untold agony. Her body was literally roasted alive. Tl ir t i-i u I le u it Ii most cough medicines i tliat they spoil the appetite, weaken digest i,,H. ami create Idle. Avers Ch-r-ry 1'i'i-ii.ia!. mi the contrary, while it Hives iiiiinctliate relief, as'si.-ls rather than impairs the assimilative process. Y. 31. A. DAY. The Anniversary Celebration a Success in Every Kespect. The celebration of the fifth anni versary of our Vomit; Men's Chris tian Association last Sunday was a ;reat success. The first service was a consecration meeting in the Asso ciation rooms at !:::' a. m.. which was followed by special sermons re-f;ardin- Christian work for young men in the various churches, of the citv. The junior department service for boys at two o'clock was conduct ed by Mr. II. O. Williams and a large number of boys attended. St. Paul church was nearly filled with an audience of men at four o'clock, who listened to an exceed ingly powerful and searching ad dress, also, from Mr. Williams, on the text "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." It was a talk long to be remembered. An audience of six hundred or more gathered at St. Paul church at night for the main service of the day. The exercises were presided over by Mr. J. Y. Joyner. and the program as published by us last week, was 1 carried out. Mr. Williams' address was on the theme 'Winning forces in Christian work" and it was mas terfully delivered. Mr. Williams has been V. M. C. A. State Secretary of Virginia for seven years and is one of the strongest. jAssocialion woruers m ine country. , i The canvass for funds to carry the Association through the new year is j ! now in progress. Twelve hundred j ! dollars is Hie amount necessary to ! ! raise. ( 01 M V IIA1TEXINUS. As (atlicred liy our Ketruhtr Correspond ents in the Various Townships. !oiint Olive Keports. Who is to be our next postmaster? Can some one please answer? We are glad to learn that the sick, mentioned last week, are improving. D. L. Flowers, living four miles from town, lost his little boy, aged IS months, by death last Thursday. The excitement last Wednesday was a run-away, but not a horse this time. A goat hitched to a wagon made a break for liberty with a dozen little boys in hot pursuit. From the manner' the pantries of D. J. Aaron and F. L. Pearsall were served Friday night, we would judge that there were some hungry mis creants around. Watc h as well as prav. or you may get up some morn ing minus your breakfast. Seven Springs Items. We had a little snow last Friday, but it is not a rarity now-a-days. We want you Thirdites of New Hope to let our Democratic girls of Indian Springs alone. ! . r T, , , ,,. Mrs M.A Parks and Miss Mary ; Droadhurst have opened their nnlli-; labiishmont her. upplying ; a long felt want. ; Slip potatoes are scarce in thisi'itl Uu' blowing result: ,,.; t,.,.,.M -..,l..-- tl...v ! Winstead. president: W. L are worth oiie dollar a bushel and hard to get at that price. " ' Th Whit ,-are about W inhabitants hi ; nail. ll can aaoi u uiieeimi linerv stores, two drummer j black-smiths, with six general . t W l stores and t wo new nes : the Dudley reflector o-omg up. i an beat' that? ; Kev. J. IX Standford. of Kenans ville. preached for us two excellent sermons in the Presbyterian church ; Sunday morning and night, return- ; inghome .Monday. We are proud to see Mr. Standford come to White ' Hall. Ueshtn Fla-hes. Eggs are on a "set and hatch." We had a "beautiful snow." Sat urday night. Ed E. Smith made a "thing trip" here Saturday. V. 11. May is pushing things at his saw and grist mill. John E. Parks gave us a short call on Sunday evening. Wouldn't we love to have a letter! He is having it bad. Editor. J. M. Wood and Miss llerta Craw ford were here Thursday on a short visit. W. A. Sasser recently moved his saw mill on the Rollins place and is now ready for business. A. T. Uzell is making considera ble improvements on Front Avenue, in the way of new walling. Pev. H. 11. P.room filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday at IWO o'clock . m.. and delivered to his audience a good sermon. Misses Kicli and Holmes, of Fai MMi. and Miss Minnie Case', of El rov. were in our village Saturday on a short visit tit Miss Eilla May. " (luard Thompson, an enterprising saw millist. had a pair of small mules to pull T.tMMi pounds at one load last week. When are your oxen doctor? Dudley Reflections. Criswold is sick J. E. with la tun try. jr'nipe at his honu the Our farmers are hauling a good leal of guano away from here this -east m. We regret to learn of the Jno. Holmes serious .tf In- illness of Mrs. dian Springs. W. II. Ilowden has recently set an acre in asparagus intended for ship- ment. of course. Willi favorable seasons many 'strawberries will be shipped from here this season. Mrs. J. E. Davis and children, of Goldsltoro. were visiting' relatives near here last week. The improvements recently made in Tiik 11 kaim.ioht are very favora bly spoken of by its many patrons here. Capt. J. S. Mat his recently in charge of the A. C. L. material train has been transferred to the Wilson sec tion .tf the W. & W. II. li. We regret that our last week's let ter was not received in time for pub I lication. It was mailed at Mt. Olive on .Monday and reached liiEHKAlt i.iuiiT oJlice Wednesday. Quick travel ! Walter Jottings. Several of our fanners will raise melons for shipment this season. M iss Matilda tFohnson is on a visit to relatives and friends at, Wilson. P. If. Howell is confined to his home with a severe attack of the grip. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mitchell and the little ones, were visiting Mrs. Mitchell's father, P. H. Howell, Sat urday and Sunday. I think from the way a certain Walter young man has been visiting his "best girl" of late he surely means business later on. Wheat in this section is beginning to make some show on the ground and if the weather would remain warm the fields will soon be perfect ly green. The matrimonial fever has struck a certain widower of this township and although his "best girl" has de liberately "kicked" him three times, he says, he's going to try again. The fruit trees seem to be very late in blooming this season; I have not noticed a single bloom thus far, but so much the better as there is less danger of their being killed by the frost. Among the many papers received at this office The Headlight is al ways the most welcome, and being now all home-print, makes everyone want it first. I know of a family that drawed straws last week to see who should have it first. l'ikcville Biuret. I regret to learn of the critical ill- ,uss of tu. wift, of EWt.r j t Mo- zingo. E p Pat0 vho lias been fillillff a posit ion as salesman in a Baltimore dry goods house is home on a short vacation. A few nights ago, while ex-'Squire T. N. Wiggs was returning home from Goldsboro. his horse took fright and ran away, throwing him against a fence. A rail struck his left cheoJv, cutting an ugly gash, besides break ing' two of his ribs. He is painfully, if not seriously hurt. The Demorest contest that was to have taken place at Pleasant Grove last Saturday night failed to come off. The "boss," the Pinkney dot ter. failed to turn up and I will re turn the compliment paid me when he said that I had the wrong date surely, he must have taken to dream ing". Mrs. Matilda Sullivan, an aged widow lady, residing about one mile from town, while out doors washing Wednesday, had her clothes burned off her body, while standing too near the boiling wash pot. She is pain fully burned and at first thought se riously, but from last re torts she is improving slowly. ! with pneumo- j After a short illness nia. Levin J. Bedford, son of N. A Bedford who died last week, depart ed this life Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, aged 20 years. He had onlv been married about five months, to Miss Martha Kirbv. who survives; him. The interment was made Mon- i dav evening in the family burying'11 fl'w minutes after HI o clock, the ,rv,'nml ' : mule they were driving became ,.und. j m(- y a t.at amf awav The monthly election of officers of j r Tr t y (..,,. .,iv ,,.,.,.,'. the Pikeville reading club took place at th Alliance hall Wednesday night. 1 aul L. hizzell. secretary: J. W. Rosea, marshal, First on the program for next ed- nesd.-iv nirht is an address bv the p,Vf,id,Mit." Evervb,tdv invited to hear him. and those who fail to come will miss a treat. j Pinkney Dots. ; Pev. Simeon Mixon has returned i home from a visit to Hethany. j ; Our young friend Milford Mitchell i I is seriously ill with pneumonia. Frank Hosea and Walter Smith. of Pikeville. were visiting friends i here Sunday. i Misses Ella and Mittie Playlock. j of Fremont, were visiting relatives i here Sunday. j Z. H. Edgertoii returned home i Saturday from a business trip to ! Wilson county. i j Albert Jinnett and his estimable ; wife, near Fremont, were visiting in j our midst last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peel have just j moved into their new quarters and gone to housekeeping. Miss Pcarcie Barnes, of Wilson county, was among us Sunday visit ing Miss Nettie Playhn k. Our young friend David Mixon. of Oakland, returned home Monday. They say he is "smitten." We learn that there will be a Dem orest contest at Fremont Institute. Friday night, the 'list inst. The Nahunta Prohibitum Literary Society will meet next Saturday night.' the 'i."ith inst., at Nahunta church. Charley Wiggs was hooked in the eye by a cow a few days ago very painfully, but at this writing is im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Russian Pittman. of Johnston, were visiting here Sun day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edgerton. Miss Delia Edgerton. who has been sojourning among us during the past week, returned ttt her home in Selma last Sunday. On account of the inclemency of the weather, the contest to have been held at Pleasant Grove last Sat urday night has been postponed till Saturday. April 8th. A ROl X lT A HO I T TS. The Movements of Our Xeifrlibors (''iron icleil in Paragraphs. Sampson. Krxm tin Clinton Itemtierat. j We are pained to learn that Edwin Kerr, the young son of Hon. E. W. Kerr, is quite ill witli pneumonia. Mr. D. II. Nicholson, left on Mon day afternoon for Abbeville, Ga., where he enters into partnership with the law-firm of Littlejohn. Thomson A Co. Would it not be a good idea for the town ollicials to provide some kind of a shelter for the fire pumps? As it now is they are exposed to the weather and will soon be ruined. Married. March 8th. at the resid ence of the bride's father. G. W. Iloneycutt. Esq.. Miss Beulah Ilon eycutt to Rev. Mr. Usry. the Rev. Philip Greeningof the M. E. Church, ofliciating. Two young sons of Mr. Frank Rackley found, a few days since in a field near the house, an old coin bearing the date 17CD. with the image of George III. On the other side is the coat of arms of Ireland, with ''Hibernia" as the superscription. There is a charming and delightful spirit pervading some of the young ladies of our town which smacks pretty strongly of an anti-crinoline sentiment. They have organized a base-ball team and disjxtrt them selves gaily on the College green sward twice a week. Johnston. Kruiu the SiiiithlWItl Herald. On Wednesday morning March Sth. Mr.Calvin Wallace departed this life, aged abaut "0 years. The county authorities are having the jail whitewashed and cleaned up inside. Two of the prisoners in the jail are doing the work. Rev. W. II. Puckett. assisted by Rev. J. M. Ashby, of the Clayton circuit, is holding a series of meeting in the Methodist church. The funeral of Mr. J. B. Oliver, was preached by Key. J. H. Worley at the residence of the deceased, near Pine Level. Sunday. The family of James Price, of Pine Level, mourn the loss of their eldest child, a boy about 12 years old. who died with pneumonia Thursday. Our town authorities are having the ditches in the town cleaned out and the streets worked. The health (tf a town depends upon the cleanli ness of the same. William Murphy, a young negro man. was placed in jail Monday under a $4(10 bond for two caers. One for shooting at George Smith, -colored, and the other for perjury. Senator Pou got a bill through the legislature changing the time of .holding the February and August terms of the Superior Court in this county, making each the fourth wei'k in February and August in stead of the second week as hereto fore. Lenoir. Fnnu the Kinttm Free Iress. Rev. Mr. Rose. Presbyterian, will commence a series of meetings in the opera house to-morrow night, to be continued throughout next week. The next postmaster must put in lock boxes. It is a shanio we haven't had them before. Many towns much smaller thun Kinston have lock boxes. Gracie Green, an aged colored wo man of this place, died last Friday. She was probably the oldest person in the county. Her age is variously stated at SS "to 110 years. At Morehead Citv Saturday night i week an attempt was made to break I. -turn the s:ife ill Mr Daniel Hell's fish house. The lock was battered up hut not riv( awaV- Xext night an attempt was made to get in the safe in Mr. Eugene Arthur's hotel, but this also resulted in fail ure. As Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Askew were! eommg tit town, yesterday morning j ,. . ,.,,, ,,f tl)Wn i';,rowin.r them 1)oth out of t)ltl nl,r,,v wxl t.onsi,' ! ,.,.ablt. violence. Mr. Daniel G. Taylor showed us a very curious book one day last week, which he secured while in the army. It was printed in :!. It contains a fac simile of Washington's accounts from June. 177."i. to June, 17SM. and other interesting documents relating to Washington. It also contains fac similes of the continental cur rency. The National (arnieiit ( utter. To cut. tit and make garment -f every description that will conform with the prevailing fashion and tit perfectly is a most desirable attain ment. It is one that any lady will find a valuable and economic acquire ment in her domestic education. To the wealthy the ability to correctly superintend the cutting ami making of garments for family use is both a ' ' - ' ' '' .. ' T, ., f poor it is a necessity. Hv the use of the National Garment Cutter this j can be accomplished. It is no Chart j or taper Model, but composed of a a line folding square, a scroll or draft tool, a full set of scales, and a book of diagrams and instructions so sim ple any one can understand it. a tape measure, etc.. and all neatly packed and put in a nice box prepared for it. The only true method for cutting Clothing, or any other nuvhanical work, is by actual measurement, and this system is so thoroughly reduced and simplified that a child that can read figures and guide its hands can use this system accurately and suc cessfully. Whih all ladies should know how to cut. make up and trim all kinds of clothing, heretofore the tailors' and dressmakers' rules have been shrouded in mystery, or kept beyond the reach of the masses, as in most cases it requires a payment of various sums, ranging from s?2." ttt $100, and weeks of time devoted to study and practice. But by the use of the National Garment Cutter any family can not only cut, but at the same time have drafts and instructions, how to make up, drape and trim all the dillerent articles in the latest styles, and al ways in the fashion; (to the dress making this is especially needful), and parties, though novices, may readily become experts. This system is a system of com plete measurement, applies to all classes of garments, ranging through the entire list worn by men, women and children, and not like most other systems, giving instructions how to cut a few pieces (usually lady's basque to the waist), but gives full instructions for cutting the entire garment, and trimming and making up the same. This system will be taught in our city by Messrs. Corpening, Slimp A Sartin, who are now arranging rooms, etc., preparatory to opening up a large class. They are meeting with splendid success, and we hope that every lady of the city will ex amine their work, as this is one line that has been badly neglected. Stanqtinii ! We are prepared to do all kinds of stamping, at very reasonable rates ami on short notice. J. Hahry Ehwariis, (Millinery establishment.) XfeiTThe most varied and and hand somest stock of Spring goods ever exhibited here has just been received bv C. Kern & Co. J Endorsing Dr. Harmon. X Editor of Messenger, Wilmington, N. C: Having seen a notice from Dr. Harmon, the Russian eye doctor, that his office will Ik closed some time in February and will be oitened again in the spring, I beg you to al low me space to say a few words with regard to the doctor s treat ment of me. and the prospects of his return, etc. In April, lSS'.t. I had an operation performed on my eyes by a Northern specialist, which did a great deal of gitod. In June, lS'.rJ, however, I had to go North again for the same pur pose, but was informed that nothing could be done to lienefit me. On my return to Wilmington Dr. Harmon took charge of my case and I feel that through his skillful treatment my eyes an saved. The doctor has invented an instru ment for testing the eyes, etc., for which he is offered a considerable amount of money. Should he con clude to accept this. I am doubtful of his return to Wilmington, and hence. I would advise any one who may need the service of a skillful eye doctor to call on him before he closes his office. During the last four years I have been constantly under treatment, and have tried several specialists, and it is due to Dr. Harmon to say that he has done me more good than I expected. The amount of money paid him for his services is no com parison to the benefits received. Respectfully, A. S. IlKII.E. Dr. Harmon has oitened consulta tion rooms at the Hotel Kennon. in this city. Still) Knils of Thought. Plain living is long living. Theology never saved a soul. A kiss is double-barreled bliss. Matrimony conies in sealed pack ages. Pleasure is narrow; happiness is wide. Avarice is green persimmons to the soul. The wise man holds his tongue in his hand. A woman is never afraid of a brave man. (Jod made the flowers for the sun shine ttt play with. There is no telling what the world would have been like if woman had been created first instead of last. OOl.ltSltOI-O MAKKKT KKI'OKT. j ( c.rr.Mt.-.l WVt-kly bv It. M. I'rivrtt. Cotton I I'ii.vit anil Vliilasal l'rovision I-:iIt. Cotton Mess IWk . . ..si ( si .!( ...Vii (a i:j l.:jr 4.IH) (a .1.00 .-! (a ;.-) (,i to .10 (it I'll) l.nu ( i.io l-.'i 1.IM) Rice. l Hlljrlt . . . X. C. Hams.... Meal per sack.. Flour Sugar, rra:m!at ( 'nru OaN Hav Ktrir. Rice Meal. K mo it.... Teas Notice! If the party liammerless Net the same to me. asked about it. li'.l (l -. v who liorrowcd my! dham gun will return j nit questions will be W. T. DoKTCII. On Monday and Tiicsihiy We will place on sale remnants of all kinds of goods, ttt be sold for less than actual cost. Will also exhibit a full line Hamburg Edgings, cheap er than ever offered. Don't miss this chance. Jos. Ehwarks. Wauled ! A competent and experienced lady teacher desires a position. English. Mathematics. Languages, and Music taught." If desired, would extend the term through the summer, at moderate charges. Testimonials given. Address. Hox :54. Warren ton. N. C. t-if A large lot of tobacco just re- j ceived by E. L. Kdmundson and at j prices lower than ever. All other j goods in pnqtortion. j Iliir liar-rains In Shoes at J. F. Southorland" One lliiiiilrcd barrels Of the best Family Flour on time at cash iigurt j ires. JoS. EltWAKItS. p.-,)" Drink Portner's Sarsaparilla good for the blood. On Time If vim desire buying any kind of roods, including Fanners supplies. on tune. I guarantee to sell them cheaper to you on time than you can buy elsewhere for cash. Come and be cc in vinced. Jos. ElUVARHS. lie Sure And inspect the latest Spring nov elties in my dress goods department, before buying' elsewhere. I guar antee to save you money. Jos. EllWARPS. fj-y" Drink Portner's Ginger Ale good for indigestion. IN'ihiction in Price Of pant goods at Southerland's Cash Store. Take Your hoice. Umbrellas from to 4 0ll at Southerland's Bargain Store. Hu-riry Harness. Big Bargain. Casli Store. at Southerland'i A l,ai',e Variety Of collars, cuffs, etc. land's Bargain Store. at Souther- low ii They U ! Window shades from up at Southerland's Bargain Store. ( htthiii-r! ( lothiiisr! A few suits left: will sell at cost at Southerland's Cash Store. Must he Sold. A few cases of lxKtts must le at Southerland's Cash Store sold f n nn .1.2." up. (reatly Keihiccil ! Heavy underwear at reduced prices at Southerland's Cash Store. Don't Yon Do It. Until you come to see us. We are now overstocked with the best North Carolina Corn Whiskey that has ever been brought to this town, and will sell it to the public for the next W days for the small sum of $1 per gal lon, and all other whiskies, cigars, tobacco, etc.. in projiortion. Lewis & Path. (Joe Parker's old stand.) fliniilates the torviil Ilrer. utrenirth - I he l Ixntli ve orcann. regulate tUe boel. Hud ure uueUled wa sa ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial dintrirts their virtue ar widely reeofmtzed.Mittkey jon? pec uliar properties iulrreiae tlieaj ivin from tbat poiaon. Klecantly ttugar coaled. 1)om small. Aric, 23eta. Sold Everywhere. Office, UO to 144 lToshingtou SL, N. Y. DR. B. F. ARRINGTON, Ollice rooms over Music Store, West Centre Street. TRILLING TEETH A SPECIALTY ! Also treating diseased gums, and all diseases pertaining to the dental structure Woeful -AXD- Appalling Sacrifices AT THE- NEW YORK Bargain Store TOMORROW Begins the Slaughter of our entire stock of winter goods. Greatest Bargains Ever . Known! -FOR- 30 Days ! 30 reiaratnry to annual inventory arrival of and -NEW- Spring Goods Just received a liig lot of Fine Shoes on u liich i per cent. will avc ymi f rum '2" '.) ami warrant very pair we sell vnil. We are headquarters f.r 11V. SrSPENDEIlS. Elf. BIG DRIVES IN HATS ! Trunks and Valises AT Bed Rock Prices. (JEM'S Furnishing -:- Goods A SPKCIALTY. Stationery Just One-Half the Regu lar Price. Come to See Us ! w lieatliiuarters for BAKGAINS IX- General Merchandise Everything (Joes at One Price ! 3i"PoIitc attention given to all and those who trade with us one time will le sure to come again. IIesM'ct fully, JXO. F. SOUTIHUM), IVofir. jpAJI 'aniAsiao'! 'U3Nfl3N ? ZNVN (j siKuppy l h "3ia3HaS S3JDS OS '33S.10ITK335I9 Cf "SlS.lOn U j asoa tie. -p3anjBnfi uoiijviibs -paiisjiqul fj U OIUTOiBIBrt lOUIrf 3131 -UIO0 JSO K -ictsvd Ollt 0 -glUB3Il(ldKXTVO)33:ij f j i,lllttu 3q TAt fj Visas ?3KIA'sJ'a:) j 'XI.i:i.4 TIVKj; S33H I 1 ivi;aitL'T.CHO',S-l!,H3 fj V4KIA 'small "s-hsom u 'tasvij jo 3ilSvis.) new Spring goods"! Nothing but Spring Goods ARE ARRIVING DAILY AT- :c. KERN All thes.' (xm1 wore bought at SPOT CASH, ami w ifoiiiir to sell thcin at stonisliixig Low Prices LOOK AT or Embroideries To See Them is Our Stock of Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats and Shoes was never more varied than at present. C. KERN GOLDS BOKO, X. C. WILL DIVIDE WITH YOU. j Yon all know that almost ! LIXK has advanced very liiudi II want to say this, that I have ! LARGE AND WELL much of it bought before j propose to the Give You of the low the prices at which I Best Seed Potatoes, Best Seed Oats, Best Flour, and the BEST OF EVERYTHING UHES come to me. X . 33 . Fonvielle 33. 3VC. PRIVETT YVIIOLKSALK Grocer and 1867. Established. Offers for Cash. liarirains in all p-oods suc-li as Meat, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coiiee, Meal, Hay, Salt, Mixiil Cow Feed, Wheat Hran, Soap, Starch, Scxla, Huckets. H rooms, Seed Potatoes, Molasses, Lye, Potash, Candles. The Best of Cement and Lime, Plaster Paris, Iaths, Hair, live. Corn, Oats, liice Meal, etc. (HKEWEKY, A LEX AX 1)1! I A, VA.) Branch Office, GOLDSBORO, N. C, HKKWKKS AND UOTTLKKS OF THE CELEI.KATED Premium Tivoli Beer, In Kegs and Bottles ! Vienna, Cabinet, Tivoli, Culmbacher, and Export Beer of Unsurpassed Quality, and Best Soda Water, Sarsaparilla, Belfast Ginger Ale and all Kinds of Mineral Waters. F. W. HILKER, Manager. & CO.'S!: an OUR STOCK - and Laces! to Buy Them ! & CO., everything; in the GKOCKUY in the last month or so, and a SELECTED STOCK, remit heavy advances, and I the Benefit have bono it. If you want at the LOWEST FIG- AM) KKTAIL Cotton Buyer. 1867. A I iii nil i y