1 TFIK HEADLIGHT. I I II I AS. OlMi.VN OK WAYNK ('(II'M'V. (;,.i.isr.oK., X. C. May 11, lKtt. LOCAL NEWS. 'i'lic present cold spell aina-riiii.' to the bean and s wry foil on Th.iv a iv nrjilians at tin now twenty-thive Odd Follows "Homo, near this city. Mrs. W. H. Lewis lrft for Durham yesterday on a visit to lier sister. Mrs. II. U. Proctor. A neat cottage is bein,' built for Mr. X. X. IIollin--swoi-th on his lot on South John sireet. Mrs. Ed. E. Forsythe. of Kaleih, is in the city on a visit to her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Collins. flarden peas haw been almost a (omp!ete failure in this section. ome of our truckers failing to meet expenses. We received a pleasant call Tues day evening from Mr. AV. L. Cant well, the eloquent editor of the Wilson Advance. In all matters tending to the pro motion of Clold.-dxiro the new cit- of ficers will have the hearty co-operation of this paper. Dr. Win. Harris, of Wilson, pass ed through this city. Monday, on his way to r.edford City, Va.. on pro fessional business. Our youn,' townsman Mr. J. C. Eason left yesterday for Midland, Tex., to enae-e in the stock busi ness. Mrs. Eason will follow shortly. A fac-simile of a clock used in 14'.2. in the time of Columbus, can be seen at the jewelry establishment of Watts Watts, and is quite a cu ri isity. Our congratulations to Mr. Arthur Whitely. editor of the Mount Olive Review, in his marriage to Miss An nie M. l'earsall. at Mount Olive, last Thursday. The new Presbyterian church at Dover was dedicated Sunday by I lev. C. C. Vardell, of Xewbern. who; was assisted by llev. Jonas l.aivlay. j of this city. Memorial Day was fittingly com-, memorati'd in this city yesterday. A , lare number of country people were also present to honor the memory of i the dead heroes. j The sounding of the fire alarm j Tuesdav evening at 7 o"clix-k. was j caused by a burning chimney of the residence of Mr. A. D.Ward. Xo damage was done. j t wo children and a host of friends The largest Irish potatoes of the j are left to mourn her untimely de scason were shown us yesterday by ; mise. Mr. Ezekiel Carr, the superintend- j The Governor appointed. Friday. cut of Mr. Asher Edwards' ex nsive farm, near this city. Our Register of Deeds issued the fallowing marriage licenses this week: Mark Smith to Miss Dora Xewsom. L. G. Waddell to Miss Josephine H. Farrior. The extension of the Furniture Factory is Hearing completion. More workmen and more machinery will added to the plant to make the j upp Tii equal to the demand. j ,.., ,i t iir.- f Oilil Eellows is in session at Raleigh this week. The Goldsboro lodge is ably repre sented by Messrs. R. G. Powell, (del egate). Junius Slocumb and W. T. Dortch. A portable prison is being built ly the county authorities for the prisoners at work on the county roads. The prison will be transport ed wherever they ro by means four mules. The sidewalk between the St. James hotel and the Opera House is in a fearful condition and is a great annoyance to pedestrians. We trust that our city authorities will remedy this evil without any further delay. The American Xewspaper Direc tory of 1S'.:5. just issued, accords Thk Hkapi.ioiit the largest bona tide circulation of any paper pub lished in Goldsboro and Wayne coun ty. Here is a point for advertisers. The Southern Baptist convention will meet in Nashville. Tenu.. to morrow and will conclude its busi ness Sunday night. Rev. J. H. Ed- wards left here Tuesday evening as a delegate of the Goldsboro Haptist church. Tin" remains of our former towns man AI f. l. M. Johnson, who died at Ashevil'.e. Tuesday morning, aged; I'.:! years, were brought to this city 1 yesterday afternoon and conveyed to j Willow Dale cemetery where the in- j torment was made beside of his wife. The appointment of the postmus- J lor lu re will be made within the next ; ten days, and it is beyond any doubt i that Mr. John Y. Kryan will secure i the office. The present incumbent. Jno. It. Smith, has recently tendered; his resignation, which has been tic- i cej.ted. " j The death of Hev. V. II. Ive.v. for-1 liierlv pastor of the l'apt ist church here, occurred at his home in A u - gusta. Ga.. of paralysis. Thursday evening, aged ;."" years. His remains were taken to Favetteville and terivd in the fami on Saturday. y burying ground At the joint session of tin of County Commissioners and Hoard of Education. Monday, Mr. E. T. Atkinson, of Fork township, was elected Superintendent of Public In st ruction to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mayor I .road hurst. The annual salary of the su perintendent was reduced to -!.")(, and Ihe otlice days were lixed for -Monday and Saturday in each week. The election of Mr. Atkinson gives universal satisfaction. We have it from reliable authority that the Alliance-Third party com bination, of this county, will in a few days ask for the resignation of Mr. J. A. Stevens, its secretary, and will appoint in his stead that ''refawm' apostle, Annanias L. Swinson. It's the t ruth what hurts! For exposing that Alliance-Third party combination in these columns last week, the Progressive Farmer, of this week, calls our correspond ent. Mr. J. A. Stevens, "a cattle," and demands the proof to his as sertion. Xo doubt, it will be com plied with if worth noticing-. Several of our subscribers at Wal ter are complaining about the care less handling of mail matter at that post-oftice. If Mr. Geo. J. Yelver ton. the postmaster, is that anxious to read Thk Headlight every week, we would advise him to subscribe for it and leave other people's papers alone. Several letters reached this post ofiice Tuesday night, bearing evi dence of that terrible railroad ac cident at La Fayette. Ind., Sunday morning, as recorded on our first page. A Chicagodetter which reach ed us yesterday morning, has the appearance throughout that it had been next to mud. The bycicle contest entered into by Mr. Andrew J. Flannel', of Wil mington, and Mr. E. 15. Borden, Jr., of this city, from Seven Springs to this city, was carried out Sunday evening, both making the run of twenty miles in two hours and twenty minutes, notwithstanding the road being very sandy. The marriage of Mr. L. G. Wad dell to Miss Josephine II. Farrior, took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Farrior, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, Rev. 15. R. Hall, officiating. After the ceremony, a reception fol lowed, which was attended by a large number of invited guests. The most successful chicken raiser in this county, is undoubtedly Mr. J. W. Isler. of Saulston township. j He ships his chickens, already dress ed, to Xorthern markets and re ceives from '5." to 3D cents per pound. He says, it beats trucking and cotton raising, and keeps him in money all the year around. After a lingering illness. Mrs. Z. T. Brown quietly breathed her last Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock, aged IIS years. The funeral was held from her late home on Boundary street yesterday morning at 1 o'clock. Rev. . j. n;l. oH-ciatin. A husband. our townsman Mr. John F. Souther- land, a director of the Eastern Hos pital to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. I. S. D. Sauls, who recently moved to Norfolk. Mr. Southerland being one of our most progressive citizens, this appoint ment will meet with hearty approval, no doubt. The list of the escort of honor which will accompany the remains of Hon. Jeflerson Davis during the passage throuirh North Carolina. from Charlotte to Raleigh and thence to Richmond. Va., on the 30th inst., contains the names of two of our esteemed townsmen. Gen. W. G. Lewis and Dr. Jno. H. Hill, mem bers of Ruftin Camp. Confederate Veterans. Dr. Thos. Hill went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend the 40th annual f! meeting of the X. C. Medical Soci ! ety. of which he is Vice-President. i While there he will present Chief i Justice Sheppard with a walking ! cane cut some years ago from the ! grave of Hon. Eleazer Allen, one of who died at Lilliput, Brunswick county, in 174f. A peddler named M. M. Shrago was waylaid Friday evening on the public road in Saulston township by a negro named Jackson, an ex-convict, who after shooting at the ped dler three times, demanded his goods and money. The negro not succeed ing' in his design started on a run, followed by the peddler, but made for the woods and escaped. Satur- . duv evonin,r he was flight in Greene county, but when brought here that night by the shori IT of Greene coun ty, made a brc.ik for liberty when in front of the jail, and has not been seen since. l'.ilile Stini;,. The Uni-m I3ib!e Study class which was organized in our city some time airo for the purpose of giving our cliun li people, wniiout regard to denomination, an opportunity to study the Bible systematically, i ports progress in its work and is still actively engaged in its mission. The class meets at the home of Mr. F. J. ITage each Friday night at S o'clock and is conducted bv Gen- al Secretary II. D. Conover. To- j morrow night's study will be '"The ! Inspiratiou of the Scriptures." A ; cordial in vitation is extended to all, ; pastors especially invited. World's Fair Via Chesapeake and Ohio Ilailnav ! T!w ouickesl and best line to tin1 i ! World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty-three hour: from Charlottsville to Chicago. Doulili daily vestibule trains with Pullman sleeninsr and dining cars. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. 1 f yon desire to stop at the fa mous Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs or any of the famous watering plat a!onj the line of the t . v it., your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Siiecial arrantreinents for the care of organized parties. For full information and printed mat ter relatinsr to the orld s rair, address .Jno. 1). l'oits. 1). I. A., C. & O. H'y, Kichnionil, Va. COUXTY IIAPPEXISUS. As Gathered by our Regular Correspond ents in the Various Townships. Pikeville Budget. But for the rainy, cold weather, cotton chopping would be the order of the day. P. E. Winstead, J. F. Hosea and Addie Smith were visiting in the Pinkney section Sunday. C. F. Pate, who has been filling a position as telegraph operator at Monks Corner, S. C, is home on a visit. I learn that Lafayette Eatman, who was reported so low a few weeks ago, is improving slowly. Hope soon to see him out again. I am glad to know that Lillian, the little five-year-old daughter of W. L. Pike who had an operation per formed on Tier finger a few days ago, is getting along splendidly. John W. Rouse, formerly of Golds boro, has moved here recently and opened a new store which is known as the "Bargain Store." I am glad to know that he is doing well. Frank Albritton and Robert Las siter returned Monday to their homes in Greene and Lenoir coun ties from a visit to friends and rela tives in -this section. I understand that both are badly "smitten." Our town election passed off quiet ly, with the following result: W. H. Ham. mayor; G. II. Flowers, W. B. Albritton and J. W. Rouse, commis sioners. The new board held its first meeting Tuesday night. The appointment of clerk, tax collector, treasurer and policeman, was de ferred to a future meeting. The new board is revising and preparing for print a supply of town ordinances. Walter Jottings. A. T. Winslow and brother, of Goldsboro, were here Friday on bus iness. Mrs. Chas. M. Suggs, of Selma, is visiting her mother Mrs. B. F. Hooks. Quite a severe wind and rain storm passed over this section Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Howell spent Wednes day in Goldsboro visiting Mrs. D. V. Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mitchell spent Sunday visiting their aunt, Mrs. Jethro Howell. Miss Annie L. Howell, of La Grange, is visiting friends and rela tives in this section. Mrs. L. S. Benson and the little ones were visiting her cousin Mrs. Jno. Beard Saturday and Sunday. Jethro Howell was in attendance at the quarterly meeting of the Primitive Baptists at Dudley, Satur day and Sunday. Miss Julia E. Howell who is teach ing here lias been absent from school since Wednesday attending the bed side and burial of the infant child of her cousin. B. F. Scott, near Fre mont. That matrimonially inclined old widower, mentioned some time ago. after swearing revenge on his would be rival has "betook"' himself over the river a courting, but don't sav I told it. Thus far there is no clue to the thief or thieves who stole W. H. Brogden's meat from the house of his son Darius Brogden, about two weeks ago. There were about 5l0 pounds taken. 20 pieces of his and one piece of his son's. l'inkiiey Dels. Misses Nettie and Mary Hollowell, of Lowell, were among us Sunday. Allen Edgerton came home Sun day from a visit to relatives in Kenly. Don't forget the contest at Pleas ant Grove next Saturday night at 7:?A) o'clock. Joel Lewis, Jr., and wife returned home last week from a visit to rela tives in Goldsboro. Newton Bagley, of Stantonsburg. was visiting las sister, Mrs. Sarah Morris, near here last week. Rev. B. E. Perkins preached at Nahunta Sunday at 11 a. m. and at (jrurlev s school house at - P. m. Miss Nyrnpa Edgerton returned home last week from a visit to rela tives in Lowell. Johnston county. "W. H. Edgerton and daughter, Miss Delia, returned home Monday from a visit to friends and relatives in Selma. Mrs. Copeland, who has been vis iting her daughters. Mesdames Win. and John Hollowell, returned to her home in Northampton county last week. Died, near here, last Thursday, lit tle Sallie, the six-months-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brit ton F. Scott. The funeral was preached by Rev. W. W. Rose, of Fremont. We learn that the neighborhood pic-nic last Friday on the banks of Little river was a glorious anair. How could it be otherwise under the direction of such expert and popular "pic-nickers as the Misses Carrie Hooks, Mary Smith and Bessie Baker? '"Ye dotter"' had an invita tion, but as "Bill Nye'' would say, we were "extremely absent." For the benefit of the many old students and friends of Guilford Col lege residing in this county, we will give here a part of the program of its commencement exercises: Baccalau reate Sermon, Dr. Thomas Hume, on May 28 at 11 a. m. Address to the Literary Soc ieties, Dr. W. S. Creasy, af Charlotte, May 31st. Senior ora tions on June 1st at 10 a. m., then the Baccalaureate Address bv Joseph Moore. A. M., L. L. D., of Earlham College, Indiana. State ok Ohio. Citv of Toledo, i .. LlCAS COI'NTV. )""' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior pertner of the lirui of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county ami State afore said, and that said tirni will pav the sum of ONE IIUXimED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catanh that cannot lie cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. " Fkank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me anil subscribed in niv presence, this 0th day of December, A.' D. isxi;. A. W. CLE A SOX. Notary Public. ( 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciie.nev & Co., Toledo, O. (STSold by druggists, 75e. OBITUARY. Barney Daniel was born in Wavne county on Scptemlter 13, 1817, and died March 4. 1MJ3, aged 70 years, (J months and 4 days. It had been evident for some time that his life was fast ebbing away, but death found him prepared for life eternal. lie had been trying to serve the Lord for fifty years. lie join ed the M. E. church, South, altout fif teen years ago. It was largely through his instrumentality anil liberality that Daniel's Chapel, on the GoKlsboro cir euir,was built, which church was named in honor of him. About four years ago he withdrew from the Methodists and united with the Friends, of which church he remained a consistent member till God called him home. He attended the M. E. church, South, at Daniel's Chapel as long as he was able, and requested that his funeral be held in that church. He loved his Bible and was constantly pouring over its pages. He loved the Lord and was ready when He called for him. Brother Daniel had been in fee ble health for several months and was expecting to be called soon. He told his pastor, a few clays before his death, that he was ready whenever it should be the will of the Lord to take him. He suffered a great deal, yet endured faith fully all through his sickness. He was lieloved by all his neighbors. He leaves a wife and two daughters and several grand-children to mourn his de parture. His funeral was preached March o, 1J3, by Rev. J. It. Moore, to a large congregation, from Revelation 13-11: "Blessed are they that die in the Lord,' &c. He was laid to rest by ten der hands to await the resurrection of the just. "AsIlp in Jesus, blessed sleep. Fpiu which none ever wakes to weep." M. M. McFaui.axo. If oori'x Cures. In saying that Hood's Sarsa pari 11a cures, its proprietors make no idle or extravagant claim. The. advertising of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason, because it is true: it always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people, and it is al ways fully substantiated by endorse ments, which in the financial world, would be accepted without a moment's hesitation. Read the testimonials published in. lie half of Hood's Sarsaparilla, all from re liable, grateful people. The' tell the story. Hood's Sarsapa rilla cures. One act of charity is worth a century of eloquence. Tutt's Pills harmless and effective. The money a writer mak called his ink-come. might be Johnson's Oriental Soap is far supe perior to all other so-called medicinal soaps for beautifying the completion. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Modesty and humility are the bright est jewels in the crown of merit. There is notliiiiir I have ever ii d for muscular rheumatism that gives nie as much relief as Chamberlain's Pain Halm does. I have been tiding it for about two years four lottIes in all as occa sion required, and always keep a bottle of it in my home. I believe I know a good thing " hen I get hold of it, and Pain Balm is the let liniment I ever met with. W. B. Denny, dairyman. New Lexington, Ohio. 5(1 cent bottles for sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great blood purifier, jnves freshness and clear ness to the complexion and cures con stipation, 25c. 50c. All druggists. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga. Tenn.,savs:-Shiloh's Vitalizer -SAVED MY LITE.' I consider it the U-st rem edy for a debilitated system Fever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price ." cts. All druggists. SII1LOIFS ( THE is sold on a guar antee it cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 2 cts, .10 cts., and'sjl.OO. Sold by all druggists. SHILOH'S VITALIZEll is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of ilvspe sia. F'rice 10 and 7."k" cents per hot tie. Sold liv all druggists. . J5.-3-J. V. stand in the Howell has moved his rear of the liostottice. where he would Hu ron s. to see his pat- This Week Only! We offer one lot buggy harness at 53.00 per set at Southerland's. Silk umbrellas from 73 cents up at Southerland's. Straw Mattings. The lastes importations and nov elties at the N. Y. Bargain Store. Our stock of clothing must be sold at Southerland's. Hats! Hats! All grades and colors, at lowest prices at Southerland's Cash Store. We are the only people selling "Tricora" Corsets at 73c. at South erland's. Ask For ;."7! Our new fifty cent corset. Bargain Store. X. Y. For bed tick, white goods, bleach ed goixls, etc., go to Southerland s. n Flosicry Hosiery! The best 10 cents hose in the city can be found at the X. Y. Bargain Store. For Stationory land's. go to Souther- Best in The World! For the best $2.00 Shoe for ladies tro to Southerland's Cash Store. It is equal to any 5.00 Shoe. Buv vour trunks and valises at Southerland's. A Large Variety Of collars, cuiTs, etc., at Souther land's Bargain Store. Ladies' gauze vests from 81 cents up at Southerland s. Down They (Jo ! Window shades from 23e. Southerland's Bargain Store. up at Remember you can get ladies spring heel shoes at Southerland's. An elegant line white goods Southerland's. at Boys' fins land's. shoes for $1 at Souther- Shoe jMilish at Southerland's. Pant roods of all kinds at South erland's. Don't You Do It. Until you come to see us. We are now overstocked with the best Xorth Carolina Corn Whiskey that has ever been brought to this town, and will sell it to the uublie for the next 1'0 days for the small sum of $1 per gal Ion, and all other whiskies, cigars tobacco, etc., in proportion. Lewis & Pate (Joe Parker's old stand.) lie Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. Tin electrical forces of tho human Ixxly, r.f ti: s iiorve fluid may bo Urmcd, I a.i t rit ci tliy attractive department of sclcuco, :usi! fierts so marked an Influence on tlio lic:tl:l f i lie organs of tlio body. Nerve for-i-v i pro'lu 'c:l by the brain and conveyed I ". !.ijaiij of tho nerves lo tUe various or:nis o tUc- iioJy, thussupplyinii the latter Uii ih vitality necessary 10 1 n-su-- ihair health. Tho pn:iaio;:astria nervo, aj sii r.. n hera, may be said i ) b5t!iemost important of the en' ire nervo sys tem. &3 it supplies the huart luns, stomach, bowels, et3., with the nerve force necessary to keep theia active and healthy. A? will be seen by the cut the Ion? nerve lii-'scendins from the b-ia of the brain and terminating in the bo-.v-tj.s Utile Mieumoxnvtrtc, t!a branches supply theifj'$-f' neaii, ntnss an t stom-Cj3 ' n "h with necessary vi- or.!e:-e;l by irritability roxi-i!ntion. tha nerve for.-e which it supplies i.i ies?-!iiMj. ana tna or- ei:n recelvin' tho til rai :i:s!iea supp y are con- s.M ij.i'.ly weaken;?!. t'.i., s ci:in Rent-rally fail to recognize. no i:ii;jrtr.nc3 of this fact, but treat the - ran iwe.f instead of the cause of the trouble i'nj nj'ed spe-ialUt, Franklin Miles. M. .. 15., Ii n iven iho preater part of l:U life ii tn-i study of this subject, and tho irin ipil tii- 'overiescinicerniii it nreduetohbeiii.rt--. lr. Miles' Meliorative Nervine, the unri-v-ilod brain and nerve food, is prepared on the iMii-.cipie that, all nervous and many other rti'ii'ji'liies originate from disorders of the ::crvc centers. Its wonderful success lnc irlriir t ie ;e d;rd-rs is testified to by tuouaandd in evi-i-y part of the land. !V vorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, r:Ci-vou p;-ost rat ion, dizziness, hysteria, msx jutl duiilli! y, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It 1 1 fri" foni opiates or dangerous drugs. It i : :ioH oa a. por-iiivo guarantee bv ail drnif- i -..s. or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Mbhnrt. Ind., on receipt of price, SI per ''y. ;;, tix bottles forl'3, expiess prepaid. Spring Has Come And So lias SPRING STOCK! OUR NEW WE OFFER Bargains in Every Department. bargains in Dry Cooib. bargains in Notions, llargains in Shoes, FSargains in Groceries, bargains in Classu are, bargains in Tinware, bargains in Trunks, bargains in Valises. Come, See And Be Convinced ! UOSTON KAKtiAIN - HOUSE, T Hunter Hall. Frank H. Edniundson. I'roprietors. WITH ENLARGED QUARTERS I am now enabled to display THK HANDSOMEST FURNITURE ever brought here, consisting of Walnut Suits, Oak Choral Suits, Oak Suits, wit h a full line of -BABY-:-CARKIAGES!- To Src Tlicm is lo liny Them ! PRICES LOWER THAN EVER R. SUMMERFIELD, EAST ( EN THE ST. OUR SPRING STOCK HAS ARRIVED ! And it you uesire to secure first choice, don t put it olt but come at once and inspect The Beautiful Goods on our shelves, which are va ried in every department Those who have visited our store have the unanimous ex pression that we "have out done ourselves this season.'1 The Prices Are Captivating as the styles, and every sin de article will be found to correspond with the hard time. MILLINERY! This department will be found most complete, both in trimmed and untrimmed hats, and at prices to defy compe tition. Don't fail to take a glimpse of the Handsome - Novelties We otter in this particular line. JUJIn shoes we continue to lead, by keeping renowned makes at rock bottom figures. J. W. BIZZELL k COMPANY EAST CKXTItE ST. i, 1 m MILLINERY! Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Latest Styles. Flowers and Ribbons, Window Shades, Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Straw Hats, Tin and Glassware. ("Everything lower than ever. THE RACKET STORE, E. Centre St., : : COHEN A. CO., rn.p rs. FOll SEWElt PIPE, ALL SIZES, - Tin Roofing, Plumbing, Sew ing Machines and Cook Stoves, SEE ME BEFORE ISUYIMS ! John-:- Slaughter, E. Walnut St., GOLDSBORO. A Beautiful Line OF PHOTOGRAPH -:- FRAMES ! JUST RECEIVED. Twenty Thousand Stock-worn Envelopes, Of All Colors, BELOW COST! AT Goldsboro Pook Store, J. F. MILLKK, Pkoi-uietou. LARGE ADDITIONS TO OUH SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK RECEIVED DAILY IN Every - Department ! COME AND SEE THEM. H. Weil & Bros. Welcome - You - Are TO SEE OUR NEW SPRING MILLINERY ! ALSO- FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND- Silk -:- Hosiery ! IN VEILING. Stamping Done ! Wiih Neatness ami Dispatch. We will lo more than pleased to how von what we have, to quote you prices ami post you on the projter tlnn to wear this Spring. J. Henry Edwards. DETERMINE TO UNDERSELL! Mr trade was the largest last year liy several thousand dollars than any pre vious year, ami I am determined it shall Ik? still larger this year. I have on hand A Big New Stock bought lefore the last rise in goods, such as Pants, (iinghams. Worsteds, Pant Cloth. lied 'lick. Red and White Flan nel. Cheviots. Hickory and Drilling Check and White Homespun, Oil Cloth, Suits, Shawls, Susenders, Umbrellas, Socks and Stockings and lots ot other Notions and Dry Goods ! !- Hats. Clothing, Trunks and Valises. Roots and Shoes, Sole leather. Half- soles and Shoe Thread. Hardware, Tin ware, (llassware. Crockery, ood and Willow-ware. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Hom inv. Rutter. Lard. Flour, Molasses. Soap, Starch. Patent Medicines, and lots of otlier groceries, almost all grades. Snuff and ( igars. Now for Tobacco. I have on hand over 3000 pounds of different kinds of Tobacco at -x per pound, men iroin 15 to 50 cts. er pound, smoking 20 40c. per pound, (live me a call and convinced I do sell cheap. Noth to 1 be ing but spot cash. but sp Ed. L. Edmundson, GOLDSRORO, N L. G. Waddell, Contractor it And Builder, GOLDSRORO, N. C. Specialty on Cottages. Plans and estimates furnished on application. Cixt IR,ate Prices -IN STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES! LOOK AND BE (iiwn's August Flower, 75t for G.V. Dr. King s New Discovery, 1 for Sx-. Hall's Hair ltenewer, $1 for S.V. Ayer's UeiiR-dies, $1 for 8.V. II.hhI's Sarsai:irilla, $1 for Pierce's Remedies, $1 for 8.V. Scott's Emulsion, 1 for Six-. Above remedies and several others too numerous to mention will be sold at these prices, for cash only, at Spicer's Drug Store I TO FARMERS AND TRAVELING MEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! Don't forget the European Restaurant "When in Goldsboro. First-class in every respect, good cook and everything the best the market affords. Kun .(' days in the year. Meals 25 to 50 cents. Norfolk Oysters and Game in their season. E3AST CENTRE STREET,- Two Doors North of Hotel Kennon. Ice cream, cooled drinks, confectionarie groceries. JAMES D. DANIEL, : : AGENTS ",: ,VAN!ffiM; rmvx DEALERS Jack -- Frost -- Freezer ! A Scientific Machine made on a Scientific Principle, Save their cost a dozen times a year. It is not mussy or sloppy. A child can operate it. Sells at sigiit. Semi for prices and discounts. 29 Murray Street, NEW YORK. MAKES ICE CREAM IN 30 SECONDS ! "iOr'A sample of the freezer can lie seen at this office. ooocxxooooooooooocxc Do You FEEL SDCSC? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Buff&?r.HTAKE RIPANS TABULES "VcWI&Vte RIPANS TABULES "SSSSt&V:" take RIPANS TABULES f"e1JVf?KK "Intake RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate ihe System and Preserve the Health. 1 EASr jONE GIVES j RELIEF. SAVE Sold All Cannot Possess a- $10,000 SOUVENIR (This sum was paid for the first World's Fair Souvenir Coin Minted.) in the shape of a coin, but many can have fa c-si miles of this valuable work of art only U. iTOvernment for 1 each. United States Government World's Fair Souvenir Coins- The Official Souvenir of the Great Exposition 5,000,000 of which were donated to the World's Columbian Exposition by the Government, are being rapidly taken by an enthusiastically patriotic As there early promised to be a demand for these Sou venirs. that would render them very valuable in the hands of speculators, the Exposition the price at $1.00 For and sell them direct to the people, thus realizing $5,000,000, and using the additional money for the further develop ment of the Fair. Considering the fact that there were but 5,000,000 of these coins to lie distributed among 05,000,000 people, in this country alone (to say nothing of the foreign demand,) and that many have already been taken, those wishing to purchase these mementoes of our Country's Discovery and of the grandest Exiwisition ever held, should secure as many as they desire at once. For Sale Everywhere. Realizing that every patriotic American will want one or more of these coins, and in order to make it convenient for him to get them, we have made arrangements to have them sold throughout the country by all the leading Mer chants and Banks. If not for sale in your town, send $1.00 each for not less than five coins, by Post-office or Express Money-order, Registered Letter or Bank Draft, with instruc tions how to send them to you, all charges prepaid, to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 111. CONVINCED. Simmon's Lirer Iteg., 1I., $1 for S.V. Simmon's Liver Keg., pkg., 2."x fr I'Oe. S. S. S., V.. IS. R, P. P. P., 1 for Kic. Mrs. J,H' Person's Kennily, 1 for S." Tint's, Indian I!oot and all oilier pills. 25c. for 2" k: Sulnhur P.ittcrs, $1 for 8."x fruit. nii'l fiim-v Proprietor. TO TAKF .QUICK TO ACT MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. by Druggists Everywhere. special coin ever issued by t lie people. Authorities decided to place Each Coin