THE HEADLIGHT. 1'IT.LIMII-:!) KVKilV TIU'IiSDAY. siTrsenirriox i.oo vi:v, ykau. A. UOSnMYKIl. l'.ili'.oi-iiiitl l'nin-tr. c.n.nsumto. x. c. August :;. is'.i::. not sai i: to !;r. tsii: jssi f. As list' t i i lit' :ipr4:u-iu' to" nii'vlinjf of ('oii.ii'i't'--thi-rt' h' tarill' tali; -iii:m:itinr f nun ft-rlain qu.'.rU'i-s. h is slate. I that Ihi' ;uviiinu!atit!is of piir siiviT in t!ic Trt'a-ury art' not the i-aii-c of Hie financial troubles, lit t'lat the t.uill' is at the root of the diliicult y. Therefore, a few people have come forward to say that ('onirress houll lei the silver question alone and settle the tarill first. Xt tlouiit this would suit thefree siiver advocates of the West and some of the most rampant tariff re formers of the East. lint anyone whose mind is at all sensitive to the trend of puhlic opinion must know that the taritf issue is not onlv in the I ,:ie!; hut doomed to stay there until the silver question is settled. 1 net onrres envied 10 deal with the .McKinley law has .in other duly to perform ti r-t, as Pre sident Cleveland's message next week will undoubtedly make plain. It will lie a uTievous mistake for :mv!)ody to t:y to push larili re form into the fore front of the pro ceedings of the extra session, (iranted that the taritf law s need vefonninjr. the country is still face to face with an emergency in ii nance that hrooks no delay. It is unforlunate thai consideration of the money proMem shouhl spoil a political programme, hut so it is, and the order of legislation now is peremptorily changed from what was liioUirht. tt Ie the logical order of things when the Chicago plat form was drawn up. The emere-encv now uiion the re- i i.iii.'; li.i '.,f ,...,..! Ii. o ii.l ! .len urowth. It has literally filled ! the political sky, as the eilects of the Shernian acL have lilletl the commercial horizon with .storm ami dismay. To tloilo;' the irue issue and to seek the suhMUution of the lariil for the silver (piestion would . able and one as ro.d as the tdher. he alike perilous to the country and j Now. in objecting to the repeal the political party upon which the ! tf the only law on our statute responsibility has fallen. Let it be ! '""'ks which binds us to the use of hoped that when Conoress meets ! J"iIv'r without some substitute the voice of public opinion mavl.e"" "'iiti" t1lil1 to make -ood heanl, and the silver problem mav j 1,10 l"-(""isi's f Inform, nohon , , , , ,., i est man can doulit that 1 am with be solved, and as speeoilv as the 1 , . . ., ,. ...... 1 , ' . I anil not airanist tiie partv wmeh iornis ol legislation and a careful I , -ri " , made those promises. Theoidvpos consideration .,f ihe .piesUon will sihW, way to aV(ii(, th; . vimoll is :l"ou'- ; to assume cither that those promises ,., . . ,, . i were fraudulent and not bindimr. or I hk iririnia C olieofe for 1 ounr ! , , , , ' , - - that X ne partv has since chaiiiretl its Ladies, under the presidency of Dr. ll0!ition ;ulll ww fav,.s al)an;lonin . .v. 1 1 :i rris. is one or tiie most attractive and !)eautiful homes in t!ie South. Kle colleife mt new buildino-s. wiih all modern ini proveiuents; with new piano, fur niture, etc.: a camiiusof ten acres, fanned by mountain breezes; iiuiir niliecnt mountain scenery in the valley of Virginia famed for health; a laro-e and accomplished board of Kuropean and American teachers. The C'olletre is located on the sub urbs of IJoanoke one of the most healthful and beautiful cities in the South accessible by railroad from all parts of the country. No par ent can lind a more desirable school for his dauo-hier than is the Virgin ia C'ollt'ire. with all its splendid eiuipnients and desirable location. The Collco-e opens September 14. Did it ever occur to the wise men who are talking about the in trinsic value" of metal in coined money that tiie cent does not con tain a cent's worth of copper, that the nickel" does not contain live cents' worth of that metal, and that no bank note or paper dollar in the world ever had any "intrinsic val ue" to speak of: There is a deal of fooli-lmess talked over this .Vi-cent dollar which continues to buy loo cents' worth of stutf. TiiKY hail a f till-tledired necklie party in (lasion. S. C, Sunday niorniiur, in which several lnunlred while people and three ncrncs participated. The negroes were cliarcfd willi criminally assaulting -Mrs. Arch Sirht!er, of Lexinjrton eounty, and they pit ii ""in tiie neck." ann. !e-. and in fact all over their wretched bodies. The illiquid of the i-uti-auvd was mere an.l saw inat tin we!! done. wi ir! was Tin-: new Congress will be made Up of :'.:.(, Keprex-ntalives and SS Senators, and it will lu. interest inir b. see how they divide on the silver pietion by and by. illl- DlU-i.-lllI Sun .. " ' step ioi-ward. It is now printed from ils own type a.nd pre. Con- tmueil success to K.litor Uobinsoa. - - - - Arevenl'tilr:::;. , -n In that til leeuie' or mi-k ica. ai Y in can be lelieed of all t hee svi.o.t. 1 ... taking Hood s Salsai.ariUa. whi.-h .rives nerve. mental and l.odily stri'ii!'tl7:iiHl thol-oll"hlv lllirilies the lilood It ..1.. cn-at.-s a oo.i.l appetite, cures in,i";es- uoii. Heart iiiiru ami l't'lia. Hood-s rills are easy to t.-iLi '... action and sure in clTcct. 2. cts aV6.. SE.VVTOU VAXCL WRITES AGAIN. His Con:! ruction f "' niicasyo Plat form. lm Wliirli He Slamls Fully Ho Proposes It) Tut Froo C'oinnu:o. r-r Oho Tliinir, in Hie ll;if r U"' Mr iiiaii Law Tlit' Platform Mount That or It Was Insincirt'-Ilc Wants Its rirtk'os Kept; AM r Tlieni. t h:iri..tU- OI,-...i v1r. Cli.MI'.KooX. I Xkau Hi.ack Mountain-. X. C, July 27. lsit:;. N J. 1 Cai.mvki.i.. Ksj.. Dear Sir: 1 take no exception to your comment on my recent letter to Hie Meckl. nln.rr County Alliance, beyond the fact that you authoritat ively designate me as diH'crinjf from my partv. and misrepresent my words with the letter before you. The charge that a Democrat is at variance with his party, wlu refuses to favor the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law. depends for its truth on what the party laid down in its platform at Chicago, if promises and pledges amount to anything. Let us see: The Chicago platform de mands inter alios, the repeal of the Sherman law, as a cowardly make shift, an obstruction to the free coin are of silver., etc. The obvious mean in r of this is. if that law was out of the way we could have free coinage (1 quote from memory, hav ing "o copy oi ine iiaiiorui ieioi e me). That is on of the things 1 pro pose to put in place of the Sherman law; and 1 propose to vote against repeal unless that is done. If my oartv is opposed to that, then its utterances at Chicago were insincere and intended to deceive; it it was sincere, then T am trvinr to stand on the platform. Arain. it pledges tin party to the use of both jjold and silver, on enual terms, without dis crimination against either as to coin age, el cetera. Xow. if we cease to coin one and refuse to tender it in payment even of obligations which by the contract are payable therein, we do discriminate against that met al in coinage and virtually cease to use it. In opposing the repeal of 1he Sherman law without some sub stitute preserving the use and coin- of silver. 1 am piatvly with the partv. and iIiom' who favor uncoiuli ti,,lial ,vlH"a! u,v m'1 wiili it but are violal mo-its most solemn piedovs. A train, the platform pledges t!i' party to su.-h legislation as shall maintain the parity between ld and silver, so that a ".'old dollar and a silver dollar shall be intercliaii''e- ; siVl.r ait ther. and of neither of these propositions is there any proof j acceptable to me. The pledges of the platform are joint and not sepa rable on the subject of silver money. Vou cannot select one. the repeal of thf ShiTinaii law. for cxainp'.o, and lu-oiM.S'..' to ri'di'-.-m il alone and de- liimnt i' tlnf win i insist on the ful filhnt'iil of all. as iintrue to the par ty or ditlerinj.'' lYnni it. Nor will men of common sense who are loyal to the purposes they profess surrender the advantages of their position. The law now in existence can We kept thus hy the non-concurrence of either the Uuu-e. the Senate or the President to its repeal; wheivas. that Sherman law once repealed, the measures (whatever thev may be) which are to take its place- to con tinue the use .,!' l,th mild and silver, maintain their parity, remove the tax on State hanks and the like would have to !.,-passed by affirma tive leuislution reijuirinr the concur rence of all three branches of the law-makinir department. X sensi ble man acquainted with the situa tion can believe for a moment that these measures could be passed un der such circumstances. The power of that combined capital which has forced the cailiiijr of the extra ses sion and is threatening todestroy a.irain. and finally, the use of silver money, would certainly be able to influence at least one branch of the legislative department, which would he sufficient for their purposes. Bl unt deceived; evil communications corrupt rood politics as well as ood manners. The professed friend of siivcr money who will favor the un conditional repeal of the Sherman law. trusting' to the justice of capital or the chapter of accidents to rct fa vorable legislation thereafter, is eith er a traitor or a fool. . I cannot conclude my 'letter with out expivssinir )(,th my surprise and sincere ri-eret at other statements in your editorial. Hints that my letter rives aid to Republicans and Third party men I was prepared to see. as also the coupling of my name with that of --Maryann" Rutler. by such a money toady as your "able" correspondent. "Cold-bin'." but I l.-mu- ,,f n,.tl,:.w. :.. .. . . I'"' 1 or my own wliu li led such ihin.'s f.-o,M ,-.. me to expect In the dosing para-raph you speak of my letter as containiii'"a public -i,;d deliberate avowal of sympathy !-ith the financial policy of ihe Fur- iiiers" Alliunei Xow. sir. unle 'SS i VI ill assimio vvleit no liitoll!. o-ill silvcrastnoiu'v is exclusively the '-fi- naiicial policy" of that organization, ;i l-e-reailiti"; of lay letter would at once have shown you that there was not one word of truth in the state- meat; not on k. Kead tl;o ieltcr)Vt r and see ii' you are not- compeiud .u confess that you spoke too soon. f am squarely rn the Democratic platform: I wimt nil its pledges kept, those which favor the people as well as those desired bv the bankers and brokers. If 1he refusal to set ve them first without some guaranty (hat the people shall participate also, puts me out ol the U'liiivrattc p.ii.v, vou will, my dear .sir. if yoi: live a few months lo!i-,'i'. see the greater part of that party deliberately wall; out of itself leaving nothing behind but a smell of brimstone and Wall street. Yours re.-pet tfully. Z. II. Vaxck. Au Insuperable Obstacle. Miss Ricketts Why don't you many Mr. Munn? Are your parents opposed to it? Miss Giddey No. but Mr. seems to be. Voirae. LOOK T THESE IVIXTS, showing where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets excel the ordi nary pills : They're smaller; easiu' "to take; easier ill their ways. o griping; no distur bance; no reaction litter ward. Their influence hist. By tli'.'ir tonic or streiitlietiintr ef fects on the int'T.tiues, they increase the natural action vi the bowels, und perma nently cure Constipation, Biliousness, Juun-dk-e, "Indigestion. lUzzincss, Sour Stomach, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and every like disorder. Any chill takes those tiny, suar-coated Pellets rendilv. They're put up in little sealed vials, and thus kept always reliable, whilo thev can easily 1-e carried in the vest-j mcket. j Nothing else at use.' price is as hi(ip, for , they're guaranty to give satisfaction, or j vour monev is returned. 1 ou pay om. ir ine goixl you tret. i No substitute that a tricky dealer is r--ady j to urge, though it nny be tM-ttcr for him to j sell, can be " just i goinl " lor you to fete. j DE. B. F. AERINGTON. ! Oilic- rouins ihit Mil-:.- M..n-. Wi-i ' Centre Street. I KKTII A Sl'KClAl. rV : j Also triMi'intr ! :t-nl ;iim. ;illd , 11 ilisea-i's j i-lt:ti 1! i li IT to the ilelit:tl t nirtlll'e. I SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY,! s.u.o. x. r. ! OiiW Fllf l.'ni!f!v ji the Smiili. : Tin- '.': Alilltl:.! S,.,;, :; S,-;i-ti-tiil ! .'.i !i. V-U.'Ut.-r f-'i' l:t-t v:ir ;!ti'.'. Sn'i-i:il f,-:il '.ir.'-:- the 1 '. -li ;ii n-sit !' lii-:ilth. ; i : 1 1 : i t -1 -: ai'.'i I n ! c! 'crt . l'.i;i I'iiii- t in!-.ii'lii;.- rem 1 -1 3 1. i-'iilly 1 1 ii I j . J l'reiar:i!!ry. i ''leiate :uul l'ti-t lliaaunti' Dei'.'ulMi.nt-. I-.-iile iilt-el:i-- -rh'M.N in iie. All. I.:'.n rti:iure. Kiiieiiti,in. ( '"inn: -: via! ainl Iti-ilu-tiial Stnlie. JOHN II. CLKWr.l.L. i'llm-ii-al. VIRGINIA COLLEGE. For Vtnuiir Ladies, Koanokc, Va. K-tis Soj.t. II. 1-. :. A lH.-aul!tiiI an.l uttrai-tivt '..IU-ite X.-w l.uil.iini:s. ::,.. nu tht- lin.-t in tin- Soiitli. .M.. U:n i:;i.piv-ii,-iit-. Ni-w ami Illinium-. I :ci'i ii T. n arrcs, ii':i;n:n-riit im .iin tain Mvn.-rv: in alley i.f irL-ii.:.i taimvl fi-rln-a!tli. Klin.) ami Aa-riran ti-arln-r-. Kiill i-.iir-c. Ail van!. i.:-- in .Muir an t .rr nn- .- I'.-.l. l-'.-r aTa- v. A. ii.;;::is. i.. i; Aslieviile Female College. Siieeia! attrai-l mn- all ii ,.-- ei Dilate. I, I . :irlit fill roiU'v- uf in iuileil i:viii- ;.- eel.lnate.l Wonlelf'll heahll leeo! liuinelil'e. Well or.!. -red .-triu-tioii. 'I'lioieiiii'liiy i nasiiim. Mii.ii- mi.ler I'rof. Cialiaa . ( J. rniary i. An mi.ler Mis Illytlie i I'.'iri-i.. lloll.e in een acres of lia.le.l lau n in the heart of a beautiful t-it v. bomns lineiy fiiniilied. Steam lieatinir an. I sanitary iliiiiiliiii' t !ir oiLTlt1 tit. Chai u'es as l.e.v a-; a line si-huol can make t hem. S.-nd f..r cata- h.L'ile. A.MlV Kkv. Jamks A I kins. Adl. vilie Fe!lia!eCo!l.-'e. A-h.-vi 1 !e.N . ( '. TIIK NOIiTH I.'AIJOLINA College of Agrlcjiture-Mechanlc Arls hctrill its l-'it'tli Se.-.-ion Seile:ilhi-l- 7th. is;i:!.' '1'liis College U now well e.jaipjieil for il - i-eeial v. oik. ha in eteiii e W'ooil ainl Iron shops, earcful ly lilted up 1 )ra uiiiir-i'ooiii. ( h.-inieal. botanical and Horticultural ries. (Ji-eeiihoii.e an.l bai n. The teaching force for the next year cousi-t of liflceli iiien. The two nillix es lead to rra. Illation in Arriciilture and in ?dec!iauica! and C'n ii Knincer injj. Total cost a year, iai-iinliiij; hoard : Coimty Studei;t. '. s iKI.oO I'av Students lv!:!..-() For catalogues, apply to A. l IM JLLAI AV. I'l eM.lelit. bal.-ii,. x. c. ST. MARY'S School for Girls, I'aleih, North Carolina. The Advent Term of the l-'ifty-Seeon.l School Year w ill ln-in Senlemhcr 'JIM, lS!i:i. Special attention paid to rhyvical Culture and Hviricne. Aldres the Hector. SEV. B. SMEDES, A. M. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. A Classical 0 Commercial School. FOKTY-SECOND YEAH. Rest equipped institution of theelass in the South. FinebuilcliiiKS.i-leKantsociety.aiiJ V.Jl.t'.A. Halls. Well-furnished Library, Kturiiiie Krauu, and well equipped Ovmmisiuni. Literary. Business, Tele graphic ami short-Hand liepartmenls. Heautit'ul ami healthful location, in view of the mountains. Muilenls here IsiM yrnr. Fnll Term opens Au. 15. Apply lor t'auloxue to Profs. J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. I'.URtS WHtKf ALL HS.f fills. I Best Couvh byrup. Tatoes Good. Use in lime, pom oy omeiriRts. -;.-' . A:, A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Iixilan.i tviiil liliufi'd licr thousands of liriivo Milttit-rs ti the war. and no Malt' brar a i ti ter record in that respect than it dues. In literal iav it is rapid!) acqiiiriiij: an imiv i:i!ii; place. in war a:id lilt-rat nit Solomon Vt-wcll, well known ::s a writer- .s Sol," has ,ii an honeralili' p'.isit ion. Our inir 1l " late war he w as a nu-iiiM'-r of ). M, N. Y. t'.ivrdi-y and of the i:i Ii Indiana I n f.'.nlrv Voiiinu-er-s. hVaii r.ii'is an iiiiioriant (ii--inn-,'a!:ce he '.vrilesas mlions: "Seteral of us o!d ve!era!is here are iisin;: Or. .Mih-V l.'eTer.itive Nervine. Heart t'tae and No-it' and l.iver Pills, all of lliern civini: .splcno'hl satifaclion. In fact, we have never iisc.l remedies that coinpaiv with them. Of I he I'iils we must say they are the best com bination or the iialities required in a prep aration of i heir nature we have ever know ii. We have none but words of praise for I hem. Thev are the outgrowth of a new principle in medicine, ami tone up I he system wonder fully. We say to all, try these remedies." Solor ion Vewell, Marion, I nd., 1 h-t: 5. l.syi Thes ? remedies are sold by all druisiists on positive guarantee, or sent, direct by. the lir. .Miif-s Medical Co.. Klkhart. Ind.. on re ceipt of price, s jht Ixittle, six Imttles S.", ex press prepaid. They positively contain neither opiates nor dangerous drus. soi.n i;v Dun- .ICIIN' II. HN.l. M1N. "isis. i;.''.., N. c. SHOES Made To Order, AX li :-Neatly Repaired,-: -ON TllK MOST ECONOMICAL TERMS! j Vt'fV I itVC LTlianilltt'tMl lllllt ' lei -t m v ln il i ' l:f" Ut'iiit'iiibt-r my place Avlifii lict'tliiiLr work tltiiic, A. B. O'NEAL, Next .lo ( ; r:t ul ii:m T- Marble Works. A NICE LOT -OF i :- HAMMOCKS,:-! -Ai- AM JUST Prices ! RECEIVED -AT (jlolrishoro Hook Storo, J. K. MlbbK'.:. I'lroi-uiKioi: I DEFY ANY MAN 1)11 iY I Illl Li ) )LMW . -! Dry Goods and Notions ! - I alir.. ." ct-iiiN an.l ii. 1'ant i-L.tli llic ami up. IV.I f. -k m- an. I ii).. !n k.-.l i.nlv .'-. I' onlv -. I incha .;-. lllcnl-.. I l"r.-vs t .is M ill. lie's wi.l.-..njy m t-.-i 1 1 . An.l I. .In .f i.tln-r lln'sx O.kkN t lu ap. A liiu !..t ..f r.lilx.n. 'lowt-N .V anil up. Ciulm-Hut I.'..- ami u)i. W ire liurkl,- 2(1 an.l Wi rvnt. La.lit-s- V --ts liv. Men s t n,U-r-.liirl -.'.. i lil l . tli eniy 3(1 .vnts. HATS AND SHOES! 1'iiili!' !la,N fri.iu ! t.. Ml rents. Mi-n's Ilk- to M....I. alls, s from '.: t-ents to l.:.ll: Trunks !).V '.::. overall I'.mts ;,('(-. .la.kels I'antJ. mil .M.e to i.:.ii. I liave tin- lara.-st. newest an.l in..s.t nuipU-te .H-ki.f SUk-, I everha.l. Suliil's Sli.- im 4H- to f.:::,. I.a.lies- fr.nn KlMI to 1.7.-.. Men's l t" tof'i. All Sli, s w.irranle.l all l.-ath- . SIi.k.' 'I'lin a.l per hall. Half-Holes llh-ivr pair. I.eatliL-r VI rents per nni1. Almost All Kinds of Groceries. stai. ii an.l S.mI.i ; j,er lb. ( ollee l'.R-. Kir.' .ie. Iloimny Al - Oreasc .V Ik..t. lVptr i:k-. Mali-lies s.'ii tor ... -. I,....k at (lie i-ut priees on I'at ent Me.lit-in.'s: Syrui. S.aiills, I'ureirorie. I roil. 'I'ine- ture Iron. I !ye. -?'i:n-, 'er:nif .lire, fnnu III to ;. Itoykin's U or:n Killer im-. I'erry Davis l'am KiM.-r. Indian !!....! I'iils. Yut Is' I'iils, tv.lnee.l tol'lic. Sweet Oil ami liv. t astor I iil ; an.l Ilk-. Macliine lil IIK-. !'r. l.i-;.. I-' Uii.-kli-l.erry :i eonlial for ili inii.ea. prie .'.l-e. ..nlv 1'elen.on's Liniment lily -'.'-. Hark, i s ll..rse an.l I attle I'ow.ters I'in are. .k.,1 ami Wilb.w Ware. I'nK-kery Ware if all i i l.rss are. etc. Note: A line lot of I'oliaeeo P'.e up. ( iuars 1 to .V. SiiioksiicToh.teeo ,'nt,, Iiu-ents. Ed. L. Edmundson, TIIK llt'STI.Ki:. Walnut street, I ...l.l-lioro, N. ('. DON'T FORGET THE FACT! That v. e have a complete line of Summer - Millinery, Which we par. re nlTcrinjr at prices to eoni with tin- hanl times. NOVELTIES IN HATS And liiinnets. aad all sorts of fancy shapes. OL'R - USE - OF - BABY - m Mint he seen to lie appreciated. A FULL STOCK OF HOSIERY In every iniaodnalile color, for ladies . and children, at prices to suit all. Stamping Done ! Willi Neatness anil Dispatch. C"(iif us a call ami we will make it to your interest to purchase from us. J. Henry Edwards. West Centre St., (ioMsboru, N. V. i I" l)Ll II1L I New summer goods ! NOTHING BUT SUMMER GOODS, ARE ARRIVING DAILY -AT- :c. KERN All these o;tKls wciv btms'lit tfoinr; to sell Low Prices LOOK AT OUR STOCK OK Embroideries To See Them is to Buy Them ! Our Stock of Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats and Shoes was never more varied than at present. C. KERN CJOLDSr.OUO. X. c. B. nVX. PRIVBTT, WHOI.KSALK AM) UKTAIL i urocer ana motion buyer. O 1867. Established. Offers for Cash. ;i renins in nil Is such ;is Meat, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Cuifc-f. Mt-nl. Hay. Salt. Mixed Cov F-l. Wlu-at Hran, Soap, Stan li. S'ula. linckcts. H rooms. Kmptv (irain Sacks, rolasscs. Lye. Potasli, Land Plaster, (andles. The Best of Cement and Lime, Piaster Paris. Laths. Hair, Kve. Corn. Oats. Kice Meal. etc. The World's Fair Ronte from the South Jpi . wX A ?-l VAN WINKLE GIN AND MACHINERY CO., Atlanta, - Georgia. ff yS-rSB. 4P.&L Wo Can Save You Money. VAN WINKLE GIN AND MACHINERY CO, - - - Atlanta, Ga. 8c co.'si: at SPOT CASH, and v are tlit'in at and Laces ! & CO., -s i i t 1867. IS OVER THE Pennsylvania short lines FROM LOUISVILLE OR CINCINNATI. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE NCLUDCt Pullman Vestibule Sleeping and Buffet Parlor Cars. Only Route Through the Indiana Natural Gas Belt. THROUGH TICKETS vi these lines and their connections can be secured at the principal ticket offices of southern railways. For special information in regard to rates and any dfslred details concerning this first-class service, please apply in person or bv letter or telegram to either of the following : R. H. LACEY. Sonthfrn Ps'r kgent. - SlSHTTllF. TBPI G0. &. THOMPSON, S. 8. Pus'r Aztat, LtllSGTOS. IT A. ASDEKSuH. strict Pass r Agent, - luUISYILli, II SlKUU HOUDT. Asjisunt (knertl Pi r Agent, S. E. Cur. Foarth nd Tint Sti, GiNCISIATI, 0. MANUFACTURERS OF: i'ITON SKKI) OIL Ml S.I. MACIIIXKI:Y AMI FKKTM.IZKK MA( IIINEUY CuMIM.KTK. It K MA( IIINKIIV ' Vl'KKSS TANKS. WIN COMIM.KTK. INI) MM.U l'l .MI's, Ktc. Coiliiii (Jins, IVcj'u'rs, CoiulonstM's and Prcssi's. r'tOUISVt.I.C b??T1ii' I -t system fur ficvatinrfitiiii:ini listi llilltlllj' same tliivct to JTHis. Many Geld Medals L'rVS"":: r An.l for What Yon Want. Why Not Ride the Best? Victor Bicycles are first lead the world of cycledom. OVERMAN WASH1NGTCN, BOSTON, Talk of tlxe Day -is Large - and - Handsome - Stock Spring and Summer Goods. They are the pick of the Market iinl evry sinlt ie-t lias lieon c-art -fully selected with ref erence to the LADIKS' T1JADK of this city and srrtion. I have just returned from the Northern fashion centres where I secured UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN TIIK LINES OF Dress Goods, White Goods, Flouncings, Laces, Embroideries, Hamburgs, Lawns, Challies, Trimmings, Silks and Satins! ALL TIIKSK GOODS HAVE BELN Af , the s . CasJj f ! ;iiMl as I received a remunerative discount on the Iran sac- "'; 1- I'immIs at tiie exact wholesale ! figures thev wrre liilletl to me. 111 Ready-Made Clothing Wr have ir it tin ilrop on our -oiniftilors this season. W have C'lotliiny to lit and suit most everybody and anybody. In quantity, quality, variety and rheapness they cannot be surpassed by any leading house in the State. Gents' Furnishing Goods in tin' latest styles and novelties. In this line we ran oiler special inducements, as we have secured real and genuine barrains. CDuli? Stools: of Slioes VOll LADIKS. MKN, MISSES AM) CIIILDKKX is smu. thini' of which we are proud of. Kvery pair was made es pecially for us ami fully warranted. In style and cheap ness they can't be beat. This department will he found in the adjoining store, entirely separate from our Clothing and Dry (ioods. In sure and ask for the renowned Sack Shoes and Slippers. It is the best s-J shoe on the market and warranted equally as ijood as any M shoe sold elsewhere. Kverv pair are fully I warranted for durability. At Wholesale Prices! If you only will. visit our vast establishment yon will readily confess, if you taken look on the overloaded shelves, that we keep the largest and best selected stock of ijoods in the city ami perhaps in the State, and will sell them as low or lower than anv house in this citv. A Grocery Department Is the latest addition to'iny business which can be found adjoining my Shoe Department. A LARGE, VARIED STOCK, Consisting of German, French and American Fancy Grocer ies, can be found at all times, and at prices lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Iirit will be of interest to dealers to call and examine our stock. In variety and prices we are able to oiler better inducements than ever before. ASHER -:- EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Friccs, :$7, ..), 41 East Centre Street, Goldsboro, : : : N. C. in tires and improvements, and WHEEL CO. DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO. OUli- -OF- v- inures, that means at the same