TIIE HEADLIGHT. rUKLISIIEI) EVKIIY THURSDAY. sunsnurnox si.oo l'Eii year. A. UOS( OWElt, Editor ami l'roprietor, Goldsboro. X. C, Jan. IS, 1S!4. THE TAKIFF HEIJATE. The tfoiH-ral discussion of the Tariil' bill in the House of Iiepre si'iitalives has developed the usual amount of acrimony ami partisan debate. The brilliant opening made by Mr. Wilson on one side ami Mr. liurrows on the other quickly degenerated into regulation speech-making, and the discussion is proceeding in the most common place, not to say trivial manner. It is likely that much valuable time will be consumed in this way. Members of the House of Repre sentatives, like other mortals, are tilled with vanity, and each one of them feels called upon to make a speech on great public questions, and the result is that the period of talk is often extended beyond all reason. In the case of the taritl bill noth ing is to be gained by a long period of wrangling over what one admin istration or one party may have done over another. No one is be in; convinced by the set speeches made during the past few days. Some of the speakers present inter esting arrays of statistics and their arguments are more or less logical ami conclusive. Hut those who are opposed to the Wilson Tariil' bill are in that state of mind upon principle, and no amount of speech making upon the floor of the House is going to change their opinion. On the other hand, those who favor the bill favor it on principle, and the speeches will neither convince them that they are wrong nor in duce them to vote otherwise than they have already determined up on. A long period of talk, also, on the Tariil' bill does little toward en lightening the people of America. Now and then a speech is made of more than ordinary eloquence which attracts attention, but the majority of them are not eagerly read or thoroughly studied, and the im pression is growing in the minds of thoughtful observers that too much talk does no good even in Con gress. It is well that the Wilson Taritl' bill should be discussed on both sides. There are citizens of the Republic who earnestly desire to have its principles enunciated and their logical conclusiveness proved or disproved, as the case may be, but the wrangling and vituperation which has marked the progress of the discussion for the last few days are neither dignified nor useful in arriving at a conclusion as to the utility of the proposed law. THE FINANCIAL FR0I5LEM. Secretary Carlisle has asked Con gress to take the initiative and or der the issue of sufficient bonds to relieve the United States Treasury. His recently published report gave notice that a crisis in Treasury af fairs was impending, and the coun try is now face toiace with the fact that money is needed during the next 20 days, and needed very badly. Careful financier that he is, Sec retary Carlisle would much rather that Congress would clothe him with special power to act rather than force him to resort to some extraordinary expedient for temporal-' use. In his letter to the chairman of the Senate Finance committee Mr. Carlisle., simply states the urgent facts and laconic ally adds that unless Congress acts he will be "obliged to do some thing. ," AVliat that "'something"' is the secretary does not state, as there are several things which he might do. lint all the possibilities within the discretion of the officials of the Treasury could not meet the issue squarely. Revenues have fallen elf amazingly, unprecedented demands are resting upon the Treasury, and the only permanent way out of the crisis is to issue bonds, increase the national debt and wait for better times to clear up the financial diffi cultv into which the nation has fallen. Lnder the circumstances Con gress should act promptly and wisely to relieve the situation, and to bring back the period of pros perity which is too long delayed. We would advise our esteemed contemporary, the Richmond Dis patch, to provide itself with National Capital Matters. From our Uvular Correspondent. Washington', D. C, Jan. V., 18! tJ President Cleveland lias just given a practical demonstration of his earn estness in turning tlie settlement of the Hawaiian complication over to Congress, by putting the official dis patches just received from Minister Willis at its disposal. No one in Washington seriously believes that any danger is to be apprehended from the reported probability of British marines being landed at Hon olulu. It is well known to the Brit ish government that the United States will not tolerate any interfer ence by any foreign government with Hawaii. The Democrats of the House have much more than held their own in the tariff debate this week, although some of their best posted men have purposely made no speeches in favor of the Wilson bill. With the excep tion of Representative Tom Johnson, of Ohio, who opposes the bill because it retains too much protection and who favors free trade without any if's and's or but's, no Democrat has spoken against the underlying prin ciple of the bill, even Representative Haines, of New York, who repre sents the Troy district and who has been quoted as being strongly op posed to the bill, admitted in his speech that he would vote for it if the schedule affecting the industries of Tror was amended to meet his wishes. Next week he and others will have an opportunity to offer any amendment they may desire and the House will decide whether they shall be adopted or rejected. It is not thought probable by any member with whom I have conversed that any material amendment will be adopted before the bill is passed by the House on the 20th of January. It is in the Senate that the friends of the measure fear it will be amended al most beyond recognition. Washing ton is now full of parties interested in having the bill amended and they are all basing their hopes of success on the Senate and not on the House. The Senate Finance committee will begin to give hearings to those in terested as soon as the bill passes the House. The Republican leaders of the House were very cleverly taught a little lesson by the Democrats this week which would convince men with less conceit that Reed, Burrows & Co., have not secured a corner in parliamentary knowledge. It was the intention of the aforesaid Repub lican leaders to get at least two days debate out of the questions of the power of the House to have members arrested, and of the right of mem bers to vote while under arrest. when the motion for the discharge of the arrested members came up. This waste of time that properly belonged to the consideration of the tariff bill was not countenanced by the Demo crats who easily defeated it by hav ing the Sergeant-at-Arms make his report at a time when the Republic an leaders were off their guard. It did not take a moment for Represen tative Catchings to ask unanimous consent for the discharge from cus tody of the arrested members and for Speaker Crisp to declare them discharged, there being no objection. By that time the know-it-all Repub licans had discovered what was going on, but it was too late. Senator McPherson, of New Jer sey, who has been widely advertised by Republican papers as a tariff 'kicker,'' has been compelled by a troublesome throat affection to take a trip to Florida in search of relief, but before going he addressed a let ter to Senator Voorhees which ef fectually disposes of any doubt as to his position towards tariff reform. He says in that letter: ''In order that you and my other Democratic colleagues on the committee may know what to expect from me I here state that the Democratic side of the committee on Finance must make the tariff bill and then every member of said committee must stand by the work done. To do otherwise is to confess that we are not fit to govern. I write thus plainly, as I see the newspapers have placed me in the list of those called obstructionists. I have not denied the report, as I never deny anything the newspapers say of me, but I will always try to speak for myself when the time comes." Secretary Carlisle explained this week to the members of the Senate 1 inance committee and those of the House Ways and Means Committee the immediate necessity for legisla tion to provide the money to meet the $50,000,000 deficit now starin the Treasury in the face. His object was not to argue in favor of the re commendations made in his annual report, but to impress upon the minds of his hearers the necessity for action, leaving them entirely free as to the nature of the legislation and asking only that it provide the money to meet payments and preserve the credit of the government. Court Calendar. JANUARY TERM, 1891. - There will be a Superior Court be gun and held for the c ounty of Va3 ne, at the Court House in (ioldsboro. on the nth Mondav before the 1st Mon day in March, iS)4, it being the 22nd day of January, 1801, for the trial of civil and criminal actions. The fol lowing is the Calendar. wr.iXF.siAV. January 24. No. Ceo. T. Simmons vs Goldsboro Cotton Mills. '.',7 Zilphia Jordan vs S R Flowers. 12 Yelverton & Borden vs Bank of Wavne, et al. i: Isabella Edwards, assignee vs Win. Edwards. 11 J. W. Lamb, et al vsW. H. Grif fin, et al. 15 Geo. Rudolph vs U.J. Newsome. If; Geo. W. Lane, Jr., vs Owen Ginn. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2d. 51 Susan Ivey vs Jno. J. Ivey, exr. 52 T. J. Newsom vs M. T. Kennedy et al. 53 J. W. Loftin and wife vs Sam and L. Cohen. 51 II. & S. Weil, et al vs J. W. Ed wards. 5f Gus V. Rrecht vs S. Cohen & Son. 57 Smith & Hunter vs A. T. Tipkin. 50 W. II. Davis vs Alex Hooks. CO S. J. Boyette vs J. W. Kinsey et al. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. J. B. Howell and wife vs J. I. Smith. A. J. Barnes vs B. F. Scott. Bernard, Abel & Co., vs Z. M. L. Jeffreys. Jacob !. Hooks vs A. J. Barnes. MOTION DOCKET. 10 Tj. D. Gulley vs W. W. Ingram 17 Troy Johnson vs Sarah Johnson. 1.8 Ninirod Peel vs Celia Peel. 22 Sarah Barlow vs L. W. Barlow, et al. 27 Sol J. Barfield vs Ally A. Bar field, et al. 30 I. F. Hill, et al vs Pioneer Lum ber Co. 35 W. T. Dortch vs W. II. Griffin. 31! J. E. Bvrd vs C. J. Hudson, et al. 53 L. W. Herring vs J. A. Bonitz and wife. 07 J. E. livid vs C. J. Hudson. OS Stevenson. Alexander & Cator, vs Geo. W. Lane. Witnesses will not be allowed to charge until the day the case in which they are summoned is set for trial. '" If a case shall not be reached the day it is set for trial it will retain its place among the cases set. and be tried when reached. C. F. HERRING, C. S. C. Goldsboro. Jan. 13. 1801. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. f t rank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doimr business in the truthful correspondent at this place City of Toledo, County and State afore in the future or else look to The Headlight for its news items from this city and section. There is no enterprise in publishing untruths or wanton exaggerations and it ought to be the aim of every respectable newspaper North and South to de tect and punish occasional and con stitutional Munchausen as prompt ly us possible. Will the Dispatch do us the justice to give the name of its own bright particular liar? said, and that said firm will pavthe sum ind every case of Catarrh that cannot lw rurwl by the use of Hall's Catarrh F1UNK J. CHENEY. Sworn to hefore m ami snWrilH-.l in my Presence, th.s 6th day of Ik-eemW A. IJ., lfSSu. J Sad and Gloomy Weak and Dyspeptic Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Strength and I'crfe:tij Cured. fpplk -is mm A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Inr!i:ui: contributed her Iltri!ands of brave soldiers iotlie war, :md no stale boars u Itt tcr r-oiil in that ivs- t than it does. In IiU-r:iUir. it is rapiiil acquiring an enviable piae. In war and literaf U!f Solomon Yewell, well known sn writer as "So'," won an lij;iofi!iie posi K)ii. i'ur- ini: the war lie w;is a nie'iil-cr of Co. M, 2i. N. V . t'avairv and of the 13! Ii Indiana In-f-tiiiry Volunteers. Ilezar.iiin; an important ciii'uiiis'ttiico he vrl;esas follows: 'Several of us oid veterans here at using Dr. Miles' Kestorttive Nervine, Heart Cure and N-'i-veaiid i.i ver Til is. a i I of t hem givinir splendid satisfaction. Jn fact, we have never ii.-e J remedies that compare with them. Of the i'ilis we must sav they ar the best com bination of t he quaiit ies required in a prep aration of t heir nature we have ever known. We have none but words of praise for them. They are the outjirowth of a new principle in medicine, and tone up the system wonder ful I v. We say to all, try these remed ies." Solomon Yewell, Marion, Ind., lec. 5, WrZ. Tlscsn remedies are sold by all druggists on 'i psilive guarantee, or sent direct by the )i: Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.. on re ceipt of pri.-e, fl jkt bottle, six bottles S5, ex press prepaid. They positively contain neither opiates nor dangerous drugs. SOLD BY l)riii JOIIX II. HILL & SON, lists, GoUlsWo, N. C. Do You Know That HALL & EDMl'XDSON Are SELLING - OUT Their WINTER COODS At Vr. J. It. lVhite Birmingham, Alabama. "I have not words enough to express my thinks for the great benefits received from a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was weak, and it made me strong; I was a dyspep tic, and it cured rae; I was sad and gloomy, and It made me cheerful and hopeful. And lat, though not least, it made me an ardent and Hood's x Cures working democrat. All who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla with my advice, report good re sults. I gladly recommend it to all sufferers J. It, White, M. D., Birmingham, Ala. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar saparilla do not be induced to buy any other Instead. Insist upon HOOD'S. Greatly Reduced Prices? DO YOU WANT To Make Money? Although my lr:ul' last yi'ar was i he largest liy Several - Thousand - Dollars than any previous year. I now liml my self with too many Winter (hhhIs on liaml. T0..&IVE THEM AWAY is not liiisiness, Lr.t in onler to get these goods otT my shelves WITHOUT - DELAY I propose to make the price no object, and will sell them lower than ever known. DO NOT HESITATE DOOOOOOPPC00 Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic; gentle and effective Try a box. 25 cents. - TO : REDUCE Our Slock of Win ter Millinery WE OFFER VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS! FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS LOWER THAN EVER Don't Miss This Chance ! J. H. EDWARDS. THE VERY BEST The Market Affords Is daily kept at our tv-taMishment. SEAL. A. W. (1LEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. TiSold )y Druggists, 75c. We Make a Specialty OF Stall-Fed Beef. Pork an, Sausage always on hand, riKghcst market p.U-e paid fr cattle. S. C0HN & SON, CITY BUTCHERS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. but come at once. You will find them the bicrest bargains ever oiTcred here. Eel. L. Edmundson, THE IlfSTLEU. Walnut street, (Joldboro, X. C. DOWN THEY GO I .You can get anything in our Christmas goods line at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Now is the time to get a bargain. You Are 'Not Late, for we still have pretty things left to please the most fastidious. Do- you FEEL SflCGC? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. take RIPANS TABULES 8.ke: ripanS TABULES It your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you rT:-. ninHUC TrtBIII fO SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TEKlrAllO IAdULLO lTST RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the Sstem end Preserve the Health. 45r TO TAKF QUICK TO ACT If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have r"7j LIVER COMPLAINT, IONE GIVES RELIEF. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. coocwxoac.o:ocxxxCKXx GREAT - SLAUGHTER - SALE I Being the largest, Is the direct result of Ijcin . ' Kowt Wrwvl'a Kfi1 iira tr, .i " . " ( every State in the South; acknowledged to l" ft the best for parden. farm or field. Send r,,r ( AVooa seea nook, it is not a mere cat-iio-ue, (j but a reference book of the greuf st value, run'. taining nseful information both for the truck.:- f .mrf t.l'intpr trttlioi n-ii h full n:irl!..nl... ..i Si? -w-, w . a auoUL X I THE H0US& . IN THE I SOUTH o . m- r w EjQQQQQOOOQQQQQQQQQQQaOQ EDS WOOD'S S A Fpe"i'al feature for 191 Is the foil directions for ; growing Beet for Sugar Making also descrip- I lions oi Anyni ayirrsiris, an invaluable forage plant, and all the latest novelties for trar- .Icn ur.rt farm l'rtt for it m,l .nn.t n.t . uUUUv....u. . ....aHnu.i.mCSUIrt any Grass, Clover, or other Field Seeds required. X Send your orders direct. If your merchant dots cj not handle Wood i Secua. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen. Richmond, Va 39O33Q00000O00O0000O0O0 ond, Va. 8 aoooo3 THE LATEST THING UNDER THE SUN ! -OF- WINTER -.'GOODS -AT- Preparatory to our annual inventory and the new arrival of our spring stock, we shall close out For The Next 30 Days Our remaining stock of Winter Goods at a tremendous sac rifice, as we don't care to carry over a single yard of this season's goods when our Spring trade begins. New And Seasonable Goods At One Half Their Value I 15y examining our stock. you will find no si i elf -worn goods offered for sale, as is done in other houses, when a closing-out sale is announced. The goods we ofFer you at such a Great - Saving - In - Cost, are all this season's goods, fresh from the manufacturers and of the latest designs and fashion. You will simply pronounce it as the Greatest Bargains Ever Known I a Spar Carried Away 2F"Iiemember everything goes at prices lower than ever, at the Goldsboro Book Store, J. F. MILLER, Pkoi'kietoii. DO : YOU : EAT? If so, you must call at our store, near court house square, opposite Ham's livery stables, which lias just been open ed with A Full Supply of Groceries! We cany anything in the line of gro ceries ami provisions. anl if vou will call on us ffld obtain prices, we are sure that you w ill buy. We also carry a full supply of the best and leading brands of TOBACCO, CIUAKS ami SNUFF which we guarantee to sell to each and every enstomer ten iht cent, lower than any other store in the city. Leading and most popular brands of Guano. PCountry produce bought and sold Maxwell & McGee. L. G. Waddell, Contractor ii And Builder, GOLDSBORO. N c Specialty on Cottages. Plan. estimate' furnUl.i . A. V- A!Ans and Every One Needs A Tonic. We Recommend Quinine-Whiskey r You know the effects f QUIXLNE? You know the medicinal virtue of WHIS KEY? Combined they make one of the most powerful remedial agents ami ton ics that the medical profession can devise. One grain of Quinine is scientifically combined with each ounce of Whiskey, and in this form is equal to two or three grains taken in the ordinary way. IT IS A STIMULANT THAT STIMULATES! Xot only stimulates, but overcomes the various weakening and wast in if dis eases of the body. It is pleasant to take: the bitterness of the Quinine is dis guised. Quick in its results, its special action gives health and strength to the whole constitution. TRY IT. It's a sure cure for Cous, and also for Ack. Chills. Fkveus. and all Malarial attacks. For convalescence from exhausting diseases it will Ik found unrivalled. Positively no substitutes are used in the preparation. Only the In-st and purest old Kentucky Whiskey and the very !e-;t grade of Quinine is usil. together w ith Herbs of a laxative and most pacifying nature, which disgui-.es the bitter ta-t.-and almost entirely destroys its irritant effects. C3Tlut up in three sizes: 2.V., T.V., and $1.23 per lxittle. PREPARED ONLY BY THE QUININE-WHISKEY CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. gTFrotected by I. S. Registered Trade-Mark, U. S. l'atcn;-. and Registered Lalel. To imitate is felony. Infringers w ill In- prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Quinine-Whiskey is put up in Hollies only, handsomely capped i laklled. FOR SALE BY JOHN W. EDWARDS, AGENT FOR WAYNE COUNTY. JANUARY 1st, 1894, Finds Us In Fine Shape For The NEW - YE-AJR, ! Having passed through the recent severe financial panic without having Do not fail to take advantage of this unprecedented offer, which is only a chance of a life-time. We guarantee to sell you everything you need at a great deal less than the cost of production. THE ENTIRE WINTER STOCK GOES WITHOUT RESERVE. Don't hesitate and put it off, but come at once in order to avoid the rush. Remember that the Closing-Out Sale only lasts for Thirty Days. After that time you will never be able to secure such enormous bargains again, as they are offered to vou NOW. UNPRECEDENTED SACRIFICES -IN- -: DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS ! :- You will find these goods worth at least double the price at which we are offering them now. Bear in mind that they are all this season's goods, and only reduced in their original value tor the benefit oi our enormous trade. Prices Down to Almost Nothing IN Clothing, Boots and Shoes. It is useless for us to attempt to say anything more. You will have to come in person and convince yourself of the truth of our assertion. . You may rest assured that the goods will be sold to you. NOTE. Farmers desirous of buying their supplies on ume, or are in need oi ready cash, can be accommodated in any quantity on the most reasonable terms. I also keep a Full Line of Groceries, and a complete assortment of all the leading Fertilizers. It win tnereiore be to your interest to consult me when in need ot supplies during the spring and summer. ASHER EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Prices. 37, 39, 41 ami 4:, EAST CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, N. C. r A Sail Split! And I enter the voyage of the New Year with grati tude for the past, and hopeful anticipations for the future. MY STOCK EMBRACES EVERYTHING In The Grocery Line, And for the same quality of goods mv price is as low- as the lowest. Special Offer FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Will be 500 Harrels of Flour, honirlit , "O AT - THE - LOWEST - POINT TIIE MARKET HAS EVE 1 1 REACHED. I. B. FON-VIELLE, West AValnut St., and at the Unlucky Corner. 3VE. ITT, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL Grocer and Cotton Buyer. 1867. Established. 1867. Offer&for Casli . Bargains in all goods such as Meat, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Hay, Salt, Mixed Cow Feed, Wheat Bran Soap, Starch, Soda, Buckets, Brooms, Emptv Grain Sacks Molasses, Lye, Potash, Land Plaster, Candles. Rye. Corn, Oats, Rice Meal, . Bagging-: and : Ties! The Best of Cement and Lime, Plaster Paris Laths, Hair, etc