7 GOLBSBORO Headlight. 13- GOLDSBOIIO, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1894. ESTABLISHED 1887. VOL. VII. NO. 22. U 1 M iga III The Old Friend And the best fricii.l, that never fails von, is Simmons Liver 1'ep.u (the Eel Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medi'-ine, a .1 people should not lc cm;;; '. that anything '--'0 f'- It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is l tter than pills, and takes the lace of Quinine and Calomel. It aets directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in I'owder to be taken dry or made into a tea. 3-eyf.ry pack a a e- a ... lias the, Stamp til red on wmpper. J. II. ZKlI.l.V Ji CO., riiiUJclpl.iii, fa. tl ft BEFORE " ''-Ar'TUtT'' Mi Dr. E. C. V ps 's I ; sold r ;.o-it;vc , to )'o a;' l.ts llrain uiu! Mulit Lo-e-; Kv'.i Hp- NWVOUMM ; f !. at tuo UcivraOvu (r --:i river-exerti'in; Youtiiiul i Tobucco, Opium or i.iq Miser, t'luisiiiniition. f'! M ft box; ; for?:.: v:tli ui Treatment liy nuthor i : Loss f oil; (,'iii'-kness; f (.ciilidi'iice; ail Iiniins; Loss i f I-(r.ver i in ciili'T st x, oau-t'd by r.ir?, or Kxeei'sive Use of nor. whirl: nam lead to aiuty a;:d Peuth. By mail, ineii uiirnnteo to cure or :ii:ii; YKl P. A ferritin Lironomtis, Croup, i'leasaut to takrf Umall size lii-oiutinie'l: old. Me. size, now 'ix:.; olQ tl size,, now OOe. Gl'ARAJS'TLLS issued only by M. K. n-oii A- r.n... (b.ldsboro. N. C. THE NEW Y0EK-: BACKET - STORE! A Little While. A little v. hile ami tho anchor of Hit' great White Shiji will raise Ami il will begin a journey to the fur on", distant hays. While the snowy canvass glistens in the renth- swelling breeze. And its graceful forms reflected in the calni ami placid seas. A little while ami the bn-ings of the fevered son! will end Amid shouts of sweet hosannahs as the White Ship turns the bend And enters the harbor of safety, where nianv thousands wait To welcome the happy voyagers from Karth to Heaven s gate. A little while and the voices, once on earth so dear h me, Will whisper u loving welcome to the land that is to be: And the disappointed achings of the heart will fade away Willi the silent shadows stealing from the breaking of the day. Kdwaud X. Wuop. Last Week in Trade Circles. Sjit'fial ('irrev.imndt.iice. New Yohk, Jan. 20. 1804. Business during the last week lias continued to present indications of steady though gradual improvement. The distribution of manufactured goods has been larger; and the re sumptions of work in mills and fac tories, in response to improved de mand, have greatly overbalanced the stoppages which have been occasion ally reported in various industries. The processof recuperation lias been slow, however, and reviving business ; has not yet been accompanied by ro ! covery in prices. In many lines of I trade competition has continued to j depress values, so that enlargement of sales or the re-employment of pro ductive capacity has resulted in no corresponding increase in profits or business investments. Merchandise exports continue large, and for January thus far the A UP OX ORANGES. William Hoars Different Opinions Ex pressed On the Crop. Some portions of west Florida are still in the pine' woods and very lone some. Traveling overland I found the habitations several miles apart on the main road, but was told that the little grass-covered roads that branched off right and left led to somebody's house, where clever peo ple lived and cultivated orange trees for a living. "This is a great country,'" said a settler, ''where the climate is worth $100 an acre and the land ain't worth a darn. It is risky for a man to die here and be buried for there is not enough virtue in the soil to make him rise when Gabrielblows his horn."' 'Tt seems to produce fine oranges," said I. 'Yes," said he, '"but what's or anges? The more oranges he has got the poorer lie is. The price has got down to about 20 cents a hun dred on the tree, and he can't keep up his grove for that." That man was a pessimist, and there are thousands of them. I found Mr. Starr packing 2,.")00 boxes of his own crop and he said that his net profit would be GO cents a box, and that would pay him well on ins in vestment. He is an optimist and is increasing his acreage every year. I found Mr. Robinson near Lonard with 20.000 trees and he is entirely content with his business. His 20 acres of bearing trees have paid all the ex lenses of increasing his acre age and ail will be bearing in two years more. Like every other trade or calling' more depends on the man due of such shipments from New ousmess. at. numpsou ork alone has been $2.U4!U;33 larg- has dipped thirty carloads oi lemons ... : . ...ui ..: .1, r.. T , f the corresponding j '""'K 1 1,UL ' The shrinkage in mgiociea groves ana some nun nae n,,-o,-...- i,ni ,.( niii oeen auanuoneu. Th lar he Wh' n niotic harder ti ollies til" a man he will e t ilile Xew V and pay cry litlh tne more popu i k Racket Store. s pockets full ot almost anvwhert attention to tin Not - Money for t Ik d.Hll.l. u ays. great i store. is scarce And Hard to Get, sir. waul and is the rea marching dollar ( out a n you sc; lilv into OllT the er than that period last year. imports, However, heavy, and so far during this month has amounted to i?12. Gat;, 11(1. There have been no very important busi ness failures during the last week, although the aggregate number in the United States and Canada has been 4S.". as against 205 during the corresponding period last year. After a further decline of 3-1 Ci of a cent per pound in cotton prices spec ulators found sufficient encourage ment in the reports from the South t i,.v ,,,.,,.1 t , .,i,t I right hand You can tell the thrift and indus try of a man by his orange grove. Then there are hundreds of groves that belong to people who live away oil' and have got tired. They get some poor fellow to live in the little shanty and look after things, and he, gorge themselve with fruit. cold and asthma and catarrh the east wind that was accursed from way back, for Job says, "He filleth his belly with the east wind." If our Northern brethren want it on Indian river let them have it, but I want some of our Southern folks to come down to Clear Water and take it with its balmy west wind and its odors from the pines and g-et well of all pulmonary and bronchial affections. I mean just what I say. "We have bought two lots here and there are plenty more for good people and I want to colonize them. My nigger, Bob, wasted a whole week at a big meeting up the road w hile I was gone away, and when I complained of il he said, "well, now boss, yonnuseni get mad wid me, for you know- how it is you w hite folks is done got dis here world and we niggers is just fixin' a trick to get de next one." Just so our Northern brethren have done got east Florida, all the way from St. Augustine to St. Lucie, and now let us fix up a trick to capture west Florida and be happy. - Of course we won't rule any clever yankee out, but I tell you right now we don't want any stuckup million aires from anywhere. There is room enough from Cedar Keys to St. Pet ersburg to locate thousands of un pensioned sovereigns of ihe South, where they can come and spend the winter and bring their invalids and be calm and serene. "We want no palaces to live in, but can build little cottages, with broad verandas, and live on air and water, with fish and oysters and oranges thrown in. I have eaten oranges until I am getting a rich, golden complexion. The little grandchild is getting fat on tanger ines, tier uroncniai irouoies nave passed away and she can wade in the salt water on the sandy beach with perfect impunity. Folks go to the springs and drink sulphur water, but that won't compare with the salty air of the gulf when it is filter ed through the pine tops and drawn into the lungs at every breath. There is some grip down here among the natives, but none among the vis itors. I reckon it is because thev A NATION'S DOINGS. perhaps, was born tired. The other Biu. A hi. day we came to where the road fork- j ed and not knowing which to take J we drove to a dirty little house not i faraway for directum. "Take, the j We Givs Ycii a Bargain In Everything Ygu Buy! And guarantee cv. seated. We give :''t and 1',' for a doen. give us a call when y rv a rticle as repre inches for a yard AM you need is to hi star! out liuving. A. M. SifflACO & CO, Prop'rs. v JAPANESE A New nnd OomplPto Treatment, consistins? of SUPI OSITOKIKS, Capsules of Oiut.'iieut mid two Uoxes of Ointment. A never-failing Cure for Piles tpf every imiuru im I decree. It makes fin operation v. ith the liuif.- or injections of carbolic acid, which lire painful and seldom a permanent cure, und often resulting in death, unnecessary. Why encJyrn this terrible ti'.aeea7 We punrantee 0 box03 to curs any ense. Vou only pay for benefits received. 1 a Ikh. fi for $5. Sent by mail. Guarantees issued t;y our agents. PnMQTiPf.TinM Cured. Piles Prevented, UOllO ! lih I lOit hyJnr.aneseLiverFsllets thot'reut I.IVF.R and STOMACH KKGULATOii nnd HI.OOD Pl'KlFIKU. Small, mild and piea-ant to take, especially adapted 'or children's use. 6'JDoses cents. GUAUAXTEE3 i33uod only by M. K.Uol.inson & r.n... (iohlsboro, X. where it stood a week ago. It seems clear, however, that a more, import ! ant reduction in the crop movement j will be necessary to give stability and force to the speculation for high ! er prices, for the receipts are still ! running largely ahead of last season's I record: and if thev shall not fall much below the level hereafter the recent minimum crop estimates will be exceeded by live or six hundred thousand bales. Domestic spinners have continued to buy sparingly, and the season's takings by Northern mills have al ready fallen 14i;.0!0 bales below the total for the corresponding period in 18'.2-o. Export?, however, have kept up well, and since September 1 the shipments have been about 700,- j shaddocks, guavas. mangoes peentos, 000 bales larger than they were in j eumgust oranges and other tropic al tlu. eiivivwiuiitiViHr noi-ind of ilw tiro-! ii'uits. 1 nave seen acres oi casava I' " !- L --" -- - vintK ..en venr Rat viili.w of r-i .t - ! f 1'OIH which tap'lOca is 111 ton are V. cents lower than they were : Pf,('ll1osr when ripened on the tree, a vear ago: and the larger outgo j are said to be the most delicious of Unusual nduivior for a Crisp. A man named Hodges died in Wil mington Friday night. After he said a big, gray-bearded : was laid out, aecoi'ding to the lie newspaper in his hand. ! view, some conversation followed among those present relative to a future state of existence, when some one in the room dec lared his doubts as to the existence of a heaven or hell. Suddenly, Mr. Hodges rose in his bed and told those present that there was a heaven and that there was a hell; that he had been to the latter and was now on his way to the man with "I have to tell somebody that most every day." '"You might put up a signboard," said I, ''and that would save you the trouble." "Then they would u' djt'ive down here to ax me," said he, '"and I wouldn't get a chance to see 'em. No, I won't put up no board, for I likes to see folks once in a while, specially women." The poor old mini was living there alone watch ing a grove. With constant care and attention there is still big money in growing oranges and there always will be. It is a simple business and is easy and attractive. Many citizens add to it in a small and profitable way by growing lemons, limes, grape fruit, National Capital Matters. Washington, d. C, Jan. 27, 1S1U. The time is drawing near for a final vote in the House on the Wilson tar iff bill, and its passage by the House is now as certain as anything that has not taken place can be. The on ly material amendments made to the bill during the debate in the House were those abolishing1 the sugar bounty and putting refined sugar on the free list. The last is believed to have been the hardest blow ever giv en to the sugar trust. A determin ed fight was made for the amend ments putting a duty on iron ore and on coal, but they were voted down by substantial majorities. It is not ; probable that any other important amendment will be attached to the bill, unless it shall be decided to make the internal revenue bill, which includes the income tax, which has just been reported to the House, one. Several changes were made in the internal revenue bill before it was reported. Among them the follow ing: The tax on cigarettes is 1 per thousand, instead of $1.50 as first proposed; petroleum is put on the free list without qualifications, in stead of being admitted free only from countries that admit ours free; changes were made in the wording of the binding twine, condensed milk and pearl button clauses; cut stones and diamonds are left as at present, and an additional tax of 50 cents per thousand is put on cigars. Senator Walthall left for his Mis sissippi home this week followed by the regrets of all who knew him. He was comjH'Hed to decline a testimon ial banquet tendered him by his Sen atorial colleagues, all of whom ex press the wish that his health will enable him to resume his duties for the full term beginning March 4th IS! 15. Senator Yoorhees stated at the last meeting of the Senate commit tee on Finance that he believed the bonds to be issued bv Secretary Car lisle would only furnish, temporary relief to the Treasury and that Con gressional legislation was absolutely necessary to put the government fi nances on a firm basis. It is known ALL OVEK THE STATE. The News From Everywhere Gathered and Condensed. Newtown. L. I., suffered a fire loss of $100,000 on Friday. The town of Weatherford, Texas, was nearly wiped out by fire Sunday. Fifty convicts confined in the branch State prison, at Coal Creek, Tenn., escaped on Thursday night. A mob of five hundred angry citi zens of Charleston, S. C, on Fridaj', attempted to lynch liquor dispensary spies. , Bath, Me., had a half million dol lar fire Monday. A large number of the best business houses were de- sti'03'ed. As a safeguard against fire at sea the White Star Line will carry no more cotton to Europe on passenger steamers. Two children of George W. Thomp son, in the agonies of the grip, hang ed themselves, Monday, at Benton ville, Ind. Formerly a millionaire, James B. Chapin, aged 2, shot himself to death in poverty at St. Paul, Minn Saturday. Crazed by jealousy, John Shea, a street car conductor, of New York, murdered his wife Monday night, and then shot himself. The citizens of Lincoln, Mass., are excited over the finding of a man's body, Friday, in a brook, indicating a murder mystery-. While feeding prisoners at Thom son, Ga., Friday, Sheriff Hawes was knocked senseless with a club and six negroes escaped. While at play near a fire in his father's yard, Tuesday, . Benj. T. Scott, a young boy, was burned to death at Lone Oak, S. C. Breaking through thin ice near Meriden, Conn., Saturday, Miss Ma bel Younch. Fred Schraderand Hen ry Loetier were drowned. While in a fit of mental derange ment, Joseph Anselin, of Indianapo lis, Ind., drowned himself Saturday in a tannery vat of boiling water. Eight insane patients, locked in their cells, were roasted alive Tues day night, during the destruction of that Senator Yoorhees is at work up the asylum by fire near Boone. Ia. ! on a comprehensive financial bill, but ytsLod mon r-hloi-oformod ."hwmh i he declines to state its nature or former and that lie had been sent back to earth to tell them this. He then fell back and expired. The Re view adds: This is the way it is told to us and it is truly a remarkable circumstance. The report conies to us directly from one who was present in the room on the occasion. 1(.P. TWWVV tl'o-e diseiic 3 of LE BRUH'S ffc-tfTrfi H m t1 AA I ;;r.x. This M. K. Uobiiisoi, Iv to the se.t of eU-UrinaryCr- ;eiji!ir-' r- charge of diet or ms, mercirinl or prisonous med io l3 tukcu internally. When ;h inspr ibletoconiract (i..!dsl..,ro, X. C. Worth counts for proportionally less in the money value of the country's ex ports. Wheat prices have declined g to I of a cent per bushel in New York, and :! to 1 cent per bushel in Chica go; and the market for the May op tion at both centres is now at the all peaches. The trees are now in bloom. Strawberries are just coming into market. The gardens are sup plying us with all kinds of vegeta bles. The woods have been burned off and thousands of acres of low bush palmetto killed, leaving their great roots piled across each other in lowest point on record. The markets promiscuous confusion. They look tpt ft 'A Vs 7i'" U' a .t -rur cci7i ruM'? rmewn an5 4 ..'-JW I ilk. UUil LLliUAaO 1 l.lllU fUrO" No Sl:iiii. 3:iitt. Free syr-.n-c. A i,. n;, liLHiT I..:i i'oi-.i:mo:a. Si-i FEMALE Irowrcl Stricture. ' Cure for OoNoKKHtKA, ki:m i toi;i: ipka, and all il l.iscliaru'es. all Venereal Liseases. any address for $I.UO. Injection 'lalolur is TII l!F.W"nf all similar remedies. L-U. HFKRY RENT, Eiddeford, Me. Malj !! 3 iir. ... "A Sure p. At liriiu'iiists .:iiteuMcr. llii. !'. A. OSES DO YOU KZOvT DR. FELIX LE CTJuTi'S STEEL pi FliYiYffl. FILLS have had to contend against the old depressing influences of heavy slocks and an indiiTerent foreign demand. The interior movement has fallen off a little: but the reduction in ware house stocks has not yet been suffi cient to give any encouragement to bullish speculation. Corn receipts, which had recently been largo, have been considerably great snakes with alligator scale on them, but, of course, they are not killed and will soon sprout again and cover the earth with their fan-shaped leaves. I went out in the country to see the fruits and flowers of an old lady who lives in primitive simplicity and loves Florida and her humble home and cultivates tropical plants for the I Tore Down Milton Chronicle. Some weeks ago an old colored The ' brother near town employed a brick mason tt put up a chimney for which he agreed to pay 11 cash upon com pletion of thtj work. After the work was done the colored brother antied up $G and told the knight of the trowel that lie must wait for the balance of his money. This he (the mason) refused to do and proceeded to "paw up tne earth and raise Cain" in general, concluding his re marks with ''ante up. or down she comes." The old man was firm and stood his ground; then the workman put his threat into execution and tore down 5-5 worth of the chimney, left the rest standing, called it square and left the scene. Shipman on the street, at Lima. O., Saturday night, and robbed him of 1,."00, besides fracturing his skull. R'ots took place in the mining re gions of Pennsylvania, Saturday, in which considerable mine properties were destroyed by striking miners. While temporarily deranged, Ed Davis, colored, killed his wife at Greenville, S. C, Monday, and jump cclinto a well and drowned himself. ---The fumes from a gas stove scope uutil he has completed it and formally introduced it. Senator Poller's resolution declar ing the opinion of the Senate to be that the Secretary of the Treasury has no legal authority for the pro posed bond issue, has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee. That is probably the last that will be heard of the resolution, unless Mr. Peffer shall insist upon having it re ported and formally killed by a vote sull, of the Senate. art tho orisrinal at lmbie cure on tie u.;ul. Cieiiun e s. M. E. K .1 i:ly I'U!:;,-CH. safe matkei. Price $1.0); 1 1 only ly .11 Hr, Colds ;;! re ecC by X. ('. A Happy Welcome TS crAKANTKI'.D TO TliOSK WHO -- will call at my saloon, which is stocked at all times ith the choicest of Domestic and Imported Liquors and Wines ! All the latest drinks compounded and manipulated by skillful men. curtailed by the cold weather and i pleasure it gives her and gives those snowstorms; and t he lighter move-1 who visit her. I cannot give the meat, together with liberal exports, j botanical names as she gave them to strengthened prices to 1 of a cent j mo, but she had more curious plants per bushel. Clearances of corn from than I ever saw before. There was Atlantic ports are much larger than j the date palm and thistle hemp and they were at the corresponding pe-! camphor tree and eucalyptus that I riod last year, and there is a well- j remember and there was an oleander sustained demand for near future hi bloom that was nearly a foot in shipments. Values of provisions are diameter, and there were cactus slightly higher in the Chicago mar-j vines running over the house and ket, owing to lighter Western re ceipts and the higher cost of hogs. Home trade demand for hog products has been comparatively light: but tea plants and coffee plants and ma ny curious things that I never saw before. As for oleanders, they are common enough everywhere, and Domsstio and Im Cigars, there has been a fair inquiry for both , some on the sidewalks in Clear Wa meats and lard for export. I ter are twenty feet high, and are " : now putting on their beautiful gar ments. The flora of Florida is so A XI) A LAKCi; .()T ok nxr; it ll.H-.-o !',o- I',,,... V 1. . ... i oil- .until Corn U'his! Mr. Cull Would be li TO- ! ma 111V Mine -ed t his friends. Jas. L. Dickinson, At John (Jinn's Old Stand. Dr. J. M. Parker,- Don't Monkey With the Snake! Il w it.., 1 ili.it .i vittl.-ii-.l.o o inio.t bite if held up liy the' tail. Would you ' easily grown that most people take like to put the statement to a pract'ical little pride in it. What we grow at te.-t? l'robablv not: but how often do i v i. Mshead.piarters. kou take far greater risks? A snake- i Ilome 111 'ouses aim pus win is with me and bite is not the niilliioans of introibieinsr grow and flourish here in the woods, poison into the system, it your liver is or evc.u n tie w road if planted sliiiToish il fails to remove the lnipuri- , ,T , . . T , . , ties from the blood which passes through tluire- Mrs- Godwin, of Lakeland, it, and deadly poisons are thus throw n gave me a bouquet of the finest roses into the circulation, all the more dan- l evor sawa b OUquet that an At rcroiis because they are insidious. It' 1 . your blood is impure, if your liver is out ! kinta swell would have given . for of order, if you have blotches, pimples, ! to present to his best girl. hulk or eriiiitiniw "iloii't man kev vi 1 1 1 . .. ,. . .! . ' ' " ... I Hut. tho r'hmntn the. i- tniltf on t'OHice Uo .. Store, West ( Vnn DENTAL NITitiEOX. oe: L. 1). Ciddcns It I'ays Debts and Kettirns. Mur-Kanton Herald. When a five dollar bill torn in two and pasted together by a piece of yellow paper is brought into the Piedmont Bank for deposit it causes a laugh on the part of the president, Capt. George Phifer Erwin. It would be almost impossible, he says, to es timate the number of debts that this bill has paid. It was first deposited in the bank last summer and since that time he has paid it to various persons about fifty times. Each time it has remained out sometimes a few days, sometimes a week or two, but, like the proverbial bad coin, it always returns. It is circu lating around the town now, but he says it is onlyr a question of time as to its being deposited again. eated Carlton B. Tarbell and his wife, at St. Paul, Minn., Monday night, while the couple were asleep. Missing from home for weeks, Miss Minnie L. Porter, of Norfolk, Conn., was found dead in the woods, Friday, having wandered off while deranged. Calling for a revolver in a gun store at Macon, Ga., Saturday, Mrs. Stella M. Akeridge, of Savannah, killed herself on account of domestic trouble. Quarreling with Tils sweetheart, Miss Mollie Metlow, at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sunday night, Alonzo Thomp son cut her throat and then jumped into the river. A dynamite cartridge thrown in a train stove exploded near San Mar cos, Tex., Tuesday, while the train was in motion, resulting in the death of two men and the serious injury of six others. A duel took place Friday, at Rich mond, Ky., between Clay and Bates Shackleford, brothers, in which the latter was seriously wounded. Bad blood had existed between them for some time. During the execution of George H. Painter, the murderer of Alice Mar tin, his mistress, at Chicago, Fri day, the rope broke and he was kill ed by falling to the stone pavement below the scaffold. Five girls of Mason City, W. Va., enticed Arch Keller from his home Saturday night, tied him to a fence and administered a terrible flogging. Keller promised to marry one of the girls but fooled her. Eight persons on the schooner "Florence," while on a pleasure trip from Holland, Mich., to Florida, were drowned Tuesday above New Orleans in the Mississippi river by the capsizing of the boat. At Cumberland, Md., Tuesday, the 13-year-old daughter of Thos. Miller, during the absence of her parents, took a quantity of powder, put it in a bottle and stuck a match to it. blown the snake!"" Take Dr. Pierce's Ooldei. Medical Discovery, the only specific ; against all bloid-poisoii, no matter of w hat name or nature. It is sold under a positive guarantee that it will benefit or cure, or vournionev will be refunded. Overloaded. You've eaten 'ux much turkey. And so you cannot work, eh! Your head feels very n.urky There! I don't believe I could add an- j The result was that she wa other line and make it rhyme if I had a j dollar for doing it. A few cents, how- to atoms. ever, will cure me. To relieve stomach and bowels from overloading, a full dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets is the best remedy. They operate gently, yet thoroughly, and without griping, nausea, or other unpleasant effects. In vial.-, convenient to can v. Secretary Carlisle has had no ofti cial notice of that alleged attempt to prevent his issueing bonds by means of a restraining order from the courts, and he is going ahead with the preparations. The subscriptions received for these bonds exceeded the amount to be issued before the circular explaining the method of subscribing was sent out. It is stated quite positively' that Mr, Frank A. Crandall, of New York, who was at one time managing editor of the Buffalo Courier, and who has been prominent in politics in north ern New York, is to be the Public Printer, and that his nomination will go to the Senate next week ! That sort of an announcement has been made so often that Democrat who are weary of seeing the immense patronage of the Government Print ing Office controlled by a Republican are waiting patiently, but anxiously, to ascertain whether this one has any better foundation than its pred ecessors. The Senate committee on Foreign Relations has reported a resolution reciting that it is unwise and inex pedient to consider the annexation of Hawaii; that the people of that country should be allowed to choose I and maintain their own government, and that foreign relations must keep their hands off. The Democrats of the House Foreign committee have agreed to a resolution, which will come up in the House next week, which condemns the action of Minis ter. Stevens in helping to overturn the government of Hawaii and en dorses the principle announced by President Cleveland that interfer ence witn tne domestic anairs oi an independent nation is contrary to the spirit of American institutions. Sena tor Vest took occasion to say while the Senate was discussing the resolution: "I am glad to say as a Democratic Senator, that I fully agree with the President in the position he has as sumed in regard to Hawaiian annexation." A Summary of Current Events for the Past Seven Days. Wadesboro has a mild case of smallpox. The grocery store of Dick Stelges, at Wilmington, was burglarized Fri day night. According to the Messenger, Wil mington sports sent $23,000 to Jack sonville to put up on Corbott. Somebody has been dropping light ed matches in the letter box at the Kinston post-office and burning let ters therein. The post office at Cherry ville, Gas7 ton county, was burglariously enter ed Tuesday night and robbed of money and stamps. The dry kilns of the Aberdeen Lumber Company were destroyed by fire at Aberdeen, Saturday even ing. Loss about S.0(0; no insurance. The four-year-old child of Emma Toomer, colored, was burned to death at Charlotte, Friday, while being left alone in front of the fire place. John White, a farmer of Burke county, raised a $2 bill to 20 and while passing it upon an old colored man last week he got himself into trouble. A boiler exploded in the saw mill of N. A. Underwood, in Moore coun ty, Wednesday, killing the proprie tor and seriously injuring Duncan Hicks, his assistant. In Guilford county, Sunday, II. D. oss and John L. Pegram became engaged in a fight, during which Voss shot Pegram in the stomach in flicting a mortal wound. Frank Lee, colored, was jailed at Lumberton, Thursday, for commit ting a criminal assault on a three-year-old white child, daughter of J. W. Adkins, in Robeson county. In a drunken row which took place near Huntsville, Yadkin county, Mondav, a man named Kellev shot aiuTinortally wounded another man, whose name could not be learned J. H. Bruno, whose correct name is R. F. Truslon, a jeweler of Mur phy, decamped Monday night for parts unknown, taking with him a large number of watches and jewelry left with him for repair. The fifteen-year-old daughter of George M. Pearson committed sui cide in Burke county, Friday, by- hanging herself in the woods. The inhuman treatment of her father drove her to the rash deed. Robert L. Everett, the oiler at the cotton seed oil mill of Wilmington, while oiling the machinery Saturday, had his right arm caught by a band and came very near having it wrenched off and being killed. Columbus D. Jones, of Cleveland county, was killed Fridayr morning by Lawson Howard, colored. An old grudge and an impounded calf be longing to Jones, was the cause of the murder. The negro escaped. In Alexander county, Saturday, Sylvanus Deal nd Hansford Barnes went turkey hunting, and while out Deal's gun went off accidentally, the load taking effect in the body of Barnes, killing him almost instant- How the Alliance Has Swnnk.M Salisbury Herald. A few days ago the Herald printed an item stating that the membership of the Alliance was III, 000. as esti mated by outsiders, but that mem bers of the order claimed a much larger number. One of the chief men of the Alliance has since stated in Raleigh that the membership was 32,000. Four years ago the official returns of the order showed 103.000 members. Since that time the Al liance has gone into politics and the effect is shown by the shrinkage of members to less than one-third of those who joined it as a non-partisan organization for the benefit of those engaged in agricultural pursuits. Lost the tiirl and Waldi. Shelby Aurora. Over in McDowell county near Old Fort, a young preacher and another young man fell in love with the same fair girl. Both began to visit her and became rivals. They met one day and the other young man said to the young preacher: ''I'll ln?t ten dollars against your watch that I can cut you out. The preacher re plied: "I am not a betting man, but if you can 'cut me out' I will give you my watch." Time went on and it is now said that the preacher lost lxth the girl and the watch. Awful Harvest or Death. A San Francisco special, under date of January 2S, has the follow ing: Twelve thousand persons have leon killed by the complete annihilation by earthquake of the town of Kuchan, Persia, according to advices from China by the steamer Belgic. The bodies of 10,000 victims of the awful disaster have already been re covered. Fifty thousand cattle were also destroyed at the same time. The once imortant and beautiful city of 20.000 people is now only a scene of death, desolation and terror. lMiyitieiuiiK Say So. The only way to cure salt rheum, ec zema, pimples, Itoils. blotches and ul cers is by the use f Ur. David Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy, "I used nuiii U'l's of so-called Mood purifiers," writes Mrs. Helinda Hodsdon. of Haverhill, N. IL. without benefit, uutil I began to take tin Favorite Kcnieday. Although suffering from an ulcerated sore leg. a few 1 Hit ties entirely cured iiie' A chronic grumbler can lie set down as a person who loafs too much. Huckleu'N Arnica Salve. The l.est Salve in the world for Cuts, liruises. Sores. Ulcers, Stilt Kheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give erfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2" cents per box. For Side by J. II. Hill & Son. Klectric Ititterw. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no pecial mention. All who have used Electric Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not xist ami it is guaranteed to uo all that claimed. Electric Hitters w ill cure ill diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum mil other affections caused lv impure blood. Will drive malaria from tin tern andmevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Elec tric Hitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price "0 , and 1.0 per bottle at J. II. Hill & Son's Drug Store. In an Bunyan negroes, the gulf coast the coast where' no I east winds prevail the east wind j that comes over the Atlantic ocean j and firings aches and shivers and I God has tilled the world with teachers for those who want to learn. Japanese Liver Pellets art -the liest family medicine for liver complaint and constipation. jO pills in vial 2 cents. Sold at M. K. Robinson & Rro's. The Corbett-Mitchell prize fight, for a stake of $20,000, took place near Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock, and in less than nine minutes, Charley Mitchell, the Englishman, was knocked out in the third round. There were fully 3.000 people present, and all of them were disappointed because the spectacle was so short as to. hardly give them the worth of their money. altercation between John Burkett, white, and two W. J. Campbell and Wm. Smith, in Cumberland county, Mon day night, Burkett was clubbed to death by the two negroes. Burkett was formerly- an engineer on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. A man calling himself George R. Street and claiming to be from Geor gia, came to Iredell county a few weeks ago. He married- soon after a young lady-, Miss Holland, but last week he disappeared, deserting his young wife and leaving a large num ber of bills unpaid. Two sections of a freight train on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad col lided at Henderson, Thursday night, resulting in the death of two passen gers, Rev. E. J. Shaw, a Baptist preacher of Portsmouth, Va., and L, Bowman, a horse-dealer, of Rich mond, Va. W. G. Brodie, of War ronton, escaped with a broken leg, Conductor Coley, of the first section, is blamed with the accident. Ask Your Friend Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in its favor. Simply w hat Hood's Sarsaparilladoes, that telfs the story of its merit. One has leen cured of indigestion or dyspepsia, an other finds it indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while others report remarkable cures of scrofula, ca tarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. A child's first question is the round in the ladder of knowledge. first A Marriage That Didn't Take Plaee. Klkin Times. There is one young man in Surry county that is willing to certify that there is more truth than poetry in the old couplet "there is many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip." On Sunday, the young man dressed in his best suit of clothes, armed with a marriage license and escorted by- magistrate and several friends, start ed to the home of his intended bride The boys took several drinks on the Way and when the party reached the scene of the marriage the groom was ''in the best of spirits" and not able to walk a chalk line without turning a bit to the right or left. The young lady soon took in the situation and despite the eloquent appeals of the young ' man refused to consent to marry him in the condition he was in. He departed thinking perhaps of that song which says, "aint it aw ful when a fellow gets left." It Should he in Kvery lloune. J. H. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps uirg, Pa., savs he w ill not be w ithout Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his w ife w ho was threatened w ith pneu monia after an attack of "La GripiM'," when various other remedies and sver- il physicians had done no good. Rolx-rt Harber, of Cooksport, Pa,, claims Dr King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used forliingtrouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial Lotties at J. 11. li.Hl -V fcoirs Drug Store. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. a Some men join the church from the same motive that otters rob a bank. ft- Vou can never tell what a slight cold may lean to: it is ie-t, tnerciore, 10 give vourself the benefit of the doubt, anil cure it as soon as possible with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A day s delay, some times an hour's delay, may result in se rious consequences. The prayer that starts from a Hible promise always reaches Heaven. Mental depression, wakefulness, lost manhood cau.-ed by errors of youth or later excesses quickly cured by Magnet ic .Nervine, duaraiiteed by M. h.. Kol- inson & Hro. The greatest fortress is Gibraltar. It is considered impregnable to military ittack. It was bcsiegeu by the Span iards for three years without success. u W'""iT JIBsoIately Pure - A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Re port. Royal Baking Powder Co., 10G AVall St., X. 1