THE HE ADLIGHT. rrr.usiiKi) eveky Thursday. SIT.SCRIITIOX 1.00 l'EU YEAH. A. KOSCOWEK, Editor ami Proprietor. ( !omsi:or. X. C, Fob. 8, 1SD4. DEVIL BILL'S CONVERSION. THE i?LAM S1LVEK HILL. The fart that the silver question is not settled is attested ly the pre sentation of what will he known as the Bland Silver hill in the House on Saturday. Mr. Bland, of Mis souri, is chairman of the House committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures, and the hill is favor ably reported from that committee. It is not a very radical measure, simply supplementing the act of ls'.io and providing that the silver bullion now in the Treasury shall be immediately coined. The pro posed law adds nothinir to that por tion of the Sherman act which pro vided for the coinage of silver bul lion to redeem outstanding Treasury notes, excei)t that it makes the coinage of the bullion on hand per emptory and further provides that silver certificates may be issued upon the seirniorare of some .".",- (MO,M M). The chief reason adduced for the new bill is that it will place in cir culation this .":, h.m i,0 M) at a time when the ( iovernnient is issuing bonds and usin extraordinary means to relieve the Treasury. Mr. I'.land stated in his report that it was evidently an opportune time to let loose the amount of money locked up in the bullion of the Treasury vaults, which would come to the (iovernnient in the way of coinage. There is some reason for acceding to the proposition con tained in the Hland bill, but a very la rife part of the people of our country will naturally shudder at the thought of a greater volume of silver currency. No rreafer argument can he ad duced ajrainst the further multipli cation of silver dollars than the consideration that the coinage val ue of the silver on hand in the Treasury is about $isi,000, 000 and iis real market value is only a trifle over sn7,ooo,ooo. If this bullion is coined, therefore, the credit of the ( iovernnient must bridge over the difference hetween the real val ue of the metal and the apparent value of the coin. This having heen done to the extent of some s J ooo,ooi.oon already, most peo ple, whose minds are not complete ly carried away with the craze for free silver, will naturally come to the conclusion that the strain upon the public credit has jrone far enough. The simple fact remains that the market value of the bullion in the Treasury cannot be increased by legislation. Iy adding national credit its exchange value may be increased by ehamjin it into coin, but it becomes a very interesting: question to know who finally is to pay the obiijrationrepresented in the (iovernnient security of the sil ver coin over and above its intrin sic value. Xo doubt financial legislation must come in time, and the silver question will have to be solved one way or the other, but there isa dis position on the part of sober-minded citizens in the republic to let the question rest for a time until it shall be seen what effect the new tariff law will have on business and what result the repeal of the Sher man act will have upon the price of silver. COMJKESS AM) HAWAII. M'l 11-1 'It I'll ne nson larni inn was no sooner out of the w ay in the House of Representatives than the Hawa iian question was Taken up. Liu lev the rules it will be discussed for three days, and then the resolution offered by the committee on For eign Relations will be voted upon dudir'niir from that portion of the debate which has passed, the ques tion has lost public interest to great degree, and the American people are simply waiting; with in dillerence the action of Congress in supporting; the Administration or leiusniix m no so. as me case may be. Xo doubt a considerably number ..t i . oi iiepresomauves m uongress are convinced that President Cleve land's policy with reference to Ha waii has been consistent and just. Another portion will be as strong ly convinced that it has heen short sighted and unjust. Outside of Congress opinion is similarly divid ed, and the general impression pre vails that nothing like unity of sen timent can he readied during Mr. Cleveland's administration. The disposition, therefore, is to drop the question, permit the Provision al (iovernnient in Hawaii to work out its own salvation and relegate the question of annexation to the future, that being; about alUhat can be accomplished under the circum stances. If tin- worth ,,f anything ;s ,,nvcn by, men surely Dr. Hull's Cough v iHi-einuientiy the best eouwh i ! uo .-Mailt. COXTINl Kl K1IOM Kilt ST VMiK. humble wprk for the Lord ever since, and he besought his hearers to stop and think '-Stop, poor sinner, step and think." he cried in alarming tones. There were a few men and many women in that crowd whose eyes, long unused to the melting mood, dropped tears of repentance at the preacher's kind and tender exhorta tion. Bill Jones' wife, poor woman, had crept humbly into the outskirts of the crowd, for she had long treas ured the memories of her childhood, when she, too, had gone with her mother to hear preaching. In secret she had pined and lamented her hus band's hatred for religion and preach ers. After she had washed the blood from his swollen face and dressed his wounds she asked if she might go down and hear the preacher. For a minute he was silent and seemed to be dumb with amazement. He had never been whipped before and had suddenly lost confidence in himself and his infidelity. '"Go along, Sal ly," he answered, '"if he can talk like he can fight and sing, maybe the Lord did send him. It is all mighty strange to me," and he groaned in anguish. ,IIis animosity seemed to have been changed into an anxious wondering curiosity, and after Sally had gone he left his "bed and drew near to the window where he could hear something for himself. Old Sledge made an earnest, soul reaching prayer, and his pleading with the Lord for Bill Jones' salva tion and that of his wife and children reached the window where Bill was sitting, and he heard it. His wife returned in tears and took a seat be side him, and sobbed her heart's dis tress, but said nothing. Bill bore it for awhile in thoughtful silence, and then putting his bruised and tremb ling hand in her's said, '"Sally, if the Lord sent Old Sledge here, and may be he did I reckon you had better look after the horse." And sure enough Old Sledge stayed there that night and held family prayer and the next day he preached from the piazza to a great multitude, and sang his favorite hymn: "Am I a soldier of the cross V'1 And when he got to the third verse his untutored, but musical voice seemed to be lifted a little higher as he sang: "Sure I must light if I would reign. Increase niv courage, Lord." Devil Bill was converted and be came a changed man. He joined the church, and closed his grocery and helped to build a meeting house, and it was always said and believed that Old Sledge mauled the grace into his unbelieving soul, and it never would have got in any other way. Bill Arp. A Sorry Piece of liiislness. Salisbury Herald. The livery-men of Statesville form ed a. trust for the purpose of raising the price of the omnibus fare from the depot to the hotels from 23 to jO cents for the round trip. Rather than pay this advance, the drummers visiting Statesville decided to walk up town. In revenge for this break ing up of their scheme the liverymen have sought the registers of the ho tels and procured the name of the drummer, and the line of goods han dled and have influenced the mer chants to boycott him. It is said that a number of drummers have sold no goods in Statesville the past two weeks because they would not submit to the attempt of the livery men to charge them exorbitant 'bus fare. This is a sorry piece of busi ness and shows up the merchants in a bad light. Women to 111? Front. Wilmington Star. It is reported that the army of the unemployed in X-nv 'York City is about to be considerably increased from a new source. The stores there, especially the largo retail shops, in decreasing their force of clerks after the holidays, have been, as far as possible, substituting women for men. and a great many of the hitter have lost the places they have been filling for many years. A. T. Stew art's old establishment, now man aged by Hilton. Hughes it Co., has been one of the last to fall into the line of women employing, but is now coming to it. There have been 1.200 men employed there, and it is said that all but 200 of them are to be re placed by women, who presumably will be expected to do as much work as the men and take less pay for it. If things go on in this line, it will not be long until the women will be the recognized bread-winners of the ordinary family, and the men will have to stay at home and manage the house, while their wives are at work. Men who for years have been suffer ing with a distressing affertion of the back or kidneys have' been immediately relieved and permanently cured by the judicious use of Salvation Oil. the great pain-cure. Apply accord'mgto directions. e. The Ways of the Courts. Asheville C itizen. Prendergrast's the assassin of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, law yers have just had extended the time in which to prepare arguments for a new trial. In the meantime not even the accused himself denies his guilt; he has had a fair trial, and has been found sane and a murderer out and out. What good purpose is served by the delay except to give an excuse for lynching the next crank who shoots down a public man? In the presence of his little child ren, John Brock, white, of New Han over .county, murdered his wife last Saturday and buried her in a swamp. &mr ?CrSi A NARROW ESCAPE! clew it Happened. The followincr rmnr'inK.? event in n lady's life will interest t!io reader: rora lonir tiiiic 1 had a terrible pain at my l.eart, vLi h flut tered alrnst incessant !y. l.":n no appetite and could not sleep. I voisitl . :e eoinpelli d tosit up in bed unit l,e!'!i ;:as from my s!on. acli until I thought every '-inuto would l e my last. There was fit-Hits :t oppression about mv heart, ai.d I v as nfniid to draw a full brea't h. I couldn't sv.eep a room wiili out sitliir,' down and rcsi i.:?: but, thank God, by the help of New Heart C lire all that is past and I feel like another woman. i!e foiv usirn; the Niv.v Heart Cure I had taken different so-called remedies and bern treated by doctors without any benetit until I v.a.i both discouraged and disjrusted. My husband bought me a bottle of Dr. Wiles' New 1'eart Cure, and am happy to say I never regretted it. as 1 now havo a Fplendid appetite nntl sleep well. I weighed 125 pounds when I re ran taking the remedy, and nowI v.-eifiliK-fi'j. Its effect In my case has been truly marvel ous, fr, far surpasses any other medicine I have ever taken or any benefit I ever re reived from physicians." Mrs. Hairy Staiv, I'ottsville, l'a., October 12, IMS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold on a posi tive guarantee by fill drujrfrists, or by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt c.f price, fl per bottle, six bottles 85, express pre paid. This preat discovery by an eminent specialist in heart disease, contains neither Opiates nor dangerous drugs. SOLI) BY JOHN II. HILL & SOX, Druggists, (JoMsboro, X. C TO : REDUCE Our Nfoelv of Appreciates Its Weekly Exchanges. Charlotte Observer. Friday is the most agreeable clay in the week in the North Carolina editorial office. It is the day the most of the weekly exchanges come in, and thus the clay that the whole State comes under the eye. These weeklies are to be read not only with pleasure but with great profit. As a whole they are of a very high type, and no class is closer to the. masses of the people than are the editors of the weekly papers. The careful reader of them gets a good idea of the drift of. public opinion. The Observer acknowledges its obliga tions to them for a great deal of the matter that goes to make its col umns readable, and for very much of the information that it carries in its head and that is drawn on. as needed, from time to time. A Novel Marriage Ceremony. Elkin Times. A justice of the peace living not a thousand miles from Elkin was re eently called upon to marry a couple The magistrate sometimes indulges in poetry and knowing how little property the bride and groom pos sessed, performed the ceremony in the following words: Jim. will you take I Jet, Without regret. To love and cherish Till one of you perish. And he laid under the sod, .So help you God? Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the .seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and meeuoiis surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescril)ed by one of the best phy sicians in this count ly for years, and is i regular prescription. Jt is composed of the best tonics known, combined with me i,est i)i,,0d purifiers, acting directly conminat on of mT? whta produces1 K m curing catarrh. Send for testf F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O 83TSnM by Druggists 75e. (V Ji.s. M. E. M ade Stoiieivall. Teim. A Helpless Invalid Kidney and Liver Trouble and Nervous Debility 16 Years of differing Ended by Taking Hood's. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : "The effects of Hood's Sarsaparilla in my case have beea truly marvelous. It far surpasses any other medicine I have ever taken. For 1G years I was troubled with torpid liver, kidney trouble and nervous debility, and was. A Helpless Invalid. I have been takinu Mode's Sarsaparilla for three mouths aud I feel that I am cured. I feel better now than I have for sixteen years. I thank God first, for my health, and C. I. Hood & Co., second, for Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have recom- ooq secures mended-it to all my neighbors and several of them are usiv.-x H.khI's S trsap-irilla with pood results. I am ; years obi and feel better than I !id at 40." Vn:s. K. Walk. Stonewall. Ttmi. HOOd's Pi'!s "ei e:i-;!y. yet promptly and efficiently, on tha liver and Loweli. l&c. H ASrw ia 5 minutes proves i'kgLfe& ' PRICE 50 CENTS PER DOTTLE. & BOOX OF VALUABLE IKfORMATION FREE. O FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. OEATON & CRAWFORD, LIFE AM) FIRE Insurance - Agents, GOLDS HOIK), X. C. CO. W. P. HABUMH Xr.tnr;.' Agents. $75 a mek. l"-;uive territory. Th li ! Wtohrr. Wahr ft 1 1 1 ha disheflfor a faiuilj in one miauta. M'&Ahs, rinaea and dries them without wetting the band. You f.ush ihe but ton, the machine doe the rat. Itrithr, polUhed diabea, aud c he-r ful wire. io acalded fiugfn.nosoiledbandior clothing. No bmken dtsbM.Domuas. cheap, durable, warran ted. Circular! frca. Win ter Millinery WE OFFER VERY. GREAT REDUCTIONS! FANCY GOODS ' AXI) NOTION'S LOVER THAN EVER OCKCOOOOO-DOOOOOOCOOOOOOQ J. II. EDWA11DS. DO YOU WANT To Make Money? Although my trale last year was the largest ly Several - Thousand - Dollars than any previous year. I now fintl my self with too man v Winter (ioxlscn han.l. TO GIVE THEM AWAY is not business, but in onler to get these goixls otT my shelves WITHOUT - DELAY I propose to make tin price no object, and will sell tlicni lower than ever known. DO NOT HESITATE- but come at once. You will lintl them the biggest bargains ever olTerttl here. Ed. L. Edmundson, THE HUSTLER. Walnut street, t;liKboro, X. (!. WHEN YOU NEED YisiTiHB Cards, Wedding Invitations, or anything in that line, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS with us. as we represent E. A. Wright, of l'hilatlt'lphia, one of the finest engravers in the country. Will - Quote - Prices upon application. It will pay you to see us before ordering. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a new lot of Ledgers, Day Hooks, Journals ami Cash Hooks." Also a NEW LINE OF NICE STATIONERY. Come, see and be convinced, at the J. V. MILLEK, Puopkietok, DO : YOU : EAT? If so, you must call at our store, near court house square, opposite Ham's livery stables, which has just been open ed with A Full Supply of Groceries! We carry anything in the line of gro ceries and provisions, and if you will call on us and obtain prices, we are sure that you will buy. also carry a full supply of the best and leading brands of TOBACCO, CIGARS and SNUFF which we guarantee to sell to each and every customer ten per cent, lower than any other store in the city. Iiuilding lime, all kinds of sewing machine supplies and general commis sion merchants. tCountry produce bought and sold. Maxwell & McGee. Do You FEEL SHOES? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. "ffK-TaMa.TAKE RIPANS TABULES "Sir'T.TAKE RIPANS TABULES if ycur COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you faTcc" DIDAUC TARIIICC SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, tilt tlrHIlO IHOULLO f"dAI"SK?..T te RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ONE GIVES RELIEF. EASY TO TAKE. QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. GREAT - SLAUGHTER - SALE -OF- WINTER V GOODS AT- Preparatory to our annual inventory and the new arrival of our spring stock, we shall close out For The Next 30 Days Our remaining stock of Winter Goods at a tremendous sac rifice, as we don't care to carry over a single yard of this season's goods when our Spring trade begins. New And Seasonable Goods- At One Half Their Value ! By examining our stock you will find no shelf-worn goods offered for sale, as is done in other houses, when a closing-out sale is announced. The goods we offer you at such a Great - Saving - In - Cost, are all this season's goods, fresh from the manufacturers and of the latest designs and fashion. You will simply pronounce it as the Greatest Bargains Ever Known I Do not fail to take advantage of this unprecedented offer, which is only a chance of a life-time. We guarantee to sell you everything you need at a great deal less than the cost of production. THE iRGE SEED P INTHE South ocoooecce? Being the largest. Is the direct result of bcin - 0 best. Wood's Seeds are known and grown i every State In the South ; acknowledged to I." the best for garden, farm or field. Send f,,r a Wood's SerU Book. It is not a mere cataloi- 5 but a reference book of the greatest value, ".,;,! 7 tainlng useful Information both for the true;;, ,! '1 and Dlanter. together with full t.arLi-ul:ir 3 WOOD'S S A special feature for 1S!U Is the full iiirwtu,no in growing Bet fornsar Making ; also descriiw ? nous Oi wuifnn BfiTrsiru, an lnvuluaMe J forage plant, aDd all the latest novelties for 2 den and farm. Write for it, and current prices of 3 any Grass, Clover, or other Field Seeds require!. 2 Send your orders direct, if your merchant dues ;S not handle IVood'B Seeda. 3 T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen. Richmond, Va. 3 )gQQ03QQQ3QQQQQ000QpQQQ3QQQ0CiGQj Notice To Farmers ! In these hanl times it is to vour interest to save every dollar you ran. I i,aw. made preparations to do a much larger credit business this year than formerly, not only in Dry Goods. lut in Meat, Flour, Supir, Coffee and Tobacco :i- u. jj I will also make a specialty of All Kinds and Grades of Fertilizers I have made up mv mind to sell lower than any other houe in the cit .. ,K time as well as for cash. You may try them all, inquire the price of meat itmhv thing else vou may want, then come to me and you may rest assured that -I " 1 ',. Joe" will discount them all. I also notify my country friends that I have OX HAND A NICE LOT OF MULES, Which I guarantee to sell $25 cheaper, each, on time r for cah. than other dealer in the State. Come to see me ln-fore purchasi;:r. (Tliefore makiu? arrangements with any house be sure and see hm If y..u need any ready cash. I've got it for you on the most reasonable terms. Joseph. E3c3."wa,3T,ds. THE ENTIRE WINTER STOCK GOES WITHOUT RESERVE. Don't hesitate and put it off, but come at once in order to avoid the rush. Remember that the Closing-Out Sale only lasts for Thirty Days. After that time you will never be able to secure such enormous bargains again, as they are offered to vou NOW. UNPRECEDENTED SACRIFICES -IX- -: DRESS liO!)S. CLOAKS. FUNNELS AND BLANKETS ! :- You will find these goods worth at least double the price at which we are offering them now. Bear in mind that they are all this season's goods, and only reduced in their original value for the benefit of our enormous trade. Prices Down to Almost Nothing IN Clothing, Boots and Shoes. it is useless for us to attempt to say anything more. You will have to come in person and convince yourself of the truth of our assertion. You may rest assured that the goods will be sold to you. NOTE. Farmers desirous of buying their supplies on time, or are in need of ready cash, can be accommodated in any quantity on the most reasonable terms. I also keep a Full Line of Groceries, and a complete assortment of all the leading Fertilizers. It will therefore be to your interest to consult me when in need of supplies during the spring and summer. ASHER -:- EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Prices. 37, 39, 41 and 43, EAST CENTRE STREET, (J0LDSR0R0, N. cT FOR TIN ROOFING, Roof Painting and General Tin and Sheet Iron Work, -GO TO-r FOR PICTURE FRAMING In Moulding of Latest Designs go to Best Workmanship Lowest Prices. Seed Potatoes ! Choice Lot Spring Seed Oats. Houlton Rose, Early Goodrich And Peerless Seed Potatoes! 500 Barrels Flour - All Grades, AT LOWEST PRICES. I. B. FONVIELLE, West Walnut St., and at the Unlucky Corner. PRIVETT, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL Grocer and Cotton Buyer. 1867. Established. 1867. Offers for Oscsii Bargains in all goods such as Meat, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Hay, Salt, Mixed Cow Feed, Wheat Bran Soap, Starch, Soda, Buckets, Brooms, Empty Grain Sacks Molasses, Lye, Potash, Land Plaster, Candles. Rye. Corn, Oats, Bice Meal, Bagging : and : Ties! The Best of Cement and Lime, Plaster Paris, Laths, Haiivtc DO YOU NEED MONET? One - Thousand - Dollars! To be loaned out to Responsible Parties, At Fight Per Cent. iFor particulars call at Headlight office. STRICTLY : CONFIDENTIAL. L. G. Waddell, Contractor M And Builder, G0LDSR0R0, X. C. CSTSpt'cialty ortottages. Plans and estimates furnished on application. THE VERY BEST ' The Market Affords Is daily kept at our estaUMimeiit. We Make a Specialty OK Stall-Fed Beef. Pork and Sausage always on Ii 3rllirlu'st market priee paid f..r ;"tV- S. COHN & SON, CITY BUTCH EltS GOLDSBORO. X. C - alud. tr tffnrmton f'" iJ'- -i of ' L'tuwrMUc OiHirrinCiTil tiV"1"1!' 1 ' "' Ura. Addrmm CL A. C- DAVIS, HH.. WnfA. ri

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