I THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUiiSClili'TlOX 1.00 PER YEAR. A. ROSl'OWER, Editor and Proprietor. Coi.nsiinRo, X. C, March 15, -4804. A YEAR OF IMMV El. A lilt!' over one year ;iir. the I assumed control of the National (iovernnionl after a total or partial exclusion from power for over thirl y years. They found the la rill taxes Iiiirher than at any pre vious period in the history of tiie (iovcnunent. They found aTreas urv l liciency iinpendin where they had left a surplus. They found the free irold excess of near lv l 00,000,000 turned over hy lVesjdent Cleveland four yeaiv be fore vattercd in foiviirn lands. Tie y found the country on the; verire of a monetary panic owinp: to the operations of ;i Kepublican hiiih tariff law. They found on the :-tatule hook the skeleton of an Kleelioiis Force law which the Re-1 puo'icaiis had desperately endeav ored to lrer.rthen with Federal bayonets at the polls. We have not shunned the duty of criticising the administration and tin- Democrats in Congress wlwn the honor and the welfare of the country requires it. Iut in spite of blunders and delinquencies it is true and it deserves to he said lhat not in half a century before has the first year of a new Admin istration and a new Congress been s i rich in important public service as has the year which ended Sun day a week aro. The election law has been re pealed. With it disappeared the la-l vestige of centralized coercion, the fruit of war. Flections are hereafter free. The threat of "a bayonet behind every ballot" of the party in power doinr, as Speaker Reed said the Kepublican party intended to do, "its own registration, its own counting and its own certilication" is removed. This achievement alone is enough to have made the first year of the Democratic restoration memorable. A genuine tarilf reform bill has passed the House. The Wilson bill is the most seientiiic and just taritl measure that has passed either house of Congress in thirty years. If enacted into law it will free the irreat body of the people from needlessly burdensome taxes, it will relieve our manufacturers from a hindering handicap, it will en large the activities and increase the rewards of labor. It executes the mandates of the people. It fulfils the oft repeated pledge of the Deni ocratic party. There has been a promising start in pension reform. The greatest source of extravagance and fraud in the entire Federal system has been boldly and honestly attacked The Pension Appropriation bill reported to the House is nearly si.-,,ooo,ooo less than the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year. This is a record of which the Democratic party has a right to be proud, despite the shortcomings and vronr doings in other direc tions. As to the reverse side of the pic ture there is this to be said: Fvery mill that is closed was shut up under the operation of the McKin ley 50 per cent, tarilf. Every w orkingnian w ho is unemployed is idle under the law that was framed ostensibly to ''protect" him. Every dollar of increase in the public debt represents a dollar of the Kepubli can deficiency. Every lack in the Treasury is due to the Kepublican law which cut revenue by raising taxes. Every expedient to obtain gold to maintain the public credit is the necessary result of the net loss of gold to the country during the Republican Administration of over 1:22,000,000. Every defici ency, increasing payment from the public Treasury bears the sign man ual of a Kepublican President. That there are dangers ahead of the Democratic party none will de ny. I n t the record of its tirstyear in power challenges comparison with any similar period in the his tory of the country. Tin: PolIard-Irecnridge breach of promise suit, which is being 'aired"1 in Washington just now, is occupying considerable space of the daily press. No matter what the verdict will be, Congressman Kreckinrrtlge, of Kentucky, will be a dead politician after his present term expires. He will retire in disgrace. The wide-awake citizens of Mor jranton are anxious to entertain the Xorth Carolina Press Association this year. It is to be hoped that the Executive Committee will ac cept the invitation and choose the hitter part of May as the time for the next annual meeting of the As sociation. Anothkk batch of foreign ad vertising frauds have just been re- rted 1 j Editor Sherrill. Good ! Last Week in Trade Circles. Special Correspondence. New York, March 12, 18!L Business conditions during the last week have not greatly changed. The tendency to improvement has been a little more general, owing to the ap proach of spring, and evidence of progress in the preliminary work of tariff revision has given some encour agement to business men. The act ual gain in business from week to week, however, -is disappointingly small. The depletion of merchandise stocks is stimulating demand for some manufactures, anJ the indus trial output is steadily expanding; but the recovery of trade and indus try is within ver' conservative lim its, and can scarcely be expected to make rapid headway until all uncer tainty as to the action of Congress shall have been removed. Share peculation has been decidedly more active, and the average of values of railroad and industrial stocks is slightly higher than it was a week Money markets, however, continue very easy, and there is no percepti ble improvement in the. demand for commercial loans. Merchandise im ports continue small in comparison with those of last year the decrease last month having been approxi mately 37 per cent, but exports have continued large. The increase in exports" from Xew York alone in the first week of March was $2,500, 000, and in four weeks the gain over the shipments during the corres ponding period last year has been about 14 per cent. Failures are still decreasing in number, and out of a total of :'0S reported by K. G. Dun & Co. in the United States and Can ada during the last week not a sin gle one was of much importance. The cotton movement lias kept up better than had been expected, al though the port receipts have been largely at the expense of stocks pre viously held at interior towns, and shipments from the plantations have been comparatively light. Prices of actual cotton have declined and re covered 1-1G of a cent, and the spec ulative market shows little net change for the week. Bullish senti ment is of slow growtli in the face of the ample stocks and restricted bm--ing by domestic spinners. Northern mills to the close of last week had taken 203,000 bales less than during the previous crop year, and the con dition of the cotton goods trade does not encourage the hope that weekly comparisons will shortly become more favorable. The wool trade has continued moderately active, and there has been no important change in prices. Demand for dress goods has been good, and there has been an improved inquiry in preparation for fall wants by clothiers. Demand for iron and steel was for small lots. There has been no important j change in the wheat situation. The crop outlook is favorable, and farm ers are less reluctant to part with their stocks; but the -interior move ment is still running below that of the corresponding period last year, and visible stocks are gradually de creasing. The latter are still too large, however, in view of the mode rate export demand, to encourage bullish speculation. On the other hand, the low ruling prices, the pos sibility of accident to the growing crop, and the expectation that official figures will confirm trade estimates of unusually small stocks in farmers' hands, have tended to restrain short selling. Uncertainty about the an nual stock estimate has been an im portant cause of hesitancy in specu lative circles last week. The Government estimate of farm ers' holdings of wheat on March 1 last year was 133,000,000 bushels, but the subsequent distribution showed that this was much below the fact. The crops of the two pre vious years were underestimated at least 00,000,000 bushels, and very few authorities have been willing to accept the Government estimate of the production of 1803, which was less than 400.000,000 bushels. As suming that farmers' stocks a year ago were understated 55.000,000 bushels, and that the 1893 yield was 400,000,000 bushels, the Cincinnati Price Current has figured out a prob able stock in farmers' hands on March 1 this year of 105,000,000 bush els. There is general expectation that the official figures, which will be made public to-day, will recognize the errors of previous calculations and afford more reliable data on this subject than any that have hereto fore been available. Corn receipts in the West have continued liberal, and there has been a further increase in visible stocks; but a fair foreign demand, cuts in the freight rate, and the expectation of reduced offerings in the interior, have enabled holders to secure ad vances of I to i of a cent per bushel in prices. Chicago prices of provis ions have declined 32'. cents per bar rel on pork and 17 cents per hund red pounds on lard and short ribs, owing to the absence of speculative support, comparatively liberal re ceipts of hogs at packing centres and lower prices in Western markets. How's This! We offer One Humlml Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured liv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEN FA' & CO.. Props., Toledo, (). We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and linancially able to car ry out any ol (ligation made by their firm. West &Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, ' Toledo, O. Waldixg, Kinxax & Makvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Price 7oc ier bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Preserve (lie Slate ('oveninient. ritt-sboro Rec-j; J. The slogan in the coming campaign for the Democrats of North Carolina, and indeed for all true sons of the Old North State, should be ';Uo! for Carolina." However much they may differ and disagree in Federal affairs, yet all should unite together in re taining Democtutic supremacy in our State government, against which no man can utter one word of de served censure. No intelligent and unprejudiced person will deny that! Democratic rule in North Carolina has been just, economical and satis factory. Then why change or jeop ardize it? We are pleased to note that the lead ing dailies of this State are urging our people to stand together for a continuance of good government in North Carolina, even if they differ as to Federal affairs. Our local gov ernment State, county and munici pal is closest and nearest to the people, and is that in which they naturally feel the deepest interest. Let us then ' by all means retain and preserve mat government m u:e hands of that party which for so many years has administered it so acceptablj'. a 1 Religious War In Memphis. The war between Catholics and Protestants has reached Memphis. The Protestant Pastors' Association came out in a lengthy card Tuesday vigorously attacking the Catholic Church and defending the American Protective Association. The Catholics are charged with be ing engaged in a conspiracy to con trol every office in the country from President down to constable in the interest of the Pope, whom they characterize as the arch enemy of American institutions. The Protest ant pastors announce that they will wage a relentless war on Catholics in future, and no man will be sup ported for office at the coming elec tions who is a believer in the Catho lic religion. The card is the sensa tion of the hour in Memphis. - - K In Bethel, Pitt county, Tuesday. Belle, the ten-year-old daughter of J. U. Peel, was burned to death ho lier clothing becoming ignited from a small brick oven around which she was playing with other children. Take it home. '-Having mod Salva tion Oil in my family for rheumatism I linil it an excellent remedy. Hiram (J. Dudley, of Dudley & Carpenter, com mission merchants, 1'1 Light street, Kaltiniore, Md. GOLDSKOUO MA It K KT KKlMMtT. Crr' ted kly by i. M. Privett, Cotton lIuyT mid Wholesale Provision Dealer. Cotton 02 ISulk .Meat J Mess Pork 13..r;0 Sait 'Joe (" 1.00 Kice, rough 40 (ft o0 X. C. Hams 'J (a 10 X. C. Sides S (a 'J Meal per sack 1.15 (a 1.30 Flour 3.00 0 1.00 Sugar, granulated l ('f Corn "5 (a 00 Oats IS ( 50 Hay 1.00 (t 1.05 Kggs 10(flll Kice Meal, per 100 ft 1.00 Peas 50 (a 00 A Mother's Story Kcr Coy's Suffering After Diphtheria C cod's Cave Cood Health and Strength. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.: " Hood's Sarsaparilla lias done so much for my Itoy that I wish to say a few words In praise of this wonderful inedidne. Clifford was very ill with diphtheria and it left hint suffering with Bri.uht's disease. lie was very weak, poor ia flesh and could hardly walk. Malaria fever soon overtook him and together with trouble with his liver, Ho Was in Much Misery. At last, almost discouraged. I decided to have him try Hood's Sarsaparilla, He has takea only a few bottles, and yet it has done him more good than all the previous medical treatment Sarsaparilla CURES and medicines combined. He has regained strength and flesh and looks qulfeliealthy. It will always give us pleasure to tell others what a valuable medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mrs. G. W. Marlett, Carrollton, Kentucky. X. 15. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Piil3 cure liver ills, jaundice, bil iousness, sick headache and constipation. 25c. ft wk. KxIutive territitrv. Thm Itaphi nUbWuhrr. Wuhessll lh di.h"s for m faiuiir iuooe uiDut4. M&.h--t, riDes aud ariea ibt-m witaout watting the hands. Yon iub the hut ton, the macbtDe does theriflt. l;rihl, pottshvil diibea. cud cheerful wirts. No scalded fit!r"r-.nosot!idhaDdsorclothiiC. N . br..k. o (il iho, nonius". Cbrap, durabtf.warraotrd.Circularcfre. W. P. HARRISON Si CO.. Clerk Ho. 12. Columbns, O. wood's nioapnooirsnc, The Great Enslish Remedy. Fromptly and permanent ly cures all f ornisof tiervous Weakness, hmissionn. Sperm atort hea, Impotencyand all ejl'erta of Abuse or Excesses, lieca prescribed over 85 years In thousands of cases; is the on ly Iieliabie and Hon est iiediiine kruncn. Ask Jrnrrt,'isE for Woon'a Puns. eforc and A filer, phooise; he offers somo ef this, leave hH dishonest itora, lacloso price in letter, and we will sund by return mall. Price, one package, f 1; elx. $6. One tei1 plsase, six trill cure. Pamphlet in plain sealed envelope. 2 stamps. Address TllK WOOD 'I1KMICAL CO., a j. VSl Woodward avenue, IxjUoIU illch. ' '. SAILED TIIE SEAS 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. For thirty-eteht years Capt. Lrud followed the sea, most of th;it time as ma-aer of a ves sel, and upon retiring from xhc water wa !H)in;ed by the Secretary of the United States Treasury 10 sur.erinlep'd t'ie seal fisheries in Alaska, which posiiiou lie held live years, lie relates one experience us follows: 'For several years I laid l ien troubled Willi peneral nervousness and fain in the rejricn of my heart. My greatest slfltio 1 wua pleeple Siiess; it was almost impossible at any time to obtain rest ami sleep. Having set 11 Dr. Miles remedies advertised I began using Nervine. After taking a small quantity t- e lienefit received was so great that I was o.i tivelv alarmed, thlukimr the remedy con tained opiates which would finally be injuri ous to nit?; but on leing assured by the dm pa pist that it was perfectly harmless, I contin ued it together with the Heart Cure. Ted iy I can conscientiously say that Pr. Miles' R -storative Nervine and New Heart Cure ci;d more for me than anything I had ever taken. I had been treated by eminent physicians in New York and San I rancisco without ben efit. I owo ray present pood health to the judicious use of these most valuable remedies, and heariiiy recommend them to allafliicttd us 1 was. t'apt. A. 1 . lyouu, Hampden, 'e. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner ineand New Cure are sold bvall drutrsistson a nositive truaran- tee, or by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, SI perlott!e, or six Ixaties for s., express prepaid. TUey are free from all opiates and dangerous drugs. SOLD I5V JOHN II. HILL & SON, Druggists, (ioldsboro, N. C. An agreeable Laxative ana Ketive Toiac. Sold by Druggists or Bent by mail. 25c, 60c and $1.00 per package. Samples free. !ST The Favorite TISTS P0TOI3 for the Teeth and Breath, 25c Captain Sweeney, U.S.ASan Diego, Cal., Bays: "fchiloh's Catarrh Kennedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price fiO eta. Sold by Druggists. Do Tint neglut a Cough, as there ia danger of its leading to Consumption. Sniixjn's Cxtkb will save you a severe Lung Trouble. Itisthe best Coil h Cure and speedily relieves Coupbs. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, ami is sold on a guarantee. 25 eta. SOLD liY ALL DKUGdlSTS. no : REDUCE Our Slock of Win ten Millinery WE OFFEU VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS! FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS LOWER THAN EVER Don't )k This Chance! J. H. EDWAKDS. To The Public! Having taken my lrither,Frank H. IMiimiiilsDii. in as a part nor, I still solicit tho large patron age J have heretofore received from the generous public, ami promise them in the future fair and honest dealing as they have received in the past. We will continue business at my same .stand on Walnut street. Our aim will le to sell the best goods at the lowest price. 'We intend making it lively for high priced dealers. We have on hand a tremend ous stock of goods which must be sold to make room for spring stock which will be in in a few days. We sell for cash; our profits are too small to sell otherwise. We have big jobs in dry goods, notions, hats, and especially shoes. Pig drives in tobacco from lo to ;";() cents. Almost all kinds of snulT; Hour, sugar, coffee, lard and almost all kinds of groceries low for cash. Respectfully, ED L. EDMUNDSON & BRO, Tin: HUSTLERS, Walnut street, (Joldsboro, X. C. Cheap : Novels! We have just received a lot of novels by the following authors, neatly louiid in paper, It ETA IL PlilCE 25 CENTS: William Makepeace Thackeraj, (ieorge Kliot. Charles Dickens, Charles Reade, John Runyan. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Rurnett, Nathaniel Hawthorne, R. II. Dana. Jr., K. Marlitt, Jerome K. Jerome, J. M. Rarrie, Maria S. Cummins, Wilkie Collins, Alexander Dumas, Rosa Nouchette Carey, mu J. Fenimore CooperEdna Lvall, Miss Mulock, William Black Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, Ouida, Walter Besunt. Charlotte Bronte, Charlotte M. Braeme, T. Adolphus Trollope, Thomas Hughes. Annie Thomas, Rider Haggard, Mrs. M. E. Braddon, Daniel Defoe, Mrs. Henry Wood, The duchess. And others too numerous to mention. Call early ami make your selections at UU DVVIV k J. Y. MILLER, Puopkietok & HMO NOISES C'JRreby I Pack's INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAR TUSlilPtJC. Whkn.ni luLrri IVn. ortalile. Successful where all Remedies in IlIiihookA JVOOtaCre. Adores V. MlStOX, 86S Braadv let. CCOOOOOOCKXOOCOQCOO 81 Do You FEEL SDCEC? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. "'tJSSSSST-r-.t RIPANS TABULES "TO,Mir,,p"E.,,,".ta". take RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, cr you Tr ninAIJQ TARIIIPQ SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, c. ftlr HIIO IHDULl.0 RIPANS TABULES Mparts Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. EASY 10NE GIVES SAVE RELIEF. O O Sold j RELIEF, j GREAT - SLAUGHTER - SALE -OF WINTER AT- Preparatory to our animal inventory and the new arrival of our spring stock, we shall close out For The Next 30 Days Our remaining stock of Winter Goods at a tremendous sac rifice, as we don't care to carry over a single yard of this season's goods when our Spring trade begins. Hew And Seasonable Goods- At One Half Their Value! By examining our stock you will find no shelf-worn goods offered for sale, as is done in other houses, when a closing-out sale is announced. The goods we offer you at such a Great - Saving - In - Cost, are all this season's goods, fresh from the manufacturers and of the latest designs and fashion. You will simply pronounce it as the Greatest Bargains Ever Known ! Do not fail to take advantage of this unprecedented offer, which is only a chance of a life-time. We guarantee to sell you everything you need at a great deal less than the cost of production. THE ENTIRE WINTER STOCK GOES WITHOUT RESERVE. Don't hesitate and put it off, but come at once in order to avoid the rush. Remember that the Closinc:-Out Sale only lasts for Thirty Days, be able to secure such enormous bargains are offered to you NOW. UNPRECEDENTED SACRIFICES -IN You will find these goods worth at least double the price at which. we are offering them now. Bear in mind that they are all this season's goods, and only reduced in their original value for the benefit of our enormous trade. Prices Down to -IN Clothing, Boots and Shoes. It is useless for us to attempt to say anything more. You will have to come in person and convince yourself of the truth of our assertion. You may rest assured that the goods will be sold to you. NOTE. Farmers desirous of buying their supplies on" time, or are in need of ready cash, can be accommodated in any quantity on the most reasonable terms. I also keep a Full Line of Groceries, and a complete assortment of all the leading Fertilizers. It will therefore be to your interest to consult me when in need of supplies during the spring and summer. ASHER -:- EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Prices. 37, 39, 41 aud 43, EAST CEKTHE STREET, (JOLDSBORO, N. C. " ZmZ Q TO TAKE . .QUICK TO ACT MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. by Druggists Everywhere. V GOOD'S After that time you will never again, as they CLOAKS, FUNNELS AND BLANKETS ! :- Almost Nothing SMlSmt At a Reduced Price! No Waste of Oil, No Waste of Money ! We loan you the can and refill it as often as desired with the very J.tst oil. Family and Heavy Groceries In abundance and prices to correspond with these hard times. All kinds .,f Builders Material at lowest figures. Leading brands of Fertilizers iri,.,i ;U, tested. All kinds of Sewing Machine supplies and Kciiera' Commission Mer chants. tTCountrv Produce bought and sold. MAXWELL & McG-EE. I-: m DR. D. S. HARMON, Consulting Optician and Master of Optics, P. 0. ROX 513. - - (JOLDSIiORO, X. C. ZFOffice at Hotel Kennon. JUST RECEIVED! A Carload of Horses and Mules, Which must be closed out in the next 30 days, before I go North. COME AT ONCE TO SECURE A BARGAIN. Responsible parties wishing to purchase stock on time, or if IN NEED OF READY CASH Be sure to remember the place. Josepli Edwards, "The Champion of Low Prices." FOR TIN ROOFING, Roof Painting and General Tin and Sheet Iron Work, go to S. IB. PARKER. FOR PICTURE FRAMING In Moulding of Latest Designs GO S. 33. PARKIER. Best Workmanship Lowest Prices. 1894. THE SUN! 1894. BALTIMORE, MI). Th' paper of tho people, for the jn'ople. ami with the jn-ople. Honest in motive. Fearless in expres sion. Sound in prineiple. Unswerving in its allegiance to riht theories and right praetiees. The Sun Publishes all tlic News all the time, but it does not allow its col umns to le degraded by unclean, im moral or purely sensational matter. Ed itorially, The Sun is the consistent and anil unchanging champion and defend er of popular rights and interests against political machines and monopo lies of every character. Indeiendent in all things, extreme in none. Hy mail Fifty cents a month, Six dol lars a year. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of each week, giving complete ac counts of all events of inlerest through out the world. As an agricultural pajMr The Weekly Sun is unsurpassed. It is edited by writers of practical experience who know what farming means and what farmers want in an agricultural journal. It contains regular "reports of the work of the agricultural experiment stations throughout the country, of the proceedings of farmers' clubs and insti tutes, and the discussion of new methods and ideas in agriculture. Its market re ports, poultry department and veterina ry columns are full and complete. Every issue contains stories, poems, household and puzzle columns, a varie ty of interesting and instructive .elected matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor in citv and country homes alike. One Dollar a year, with inducements for clubs for the Weekly Sun. Hoth the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed free of postage in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Payments invariably in advance. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, UALTIMOKE, MD. ACTMrJSA TAFT-8 ASTHMaLENK a. TAPX BBOSKOCIIEaia.H.X.FREE SEE THIS CAN! It ami Five (Jallon-.; of t. S3?" BEST EED OIL, Placed in your house or stop,. TO Pennsylvania's Leading Newsier 111 all the attributes that suffice to make a tirst-class family journal The -:- Philadelphia -:- Record Spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of the Old and Xew World. Its several Departments, each under the management of a comjM'tent Editor, comprises matters K i taiuiiig to TIIE HOUSEHOLD, TIIE FAIIM, WOMAN) WOULD, SCIENCE, AliT, LITERATURE, FINANCE, THE REAL ESTATE WORLI Presenting a complete magazine every SUIiSCRIPTIOX RATES : Daily, one year. Daily and Sunday, one year. s:i.(Nl ADDRESS THE RECORD PUBLISHING CO., 917-919 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Db. J. M. Parker,. DENTAL SriWKON- Fresh Nitrous Oxide gas adiniiiitij when desired. Crown and l'ri"M work done. (Office Rooms over L. D. 'il'iis store, West Centre Street. XT

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