irir ilEADIIGHT. ESTABLISHED 1887. G0LDSB0110, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1895. VOL. VIII. NO. 22. Is t'sat misery experienced when sut'.-.'a. my made aware that you. j;, '.-st'.-o .i diabolical arrangement called .stomach. Iso two dyspep tics luf.e the sunie predominant symptoms, but whatever form dyspepsia- takes The underlying cause is in, the LIVER, and one thing 13 certain no one will remain a dyspeptic -who will -SgTlTTrg u "nl correct Acidity of tho Stomach, Expel foul gasca, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion and at the tame tima Start the Liver working ana all bod Hi ailments will disappear. "Fnr more than throe years I suffered with IVipepsia in 'ts "M form. I tried several d x but thev afforded no relief. At last I tried Simmons Liver Regulator, which cured me in a short time. It is a good medicine. I would no' Le without it." James A. Koanh, Philad'a, Pa. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 n front of wrapper. FKfcPAXED ONLY BY J. II. ZEILIX & CO., Philadelphia. I'm. H C. TIMMONS, M. D. ha Dcctcr Says About a "Stanrhg ILi'SiNd AtUnt.i. All,' ?"lh. ISM. ? r'-' '-'i-'- " -t ;tinu t' I have used ! i .r:.i. in my practice, 'i,iiv !.:.ii i it .is nearly a SPECIFIC FOrt DYSPEPSIA, on. r.i: rrh :md nervnus ilrbiliiy as i,-:hd I li.ive over tried. It is an e.. r. U lor a 1 ;HCH AND BOWEL TR0U3LES r v. i'c and debilitated women think .CrOIFUL RE i DY. A- a .. for j:1..-s. ,;i U'it !i in- f.i remeiv.'- To tin .lu-'"mi, it is a prompt re'ief :-. Ij.iii.i's and of all kinds, U a stan.lin '; household 11. C. Timmuns, M. D. is which make (?er.iiettir S3 t.ur.ilv rtmedv are these: It is so P"l od to take, an.l it is always harmless $1.0 i f. for Sold liy Ini"Ki Kind's Rojal Garmc'.aer Co,, Atlanta, Gi TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. PRICE SOctS. O AI ATIA, IlXS., Nov. 16, 1893. Pjris Mei'.i-';!!? C,., St. Louis, Mo. ilon-l"!-. . sold l; st year, COO bottles of CHoVI-.-s i.i 'iKI.isS Oil ILL TONIC and have bouu-u' iur " n. a!ic;:Jy this year, in all oitrez ptTioo. t- l 11 vo-iis. in tile oVi:i.r business, have lievor M a-i art.'le ttia'-ave su'-it universal sutid taction as jur 'iciuc. uurst:-ulv, Ali-iEY.CAKR &CO. USE lLVilNES7 INK HARM'S A c, K. lillh St.. V. 525 .in ,, 'plea month. Will prove ew Artii les jul out. id te rms tree. Trv lis. n. -'s l'.ond St.. N. Y. A F"NESS & HEAD NOISES CURED ' 4 h" M- Tubular ' u-h,..,., ,.,. ail U , so fails, agia-- ! nelp v PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Pr.niiutt'9 a luxuriant erowth. r Fails to B c. store Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. fcalo tl UH'!i St huir tuumg. Vn-.nnil il at nniirrTis m, Fain. Take int:iue.3Urt 'he ovv Rare cure for Corr. or 111SCOX CO., N. V. H!WOERCOr?MS. ' GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. BOILING WATER OR MILK. Y?, ElEGTft'C TELEPHONE X: jA Sn M outright, no rent, no royalty. Adopted P i Itn I'uv. ViliiiL-n or Country. Neoded in every Li ' hiiim. alioj. store nnd office. Greatest conven ..ih !iiil U-i Kellnronenrth. 1?'.' I As-it iiiii ke hum 5 to &50 per day. lence memo a sale to all the . - -. neiirhlH.m. 1 ine instruments, no toys, work Miii urB. nnv distanre. Complete, ready for VTT t e"rbo rf olSJr n"re?K ii&n."iS LjJWTp. ttV&. -k .. I v..nt evftrv man nnd v, in th States interested in the Opium and Whisky a ui nave ooe or uit books on tneee ais- ease. Address 11. M. Wooiley, Atlanta, Cia. llox UK, and one will be sent von free. BilEAKFAS T - SUPPER. E P PS'S M Kind Neighbors Lorkin-r In. I What words to human hearts moiv sweet Than honest "kith and kin?" That speak of home, whore dear ones meet, Kind neighbors looking in. I set- the ruddy hearth-lire Maze. I hear the cheerful din. That merry, friendly voices raise. Kind neighbors looking in. The good old words that touch the heart. What memories they win Of home, where loved ones meet and part. Of neighbors looking in: Of cordial hand-grasp, tender kiss, "fwixt faithful kith and kin: Oh! what has life of greater bliss Kind neighbors looking in? Last Week in Trade Circles. Special Correspondence. New York, Jan. 28, 1S05. uusmess ciuring me past, ween, nas been unfavorably afTccted by the em barrassment of the Federal Treas- j ury. About $1' 000.000 of gold has j been withdrawn, chiefly for export, and the gold reserve has fallen to ap proximately S38.0i)(l,0(l0, which is jless than $G,00O.OOO above the mini mum reserve on record. The gold j shipments in four weeks of January l'1---'11 Varreisome neiguuors jhave aggregated $20,000,000, but j ma-v destroy hw lx-ace. Thieves or I even this large total was exceeded in -bers or lire may take away his four weeks of May last 'vear. when j impotence, but these are excep ' 22.000.000 gold was exported. Jtis!tums- The rule is still the same, i not the fact of gold shipments, but j 1,1 tbe r,'cat majority of cases the ! the conditions which have caused i man who ls ,lot halW lias himself to them which creates uneasiness. The distrust engendered by the failure of ! ,IJ"" llltHL V"? J u.uortuuaie. Congress to provide a measure of re-' Unconsciously we harbor the belief lief for the Treasury has been a dis- j that tlu'-V bought misery upon Ihem turbing factor in the markets, and j solves' and we sa? if the-v (1:UMod has caused hesitancy and caution in j tl,0-v must W the nda!or the operations of business men. j I was talking to an old friend from Merchandise exports are inereas-: , lialtimon- about this, and we both ing, and from New York alone in ' agreed that the most universal cause three weeks of January have shown ' of misery was ill-assorted marriages. a comparative gain of $1,.")23,U2 1. ! friend has traveled in Europe for A relative increase of ;.10S.O0(i .in many years, and has been a close ob- imports during the same period af fords encouragement to the expecta tion of a rising tide of Government revenue from customs under the operation of the new Tariff law. Improvement is noted in tho demand ' for wool and woolen manufactures, ; and the distribution of other pro-; ducts has not been sensibly checked; ! but the growth of demand as a rule j has not kept pace with the expansion of industrial output, and the general : price tendency has coiinued down ward. Business failures in the United States and Canada during last week numbered 422. against 4S5 for the corresponding week last year, According to K. G. Bun & Co. the ! liabilities involved in failures during J seventeen days of January were $7.-i 501.200, against s13.f.t;s.O!0 in eight een days last year. Speculation in cotton has been on a moderate scale, and without sufficient strength, in spite of ruling low values, to give support to the mar ket, which shows a further net de cline of 1-1(1 of a cent per pound. The movement to the ports has con tinued liberal, but it has been coun terbalanced by large exports the shipments for live days having been 215.000 bales, against receipts of 173.000 baies. During the corre sponding period of last year the re ceipts were 137.000 and the 112,000 bales. Spinners aj-i eXDorts ,' ' . moderately, but the Northern mill takings in two weeks of January have been 1)2,000 bales, against 04. 501 bales for the corresponding pe riod in 1804, and since Sept. 1 there has been a comparative increase of 400,215 bales. Wheat prices have dropped 3 to 3 cents per bushel, and the market for corn has declined ! j to 21 cents per bushel. The break has been due mainly to extensive liquidation of speculative holdings of wheat. The selling movement has been hastened by the prevailing l.tck of confidence, which has discouraged investment demand, and. notwithstanding the uuprecedentedly low price level, has induced considerable short selling. Aside from the continued pressure of big warehouse stocks and the effect of the Treasury embarrassment, there have been no developments in favor of a lower range of values. The weakness in corn pric es has i..,r., i.,v.r,.n- inffm.n.-. d hv the de - nressionln the wheat markets, and the latter has in turn adversely af fected values of flour and caused general hesitancy on tho part of buy ers. Chicago prices of provisions have been forced downward by the decline in grain and by tho continued heavy marketing of hogs in the West. Prices are lower by 85 cents per barrel on pork and 15 to 20 cents per 100 pounds on lard and short ;l n ,.4;.. 4r..,,L. ivr iwo. ducts is fair, and exports are large. Your pains wuuld t?t. and a ruddy ulow Your cheeks would know. If you would take (a note please make), f'or health' dear sake. The remedy that did (or n:e Sueh wonders (irt iit. I heff to state i that Dr. Pierce's Favorile Prescription is the one thing that, can and does cure tjjeil. travels, and like the hunted the derangements of the female system. , , . , . It is woman's great regulator. If every j hare, have gotten back to their old woman who suffers from diseases pecu- j haunts and are seeking their old-time liar to her sex knew of its wonderful ! f - i It is an instructive pleas curative properties, a chorus of rejoic- j 1 ing would be heard throughout the j ure to hear them tell of Berlin, and length ami breadth of the land, singing j Leipsie, and Strasburg, and Flor . . r.. ... . 1- .....1 Us pi .list s. 1 01 "V '" 1 I l,,,: 1: , .. , ,, 'uri-down" Women irelier- as praises, roi HUlMi'S ally, it'is the greatest restorative tonic ! 'H'i'v'me known. For those about to become mothers it is indeed a I ...:....i... 1 , it rho nous -linl ,.eris of childbirth, shortens Dai tiiri - promotes the seen tion of an abllll- , . f : .i.,.,,.t r..,. the ele.1.1 nm shortens the period of confinement. A HP ON MAItEI.UiE He Attributes Life's Ills to Couples .Mis matiag Themselves. The pious poet wrote: "Oh: where shall rest be found -Rest for the weary soul?" The happy-hearted Tom Moore wrote: 'Sweet Vale of Avoea! - how calm could 1 rest In thy bosom of .shade with the friend: 1 love best:"' Everybody wants rest rest from care and apprehension rest from pain or overwork rest for themind and the body. Pope says: "All the joys of sense Lie in three words health, peace and competence.'' It looks like we all have a natural right to these, and it is our fault if we do not possess and enjoy them. If a man is prudent he will have health. If he is kindhearted he will have peace. If he is frugal and in dustrious he will have a competence. There are many things that war j against tliese virtues. A man may ! inherit disease or fall in the way of blame. If it were not so we would server of the manners, and customs and domestic life of different nations, and says that wherever the mating of young people is done by the par ents the unions are more happy than w hen they male themselves. Among the peasantry of Germany and France it is universal for the parents to make the match, and they do it so judiciously that in nine cases out of ten it results in domestic happiness, I" other country did he find such filial respect aud obedience and such kind, considerate regard between husband and wife. The domestic life of the French and the German peas- an try is perfectly beautiful, satci lie. H"' i it in this country? Of loo marriages, how many may be called happy, congenial and well-advised? Look around among your readers and count. How many runaways, how many divorces, how many grass widows, how many suicides, how many drunken or unfaithful hus bands, how many opium-eating wives, how many who would separate if it were not for the children or for fear of talk or scandal? When you trim them all down to real happy marriages it will be like the cynical old preacher who said that " out of every hundred members of the church, fifty joined on a boom j or to please their parents or the ! pieacnei: ieni-ue jomeu 10 un- tiwie u-.n-Wi" interests- ibe re- i i ... . ..1 iii'iinr livimx .nt nf eon seieii t nil is I conviction, bu not more tha but of the whole hundred fifteen are zealous, consistent, working members. "This is about the average of every Chris tian church in this country, and this 15 per cent, preserves the church and saves it from disintegration, iust like ten righteous men would have saved Sodom. They keep alive its charities and move its missionary work and ' set their light upon a hill, and so es : tablish good government and extend Civilization. This 15 per cent, of professing Christians are neverthe 1 less the hope of a sinful world." Just so there are. perhaps, not more than 15 per cent, of real happy mar ; riages. but there are enough to illum ; inate the married state and set it up ' before mankind as the highest ideal ; of human happiness. ' And so Bob and 1 ruminate and i expatiate and speculate on human ; happines , reformin just like we had an idea of mankind and making everybody happy. We would if we could, but we can't; young people will continue to be fools and marry in haste and repent at leisure. Rob ert Mc-Cay is my old college mate, lie and his wife will spend the win ter with us here, and it amuses the young people to see him and I get close together on the veranda, and ! j with our feet on the ballusters and ! our pipes in our mouths, talk and talk, and smile and talk again. We bavc already been over our college dav. with their hallowed memories. We have lamented the dead and counted the living cm our fingers. Robert, is a brother of our old Pro fessor Charles Mc-Cay. He and his wife have recently returned from nA r,,..-mrwr.:il Tom. I once 1 1 1 ' ! where the best people of all civilized i j liations congregate. It is the Mecca , . . , .. I of all Christendom. It is studying! 1 niicier.t, and modern history without j ... . . ,, . ua,n tll nf ruins 1 "-"'im, iu not.. . ij ........ ....... and paintings and sculpture, and the manners and customs of the people. AVe have a happy family. All of its members came here to rest to renew their vital forces and to escape the hard winters of the Piedmont re gion. The Northern blizzards, like the comet, still switch their icy tails around this way. No more freezes have visited us, but lire is comfort-j able at morn and night. My wife and I and Mr. and Mrs. MeCay are the patriarchs the balance wheel of the household. The young folks want to run away with the wagon sometimes, and we have to hold them down. Mrs. Henry Grady is here with her children, and she holds the fort quietly between the old folks and the young. She is a smart, graceful woman and a noble mother. Then there is Mrs. Hill, a niece of "our Hen," a tired, overworked teacher in the public schools of At lanta. She came here for rest, and it has renewed her youth. I wish that all the tired female teachers could spend their winter vacations here. The men have built their re treat on Cumberland island, but the women have none. There is no class of people in the State who have so much responsibil ity upon them as the female teachers, and no class that is so faithful to the trust. Then we have an invalid maiden from Virginia the liveliest and loveliest of all our family. It would take a whole college of doctors to tell when or where Miss Annie is sick, for her merry, contagious laugh is heard all over the house. May the good Lord afflict us all with that por tion of her malady. Then we ha ve a sweet girl graduate, not long from the Lucy Cobb. Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips and quick, glancing eyes; her nimble, springy walk;. her merry wit aud repartee all indicate that she. too, is a very tired invalid. Hut I think that Miss Kuth is gaining strength, for she went out on the Gulf to-day to fish for groupers, and j while the billows heaved, so did she! in kindred sympathy well, they all heaved except Miss Gussie Grady, and the only reason she did not was because she did not go. Sensible girl and sensible mother. They took an immense lunch alonr. but never touched it. Henry Gradv, Jr., said j he had heard that the way to prevent sea sickness was to fill the stomach j and keep on filling it. and so he put ! away two grape fruit, half a dozen apples, a can of potted ham, six rolls of bread, one Ikx (if sardines, some more ham, and pickles, and olives, etc., ad infinitum. They took along much fishing tackle, but none of the party wet a line. Most of them laid do wn in the boat and groaned, and lamented their awful condition, and swore off from ever hunting for groupers again. A couple of handsome young men. who are so-called invalids from St. Louis, played satellites to the girls, and out of reciproc al courtesy heaved when they heaved. The boat was away out six miles in the Gulf, and 'a preparin s-0" began. tct anchor when the The poor captain was " "- i ing invalids and no hell). They were i lsl ressw :im n anni'i h.iir it iieav. Some of them laid down in the boat and groaned, "Oh, my! Good Lord help us! Please, captain, take us home! Oh! my poor mother, will I ever see her again?" A beautiful young widow exclaimed 1 111 m-r agony, cm: my uarung cmiu: I I will never go off and leave her j again: yuu-xly the captam shifted i aus ami sicereu ior uie naroor. "V tins nine uie empty passengers were chilled, for it was cold and get- ting colder. The young men gal- lantly took off their coats and cov- ered the girls with them. Then they took the green' Gulf shakes and trembled all except Henry, who un buckled his belt and went ta eating again. By and by they reached the placid waters of the harbor and be gan to rally their perturbed spirits. The good ship shot like an arrow through the pass and all sail was spread for the home stretch. Just before landing the female tongues as - sumed their normal condition and I their faces assumed a sickly smile, j Sunday evening, John Snider and j able to perform their duties in track land they all agreed to keep the affair Miss Bridget Murphy, lovers, were ing moonshine-whisky distillers, it ! a dead secret, and made the captain struck and killed by a train. I seems to me it is much better not to promise not to tell. But murder will out, and I have related it just as it was told to me. It was an awful time, and has completely paralyzed j the grouper industry in this region Bill A hp. By a vote of 0 to 7 the Judiciary Committee of the House adopted a resolution c ensuring Judge Ricks, of Ohio, for his methods o'f making up his official accounts when he first be- ! came judge, instead of the impeach j ment resolution which the committee had first authorized. There will be a minority report, standing out for impeachment, presented to the House by Representative Bailey, of Texas. Tumors. Fibroid, Ovarian and other tumors cured without resort to surgery. Sem'. 10 cents in stamps for book. Address World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion. Uuffalo. N. Y. p0 not force others to bear tin of your song. . , - Itch on numan, mange on hor bnnh .dons ! ad all stock, cured in SO minuies, by ' . W.iolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never , ja, Sold by M. K. Robinson & Hro., druggists, Goldsboro, X. C. - A NATION'S DOINtiS. The News From Everywhere Gathered and Condensed. The Women's Club, of Chicago, j has abolished the color line on mem- j bersblp A destructive fire visited IVrn ville, Mich., Saturday night, causing $.''.0,000 loss. By the burning of Thos. Williams' house, near Lima, O., Tuesday night, two children perished. A heavy snow storm and intensely cold t weather struck Kansas, Mis souri, and Iowa, Tuesday, Fire at Chattanooga, Tenn., Thurs day, destroyed a compress with 1.200 bales of cotton. Loss, $50,000. Masked men held up the Cotton Belt train near Pine Bluff, Ark., Monday night, securing $25,000. A destructive cyclone swept over a portion of Alabama and Louisiana, Saturday, killing several people. By sawing through iron bars, Wm. Lathe, a murderer, eseaed from jail at Newport, Vt., Friday night. Sixteen persons are rejiorted as drowned in marine disasters off the New England coast during the week. Crazed by morphine, Edward Riv ers, of Brownsville, Kj'., on Sunday shot his two children and then himself. Tramps murdered Lew G. Wilson for the unlimited coinage of silver, in his store, at Evans Station, Ala., the Government to retain as seignior Saturday night, and looted the prem- j ae the difference between the mar-lses- i ket value of the bullion and the face At Brazoria, Tex., Mondaj', Barry j value of the money coined. Senator Masterson. an attorney, instantly ; Smith, of New Jersey, also intro killed Ii. McChinn, a newspaper cor-: duced a financial bill, which merely respondent. " . provides for the issue of, bonds and While going on an errand, Mamie ! the establishment of a non-partisan Aiken, aged 11, of Edgewood, Pa., j monetary commission, to investigate was run down by an engine, Satur-1 and report to Congress next Decem daj', and killed. Fearing insanity, William H. Mc Grath. of Philadelphia, on Fridav. kilIod - 1jU eight-vear old daughter then hlmself Tired of life, William J. Gortner, aged 50, of Selin"s Grove, Pa., on Wednesday hanged himself with a strap in his barn. The house of Charles Silva, at Sac ramento, Cab, was destroyed by fire, Wednesday night, and dren turned to death, While insane from Margaret McBournie, his two chil- drink, Mrs. of Boston, drowned her two children in a tub of water, Thursday night. ' At a fire in a morocco factory at Brooklyn, N. Y.", Wednesday, three ' men were burned to death and two! others seriously injured. The main building of Henning's brewery at Mendota, 111., was wrecked by a boiler explosion. Fri- inawtr jarvis. senator jams acci jday. Eight men were killed. dentally christened him "Jeter C. , .. , . . n . Phillips," but after this the formality tices, George E. St. John, a mer chant of Port Clinton, O., shot and killed himseif, Friday,' at his home. Three children of John Ray beck, of Cincinnati, playing with coal oil, Friday, struck a match, causing an explosion that fatally burned them. A charity committee of Warsaw, Intl., while on its rounds, Friday, . found Mrs. Mary Hoop and her three- year-old child frozen to death in their j vulge an of the secrets of the cau room. ; cus, but he said that he would always In attempting to go from one car vote with his party, that he was a into another, Rev. H. Luckal, of Cin cinnati, fell from a train near New , Haven, ! killed. Mich., Saturday, and was Crazed by despondency, Mrs. Ma- i mU Henderson, a young divorced i bet-self in front woman, nieided at fsavannali (in j )f mirror " i ' . , I v 1 1 ' " ' made two very good spteches in sup ; ladder truck on the way to an .-, f(f th,ir 'amendments to strike ,bany fire, W ednesday Robert Gil- IJm ! more was killed and John Kanary . . " . , :p.... fatally hurt, Masked robbers entered the resi- dence of II. B. Foreman, near Enter- j Pns0' Ark" 1 uesday nignt, anct alter j looting the house, killed Mrs. Fore- j maa and hvr aoc"d mother. ' While walking arm-in-arm on the railroad tracks near Pittsburg, Pa., Obtaining strychnine pills from her father's medicine case, Thurs- day, the three-year-old daughter of; Dr. Samuel Webster, of Media, Pa., 11 1 4l 1 .i:.t . f Miuiiunt-u ineiii uuu uiru -mjcpii uhi-i. A sleigh containing eighteen per-, sons, from Selin's Grove, Pa. was struck by a freight train at Krearner, Pa., Monday night. Two persons' were killed and several badly injured. ! Two negroes held up G. G. Mazyck, ! paymaster of the South Carolina ; and Georgia Railroad, Monday after- j noon, 011 King street, Charleston, , 1S no better than some of the other North Carolina Railroad, six miles and relieved him of $350. The rob-! jaws with which his name lias been j from Salisbury, Friday night. Fire bers escaped. j connected. The Supreme Court this man Luther Simmerson was instant- Continued ill-health induced Mrs. j week decided that it did not touch ! ly killed. Engineer Joseph Trexlcr Bessie Webb Ixiuhbridge, wife of j the Sugar Trust. ' saved his life by jumping, escaping Prof. Louhbridge, of the University j uihIhb ic ' w5th slir?ht injuries. of California, to end her life, Sun- J i the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing The State Temperance Association, dav, by drinking carbolic acid at her ! sound, are caused hv catarrh, that ex- m Kess;on at Raleigh, Friday, decided . " . .. '. . I ene.lino-k' Iis.-io-ree:ible nml verv coin- . home in Oakland, Cal. Floods at Guernville, Cah, Thurs - day, 'washed awav many houses, the inmates barely escaping with their i lives A few miles from town , . , , v u i,lultl a,lu a '"'ucul-c n""l,ul'1 I a landslide and demolished. National Capital 'hitters. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, Jan. 2G, ISto. Secretary Gresham will submit sotne very interesting documents to Congress in resionso to the resolu- tion adopted by the House, calling for information concerning the ex- tenses of the Bchring Sea Commis sion, appointed by President Harri son, aud the cost to the United States of carrying out the joint treaty be tween the United States, Great Bri tain and Germany to maintain the Government of Samoa. These docu ments will show that members and supporters of the Harrison Adminis tration are in no position to criticize the foreign policy, of the presenter any other administration. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, in troduded his financial bill in the Sen ate this week just as any ordinary bill is introduced, although he had hoped that it might have had the in dorsement of the Finance Committee before it was formallj' brought to the attention of the Senate. The bill authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to issue in his discretion bonds at 3 per cent, up to $500,000, 000; provides that the tax on national bank currency shall le one-fourth of one per cent., and that they may is sue currency up to the par value of the bonds deposited by them; also. ber. There is no apparent change in the financial situation in the House, which has lately been looking to the Senate if not for guidance, at least for a pointer. Thursday afternoon Senator Jeter C. Pritchard took the oath of office in the Senate chamber. His arrival was not expected until early next week, as he had written Mr. Chas. N. Vatic-Q that it would not be con venient for him to come until that time. His Republican colleagues, however, telegraphed him that he ! was wanted here to vote in the Re- ; publican caucus which met at the Capitol yesterday to outline the pro- gram for that party. Therefore Mr. Pritchard obeyed the summons at once. State Senator Moody, of Waynesville, and State Senator Rice, of Wilmington, accompanied him. He was escorted to the Yice-Presi- u,'ni s Gesk u' "ls preciecesso i ex- of making him Senator came off in good order. Immediately after he took the oath, he was congratulated by Senators Chandler, Taller, and others, who will take him in hand and teach him "the ropes." He promises to be an apt pupil. V , t(.rday Senatol. pritchard appointed ! C. J. Duncan, of Beaufort. N. C, to j be his private secretary. Senator Pritchard declined last night to di- stalwart Republican, and his friends would always know where to find him. There are a great many col- j ored men here, constituents of the j m'vv Senator, who are claiming all "" w u Wl ai 'l" "aJ' : Yesterday, in the House of Repre- ' sentatives, Messrs. Settle, of North ' Carolina, and Swanson, of Virginia, . on tl5sliller;. Io1h j,ontlcmen i denounced this method of finding j out violators of the Internal Revenue t law 0ll its faoe it encourages a j very (iiscredituble practice and offers : u plvmiuin to the disreputable habit J of informing on ones neighbors. If ; the Internal Revenue officials are un- ' have an army of spies paid to 1ui,-P i them do so. Richard Busbee, of Raleigh, I,as j been appointed a cadet at West i llranl . ahi.. Tim v.eek Senator Ransom went x .1 i.-i ti it i to the W lute House to consult Mr. Cleveland in regard to some of the i many compromise measures submit- ted to Congress with a view to a I satisfactory adjustment of the finan-! cial situation. Nothing was accom- plished by the interview. Senator Sherman's anti-trust law i if;..,.... T .w . l..n ir...,,.: ! ' is,'..f cm..n n ir...,,i.,rr i also result from catarrh. Hood's Sarsa ! V"- 1 iV" , I "V .V,1- " .U'1"; i 11 . 1 f - 1 ease, which it c ures by purifying the a blood. ' Hood s I ills are the Inst after- I inner , pills, assist digestion, prevent const ipa i tion. ALL OVEK THE STATE. A Summary of Current Events for the Past Seven Days. Fire destroyed two buildings at Madison, Thursday night. Fire at llillsttoro, Saturday morn ing, destroyed three dwellings. The Salisbury Watchman, one of the oldest publications in the State, has suspended. Many of the State papers are com plaining of the bad quality of the kerosene oil on the markets. While fooling with an old pistol at Sanford, Saturday, one negro boy shot and instantly killed another. Ed. Hincs, colored, was killed in Edgecombe county, Friday, by being thrown from a horse. His neck was broken. The Standard says a Concord man went home late Friday night and drank a pint of yeast in mistake for buttermilk. Sheriff-elfct King, of Pitt, has given his bond, the Legislature fail- j ing to come to the rescue of the Pop-1 ulist sheriff. Morris Sc-ates, colored, fell from a street railway construction car at Salem, Friday night, and was almost instantly killed. Tired of life, Mrs. John Sprinkle, of Yadkin count, attempted to kill herself with " Rough on Rats," but her life was saved. Adolphus A. Baker, aged GO, of Dover, N. J., while hunting. Thurs day, over Neuse river, opjvtsito New born, dropped dead. The residence of Rev. M. N. Mc Iver, at Rockingham, was destroyed by an accidental fire Friday night. Loss, $1,500; no insurance. A child of J. II. Weatherly, of Wake county, died Friday night of a congestive chill. It was nine months old, but weighed 00 pounds. While felling a trye, Tuesday, on his plantation, Samuel Freeze, aged 45, of Rowan count-, was instantly killed by the tree falling on him. The Gold Loaf claims for Vance county the oldest woman in the State, in the person of Iuisa Sroithwick, colored, who is nearly 10G years old. While out gunning in Richmond county, Saturday, James A. Harring ton w as accidental! shot by his com panion, Rogers. His recovery is doubtful. Jenkins Brewington, colored, was found dead in Sampson county, Sun day, with a bullet-hole in his head and a pistol by his side. A case of suicide, no doubt. A negro child at R. F. Boykin's place, in Sampson county, was burned to death, Monday, while playing near the fire during its mother's absence. Some, unknown person fired a shot through the door of a cabin occupied by Johti Marsh, colored, in Union county, Tuesday night, injuring Marsh quite seriously. A peddler named Smit hers, hailing from Johnston county, was thrown from his wai;on in Wake county, Wednesday evening, and, his head striking a rock, he was killed. Augustus Judson, of Washington, N. C, while putting a belt on a pul ley at a planing mill, Friday night, was struck by a plank, caught in the belt, and almost instantly killed. R. W. Downey, of Granville coun ty, was standing iiv-front of a saw at R. T. Smith's mill, Tuesday, when it I caugnt a piece 01 pianw, nurieci 11 forward and drove it through his body. The Governor has commuted to life imprisonment the death sentence of Ella Norwood, the young colored w.oman who murdered her infant child at Durham by forcing a pin down its throat. Skidmore Alston died last week in Wake county, aged 85. Although married but once, he was the father of twenty-four children, and possess ing so many grandchildren, was un able to recognize all of them. I Mayor I. N. Link, of Durham, who I was recently married, and who on I his wedding night became insane, idied suddenly at Greensboro, Satur- day, while on Lis way to the Morgan ton Asylum, nis young wife was with him Two barracks at Davis" Military el 1 it: a 4 ; ,., . , ; A I by fire, r nday morning. Thecadets J . . saved all 01 tneir property. ine buildings were covered by insurance and will be rebuilt at once. The loss will not interfere with the school. j A large rock which had fallen on the track caused the wreck of a west- ' bound freight train on the Western : to emtiloy and pay a commissioner ; to employ and pay a - j to collect statistics from asylums, I I i t on t iaries and jails regarding , the effect of liquor as shown upon I their inmates. It was also decided . ,. . . -.-,., nntvr non- - " v" J ic- i political, at uaieign. (ircal Opportunity (o .Make .Money. I have had such splendid success that I can't help writing to you about it. I have not made less than $5, and some days from $15 to $25. I am really elated, and can't see why others do not go into the Dish Wash er business at once. 1 have not can vassed any; sell all my washers at Inline. They give such good satis faction that everyone sold helps to sell many others. I believe in a year I can make a profit of Three Thou sand Dollars, and attend to my regu lar business besides. When a Cli max Dish Washer can le bought for $5, every family wants one, and it is very easy selling what everybody wants to buy. For particulars, ad dress The Climax Mfg. Co., Colum bus, Ohio. I think any lady or gen tleman, anywhere, can make from $5 to $10 a day. I would like to have your readers try this business, and let us know through your columns how they succeed. This Hill Should ISeconie a Law. Danville (Vm.) Star. The best and only bill we have seen that has Im-cii introduced in the North Carolina legislature that is worthy of secial consideration is the one introduced in the Senate on Friday last, making fire insurance companies responsible for the full face value of a policy when the prop erty is totally destroyed. There is such a law in existence in New York State, and it is a very just law and should exist in every State. This way of adjusting a man's losses after his property is entirely destroyed is an outrage. An insurance agent comes along and insures your property for all he can get you to put on it, and as long as you are never burned out it is all right, but let there come a lire and destroy your property, then an ad juster comes along and says you had too much insurance for the value of your property and refuses to pay it. You then have to accept of a com promise or stand a suit. The time to fix a value on property is when it is in existence. And what ever amount of insurance may bo granted on the property the com pany should lie compelled to pay, if there has been no fraud practiced by the owner, either in securing the in surance or affecting the fire. If the fire was accidental then it does not matter what amount of insurance there was on the property it should be paid, and paid in full. William Whitly, colored, while at tempting to cross the railroad tracks at Salisbury, intoxicated, Thurf-day morning, was run over by a shifting engine and killed. Many stubborn and aggravating cases of rheumatism that were Itelieved to be incurable and accepted as life legacies, have yielded to I'haniltorlain's Pain Halm, 'much to the surprise and gratifi:. cation of the sufferers. One applica tion will relieve the pain and suffering, and its continued use insures an effec tual cure. For sale by J. It. Hill & Son, druggists. Nothing will do more to improve the looks than sunshine in the heart. liut-klrn'K Arnica Saltr. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Hruises, Soros, Fleers, Salt Kheiiin, Fever Sores. Tetter, ChapMd Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kriqt tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refumh-d. Price 2.) cents jht Imix. For Sale by J. II. Hill & Son, Goldslioro, and J. R. Smith, Mount Olive. Now Try Till. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you hav' a cough, colil. or any troubfe with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs ami colds is guaranteed to giv relief, 4r nioney will lie paid back. Sufferers from LaGripH found it just the thing and under its use had speedy and jterfeot recovery. Try a sample liottle at ourexpens- and learn fifr yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at J. II. Hill .V Son's. Ooldsboro. and J. K. Smith's. Mt. Olive. Large size aOc. and $1.00. SMM-lni-ii ascs. S. H. ClitTord. New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheuma tism, his stomach war disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree, apetito fell away, ami he was terribly reduced in llesii and strength. Three Itottles of Klectrie Hitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd. Harrisburg, HI., had a running sore on his leg of eight vears' standing. I'sed three lMittles of rihftric Hitters and seven boxes of Hucklen's Arnica Salve, ami his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba. O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One Itottle Klectrie Hitters and one box Huck len's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold bv J. II. Hill & Son, Goldsltoro, and J. It. Smith, Mt. Olive. Some women find that th' bread ami meat of marriage is a poor substitute for the candy ami flowers of courtship. Bakincr Powder JiMolauiy Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Re port. 10ft Wall Street, X. Y.

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