THE HEADLIGHT. rUHLISUKI) KVKUV THURSDAY. suJ'.scKrrnox $1.00 per yeah. A. IIOSCOTYEK, Kil(ir and Fntpi ifior. ( i'ot.dsuoro, X. (.'., ' 7, 18!t.". ( on;iu:kn has AiuoriiNED. The ."'.rl Congress pas-ed into Ins tory at ym Mon-Iiv. It iieiran on t!ie 7th I iy of August, ls'.''. i'H'l lets been in almost continuous ses sion ever Hiice. inuinreeseio,i it passed a mimlicr of very ini)or- tant niea-ures, but niucli more had been expected of it than it accom plished, and its incapacity to deal with banking, monetary and finan cial problems :tiiin;r out of (lie blunders of preceding Congresses excited imi verbal niortiiication. To its credit are the repeal of the panie-breediiur Sherman act, the repeal of the federal elections laws and a partial repeal and reform of tne odious Mckinley lan II act, ( Mher wnole-onie measures ot minor ! note are to be added to this list. Not a few jobs of great magnitude ---the Hawaiian scheme, for ox ample were wisely killed. In the domain of foreign all'airs the con servative policy of the administra tion was in the main accepted and j sustained, as against self-seeking1 schemes of jingo politicians. i Various reforms in the denart-: . 4l . .i i i incuts owe their origin loMii' mdus- try of the Fifty-third Congress, which did a great deal of hard work in the interest of administrative re form. Hampered by laws enacted during the Harrison administration, it was unable to cut down expendi ture to the extent desired, yet it has a fairly good record for econ omy. The deficit left by the ex travagant pension acts and impro- .. ....:! i...-: .i..: e i. 1 1 im,,u l u,il ',-'-'-"" 'i ueiMi (. ongress largely increased its em barrassments, but this situation aided the enforcement of a policy of retrenchment. Retrenchment was not however, in every case un dertaken with wise discernment, nor motived by regard for the pub lic interest. It cannoi be overlooked that the j financial panic, industrial dopres-1 sion, commercial stagnation and j widespread social discontent in the midst of which the Fifty-third Con gress began iis labors were in large part due to the legislative blunders of the Republicans in the thirty years oflheir control of the govern ment, and this fact caused the mi nority to resist "remedial measures. The Democrats had ah ample ma jority iii the House of members faithful to the principles the people had declared for in the landslide elections of ls:iii and s'X2, and in thedlouse the measures desired by the people were framed and passed with comfnendable zeal and promp titude. But in the Senate the situation anil result were wholly different. The nominal Democratic majority in that body at no time exceeded three, and there were always during the Fifty-third Congress more than three alleged Democratic Senators who were false to their part', or. if they had Democratic convictions, were ready to compromise them for personal advantage. These Sena tors, foreseeing the course tnev! would take, refused to aid in the reform of the Senate's rules of pro cedure, with a view to the enact ment of straight out Democratic measures. The country was disgusted with the protracted discussion in the Senate over the repeal of the Sher man act. It was further scandalized by the protectionist mutilation of the "Wilson tarilf act and the evident signs of subservience to the Sugar Trust and oilier beneficiaries of high tariif rates. The country expressed iN feeling; on these mailers in the enormous stay-at-home vote of Democrats on November (?, 1 ;-, and the sweeping Republican victor ies of that date. The incompetency and perversity of the majority of the Senate lias been the great fact in the life of the Fifty-third Con gress and to it is due that so many necessary measures failed to be come laws. The short session, which began on the ."d day of last December, and ended Monday, was marged bv absolute non-action on the one ijiiestion which, for months has been uppermost in the public mindf Despite the appeals of the President and the Secretary of the Treasury, all efforts to secure financial legis lation proved to be failures, and with the exception of the appro priation bills the record of I he short session is a negative one. Now that the Fifty-third Congress is a thing of the past, the country breathes easier. Tin: Durham Daily Sun has en tered upon its seventh volume. It is a most excellent paper and de-;-crvos success. The Louisburg Times is twentv four years old and like good wine grows better with age. We w i.-h Editor Thomas continued success. Miss Annie IJuio is at liomo caused by sickness. Miss Bettie Whitfield lias returned to her home near Mt. Olive. X. M. lime returned last '.veek from a business trip to Lenoir county- A certain youn man of this sec--turn 'ot left' very badly one day last week. Free Will Baptist quarterly meet ing at Walnut Creek. Saturday and Sunday. The youn people jave a very en- joyable dance at the residence of Gcorj?e Dalj) Friday n5lt, which waR iareiv attended. Fremont Echoes. W. Jl. Bryan, of Appletree sec tion, was in town Tuesday on busi ness. Mr. McKinnie and daughter, Mrs. Boney, are visiting Mrs. Thomas Clark. The barn of Pink Davis, contain ing five bales of cotton, was burned Friday night. While walking the railroad track. , , , , . , , coioreu, was KnocKeci on me vracK by the Florida special and seriously injured. The death of John W. Fort, only brother of Wiley B. Fort, occurred Sunday morning, at his home near Eureka, aged 51 years. He was never married. Pikcville Hudirc-t. Miss Ella Vail was in town last week, visiting Miss I Jena Massev ' " Nathan B. Berger, of Goldsboro. made a '"nying" visit here last week on his wheel. Dr. (i. W. Lewis, of Fremont, was in town Tuesday, making pro fessional calls. J. R. Higgins and E. M. Chamber lain were visiting relatives in this section last week. A carload of barrel hoops was 1 shipped this week oy 1. r... ivrKins & Sons to rjavbom Miss Annie Elmore, of Mt. Olive, who has been visiting Miss Emily Smith, returned to home last week. A little girl of Patrick Brown, near here, swallowed some lye Sat urday morning, but was pulled through by timely assistance. The death of our friend, Henry Barnett, occurred Monday evening at his home near here, aged 47 years, His remains were laid to rest Tues- day afternoon in the burying ground of James E. Pike, Rev. Richard Pearce, officiating. Deceased leaves a wife and six children. Mount Olive Reports. Miss Annie Elmore has returned from a visit to friends at Pikeville. Miss Maggie Elmore is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thad Jones, Jr., of Ke nansville. Mr. B. W. Southerland. of Wil mington, spent Sunday here with his parents. Mr. Thad Jones, Jr.. Duplin's effi cient Register of Deeds, was here Friday on business. Mr. P. E. Winstead. telegraph operator at Neuse river, was here Sunday on a visit to friends(?) Total cotton receipts here for the month of February were :) bales. Total receipts for corresponding month last year ? bales. Miss Kate Southerland, who has been visiting Miss Annie Fields, of Kinston. returned home Saturday accompanied by Miss Fields. Miss Bettie Williamson, after spending several days here very pleasantly with Misses Fannie and Amanda Lambert, left Saturday for her home al Clinton. We have an ordinance against shooting in the town limits, but the reckless manner of boys and men in shooting' on some of our back streets is very dangerous and annoyin Unless these things are looked after by our commissioners, some calami ty is liable to befall us. Married, on Wednesday, at the home of the bride's father, Rev. J. T Albritton. about two miles east of here, Miss Rachel N. Albritton to Mr. Y. S. Bvrd, Rev. J. T. Albrit ton officiating.. After the ceremony, the contracting parties; accompan ied by the invited guests, repaired to the home of the groom, where they partook of the sumptuous re past prepared for the occasion. Our town came near having a ren etition of the recent Kinston calami ty, on Monday afternoon. Some persons set fire to a pile of trash in the rear of the drug store of J. R. Smith, and carelessly left the fire. Mr. Smith happened to find it just as it was catching his stables. A few minutes more of delay, and the principal business portion of our town would have been at the mercv of the flames. The excessive care lessness of some people needs a se vere lesson, lt we hope it may not come at the expense of our business men who are careful. This town should make some provisions against fire, at least by appointing fire com missioners and seeing that they do their duty. A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. ,. H. Lupcr, a well known druggist of Des Moines. Iowa," for over six months. At times tlie pain was so severe X hat lie coulil not lift anything. With all he could do he could not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlain's Pain Halm. onlv made three applications of it." he savs, "and have since heen tree from "all pain. ' He now recommends it to per sons similarly afflicted. It is for sale by J. II. Hill & Son, druggists. ' There is no nirhe in life for a cross old man or an actor out of a job. I'iukticy Dots. , E. L. Peel is visiting relatives in Pitt count v. Miss Efiio Barnes, of Wilson coun ty, was in our midst last week, the guest of Miss Smithy Harden. 'Ye dot tor" has received an invi- tatiun to a Deniorest contest to be held near Mt. Olive, the Kith inst. A sociable was held at J. R. Blay- lock's. Wednesday night, compli mentary to Miss Bettie Blaylock, of Fremont, who is visiting among us. George Cuddingtou was married last Wednesday at the residence of the bride's parents to Miss Thame Aycock, daughter of Lawrence Ay- cock. John T. Edgert oil's school closed near here, Thursday, with a ''bis cuit and chicken'' treat for his stud ents. A. R. Edgerton began teach ing at the same place this week. Euilmrnis le KiOiesses. 1 "I've made tip my mind to marry one of tlioso two girls, hut I don't know which. You see, I am in love with one, but Blie's got no money nor have L And the other the plain one is aw fully rich. What would you do, old fel low "' "I think I'd marry the. rich one arid lovo the other. ' ' Buffalo Express. C'lwmberlain's Cough ltemedy gives the hest satisfaction of any cough medi cine 1 handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I recommend it because it is the best medicine I -. er handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. f '.w.iiuim;k, Mdlersville, 111. For sale I.y J. II. Hill & Son, druggist. OOLDSUOltO .H AKIiKT KKI'OUT. rorrc. tt',1 Wi i'kly by li. M. J'rivctt, Cotton lluver ut:i! WIsoU'snU- I'ruvlsi.m Dealer. Cotton -J;(W5 Bulk Meat ").(( C Mess lY.rk Salt Mice, rough X. C. Hams X. C. Sides Meal per sack Flour Sugar, granulated . Corn Oats I lav Eg-s Peas . . S.";' 1.25 ."()( (5 !i (v 10 . ... 7 0 8 . 1. L'ov 1.-25 .',.',:) (a a.50 4 tin 5 50 (a 00 50 (a . ..'.( (i 1.00 Ii0r() ...i;o 0' 7o At Death's Door Blood Poison After Typhoid Fever A Marvelous Cure by Hood's After All rise Failed. -WW Mrs. 1'hcLc I.. Hall Calv::, Kaiwrn. "C. I. Hood & Co.. l.iiv.,-:! Y;as.: -Dear Sirs: Tvu-i:ty-i'.v;-yfars :i." I hrul liiliims fever, :unl tyt.!n.i.l fever, ami for five weeks 1 l;;y !;!; o:: I lmlled tlirouirli : soon (liscovoreel en i:.'- al. ;t ::t l;;st hi:;.!. 1 st ::!iov? the knee a small lrov, ;i as a tlirpc-cent iict . vv'a! 'i did not hurt 11:0 or f.-I s..r . any attention to it w.:. t when it eonian n -eil t; v.i ialTe.1 i:; but Mi la .ti.-.y . y::s ::fu-r. v.'l h-.ixe the aiiearaai e of :i 1 int; worro. It itelied and hurneil mid I eoiM.ien.-ra. doetorinp, hut to no avail. I Cot Cnly Plcmcntary Relief, And someties not even ili::t. eonl 1 not sleep nights, and on jieeount of the iu-!ii:i.i; I scratelied tlie siMit until '.he Mood would run. In hot v. eailter !: y elbow s and all my joints were jut the s uae, and what I have suffered I cannot ("escribe with a pen. I.ast February I tried ;.n h"rb for the Mood and it broke out ia liie worst form of a rash all over yov.r ! ;!;.. I liegan my scratching, and sea' -s would fall off. The sores discharged and I l inked to die. Finally my husband l.'o'.ht r. bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilia a;i 1 I had not taken more than half it 1 eforc I bejran to change for the better. I have had four bottles. Now I Am Al: Wei! but two little spots on my 1 -g. I can now sleep and eat well and work all the time. I am 04 years old, and the mother of eleven Hood'sS Cures t-hildreu, and think I can do as much as any one my age." Mks. I'iieise I.. Hall, Galva, Kansas. Get HOOD'S. Hood's PHIs ere purely vegetable, Tierfectiy harmless, reliable, and efficient. There Is Merit In IIoou'h MnrxnpnriMa. I was In bad condition with Hour Ntoniuch, Heart John R. Lochary, Roxbury, Ohio. Palpitation, Hot Flahra. Since tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla I am as well as ever. I give Hood's Sarsaparilla all the credit. I took no other medicine. John R. Loch- aey, Eoxbury, Ohio. Keinember, Hood's S Cures Hood's Pills are taking the lead. 20u. MEN on WOMEN" make f IO.iid a d,?v rAnz the "Wonderful Christy Bread 5licer."" V, r '.eijni.i k tor territory. C'urity Knife t o., Frf-iiioiir.thiuk l':xonoratcl. t ! Tinn-v. r-in have taken the largest peach. You should remember that Dod- dio is the c-lue.-i. "That's not my fault. "Judy. In a Shipyard. n "I say, JTcCarty, an is this slot fur droppin a penny in?" "Yer off. It's fur rtroppin a cent-a-boarcL D'ye moiud that?" Texas Sift in as. HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a lor.? time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would be cornnolled to sit up in bed and belch gas from ray stomach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feelintr of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My husband induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. 1 now have a splendid appetite and sleep welL Its effect was truly mar velous." MUS. HAKHY L. STAEIi, TottsTille, Ta. Pr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positive guarantee that the lirst bottle will lenelit. AlldruiisistssellitatJl, 6 bottles for to, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price Ly the lr. MUed Medical Co , Elkhart, lad. SOLD IiY ALL DIU'GGIsTS. DENTIST11Y. DRS. J. M. & J. T. PARKER. lYosh Nitrons Oxide Gas adminis tered. Crown and I Iridic work done. lOrtiee rooms over L. 1). Giddens' jewelry store. 'means so much more than 'you imagine serious and 'fatal diseases result from 'trifling-ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s 'greatest gift health. If you are feeling out ot sorts, weak and penerally ex hausted, nervous, have 110 appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine, which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose it won't stain jour teeth, and it's pleasant to take. rown's ion titters It Cures ' Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, 'Constipation, Cad Blood 1 Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get onlv the cenuine it has rrimieH rrA lines on the wrapper. All others are sub stitutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we 1 will send set of Ten Beautiful World's hair V icws and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the lest style. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed. 3'Ollice- in front rooms of Uorden Piiildinr, oyer Hizzell lro. & Co.'s dry goods store. DR. CJ. W. LEWIS, FKEMONT X. C. Offers his professional services to the public at reasonable rates. I have had ten years' experience in hospital and private practice. Special attention given to diseases of women, children and to obstetrics. All calls promptly at tended. KOW TO BUILD A HOUSE. I f vou are think inv -Unit hnilHir house you should send a kcrib f. -r my new tiook coutaining plans an J pecificaLiot.5 for 25 houses, all sizes jnt 3 rooms up, costing from Wjco t.Ooa. A book of tfreat value to Kll who desire to build a house, an 4 : win sun you almost as well as 11 you - 1 .tllav- laia f5ioratxxK. Mnt post-paia LArsM onrcceiitof2c;cents. Address J. S. OOILViK, .tubiisher, 57 KOSE ST., New York. Poor l I Health : s JUDGE WALTER CLARK 2 USES AND ENDORSES THE J SEP- O ? TRAOC (fAKK. "Cures when all else tail. J ; WALTER North Carolina Supreme Court. WALTER CLARK. Associate Jcsticf- ii Kaleioh, K. C, Jan. xr Kin f, -in ml the EleetroDoise TerT Ta'.ualile epe- i oiniiv tnr -hlllrpn I sot one last Ma v. and I I have saved three times Its cost already In doctors" and i T drue store bills. From mv experience with It, and oo-A A servatton, I can safely recommend it. I Yours truly, Wai.teb 5 j ....Tt-T-------- T WJJL-fl v X T A r holding pod ofMbe W A K ViaesiTndfoliageare VV Tlv. are un.lonn in size, arter picKing. in muuvc mure " offer them at the low price of 4. QO VT?JiK, eppne 1- Lh A I W quantityquoted on application. WTE Fj TRUCKbR S T RH 1 1 jTj price-list and descriptive catalogue. X. W. WOOD JUST RECEIVED Three Carloads - HORSES AND MULES Dirtvt from the stock raising centres of the West They - are - Beauties ! We guarantee to sell them 25 cheaper per head than oth er dealers are able to buy them, as WE BOUGHT THEM FOR CASH anil direct from the farmers w ho raise them. Come and get first choice before they are picked over. We Will Sell Them for Cash or on Time, AT IRedixced Prices. liT'Anyone in need of ready cash will be accommoda ted on the most reasonable terms. Farmers' Supplies and all Kinds of Fertilizers on Hand. Asher & Joseph Edwards. GREAT - SLAUGHTER - SALE WINTER Preparatory to our annual inventory and the new arrival of our spring stock, we shall close out For The Next 30 Days Our remaining stock of Winter Goods at a tremendous sac rifice, as we don't want to carry over a single yard of this season's goods when our spring trade begins. Nevj And Seasonable Goods- At One Half Their Value liy examining our stock you will find no shelf-worn goods offered for sale, as is done in other houses, when a closing-out sale is announced. The goods we otter you at such a Great - Saving - In - Cost, are all this season's goods, fresh from the manufacturer's and of the latest designs and fashion. You will simply pronounce it as the Greatest Bargains Ever Known ! Do not fail to take advantage of this unprecedented offer, which is only a chance of a life-time. We guarantee to sell you everything you need at a great deal less than the cost of production. THE ENTIRE WINTER STOCK GOES WITHOUT RESERVE. Don't hesitate and put it off, but come at once in order to avoid the rush. Remember that the Closing-Out Sale only lasts for Thirty Days. After that time you will never be able to secure such enormous bargains again as they are offered to you NOW. ASHER -:- EDWARDS, The Original Leader of Low Prices. 37, 39, 41 and 43, East Centre Street, Goldsboro, N. C. Investigation I Invited. 26, 1S91. BOOK FREE am sure I 4 Electrolitration Co. 34S FOURTH AVENUE. CXark. f - lew YORK. 83 rr-1 One of the bestead moAt P" . A-f 'edener! T Vfy: en tboIt - productive; vine stand op well, ground, keeping them cleen nl"f,Jvi 'remarkably healthy, white the Ps.ff. are trceirom rust end flight,. nd keepweU & SONS. Seedsmen. Richmond, OF - OF '.' GOODS AT A Cotton ertili- Turchase only such fertilizers for cotton v.L, :. least 3 to 4 actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6 poor results-are due entirely to deficiency c We wiU l-t!1y send you cur pamphlets on the Use cf P r Thev arc sent Jrce. n wn j"a dollars. NEW DRESS G(K Glorias, Lansdowns and Sin !n T3T a nir - All the latest novelty effects in ;.; ,, and silk warp. NOVELTY FIGu:E-: All-wool from 25 cents to :-!.' . Plain - Black - Serg In 38, 41, 40 and 50 inch widths. : i 4f, 50 and 00 cents. --A BEAUTIFUL .LINE OF S33R,ixnto For Shirt Waists and Dresses at-Extremely i M. E. CAST EX & OC; Notice to In tlit'se html times it U to your intt-rot to sav- cvt iy !. .: r niaile im-parations to do a much larr-r credit lii'mi- y not only in Dry Gmh1s. 1it i-ti Meat. Flour, Sttrai 'otTee :!.; I will also uiak a specialty of All Kinds and Grades of Fe- I have made up my mind to sell lower than any other h time as well as for cash. You may try them al'. itipiii e the ' thing else you may want, then come to me ami you mav re-t a--Joe" will discount them all. I aNo notifv mv cos;:, try friend-; t! A NICE LOT OF HOUSES AND Which I jruaraiitce to sell c!ieaj;er, c:cli. on tina- . r I'm other dealer in the State. Come to see me hefore puivhaMi:;'. arrangements with any house le ure and see me. K you i;e, -, I've got it for you on the most reasonaKle t.-nn. Buggies! Something- New and Fins. Sample Iurq;ies ojk'H and with top from the Colli si- ';'-. I Mich. Come and see them, next door to my dry sjjoods store. I ' ' prices lM'yoml the Possibility of Competition for Cash or on T1:l . . Josepli BE YOUR Give the New Furniture Store of Golds! ons n t;!;.! And convince yourself that you can' uot nrnT min nurnnrn ritiurniii, ULUI flllU UIIL.f11l.UB EUSU1ll For Tour Money All I ask you is to come and examine mv price-: 1 ! f Household and Kitchen Furnii Crockery, Glassware and Lamp Gcoir Before you make your purchases. Good.- .-'A l ! Installment Plan, on the most reasonahv V "'! My Grocery Departeief; You will find filled FANCY - AND - STAPLE - GROCER At competing prices.- IIail orders willl receivt? my prompt at:d ;!! attention. ! Josepli Wood's Vegetable Seed; 1 Are especially Selertcd snd Grown wlih reference to J QUICKNESS IN GROWTH MIGHE5T POSSIBLE vAU, -4wpolntsof the (create t importance to Southern Truckers an.1 .p2ffsre very reasonabte. esprcialiy ia quantity, to fn-ckers "M,:! yrT3ef'0rwritefcrTrucker'8Pr,""list- woou s S-EJ l' f T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsnen, nichmcrd, Va. A COMPLETE LINE OF UW(A Day 15K)ks, Journals and llwortls. IMank Draft-, Nu; -. i: r, ! - ! " 1 Moin.iramltnn l.ooks. i ALSO A NICE "LINE OF WRITING PAP3S l'enholtlers, vtv. Coina ami s,h our lim .f lar-r- I".::: !' f GOLDSBOEO - BOOK - ST0?; J. F. Miller, Pro'o. 1 u..1a . GERMAN KALI WOIIKS. iH r.RT Farmers! mil x Buggies!! Sd"W"S,27di OWN JUDGP with a well selected t - ( Isaacs. Gc ' wa da f etl pa Mi tei iaj he C tb si " ta eij to ti' te bj hi P ar fo la D o A bi & w tt tl IE V h c t c 1( . n a 0 c 1 J e 5 t i 1 a I 1 , t , 1 1 a ' 1 1