TIIK II EAI) LIGHT. rrr.Lism-:i) i:kkv tiu'ii.spay. srr.si i : 1 1 ii n ti.no flu ykak. A. I!OSrOVi:ir. F.ilitur and rrnpnelor. dni. iisi:ii!. N. ( .. J ul v -", S!t.". a .u im;i:s mistake. .Fu.L'f Wilson, of Cincinnati, is nvilitcl with ltaxinir annoum-cil from ihe lioiich after a liearinr in an alimony ease lasi week lli.it "any man who ir'tvcs all his salary to his wife is a fool." Subsequent ly he lno'lilicil this opinion to the extent of saying that there was an exception in favor of ihe old wo men who stain I in market because iev know what monev is and know how 1) save it. is not fair in his iU ceiniii;;- tiie thiitline ecnei-al. There are iuarrie 1 women in e llis Honor dllcliui'.s co',1 vs of wives in hundreds of crv communi- ty who appreciate as fully the ne cessity (if s;;vin'r money a- those w ho are compelled to earn their own support. IiecaUse a woman docs no? u-o on! to work is no rea son for tie- assumption she does not appreciate tiie fact that it is her bounden duty to aid her husband in accumulating a competence. It is safe to say that there are as many wives who. by their econo my and industry in household manavnieiit. help to swell their husband's accounts in th.1 bank or building associations as there are husbands who prove iiidi ll'crent to ihe just wants of their wives. A wife's best interest i-; in economy. Her ell'orts at sa in are stimula ted by love and solicitude, to know and to see that husband and chil dren are assured of comforts eoni- mensiirate with their income. She has, beside, the incentive to pro - vide tor comm-renci for conlm-rencics of t he future and for the inevitab! The hiisliand w!i rainy day. 'lVin- wife to take care of his salary will as his mail was for .sonic days be liever ii ii. 1 it a heavy burthen to fore his departure from Washine; carrv his p,,ckel book, b;it lie will t,:1 tilk'd with invitations to deliver i, ' , ,i , 4i .ii spet'ches in othia-l.-aris of t'ne Statv-. In e the assurance that there will . , , .,' i -n i . ..... , it is probalde that he will make be somelhm- m bank todraw upon nioir lhan lh:lt v, i,iF. ; about.it. w hen the e.xie-ency arises. There are Secretary Lamont very seld.im too many contented husbands, who consents to beine; interviewed for are not fools vet, who have expe- l'ublicatioii he is an old newsjia- i ,i ' i i , per man. which accounis for his rienced the wisdom of handniir l, . , , . t . shunning notoriety but ne mad-.' over their earmns to such a safe ;m .i j,, 0',,ler to deny t!ie custodian as a wife. It is conti- silly story about his wi-stern' trip deuce in the wife, as well as at'-' having been in the interest (if a feet ion for her. that makes married lliinl term for Pre -ident Cleveland. life. :is Pri'si.lriii Cli-vt'laml "( )nc o-raii'l. swia-t sdiiir. " ji'ic. liaiiil n'cr piK-ki'l-oi'iillriiHMi. ttinl Irani to sino- sai.l. 'IllTl'- (inks. r.!:i:.vMN; tin: slatk. A Pennsylvania juIri' lias drciil 01 1 lliat ni(iii(- iiiara-d men of in-loniji.-i-ato lialiits with wliirh to 'my intoxicants need not he repaid. Iieeaiisc slleh advanees constitllti' an iiita-action of the Prooks liquor law of that Slate. Furthermore, lie holds ihat il,,. lenders an- equal ly o-nilty of a misdemeanor with the relail dealer v. ho sells the in toxicant to such persons. The de cision is neeesarilv of deep inter est to that class to he found in ev ery community who make a hahil of 'staking" an unfortunate who is on a spree, in the hope that when he comes into the possession of his own he will repay them with satisfactory interest. The judire makes this point also cover the """s i.i ,i s.iiooii-Keepei no ; "put on the slate" the drinks riv en the intemperate man, and savs the opinion is app'icaMe to him. lie can have no standing in court of equity in Pennsylvania. The question involved came up liet'ure .ludire Hawkins in the Or phans' Court of rittsl.ure;. A man made a claim for si,r'." against the est.-Ue of another, who nas of known intemperate hahits. The claimant's plea was he irave the money heeaiise the other was ashamed to ro to hank and his family had stopped payment of checks. It was shown the hard drinker had checks cashed in hank, and that liecause of his intemper ance his family 1K1 ,;, ,-ontined in a hospital. I,, I..... 1 1.... i t ii .i M.im- u.nuuih Ni'ni mat mas nnn h :is the Urooks act not onlv withholds from retail dealers a riirht to recover for liquors sold, hut makes sale of them to persons of intemperate hahiisa criminal of fense, it ohvious the law is equally applieaMe to the man who furnishes the drink and to him who furnishes the money to pav for. as each contrihutes to the temptation. To say that we were delighted with our visit to Moivhead City last week, illy t-xpresses it wo were charmed heyond expression. The cool hree.es, jf nothing elst', carry on away and (ill his heart with joy. The tahle is j,t all that one could ask. in fact, cverv Ihinir is as it should he. ,Iule Carr. Dr. Iilacknall and the Atlan tic Ocean, singly, are drawing cards, hut comhined, are irresisti hle and have a tendency to make a fellow ahout lose his !u.;. more pleasant resort will he to lird and Wink Ta lor i riirht nciii in the riirht place. A lard the National Capital .Matters. Kr-.m 'tj ltti!i4r e::v-reiile:it. WAsmx.M-.-N-. T. C, July 22, l'-!". When :tli iii'liv i(lu:il :i1 tempi- t litvak .lown another in-liyitlual's .. .i I ; ll-'Ss allail'S Hie lliicini nmiuiMi.u ; can appeal to proving tin' li the courts and liave the lil ,)V l '.. ! imnidied. Hut the Cnit Male (iovernmcnt has no such redress When :m am a relit! V concerted at . . ' ' ... .r it, ..t 4',,, ! '.. 1 J , , . , to itiu:r v.ovrrnmenl ami nrinir on aim. ,i : ind lirinir on an- lin.-incia name, such as is now e-! inif made by those Kepublican newspapers which are printimr sen- itioual, and in many instances en tirely false, accounts or the liov ermiient's financial a Hairs, the Government can only appeal to the common sense ami fairness of the people. There i- nothing eith er alarming or unexpected in the pre.-ciu comme-n i.i ...... v mcnl s hnances. .-s was expecieo the expenditures dunn,ir 'he lirsi half of duly were largely in excess of the receipts. Tiie reason is ob vious. Of the sO.ooo.Oi);) which have been paid out this month ;1 l.ooo.ooi ) has L'one to pay pen sions.aliouts7.noo.ooo to pay in teresl on bonds. inc!u.linr liioe of the l'acitic railroads, and more than S.OOO.OOO h;;s lieeil paid out under the appropriations made by the la-t Congress, which became available on the lirst of duly. Some Kepublican papers, in their anxie ty to brinir on another linancial panic, or at least slop the revival of business now- sweeping over the country, have rone so far as to say that t!ie revenues - of the (ioveru mciit wen- fallinjr oil'. Partisan ship is no excuse for such a willful misstatement as that. On the con trary, the revenues are ini-rca-dne;, those for the tirst half of duly le imr much larger than the receits for the same period last year. The Cnileil Stales Treasury is all riirht, and likely to remain so as loin; as it is in diai'ire of l)enio cra'ts. i Secretary Smith has ione to ideoriria to make some linancial speeches, in which he will tell his ! hearers w hy he lost faith in the ef- '"""T r ma-comae. e or siiei and iiecame an advocate oi sound money. lie has accepted invita- tions'to deliver three speeches, but. He aid: "I was not huntmi;' . "-hosts, though I am told some ; were ahout. My trip was purely 1 a lnisiness one, and I had neither j inclination nor opportunity tomed 1 die in politics. Al'out the only I people 1 saw and talked with were the military and railroad people. The railroad men whom I met told me that the outlook was very fav ortthle for L'l'eat prosperity. They are ahout the only ones 1 had an opportunity to talk with on the suliject. and I presume that they are ahout the hest judires." By the way. speakinir of this third term latsiness, which some Ik'pulilican editors seem disposed to make a standing nightmare out of, then- is notluno- ju it. While an occasional Democrat of promi nenee has expressed ft willingness to support President Cleveland for a third term, 110 liersonal friend of; Him 1 ei in. 110 pcisuiiai iiienu 01 . his has ever eiicourau-ed such an i idea. and. it can he stated on excel-j 1 1 o. .. 1. . 1 ... ........ leiu aiiouui: uiai ne iia ueei made a siiirr'tion to anv niemheri of 111s calimet that could lie con- j strued. even in the most indirect manner to mean that lie ilesired an- j other nomination. A rent Ionian ! in i is kiiowii to i'iiov me i resi- dent's conlidence said on this siih ject: "It is too silly to lie serious ly discussed. I am satisfied that Mr. Cleveland would lonir airo have said that he would under no circumstances accept another nom ination had he not thought it to be entirely unnecessary to do so. You may depend upon it that he will stop it quick eiiuuirh should it at anv time between this and the holdinir of the Democratic Nation al Convention become evident that a serious attempt was beinir made to nominate him airain. He is proud, as he has a riirht to be. of the three nominations riven him by the Democratic party, but if he has any ambition for a fourth nom ination his closest associates have never discovered the slightest evi dence of it. You cannot lind a sin irle man whose relations with him are close who believes that he would allow his name to ro before another National Convention." Hon. John S. Henderson was in the city last week on business with the Postmaster ( ieneral. He said the people of North Carolina were not talkinir politics as much now as they were the establishment of cot ton mills and other manufactures, and the ratherinir in of a verv bountiful harvest." He thinks the return of p-neral prosperity will ro far towards helpinir the Demo crats recover some of t heir losses of last fall. lie stronirly advocates en courairin.ir business 'men to estab lish cotton mills. llmi's This We on'er One Iluiulreil Do'lars Ke war.l for any case of Caian ii tlial can not he cuivil 1 iv I Tail's Catarrh Cere 1'. J. CIIKNKV & Co.. 1'n.ps..' Toledo. O. We the uiiilei-siirneil have known V J Cheney tor the last 1") years, ami believe him perfectly honorahie in all lnisiness transactions ami tinaneiallv ahle in car ry out any obligation made' I. v their linn WKST iV- TlU AX. Wholesale Inirrists,' Toledo.'). WALUl.Nii, KlNNAN & M.VKVIV. Wholesale I Irilfrirists. Toledo. (). Hall's Catarrh Cure La taken internal ly. actiiiLT direclly tijioti the 1, , mucuolis surraces of the s-stem. 1'i iee per l.oltle. .Sold r ,v TcslIlUoui;"l; free. II ,,. , , i 'I i 'I lltfgl.st.s. Sii;i:-)ii!;iii' on ("i'Ciit '-I- ;i. Ie:ileer:i!. Kccrntly County Examiner (i. . IiutltT in-Ill :m examination of applicant r i t'ru Jti-i-s ((rli!i,ai('. On many ;-cca ins Mr. I'.utler has answers that "sur- l'oi-ol V Oi 1 s.1 11111 . ... ,,,. t-ked. hut exainiiia- .u.u o o .SLll one aiU'iK-aiit at tin: l.i-t lion is bv unanimous cuiim-ih I'mi- tl-'d to tin- rake. In the l.'nitcil Slates history- examination the nana of twelve (if America's rmil-j .Jot men. livmir or dead, were re- v,,,,,,,;,,,,.,,,,',,;,!, ., j11H. moo,! ! I ,?, locks 'U, d to '. . . - the-names, ut as they were e;ven , inai rrcsiuenis can sirooi. viu bv one applicant, in' all serious-1 Eastern counties have shipped this n'ess: -d;ls. Madison, 1 Iorras year s:.,o m.o: iu of "early iranlon ( lively, Andrew Jackson. Pearson, I sas-." Y h id been selling niona the Evangelist, Kev. V. 11. Oliver, jy.ite for a year up in these (liinirs Dr. Kinrsberrv. Hon. Ii. V. (Ira-: dy, Dr. Pritchard, Prof. Wills A. I M. J.ee, ( f. K. liutler. Street P.rew er, A. F. I low aril. K. W. Kerr, Kev. .1. L. Stewart." Some of these names have a f uniliar sound in Sampson. At another examina tion recently held, a similar .ties lion was asked and on-- a.iiplicant bea-anwiiii Cen. Weaver, inchtd-iui'- Marion liutier, Cy Thoi:iso!i. d. E. Fowler, and comii'iio'.i h,v n to his township con-table of the same polities, which indicated ih.it tiie applicant must have been a Populist, and something of a ar tisanatlhat. If civil service had been applied to school teachers he mi-ht have failed to ret a cerlili cate. tSruoin Corn a rro'llali!.' Cni. Wnti.inat.... MrH'iiaT. There is o-rcat demand for the straw of broom corn, and as it sells from S7; to spi-i per ton we see no reason why the fanners of North Carolina should not make it a prof itable crop. If properly cultiva ted and cured it can lie made to re turn a handsome profit. liroom corn is irrown largely in Canada. Ohio. Jndiana. Illinois. Tennessee, (ieoriria and other States, and it lias been dcnionstra j led lone; ajfo that the South is pc- j eunarly adaj to its endure. In Canada. Ohio. Illinois and Inuiana w here it is largely jrrown. only one crop can be raised, as the" early frosts in tiie regions mentioned cuts o;i' the second growth. In (leorpa and other Southern States, however, we have se.-n a splend.id second crop cut after tiie tirst crop h id been harvested. The second crop w . -is in every respect as eood. as the first and early frost is the prnu-ip d thine; that w p iein- as vent - the ether. A Mi! lily .Mi.M'J IVj'iilati.'i! Tiie f'lll'tuin iiiriilc'.ii "f York life sliiiws how iii.-iiinn i 1 i 1 i x I : An It ..!!! l.Uil- lian srnt tin Aiih 'ri-.v!;! ImI to :: Clii;i:iiii:tii I'm his hini-hy. Tiii' A ii!"ri-:i :i wk tin1 Chinaman a ."iK-cciil ii'ct. .Jo!m oil on it and aid: "( oun lerfeit: voit settee in IrouMe: me vi'." and put it in his pocket. I ii" Jtauan llien ca!le.l an.i stai ti-1 to oive th" Chinaman a heaiinir. A (irei'k left Lis oyster siand to act as a peace-ni iker. The Italian drew a razor and the Creek shied a hot lie of cayenne pepper at him. which struck a 3 lehrew. A itejrro who was passhi- shouted, and an Irishman in the uniform of a po liceman arrested the tiirli t inir ' i LTress of nations, which was pre sided over liy a Dutch .police justice. .Met A Her Maiiv Yea I u'.i;ir tne dark i!a two h iys Ii v i un' at S , -..-away from hii;ie to join federate army. lea', luir 1 ran ts. t xriell' ana comlorts t: sii'tlt life in lnivaliosis of arm-. little fm- in in. iides th-v . . . 1 .... 1 ictl'.'Vei I .1;. io l,e ri-'iit. i,(.m Cod si onlv man to hid ! ..: 1 ii :.. iheir lilaus was Mr. D.mielU now Ji vinir at Sti Uere our esteemed friends Mr. I I. C ( 'mei. l-n- mm, 1 ('.n.t M on. In ail Inese iuterveninir years Mr. Weebs a;;d Capt. Wilson'have; never met unu'l la.st Monilay, when old acquaintance was renewed, and;"" "l m-rsiiy vwui emotion oi joy ami pleasuri 1 .'miiv 'VJ..n., -vf ,.c. I. .... w...t V II. - Wl V were pleasantly discussed. III: I. GLIIS!;il!!(l M AKKirr l(i:i'll!; r. :rrTt'l VV'eel.lv liy I! linjiT ;till W holes;, I, a:ul I.imc I 'otloll Hulk Meat Mess Pork Salt Kiee m.'al X. C. Hams X. C. Sides -Meal per sack Hour Si lira r, jrramilated . . . Corn Oats llav KirL's Peas ISeesw a M. JTH. tt, ..Hon 1'riivisioii. (.rain . 1 i, i I. ,'.'. . . . S". ,i 1. -j:. '.Ml l.irl !l m Id si,, ;i . .1 L" , 1.-.V, ..:!.. In (( !.-"in r:'i: :i . . ::i -is .'.Kl (" 1.(10 . . .'.') ill 1.(1(1 Save Your Money. One box of Tint's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PiLLS JHi. (;. w. u:vns, FKEMOXT X. O'TelS his lrofessi(,n:i serviees t,. tl.e lutblic at reasonable rales. l,;,Ve had ten years' experience in hospital aM,l proate practice. Special attention friven to dis,.:tses of women, children and to obstetrics. All calls promotlv at tended. 1 ' t'-VrOmVe in rear of P.arden'.s drim- SI Sl'KVSOiCV KM. s. l!.M).Va:s. Ciiciilur free. ll'U.' S,rinn Oanlen St.. Miilu. l'a Ansltntr.iTirfiu; .n. V'., riMr ''UbUUtXHIBITIONS.ti J A profitable bxuiatf ur a Mi unA imuli capital. AUo Ju '"r Humo iBBBcment. page Ct'lisuo ret. MCALLISTER. Wkmu, 43 Naeeuu Stt. N. Y. North Carolina's I'iverMlie'l Interests. Vtirh tnieu il.ral.l. Our exchanges say that a fain l 'has been etab!i-he.r" to raise turtl'-s for market in I'liion coun ty. Charlotte has a breeches fac tory that is preparing to make bloomers. Sampson county sells this year SJojum worth of huckle berries. A moniroose vamh has j Keen , Shci dabiidied i:i Inineoinoe. I;iLrirer. of Uanncr Klk, writ novels. Albemarle ami l'a:ulico sounls are beniiT stock.' I . , . ii i , ' .. .i before tne "scientists knew then was any i;i America. Acetylene ;ras in .piantities suilicient for il hmiinalmir jmrposes is a discovery of a North Carolina itboratory. We are e-row in;x everythin; from baniuas to btickwhe.it. We havt; -very bi-eed of politicians, from plutercrats" to Populists, includ injf the e-rcat lower of the political trarden the double, white and "yal ler" ilower, called by botanists the fuse! liana Maiianbuttlerencis." Some emiiient Kaleih Democratic botanists are now .'xperimentinir with the pollen of this plant on the rose of Democracy. We h:ive prayed for diversified industries. We've e-ol them. Put the thinr may be overdone. NOT A S!CK DAY Fgp Over Thirty Years! RESULT OF USING AYER'S PILLS "Aycr's t'atliartie Pills fer over lliirt y ycur.s liavc U ft mi- in noeil licultli, iii'vcr having lia.l a sirk lay in all that tinif. r.i f.'if I was twenty I siilTiri-il almost n-iiiiimally as a result .f r.ni stipatii'ii (rein ik M.,.is;a, lie ularlics, lii'tiralia. nr l".i!s anit othr-r Tujtivrt nvincfil that unit- ht'is i.f my tnml.lis wne ti .t : pat Ii !i . I lii-L'.iu tliv UM- sf;n-. Ilii. tury results, nevrr li:iii!j :i s attack tluit UJ 11 T n a'li'iv yn-M t. ii-niiily. My wife, who hail lieeii ;m invalid for ear.s, also he;'au to Use Aver'. I'iils. au.l h,.- lieallh was ijuirkly re'stored. Uiili iny eliildr. 11 J had no tieed that tiearly ai! their ailments were ju-ei eded hy eo!ist i iat ion, ain! 1 soon liad the leasme of kta-wiii that w i:h chihlreli as with parents. Ayr's I'ilN. if taken in sea.s"ii. avert a'.l !; njer i f fiiekness.'-- 1 . '1 i t si l l v. !";. v. .11 . I !. AYER'S MK. Highest Honors at World's F:.r. Acer's Sarsapariila Stren-jtSiers th 5y;'.t.r.. U M OLIVE l'all Ti'i in Pcirins Auir.. ". "!.". '1' 1 1 1 : : t 'jrl i instruction jivi-ii in all I C ti" ! ' . si-lio !. Acaileinii- ami Primary hrauelie.s. and I n -t niu:ei.! al Mu.-ic. hv ('hljielelll ami skilieil illtlUetei's. !"'.r further iiieTinatioii ajijily to .1. F. Oliver, S.'cieiarv id tiie lleai'il. r to HENRY E. THOMPSON, A. B., I'lMM ll'Al.. M Mlllt (Hive. N. (' I University of North Carolina Comprises tli li'U-e. tli.- Law a t he Summer Se! ti'.u si-.ii. '1 Aii.iress 1 n-i,! Hill. X. C. lor I 'niver-il v, the Col .Me.lieal Seiiools. ami I fi r Teachei-s. '1'ui- ehei-s. 171 Sliiileuts. ! Wiasteii. Cliaeel a iolTI ami liamll.ook ; llducaliiin." FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S. Kvervtliinir in the dolle in the be-t s!v!e tion iruaraiilee l. K-- Olllce in fro; , i I'lUiidiil. over liizel ijoiids spire. hue IV if Dentistry cct sat isl'ae- looms of P.orden Ili o. Oc Co.-s drv A PROCLAMATION IJV THE (JOVLnXOJJ. $300.00 REWARD! STATK OI-' NoltTH Ala II i N KXK( I TIVK DElWIiT.MKXT. f "lTlI!;i;KAS. ollicial infonnation has been received at this department, that John McCuHeii, of Craiilham's township, in Wayne county, was cow ardly and brutally shot down on the moi niiiLr of .May ITth, lsi.-,. while plow ing in the lield, by unknow n person or persons, from which wounds he died on June I'tHli. lsj.-,. And Wiii:i;i:as. it appears that the said unknown person or persons have tied the Slate, or so conceals themselves that the ordinary process of law cannot be served unon them. liscasc-. Wlim 1 lu-.-aJiif i ' i?;:' -y . ' ': '. t '- ... I Now, Tiif.i;!fo!;k. I.Kiias Carr, (Jov ( j ernor of the Stat" of North Carolina, bv C i virtue of authority in me '-sted bv law. do issue this my proclaniation, olTei-in a li:wAi:t of 1'iii:-,;k itiMi;Ki Dol lars for the apprclienson and delivery of the said unknow n person or Dei-son's to the ShelilV of Wayne c-ountv. at the Court House in (ioldslmro, N. C., to be paid upon conviction, and I do enjoin all ollicers of the State and all good t-it-zens to assist in bringinjf said criminal or criminals to justice. llone at our city of P.aleigh, the 12tli . day of Julv.'in tiie vear Sr.. i of our Lord One Thous and Kiilit Hundred and Ninetv-tivc. and in the One Hundred and Twentieth Year of our American Independence KM AS CAKlt. Ily the (loveriior: S. F. Tklkaii.-, IVivate Secretarv. of I5ccs ' tA Scorpions f3 insects' are J!" .fez cured with t---W t"c effect tion, reduces pain. When or on any outing trip, be - For all pain internal or for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, it is almost , I a specific. Sold everywhere has been doubled.) Accept 1 The genuine bears the name uOGKXQOCX00X)OOOOOQ000 A TREMENDOUS CUT To Reduce My Large Stock 1 WILL SKLL GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is Your Cliaiu House at it Great THIS IS A COMK To Secure JOSEPH New Furniture Store, WEIL WILL INA L Wednesday, Tin-: (tIJIOATKiST MON.KV SAVL(i SALK OF KKADV AIADK CLOTHING I0VKK II KL!) IN THIS CITY OU KLSKWH Kll. 800 SUITS of the newest fabrics in ciitiiiie English clievoits, Sfotch homespun. Clays. Cassinieres, litrht, mediuin and dark shades fur men, yooths7boys aIMorI; I.'HJILAKS, STOl'TS, triimiH-d and tailored ciual t' the finest merchant tailor work. Suits Manufactured to Ketail for slii; sis and slii FOR $12.00. Suits Manufactured to Ketail for sli, sn si;, FOR $10.00. Suits Manufactured to Ketail for s.), sjo and sll FOR $7.50. Suits Manufactured to Ketail for sc., s7 and ss FOR $5.00. Suits Manufactured to Ketail for s4, s." ;uid sr. FOR $3.50. t-' In addition we otl'er uiilisual cuts Underwear, Straw Hals, Neckwear and Sale Begins Yednesday, 9 a. m, June 19th. 3HE. "VNTeil M. PRIVETT WHOLKSAU: AND RETAIL HFALKlt IN Flour, Bulk Meats, Salt, Lard, SU(iAK,:COFFKE, MOLASSES, SEED OATS, SEED RYE, SEED RICE, JJran, Rico, Meal Corn, Hav, Etc. ALSO- LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, LATHS, HAIR, ETC. 'asps, Hornets, Centipedes or , bites of animals, reptiles or . insi 'll' sootliei1 anJ quickly rain-Killer. It counteracts of tbe poison, allays the irrita the swelling and stops tne ( you go fishing, on a picnic ( sure and take a bottle of ITV" V II rune! external it has no equal, and at 25c. a bottle. (Quantity no imitation or substitute. Perry Davis & Son. IX Crockery, Glassware. A T- - o to Furnish Your Saving in Cost. RARE CHANCE AT ONCI-. iirst Choice, SAACS, Goldsboro, N. C. (ill It AT K OX June 19th, BROTHERS -I 1 X SLI3IS AMI KXTII A SIZLS, in Cent's Fitriiishint White Shirts. Ne: i-'ee S,i,t, Sc Bros. 4 Tiie Oiie of farmin" CTat!u.illv exhausts ;h f.crcentae of Potash is & lai larger tank aci.umt can oniy lite f ir our " Farnifii is bum im full of useful information will make and save you money. Aouiess, (IK KM. AX K ALI L - GREAT CL0SIN6-0i J THE MEW YORK RACKET Sl Iyloi;i.-iit Olive, isr Iii onb-r to make room (roods, soon to arrive, v REMAINDER O 1' SUMMER GOODS Greatly - Reduced Tln'ivfore it will lie to your intt'ivst lota! tap of tliis oU'rr at onct. if you arc ! Si'i-lll'i' Extraordinary Seasonable -: Tiio slot-k consists uf IuhmIsoiuo asxirt!. , ;iis; , Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, Sfc Hats, Etc., Etc., Etc., AM) WILL SUKKLV (in IAT PRICES WHICH One Price To Ai!! B. L. OULBRSTH, Proprietr VALUES EXTRAOBDHtf i Not tra-h to create a u hat vim want '. Ah uveze well, Tills Week Onh lilaek Silk Parasols,.. S-4 ()rirainli .laekonet Dtttehis Straw Mallimr, 11, l-J - I .ict - . . . .:.(ct .. ..lik-i- ainl l.Vt- Smirt "WsListi PARASOLS and UEE AT 1STEW COST TO CLOSK OUT. Great Bargains -IN Ladies' and Children's Low Cut Stoes and Oxfords. Jlounlains of White CoimIs. I.ace liraids. r.indiiiLrs and Notiuiis. 3VL E. CASTEX cSo In conse.pieiiee of the removal ,,f the I.aFavcije Mii'tw l ayetteville to Wilson, the name of th'i.s ver'v popid it i' s' hi;,' will hercal'ter be know a, Wilson Miliia'rv Academ v. Till FALL TFIL'I IJIXilXS AVFDNKSDA V, SLi With greater facilities. 1H-Uei' acconimodalions and e-pii. : ble bn-hter pn-spects. the sciiool ,.ters unon hs third v. - . eation of a much larirer patmnaire and lm.Ve ni-m-ral v.- thorouirh msin.ction is fiv,n h, ,.,,.,. .,., eommerei ,! ! eulture and physmal trainiiej receive due attention The I iiouncen.ent. containinir full particulars, will . mailed ;,. aiiphcatioii. Address Kiitaldislud in PALMER wholesale - Commission - Kerchss Mcnihcrs (r National tVlVrUV tir VmnmU'wu V. n !i:'lS loS K,eade Street New Vcri ? Southern Frnifs and VptfPiahiPs a srf sy l-.HA 2--,' Kfi'i'ii iha's-Cli itliam Commercial A'i'iK-ics. Xalioiial VV aiv iK-i.mia.ra CIIU!L'LATIX(J LIlSCAm' Li'nts yotic:m iva.l any Inn,!; ia llu- Lil.rarv iil. 1 " hiT conditions: 1st. That It .,. i . , . , , ; I,,, , , ' 'y'l'v-n in ro:)i T, a ' lVT :,t ' rv-r.hv V I t. J '.u-iKsl within tho .lavs. I lint for cvi'i-v .l.-iv- ii... I.....1- :.. t...:.. .. t , . , - ...l 41 in, ' V '.xiiiusl there shall . ., ,l:1,. , 4th. I n.it tin- fw lK paiifin Do not ask ft,r cviV.it. ith. - CAl.l. GOLDSBORO -:- Crop iSys, the land, tinlcis a l . used, better . then be v tvu. tim.lc. a ! 42 p.-i.c- for f.r nic: It .. OF- A T for our Iar stu.-l-. .,. j liave dtvioV'l 1' !- , . OP OUR STO( -A T Oil in iiilr;! DEFY C0MPE1 out real values c'le.-c here they are. Crepi -lis. 'itoria Uatiste. . Lawn - sl'KClAI. NKW !!;. ,- iN- Bolt Buckles, Belt Pb, Shirt Va:?: Side Ccri and Kinbioi.le l-les. ee:l 'ARY ACM wtt ,.qniT. In- ls(; ,v (; I'ahnrr & FRO X. VnwtUwlvU W. Il'ink, r.ra.i-: onitii- ainl it Vac n n-lail ric,.. iFirwiv is HI- ii ;uin lie ..,. , ,, ,,,, a.ivaiiro, alwavs. Wlisii - i- it EOO" - 5!.iji-!''''r' .y f. .mii.m-:i:. I.

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