i f n i flitl : lla- y.; M SUI) LIGHT. WAINK ( OI NTV. rust S. 1S!1.". W. with .(M a L m:ws. Siiiilstoii Meanings. Mrs. Martha Latham i.s visit in relatives and friends here. W e regret to learn that Mrs -Jusrave is quite sick typhoid fever. '. W Thompson is now in our Superior Court I """ intending to make this plaee i next Monday, j llls h""l(' '" a while. are he- 'veral of our youno men attend- lu -l mgmy interesting debate at Patetown. Friday niht. Kev. W. II. Puckett, of Fremont, will begin a series of meetings here Sunday night, August 2.")th. George Roberts and sister, Miss Maggie, left Saturday to spend a few days with friends in Fork town ship. John Wooten has moved to Black nM'tingol the Hoard j 'ee. wnere no will take charge of -day night, owing nis father-in-law's farm, while the r.m. The meeting I latter is off running his saw mill. .auijuarter ii' people's money juandered. 1o see Mr. J. Will ! reels yesterday, illness of continued .lustie ppointed Mr. of the Peace ii. p. iiooks. i;ght Lav: lu- sons to to peruke the an l'"ayett(ville Military taei- column. . !..:n. of Augusta, e.i ly Misses Mattie i. left here Monday ay- at Peaufort. en thai left Monday ern markets to pur- A njrlo (Jossiji. A refreshing and most welcome shower visited this section, Sunday. Mrs. (,. V. Peele has returned from a visit to relatives at Golds boro. A series of protracted meetings began at Piney CJrove, Tuesday night. Several from here attended the Sabbath school convention at Hood nsivo stock of Fall popular firm of II. ! u'airiIh Saturday. ' which he is a mem-1 'ss Anna C. Bizzell is at homo, j attending the bed-side of her sick perfecting arrange-j mollier' Mrs' 1L L' 15izzelL ili'.lcation of an after- Mrs. II. II. Pest, of Greene coun coinlete telegraph- j i-s m our midst this week to the it to say that it j delight of her numerous friends, lit to our hustling! Subscriptions and renewals for charity subscrip- Tiik IIkaiu.iout will lie received bv for Angle and vi- .'iiired. lug out one of the sew market from the corner day morning, the hose -in:: the water to tlow Mi.-s Li! lie l cinity. Quite a number of our young poo pie were anticipating a fine time go ing to the big August meeting at Mr. "W P. Thomp-1 Holly Hill. Duplin count-, Sunday, considerable dam Mr. and Mrs. Janus McGee are spending this week in the Seven Springs Section. The Mount Olive gun club is doing some splendid shooting these hot days, laying low many a pigeon. Special attention is directed to the new advertisement of the X. Y. lecher siore in another column. atonnclons, better known here as August hums, also cider, are quite plentiful in these parts now. P. K. Smith, of the Cape Fear Lumber Co., of Wilmington, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his famil'. Misses Maggie Giddens and Lula Pa'.er, of Goldsboro, who have been visiting relatives and friends here, left for home Sunday night. Of course, you are going on Hatch Pros, excursion to Wilmington next Wednesday. You will have the choice of going to either Ocean View or Carolina Peach. This is positively the last chance this season. Saturday night, Stephen II. Wolfe, living near here, had a difficulty with his father, S. J. Wolfe, and struck him over the head with a board, inflicting several ugly gashes. The trouble originated about young Wolfe maltreating his wife. We deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. If. W. McKinne, formerly of this place but now of Kinston, in the loss of their sixteen-months-old baby boy, Julius, who died at their home in Kinston, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, after three months of suffering. The interment was made there, Friday morning. I'renmiit Echoes. Yelverton is all smiles I. L a boy. Miss Dora Hughes friends at Elm Cit'. S. L. Powland "took Its visitim in" the ex- : his goods. g of the Directors of Wayne held last Friday, !:;i-anm;al dividend of 4 .,- declared, payable on :gut ."ih. A most cred of the bank's affairs ."ikor column. but the rain prevented their attend-1 cursion to .Norton, luesuay. ance. I Pev. W. II. Puckett returned j j)Om0 j-Yidav from Plvmouth. riiiknty I'uts. Mrs. Fzekiel Overman .is visiting' relatives on the '"South Side." j Our young friend, George Pest. ! has begun teaching at Mt. Carmel. ! o reception was the Eva Mao by at his residence. Mr. Pain being Mrs. J. W. Gu- . and together all a delightful .m "took in" a Alice Lewis, of Dudley, is ; her cousin. Miss Julia Edg- d UlictT Miss visitin; erton. j The Sunday school pie-nic at Xa hunta. Saturday, was a most enjoy able affair. Misses Ella and Laura Edgerton ; returned Sunday from a visit to rel- atives near Princeton. j Miss Lena Massev, of Pikeville. i s and out- was among us last week, the guest After play- ' of Miss Hattie Edgerton. Misses Maggie Woollen and Delia Edgerton have returned f.-om a vis it to friends near Ebenezer. Subscriptions and renewals to Tiik Heahi.ioiit will be received by A. P. of Thomas Edgerton for Pinkney and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pike, from near Kenly. were here Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Edg erfxm. The Free Will - Paptist Sunday school mass meeting and pic-nie at Union Grove. Thursday, was very largelv attended and much enjoyed. -u;l mg in a score the home team, to kick them- I'odorate Veterans iy at Pine Forest. from here, begin -The ( loldsboro Pi : ( ! uards have been o doubt attend. A hue is in store for :' 1'U'c Juatiita. infant ' Ir. and Mrs. W. A. Ed-: '! at their residence in j lay mi rning at !' o'clock h.g i'liies-. aged nine : fvamrul took place from ' adtay at 10 a. m., Pev. e. officiating. The in-; made in Willow Dale I a-edi to learn that our an. Mr. W. TV C. lvh-: i r many years carried ehi vestibule" safely been appointed, super uaehinery of the North ; ! -i- Company at Tillery ' ?1"T) per month. Mr. - a most etlicient ma il ic company is to be i .a its excellent selee- l'ikevi'.le llurfirct. Quite a refreshing shower of rain visited this section Sunday. Several of our citizens took in the excursion to Xorfolk, Tuesday. a revival going on at Grove, near here, this There Pleasant week. Miss Sadie Merritt. of Pinkney. is in town on a visit to Miss Pose Ezzell. Connor Fulghum, of Wilson coun ty, was in town last week on a visit to relatives. . ... . .ii.. 4.. Miss Mattie Jackson, of reene j .James l looa were ainonucu n .v. county, was in town, Sunday, on a j & M. College, upon County Ex- Pead the announcement of Fre mont Academy in another column. Miss Posa Piley, of Plack Creek, is visiting her sister, Mrs. I). L. Luper. Miss Xannie Darden. of Greene' county, is visiting the family of W. H. Speight. . J. P. Dixon and family, of Tarbo ro, a iv in town, visiting the family of S. L. Rowland. Dr. W. T. Turlington ha- gone to Benson to spend a few days with relatives and friends. P. G. Pittman was called to Gourdin's, S. C, Tuesday, by the se rious illness of his sister. Mrs. S. S. Earle, of Spring Hope, after spending sometime with rela tives near here, returned home Sat urday. We are glad to hear that' Dr. E. T. Dickinson, whose illness was me itioned in last week's issue, is able to be out. Several of our young(?) men went to Goldsboro, Friday, to witness the game of ball between Goldsboro and the Xew York female team. They say it was "a burst." on the part of the girls. County Coisiiiiis-ioiiers -Meeting. Tin- P.oanl met in regular ses sion. Monday, August .th. all the member- present. W. V. (irantliam's bond as Tax Collector for Fork township was approved ly each member of the Hoard. The price for cotton weighing was placed at cents per bale. Treasurer".-! reports for duly wore examined and approved, showing balance due to county i s 1 , s I'.t.L'l. and to school fund .V l :',;(. t;o. I. (1. Tindall was grant e I i free licen-e to jieddle in Yavne i county. Harry 1'. Stevens and In Mo. ,)o uliile, .L II. Shailing ton; Mo. is white, S. D. Iyr!; Mo. 10 white, J. K. Ilolloweli; Mo. 41 white, J. AV. IcClemmy; Mo. o.l white, J. W. (Jardner; Mo. ')S wliite, J. K. D.ivi-: Mo. r7 white, Mallian Odom: Mo. Pi colored. W. F. Engli-h; Mo. 14 colored. Willis Cobb? Mo. colored, W. II. Sauls; Mo. ii" colored, lien li.irnes. It va- ordered that a suflicient sum from the reserve fund be ap portioned to certain school dis tricts to makedlie amounts in such districts feu-pro enough for a two months school in each district. E. T. Crawford's children were allow ed to attend Mo. ti'i white school, also that 'the pupilsof Mo. 14 white school district he allowed to attend Mount Olive High School and that the fund due such children lie used in p:iving their tuition in said school. Accounts were audited and al lowed to the amount of !?ir:i.or. The Hoard then adjourned. Published by order of the Hoard, (i. C. Koknf.oav, Clerk. Slie Was no lo;. unci'id Standard. Thursday afternoon several la dies of the city wore making calls in a certain portion of town and af ter entering the home of a friend, one or the callers remarked that they were out making ''l'op'Yalls. Whereupon the hostess put a wrong construction on the term, and said: "Well." I don't see why vou should come here, tor niv hus band is as good a Democrat as yours; so ii it is 1'op calls you are making, vou had better study the politics of your community." When the lady had concluded she left the room highly indiginmt, leaving the two callers in a very much embarrassed state. Since lsTS tlieiv have been nine epi demics of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and IHuri-luru Remedy wjis used with perfect suc-ess. Dysen tery, w hen epidemic, is :i!inot as se vere and dangerous a Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the lio-t efforts of the nio-t skilled physieiafis have failed to chock its ra ages, this remedy, however, has cured the nio-t malignant case.-, both of children and adults, ami under the most trying conditions, which proves to be the i'-t l Heine in the world for bowel complaints. For s:de bv J. II. Hill Son, and M. E. Kobinoii' & P.ro.. druggists. The more w e e o love. Si x o the more we can w eek- ago I -nlVei eil with a erv severe cold : w as almost unable tospeak. My friends all a lvised me to consult a phv-ician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough Kennily aderti-ed in the St. I'aui Yolks Zeitimg I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while w as entirely well. ' now nio-t heartily re commend this remedy to any one suf fering with a cold". Wm. Ki-ai., HTs Selhv Ave., St. Paul. Minn. For sale by J'. II. Hill - Son, and M. K. Kohin on iV: llro.. drmrgi-i-. To (iin Owners. Pring your gins to the undersign ed at G reonloaf, near Goldsboro, and have them whetod by an experienc ed whet tor with one of the best ma chines made. All work guaranteed. Price ."i cents per saw, ca.-h as soon work i.s done. I refer to Dr. Geo. L. Kirby and Dr. M. E. Pobinson, both of whom have had work done by my machine. T will whet when reipiested at gin house at 7 cents per saw. Joiix Fikk. Ileihu tieM in Knitting Cotton. Knitting Cotton, the Oakdale Mills brand, as good as made,, only 17 cents per pound-at Xkw York Pack ft Stork. Mount Olive. X. C. Tired Women Should stop and consider the dangers which threaten them because of their weakness, languor and lack of ambi tion. Thousands of women find their strength cnequal to the demands of duty. And yet there is no escape from the incessant round of care and toil. They must have strength. How shall it be given? By building up their systems through purified, en riched and vitalized blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them strength because it will make their blood pure and enable it to feed the nerves upon proper nourishment. It will create an appetite, tone the stomach and invigorate every organ. It is what tired women need. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It feeds t he nerves on pure blood. Hfnrl'l P!1IS eaytolmy,easytotake. WE LEAD ! Others Follow. ANOTHER IN OTJT Standard Patent MedicineS. 81.00 For 75 Cents. Siitiu thiii!; New in Shoes. Puy the Eaton Invisible Cork Sole Shoo, the bc.-t on the market ami fully warranted. Xkw York Packkt Stork. Mount Olive. X. C. isit" to friends. A. II. Pike, old and re- Mt. ( n of tl Wilmington The train season trom n. for white d tr ie P hat of Pocky Mount, came down Saturday on his wheel t( visit his uncle, W. L. Pike. Subscriptions and renewals toTiiE managers, Hatch j IIkaki.ioht will be received by W. P. ,v, will run their ; pike for Pikeville and vicinity. Miss Ren a Massey returned home Sunday from a pleasant visit to friends in the Xahunta section. Raymond Katman and son, R. E., of Wilson county, came down Wed nesday on a brief visit to relatives and friends. The township inter-denominational Sunday School Convention will be held here, Friday, August Kith. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring, their baskets well filled with delicious viands. leave returning same .si.'"i; children From Wilming- ch. Ocean View A most on joy - nlngham (Ala.) Xows ur former townsman. n! M. Xolon. has boon e-idont of the Alabama ;.;!k there, lie is also f the Commercial 1 kink .'. i;lch he has developed ,;,.. -trongest banking i:i n the country, besides, he d of three other of the roas enterprises in Sol o su-i e--d'u'.ly conducts ;::g im,. rots in Hale ;.!..l!;;a. i,'!'. XolsOU IS ('. .1. Nelson, ineiy demise of Miss Pyrd- lormantown, Pa., oc v -uddonly. Monday night 'o,-'.;. at the residence of Mi. Jo-.pU Edwards, ii;ci 1'oen visiting, caused y. After eating a hearty was taken with a head l a few moments after she P -ceased was V.) years of e daughter of Mrs. Eva remains left Tuesday i.'acie'pliia. where the iu v;.s mad.o in the Jewish ye-terday morning at i Ve d.-eply sympathize with 1 relatives in i o-abl Mdiuit Olive KciHirts. Will LTzzell, of Seven Springs, was here Sunday. Miss Lizzie Wooten, of LaCJ range, is visit i n ir here. Miss Daisy Marable is visiting friends at Charlotte. We regret to learn that Mrs. P. A. Hallett is quite sick. Nice showers Sunday, and crops are looking greatly improved since. Ira II. Cobb left Monday to spend a week at Wilson, visiting relatives. Miss Lizzie Yates Faison, of Char lotte, is here visiting Mrs. W. G. Davis. Mrs. J. A. Westbrook and daugh ter, Missi Essie, spent Sunday in Faison. Earnest W. Cobb left Tuesday for Fortress Monroei Va., to join the U. S. Army. Several of our young people at tended the Pig August meeting at Holly Hill, Sunday. Evidently, the rain did not stop 1hem. o. Appueti L'ikeville t aininer s eeriinean tor a new road in rikeville town ship, from Capps' bridge to Tar horo road, etc., continued to Sep tenilier. The lioanl made careful inspection of the jail and found it in very good condition. The" following jurors were drawn for September term of Wayne. Su perior Court: FutsT Wkkk: W. II. Sauls, L. L. Warrick. .1. L. lh idgers. Pun van Ellis, ,J. P ll-im, C. M. Cog doll. Joseph Ii. Parks, W. Hay wood Ham, H. L. (inint, W. R. Davis, P. A. Warrick, X. A. How ell, .1. C. Singleton, K. Ii. Hood, D. A. Sassei X. C. Cogdell, .!. (i. Ilolloweli. d. L. Xewsome, J. AY. Nash. (i. W. Singleton, S. I). Montague, (i. H. Odom, N. P. Kdgerion. das. K. lirown, I). 15. Pro"-den, Josiah Stevens, it. (i. Powel, d. T. (Itllley, T. K. Yel verton, Adolphus Wadded, .1. W. Ilolloweli, liiclmrd Elmore, U. E. lirogden. Lewis Martin, N. (i. din net t, J. E. Crow. Skcom) Wkkk: Ii. W. Nash, .1. C. Smith, dames llurdeaux, L. A. Iey, d. 1). Daniel, Thus. I. Sutton', lienjamiu Crawford, 1). d. Hood, E. C. Exum, Henry (irant. I). d. liivenhark, Silas l'ate. dohn T. (linn, d. A. Panics, J. T. Iilow, d. T. Hooks. J. (i. Holland, II. d. Smith. The following cotton weighers wore. elect od:d. D. Daly, d. H. Loft in. dr., Charles D. Taylor and P chard Johnson. Sttite pensions were approved for Iredell lalton, ilepsey .lack son, Win. A. Ilolloweli, James A. Ilines and (i. Allen. srooi. m'MNKss. The Hoard met for considertition of public school business, on Tues day, with all members present. The Hoard refused to take any action on the petitions from Nos. ;i and oS white school districts. .Appointments as School Com mitteemen were made as follows: Wood Wanted ! o00 cords of pine wood long leaf preferred, delivered at our brick yard. If. Wkii. & Pus. Fruit Jars ! Twenty cases just received. To be sold at cut -prices. Come early and secure what 3-011 want. Sol TIIKHI.AMi, PuiNKI.KV C Co. v Harness we soil at .?.. 7. ."), $12. Tilt Sot TUKRI.ANll. pRINKI.KV iV C $10 and I.nirity W hips ."j, Pt, l.'i, 20, 23. 5u. T.'i and $1.2."). South Ktii.AMi, Prixki.ky & Co. Al at liariraiii. ("iinghams goKl qualit3T, only 3 cents per yard. bol TUKKt.AXIl. IJKIXKI.KV tC Co. ! tl Dr. Kind's Now I iseovorv. SI for 7-V. H-tll'sHair Kenewcr si for 7"o. Ayer's Ih-mcdie-. si for 7-"c. llools S:irs:iarilla. 1 for 7"o. Pierce' itoincdios, si for 75c. Scott's KmuNion. si for ?.V. Sinmions Liver Heg.. bottle si for 7.V. S. S. S., It. 5. I!.. P. P. P.. . for 7-V. Mrs. Joe Poison's Kom 'dy. si for 7"ic. King's Poyal Cennetuer, 1 for 7"c. J:t no- Kec!oi-ant, si for 7-V. ( Jroen's August Flower. 7."ic. for (((c. Kindall's Spavin Cure. r0c. for 40c. Mexican Mustang Liniment. )". for loo ltarker's Liniment. 'J-'n-. for V. Sloan's Liniment. ','."c. for -'0e. ltall's Cough Svi up. 'JV. for i"c. Simmons Liver Keg., pkg., ','"c. for 'Joe. Tint's and Indian Knot. Pills, foi'-.'Oc All patent pills from l.V. to ','Oe. Mexican Mustang Liniment. '.'.V. for '20c The Above Remedies and several others too numer ous! to mention, will he sold at these prices, FOE CASH OlSriiTT. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, SOAPS, ETC., in like proportion. SPICER'S DRUG STORE SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. Thi'inth Annual S.-ssi m ti -L'ins S 'pti.'MiVr ."t!i. ls.'.V ii.-K-strr (or lust yrar sli xvs nu.ro Ui:in ;(l IKTs.in, 1 1 1 1 1 '. ' r instiiii'tioii iliinnz IIk' y.'iir. sj.e- -l :s.l f. atiinr tli.- iirvt-l.!iiint of ll :0tll. tor and Inti lloot. iliiil.linL-s tli'.n.uuiilv romoi lo.l. Kullv fiu!!.Nil rroi.arat.iry. t olli-.'i.ito and C.st (ir.i.tintf H.-o:irti.i ,-uts, s t'i i-t s !i. ...Is i-i Mumo. Art, l.tini;u;it;.'s. C..in:uor. i;il and Iniliistrial Snidiff. J. I!. ( LKWKI.L, Priiicipal, Salem, V, Dress (hinds at greatly reduced prices. Sot.'Ttl KR.AXIl. Prixki.kv (ircaiest IJargains ever ofTered in shoes. Come and be convinced. SliUTIIKRI.ANii, pRIXKI.EV & Co. Don't Forget Crossette's shoes are the best for the money. On sale at Southerland Prinkley : Co's. DK.B.F. ARLINGTON. In the practice of Dentist r- makes a sjiechilty of tiie diseases of the gums, and especially that troublesome disease known as Pyorrhea Alveolaris. so com mon, and so destructive to teeth and so injurious to health. Patrons having experienced the bene fit of my treatment sire given as refer ence. Oilice rooms on second Hour, one door south of Miller's llook Store. Examination of White Teachers. There, will be an examination to lill vacancy in the (loldslioro White Graded School '( 1th Grade;, at the Superintend ent's mce. Monday, August l'-'tli, Examinations; will commence at !f o'clock. Should further information he desired, address j. I. rocsT, supt. Examination of Colored Teachers. ' There will bean examination to fill vacancy in the Goldsboro Colored Grad ed School (2nd Grade), at colored school building. Saturday. August 10th, is)j. Examinations will commence at 'J o'clock. Should further information be desired, address J. I. l'OUST, Supt. Fremont Academy, FH E3I0NT, N. ( Opens Sept., Snd. Thorough instruction. Moral as well as mental training. Home influence. Mates low. Girls board with principal. Hoys get cheap board in goo 1 families. Apply to MRS. W. H. SPEIGHT, Principal. FAYETTEVILLE Military - Academy. FAYETTEVILLE, . C. A Select School for Boys and Young Men. summer is here WHEN AT WARSAW AND SO IS oun Summer Stock. IT IS HANDSOME ! IT IS VARIED ! IT IS CHEAP! WE OFFER CUT PRICES IN EVERY DEPAETMENT, Look and be Convinced! N. C. Plaids from 4 to Hleacii ing from 4 to lie. White Hoinepun from 4c. and up. Good quality of Ginghainsnt ;ie. a yard. WE HAVE CORSETS in prices ranging from 2'k: o-V. 4Sc., fide., T.jc., $1.00 and up to Ladies' Ho.v from 5e. and up. Gent's Hose from 5c. and up. DO YOU WEAR SHIRTS? We have them in both laun dred and uulaundred. White Shirts from ;.0e., 7-V., 1.00 and up to $1.2.1. Hoys Shirts from lHc. to 2.rc. We are Closing out OUK ENTIKL Clothing Stock AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Hoys' suit- from Toe. and up. Men's vtiil-: from '.75 and up. Come and secure bargains in this line. Linen Collars from 10e. to l'iie. Celluloid Collars only lk Our Shoe Department must be seen t be appreci ated. We have also made : tre mendous cut in this line. Ladie: Shot's from 7.V. and up. Ladies" and Men's Shoes at prices to uit the hard times. A TREMENDOUS STOCK OF Dress Goods and Trimmings. We offer every yard of goods in this department at a great saeri liee. We sell a good miality of Calicoes from 4 to Tie. Dress Linings at prices lower than ever before. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS -AT Way Down Trices. In this department we ex hibit 11 large and varied stock, which our patrons would do well to inspect. The latest styles will lie found and at prices low er than the lowest. Saddles and Harness. The stock will be found varied. Saddles from $1.;"0 and up. Huggy Harness from and and up. Huggy Whips from 5c. and up. If vou need anything in thi line be sure and call on us. We can and will save you money. . IT WILL PAY YOU TO IDO YOUR TE.AIDIlSrC AT ASHER EDWARDS' The Original Leader of Low Prices of Goldsboro, - 3NT. C, Who lias opened up a larrr stock of goods, con sisting of full lines of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Valises, Mattings, etc., TO I?E SOLI) AT Prices Never Before Heard of in This Section! He lias just returned from the Northern markets, where! he attended large assignment sales and by paying the cash down secured new and seasonable GOODS AT LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURE. To give the people of Warsaw and surrounding sec tion the benefit of his extensive purchases, he guarantees to sell his goods 25 per cent, lower than first-class goods can be bought anywhere in the State. JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES: The best Calicoes from 3Jj- to 4 Ac. Bleaching, a yard wide, j from 4 to ic. Sea Island Goods, a yard wide, from 4 to Tc. Figured Lawns, all j styles, 4c. Fine Challies, ! 4c. (iinghams, best quality J for aprons and dresses, from 5 to K2c. Bedticking, the best made, at only 12ic, worth 25c. an extraordinary bargain. Table oil cloths, 5-4 width, all patterns, at only 12 Ac, selling elsewhere for 2c. Pant cloth, from 8 to 10c. Ilamburgs and Laces at astonishing Low Prices. Dress Goods, the latest styles will be sold lower than the lowest. Cheviots for Shirts, only 0c. A large assortment of Clothing, Shoes and Hats, At Astonishingly Loy Prices. In thesn lines we will save you from 25 to .'50 pr cent. A large planter's hat for 10c. and boys hats as low as 5c. UltiLS ttht-Ht AlL t-L.St tAiLS. Best l)uiih Syrup. Ta.-tos Guud. Cae I In tini S'tlfi hv drmrtri Hi Absolutely healthful locution ami gen uine home, with lvtincil surroundings. Careful attention to morals and manner. The-Principal, for eight (k) years, t'o Principal of Horner School. Oxford, and a teacher of long experience, will he assisted liy a corps of well qualified teachers holding full diplomas from leading Institutions of the Country. The Principal ami Instructors live in tin; same huilding with the Cadets ready at all times to assist tlwm in ev ery possible way. IV.routs will tind here a Maximum Advantage at a Minimum Cost. Session Begins Sept., 4th. For prospectus apply to. Col. T. J. DREWRY, ' PRINCIPAL. IMS. H. Y LEWIS, FKEMOXT ..X. C. Oilers his professional services to the public at reasonable rates. I have had ten years' experience in hospital anil private practice. Special attention given to diseases of women, children ami to obstetrics. All calls promptly at tended. IfOtilee in rear of P.ardeji drug store. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Window Shades complete only2"c. Curtain Poles, complete, only 2V. These are well worth double the money. Why pay 5K for a 'shade when you can get one just as go(wl for 'Jo cents? BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, We can sell vou good Coffee from is to 2(ic. Spice 10c. a pound. Mack Pepper 10c. a pound. Soda only 4c. a ponnd. Kverything else in projwrtion. We Have one Price For all our Patrons And That the Lowest. Remember the Place when you start out buying, for money saved is money made. Southerland, Brinkley k Co., Proprietors, N. Y. Bargain Store, West Centre St., GOLDSUOUOy N.JC. STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT and secure these bargains, as this is a chance of a life-time to secure goods at above figures. Come One. Come All! AMI- Don't Forget the Place as this rare opportunity will not be offered to you again. You can save your fare to Goldsboro or Wilmington and then buy goods. much cheaper of me than at either of those places. ASHER -:- EDWARDS, THE ORIGINAL LEADER OF LOW PRICES. OAK -:- RIDGE -:- INSTITUTE. "Stands in the Forefront of Southern Fitting Schools." Prepares for Col lege, for 15umucss, for life: 'M0 Students and .V Oraduate.e in all departments last year. Nearly s'40.M in Iluildings and Knuipmcnts. Location unsur passed forlteautv; nearly l.HH)fect ahove sea level, in full view of the Blue Uidge. "Maximum of advantage with minimum of cost," our motto. Write for catalogue. J. .A.. So :M. H. HOLT, Oak. Ridge, 1ST O DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, 3ST. O. FIFTY-NINTH YEAR BEGINS SEPT., 12th, 1895. Nine Instructors. Ample Lalioratories. Caliincts. Apnanitus. Libraries. Heading Komii. Gymnasium. Hall Grounds. Ten uis Courts, &c. Classical and Mithcinaiital, Literary and Scientific', JSiblical and Commercial. ( Send for a Catalogue, J. B. SHEAHEK, President. SCOTLAND NECK MALE SCHOOL. The only Ilifrh Grade Hoarding School in Eastern Carolina for lioys and Young Men. Excellent Literary Societies, Complete Business Course. Beautiful Brick i liuildinjrs. Healthy Location. Course of In struction not Excelled. Only the 1 tetter class of patronage solicited. NEXT SESSION BEGINS JTJO., 28. Our Catalojrue will show what education means for a bo- here. Send for one. Prince & Wilson, Superintendents, SCOTLAND, NECK, X. C.