n"irS7 TTi; TT TClJJrV National Capital Manors. i- AA- lli iiilJ J j Fr.iiu Our Keytar Wn,U-,.t. l'l t.lishkm every Thursday. WASHINGTON, T). C, Sept. 7, Who will ho Ihc Democratic can- SL'L-st "uii'TinN l.t i'Kil YEAH, clidate next year? That question is ::; r - -! asked of every prominent Democrat A. UOSCOVs AU Mii'-r iv., I'l-cpriclor. j who comes to Washington these - . : -! ,1a vs. for tin- talk of nominating Coi.i.siinuo. X. C. Sept. 12. 1X!;:. I President Cleveland for a third term is considered meaningless by most Democrats. The three men who are oftenest named for that honor are ex-Secretary Whitney, of New York, Secretary Carlisle, of Kentucky, and Hon. William 11. .Morrison, of Illi nois, either of whom would make a good candidate and a good Presi dent. Other gentlemen are named, but those three are named oftenest and many name them all and say one of the three will bo nominated. Representative Tucker, of Virginia, who was in Washington this week, named two of them in expressing his opinion, lie said: "We are going to nominate one of two men for the Presidency. It will be either Car-; lisle or Morrison. The silver men will probably oppose Carii;e more A Narrow Ier.pe From I ai'.i. I'i-k:nr'i:uu H'wk.'t. A drummer had a narrow escape from a horrible dath on the Irestle over (J real l-'alls pond Iat Monday evening. lie started acro.-s the trestle just ; s a heavy train came through the M.t on the West side, and instead of jumping oil' he under took 1o run across ahead of the 1 rain. When r.bout half way across, and when the engine was within ten feet of him, he fel! between the rails. Fortunately he had the presence of mind to roll over on the outside of the rails, and just as he cleared the rails the engine passed by him and came to a stop. Had he beeu two seconds later in getting off the rails he would have been crush to death. Those who wi'.neFsM the scene turned their backs when he fell, expecting nothing ele bed that he would be kiln d. I'.'s Y.-M.v.irh to Kill a!! I5 ';. THE TAK51T IN NEXT COXKKEKK. As a pretext for tariil tinkering i i-; ;! - -rttvl over and over again that many l'ii:ries are imported uader light duties, and that if the duties .-houM be raised there would l e a large increase of revenue. The fact is that the duties on lux l Ties are now mi high that an in c; e ie would defeat revenue by chocking importation-. During the last !i-ci! year the tot:!- imporla-ti-!i of nr'.ieics groiipetl as "hixu-i!:--"' auio i::led in vulne ioo.. 7:;:'.!. again-! Si''.'.r.:i .! i in t'ae prec"di:ig year. Tiie average 1 1 1 -lie :i ;!iese 'uxtirie- now amount to upward of .". per cent., and yet 1'ie gro-!y alisnr.l siab'iue:!' lias iiecu iii-ide in sonic of ihe ea'aiiiitv orga!i- ihal the new 'aril? ha caused a hs of sp ,!!:, ).') in tiie revenue from t his c'riss of imports. Hut ai! the talk of tariff iegi-la-;ioi; : the u'-xl ('orgies- i:- mere -ii!i' and 'i-lii'-. till!'". 'li;e i:')'.!i- i ,.,. -1... !.,; if I ! ; i .- I 1 1 1 1 ! i it e ,i. . ' .. incut. About four wa .,;!! ,.,.-;! ...,.. ,;. ..W ,.Lr,Y. A...., ....1.1..., 1 boy vus bitie.; by :l liti! l-'onriii of Marc! i. Is:?. siouM they ; by h's refusal to spend sltis.Utiu ap e'ecl a lYe-ideMt an ! a majority in ' proprlated to buy seeds for free dis ...fl) linn.ix ni'Cn.'im in I v ' i : 1 1 ributioa. He this week cited an- lut tiie Congress to be elected in ! ,itll('r instance of bad legislation.. ;is !;e:-t on the Kijrht Si.lc. mi , . i I Con "Toss authorized a new edition , rT , , ,, , ., , will not meet in regular se-- " . , , , , Herbert Place of New York, a 01 what is popiiiany Known as in Wished the Others Were V.'itli Him. Wi;'-.!'iii I:ntlicun. An old colored woman was inter rogated in Salem the other day re garding the welfare of a son who is at present serving a term in the State penitentiary. The inquiry was made, in all kindness, and the reply, while sincere, was equally as amusing. "Il.i'r from him, honey, course 1 does. (Jot a letler. just od der day. He am getting his lodg ing, clothes, and all ho can eat. and bless de Lord, I wish all de odder chillun were wid him." Ah II! Fated Family. Monroe Etiquin'r. A little five-year-old son of AI r. IT. A. Sell, of o. se Creek township, fell out of a wagon htt Tuesday and a wheel ran over him injuring him sever !y. His collar boae and should er blade were broken and his limbs were fearfully bruised. 31 r. Sell has had several accidents in his familv mm Pand COLIC are ,!:.t,vn..i!v H.:oi i'lrv would M vi-m- ' II, will be mmn-.r in 1he fourteen years old, stricken with by Ka.;'.' however, and the fact that he ' drophobia. A f,w days ago while is a Southern man will be enough to eive him the sentiment of that sec tion. I more favorable to Morrison and that t i::irii.!!" oi.-irv! r. ! rocciitly. Another one ci his chil- ' In Piueville township, i Mecklen- i dron had a th'gh hrc keu a few burg county ). can be seen a sad and months ago and Mr. Sell's leg was touching sight a young boy about lu-rt very badlv last Winter. at scliool lie lieeaine sudoeniy sick j and was taken home. Now he lies j suffering and biting at everything! U.'STGLD MISERY FROM RHEUIYlATISffl uviuiKe 1 he West wid be '. ' " ' " """ -r - a that come- a.out mm. ne see.ns to ; c. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured ly ine saver men f'ed with him." flplgqincKJy uukcUI HI withPainKI!Ien Cramps maj' assail you at any time, without warning. You are at a complete disadvantage so sudden and violent is their attack unless you are provided with a sure cure. O TT T5 is the surest cure, the quickest atul the s.ifert cure. It is sold everywhere at 85c. a bottle. See that you get the cnuiuc Las 'Terry Davis S: t'oa" ou bottle A TREMENDOUS CUT 7-1 X- S.vretai-y M high opinion of '-' "" !"""-!' 1 TuZtZZ Z ii; i Apr's Sarsaparilla 1, . . ,, .t .. ,. .,, e-.i bv a current of air or a change of ! .110.1 1. a-, no. a , - .. F fi , sul-(.r,.(1 tM mi-ry f the business sense au ku,d -enomg to bung 0.1 excite-; from Inus,.iar rl...unmtis,. I tri.-i .-v.-ry tiie known lrmi'dy. coiisulli'd l!if Lost j'liysi- t vr t'.-.t ' '' "ls- visitt il Hot Springs, Aik.,tliife times. .- , spe-ndinji; 1(mo there. 1'i-si.Ies 1oetrs liills; had been bit ten by a mad dog. The; ut 0011UI ol.tiiin only tt'ni;or:iry rcli-f. My , , A . , 1 - ! flesh was wnsteil awav so that I weijilieil boy s name i .vrtnui Sa.tet.ie.d, a; ollly Ilini.t,niree ,mu;is; lliyi,ft arm nn.l son of Mr. Leon Satteri'ic!.!. i leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles r 0 c&ery , Glassware. on until I )eeember. ! v7, that will be far i;do the year '. bc ec the prc.-ent t.-irili' can be dis- llorse Hook." These books will cost the tiovernment about cents each, and Secretary Morion says the negro -7 years old. walked into It vih Hos-iital the oth.er d.iv and To Seduce Mv Large Stock said he wouhl !'.'. to be anneeu. uroe.i. 1 mier me mo.-i uniavoi" ; s;llllt. iiuautity could have been;"; aoie c:reu;ntan'e, Increforc, lucre i i ,ulit from tiie dealers in Covern no serious (lamj'er oi (li.-turoance ! rnent publications, who buy largely liis heart was en the wrong side f his bo.ry. The clerks were ir-.r.'d-lous. but. findhig that PUa-e was in Ar4 . , . , . . . , ,,. ! , 1 ,. , ' carnesl. he wa re;err" to 4ae ho.;se ; tne in.u!-ir;al eaee by nu'dilhrn1-i from Congressmen, lor -Hi nmts . , . ,'"!,,.' , , . surgeon.. Afterward, in the pres. vilh th" t'o-i' lor n.'-ir'v tlra-e each. Secretary Morton is not alone' . . t .. , t i. .. . . . J , , , !' oi ti.e entire surgiea: -Ui.i arm oars. H'd'oie tiiat liine Ihe coim-; i?! buaiag sueb :egiaK.o:i unous:- it ,.,,.,., , with the hosoital. a thorouirh "xara .mirressioiial . . ' . .... inats'n was made of h.na ;l wa- ' ry, arid, aoove :!!. tiie manurac Miring i'ltere-i-. v. i 1 ! 'nive becoim so thoroughly recom-iled to the ex-I i-'.ui'.:' Ian i; jmiicv iia;! any hib-r- ! nesslike. The Democratic Cm (Omniif tee noes not as a ru.e 1a.e mv part foaud ;1 !s7i ihc IhnmMicans have elected -mly llire.' ifou-cs of Cougre in a ;eriod ot 1 v. va! v-t wo years namely 1 in is-, hi .(ias; twisted ii krots. I was unable- to , i ; . . ,., dress in self, except with assistance, and , lie.. Ii on ,,M;y h;i!ii.ie a!. out ! y iisiuu a cane. I ' hi- r;e;kt had no appetite, an-l :s iivnre.l. by the ,t t i docTor-. that I eeu:.l not live. The pains, at -ioC. i.ie iC.i ti,,.s were sh Siwtiil. that I eoiiM procure liver :n relief only l y means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these ' nave only temporary relief. After try ins evervthinu'. and sulierin-z the most awful i..Mr. II tnt'.b. v. r-s S irs ili.-ll ilkc Two !!;. Stolen !;y Tn.:a;;-.. inside ,lf two ttw.itls, I was' able v, walk ! , without a eane. In three mouths, my limbs bean to strengthen, ar.d in the course o: a t rati! OS v, -ar. I v. as eured. ?Iv wei 'ht has increased i lAMllocrat I'.'.dMtl. and 1 opu.tst .il.to '...at, . ..., ... " l ''" pounds, ami I am now a.de to 1. my lieu her partv lias any reason to 200 Kolls 2-1-4 pound Ifciiyiriiisr. oOO llolls 2 pound linmri:! 50 Bales Cotton Bags. kinnn .,,n,..-, rn. 2000 bundles new Arrow pieced Ties. 500 Cotton HhcvK Now is Your Chance to Finnish Your All the above will D3 scld at Ic7est ZD-O-rins t.e j! ezt 30 ID ays GREATLY BEDUOED PRICES. Exhausted Soils y are maclc to produce larger ana better crops I .- A O "se of Fertilizers rich in Potash. t f Write fur oar " Farmers' Guide," a 142-pa.c i!l;;.st:.rf.! ; ; , is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will ! c a-; 1 t l,. ' J ft will make and sa e you money. Address. V GERMAN KALI WORKS. y3 Nas r,,!'.ru; . . L Dt IHE LEADING mCE! DOORS OPEN TO EVERYBODY, J-;COME Jk.lTlD SEE.--... A very lare and selected stuck of new uhm!s just arrive '. sol! at 1 lie ' VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. We L'Tiiiht iu-f .ire t!ie advance and can sell -ii-.-!er lli.in tin.-.- , to early. Come :;nd see our rii es and le co;t il:. .!. Slioes at Less Than Manufacturers l'iiii-rv,-ar i-iier.pe!-ilit.n ev er liefi.n' tind (!i')t'.ii!r for le .s 1 any hTse in Hie city and it: fact everything in the I)ry (imnls ': ; v lite and attentive -aie-nien w!io wiil irivi' FULL VALUE for the MONSY Come atid see n-and we -a ill -;;re!y sa e yoi 1 money. Money money made. JL Xj lU., Stone Front. Corner UuiMing, Opno.-iie Hotel K, !;1,, - JUS I RECtlVLIj i:1 tiie r:ir ' ci e Hi ir, '.:. wim.-n erencewith it v. ili involve .L'lvat ; ,t.na t,vo :;s Senators and one .miitieal peril toad eoneern:-.!. : Representative to Con-rcs, Las "'f;, "." In calcnlatin.v: l:ie elittnce- of tar- been made an exception, and 1 lie ' . ' ,"U .'i' leislaiio-.taJtotheritit'.-ter !toll!! ; eonimittee Las been aiding Utah 1':U"'- !e taken itiloeonsi'Ierat!.'!!. Sinei' ! Democrats in every way possible. House at a Great Saviiii- in Cost. -I:..'-, n nlo Id ji ziMfct In view of the vote at tiie last terri-1 , ; toria! (.'lection Ilepuljiii-an 21.000. ie rac- roa 1 waler-tank. ar lliivwo.nl. n lsso. in lss .lew o. toe ctitmire ot cotahtioiis I , . ,u''' -'-n..i-.ni t . . t..o i.iv-. ,.p- ,. .. ',. , Iv . the present camnaiLrn. llic only ,..,..,... ,..'.. .... itrt,-,.,., v- 'ending ,n tavor ot t;:e Deniocr.itieL, ,t1 ' . Ji1 ' -N 1 J" . . . 1 tiling ahso.ntety cetitun tiboat 1 tah ' ,-,,. One of the bows rati awav l'l,"r,tl l,i 1 !"u-a i is that its Conirressiona! delegation uci)iiohc;tn Ibue in IS'.W, is ex- f -.ill .l;i s work as a raih oii.l l.l;n'kniitli." er& 3 SITU. trcniciy precarious. !ut should a iu'pidilican Iloii-e iiext yea.r be .'iected it will not lie on the taritt issue, but iliroiiirh Democratic di visioiH on t!ie monetary (piestiun. lU-iice the men.ace of taviil' legisla tion involves too many euntiiuren eies to eaue concern to the iinlus trial interests of the country.- All llie swa!''rer of the ReDtililiea.n nul- 1 1 from the tramps ar.d, went ! will be solid for silver, and that one , ,,n;i,, r,f -jr w;llk,i s 4 evens The Cn!y World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AU.ir.S J'll.l.S ture llniritiche. lew Senators will be a Oentde : 1,- ..,,,! ,-, 1... rn . v. ..x., r,, e, V.nnon Th-. Coilmv-- 1 'V '"'." ' - ! TTfP T TA "T I I . N' m,! !.-r m hat vol, ti.tiv cad i- r. U- it 1 )rv ( I- ,U. N-1 ... -.!,..,-. V.v ea .uo.mon. Ihe Con-i e.s-1 ()l!l0r m,v h;ui i,en slVn by the , Li i Ij l I : Tinware, ele.. e,e.. von will lind or i,ri.v ..onh-rd.'- i'-i- .ieieration wnl be for silver ! , nunn f;.l)!:; tl..,:,- L.,nx. n-ar Dur- V I . , I IHa- Ci $ 11$ fflH T1 I A ATfcfl 1 O A I -Iov-ot:er.,i toy..., els.-u !,.-,v. eit would be impossible for,' lU!;l Upon hearing tl.i,3i, Stev- M iJA Xfl, K 3 fi V M PtS j! I lH KG S 1 party to elect any other and aml M, A. F. Th.mas went : 0hC TTnllnW i OV J. U 0 Mifl A-l 0 U U U j . J Q J J . kye jy F()r CaSjl Alld Sell For Cili W VHWl tjf A. VilV I? oi me new senators win oea iientue ' bv and one ional becau.- either p 1,.. 1, -no ,-!..,... ..f I .-..,,.4:..,. 1 ' .... U,L "-m.' '- '-"'in i'.'o.o lu"'t-1 witn tl.c i.' to wr.ere tne tramps agreed upon the Senators. Welv a!ul t,;,:.: au-av fn)nl them the Secretary Herbert lias -riven Ad-1 oliar ,v .,a tarted th- boys baek miral Kirkland a sharp odicial rep-1 to Durl!am. The tramp- thetvupon rimand for a bit of Hunkeyism which j Ll!iTied!v v'' for nai-ts nnk" own he was iruiltvof durine; the celelira- -coMi: at oxci: - To Secure First Olxoice. JOSEPH ISAACS. New Furniture Store, Goldshoro, N. C. CASH FIOSS. ,v s4 and mi Wt-st GYntiv trot-l. Yon Want Bargains, Don't Ion! W - J Come to See Us and Cur Prices Will Surelv Tell. ANOTHER OXJT IX Everything That is New, dici.an- ovei- the tarill' is merely de- tIou attendin- the opening oi the T!" sivrer. m th, v;,n(. , Qf j $ Datpnt MiJrIlVinpS signed to let down the fanatical ! North Sea and Baltic Canal? 'r Wcd!C1!e0' proteetionils a easily as possible, the Admiral, his staff, and the offi-j i"t nje -1 1 ef.V' ai id ! !.' 'Vh'-. 'lVu'ld ! Everything That is Nice, tliei-i'liy ai-e enali'.ed to trei a eon'nleraiile diseoitt:! on l!v- ;..o.l ". . y.rt-h; and carry 110 bad debts on our l.ook. We :uv o'Terinir Bargains in Every Departmei why silvei: full. :'ers of the cruiser Xew York were "V'"11 lav-rite !! ill drawn up on the brid-e of that 1 aM 'Ihiie'J-iSir - Foi' To CVlltS. 1... ,.,,-i.,.,.i;,,,, !.' ... . , ! vessel to receive a visit from Km per- t'ortii:.--' tl.e .-v.tr:,i :;.-;.ia-i the :;-i!Me ! lie co.ineciion octWecn tne to- 1 tt ... , ri 1, ,1 . 1 II 11 1 , . , ., . or William. Admiral Kirkland notic-1 ".' ' :.'-'; It eMh.- .! m-d-, m,!' jin; ,n dVHUAi innual pro. met ion nt siiver ami i , , Tr .., r , , . icme m tiie wonu i..r woui-t:. uil'i 11 U-inluU'!. , . ed that Kev. II. il. Clark, chaplain .ts price is very plain. From 17'. o lsTl' silver lood at s':t H.r oiiiice ::r.d above, and (hirinir these eighty years th" tola! produdion was .Tb'l-l-l'JMi!). or an average of s.VJ, i tl yiar. In the i'a yi'arsfrom lsTo to tiie world's total )roduct of i!ver was Si,:;4i4,. ,;s7.ooo, or an a vera ire of s ! 7.- l.:::.o ti year. With t!ie averaire I ulll,mh' :llul uuu ';n an oiticer lie was entitled to the rmht of remain- ;i. i)s!!o!:. M. !:k::t f:!::"o::T. of the Xew York, wore his ordinary I clerical garments, lie directed Capt. ! ( t-,i wt iy ;.y .i. m. ri o. it. -..it.n u.-. Kind's X, ,- I )!,,. .-rv. si for Kvans (FirlitinrIJob"), commander l4,,-V4,p '-Vaoi.-suN. iT.-oisio... uru, , JI-tU Hair K.-new.-r si for 7.ie. of the Xew York, to order the chap- j c)llt() , Iain to j'o below because he was not i I'.nik Meat. . in special fall dress uniform. Capt. - 1 UI',V Kvans demurred, on the ground that I K;',.' iVi.'-al. the chaplain had on the only dress j X. C. lit' provided ior linn by the naval re annual production iivreased more than threefold, il is not surprisiiiir liiat the )rice lias tumbh'd. ('hetip ened production has led to over production, with the usual result. It is in fact the miners of silver who put the price down by contin u'nu: to sell at lower and lower prices, which they colli. I no do if ihey were not slil! mak'nnr iirofils. If they could not afford to sell sil- ino-on the bridire. Admiral Kirk land thereupon ave Capt. Kvans a peremptory order to send the chap lain below and. of course, Capt. Kv ans was obliged to obey his superior oiiicer. Chaplain Clark made a coin plaint to the Department, forward inra full statement of the affair, ac companied by one from Capt. Kvans. and Admiral Kirkland also made a statement. vera! Cb cents an ounce will-prolit.i vu !K Vl' is now m t, i . I . j ashmjrton, savs that neither the Wyoming settlers nor the Kannock Inuians were to blame for the Jack son Hole Indian troubles, but that the migratory class known as '"Kust iers" were at the bottom of the whole business. .'e:i. Coppino-er favors annexing the .T.ickson Hole region io i ne lciiowstorte national lirk, but in view of the probable X. Si. !.;. . . . M.-al per aek. . Kionr Snjrar. uratiula; Corn Oats Hay l'eas beeswax oi:ir :.To nave ci!se. icy woi llieir mines, i Jut they are mcreas in.ir their production yearly instead of d'HTia-in; r it. Tiiey are not bankrupt, but :uv makinr money ST. VITUS DANCE. A PJiysic'-sn Pre-jcrijcs Dr. rllt Restorative INcrv'-e. y.y (i..i.;'!:i'T ?!.V.t:c. r-.rrt-'l V, ::; .; ;.ft!i:'i. Aver s Ke:ned:e. si for :::. T4:.rs:II-.od" Stir.-apaii!!;:. ! for 7.V. . . . .'.;'- Pierre s Itemeiiie-. .-U !'. r 7 .". la.CO: Se.;.t"s Ki ii ti !".. m. s for T.",c. (lit .SO 1 Simmons Liver lie.;., bottle si tor 7..e. l.ools. S. s., p.. p. p.. p. p. .. si 7,r 7.V. ID! !!s. -Foe prison's Remedy. 'si for 7")e. .. s Il j Kind's IJoyai ('ennrtuer. $1 for 77e. I-").: .-'. .f:'.l:e Kxpretoraiii, si for 7"e. .(KiOf i.."o j (jreen'.- Aniru-t flower. 7ie. lor ti.jc. .. . . 1 1." 5 ! KindalPs Sja in Cine. .-,0e. for 4e. ...-!." ,'. .".0 j Mexican Mntamr biniment, ,:.0c for l.c .. -in. I'arker's bininieiil. '.". for r.'Oe. ... p!(,n Sloan's iniiinent, "J.").-. for r()e. Hull's Cottirli Syi-tij,. -J.V. for 'JOe. Sinnnotis !iver lle.. j k;'.. ?J"ic. for 'h Tint's and Indian Koot I'ilU, 'J.V. for'.'Oc AH paten! iiills from bV. to -JUc. I -Mexican Mns'ai: Li tiiatetit. 'J.'ic for 'J!lc i, n C,l I : ! la 1 1 CSI-1; 1 'S ( )I dive i Iiere are l'ectiLl'ilizef 1 methods of putlmif uji the price of an ailicle, iicii, for example, as eea--;u;r to produce it in ecc- '' th demand, .'-earcity of .-'uvcr w iii advance its price-a thin;: ihe Niierman siiver : ct could no! d.o. The remedy for the low price of ih. ir prodtud beinr 'villi the mine-owiieis iiiemscives, lot them apply it instead of lryinr l; tinker the currency. Tin-: !ale.. candidate for public i.-ivor i the Salisbury Fvenin "o'ot id, which bean its career on .Monday. The initial number be iore us is neatly irotten up and buite iutrrostinir. 3Jr. ,Io!m M. dulian is editor and Mr. Leroy Smith, local reporter. "Wo wish ihe la w venture every success. Tin-: Chatham Kecord is seven teen years old. It is an abie pa per, well ;:'ot!en up, such as the county has every reason p be proud of. "We wish Fditor Lon don continue.! success. i i ill $ t&v opposition from Wyoming it is not j probtible that Secretary Lamont will ! -s make such a recommendation to! j Conirrcs. ! :a$t: The Treasury oold reserve to-day, I ' iiBif" withdrawals and deposits accounted fl Af-ft '-&' ' I The Above Remedies at:d S'vci':il otiicr- bi. nitincr oiis to inetilion. will lie sold at FOE CASH CKLY. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUSES, SOAPS, ETC., in like proportion. SPiGER'S DRUG STORE EVPrVtllinO That iS NnhbV id havintheOm. Prie... System younred itot ! w.-.n-iod tl.a: . 4kjV4t J ""t Aliat 10 i1UUUJ ovrr.harl. ortl.al sonieone.l,e i.nvstr 1- ch, a,., rtcan v.. Kvcrytl in- .h. t i- p"oper, overytlilnsr tli.at is prai-eworthy, i- erylhiiiLT t.iai, i-.le-iral'l.'. The-e are the tiiinirs that we sidl. these are the things tliat irive us TJ-IESTDISIPUTEID -:- SXJJPlEfrOY ix Tin-: jrooils are marked in plain tiirmvs. AIdi )iiLrh only a aor: t'.i' Ve Have Built up a Large Trade of which we are justly proud. Whatever yoti intend Jo l.ttv ; -i . : us a call lief ore making a single parchaseci-ewiiere. if vot; .ie-ire t.. -:e. : Dry Goods, Cioth i ng, j THE NEW YORK RACKET STOHl 1500T AND SHOE BUSINESS. Yuti will be olicred an opportunity this season to secure some lovely S G-OOD Can you imagine anythiny; handsomer than (ur NEW - LINE - OF - CLOTHING TiiGLt we Offer dX ropila.r IPrices. Now is the Time to Make Your Purchases ! We help you to stive money wherever it i possible. That is one thini; that makes our store so popular. PRICES - J-klR-E - LOY7"ER than usual: very little money is le.piiicd to mala chases now. pur- for, stands at t:'.t.f27.."C7, or IkuuO below the reserve limit. The niaioritv of the lar holders are still out of the city ! slclan and h prescribed Dr. Miles' Restora- , .,..- tive Nervine, fc'lie took three bottles before . , .. . .. wc saw a"y certain alns o! improvement, here is more ( attirr . m his mvIi.,,, but aftep that sho b J of he country tnan all ot her diseases fast and I now think sho is entirely cureth put UuMher. am, until he lat jew She has taken nine bottles of the Nervine years was supposed to he meural.le. but no other medicine of any kind, l-.-ra jrreat mat.y years . meters pre- Knox, Ind., Jan, 5. "95. II. W. IIostetter. noanced it a local disease and prescn rhysk.jaas prcscrlbo Dr. 5:iles. ltcDMHlics cd loca ren,e,ls an,! hv constantly becauM, th,y nr. Known to bo t he result of tamn- to cure with h.cal treatment. the lon. Iir!w.t!t.e atid C5per5once of orle" pronounc.t it iiicurae. Scienee has the b, iKh.o,t, members of their profession; ..oncu catarrh to he a constitutional ad are .-awfully coninoun.Iod by ep-M- diseasean. thereto,-., re.pitrcs eonsUlU-j eru-edchenastsia, xaetacc-ordance with Tir. tional treatment. Hall s ( atarrli Cure. Mile,' I;res,-rirt:ors. as vsod in his practice, manufactured by I. J Cheney A: ( o i 0 sale ;.t al! drurpi.sU. Vv rite for Dr. I eledo. )hi. is tl-.e onlv const national ! Mii,.- i-.v.i, ., ,r:.L, ti cure on the maiket. It is taken infr- i Mi;ua Medical Co., Elkhiin'.iul nallv in .loses from to drops to a tea- ! t,-, , Ti spo:i::ru!. itacts.ii.vctiy ., ii,.. Wood j Dr. iiiiies tacdics Restore i!ea:iL and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for I iiey oiler one hundred dollars tor any! 4T'C7 I !TCS4C53 ft !:rA1 WHS CBPtSy case it fails to cure. Send for circulars 1 fcJ-3 bp ' isvttichu n-rdf-i uh and tcslimonials. A.ldivs.s ih-M! V. J. (.'11KNKY it CO.. Toledo. ( I. 1 i-0-fiti"- AJurt u;al ;Jt.Si.ilir..IiiJ. .Vcw lori- t"Sold hy d nihilists. T:,c. ' All druppistssell Vr. Miles' Nerve Piasters. ATTENTION GINNERS! Having purchased a Sleani Ar.tomat ie Filing Machine and Saw Cunnner. we are prepared lo put (din Saws in first-class condition, .guaranteeing our work to he eijtud to the factory's. When your Saws need attention, send the cylinders p onr factory and we will place litem in first-class condition, at a reason a Me chnrcre. G0LDSB0R0 OIL CO. OI SI'ltNSOUV IIAXIl.UiKS. Cirentar fn-e. U ! J.. Kl.l. S, Hju; Si.riiiK Ourden St., l'hila. i'a t-TEfctOPI ICONS, all pno. Vitwa illuu a I'very iuw ior UtiLIC t XHIBITIONS,W. I- J A pT0jltijte ouwms vr a man iru nutt capital. AlJU L&afcerua far Horns AmwmcQt. 1.V2 pag Cat&Wu MCALLISTER, vwiut, 49 Nassau St.. N. Y. Come at OndiTand SeciiJe BargalihS lviro-u.rLt Oli-e, KT. C. B. L. OUIiBRBTH, Proprietor. VALUES EXTRAORDINARY. Xot lra-Ii to create :i ''hrooze" hvA real values c!ie.-ij. 1': :. v.li.-it y.m want '. Ah ! well, here they ;nv. Ultick Silk Parasols :;,c.ts s-4 Or-andis tots. J.-ickonet DiUtliis lOcts. Stniw Mattinir, 11, l.'V nn.l l.Vts: ( Ye tons, Victoria Lawns. I J.-itiie ALL OI!!- I SPLVL'.L i AT IvTEW YORK COST TO CLOSE OUT. EE. w eil c Bros. 80, 82, 84 and 8G, West Centre Street, Goldsboro, N. 0. t 'Ml. FRIVETT, UTIOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Bulk Meats, Salt, Lard, SUCiAK, C0FFKE, 3I0LASSES, SEED OATS, SEED RYE, SEED RICE, Bran, llice, Meal, Corn, Hay, Etc. -ALSO- LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, LATHS, HAIR, ETC. -XEW DKM.N- - Belt Buckles, Belt Pins, Shirt Waist SS Ladies' and Children's Low Cut! -axd- Slioes and Oxfords. iSicie Ocm5 a. reat Bargains -IX Mojiii'ains .f White (J.hhIs. L:ice:u..l Kninroiu-rles. .-e:i:!- : - : l.nu.ls. liiii.linjr ainl Xoli ins. - SOMETHING NEW FOR ONLY $U6. - T3-u.plica.to "Wliist For IS 1-Iciiac.s- Clieaj,,.st eyer known. We are no s,v rei-i'ivhisr Hi'' l:iru"-t ; f 1 " ever lu-on-ht to (i,.M,lMu Always hea.l.-.iarlers for School - Books. - Stationery - and - Fancy - a rn::TTY line or FRAMED PICTURES CIIEAF, Af GOLDSBORO -:- BOOK -:- S t

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