i U i 1-3 M ETAnLISIIKI) 1887. GOLDSUOIiO, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 189G. VOL. IX. SO. ,'54. j REGULATOR M l;C('t!l!H'IISC. Mruightwav through my heart thi-to-day I' trul lis own hand is driven : (Joij never takes one tiling away lint something e!-e is given. I il'nl not know in earlier years Tliis law of love and' kindred. but without liope. through bitter y I nioiirned "m -hithw's blind ne-. Mil' ON 101.11 It S. TKj forget need i' slue." and - ills v wreck REGi : KEGl ; LLAT rented LIVES' ! Liver, i syster r FOk' LIVE! puriti' the c on e ; any ( Liver KEGi Be si. J. II .- NEW BEST AfitL T.?. '. '( .-..V '.'. Don't ::. .'. S t!io l:-;e you m y.;:r I iv. ." A . ' 's i 'i Ala'.:!;:!, I -'ever ' . ;:;,! V ( -.her 11 Mid . ci I...- yo.tJ : N Si.',:( ins I iv; ; i he "vj Hi:g- :' !: :r ; 'i ether .:-.!, s. - I .;.'.S i ' i'c. .rcf the ; : p ' : ! 1 your I tjiOl) f.V sT.'A.UONS it '-;heK:.::L!ooJ r: ..-. : -. Try :! ; :: 1 note I. : Mil) Z Yo ; v at it on ...h-, ,;n.l there is r.o other MUkNS i.R .he Ki;!."...i- Liwr J'ciuedies. And ever following each regret For some departed tre tsiuv. My sad repining heart was met With unexpected pleasure. 1 thonirht it only happened so. 1 J nt linn; this truth has tanuht mv No lea.-t tiling from my life can iro Hut somi-i hing-else is iiroiight me It is the law. complete, sn'iliine. And now with faith unshaken. I n pat ienee 1 hut hido my t inie Vheii any joy i- taken. Ki.i.a AYiiKi.i.i.i; Wii I He Admits That Lveivtliiii!? is in a Tan I trie, IS lit is Ildpefnl Nevertheless. We used to have our polities in the Fall of the year, but it seems to have worked back into the Spring. Stump speaking litis berun in earnest. Can didates are looming up all over the State and every one is ehoek full of patriotism and knows exactly how- to save the-eountrv. Those who are in ofliee have saved it several times and will do it ara'm if the people will lot them. Five thousand' dollars is a wonderful fertilizer to patriotism. And besides havino; saved the eoun- and it comes in free from Cuba and Lirazil and the price drops away down and all this was done to please Carnegie and the Chicago steel works. "Well, of course, that man is agin the government, and there are scores of them right here in IJartow coun ty and they are all for protection. In this sublunary world almost ev er' man pra-s the Lord for a bless ing on me and my wit' John and his wife us four and no more." I've long been hunting for A NATION'S 0IN;S. The News From Everywhere (fathered and Condensed. Two persons were killed by light ning at Wallace, Mich., Monday. The Mississippi river is overflow ing its banks and causing much dam age in Minnesota. The Central School building at Saginaw, Mich., was wrecked by dy- my son , namiters, Friday night. New York had a $:0ll.0l)0 fire Co., ri.iladclplua, Jbnv to ricctmie a Hero. An old writer says that "courage ' i incompatible with the fear of I death, but every villain fears death; tenant aspires to be a captain and a therefore, no villain can be brave.'' captain to be a colonel and a colonel This is good logic, provided the ! to be a brigadier. Just so the young premises are sound, but as to that ; lawyer must go to the legislature a there may be some dispute. There : few times and get acquainted with have been some villains who have at ' the boys and by and by the boys will least shown no fear of death. Xev-; elect him to the bench and that ertheless the saying, is generally brings him in contact with the peo speaking. true. That otlyr saying, 1 pie of his circuit and in course of try a man wants to be vindicated. lie wants the people to rise up and i on say: -Well uone, thou good and . cmucs oul (,f the public crib. An faithful servant." Then again there honest man is not the noblest work is ti;e line ot promotion That must ! 0f God, but I don't blame Mr. 1 observed. In the armv a lieu Tuesdav. Silks, dross 'oods and that man who when he was robbed ; kiJ lo;.os wont .ft Grit f fur a dead sister induced Mrs. Mary A. Erisman, of Laneas- of his coat gave the robber his cloak too. lie is as scarce as the wander ing Jew. Everybody wants protec- of some sort especially if it pe ; itr; iliOUldiiOOi seem to have lost contidence in the whole human race. The old Scotch preacher was reading a psalm to his hearers and when he got to the verse that reads: "And I said in mv time he climbs into congress and j hato tiult ap1 mvU are liars," paused then maybe into the governor's chair j.uul apostrophised. "Ah, David, me or the Fniled States senate. j In.lUlli .m- if ye ulcl plvoj t;n now ye The professional candidate wants , milt ,ave said ;t at. your leisure." to be climbing the olileii stair all i;lit l,:uiilv there are many honest taken to his declaration, provides the time and he could do it if there am ,nay truthful people. The salt against them in this way: "He (the j wasent some things in the way. j hlis not lost its savor ail( ti:e smi!o vi.iain) may indeed 'possess the cour-1 There are some selfish people in this age of a rat and fight with clespera- j world who don't want a man to have t ion when driven into a corner." but little nor have that little long. ter. Pa., to hang herself Sunday. Financial troubles induced Adam Thomas, aged -;."), of Ilarrisburg, Pa., to poison himself, Thursday night. for saying so. An honest disburser I I our young men were drowned in of public money is worthy of a pen- j the river near Pittsburg, Pa., Sun sion and a monument. So many day, while out boating for pleasure, men are dishonest and so many are Three hundred miners are snowed deceitful that poets and philosophers i n i the mountains of Alaska, near e j Cook's Inlet, and many of them will "'Thrice is In quarrel just, truth, for "conscience cowards of us ail." O conscious that oxecptiom armed who hath his expresses a similar oth make r author, might be Th l f by craft ami crime adventurer should k w there may Richard n wll: or GEO, DEWEY & MO., of Marengo, awful crisis overt urned au mu-when he A---iri)Mr Ui L-iiii Y i CLOT Pi whii. now Wa th his h.-j,. t'l'.g ro will bar which h W'l th ellctite.' I'll ills of b .it tie s ad Lim. !y fly to can onl the CALICOES, HATS, quer: that a suceessfu j enabled to; :o command ; be moments tiie Held of! o.i on tli. -plains t be staked -an j if his throne be !io:d must rise ' , indeed, though uld lower on : hall is rat eatest coward sure that death scape by facing, a courage thus where fear con i be compared to which constantly tes the breast of ontidenee on yirt rather the tran- !y the time a man has fairly settled down in congress and learned how to save the country and has fertil ized his patriotism with $ir,U'.0 or siio.tioo he hears a voice away down in his district saying: "Kotate, ro tate, rotate'." And by and by he hears another and another and so he gets leave cf ab.-enee and comes home to mend his fences. lut there is no telling where we are at down here in the seventh, for polities is in an awful tangle. We have got two Democratic silver candidates in the field right now and one Independent, of the Lord is still upon the land. Neither war nor famine nor pesti lence nor any great calamity has for a long time befallen us. ISii.r. A up. A Secitiid Iluiu'vm perish. An explosion at the Tower Sugar Works in Peoria. 111., Tuesday, kill ed three men and seriously injured several others. Five French children were smoth ered to death by a fire in a four story tenement block at Turner's Falls, Mass.. Monday. Masked burglars gagged the sta tion agent at Easthampton, Conn., Thursday night, blew open the. safe with dynamite and rifled it. While at work in a saw mill at Lake City, Fla., Friday, Clarence Hammock was caught in the belting j and literally torn to pieces. In a lit of jealousy Albert Somer- vil! vill An interesting couple from near Newell, were in the city yesterday buying theu- household goods pre-; s.ltlll,laV) aml thon suk.;ded. paratory u going to nouse-Kceping. One who saw them would have thought they had just gotten mar ried, but they ha in't, for they had had been married for thirteen years. They were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Mclly. Some time after they were married. "Dennis" became addicted Financial and Commercial. New York, April 20, ISM. Sjieciiil Correspondence. Business during the past week has. shown moderate improvement. There has been a marked and general in crease in retail trade, as a result of the sudden advent of Summer-like weather, and the distribution of some lines of manufactured goods by jobbers has been on a larger scale. The depletion of second-hand stocks, however, has not yet been sufficient to lead to an important replenish ing demand in primary departments of trade. There has been an in crease of hopefulness as to the fu ture in many directions, but the gen eral disposition of traders is to con-! fine operations within conservative! limits. Stock Exchange values have' ruled stronger, and there have been moderate price advances in cotton and grain, and a more pronounced rise in the sugar market; but except where controlled by combinations the drift of the markets for manu factured goods has been generally against sellers. Bank clearings have shown a gain of t! per cent, over last week's totals, and an increase over those of the corresponding week last year of .".( per cent., which means a relatively greater expansion of trade, because the average of prices is low er now than it was then. Current reports of railroad earnings show a gain for April thus far of 2.G per cent. Business failures as reported by II. (!. Dun iv Co. for the past week numbered 22.' in the United States and VA in Canada, against 241 in this country and ?A in Canada for the corresponding week last year. Cotton prices have advanced 1-1(1 of a cent per pound, as a result of slightly more encouraging cables ALL OYEK THE STATE. PER Absolutely Puro. lliulii-t el liltd Mali- hot and killed Miss Ella Sumer- and a strong statistical position, but his cousin, at Richmond. Tex., j then o: who, like Dr. Felton. defies the danger, waere tear con- and there will soon be a goidbi:g: to the habit ot strong ormk, and the backed bv the administration and wife informed him if he didn't'Mireak -h:,;e which constantly '. !,,.f.,i Inmr the r-o iidiiLi t e i.f ' nft" from his driiiklr.c. she would ummates tile breast ot , the Populists and Kepuu.ieans wia leave him. t lcuy Kept getting on who builds his confidence on virt- give a Comanche w hoop and let ; his sprees jusl the same, and Mrs. - principle; it is rather the trau- loose the dogs of war and "cry hav- j O'Melly left him, going to Texas, t and evanescent lightning of ! ock" and the spoils of ofliee. Of ! She has been living there ever since storm which derives half its lus-; course, the oldtiir.e rock-ribbed Detn-: thirteen year. from the darkness that surrounds j ocrats will stick to their party it'! Sometime ago she came back to ! they can find it, but there is a lot of her old home on a visit, and O'Mellv truth that real eour-1 Ivstless souls who sav thev can't be honest prin-, worsted and intend to vote for whom a clear con-! thoy ti0,,on please. They are dis- ttie atten- eordant, dissevered, belligerent, and, tton of boys who having had their ; V.n T)avid"s Utile armv. in- mlnds inl'amed by stories of daring j Iutl ..J who are in tistress or in (let Thl, gen v is associated will ile. a true faith and a ience should not escap on of boys who having had their mhamed by stories oi uaring i cIucle who are in bistre? aspire to become heroes. If a bt or discontented. has been no activity in -the i trade. Receipts have been small, At Philadelphia, Wednesday, Jas. i and for five days the exports have Kane was stabbed to death with a j been more than twice as large as the breadknife by his wife Lizzie, the ' movement to the ports. But inves outcome of domestic troubles. j tors hesitate to "buy cotton for a A mob of masked moonshiners ris" in the fuc0 of the favorable re took Starling Savage, of Irving Col- j P,,rts of tht VZrcss of planting and lege, Tenn., from his bed Sat urdav tLe liability of a considerable in night and hanged him to a tree. crease in acreage. The bullish ef- ct of the small crop figures is also ! neutralized by the continued depres sion in the cotton goods trade. The latter has continued dull; and in spite of complaints that" prices are already unnrofitablv low. the gener al! explosion of i , 'on(.v ol tiit, market is still in buyers' favor. The total visible sup ply of cotton for the world is 3.204.- of which 2,733,090 are igalnst -1.272.031 bales FIRE INSURANCE ! A Safe Line of Companies Represented . Will write in cit y n:id country. A Is, rej)resv'iii a Security Company, niles but). s of county Hi .Iniiiii-lrators. executors, ... J. Broadhurst, i( LI )r( )u( ), N. c. in Coil t House. th:. cor D. OlH y We asV tt-.l An explosion in the Chicago 1 ire- works Company's piatit at Cross-! point. 111.. Wednesday, killed Nico- j laus Boree and his sister Annie. j Seven men were killed and six oth-! ers seriously hurt b t,.:r r in the Broadwater mine at Xeihart, Mont., Monday morning. Crazed by jealousy. I rederick ; gm) bales. Merrick shot and killed his voting ' meriean would piit drinking and be a ' tlomun" once more. "Barkis willin','' and the two have 1 their second honeymoon. SHRACK), t' t-f -1 JJ d()l: lion I g()o, thev would be cor must !o good. The mo: ous feature of the flaming literature prepared for boys is not the story it-s--:f, bad as they may be. but its es sential falsity. There are other stories of crime harrowing in their ta'ned in "flash" literature, as for example, some of the tragedies of Shakespeare, but the latter gives a t !: picture of humanity and such a picture becomes a wholesome lesson. It is the false character given to tin; heroes of dime novels that makes stii-'i books mischievous and misleading. As geous. they j y friend, Newt Tuml'm, .-t mischiev-: s..;j a i,ni,f t;ine a., that the only way to get even with the Republi cans was to "jine 'em," and I hear s n are hearing of her wheretibouts, calh'd on ner aim promised net n sue worm. -f , , tl 11.oollvn llat- yv-, j , ., 01- h!lh Vl..uooiw0v i:lst come and live with him again he : , ' sim.;(llMi in like mnn-i,!,. ' T.L,fe f f.ottr,n .n,-h,r i - j ' . -rt ' o ! ner. j lust week at all interior towns were In a tenement house fire at Cin-! 19,0s;r bales, receipts from the plan cinnati, O., Saturday night. Mrs. j tations. 22. 7."S bales, crop in sight, Mary Shafer and her infant daugh-1 0.al2.0u4 bales. en was gun Mi ohltime Democrats say they daughter of Mr in" to do it if tear platform Willis, of Wayni utl bloodshed s , don't s-uit tlietn. But if the fusion way as any con- ! of popuii,ts and Republicans does take place then the Republican-platform won't suit our disaffected Dem ocrats, for it will be a straddle both on silver and the tariff. There are a good many protection Democrats FerttoM Her Death. Bessie Willis, the 1" -year-old and Mrs. Jenkins villi, died in Ashe- ville yesterday at 5.4.") p. in., at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. O. W. Muller, 1". Charlotte street. Miss ter were burned to death while asleep. A passenger train on the Queen and Crescent railroad plunged through a trestle near Vosburg, Miss., Monday. Eleven passengers were injured. The First National Bank of Bed- always, around here and more goldbugs,but ; would bene.it the patient. Ihe hope it is rare to find a Democrat who fa-; was realized for a time, but a short vors both. Among the ofliee seek-1 time ago it was seen that she could ers the spoils will cover everything, not recover. A 12-year-old sister of for as one told me yesterday, these Miss Willis died from a similar trou- Willis had been suffering for nearly ; foru City, a., suspended lhursday a year w ith valvular heart trouble, j morning, and a short time after the and was brought to Asheville in the : Liberty Savings Bank of the same hope that the change of altitude place also closed its doors. At ( Gainesville, Fla., Tuesday, Jno. A. Faison, aged 70, a well-known LOOK ! James Ff Hv LOOK I Daniel ' uij Hits. 1 ' V" MT -it -iifvlti. ter and friends who had passed over the river. She said that she would il V 5U AJL nerai rule, it not ihe villain is a coward, nor can he : , f,-,rms :n-e onl v intended to ; ble little more than a year ago. ben villain for any length of time j,ct jn U!U Passengers must not' Yesterday morning Miss Willis without becoming a liar and a hypo- j stanj c,n the platform while the train j told her mother and others at the crite. There is nothing picturesque : ;s m raotion. The way it looks now ; bedside that she had just had a vis or attractive about hi:n whim he has j a piatf,,rm cannot be made that will ! ion of heaven, where she saw her sis- ueon uimiasec. urn i.m 'i " u l'"ul harmonize tiie people of any party, chronicler make a hero of him. Ev- j The coiiesive power of the public plu pu.ses iuiecen when ne is , - t1(l ofl-l0e seekers, but the people day afternoon. It was not thought will not follow like they have done, j she could possibly live until that They have lost confidence in parties ! time, but she lingered until precise ami platforms. ly that hour, when she diedaspeace Tboy are better educated political- fully as a -hild sinks in to slumber. lv than they have ever been and will not go it blindly. This is an age of j lM.iycd i.'i Hani Luck. surprises and " nobody can foretell tviiie Landmark. who will be the next president nor; A fakir struck the town Saturday. hi ds of e insp est adu pn-pur. JNO, Fli.: ; nted : i ALLEN ORTCH, '.:.!.o;;-- at l..w. I i urn i i: cenT r Ilcad- f .I'.tllD, f.:.l Hr.e e.r se!f- o VNew rii'scuih Rock Co. uirken when he is ' eds (f daring; he cd wiih the high-! lion for true ciiurage and; i. -elf 1o emulate real he-! roes. But hi' should very early in life be taught to discriminate be-' t ween the real and the sham, and i i-hould be impressed through his ! own small experiences with the in-; fuer.ee upon his courage of a clear'; or disturbed conscience. Tims he! may be taught a substantial truth that if he would be I .rave he must be true: if ;i hero, he must be imbued; with good principles. ; Any man can take a newspaper, j It is the cheapest thing he can buy. : It costs less than a postage stamp less than to send or receive a letter. . What good does it do you? It in-: structs you and your wife and teach es your children: it comes to you ev-; cry week rain or shine, calm or storm, bringing you the best news of the neighborhood. No matter what happens, it enters your doors a welcome guest, full of sunshine, cheer and interest. It shortens long Summer days and enlivens long Win- ter evenings. It is your adviser, vmir gossip and friend. , ' It w ill he an agri'euhlc surprise to per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may he had !v lakiii'jr "liamberhiin's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy. In many in stances the attack may he prevented hy ' taking this remedy as soon as the first : symptoms of the disease appear. 'J5 and ."') cent I lot ties for sale hv M. K. Robin son A: lire., and J. 11. Hill & Son. driig-tists. representative from the seventh dis trict. We have not forgotten that Dr. Felton. an Independent, carried this district three times nor that the Populists now elect their represen tatives to the legislature from this county, nor that this county went Republican when Garfield was elect ed and there is more political dissat isfaction in these parts now than ever before. The people have good cause for their discontent. Take a man who four years ago bought a good little farm for 4.00O and paid 2.000 down and gave his notes one, two and three years for the rest of the purchase money and still owes it with interest and he can't sell the farm for more than 2,000 now. That ! man is holding somebody to blame ; for his desperate condition. lie is ; like the Irishman who said he did not know what party he belonged to, ; but, begorra, he was agin the gov ; eminent. Take another man who ; owns a mine of manganese or who ! works in the mine or hauls the ore to town and has made a fair liv ! ing in some connection with the min . era! business and suddeuh' without ; warning the tariff reform committee takes off the duty on manganese Cinzen. was kuico. ov a tram wniiei , , -i : ,,o -r..-;,.r.c walking on the track. Ile was caught j , . . . nomilial ofli. on a trestle and cut to pieces. j , . . . , , : , ,nismrsi A bile returning to Ins home from to middlemen, who have been able to a carouse at York, Pa., Saturday j cut u,uer it. As a general thing, night. Thomas Cagham took a nap J however, there is a more cheerful on the Northern Central tracks and j feeling with regard to the prospects ! Catawba College over the election of while I The boot and shoe factories are i generally well employed on orders, land the trade outlook is encouraging, I although there is complaint that : profit margins are very small. This, j however, is a condition that is not j confined to the shoe business. There 1 has been a fair business in finished iron and steel products, and values ! have ruled f rm, particularly on I plates, which have been sold at a lit i tie advance. But in Pittsburg Bes I seiner pig iron prices have been ; shaded slightly; and as large buyers ' of billets are temporarily stocked up, A Summary of Current Events for the Past Seven Days. A furniture factory is soon to be erected at Mebane. The committee for Raleigh's pub lic library has raised .2,.o0. Steps are being taken for the or ganization of a bank at Asheboro. Fire at Newborn, Wednesday, burned C,5t.)0 worth of property. The King's Daughters of Winston have opened a home for poor work ing girls. - Eighteen bales of cotton were burned at King's Mountain, Satur day morning. The estate of the late ex-Governor Thomas M. Holt is estimated to be worth 750, )). McDowell county is to have two iron bridges across the Catawba and John's rivers. Wilmington had another incendia ry fire Tuesday morning. The loss was about 2,000. The Battery Park Hotel at Ashe ville was damaged ::tt,000 by fire, Thursday morning. Charlotte is considering the estab lishment of a new pants factory, with a capital stock of K0J)00. At Cates, Person county. Thurs day, a saw mill plant was complete ly wrecked by a boiler explosion. About 3,000 feet of lumber belong ing to the Cook Lumber Company was burned near Weldon, Tuesday. High Point will hold an election in Ma' on the question of a bonded debt of 40,000 for water-works and sewerage. In a runaway accident Wednes day morning, Mrs. Dr. E. O. Elliott, of Catawba Springs, had an arm and leg broken. In a drunken row in Ashe county, Sunday night, Robert Martin was shot and fatally wounded by his j brother Jesse. I A dead infant was found under a negro house in Raleigh. Thursday. Eliza Jones, colored, has been arrest ed, charged with the crime. The Asheville Citizen learns that Philip Wilson, of Mitchell county, has ten sons, all living, eight of whom served in the Confederate army. The residence of Charles Long in Person county, was entered by bur glars Sunday night, who stole some cash and a number of valuable ar ticles. The barn and stables of A. B. Shaw, near Laurinburg, were de stroyed by lire, Thursday night, to gether with one horse and nine mules. The Landmark says that Dr. II. F. Long, of Statesyille, has invented an operating table which will prove a great convenience to physicians. It can be doubled up and carried in a doctor's buggy. At Beaufort, Tuesday night, Wm. Rice, a young white barber of that t)u n n r.t dK- shot liv Miss Belle Beveridge. as he was trvmg to cf- LOCAL l)SESi:0ffigftM& tecl an entrance into ner nome, u.s purpose evidently being other than robbery. A contract has been awarded for building a co-operative cotton mill at Fayetteville to have lO.otilj spin dles. The brick-work is to be done in "JO days. The Holt cotton mill there is completed and ready for the machinery. The Newton Enterprise says the rivalry between the two societies oi IBrown's Iron Bitters ii-." trsrtmi; aliments. !t v..unr.-u-:.1cn.i.1 Z. Kcncrally exfi.'iistt'il, ntrvous, li:ivc ii o a;.ctilc- and ;iti't K wik. IfRin :,t .m c- tataiiR tut; mt re- gg In! !o strciiKtlit-ninc 0 nit-itit ine. uliicli is Hrnvvi's Iron Hitters. IVm-ht comes trom ihi. cry liial clubc. CURES w Kidney and Liver 0 Troubles, M Impure Blood. Nervous Ailments, B! IT W Dyspefsih. Neurhc.ii, Constipation, Malaria, fci Women's Complaints Get cny the cciMiic it has crossc;! n-J 2 lines . n L:.e wrapper. mm nro.vn chcmical co. e MORE. M0. save S HI 1 X -JL XOiS R JmmW Paying Boetsrs' Bills A TTi dUTANIu o ninnn rai m t THE GREAT REMEDY d FOR ALL BLOOD AS0 SKIN DISEASES b- 'n thor .nslilY t-t.--t br mm- iii- T.t l-n -si.-ian u1 tl: p..l f.T it -ar.". 4 curcl quickly n-1 Jk LICEHS. ECZEMA. CATAfiRH, ERUPTIONS, f fitiv;. ppr.emsr ii It i br f- tii- 1 P SCF0FULA. I r.KEUM.'.TiSM. t ;.. ,;:... t. . f..rf .. For .mle I V L-L0C3 b.'.LM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. r Ely's Cream Balm i iii-sii. .!.! -il 1. 1 1... t!:" m..-t tli.T.nili i-nrc f..r :i..il I :il.in!i. M in l!t-:i. an.i ll:iv I . tT ..f a. 1 1 r. -im-.li.".. It "-. !is :.u.l ( !.-l. th- llii-:il l ll-Miy.--. allavs i.i.in h.i.I ii,!lamii.:tti Ii.tiIs tin- -t.-s. vr..- t.-.-l il,t. !i..Miit-r.-m,- fr..n. i-'.l.ls, n-sl.r. v tin- m-ii-.-s t.l t:i-'.i- aii-i mm. 01. I'ri." :: :it (!i uftiiOs .r l.y m.,,1. ui.v r.i:oTiii,i:. :; Warn-n Ir.-. I. Nt Y...k. was kiiied by a passenger train. of t10 ir(m industry, although it has Pespondency caused by business j not yet been expressed in any sub reverses induced Charles IT. Voor- j stantial increase in demand, his, ex-Congressman, of Jersey City, There have been no important new N. J., to kill himself with a pistol in j developments in the grain trade oth his law ofliee, Wednesday night. cr than the fact that late navigation While on their way to church Sun-1 has opened and a reasonable shifting day, John Leiminger and wife were ! of supplies from interior points to killed by a train in their attempt to j the seaboard is now in progress. The drive across the New York Central beginning of this movement lias en railroad track near Buffalo. N. Y. At Elgiu, 111., Wednesday, Miss couragod the hope of an early in crease in exports, as shippers for He wanted to sell medicine but found the tax too high and he compromised bv selling or trying to sell what he called "electric solder." This he claimed was his own manufacture and he was not liable to taxation for selling it. A good crowd gathered but sales were dull. Presently the fakir, who was in a buggy, started to drive away, but the crowd held the buggy and the horse walked out of the shafts. This little pleasantry was taken in good part by the vic tim and there was no row. Failing ;itj .toscii, ne gave a .vay some oi nis solder. He said he was out $2 by his experience here and that this was the only town in which he had ever lost money. Pit7 but that all of them who come here coukl sav that. i. . i,..., 1 ...,,i; Mary Linnett shot dead Miss Eliza- j i0,m; wwlkS l,asi ,1JXU ua"U1' beth Trowbridge and blew out her capped by the small stocks at Allan- own brains. Her unnatural affec-! 1,0 l10rts An AllitUvit. tion for the girl was the cause of the tragedy. The old Peunsj-lvania railroad sta tion at Philadelphia was consumed by lire, Saturday,; causing a loss of over $noo,000. Falling walls killed Actual business on for- i eigu orders has been moderate in all grains; but there has been consider able inquiry for wheat, corn and oats, which will be likely to lead to larger clearances in the near future. Although speculation has not been active, there has been some accession IMO lilC-IilCIl UIII.1 Ot-IlllUJV 11IIIICU , ft 1-11 1 ,1 J i of confluence, which has caused ad- fourieen ouicrs. A tornado which swept through Faulkton, S. P., Sunday, killed two persons and injured several others, besides destroying much valuable property, including a church, which was blown away. While brooding over the idea that his family would sutler from want, John Lehman, a Chicago street-car driver, shot and killed his three chil dren and himself, Monday evening. Lehman had saved $1,300, and lived comfortably, but became despondent. During a trial of a case in court at This is to certify that on May 11th. I walked to Mi lick's drug More on a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of ( 'liamlH-rlaiii's I'ain IJalm for iiillaninia tory rheumatism w hich had crippled me up. After using three battles I am com pletely cured. 1 can cheerfully recom mend it. Charles II. Wet.cl. Simbim l'a. voni and subscribed to before me on Vn.nul 111 1S1I1 - W:i!lei-S!ioim:oi .1 P For sale at ."( cents per hot lie hv M. E. ' and mortally wounded the city mar Kobinson & IJim., and J. II. Hill iV: Son, shal, but was himself killed while at drttggists. I tempting to escape. vances of 1 to P cents per bushel in prices of wheat and ' to i of a cent per bushel in corn. Western prices of hogs have declined 10 cents per 100 pounds, and values of lard and ribs in Chicago have fallen 12 to 13 cents per 100 pounds, which decline has made a new low record for lard. commencement declaimers lias n :v-h-ed the eye-blacking stage. A light Monday evening between Prof. W. 11. Dove and Lee Iluit is the latest. .Pev. E. C. Melton, a liaptixt preacher of Cumberland county, was thrown from his buggy and killed, Wednesday. He was going down a steep hill wh":i the harness broke and the horse ran away, throwing him against a tree and crushing his skull. Monroe Johnson, colored, who has been on trial at Charlotte last week for breaking into the house of A. C. Shields, in Mecklenburg county, on the night of January Sth, and trying to murder the inmates, has been found guilty and sentenced to hang May 23rd. " James Chappell, aged 21, of Ire dell county, while returning from a visit to relatives in Wilkes county, Tuesday, was killed by the accident al discharge of his gun, It being knocked out of the buggy. His younger brother, Sanford, was with him at the time. Pev. Arthur Eldridge and another colored man, named Mitchell, got into a row at Pural Hall, Forsyth & WALL PAPER JK. AT WHOLESALE FH1CES, J ft A i!.-in : aTi.l ii i . ! Warrant-! to lUW : hi-i'aiit Kilts .v. " j wiit or m..iM-y S&ffiPlCS , iVn.i.'tVlr't!'-'!.'-!"''- l-n or- Free. ll 11 ilx ami At;'!! Tit PAKKbh S . . .. i UAI9 RAI 1AM t "liiife-'t-- J6 rsr- r.d tutifie Die hair. W.-a. r "- l"'ir:iit pr.'1h r- -;i i-;rvpr la H!NDEi?CORNS. TrieonTy u:r ... !-r 4 .-"14. .-i-.p a.; a.u a-.rtirr SUPPER i if BREAKFAST- G3ATEFUL-CCMFORTING. W J J COILING V.'ATER CR MILK. ETj C lilrl.c.l. r" KnctUh IHnmoiil It ran. reflNVRQYAL PILLS county, Wednesday, when the latter During the "U inter of ISM. 1-. M. Mar- ctn.,.i. i:A ffirmi.r with n ror-l- in- 1 1 ii. ! Kong iieaclt, est a., contract- . . , ,. , , . ,hI a severe cold which left him with a flltl"ff a wound which resulted m couirli. In speaking tt now ne enrol it Kldriuge s death. 1 here was a wo- he says: 'I tiseil several kinds of cough lit syrup but found no relief until I bougl a bottle of Chamberlain's Coitgh Item eme- ly, which relieved me almost instantly, tiiI in a short time brought about a eoui- Central Citv. Cob . Thnrsdav Samn- nlete cure." When troubled with a i r .i. ''. -i -.i, cotf'h. el Covington, a visitor, charged with endeavoring to intimidate a witness, shot and killed ex-Ma3'or Williams man in the ca;-e. John Tillman, a whiskey distiller, committed suicide Wednesday, at his home near Poxboro, by taking strychnine. He had been drinking excessively. There is an indictment or cold use this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try several Limli before von ;'--t relief. It has hecii in the market for over twenty years and in the Federal Courtagainst him for constantly grown in favor and popular- some violation of the revenue laws itv. For sale at 20 and ;0 cent per bottle i . . . , . , i i i- lv M. E. Hol.inson lv IJro., and J. p. and h had said that he would die II III & Son, druggists. I before he would go to court. tkiiitj ail Lucm It:ii. i' VtJt I 4 -Lt are sutgoct to peculiar ills. The yjtj riitht remeiiy tr g babies' ills-eslK-.-iiilly worms au mjih- .27 dWoriiors is i r- V'nrrvliflicrr Jrrn for .V) yo:irx. n tiu it.out the ills iu:d tUe J I VH r I has rnrr't c:i I f.r 1 .00 it r,:re.iv. evfur8. WOMANSWORKC lurnia IwHjitea Ur. . U. JLilitlUol lVm l Uaa, a. a.

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