1 1 KADI JO TIT. UM.( o; M l. li.r. is:t;. l.'MWh NEWS. J. v. i '., !: (.rt City. :;;i:N. n is at Ual-falluM-. Mr. W. . .unity Ci)nmis.,ion- l "-i.l! S.'SSliVl il,M'. tt :. :nn:i d Thro. L. for Oak . ui'iou 'i-al ioii- r.ra! and Works is now or.iiiii of .1 to liis lli'mvii. fo: . is (.-online . Ilaskott lias aceept is hook-kol.jHM- at t!;o aim Waivhouso. i.i-avy toUu'co '"broalcs" ;ct vol onlay and tli; it'uv satisfaction. !. M. Swurinen is on .a'ivt'S and frionds in :;::! Caba.rrus counties. niitli left Mondaj- af i Soutlicrn tour in the Wayne Agricultural I s of Messrs. Eest. : n d e rgoi n g m a i'k ed y painting and riek sta is nearin Iain all tl e of Mr. coinple- dern j j the First Uantist : : e a basket party in ! '. A. hall to-night to j i'.k- are invited. j -ation services at Elm '. a iv attended nightly j .-ga'ions and the in- -l is uuabating. ril MeQueeu left Tues- j '.and Neck to attend a e Convocation of C'er-Epi.-eopa! Church. a::i:ual p'o-nic at Xat ar Magnolia, will come ; r-day. Everybody in and bring a basket, i. Sinlth. the eiiicient f the A. ,v X. C. R. Tl.. w;ih his fan; ily to visit friends at Asheville. and much needed show- l.'s city and section, ting, and the tempera- j n lowered several de- j i.-'-nt'na". of the firm of , 's.. left Monday night ' manufacturing centres st ' ' their popular es- j Ci as. ( :-! of Deeds issued the uirriaire licenses since the William C. Grady to Strickland. Louis Wig- Vara Warrick. Jol T. Edmundson and re in the city visiting rela i friend-, while Mr. Ed is conducting a successful . Youngs ville. Franklin ; excursiori of this season n bv Mr. II. E. Pipkin to :. September Mrd. leaving ."oa. in., and returning the night. The fare from all ..)!, A. M. and J. R. Shrago from their extended 0 Xorthern markets, do heavy purchases of 1 heir respective estab-la-t Walnut street, ale f new cotton, pounds, was brought Friday by Mr. S." T. f i he Eureka section, :t bv Messrs. II. Weil 7.2t" cents. Mr Ed-! last ' lirst oa! hei ! ship, spent a few days in town last Iwards left yesterday I week on a visit to her sister, Mrs. 1L arkots to purchase a j H. Smith. ed stock of Fall ami j Mr. and Mrs. P. K. TJatton, who r his popular esta'o- : hiive been visiting relatives, near was accompanied by ' j101v. returned to their homo at Wil Miss Charlotte, who ! sf)n. Sunday. ieieis ;tt New York. IJuf- ston. rmatiou of Master Sollie. iiid Mrs. Joseph Isaacs in the svnagogue, Satur r. in tiie ireseiico of i regati.ea. ami 0LU-n ; Lilt ted himself most cred i. i in ti ful repast was serv r i the event, at their on home. Sunday nirht. A 1 r- f b lare Ion and plc-nic of the veterans at Mt. Carmol trsdav, was largely at- Th : 1 proved to bo a success in -Meet. All tho old officers eVrted with tho exception Unit .. W. Musgrave, who 1 his resignation and Mr. A. vvv!l was elected in his stead. y known as the "Sons and is of the Confederacy" was d with over sixty members. Hatch Pros'. excursion gau to move out of Wilmir.g suay night, a negro jumped ik a glass of water and, as he .lug the car snatched a small out of the hands of Mrs. II. Watts. , red ill th. f til! city, and disap The satchel con belonging to her ate m. Mr. A. ,. Planner, a gold lock . a pocket-knife and about 40 cents silver, milking the loss about 75. After a lon and sutTeriiv ,"vl,l' V,-. larde r (lejuirtcd lJil at his hu:ne i Saulston t.uslnp, Friday evening a-cd 47 'i-'-s. The interment was made haturoay evening in the old family bv.ryi.i- ground near his homo in the presence of a vast assembly erf sor rowing relatives and friends. Alio eighth annual convention and tournament of the State Firemen's Association met at Salisbury yester day and will be in session until to morrow. Messrs. W. p. Granger and F. W. Hilkor are delegates from the local Fire Department and they will make strenuous efforts to have the meeting of the association held in this city next year. The Tnter-denominational Sunday School Convention of Wayne county met at St. Paul church, Thursday, with a large attendance. The re ports from the various townships showed great interest in the work througlumt the county and the va rious subjects for discussion were handled in a manner that instructed the officers and teachers present in their duties. Aaron Sifting. Several of our vounr ueonle snout ' Saturday v Springs. pleasantly at Seven ! convention. Hardy Rose was clcct i cd president and A. A. Edgerton This section was blessed Mondav with a good rain which was very much needed. Miss Rerry A. Parks will leave Wednesday to resume her studies at G uiiford College. Wc are sorry to have to report J. R. Darks and Mrs. Polly Reele on the sick list this week. Miss Ret tie Parks, having closed her school in Greene county, is now at her home near here, to the de light of her many friends. Miss Sallie Davis, of Marion, S. C, who has been visiting relatives in this section, left Sunday evening to isit friends in Goldsboro. Froniout Echoes. R. E. Peacock is quite sick, we i givt to learn. Mrs. J. M. O'Neal returned to her home at TTazcIhurst, Ga., Monday. Mrs. R. F. Aycock left last week for Seven Springs to spend some time. Etheldrel Hooks and Ronnie New some left Tuesday for Oak Ridge Institute. Quite a number from here took- in Hatch Pros, excursion to Wilming ton.. Tuesday. Mrs. J. II. Rose, of Dudley, was in town Monday, visiting her sister, Mrs. I. L. Yelverton. Miss Laurie Speight, the popular milliner of J. R. Short, is taking special lessons in Raltimore. j Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMillan, of I Rocky Mount, were in town last ! week visiting the family of Dr. G. j W. Lewis. ' I J. D. Davis, of Peacock, Davis A Co.. and I. L. Yelverton. of Yolvor-j to;i Pros., will leave in a few days ; for Xorthern markets to purchase 1 their Fall and Winter stocks. Miss Duck Smith, 1? years old. daughter of Erastus Smith, died on Monday evening, leaving a host of friends to mourn her untimely de mise. Her brother Joseph preceded her in death just four weeks. The sorely bereaved parents have our heartfelt sympathy. I'ikoviilc IJiiiL'ct. We learn that John C. Smith, near hero, has commenced picking cotton. ' Silas Smith, the clever telegraph operator at this place, is quite sick, ; we aro sorry to learn. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Worrell rc-; turned home Friday from a brief vis-! it to relatives in the country. j Mrs. J. W. Aycock, of tlie Pre- moat section, is spending a few days : in town on a visit to relatives. We are r!a;l to note tho fact that Miss Ltila Dees, who has boon sick for several days, is convalescing, Miss Marv Pearson, of Fork town- The revival at Union Grove, near here, which was attended with much interest by many of our youn' peo ple, closed Sunday ni.ght,with sever al access to the church. Elder J. T. Edgerton is in attend- i ance upon the Country Line Primi- ' tivo Paptist Association, which con- vetted with the church at Moons I Crook near Danville, Va., Saturday, i Our Sunday school officers were I all absent Sunday, except Mrs. : Smithey G arris, who never fails to i be at her post and always makes the school interesting under i difficult circumstances. the most rinkney oi. Pov. P.. E. Perkins began a reviv al at Oakland, Sunday. Uobert Pose and wife, of Dudley, are visiting relatives among us. Mrs. Penj. Winders and son, are visiting relatives in Duplin county. Miss Julia Edgerton has returned from a visit to friends near Prince ton. Ifaskeland Joe Morris, of I Hack Crook, aro here visiting their pa rents. Misslfattie Edgerton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lassiter, near Honk er ton. Pov. Silas Hose, of South Caroli na, is visiting his parents and tak hv in the revival at Union Grove. John Wells unci Hugh Maxwell, of J Cold.M.oro. were here Sunday visit- j ing rrie:id.-(?). j Zadoc Peacock, who has been in the U. S. Army the past year is here ' visiting his parents. i Misses Mamie Applewhite, of Co-j lumbus county, and Ella Vail, of j I'ikevilie w.iv ! ,;i .,a1- v? ! ltin Mis Cora Aycock. Misses Kflie Davis, of Golds bo ro, and Ethel Massey, of Genoa, were here last week, the guests of Misses Delia and Julia Edgerton. - Miss Maggie Woolen, who is visit ing her cousin, Mrs. J. II. Edgerton, while out horseback riding, Thurs day, fell from her horse, sustaining painful injuries. The revival conducted by Rev. W. II. Frost at Union Grove closed Sunday night with about 40 acces sions to Friends and Free Will Uap tist churches. About 20 were bap tized at Rose's pond, Sunday even ing. Mr. Frost expects to begin preaching at Fremont this week. The Sunday school workers, of Great Swamp township, met at Un ion Grove, Fridav, to organize. G. hy. Edgerton was made chairman and J. II. Sullivan ser-retnrv of ihr- secretary of the township associa tion. Some interesting speeches were made by T. II. Parker and J. W. Thompson. Mount Olive Kcnorls. ''Hunk'' Rroadhurst is able to be out again. The Mount Olive High School will open next Monday. Mrs. J. M. Cox left Wednesday to visit her son at Renson. Miss Mary Cooper, of Kenansville, is visiting Mrs. C. C. Shine. Miss Virginia Westbrook, of Fai- son. is visiting her cousin, here. Miss Adella Rright returned to her home at Kinstou last Friday. Mrs. A. E. Hatch is spending a : few days with her son at Warsaw. Wait Loft in went to Goldsboro, j Sunday, and returned the same day. j Miss Mamie Croom, of Rurgaw, is ; visiting her sister, Mrs. X". R. Fu ' troll. ' Miss Addle Davis, of Seven Springs is visiting her sister, Mrs. James McGee. j Miss Alice Smallbones returned to her home at Wilmington Saturday evening. ! II. R. Flowers left Monday morn I ing to visit friends, etc., in Wii- mington. Miss Fannie Lambert, who had lieon visiting friends at Raleigh, has returned. J. S. Rird and w:fo. of South Car olina, are visiting at C. C. Rird's. near here. Frank Koor.ce. of Jones county, is visiting relatives and friends in this section. Mrs. Fannie Mason, aged about (10 years, died suddenly, Monday, near this place. Miss Cora Steele, sister of Dr. W. C. Steele, of Mooresville, is in town ! on a visit to her brother, j Chester Prince, of Goldsboro, is visiting his cousin, W. Hampton I Kornegay, Jr., near here. ! W. G. Davis and R. J. Souther i land, Jr., returned from their trip to Raltimore, Sunday morning, j Miss Jennie Williams, who had J been visiting relatives in South Car : olina returned home Tuesday night, j H. E. Cox has been spending u i fey.' days with his parents at this ! place, but returned home to-day (Wednesday), Miss Mantlni Kornegay, who had been visiting tho family of Capt. J. C. Korne-ay at Portsmouth, Va., is at home a.ain. Mrs. Mattio Jones, of Peaufort, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. X. M. Jurney, returned to her homo to-day (Wednesday). Clerks. There are two kinds of clerks. One is in the business simply to ct what little money ho can. Ho takes no particular interest in it, never thinks of planning in his employer's interest, waits on customers as they come in, attends to his duties fairly well, but more like an automaton than a clerk presumably with ambi tion. Such a clerk will never be worth more than the minimum sal arv. because third-rate clerks, such as he is, are a drug on the market. The other species of clerk may be no more active in his attendance upon customers, but he lays plans to be come more usetui. it tie sees wnere an improvement can be made, he makes it. In all his dealings with customers, ho endeavors to make a good impression upon them, so that they will prefer to be waited upon by him. lie endeavors to jjive them just a little better service than the general run of clerks. This is the first step. When customers walk by several other clerks and seek out one particular one, that one has started on the high road to success. 3Iaii (Inks t; Take no Tart. Postmaster General Wilson has issued an order to all railway mail clerks directing them not to take an active part in the political campaign, such as would be involved in their attending political conventions as delegates, making political speeches or assisting in tho management of political campaigns. The Postmas ter General's circular expressly states that he does not desire to control their opinions on political matters. K& Melons. Willi jut doubt there is u goal ileal ,,f sickness caused at this season by eating sickly melons. In hundreds watermelon patches now the vines are drying from the heat of the sun, and tho lialf Krow11 melons left ou tho vincs aro being ripened by the same cause. These melons can eas- ily be detected low, sunburned They have a yel ippearanee on one side, and the green of the rind is not of that vivid type which marks the i healthy melon. There is often a neck at on end of the melon, with a tendency to rot. The flesh of these melons will be found to be pale, and not a bright red. These melons are likeh' to be offered in great quanti ties in the next few weeks, and it is just as well that the people should be put on notice that they are un heal th v. Two Distressing Accidents. A boiler explosion, caused b' too little water in the boiler, at Taft's saw-mill in Troy, Montgomery coun ty, Monday, resulted in the death of four whites and one negro. Three other whites and one negro were badly hurt. Three of-whom will die. In stepping from a moving street car in front of his residence at Sa lem, Sunday afternoon, Capt. Junius W. Goslen, editor of the Winston Republican, fell and struck his head, death resulting from concussion of the brain soon after. He was 50 years old. Tin" I l';t I l'aii;i :l. James L. Francis. Alderman, Chica go, says: ! nganl Ir. Kings New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds ami Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the lut live years to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other pivparations." Kev. Jolm Kurgus. Keokuk. Iowa, writes: "1 have liccii a Mini-ter of the Methodist F.piseepal Church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so lc ueliciul. or that gave me sucii specdv relief as Dr. King's New Discovery.'"' Try this Ideal Cough ilon eilv now." Trial licttles Free at .1. H. Hill Son's. Oohlsl.oro. and J. II. Smith's. Mount Olive. The man is traveling in the wrong direction u ho thinks nnuicy can make him happy. A Vnln:ilit- l'rc-i ript ion. Editor Morrison of W'orthiiigtoii, Iml., Sun." writes: "you have a valuable prescription in Electric Hitlers, and I can cheerful recommend it tor Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a general sysieni tonic it has no cipial." Mrs. Annie Stehle. 'Ji;j." Collage Grove Ave.. Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a hackache which never left her and felt tired and weary, hut i hottlcs of Electric liittcrs restored her heaiih and renewed her strength. Price .Ml cents and si. no. Get a lloiile at J. II. Hill iV Son's. Goldsho ro. and J. U. Smith's. Mount Olive. No man is lit u untrue to himself. lead others who i.- 1 '.m-U Irn's .rui:i S.ilve. The l'.est Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. I'Icers. Salt Ulieiim. Eever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilMains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giv e perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price -") cents per l:o. For sale lv J. 11. Hill Son. (;oldsloro, andj.i:. Smith, Mount Olive. (iohlsltoro Ice House Is now ready to serve its patrons at any hour in the day. including Sunday's. Ice delivered in any part of the city. Li.ovk W. Mookk, Proprietor. From s5.oo tip 5') sots liuir.iry Har ness, at Sol'TMF.KI.AND. HrINKI.EV vC Co. Hut Suits Clothing, must b regardless of price, at SorniKlU.ANI, IJllINIvIKY & Co. Don't Forpret Crossetto's shoes are tho best for the money. On sale at Southerland Prinkley fc Co's. Dross (.'ooils at greatly reduced prices. SoUTIiKRuANK, PlliNKI-EV & Co. Puggy Whips 5, 10. l.". 20, 2.". f0. 7.") and $1.27). South kki.a.m), Prinki.ky & Co. Saddlery, Puggy Hobos and Whips at almost your own price, at Sorm kri.ani). Pkinki.kv & Co. Straw Hats must be sold. See South kiu.anp, Piunki.ky fc Co. 2.000 Pairs Shoes must be sold from 25c. up, at Soutiikiu.avd.'Prinki.ky it Co. Pennsylvania's Leailing Newspaper In al The In all the nitriinites tlmt sullice to make a lii st-class family journal ill na -:- Spares no trnulile or expen. and ores. Mit t its readers a troul of the Old and Xew World. Its several Departments, each under the niunagcm.-iit of a competent Editor, comprises matters pertaining to TIIE HOUSEHOLD, THE I'AUM, WOMAN'S WOULD, SCIENCE, ART, LITEUATUKE, FINANCE, Tl IE HEAL ESTATE WOULD Presenting a complete magazine every lav. SUBSCRIPTION HATES ; Daily, one year, - sil.OO Daily and Sunday, one year, - H.00 ADDRESS THE RECORD PUBLISHING CO., 917-919 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. BOOK AGENTS, ATTENTION I Are vou selling Mctcalfs life of P.rvan and Se'.vall or Halstead's life of McKin lev and Holiart-.' We give th(3 very lar gest commissions. e give vou if'O.OO in cash besides if you sell 100 books. We pav freights to vou. We give cred it. We ship books promptly. Every H ilstead or Mot calf hook sold in the coimtrv conies irom our iilace. u are head.iiartt'rs. leal direct with manu facturers. P.ooks sold at l.r0. Out fits free. Semi six cents for postage and save expivssage. L. E. M C.REAL & lRO.. riiiladeljihia, l'a. Record IC-Kt GRAND Of severest trial and test prove in regard to Komi's Sarsaiiarilla Sst, Greatest IVJerit Secured ry a peculiar Combina tion. Iro ortu.n and Proeess unknown to itlirs which naturally ;ael ai'tiuJly produces 3d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials winch naturally aud actually produce pd, Greatest Sales According tu the statements of tlruirirists all over the country. In these three point.? Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. Sarsaparilla Is the best It is the One True Wood Purifier. 4-.,n, n:? t - i: ' ""' "!y l'i'ls to tike nOOU S PliiS Twtli llo,,U s Sarsaparilla. I REASURY UEPARTMENT, Office of the Comptroller of Currency. "Washington, I). C, July, lS'.ti',. Mu. (jri:o. A. Xduwood, .In., President "The Xaliotial 15,-mk of ( J o! i ! shorn."' (iol(lsli()i-o, . C. S:u: Incjosed ie:ise iind certiti cato ttutlionzing' THE NATIONAL HANK, ok ioivi)!iti:, c, to eoiiiinonco tlie liisinoss of l:mk injjr. wliich i!easo piihlish on the receipt thereof, for sixty ilays, in :i newspiiper, in aeeortlaiieo with the tt'iiuhvnients of Section .M7, Ke viseil Statutes, and forward to this oliiee one copy of one issue f the paper in which tin-same is inserted. l'letiso have th" organization niiniher of your liaiik (")il:) print oil plain hiriro liirures on your lot-ter-he;ids used for correspondence with this oiiice. Ui'speetftiliy yours, ( (ii:o. y. C'ori ix, Deputy Acting ComptroII r of tho Currency. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, or kick of i o,ut;;i h.i.ki: f i i;i;i:m v. WAlilM.ToN. i. i ...II l.V :;. lv.-ii. 'iu:uv.. ly satis-aclory evidence presented to the umlei-signcd. it has heeii made to appear that The National P. OIK of Ooldshoro. in the City of Oohls l.oro. iii the County of Wayne", and State of North Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the I'llited States, required to he complied with hefore an association shall he au thorized to commence the l-iisiness of Pianking: Now, I'lii.irtin ::k. I. ( leorge M('of ti n. Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do iieiehy certify that The National Pank of OoVisl.oro," in the City of OoHsIhu-o. in ilie County of Wayne, and state of Noiih Carolina, is authorized l" commence the lui-ines of ISauk'mgas provided i;i Section Fifty one hundred ami sixty-nine of ihe Ke- Visei! Statutes oi the I mte.l States. , - . I n testimony W hereof w it- s::.i.. ' ness my l.aud and Seal of ' ' i. nice "this third day of Jllh. l-!Mi. OF.O. M. COFFIN. Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currenev. R. A. WATTS, JB Watches, Clocks AM Jewelry Repaired AT F. Finklestein's, WALNUT STKl.KT. PI! ICES VKIIV LOW. H. A. TUCKER & BRO., hi:ai.ki:s in all kinks ok (Jraiiite and Marhlo Monuments, Headstones, Iron Feneinir, Arc, A.c. DKSKINS ON AITLICATION. fifl-'er tlie next thirty l-.:ys will sell 1(1 per eent, less tliiin our regular jn'iee. p. o. i;ox C'i-2, (;oi.)sp,()i:o, n. c. I)HS. PAKKEIi Jc CJIMXiOKY. OHice Hours s a. in., to ( p. m. ISadly dreayed and lirokeii down teetli and routs erowned witli allumimim and gold, and made as good as sound teeth. (.''"Oliiee removed from over L. 1). Oiddens1 to over Miller's Drug Store.. NOTICE! Ily virtu" tf a (ltlcroe tf tht Suj'rir "tnrt. of Wayiu'Coinity. nMiilcrcd at April lertn. l-.'ii, in the action if L. 1. . ii 1 ly vs. Cixtstin Jlrock ami otlifrs. 1 will soil fjr rasli. at tin- c.mrt Ihmic diKir in ;ililslumi on .Monday Hie lull day of Sci.tenilwr. l.s'.t';, tlie lands described in 111 complaint, in solid ai-tion. hounded as follows, in trantiiam townshin: ik-uinniii at a jine in a br:ineli and runs S. Tj. K. 137 JKiies to lii'htw.x.d stun!i. then N. Iii poles to a dotrwood. then N. I.'i. V. !-'. jm.1 s to a liuhtwood stiunp in a branch. Ki;is'..y's corn r. tiien down said branch to the bciriniiint;. coiitainini; 2 l-.t acres, more or lc-s. . T. Ul CiTl l.i. Com. AuRust l:.th. ls;t;. f"fSjn.1 A TAFT'S A STHMaLENE tO S i car a i-.1!Bi;n-i.t,-rMil': scn.lI:s y..ur ! ircss. w i:t 7-111 1 !- .! M it UU;i. iTTLKf" T C C DB TAFT BR03..KOCHSIS.N.i'.l" nCC cifti? ii; GRANITE AND MARBLE TOKS -display OF NEW SUMMER GOODS AT TIIE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE. Choicest and Newest Shades IN DRESS GOODS. NEW NOVELTIES IN While Goods, bcesiEiiiliruiileries AND Wash - Fabrics! in Shoes and Hosiery. A NEW LINE -OF- HATS and RUGS! Trunks and Valises AT Bed Rock Prices. UKXTS' FURNISHING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Stationery Just One-Half the Regu lar Price. Come to See Us! We are liead.inarlers for IN General Merchandise Evmllita Goes at One Price! Bargains For Everybody! Come, See and be Convinced. t:irPHto attention given tn all anl those who trade w ith us one time will be sure to come again. ItesjH'ctfiilhv The New York BARGAIN - STORE, Southerland, Brinkley & Co. West Centre St., GOLDSBORO, K.C. WE WANT MONEY! AS AVE INTEND TO (JO XOIMTI WITHIN THIRTY DAYS ALL. OF- OTTK.- Summer Goods Must Go AT SOME I'lilCE. Cost Cuts a Small Figure With Us Now! It is Money we Want, Money we Need, And Money we Must Have. Every Article in Our Store Has Been Greatly Reduced. Ladies Fine Shirt Waists ell price 1 rents now jroinj; al .' cents ami l'." cents. Suiting we soil at cents, now at ! cents. 10-4 Slicetinir, selling elsewhere- for cenN, our price 15 cents. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. Remember The Goods Must Go! THE NEW YORK RACKET STORE, MOUNT OLIVE, N. C, CULIWETH BROS. I'ROHilETORS. Our Fail Stock will soon Ie complete, ami as ever Lefore you will he ahle to t'nl all of the Latest Novelties in . . . . Silks for Suits, Skirts and Shirt Waists. We have a handsome line of Trimmings to match. Our Lining Department We have aMed a TliUXK -rlj rKs Al,- s i'li:s an d t'Muil anil ei-ess orders jri 1 1 1 1 t 1 y lilleil. M. E. CASTEX&CO. Want Furniture or Crockery ? r.UY IT NOW AND (IKT The Pick of the And Save We pride ourselves est Furniture and Crockery Stores in the State, and they are stocked with goods of the latest fashions arid designs goods purchas ed at my recent trip to gland manufacturing YOU WILL FIND LVKUYTIIIXd IX THE FURNITURE AND CROCKERY LINES xi:vr and ayi:ll si:li:cti:d. Will Make Prices Right TO SUIT THE TIMES. JOSEPH LEADING FURNITURE OF GOLDSBORO. YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT! But owhi to a small fire and a slight dampness, wo find our headquarters on "West Walnut Street just a little bit topsy turvey, so to speak. BUT YOU MUST NOT FOKGET The Unlucky Corner Is still "in it," and prepared to meet your requirements. I shall be pleased to have your orders and will endeav or to give you satisfaction. IfLT'Come to see us. We will try to do you good, and we know it will do us good to have you call on us. I. B. FONVIELLE, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, GOLDSEORO, 3T. C. Bafefer, Isler , Co., (Successors to 13. IM!. ZPrivett,) WHOLESALE AND IIETAIL DEALERS IN Flour, Bulk Meat, Salt, Lard, SKJAir, COFFEE, 3I0LASSES, SEED OATS, SEED RYE, SEED RICE, Bran, Rice, Meal, Corn, Hay, Lime, Ce ment, Plaster, Laths, Hair, Etc. , ALSO MAN U FACTUIIEKS OF L;MIa,gio Insect Powder for tbe complete destruction of chicken lice and preventative of chicken cholera. 1 Here is a sliirler lor the Fall Irasle in an all AVool, yard wuhk Navy Blue and Black Serge for :tO Vnl DKI'AKTaI KNT to our store, Market, Money Besides. of havingthe handsom Northern and New En centres. ISAACS, AND CROCKERY HOUSE, 'll-I

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