THE HEADLIGHT. l'l HUSHED i:T.KY THURSDAY. SUIiSCIMPTIOX Sl-Oit I'KK YEAll. A. itOSCOn l-K, Alitor ami Proprietor. Goi.i.sunu.i, X. C, July f, !!!. hum; i r Tin: kxtknsks. From July 1, 1 s'js, to .Juno .". 1 v.t'.i. the expenditures of tin' (iov einnient. aceonlhur to estimates prepared ly t he Treasury Depart ment at 'a-lnii.rton, will arrro fr;itc sr,i t,i ii 10, (loo. The receipts of tlu (Jovcrninent during this period approximate :' ,0",MM, leavini: a deficit of alout sio,oi0, ouo. Hut for the increased inter nal revenue taxes the detirit would he much larger. The receipts from internal revenue in the preceding fiscal year were 171.oUMio. This year, with the war taxes, they will amount to nearly spto.oiMiiM) more. The receipts from all sources for the fiscal year ls! amounted to s p (,").( m it ii i, and there was a de ficit of i H U i'i. With the in creased taxation and the lond is sues, we have piled up a deficit in the lat two years of sj ;s,i i ii ,ooi I, and the end is not yet in si:ht. InchidiniiL'ii.iM m .. paid to Spain for the Philippine Islands, our na val and military operations since duly 1, lV'S have co t us ahout si:',o,oi ii i.oi ii i, or nearly 7."' for each day in the year, excluding Sundays. This is a fair statistical picture of what our expansion policy is costing us. This year we have paid for pen sions about si.'i'.ijiiin.iMMi, and every day the war in the I'hillippines is prolonged will add to the pension roll. The increased expenses on this account will he due not so much to the killed and wounded, although the numberis far too latere for a policy of "benevolent assimi lation." Thousands of men who have escaped wounds will probably .-ii tier with impaired health for the remainder of their lives, and ac cording to our pension laws, they will be entitled to bounty from the Government, which -cut them across the Pacific to a country in which the climate is more deadly than the enemy's bullets. It is safe to estimate that if the w ar in Luzon should end immediate ly, the expense to this Government before the Filipinos in other islands are completely pacified will arrre ;ate .". m , m " .oi io. It is mere cant t ) say that v.e have promoted the interests of humanity by expending this immense sum in v:imir a war of conquest. As to the promised trade extension, it has been dearly bought at such a price. Many years must pass before w e even get back the interest on the principal invested in the Philippines, and the American people as a body will not share in any of the protits. These will go to the contractors and the war syndicate, while American taxpayers vill be allowed the privilege of making good the deficits which are unavoidable under our new policy. ;00I FOK FA KM El'S. The working of the Torrens system of land transfer in Illinois shows that the fanner may by means of it greatly improve his position as a borrower. Fiiderthe existing system land is not good collateral because it cannot be quickly transferred, but the Torrens system, according to the New York Commercial, changes al! that. ''Landowners," says our contem porary, "find that one advantage of the new system is that it makes their property easily available as asset on which loans may be sec ured with but slight loss of time. Formerly, as a rule, none but loans having a long time to run were made on land, because the search ing of titles involved so much labor, time and expense, but under the Torrens system, it is claimed, t!o or tu day loans may be made on real estate as easily and simply as on stocks. 'Hie Chicago Record reports that recently a loan was made on a Torrens certificate of tithymd that the time devoted to the transaction in the recorder's oilice was only minutes. It is expect ed that the number of registered titles will increase very rapidly as the advantages of the system come to lie more generally understood." Under the Torrens system titles are registered by a State official and land is transferred, w hen a sale has been math', by the mere issue of a new certificate of ownership, as is done when railroad or other stock is transferred to a new owner. Kvf.x the moderate opponents of the policy of expansion insist upon the necessity of pushing the w ar in the Philippines to a success ful close. We are in the quarrel, and are so far advanced that we cannot retire either with honor to the tlag or with good faith to the larger proportion of the native population of the islands. It is a tight to the liuish. Traglt-a) AiVidents, An Italian countess, entering her chamber one evening, with a stout stiletto bonnet pin in her hand, stum bled over a pet dog and fell pros trate upon the floor, the perilous pin piercing her heart and causing in stant death. The heartbroken count, suspecting a jealous noble of the supposed murder, shot him dead on the street next day. The following night the brother of the murdered man stabbed the count. After this triple tragedy the true cause of the trouble was revealed. A young bachelor in London, san guine of participating in the wealth of a certain country uncle, invited his rich uncle to spend a week with him in ' town. During dinner one evening the nephew quite unaware of the perilous character of the com binationpassed Chartreuse wine and bananas to his uncle, who par took freely of both, thus producing a peculiarly potent poison, which caused his death. The nephew's deep concern turned to dismay when he learned later that the absence of any will shattered his hopes of for tune, and his chagrin prompted him to prematurely end his existence. Funeral Instead of Wedding. A hour before the time set for the wedding ceremon', and while she was dressing herself in bridal finery, Miss Lena Donaldson, of Derby, Conn., received a telegram announc ing the sudden death of the man who was to become her husband. Casting aside the wedding gown .Miss Donaldson robed herself in black and accompanied by relatives, went to mourn over the bod- of her affi anced, lie was Herbert Carroll, a prosperous farmer, of Middlebury. While walking along the road near his home Caroll picked up a bottle. After smelling the contents he de cided it was Santa Cruz rum. He drank a quantity of the liquid and in a few minutes after died in terri ble agony. An examination reveal ed the fact that the supposed was a compound of alcohol and aconite. Miser Loses His Savings. A few days ago John All, a farm laborer of Hampton county, S. C, was robbed of $l,;nu, the hoarded savings of ilO years. I lis money was kept in his house, and it is evident that the thieves had discovered its hiding place beforehand, as they succeeded in finding it at a late hour of the ninht. The victim had such a mania for saving that he endured many discomforts in order to add to his treasure, making a practice of getting all he could for nothing. lie had no faith iu the securit" of bank vaults, no inclination to invest in real estate, or lend any of his hard earned dollars to persons who would have paid a good interest. Xo trace of the robbers has yet been obtained, and it is not probable that there will be. Tlie Honrs of Fate. Dr. Richardson tells us that in the period between midnight and six in the morning the animal vital pro cesses are at their.'lowest ebb. It is at these times that those who are en feebled from any cause most frequent ly die. Physicians often consider these hours as critical, and forewarn anxious friends in respect to them. From time immemorial those who have been accustomed to wait and attend on the sick have noted the hours most anxiously, so that they have been called by the old writers the"hours of fate." In this space of time the influence of the life-giving sun has been longest withdrawn from man, and the hearts of even the strongest beat with subdued tone. Sleep is heaviest and death is near est to us all in the "hours of fate." A "fw Smokeless Powder. So much of Europe as is interested in the manufacture of high explosives is just now engaged in speculating over the discovery of a new one which an Austrian chemist is alleged to have perfected. It is a smoke less powder, free from nitroglycerin, which overheating affects but a trifle, and which is as trustworthy and safe as is common gunpowder. It is positively smokeless, does not heat the arm in which it is used, and altogether seems to have completely filled the biil at which all manufac turers of explosives have been aiming So far the details of composition and manufacture have been kept a secret, so far as this countrv is con cerned at least. Schools For Thieves. In Tobyo there are regular schools in which thieving is taught by pro fessionals. In Japan, as elsewhere, there is honor among thieves, and the entire "thieves colony" in the capital of Japan is governed by rules that are rigorously enforced. Their "codex," or body of rules, prescribes that the youngest beggars and thiev es shall retain 10 per cent of their earnings, pickpockets of the second class retaiu from 30 to 40 per cent, while the most skillful thieves keep from 50 to CO per cent of their earn ings. The greater part of what then remains is employed in keeping the thieves, academies in efficient work ing order. How's Tlii ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not lie cured liv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Prop's. Toledo. O, We the undersigned have known F. Cheney for the last 1A years, ami believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligation made" !y their linn Wkst & Tkl'a x, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.dinu, Kinnax & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and nuiciious surfaces of the system. Price ?."; per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. tOVNTKY 110MK IX Cl'Ili, 1'ips and People All Live in One Kooui. That night we stopped with a Cuban family. The house was built like all other Cuban houses that I saw in the forest. For frame they used bamboo, for siding the bark of a royal palm, for covering the roof the branches and leaves of the same palm. There is no floor, no window, and no nails are used, in the house, no furniture, and the only dishes were three tin plates, three tm spoons and an iron kettle. The family consisted of a man and his wife and two children and two pigs. The girl was 8 years old, and the boy 4 years old, and the boy was as naked as when born into the world. It was in such a home as I described that El well and myself slept that night. The family, except the two pigs, slept in one end of the house and we in the other end of the house. The pigs were romping around all over the house until 3 o'clock in the morning, when they settled down for a nap and not four feet from where we were trying to sleep. The lady gave us a typical Cuban supper and breakfast. It was but one dish, was made in a kettle and was a boiled mess and cooked over a fire made on the ground iu the room where we slept. It consisted of rice, sweet potatoes, yams and platano, all boiled together. When ready to eat, the kettle was taken out, placed on the ground and from it we helped ourselves. Not wishing to soil our new linen trousers, the Cuban major went a short distance to a palm tree and with his machete peeled off a piece of bark about three by five feet, and we sat on it while eating. The bark was about half an inch thick. These poor Cubans had but little, but even that little was ours, they being ex tremelv generous and very hospit able. In the evening it was a curious sight to see the naked boy and the smallest pig play together. The boy would lie down beside the pig, and they were apparently as happy as if they had been two children. When the mother was ready to leave us, her boy was close to the pig, sleep ing. Cuban Letter in Hurlington Free Press. Seeing Snakes. Drunkards, and especially people suffering from delirium tremens, "see snakes" (says an eminent ocu list) because of the presence in cer tain veins of the eye of dark, pulsat ing blood, as a result of alcoholism, which produces snakes in appearance and motion. Hitherto it has been supposed that the "snakes" which men reported having seen in their alcoholic delirium were simply crea tures of the imagination. Now we are told that these hallucinations have an actual basis. Statistics on this subject collected by the oculist show that 0. per cent of the visual hallucinations experienced in delir ium tremens consist of serpents in one form or another. The .Moth and the Flame. Moths fly against the candle flame because their eyes can bear only a small amount of light. When there fore, they come within the light of a candle, their sight is overpowered and their vision confused, and as they cannot distinguish objects they pursue the light itself and fly against the flame. "We have sold many different cough remedies, but hoik; has given better satisfaction than Chamberlain's,"' savs Mr. Charles Holzhauer. Druggist, New ark, X . J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs colds or hoarseness. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro., J. II. Hill (ft Son, ami Milior's Drug Store, (ioldsboro; and J. R. Smith, Mount Olive. (.OI.DsltOKO MARKET ICKlMMtT. Corrected Weekly by Itaker & Kason, WholeHiile and Ketall Ciroeerx. Cotton 5.4. Bulk Meat. 5 . . 55(gl.','0 .'.'!!io 8 1.10 4.00 Ci 10 20 00 4.1 05 ....75(b0 Salt Lard N. C. Hams,' N. (J. Sides , Meal per sack Flour Sugar, granulated. Egg Beeswax Corn . Oats. Peas . Hay. At Four Score Or. Miles' Nervine Restores Health. UNCLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who hn? passed the 80th life mile stone, says: "Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine has done a great deal of good. I suffered for years f rom sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up in the morn ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I had tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought It no use. But it gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and restored me to energetic health. It Is a grana gooa medicine, and I will gladly write anyone inquiring, full particularsof my sat- Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re E-nervine 3 pi Restore funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, Health DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lad f r The bishop of never mind where being a newcomer and Bomewhat trou bled with a neglected diocese, thought to inspire his clergy to take occasional services during the week by periodically visiting ont of the way parishes and taking one himself. On one of these occasions, having formed quite a good congregation and having been moved to much eloquence in his sermon, he felt a little not un natural desire to know if he had made any impression on the usually unim pressionable yokels, and jnt some lead ing questions to the old clerk, who was helping him to nnrobe in the vestry "Well, I hone they've been pleased with yer, " said the old man patronizingly, "and I'm sure we tuk it werry kind o' yer worship to come down and preach to us, but, yer knaw, a worsser one would ha' done for the likes o' we, if so be," he added with becoming humil ity, "one could ha' bin found." Liv ing Church. Martello Towers In England. Whatever may have been the defen sive value of martello towers a century ago it has entirely evaporated now. There are a good many of them on the coasts of Essex. Suffolk, Kent and Sus sex. These massive round towers, some 40 feet high, were regarded as and very likely were splendid defenses at the time they were erected, but they have long been used only for coastguard pur poses. Their name is derived from the Italian coast towers which were erected as a protection against pirates. Warn ing that a suspicious craft was in sight was given by striking a bell with a martello or hammer. It was the power ful defense made in 1794 by Le Tellier at the tower of Mortella with only 38 men against a simultaneous sea and land attack, led by Lord Hoed and Ma jor General Dundas, which brought them into favor in this country. It was thought that they would be a splendid defense against "Boney. " London GlaaMiuakiiiK- When the council of ten ruled Venice, they issued a decree regarding the art of glassmaking It runs: "If a work man carry his art beyond the limits of his country to the detriment of the re public, he shall bo desired to return. If he disobey, his nearest relatives shall be imprisoned. If, in spite of their im prisonment, he remain obstinate in his wish to live abroad, an emissary shall be told off to kill him. " French llninor. Madame (to her chambermaid) Jus tine, the doorliell rang. "Is madame sure it wasn't the clock f" "Couldn't be it is only quarter of 10." "Yes, but madame knows the clock is fasti" Echo de Faris. The little Japs are about as free from tho vice of drunkenness as any people in the world. In fact, it is the rarest thing in the world to see an inebriated subject of the mikado. The native drink, "saki. " is used about as tea in this country, and it is but little more intoxicating "BEFORE BABY IS BORN." Valuable Little Book of Interest to All Women Sent Tree. Every woman looks forward with feel ings of joy indescribable to the one great event in her life, com pared with which all others pale into in significance. How proud she will feel when her babe nestles on her breast how sweet the name of "Mother !" And yet, her anticipation of this event ii clouded with dread of the pain and dan ger of the ordeal, so that it is impossi ble to avoid the feeling of foreboding which creeps over her. The dangei and suffering attendant upon being e mother can oe entirely prevented, sc that the coming of the little strangei need not be looked forward to with fear. Every woman who reads this, can obtain free a valuable little look entitled "lie fore Baby is Born," by sending her ad dress to the Bradtield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. This look contains price less information for ull women, and na one should fail to send for it. cTfc run nciN i i Eight-room residence on Heights." just finished, with all modern conven iences, including toilet and bath room. Apply at Hkaoi.kmit Officio. aoknts wantkd kor -tiik life ami Achievements of Admiral lewey." the wiirM's Krratest naviil hero. l(y Mnnit Halstcail. the life lout! friend ana admirer of the nation's idol, liin gest and best book: over ;KKI panes, .sxlil im-hes: nearly loll j.aKes half-b ne illustrations. inly l.jn. Knonnous demand. Hi commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write iiick. The Dominion Company, ."rd Floor ( axton llldn., Chicago. AT COST ! AT COST I We have on hand yet four nice Pianos, three new and four second-hand Organ-;, and in order to clo.e them out this week, will sell them regardless of cost. They must go-at once, as we must close our branch house in (ioldsboro this week. This is a chance of a lifetime to get a magnificent instrument. At well come and make us an offer and don't I 1 1 it off a dav, as you may be too late. K. M. ANDREWS' Music and Furniture ( 'o. Under Opera House. Hurrah For The 4th of July ! He sure and attend the Big Special sale that will begin at JOSEPH ED WARDS,' on Tuesday, July 1th, and continue for one week, until Tuesday, July 11th. Have goods ordered in all lines especially for this sale. If you wish to .save money, this is your chance. Look For Circulars. Joseph Edwards, Champion of Low 1 'rices. A FREE PATTERN t (your own selection) to every sub- 5 Jgscnber. Only 50 cents a year. 3; MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. ltm; bf:lu'if"l colorrd plate; latt 2 J5 asTilonS:lrrssmakintf onmn.r,'; fancy -l r "'': household hl..!,;-!,.,.,.,:,;. Sub S; ;S cr'bc o-daV. or. se-nd .c for lalcst ccuy. S; Lady agents warned, bend lor term. -i Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- 2? date. Economical and Absolutely -i ; Ferfect-l- ittiiijr Paper Patterns. MS CALL Patterns ;S (No-Seam-Allowance Patterns.) J Only 10 and H i each none kich.r S Ask for them Sold in nearly every city 2 ;S and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO., I 5 138-148 West 14th S.. New York, g All druprglsts guarantee Dr. Miles Paih Fills to slop Headache. "One rent a dost." MB .., y ....... OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE, The Largest ami Hest Equipped Fitting School in the South. Classical. s' titic. Commercial. t7. Stu.lents hist year. North-West of (.n-enshoro, 1 mont Kejrion. 1013 ft. above the sea level. State c hampionship in rootball, ami Track Athletics for manv vears anionr the preparatory schools. u"lm!,,r sonahle. considering advantages and facilties offered. !."th session opens A ni?. 22nd. For beautiful catalogue, address J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C. j. w. ISLEIi. J. W. ISLER&CO., (KoHMKRLY OK ISA K Kit, ISI.KK i CO.) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Bulk Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Hay, Seed Oats, RICE MEAL, SALT, MOLASSES, (JOHN MEAL, liliAN. LIME, LATHS, PLASTER, PLASTER ING HAIR, COTTON SEED MEAL. GRAIN RAGS, ETC. w ...o., u ;.w. i mwlowinnil n n iv tri;it ivr will not be under- Sold, and we invite the public to purchases of goods in our line. cry jiespeciiuin , ASI!' M.'te1 r J . W. Isler & Co. Goldsbuiu Hardware Company. $16, $20, $22, $25, Sewing Machines Tobacco Fines, Koofiii, Painting, Repairing and Plumbing at reasonable prices. contract. O-olcLsTooro Hardware Co. H. WEIL & Announce for tlie next Reductions in Ready-to-Wear Silk Skirts, Worsted Skirts, Crash Skirts, Pique Skirts, Duck Skirts. White Lawn VlaistsZ Tucked Lawn Waists, Percale Waists, Silk Waists, AND Tailor-made Suits. Headquarters For Honest Merchandise. situ TfcSTED AND TRUE. SEND ONE DOLLAR it.l. 100 llr.f Thlrmro. we will tn4 jMtaia TOP BtU( III W KKIbllT C O. D. bTBJKTT TO BXiaiKlTlOS, JM oa cxaaiia. It a freight -DM aad if rnanel riRFKCTLT SATISFACTORY, KXAITLY AS KKPKINKSTKD, fcoI AL TO HI tM.IKS THAT RETAIL AT 60.00 1. $76.00 aad THE GRANDEST IARGAIN TOU EVEI SAW. a. tK. FrI.kt imrI Aura enrpi . . - and freight charges, less the fl.00 sent with order. -i WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY."1 or" ows " " Chicago, , from better material than most Ii;aeIl?un S'4:"? ' t-a8 style For 1899. Body, from the Best Seasoned Wood. Urar, Best That ttoneT Caii P,. 5V,8" 8H" M illustrated, or Brewster Bide Bar. ftbeels. t f.-Qldec'?wd. R,m Barren's Patent. T.a. 4 ounce, Dailr Kubber Hearily Lined, full side and back curtains. rlnU.r,(aran ?Ji,?aLV. anr tlMM buggy work. Body black, Oeardark green 0UR SyCIAt PRICE fr to hui w-ple!.'id, 7.rr.w VJyg apraa, carpet, wrMeh, aati-ratiler. aad akarta. GUARANTEED TWfl f AB i "I back eartahn. -P- ""I rRKB Brmi catalogs. Y0li CAN MAKE ; ?onTli lifetime. t U.Tti,T BUGGIES. ORDEB ONB TO-DAY. VOn na? aTKJf5J?. Thi Year Selline ottt i, J Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK WE HAVE NO AGENTS but hare sold direct to the eoa sumer for ii years at whole, talc prices, sarins hin the scaler s pruDts. m.rc iur examination, Ererythins warranted. 11.1 styles of Vehicles. oi njies oi Tn hi.,;.. Harness. i)-. c- oaf &il ces. Fh&etAn T r. ... f I r"'"'""1'" rf allourstvles. T'mm. ELKHART uusa to. w. u. ViULTTt . -. ,H J. KIKKPATKK K. call and ret our prices before making $35, $40, $50, $75. almost given away. (Jet our estimate before you let BRO.'S two weeks. WEIL'S. WOOD'S SEEDS are speciallv rrown an-4 selected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - . RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. CXT THIS AD Vl'Tud intu & C07(ncX CHICAGO. ILL baip any- i Furniture! We wisli to thank the public- for a nnt i;;lt.1;il patronage and to assure them that we an- A the OM'Stainl, eorm-r Walnut and .Julm i, and will do our utmost to nitwit tlit-ir ..lliiiIM; patronage by Low Prices. First-Class Goods and Fair Treatment, We have Incorporated our Company, in i a, ,1 ,,. i ovm t lipvpforn hettrT iivM .-... . casn capiun .w. serve you than ever before. We have am tl HOUSE FURNISHINGS, but not room to enumerate. Come and ..-, we will take pleasure in showing you. Picture Framing Neatly and Cheaply Done PARKER & FALKENER FURNITURE GO. (IXCOKPORATED.) "The People's Friends" X. .Ve have opened a JJraiich Store al WALL U k. n. ( and will be pleased to serve the i?ooI people of Duplin :ilh ;l)!jlin' ins counties. SUMMER Old and ZSTew, "Will "toe sold at Hard-Time Prices ! I keep a full assortment of Gents' Goods, Shoes, Hats, etc. Also, K.ea.ciy made Dresses and Wrappers Tor Ladies ! And - Can - Save - You - Money on every purchase. A cull at my establishment will convince you. Pawnbrokers' Goods a Specialty ! B. FINKELSTEIN. EAST WALNUT STREET, GOLDSBORO, N. C. m Uger Beef JbAl UK1 SOLD ONLY IN UOTTLL'S. Robert Portner Brewing Co., F. W. HILKER, Agent, - Goldsboro, X. C. Also Manufacturers of Soda Water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale and Mineral Water. TsL. E. Bizsell. W. A.Woote: BIZZELL & W00TEN, (Successors to Di..i-ll Ilros. & Co.) Heavy and Fancy Groceries. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. We wish to inform the public that we have purchased the stock of goods of BizzellBros. & Co., and will continue the business at the old stand. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public and promise our best efforts to please. Bizzell & Wooten, Goldsboro, X. C. TO BARGAIN SEEKERS our nlion hnn i I uuiiunr me our place headquarters. We keep Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries, esUnJin?80!1 lhem at See What sati F. B. EDMUNDSON, "Tlae COFFINS, r. XX. Buggies Furniture!! -. i - ! " .,(,, CLOTH I XG ASK FOR. TIVOLI HOFBRAU, THEE FINEST OF 17171) LVU, best zoods for the least inoi:.-y wu an immense stock of time -ami to evervh.Klv at We Offer. IHXLstler." CASKETS. c 3,. CO. D 17171)0 ! Frioes Most Reasonal0'