THE IIE ADLIGHT. jUKMSHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR. A. KOisCOVfEK, Editor and Proprietor. Gom.shoro, N. C, Feb. 14, 1901. SOW FOR CUBA ! Congress has declared that the people of Cuba are, and of right oudit to he, free and independent; that the United States have no dis position, or intention, to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over the island, and that the gov eminent of Cuba must he left ex clusively to its inhabitants. So much was set forth m the resolu tions of April 1Mb, 189S, declar ing war upon Spain in the Cuban interest. The Federal Supreme Court in deciding finally the Xecly extradi tion case took occasion to refer to Cuba as a foreign country and one competent, ' accordingly, to exc-r cise all the attributes of sovereignty toward the United States. In the affairs of an alien nation the Fede ral authorities could have no war rant of inteferrence save arbitrary power. lint, notwithstanding these dec larations of the legislative and ju dicial departments of the Govern ment, the Administration, un questionably, proposes to impose upon the Cuban people conditions w hich are repugnant to the assump tion that they art; free as well as to the status of alienage predicated of them by supreme judicial authori ty. Tentatively at tirst, but open ly and Jold!y thereafter, the or gans and mouthpieces of the party in power have gradually arrived at a new conception, interpretation and expression of the duties and interests of the United States in regard to the Island of Cuba and its inhabitants. "Whether spun out in wearying iteration or sharply condensed, the argument in behalf of the right of the Executive to ignore the behest and implication of legislative and judicial decrees always amounts to the same thing we made a mess of it with the Teller resolution, threw away the chance of acquir ing cheaply the most valuable in sular property in the. New World, and sadly disappointed a host of thrifty expansionists and propo nents of advanced modern com mercialism. It has required a few days of preparation to nerve the Administration and its thick-and-thin supporters to the ugly task of setting aside the plain man date of Congress; but the job has been done, the plunge taken, and even the future plans for Cuba's absorption made public. With the American public fully informed of the intention of the Executive to interfere in Cuban affairs, the way is made plain and smooth for any desired degree of Federal usurpa tion on the island. The carefully arranged pro gramme of intervention suggests at tirst glance the existence from the very outset of a deliberate pur pose in official circles to prevent the realization of the terms of the Teller resolution. The Adminis tration is not going to let Cuba re main "free and independent," nor is the "government and control of the island'' to be left to its peo ple. We must, it is declared, es tablish there a stable government; protect foreigners and prevent for eign entanglements; see that there shall be no waste of public reve nues; regulate the tariff duties sat isfactorily to the Sugar and Tobac co Trusts; establish Federal coal ing stations in the leading Cuban ports, and, in short, protect the in habitants from all forms of tyran ny, public rapine and tropical ex travagance. Such is the ambitious and com prehensive schedule of duties which the Executive has been impelled to arrange for Federal performance in Cuba. The bars are down, the co ordinate branches of the Govern ment arc complaisant, the military arm of the nation has been stren gthened vastly and opportunely, and there is substantially nothing but the Constitution, the laws and a decent respect for the opinions of mankind to prevent or mitigate any series of assaults upon Cuban rights or autonomy which the pro ponents of Imperialism might in cite or undertake. The New York Legislature has before -it a measure proposing a tax of one per cent, on the surplus of savings banks a novelty in tax legislation which seems destined to encounter strong opposition. The advocates of the bill, following the lead of Governor Odell in his an nual message, insist that the sur plus of savings banks and insur ance companies is in effect so much capital, and should be so treated. On the other hand, it is maintained on behalf of the savings banks that all surplus belongs to the deposi tors, and that these, and no one else, must pay whatever taxes may be levied upon it. National Capital .Matters. From Our Regular Correspondent . Washington, Feb. 12, 1001. The latest scheme of the Republi can leaders is to take advantage of the popularity of the Nicaragua Ca nal project to push the Ship Subsidy bill through the Senate they have only to issue orders to have any thing put through the House at short notice. The scheme provides for combining the two by accepting the amendment to the Subsidy bill, of fered by Senator Clay, of Ga., pro viding for the construction by this government of the Nicaragua Canal, and then to inform the democratic Senators that unless they vote for the two in one the Nicarragua Ca nal project will not be legislated upon at all. Senator Hanna is cred ited with being the father of this scheme, and it is further said that he claims to have promises from a number of southern Senators that they will vote for the bill so amen ded. Meanwhile the night sessions are on in the Senate and the Demo crats --and Populists, aided by the advice of Hon. Arthur 1 Gorman, whose success in heading off the Force bill some years ago has not been forgotten, are giving the Re publicans about all the fight they can handle. A few days will show whether this scheme is really' tote carried out or is only put out to make talk. The Senate passed the bill reduciug war taxes this week. Senator Teller made a short but vigorous speech just before the Sen ate adopted a resolution calling on the Secretary of War for a state ment of the facts in the case of G. T. Rice, the American editor who was banished from the Philippines for commenting upon the rules and regulations concerning pilots and pilotage, as enforced at Manilla. Mr. Teller read the editorial and then said: "The deportation of an editor is not a simple matter, to be whistled down the wind. I regard it as a grievous offense against the liberty of an American citizen that he can be taken, thrown into jail, and then deported under the pretense of the charge that he is 'a dangerous incen diary and a menace to the military situation.' There is no such offense known to the laws of our country or in the criminal statutes of any State, It is not known in any republic, in any free country in the world. He is but one man, to be sure, but he is a citizeu of the United States. The of fense against him is an offense against every citizeu of the United States. I do not make any apolo gies for pleading his cause here. I would feel justified if this was the last hour of the session and an extra sessiou should ensue through failure of an appropriation bill, in standing here and calling the attention of the country to this outrage upon a citi zen of the United States. Representative G riggs,of G a. ,made the Post Office appropriation bill the text for a speech full of common sense against the tendency on the part of Congress to increase the salaries of Federal employes. For instance, the following, the truth of which every one must acknowledge: "I under take to say that there is not an em ploye of the government, who de votes his whole time to its service, who does not receive greater pay than he would for like service in pri vate life. There is not an employe in the government service to-day who did not better his or her condi tion financially when he entered it. There is not one who, if he could bet ter his condition in other service, would not resign to-morrow. Then, why this paternal interest in govern ment employes? All of them are free men and women, and of full age. Why should we make them wards of the nation? How is this fatherly in terest of legislators, so lately arous ed, in what seems to me a cancerous growth eating its way to the very vital of the American body politic, to be accounted for?" Mr. Griggs answered the last question by citing the growth of associations of various classes of government employes, or ganized ostensibly for other pur poses but actually used to lobby for a Congressional increase of the sala ries of their members. Among those nominated to be brig adier generals in the regular army were two captains J. Franklin Bell, now serving in the Philippines as a brigadier general of volunteers, whose promotion jumped him over 1,032 officers and Leonard Wood, now serving as a major general of volunteers and military governor of Cuba, whose promotion jumped him over 507 officers. Fred Grant, an other one of tbem, who is serving in the Philippines as a brigadier gen eral of volunteers, owes his appoint ment to his name rather than any distinguished service be has render ed as a volunteer officer. He had been a failure in every civil occupa tion he had tried and it was felt by some of his father's old friends that he ought to be provided with a life time job, where the salary was cer tain. "To the victor belong the spoils," is true in this instance. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blotxl or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts drectlv on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. Jt was presenile.; by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puriliers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Jsendfor testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sjld by Druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "Seeing is Believing. " IF7iert you see people cared by a. remedy, you must believe in Us pozver. Lock around you. Friends, rdateoes, neighbors &ll say that Hoofs Sarsaparula, America's Greatest llcclcinc, elearsed the blood of their dear ones ar.d they rise c;i masse to sing Us praises. There's nothing like it in the ivorld to purify the blood. Legally Married to Two Meu. The court of cassation in Athen Greece, will shortly have to deal wil a case that has raised great interest in Athenian society. Some years ago a young man of that city married a girl of rich family, whose dowry of $2,400 he squandered, as well as $12,000 which she inherited. When the money was nearly all spent he applied for a divorce, his wife mean while taking refuge in a girl s board ing school, earning a living as ; teacher and proof reader at a print ing office. She agreed not to demanc the restitution of her dowry on con dition that the remnaut of the money should be invested for her children But when the court granted the divorce the husband would not alio the judgment to be served unless the lady gave him a sum of money or left the remnant of her dowry in h hands. The wife appealed to the court, and the divorce was given am confirmed by ecclesiastical authori ties. Soon after she married again with the consent of the authorities both civil and ecclesiastical. The husband, however, still continued to try and extort money from her, and being unsuccessfully, appealed against the judgment of the court and got a new judgment on the plea that the necessary formalities for the divorce had not been complied with Thus the divorce is canceled, and the lady is legally married to two men She, in her turn, has now appealed to the supreme court, whose decision is awaited with great interest. Firing Cannon to Prevent Storms. United States Consul Covert, at Lyons, France, has informed the State Department that the congress of delegates held at Padua, Italy, to consider the question of firing can non at clouds to preveut the devas tation of hail among the wine grow ers of France and Italy has adjourn ed. The reports presented to the con gress by the wine growers were all in favor of the efficacy of the use of cannon. By an almost unanimous vote it was resolved that the firing of cannon stopped the movement of hurricanes; that the lightning and thunder ceased; that rain or melted snow immediately began to fall, and the clouds passed away when attack ed by the storm artillery. Club for Diron-ed Women. Thirty-eight advanced women have established a club in Berlin, Ger many, for divorced wives. The first evening was spent in a discussion of objects to pursue. Finally it was agreed that the club should help its members find suitable work, loans of money on easy terms and generally afford a refuge for divorced women, avoided by society. One member asked if it would be advisable to ad mit "forsaken" wives to membership. After an animated debate it was agreed to admit such as "honorary" members. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Baim for rheu matism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in iny medicine as they all failed. He said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm dees not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and 'used it according to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism.'" Sold by M. E. Robinson & Iiro., J. F. Miller's Drug Store, Goldsboro; J. It. Smith, Mt. Olive. GOLDSHOKO MARKET REPORT. Cotton 9.20 7.83 1.30 ..10 . . .5) Bulk Meat. Salt G5( Lard N. C. Hams N. C. Sides Meal per sack 1.15 .. 4.10 Ci 12 20 02 40 00 1.00(.1.10 Hour Sugar, granulated. Eggs Beeswax Corn , Oats Peas Hay Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidnev trouble Drevs unon th minH dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneertuiness soon disappear when the kid neys' are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child Urin ates tnn nffpn if id. urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an ace when it should hp. hu tn control the passage, it is yet afflicted vith Dea-weuing, aepena upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not tn a hhn most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the sam crrwt j.m.,. The mild and the immediate effect of wamp-Koot is soon realized. It is sold Dy druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar CITAC V .V,.,,. V, , li! sample uoine oy mail tree, also Damrihlet tell, tt c t. ing all about it, including many of the uiuuaaiius 01 Testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. A Valuable Seed Book. Messrs. T. Y. Wood & Sons, Seeds men, Richmond, Va., send us copy of their new catalogue of seeds for the farm and garden. This firm has established for itself a high reputa tion throughout the South, wnicn will be enhanced by the fact that it has been honored by the award of a gold medal at the Paris Exposition, recently closed. Wood s Seeds are sold in every State of the South and Southwest, and their trade throu gh- out this section of the country has steadily and constantly grown from year to year until now they sell more seeds than any other house doi business in the South. To have ; tained, such proportions, the seeds they send out must have been re able and good. li- This has been their policy in the past, and it will be their practice the present and future. 'Not the cheapest, but the best, is their mot to. The difference between the cost of the seed and the value of the crop when raised is so great that no one can afford to sacrifice the crop for the sake of the saving of a few cent; in the cost of the seed. Send t( Messrs. T. W. Wood & Sons for i copy of their catalogue, and you wil find it full of helpful and useful infor mation to all farmers and gardeners It is most beautifully gotten up and carefully arranged so as to fa ciliate the selection of the seeds wanted. A Handsome (iift. The City School Committee of Wil mington, on Thursday made public the fact that the trustees of the Ilemenway estate, at Boston, had donated for the exclusive use and benefit of the education of the white race the fine Tilestou High School property there. The lot has a front age of a whole square and a depth of two hundred feet. It is adorned with a handsome three story brick build ing, the total value being about thirty thousand dollars. The building was erected by M-rs Mary Ilemenway, of Doston, thirty years ago at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars, and the same gen erous donor gave five thousand a year for many years for themainten ance of the school. Her executors now make a clean gift of the prop erty. Walked 2 Miles in His Sleep. Sound asleep, Kenneth Hughes, a student of the Lake Forest Academy, made his way Monday night from his room at the academy to his country home, near Loon Lake, III., 23 miles distant. The sleep walker only knows that he went to bed as usual in Lake Forest, 111., and was awakened the next morning iu his father's barn The duration of his somnolent state was from shortly after 8 o'clock in the evening until C o'clock in the morning. It was at the latter hour Vhat the boy's father, who is a farm er, went to his barn to feed his stock and found the young man propped up in the buggy still sound asleep. The soreness of his muscles seemed to confirm the supposition that he had walked from Waukegan to the farm. Firemen Elect Officers. Goldsboro Fire Company No. 1, at their recent annual meeting elected the following officers : Lionel Weil, foreman; J. W. Gulick, Jr., assis tant foreman; Herbert Weil, captain of the Hook and Ladder Company splendid selections representative young men of the company, who are ever ready to respond to the alarm of fire, going where duty or danger calls them. This latter can truly be said of the entire Ere department of the city. Special Business Locals. CH. P.OBIXSOX & CO., Charlotte, ( N. C, can furnish profitable em ployment to hustling people; either sex. rite tliem. VfOTARY PUBLIC This is to give jLl notice that I have been appointed by Governor Aveock a Notary Public for Wayne county and solicit the patro nage oi trie public. J. M. Pekkixs, Fremont, X. C. II7ATCHUEPAIRIXG I AM HERE I V and located at Mr. T. II. Stanton's. Bring me your watches, clocks and iew- elry for repairs. R. A. Watts, Jr. ITfAXTED Capable, reliable person II in e.verv count v torpnrppnl Infrro rnmtvinv of solid rpnntil !, 1)30 salary per year; payable weekly ; $3 per day absolutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona-tide, detinite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. Staxda kd Hot se, 331 Dearborn bt., (. hicago. Standard-Keeper's Notice. All persons usiuir weights and meas ures are by law required to bring the same to the standard-keeper of the county and by said standard-keeper to have all their weights, measures, etc., tested and sealed, as the law directs. For a non-compliance with said law subjects each and every person so of fending to a misdemeanor; and in every such case (of non-compliance) it becomes tne tiuty ot tne standard-keeper to re turn the same to the court. The law must be respected. J. V. Ham, Standard-keeper Wayne County. Four Papers, One Year Each, Only 50c. WEEKLY TIMES, niCHMOND, "VA. Tow Only Fifty Cents a Year, and includes absolutely free THE FARM JOl'RNAL, Phita. TIIK PARAGON MONTHLY, N. Y ANIMAL, LIFE, Richmond, Va. Four eomnlete natiers. rp.iriintr fri- tV entire family, for one year for 50 cents. Atifirvss WEEKLY TIMES, RICHMOND, VA. CS? I?V SOeciiil elllbbincr .qi'i-nnnrnmnnta the above four papers and The Head light wi 1 be sent together for $1.30. Money must accom nanv the on1ir In every instauce. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, ft. All druggists NOTHING ELSE CDRES. Why Paine's Celery Compound is the Remedy in the World. "When everything else has failed, Paine's celery compound has brought me back to health." The thousands of instances where this has been said the scores of people in every community whobave told this simple story; the down right, hard, cold facts; the grateful acknowledgments of men and women who have suffered from the diseases that have their origin iu impaired nervous systems and sluggish, im pure blood these are what have made Paine's celery compound far and away the one remedy above all others that physicians prescribe and the public indorse. It is by merit, and merit alone that Paine's celery compound has achieved its wonderful pre eminence, not only in this country but through out the civilized world. After the unfortunate person who is ailing because the blood needs new life, and the nerves require na ture's food, finally tries Paine's cele ry compound, and gets immediate relief, another is added to the great multitude of people whose praise of this remedy has made the demand for it many times larger than that of all other remedies put together. A person must have lost all confi dence in his fellow men who can read the following letter and not be con vinced of the great benefit Paine's celery compound has done, is doing, and will continue to do for sick and nervous people wherever it finds them. When a sick man or woman finds that he or she has taken a remedy that has actually done for him or her all that is claimed for it it can be safely predicted what will follow. Every acquaintance, sick or well, will be told about it. Gen. Rodriguez has written down his experience in the hope of help ing others who may be so afflicted. The General is to-day connected with ACME MACHINE WORKS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. MACHINIST AND FOUNDERS. DEALERS IN HEW AND SECOND HAND MACHINERY OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. Ames" Engine and Boilers, Van Winkle Gin Machinery, Lane' and other saw mills. Shaftine, Pulleys. Hangers, Boxes Couplings and Set Collars. WE MANUFACTURE A Large Stock of Mill and numbers Supplies. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packing. Rubber Linen and Cotton Hose. Cant Hooks, Log Chains and Snaking Tongs Blacksmith Tools, c .wn! Krcat ina.ny ?rliles to numerous to mention. Repairing a specialty Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. 1 All our machinery is new and up - to planer, radial drill. uinviis:i m ncr m steam hammer with which we can do cart axles, etc. Our shoo is new. 1(52 fpfr Our motto is "Fair Dealing anj Promptness." FROM BEST SEED YOD I offer you for this 85 bbls finest 2nd growth WhiteBIiss potatoes on Maine Early Rose potatoes 15 " Pesr PSS 600 bushfils hfQ Wayne county, Absolutely Rust 1,000 Bushels White and Mixed Oats ONE Best Michigan Patent Flour. you can not buy it from any one else. Come around and let us talk with you. I. B. FONVIBLLB, Best the civil government of Havana During the struggle for Cuban Inde pendence he rose from the ranks to the grade of -brigadier-general, and in 18 won a decisive victory over Gen. Campos. Gen. Rodritruez was a very, sick man. He was as near nervous pros tration as one can be and live. After five years' suffering his first good night's sleep came immediately upon his taking Paine's celery compound. His letter reads : "Dear Sirs : For five years I had not had a good nijiht's rest. I had a serious case of nervous prostra tion, my strength seemed to be leav ing me, and I felt tired and weak all the time. My blood was impure and I suffered from pains in the back, constipation, and an inactive liver. I had no appetite and no ambition, I was constantly consulting physi cians, and it seemed as though I was ' nearly ready to die. Providence , sent me a bottle of Paine's celery ! compound, and this great remedy i cured me of ail the irritable symp toms with which I was afflicted. can frankly and siucerely say that had it not been for Paine's celery compound, I would to day be either in the cemetery or in the insane asy lum. Among the many prominent people who testify to the virtues of Paine's celery compound are Santia go Rodriguez, M. D. ; J. M. Bracho, Edwardodela Torre, Porfirio Mas vidal, E. F. Gato, O. E. Pineda, Pe dro Herrera 3T Hermanos A. Rincon, Andres Angulo, Aurelio de Varona Quesada. Very truly yours, "GEN. J. M. RODRIGUEZ.' No remedy ever had the outspo ken approval of men so highly es teemed in business and professional life. No remedy ever deserved so well of people in the ordinary walks of life, and none ever got such in stant recognition from the discern ing public. Its success has been confined to no one class of society. Engines, Boilers, Cotton Tresses, Grist Mills and Saw Mills. - date, such as boring mill, parallel! drive - .nl.; (n . ', a,a,.le" urne heavy forging especially Wfdd nr 1o2 1 oner v A( fna o GET BEST RESULTS. season's planting nnntroe r-.- hMvwuui nate 1 xj and Smut Proof. LOAD This is ihn hi i . , "Hi(r TnlV iw v J ,i ana FERTILIZERS! Fertilisers ! WE OFFER FOR SALE 3,500 Tons Prolific Cotton Grower. 1,000 Tons F. F. F. 1,000 Tons Gibbs' High-Grade Guan 500 Tons Carolina Golden Belt. 500 Tons Bone and Potash (Wm .,: 2,500 Tons Acid Phosphate. 1,500 Tons Genuine German Kainit 500 Tons Cotton Seed Meal. 50 Tons Muriate of Potash. 50 Tons Nitrate of Soda. 500 Tons Sulphate of Potash. Special Inducements offered to Merchants Large Buyers. Respectfully, H. WEIL & BROS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. TO BARGAIN SEEKERS! C C SCSCCCCCCC: Those who are hunting the best goodsfor the least money will find our place head quarters. We keep an immense stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. We are prepared to sell them at any time and to evorylMv a. smallest margin of profit. It will pay all who are hunting iv wx. to call at once and SEE WHAT WE OFFER. You will not only save money on all you pim-liase lnjt will have the satisfaction of knowing that you bought it and seasonable goods. SOUTHERLAND, BR1NKLEY & GO, SPECIAL NOTIGETO FARMERS. Have again received throe carloads of tine stock, HORSES AND MULES, Which I will siell for cah or on time or will allow you eiht for cotton in payment for stock, payable next fall. I promise to you from 15 to '20 on every head. le sure to give me a call IkIcs purchasing. If necessary I will also furnish you with some c:ih af) per cent. On STANDARD AND OTHER FERTILIZERS ill give you specially low figures. Will sell anv wav von wi4 for cotton or mone3-. Have also received two carloads" of SINGLE AND DOUBLE WAGONS, And buggies which I will sell sio cheaper than you can Imv thin elsewhere, on time or for cash. Just received 300 sets of hanW which I will ell at reduced prices. JOSEPH EDWARDS, THE CHAMPION OF XjO"W PRICES. FERTILIZERS ! If you want the best Fertilizer on the market for nliuot :i!l kind of crops, come to see us and get the . C. Alliance Official Guano. With the use of the Alliance Official last season. Mr. Ii. I,. William of Grantham Township raised over acres of land, some of it bringing BONE AND PERUVIAN GUANO " hich is a little cheaper. Acid Phosohate. Kainit. Hone and Pot ash Mixture, Muriate and Sulphate of Potash, Nitrate of S.kIu m4 Cotton Seed Meal. HOOD c BRITT, GOLDSBORO, N. C. ANDY CURtCOHSTIPATIOH 10! ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to cure any pie ana booklet rre. Ad. STFRIIAO Wrnv l - !tfcMLP I AM CLOSING OUT IMLy Entire StocK To Make Room for SOON TO ARRIVE. BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. F. B. EDMUNDSON. o. UK. ) Our , ""KTU,,,,,! and 8100.00 worth of tobacco en two .7.00 per hundred. We uU -dl CATHARTIC I EM-imWs6 all ';',M DRUGGISTS caseof constipation. Cascareti art th Idtl Ui j i n rrZ-""P"-""' mtmiiMinurtsiiu. ' f hicago. Hontrval. Caa.. or !Sw fork. " I My Spring Stock T Go fu! du clu by for aft Mr r Ch Ka B. Tb we cei He Le Ho Mi lac thi sio AF ret ma pei r La of lac rii ces Tb UD ins ev me cie on bo bn Br fou ma rac thj ma gai sec ri yoi Br iab of ev dei ter coi cit; dei cor 1 Ma an the kei Stt ant By. sue bin W sue I lov chi W( chi tbe Jot un boj mil He yoi Cai 1 by tbe 3ht 3er ira Df 1 tioi we i ?a ra: lft ier 11 1 1 D 1 ee fir Jr. re vbi y roi ."bv be oil e: "fa eli dr DC n XX S tai X)l n ; be be bD( :n es at lu tor ol Of; Ot y. !Ol cei

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