THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR. A. KOSCOWEK, Editor and Proprietor. Golusboro, X. C, Sept. 2C, 1901. Thuksuay v:is a day of mourn ing in the United States ami the whole country gave evidence of the universal sorrow for the death of William McKinley. To defend the assassin Czolosy. is prohably the most disagreeable tusk that could be imposed by the Court upon any of its officers. But it is essential that no human right of which the wretched creature stands possessed under the law shall be denied him. The attorneys who have been assigned the duty of defending him should remember lhat they are also defending our civilization. 1'kksipent Kooskvki.t has an nounced as a part of his forthcom ing policy "the placing in posit ions of trust men only of the high est integrity." If he shall stick to that he will offend many men in his own party, but he will make him self invincible among his country men. There is nothing so ardently desired by the mass of the people of the United States as honest gov eminent, and honest government ran only lie expected at the hands of honest men. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S POLICY. With a single exception, the vice- presidents who have succeeded to the presidency by reason of the deaths of their predeccessors in oilice have alaered the policy of the government. Tyler very nearly reversed the policy of the party which elected him. Tyler knew so little about policies that he trusted implicitly to his cabinet, which was composed of very able men, and when he died, Fillmore did the same thing. Andrew Johnson's do parture from his party's policy, or, rather, from the policy of the par ty which elected him vice-president, was so radical that he was perilous ly near to being turned out of office Arthur, after he succeeded Garfield, alienated some of the ablest lead ers in the party. His could scarcely be called a change of state policy, for he endeavored to carry out Ke publican principles, but he antago nized, in domestic administration, a great number, if not a majority, of Republicans. Heretofore it has seemed that a vice-president who has succeeded to the higher office by death has con sidered it necessary to steer away from the recognized course of his predecessor, just as the heir appar ent in England has felt it incum bent to differ in politics from the sovereign. President Roosevelt has not only announced that he will carry out the policy of his pre decessor, but he has told in detail what that policy is in fact, it has not before been defined so clearly or tersely. PRESIDENTIAL HANDSHAKINGS. The suggestion that hereafter there should be no promiscuous handshaking by Presidents has been approved by many newspap ers and by several public men. The Presidential receptions, to which anybody may go, are held to be most opportune for anarchists and cranks who arc wicked or crazy enough to commit a senseless murder, and there is proof of this in the terrible affliction of the hour. It is known that President Mc Kinley would have felt the abolit ion of the indiscriminate handshak ing as a real privation. He took pleasure in meeting the people and it was never a burden to him. Doubtless President Roosevelt also would much prefer to incur what lie considers the remote danger rather than to forego the pleasure of shaking hands with those who Hock to such receptions. It is man ifestly impossible to guard our Presidents as the Czar of Russia is guarded. It has been easy enough to prevent crazy persons from do ing any harm, although they have been often found about the White House grounds. Malicious anarch ists who have murder in their hearts would be deprived of one means of access to the President if the receptions should be abandon ed, but they would not be defeat ed in their dreadful purpose by that precaution. Now that we have had the bitter lesson that there are in the world men who are so inhuman and in iquitous as to slay so kindly and so widely esteemed a President as was he whose loss bows down the nation, perhaps we may have just reason to expect tat precautions will be taken which will make such another hideous tragedy impossi ble in the same circumstances; that without depriving the people of a close view of the head of the nation, we may rest in the assur ance that his person will be fully protected from harm. ARP QUOTES TETER. Rill Dolus Into the Scriptures and Seems To He At Home. "And in that day the younj men shall see visions and old men shall dream dreams; and the hand maidens snail propnesy. mai is what Peter told the people on the day of Pentecost. And Peter believ ed that the days foretold by the Prophet Joel had already come, for the devout men from every nation under heaven were there prophecy in" and speaking in every language. The people said they were drunk, but Peter said, "No, for it is only J o'clock in the morning." I reckon the topers drank more in the eve ning, just as they do now, and went to bed drunk. But it has always perplexed me to find out when the aie or period of working miracles and seeing visions ceased and why the power was taken away from the men of God. Paul could work mira cles to save or to heal others, but had to die by the executioner. The blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church, but has the time passed when dreams and visions are of no force or meaning? I was ruminating about dreams, because last night I dreamed not less than three hours in about half a minute. The clock was striking 12 and I dreamed it was the fire bell and I saw the rising smoke and then the flame of the fire where the hotel was burning. I saw firemen climbing ladders and descending with women and children in their arms. I saw streams of water flooding the roof and pouring in at the windows. I heard the excited voices of firemen and people and witnessed the fran tic efforts to keep the fire from cros sing to the next block. I saw enough to take hours to recite and yet I awakened with the last stroke of the hammer on the little bell and knew that it was the clock and not the fire bell that had caused that long, excit ing dream. This same experience I had many years ago when the re port of a gun provoked a dream that begun in a quarrel between two of my friends and continued in a cor respondence in which an apology was demanded and I was called upon to assist in the writing and several letters were passed, but to no pur pose and it ended in a challenge. Seconds were chosen the code duello was carefully consulted the ground chosen the time fixed and the duel took place; and when the first shot was fired I awoke. The report of the gun had precipitated and con centrated all of that long and anx ious dream into a second of time. Doubtless very many people have had a similar experience. The med ical books record many such instan ces and Lord Brougham declared that all dreams were instantaneous. Drowning men have the same exper ience. Those who are resuscitated declare that every event of their liv es came before them in the instant of losing consciousness. Time is nothing. It seems to be annihilated. There is no emotion of surprise. If your father or brother or friend ap pears to you in a dream you are not surprised, though he has been dead many years. But Lord Brougham is wrong. The smile of an infant sleep ing in its mother's arms comes from a dream and is not instantaneous. Sometimes it continues quite a while and comes and goes. The mother be lieves the child sees angels and heav enly things. Maybe it does, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Lord Brougham is wrong, for men and wo men who have had part of the skull removed and left the brain exposed have dreamed while the doctors look ed on and saw the brain dilate and pulsate and become excited and dis turbed and the patient would tell of a bad dream. When the sleep was sweet the brain was in perfect repose. What a wonderful piece of mech anism is this body of ours. It can all sleep save the heart and" lungs and arteries. They never sleep nor get a day off for rest. Just think of it. For 73 years this heart of mine has not failed to beat time for every mo ment of my existence and send its warm blood to every part of my body. Whether I am awake or asleep, it is ever at its post of duty. Poor thing I know it is tired. And so with my lungs that cease not day or night to bring the heart its food, its strength and power. The will, the brain, the eyes and ears the sense of smell and taste and feeling all get sleep and rest and awake renewed, but the heart and lungs can never rest. Their rest is death. But the mystery is how is the brain connect ed with the will. When the will is asleep the brain seems to run riot and to revel in curious and fantastic fancies. It is a boy out of school. It is very like the effect of opium on the senses as described by DeQuincey in his confessions. The will seems to be the strongest and most respon sible faculty of man. The heart is commonly called the seat of the af fections and emotions in fact, the There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, anil until the last few vears was sinmosed to he inrnrnl.h. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken mter nally in doses from 0 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the bloxl and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. very soul of man, and David says I the heart is sinful above all things and desperately wicked, but that of course, is figurative. The heart is but a lump of flesh a machine an engine, as it were, for a mechanical purpose. It has nothing to do with affections or emotions or sins or crime. It may be badly diseased and the man not know it. If his stomach is out of order, he knows it quickly and feels sick all over. The will, and the brain, which is the seat of thought and reason, make up the spiritual part of man, but how they are connected is known only to the Creator. Generally they work in harmony. Sometimes they do not, for, as Paul says, "that I would do I do not and that I would not do that I do." A friend asked me the other day if I believed in dreams; that is to say, in dreams as a warning, or sign, or prophesy. No, I do not. The dream book is a humbug. But I do believe that sometimes there are spiritual visions that come in sleep, but these are very rare. Some are too well au thenticated to leave any doubt Swedenborg had many of them. Tar tinian, a great composer, says that the devil appeared to him one night and challenged him to play him some music, and he composed the "Devil's Sonata" in a dream, and the devil sang it and danced it, and Tartinian put it on paper when he awaked. Soleridge says he composed his poem of "Kubla Khan" in a dream, but could only recall 300 lines of it next morning. Abstruse problems in mathemathics have been solved in dreams, but the most reasonable ex planation of all these is that the tir ed mind had rest from sleep and be came more sensitive and acute. Whether we have good dreams or bad dreams depends almost altogeth er upon what we had for supper and how much we ate of it. The stomach is the great regulator of-our repose, whether it be peaceful and refresh ing or disturbed by unwelcome dreams. Children dream a good deal and have "nightmare, but old men dream seldom, for they are more careful what they eat for supper. Blackberry pie washed dowu with buttermilk does not harmonize. But when the brain gets old it is tired and takes more rest. It can't jump around and frolic in dreams like it did when we were young. This is enough of dreams. In fact, it is about all I know. Bill Ari Foreign Affairs. It is reported the Venezuelans are now occupying La Hatcha, Colom bia. Don Jerman Riesco, Chile's new President, was formally inaugurated Thursday. Twenty-three persons were drown ed in the Kulpa river, near Osalj, Croatia, Sunday. Forty three persons were killed by collapsing buildings in Hongkong, China, Saturday. Nearly 200 British were captured and a number killed by Boers at Scheeper's Nek, Natal, Monday. Eleven persons were killed and 17 injured by a powder explosion in a factory at Ripault, France, Thurs day. About 50 persons were injured in another riot among the lock-out fish ermen at Grimsby, England, Mon day. The new British torpedo-boat des troyer Cobra was wrecked by a boil er explosion, in the North sea, Tues day, and C7 lives are reported lost. In a collision between an express and a pretroleum train at Pabti, Romania, Saturday, 32 persons were killed and 9 injured. Eighteen oil cars were set on fire and the express train was completely destroyed. I am satisfied that Tkethina (Teeth ing Powders) have saved more children than all the doctors put together. I have recommended Tkethina when doctor's gave up the child, and it cured at once. Loris F. Waibf.l. Ph. U., Druggist, St. Louis, Mo. For sale in Goldsboro by Jenkins & Parries. CiOLUSHOKO MARKET REPORT. Corrected l!y linker A Eason. Cotton 7J- Hulk Meat .9 i5 Salt CYal.30 Lard .'.Hi X. C Hams lit N. C. Sides 10 Meal per sack i.m Flour 4.00 Sugar, granulated. . . . 6 Kggs 15 Beeswax 20 Corn . . .'. ho Oats r(i Peas (io Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is w asted. Among the signs of a weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner vous headache, and disagreeable belch ing. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla at different times for stomach troubles, and a run down condition of the system, and have been greatly benefited by its use. I would not be without it in my family. I am trou bled especially in summer with weak stom ach and nausea and lind Hood's Sarsaparilla invaluable." E. B. Hickman, W.Chester, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Strengthen and tone the stomach and the whole digestive system. BREAKFAST SUPPER. E P PS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. ASTHMA TAFT"8 ASTHMaLMIB l.Mres. wr will miil u,A U U M L U , T TI H (- I V"- Farmers Justly Up In Arms. A call from Mr. T. B. Parker, sec retary of the Stale Alliance, for a meeting of the farmers of Wayne county in the court house Saturday, to discuss the cotton seed subject and appoint delegates to a general meeting in Raleigh yesterday, result ed in an enthusiastic gathering of the cotton growers. Mr. J. M. Wood was elected chairman and Mr. J. A. Stevens secretary. Mr. J. L. Peter son, Col. A. C. Davis and Dr. W. P. Exum made speeches, after which the following resolutions were adopt ed: "Resolved, That we view with a degree of seriousness the fact that small crops of every kind have been grown this year, and realizing that the farmer must not only practice the utmost economy, "but for the litle he has raised ought to receive a price in keeping with the small supply. 2. That we regard the fixing of the price of cotton seed by the Southern Oil Company at a price less than that last year so unjust and against our interest therefore, "Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting appoint a committee of two from each township in the coun tv to meet similar delegates from other counties in a State convention to be held in the city of Raleigh on the 23th of September to take such action as they deem wise and best in the interest of the cotton farmers of the State and South." The following were appointed: Goldsboro J. A. Stevens, J. C. Bardin. Fork- II. T. Jones and W. F. Rose Grantham E. A. Stevens and Dr, J. B. Kennedy. Brogdeu T. I. Sutton and Wil Ham Potts. Indian Springs W. T. Smith and J. M. Rich. New Hope Alex Casey and Oscar Sutton. Saulston J. B. Garduer and Ad dison Peel. Nahunta M. T. Johnson and Z. P. Davis. Great Swamp Barnes Aycock and J. T. Hooks. Pikeville-J. P. Smith and Dr. J E. Person. Buck Swamp J. W Thompson and Alex Aycock. Stony Creek II. D. Ham and II J. Pate. Came Near Doing the Ileal Thing. At Concord, Friday evening. Messrs. Dan Moore, Will Robbins and several other gentlemen were explaining and showing with a pistol how Czolgosz held the pistol when he shot President McKinley. Mr, Robbins, with pistol in hand, cover ed with a handkerchief, pointed it at Mr. Moore's abdomen several times Not thinking that it was loaded he turned the barrel of the pistol to the ground and pulled the trigger and a ball passed through Mr. Moore's shoe, missing his foot a small fract ion of an inch. Mr. Robbins was very much surprised, as were Mr. Moore and the other gentlemen near by but all are thankful that none in the crowd was hurt. Lucy Jones, a young negro woman of Rocky Mount, killed herself with laudaman Saturday night. A canning factory with a capaci of 1,000 can a day has been estab lished at Dunn, Harnett county. Cured of Chronic IMarrhora After Thirty Year of Suffering. "I suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was oast being cured," says John S. Hailoway, of French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery, l was so teeole from the ef foots of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel but by accident I was permitted to tin a bottle of ( 'hamleiiain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhrhoea Remedy, and after tak ing several bottles lam entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer as I have. For sale hy M. E. Kobinson & Rro., J. F. Miller's Drug Store, Gold.-boro, J. K, Smith. Mt. Olive. Special Business Locals. DK. EKASTUS WATKOUS, the Heal er, of Wilmington, is in the citv for a short time. Those who desire to see mm should call at or send message to his teiuioi-arv oilice. All kinds of dis eases cured without medicine. Oilice at the Waters House, Mrs F. M. McCullen, Proprietress, near cor. East Centre and Mulberry st. $15.00 to $18.00 A WEEK SALARY for an intelligent man or woman in each town. Permauent position. ;!0 cents per hour for spare time, Manufacturer, Rox 78, Philadelphia. WAN TLD Energetic, reliable can vassers; men or women, flood wages. Address. K. i. (iLJ NN, Manager, ( -reensboro, N. C. TVETECTIVES : We want a sharp. It responsible man in prerv ciivsml town to do secret service work; $4. 00a day and expenses for actual service; uosinge ior repiy. international IJetec tive Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of character and trood rpnnf-ntinn iu each state (one in this couuty re quired) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $18.00 Ht-cKiy wun expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head ollices. ITorsn ami Mrnan. furnished, when necessary. Referen ces. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager. 310 Caxton Build ing, Chicago. WHEN IN NEE1 of groceries don't fail to see me as I will save vou money. Keep also liquors, wines, to bacco and cigars all choice brands. J-.d iiixson, Latirange, N. C. TWR PURE LIQUORS AND WINES lj my place is headatiarters. Cirra and tobacco I keep only of well-known Dntnus. non t Tail to see nie. II. H. OiBGAxis, Fremont, N. C. BPAFS Curtalile. Siux-essf ul where al ' V?P ft "ours eotrrofe Heck' INVISIBLE TIIIUIAI til CUSHION. Wbtapen heart Com- fit Mil kflMlliM aVAf. Ilia LnbA KIDNEY LIVER AND Heart Troubles Cured. after iilmivians liad failed. No better known man lives in Soutti Carolina, than tlie Her. Ilenry V. Miller. Moderator of the baptist Association of Spartenburg, S. C . and pastor of the liaptUt 1,'huruh there, and also a prominent menitier of the order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Miller suffered for nearly 1 1 years with kidney, liver and heart trou bles, and found relief only when he had taken Dr. David .Kennedy's ravonte Kemedy. In writing from bis home. Dr. Miller says: '-Several physi cians prescribed for me, and 1 took many different medicines but all to no purpose, until l oeRan me use of Ir. Iavid Kennedy's Favorite Ketueiiy. nd 1 onlv took that for about two weeks wuen was entirely cured I have recommended it to peo ple suffering from female sicknesses and heart trouble and it has cured them, i firmly believe all persons suffering from any organic trouble should use nr. uavia (venoeuy . rnTuru. ivtriucuj. Favorite Kemedy goes down to the lowest roots of disease and destroys them. It cures that pain in the back, that freijuent desire to urinate, and scalding pain in passing water. It saves from Knght's Disease and Stone in the madder, it is a positive and deep-reaching speciitic for Consti pation. Killii.usness and Dyspepsia. It is far safer and better than pills or tablets, and makes the bowels move naturally, easily and regularly. 11 is the onlv kidnev and liver medicine that does not constipate, and it is the only kidney and liver niediciue that does not contain harmful or ueieie rious drugs. Favorite Kemedy is absolutely and purely a vegetable product and perfeccly harmless, can be taken by the youngest infant or the most in- hrm invalid with benefit. If you are not already convinced that Favorite Remedv is the medicine vou need, you may have a trial bottle sent you by mail, absolutely free, by sending your address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Hondout, N. Y.. and mentioning this Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is for sale by ail druggists, at $1 a bottle.or C bottles for f 5 less than 1 cent a dose. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant All SENT ABSOLUTELY FliEE There is nothinir CHAINED relief, oven in t lie FOR TEN YEARS fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridc. 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received i:i good condition. 1 can not tell vou how thankful I feel for the jiooil derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore threat and asthma for ten years. I despaired for ever being cured. 1 saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and but resolved to cive acted like a charm. We want to send Asthmalene. similar send it bv mail POSTPAID. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to anv utTerer who will write tlioiiirh von are desDainncr. however had cure. The worse voiir case, the more Write nt once, addressiiur DR. TAFT St., N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. WHY SUFFER FROIY1 Chill Tonic 'vbnl"' 44 The above name plate 011 your IJuyry guarantees honest material aul workman ship throughout. Higher grade than others offer for same money. Old, fashioned lead and oil paint foundation, with up-to-date finish. Satisfactory service." FOR SALE BY J. F. SOl'THERLAM), (iOLHSUORO. FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS And careful money spenders our store is headquarters. Constant underselling wins praise ana stimulates our trade. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES Is complete in every detail, and inonev-saviner chances are hern in aliimdanee. We keep everylhino; of LOWKST. It -Will To come to our store, compare quality and prices, whether vou arc a wholesale or retail buyer. It is our aim to save you money and we win convince you or mis ract when calling oa us. Baker r&, Belsoxi, West Walnut St., Goldsboro, X. C. LOOK HERE, DID YOU KNOW It's not what you earn that makes you rich but what you save. THE WAY TO SAVE MONEY Is by trading with us if you need anything in our line, which is First-class Groceries heavy and fancy. COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS Before buying. Then you will be salislied that we .sell the "best goods for the least money." L"Our motto is: Yim- and Honest Dealings with U BIZZELL & W00TEN, est Walnut St., CJoIdsboro, X. (j. fit V j E r. D. KEN B EDT 3 -.hE U i3 - U focritelto&y. nj M " , OTWif!"-!"''"''1-1; . ii ti 1' it i . MuJlCOHSTlFATICJof Vjjjjf.- Ip ,g t tflt BOWILS Imacf. j II ' 6 ,! 11 Tocu. for I Hi" ! J! 1,1 WmIimuh F'cuhar 1 mif i t Female, trjrfmrfi ' H , rU ;l E ' t'Oted'ca fro- siikH ' i I 4 L IX ji I orir "i Ching cf Life. 1J gjS lMa fi I S.J cIStasonaGdofCl.T.ate It j 1 ftsiCI- ( turt SCKOF ULA 'i all y VS! If S 8cfulc'j5 Af!c;tiJ" En.p. 1 MT'paMi it j(" tiittri Cwjji Diia. I i lilf I tl M t. A!wi l f'i fY'i' Ij j Rowpr ErrjiptUs. Pultulo. I JF?1 I IJ Tetcer o Salt Riieum. Pirn. V.1 StlVrl i 1 S . f't. Bo.1. EloicHo. &aU L-2l ; J Hrai"i Ulctu ana a, liClt i f;. Seres, twon. txn in tht "1 ilrl I I BcfieOSff'HILITIC -4 ? iVd' I I MERCURIAL DISEASES. I ffS , L 1 ' Hr.omas. Tjnper", VU I i lVJi I !T5r cfrionoBVKlD;iEYSad vj iZAi sit dladder.cravcl.dia. 25lTi! I f J?ETIS. and all Urinary Pe. ! llPaE- . It indeed ill liaardrs 1 i y 1 ).: ofihe tloc4:ar4u ubey-mei I i O gp fet doubt the A!i:rativ i I SJS If; , Medicine ever offered to the t '' ET L Pubilef reaomjTonear.d I , 11 Ivy fir Detii'tatcdbiriiea-S L J 3 111 . if Relief and Permanent Cure in Cases. OX KECEI1T OF POSTAL. like Asthmalene. It !nnj;s instant vort casc-i. It cures when all else thought vou had ovcrspokeii yourselves. it a trial. To mv astonishment, the trial Send me a full-size bottle." to everv sufferer a trial treatment of to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll for it, even on a postal. Never mind. your case, Atlunaleiie will relieve anil 'glad we are to send it. 1 not delav l'dtOS.' M EDM '1 X E CO., TH East KJOth CHILLS. FEVERS NIGHT SWEATS Grippe and all other forms of maladies when you can be cured by Roberts' Chill Tonic The world does not contain a better remedy. Many wonderful cures made by it. 25 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to do the work. Delight ful to take. Jenkins & Farries, Dr. J. H. Powell. the host an. I sell always at the J Pay -STo-u. MY FRIEND ! Schools And Colleges. Fremont Academy. Room for 15 lioarders Boys and (Jills. Special Feature Students spend two hours nightly in presence of Principal. Vocal and Instrumental Music Prices moderate. J. H. Robertson, A. B.f PRINCIPAL. Fremont, X. C. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE! OF MEDICINE - MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY. . , 1 STANDARD, First-Class ,N JSt, ( CLINICS. Far HW-ingf ftmloef. adJiwi The Prartor. Littleton Female College. One of the most prosoerous institu tions for the higher education of young women in the South. Panacea Water kept in the building. Nineteenth Annual Session begins September 18th. For catalogue address, PRESIDENT 1UIODES, LITTLETON, X. C. KENLY ACADEMY. A strictly high-toned co-educational institution; our full courses; eight graduate teachers; 100 pupils from 13 counties, 2 states, and 7 denominations; advantages unsur passed. Iioard, to$7.o0; tuition, 1 to $3.50. For catalogue and further information, address W. A. HARPER, A. Prin. Kenly, N. C. JRINITY COLLEGE offe,s o,,e uun- uniiaml twenty live graduate and undergraduate courses of study. Twenty-three teachers in acad eruie courses. Eight laboratories equip ped with modern apparatus. Large li brary facilities. Best gymnasium and athletic appointments in the state. SCIIOLAKSHirs AM) LOAN H'XDS. Attendance nearly doubled within the past seven years. Expenses very low. The best college is the one that offers a student the Ijest advantages. Send for catalogue. IMiESIDKNT Kll.tiO, lurham. N. ('. PRACTICAL EDUCATION Agriculture. Engineering. Mechanic Arts, and Cotton .Manufacturing; a combination of theory and practice, of study and manual "training. Tui tion tJO a year. Total excuse, in cluding clothing and board. $12."). Thirty teachers, 302 students. Next session liegins Septemler 4th. For catalogue address Jeo. T. Winston, President X. C. COLLKOK AGRICULTURE AND MECHASIC ARTS, rt.vivrcicjii, x". c MEDICAL DEPARTMENT BMYERS1TT OF KORTH CiROUKi. FuHy equipped for the best work. Iu students have made splendid records. Tuition ;5. Other Expenses Low. Fall term liegins September , l'.Mh. Address, F. P. YEN ABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Eresljyfeiian College for Women, CHARLOTTE, N. C. NlTIIATIflll Atceaaibleto all points: Mm feet Wl I Ut 1 1 U II abuTe sea level; bracing climate of I'ietlmont Kection; in centre of the city RUN niNR En,irt,T new. ciuipned with every UUIL.WII1U modern improvement essential to ueann aim eonnort. 1 wo girl only to a room. TAQI C A housekeeper of remarkable skill. I ftULLi listed by conifietent cooks, will insure wuoicsome tare. FARIII TY Tr"ined teacher oT long experience preventatives from best East- ern Colleges. STANDARD, tt&Xr ne1 MUSIC AND ART, ran and European schools. PHARRF Fr"m M ta W l"er than any UlinilULOf school of the same grade io the "'h- MISS LILY LONt;. Ijidy I'rincipal. HEV. J. K. BRIDGES. IX U., 'resident. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C. For two-thirds of a centu ry Davidson ha been noted anions: Southern Colleges for the thorough ness of its training, the ability of its Faculty, and the atmosphere of morali ty and honor on its cam pus. It invites the atten tion of every parent who w ishes the body, the intel lect, and the character of his son trained together. For further particulars, address HENHV LOUIS SMITH, Pres. FRANK BOYETTE. D. D. S. All manner of operative and mechan ical dentistry done in the best manner and most approved method. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. Teeth ex tracted without pain. aGTOflicp in Itr.r-.lur. Tluil. IT site Hotel Kennon. b 11 Clarence S. Maxwell, Ph.G.M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MO''NT OLIVK, IV. C Office on . Jnies Street. Oflice hotns, all times when not wise engaged. Three Tapers, One Year Each, onJ- WEEKLVTI.MKs, uiciiMoxn, v.v. Now Ouly Fifty Cents a Var ami includes absolutely fn-,- thk ii:a;o mom hi , n THK FA KM JOI KNAI.. Vhil. The Daily and Sunday Tim,.s including Farm Journal ami I'm ,,, Monthly, NOW ON I.Y 1KI: V I i ' 2C. PEU ONT1I HY MAIL Address THE TIMES. KK 1IMONH. V, fj 15 V siK'cial flubbing aiTanr,-,..nK the abo"e three papers and Tin-: LIGHT will be seut together for ?; Money must accompany the or...r , every instance. HOTEL EMPIRE BROADWAY A XI) 3!ST., X. Y. MTV. . . . ABSOLUTELY FIREI'KOOF . . . SIMMER KATES ioit JUNE, JULY, A I til ST. On crossing any of the ferries, hike tlie'.'th A k-m,.. Elerated Kailwaj to d'.uIi st,, from which it is ..i,. minute's walk to the hotel. From Grand Central Station take 7th An-, ,,, Broadway cars, Msven minutes to fcwrmt. Within ten niinutes of amusement anil sboj.j centres. All cars pass the Empire. ALLENHURSTINN AMI COTTAGES "From Lake to Ocean.'' ALLENHl'KST. X. J. Finest Golf Course in America-Variluu ' A liEI.IGHTFCL COMBINATION or OCEAX, LAKE AND WOODLAND FIXE Sl'KK BATHING. LAKliE SW1M.MINO MI.. KOWISG ami CANOEING on -nil-. I.KK FKESH ash SALT WATEK FlslllN.,. Send for our descriptive Booklets and Kate Card. Both Hotels under the management of W. JOHNSON O.I IXN. The Huestis 431 Fourth Ave. NEW YORK CITV. A Strictly First-class Family HoU-I. Entirely new Fifty Rooms with I'ritate Itiatli. per day, Suites of Itouiun with I'rivatr Hath, S3.00 per dxy . Special Rates by month or year. Located in cen ter of City, five minutes from Grand Central li-.,,t. via Fourth Avenue Cars. Transfers to all n-.iint-. at "Pith St. Within walking distance of Shops and Theatres. Restaurant charges very moderate . A la Carte at all hours. Table d- Hote Lunch. i t-.. Table d' Hote Dinner, f0 cts. All Modern Improvement and Comforts of a Home. A. 1II KSTIS, Prop. A Short Ocean Trip The Most Delightful Itoute to NEW YORK and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE ASD RAIL CONNECTIONS Express steamships leave Norfolk. Va.. daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. in., and Old Point Comfort at 8 p. m. for New Vork direct, affording opportunity fr through passengers from the Smith. Southwest and West to visit Richmond. Old Point Comfort and Virginia Reach en route. For tickets and general information applv to rail road ticket acents. or to M. II. I'ltOWEI.t, .ciierl Agent. Norfolk. Va : J. F. MAVE1C Asent. Main St., Richmond, Va. II. B. W.II.KKK. T raffle Manager. J. J. 1IKOWN, General I'HKHeiiger Apt. New Vork. N. V. ACME MACHINE WORKS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. MACHINIST AND FOUNDERS. DKALEHS i:v New and Second Hand Machin ery of Every Description. "Ames" Engine and Rollers, "Lane" and other saw mills. Van Winkle tiin Machinery, Shaftings, Pulleys, llanjiei -. Roxes, Couplings and Set Collars. WE MANUFACTURE Engines, lwilers, cotton presses, rit mills and saw mills. A Large Stork of Mill and numbers Supplies. Repairing a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. SEYEN SPRINGS HOTEL, JOHH J. IYEY, Proprietor, Seven Springs, N. C. The lest of all Mineral Wafers. It i especially recommended for indigestion, d3-spepsia, insomnia and nervous pros tration, kidnev, liver and bladder trou bles. MANY IMPROVEMENTS MADE. Rath rooms; hot and cold baths Daily mails. Hacks meet every train at Lat Ji auge. A telephone line connect ed with La (irange. For terms and other information address the proprie tor. J. M. PARKER, Dentist. Office front of Fonvielle's Store. Honrs from 8 a. in. to 0 p. tu- &&AtfU-lW GUARANTEED $5.000 DEPQ3IT SchoUrshir offerea V rite quick io CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLECE. Macon. Ca R-R-FARE pm rjLm4 200 FREE L

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