THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR. A. R0SC0WEK, Editor and Proprietor. Goldsboro, X. C., October 3, 1901. KEEPIXi ANARCHISTS OUT. It is altogether probable that when Congress shall take action with u view to the prevention of the further entry of anarchists into this country it will be along the lines of the bill prepared by John (i. Carlisle in ls.)4, when lie was Secretary of the Treasury. The bill was intended to prevent the landing of all persons who were re garded as enemies of organized so eiety. To that end it provided for an inspection service both at for eign and home ports for the identi fication of known enemies of estab lished government, and for their deportation when identified. The bill expressly exempted from its operation "political refugees o political offenders other than an archits, ' and provided for the right of appeal to the Courts for a writ of habeas corpus as a guaran tee of fair healing for men unjust ly accused. The Carlisle bill would not have protected the nation against degen erates like the murderer of McKin ley, who was I mm in the United States, but it certainly would have gone far to put a stop to the mi gration hither of professed anarch ists, who make the United States i harbor of refuge. Whatever legislation may bi undertaken in the United States will fail of thorough effectiveness unless the Canadian Government can be prevailed upon to exercise a similar vigilance at its ports of en try. It would be quite impossible to so guard our extended frontier as to prevent the entry into the United States of anarchists who should take that ready way of in trusion. It seems probable that the assas sin Czolgosz had no confederates. I lis immediate inculpation of Km- ma Goldman as having incited him tt his awful crime by her incendi ary utterances would in all likeli hood have been followed by other admissions if other persons had been involved. It will be a relief to the public mind to believe that only one man conceived and execut ed this diabolical murder. It would have been a still greater relief if it could have been demonstrated that the wretched monster was in sane. Is spite of American mules, Brit ish soldiers and military proclama tions, the Boers are holding their own. The date appointed by Gen eral Kitchener for the surrender of the sturdy old Dutchmen was mark ed by a movement of deliance. The Boers are alive and aggressive all along the line. Already the Eng lish purse is crying out, and the prophetic words of Oom Paul on the breaking out of the war are be ing verified. Victory docs not al ways go to the strong battalions. There is something in a just cause and manly resistance yet. Now that the assassin Czolgosz has been sentenced it would be most appropriate to forego any futher mention of his name except in the announcement of his execu tion. Notwithstanding his sullen si lence and studied indifference, the desire to attain notoriety was doubt less one of the motives that inspir ed him to his foul deed. It is pos sible to defeat his degenerate am bition in this respect, at least, by letting him vanish from the sight and hearing of men unnoticed and w ithout remark. Tiif.kk is nothing so strikingly obvious in the reading of the pro ceedings of the Schley Court of In quiry as the unreliability of human evidence. No doubt all the witnes ses called are trying to tell the truth, but it is the truth distorted or distended by lapse of time, by difference in the point of view and by partisanship. Even the logs of the war ships and the charts of the Navy Department are admittedly inaccurate. MissiosAKiF.s are the advance heralds of Christianity and advo cates of peace; but it must be ad mitted that they have done much to entangle the diplomacy of na tions, and that not infrequently war has followed the track of act ive religions prepagandism. There is no doubt of missionary zeal, but cxperince shows that zeal is too of ten coupled with grave indiscretion. Tup: sterling quality of the south ern boy must always be reckoned with. The Savannah Press notes the fact that the tirst five cadets, in or der of merit, at West Point are all southern boys. They hail from Mis sissippi, North Carolina, South Car olina, and Maryland. Mississippi bears off the palm with two of her sons, one of whom is the head of National Capital Matters. From Our Regular Correspondent. "Washington, October 1, 11)01. Theodore Roosevelt had scarcely seated himself in the Presidential chair before he was besieged by men who devote a large share of their time to seeking offices for their friends and adherents. Close upon the heels of congratulations and pledges of hearty support have come importunities for the designation of this or that man for this or that po sition in the public service. And, though he has not yet been Chief Magistrate for two weeks, Mr, Roosevelt finds that questions of policy are accumulating at a rate that promises to make them moun tainous by the time Congress is ready to begin its season of legislation. One of the leading problems will involve the Philadelphia postmaster ship. Both Senators Quay and Pen rose are said to be unalterably op posed to the present incumbent, Mr. Hicks. As Senator Penrose has al ready presented his card at the White House and had an audience with the President, it is presumed in political circles that he made known both his opposition to Mr Hicks and his nomination of a sue cessor. The present Quaker City postmaster has administered his of fice in an eminently satisfactory way, but this is a minor consideration in the opinion of some of the Repub lican leaders of the Keystone Com mon wealth, for they contend that Senatorial courtesy gives them the inalienable right to name another man when the term of the present official has expired. Even the Post master-General admits that the Phil adelphia office has been raised to the highest state of efficiency by Mr. Hicks, but when the combined efforts of the Senatorial representative of the State are put forward to decapi tate the incumbent and when it is considered that the approval of the Senate is necessary to confirm a can didate, it looks as though even a strenuous man would have to yield to the pressure. Then comes the Collectorship of the port of New York to worry the Executive. The late President re appointed George R. Bid well. For fear that Mr. Roosevelt may select another beneficiary, Messrs. Piatt, Woodruff and Quigg have become uncomfortable. Inasmuch as they were partially influential in forcing the present Chief Magistrate into the second place on the Republican national ticket, with a view to side tracking him as a Presidential pos sibility, they now fear retaliation. It is said that they have sent a whole detachment of messengers to the Capital, each generously supplied with olive branches and carrying a message to the effect that it would please them greatly to have the hatchet permanently interred. There will be a nervous galaxy of Repub lican leaders in the Empire State for some time to come. It is reported that the President received the floral tributes and the messengers of good will with great courtesy, but that he failed to indicate his position in the momentous matter. There is no way to compel action or to secure a pledge and the New York combination fully realizes that fact ; so they must wait as patiently as they can for the arrival of that time when action must be taken. In the meantime, the row of notables on the political anxious seat are fur nishing an interesting spectacle. Despite the tragic changes in Washington, interest in Democratic presidential possibilities for 1904 has not been even temporarily eliminat ed. It is a significant fact that Re publican leaders who drop into the Capital from time to time and they are coming now in droves discuss the matter with quite as much specu lative energy as their opponents. Democrats are silent but confident. They know that the crisis will bring the man. A great party is never without a conspicuous champion, and there is such a quantity of good Dem ocratic timber to be brought into requisitio'n when the time arrives that the future may be considered with equanimity. Although handicapped by the sud den death of his chief advocate, Rear-Admiral Schley will continue to press his case for vindication be fore the naval court of inquiry with the determination that characterized his engagement with the Spanish fleet off the coast of Cuba. During the past few days considerable testi mony, pro and con, has been adduc ed, but none to weaken the be lief that Schley performed his duty and even triumphed over the limita tions that confronted him in the way of red tape strung out from bureaus at Washington. The acknowledgment of a Navy Department witness that the gov ernment charts concerning the de tailed movements of the squadron are inaccurate and practically worth less was a strong point in favor of the popular admiral. 100 Reward, 8100 The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has lieen able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure now known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, requires a constitution al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and niucuons surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they oiler one hundred dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tesimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Lashed to Hed bj Wife and Children. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 1. Bicy cle patrolmen Ilauser and Trimpe were called to the home of Fred Haw thorne, 230 Detroit street, this noon, to investigate a report that Haw thorne was whipping his wife and fourteen-year-old daughter. They found him with his hands and feet se curely tied and lashed to his bed. The members of the family were stand ing about, almost exhausted, but happy at the outcome of the trouble. The wife said her husband was spending his money for drink. When she expostulated with him, Mrs. Hawthorne said he began to beat her and the daughter. A son, about six teen years old, came to their rescue and the three then struggled with the drunken husband and father un til he was tied. A towel was wrapped about his wrists and his feet were bound to gether with a piece of clothesline. After this was done, Hawthorne was thrown on the bed and a rope was passed over his chest and tied be neath the bed. Another rope was tied in the same way over his feet. Hawthorne was swearing like a pirate and the police laughed until they cried. The ropes were untied and the irate Hawthorne was taken to the police station, where a charge of assault and battery were placed against him. Hawthorne is about 50 years old. War Dance For Roosevelt. Witchita, Kan., Oct. 1. The Ki owa Indians are holding an extra war dance in honor of President Roosevelt. It seems that the news of his ascendency has just reached them in their country near Lawton. The Kiowas are headed by Lone Wolf, the deposed chief. He is a medicine man of some note and it was he who ordered the dance. Tom Isabel, the Cherokee Indian, who was a member of Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish war informed the Kiowas it would be befitting in them to honor the President by giving a war dance. There is nothing dangerous about the dance and no white settlers are in danger. It is mostly peaceful, withal an enthusiastic demonstra tion of the braves and squaws. Lone Wolf is personally acquainted with President Roosevelt. Several of the Cheyennes will soon journey eastward to see the Great Father. The Reds have great faith in the new I'resident. Woman's Hide On Car Step. Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 1. Mrs. W. II. Fowler, a society woman and musician of this city, had a terrible experience last night. At Moutgom- erj', twenty miles south of here, she attempted to board a vestibuled coach of a Pennsylvania Railroad train. The porter, not seeing her, closed the vestibule door just as she mounted the step, and the train be gan to move. She called loudly to him to open the door, but he did not hear her, and by that time the train was moving too fast for her to get off safely. The train travelled rapidly and the wind nearly dislodged her. A mile out of the station a freight train go ing in the opposite direction passed, and her skirts, catchingon the engine, were torn. It was only by the exer tion of her utmost strength that she retained her hold. The train stop ped at Muncy station, five miles from Montgomery, and as it rolled up to the platform Mrs. Fowler fell, com pletely exhausted. Probing Panic At National Capitol. Washington, D. C, Oct. 1. Be cause of the publication of the facts concerning the army's management of President McKinley's State fun eral, Acting Secretary of War San ger has ordered an investigation. He has called for statements from all the officers of the army, particu larly with reference to the panic on the Capitol steps in which scores of persons were injured. General Randalph, chief of artil lery corps, who had charge of the ar rangements at the Capital, disclaims all responsibility forthe mismanage ment of affairs at the Capitol. Ac cording to his view, he had nothing to do with the management of the crowd outside the Capitol building until it entered the rotunda. He will claim that the responsibility of the panic rests with the Capitol and local police force. UOLDSKOKO MARKET REPORT. Corrected lty linker A Kason. Cotton 7i Bulk Meat 9.or Salt G.Val.30 Lard N. C. Hams 13 N. C. Sides 10 Meal per sack 1.50 rlour 4.00 Sugar, granulated 6 fcggs 10 lieeswax 20 Corn 80 Oats no Peas 05 Jill Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh canses headache, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stoii; ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional alterative and tonic. 'I was afflicted with catarrh. I took medicines of different kinds, giving each a fair trial; but gradually grew worse until I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then concluded to try HimhI's Sarsaparilla, and after taking five bottles I was cured and have not had any return of the disease since." Eccese Forbes, Lebanon, Kan. Hood's Sarsapgrilla Cures catarrh it soothes and strength ens the mucous membrane and builds up the whole system. All druggists sell Dr. Mllus' Nerve Plasters. The Farmers aud the Roundlap Bale. Under its new management the business of the American Cotton Company is being vigorously pushed. The Southern farmer is fast coming to see that his interests and those of the American Cotton Company lie in the same direction. Every unneces sary expense in marketing cotton is that much taken out of the farmer's pockets, and every dollar he saves by having his cotton put up in round lap bales is that much added to his profits. The American Cotton Com pany's interest lies in enabling the presses it builds to bale as such cot ton as possible. In order to secure this result it is essential that cotton growers shall continue to find ad vantage in the use of these presses. There is no requirement that a single bale of cotton be sold to the American Cotton Company. Roundlap bales, with all of their advantages, can be bought in open con petition by any responsible buyer and handled thro' to the mills, but whenever the ordi nary cotton buyer declines to pur chase roundlap bales on this basis the American Cotton Company stands ready to buy them. The farmer who hauls his seed cot ton to a roundlap gin may retain as conplete control over it as if he took it to an old-style ginnery. He can sell his cotton with or without the seed, or he can have it custom ginned (sell ing or keeping the seed) and hold his roundlap bales until he is ready to sell, with the assurance that they are always saleable at the full market value of roundlap cotton. The Amer ican Cotton Company makes liberal advances on held roundlap bales. Lincoln's Final Resting Place. Springfield, 111., Oct. 1. In a sol id block of concrete the remains of President Abraham Lincoln will find their last resting place. They are to be placed beneath the vault where they now rest. The casket will be surrounded by an iron cage, which is to be imbed ded in and made a part of the great concrete block containing the re mains. The block will be eight by eight feet, by tnirtecn feet long. The body has been removed from the marble sarcophagus and placed temporarily in the crypt next to that in which his wife lies. When the re moval to the final resting place will be made depends upon the wishes of the Monumetal Committee. This last removal wilt make the twelfth time the bodv has been shifted. liulioiiic Plague iu Italy. Naples, Oct. 1. Seven cases of suspected bubonic plague were (lis covered here to-day. Three of those who had beeu attacked by the disease were already dead. The government has ordered that energetic measures be taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The Inspector-General of Public Health and several special specialists are coming here from Rome. The authorities have sent to Paris for a quantity of plague serum, aud are circulating leaflets giving information as to means to be em ployed to prevent contracting the disease. John Robinson's Shows. John Robinson not only offers to his patrons the best series of circus performances, the finest and most elaborately - equipped hippodrome, and the largest and most comprehen sive menagerie, but has added this year to his already superlative series of exhibitions the grand biblical spectacle of Solomon, bis Temple, and the Queen of Sheba, and the finest scenic, processional, terpsi chorean and lyric spectacle that has ever invited public patronage. Our citizens will soon have the op portunity of witnessing these grand exhibitions, for they are to be in Coldsboro, Friday, Oct. 11. It Happened In a lrug- Store. "One day last w inter a lady came to niv drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine 1 did not have iu stock," says Mr. C. It. Crandiu. the nonular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. 'She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that 1 could freely recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y and that she could take a bottle of the rem edy and after giving it a fair trial if she iui not lind it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the triee paid. In the course of a dav or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine ana advised her to buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy. It is for sale by M. E. Robinson '& Bro., J. F. Miller's Drug Store.doldsboro, J. R. Smith, Mt. Olive. Special Business Locals. DR. ERASTUS WATROUS, the Heal er, of Wilmington, is in the city for a short time. Those who desire to see him should call at or send message to his temporary office. All kinds of dis eases cured without medicine. Office at the Waters House, Mrs F. M. McCullen, Proprietress, near cor. East Centre and Mulberry st. feAre von sick or in trouble ? There is help for you. No one who tkies to do his part is too poor to come. $15.00 to $18.00 A WEEK SALARY for an intelligent man or woman in each town. Permanent position. ;(. cents per hour for spare time, Manufacturer, Hox 78, Philadelphia. ITf AM ED Energetic, reliable eau- vassers; men or women. Good wages. Address. R. G. GLENN, Manager, Greensboro, N. C. WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS II of character and good reputation iu each state (one in this county re quired) to represent and adertise old established wealthy business house of solid linancial standing. Salary $18.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. Referen ces. Enclose self-addressed staiiicd envelope. Manager. 310 Caxton Build ing, Chicago. ITJHEN IN NEE1 of groceries don't fail to see me as I will save you money. Keep also liquors, wines, to bacco and cigars all choice brands. Ei llixsox, LaGrange, N. C. KADER CREECH of Mtrro, ZS". C, nayti' " Suffered from SCIATICA So that I thought I could not Nothing I took seemed to do me any good until I used Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, and I improved from the time I took the first dose. It is a wonderful med icine." All druggists sell it. $1.00 for large bottle. Trial bottle free. Mention this paper and address Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kond out. N. Y. II. It. Miller, of 806 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I suffered 4 years from Eczema, worst way ; doctor's and hospital treatment of no benefit. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hkmedy cured me." All druggists sell it. $1.00 for large bottle. Trial bottle free. Mention "Press," and address Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kondout, N. Y. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant All SENT AliSOLUTKLY FKKK There is nothing CHAINED tfOR TEN relief, even in the YEARS fails. trial bottle of Asthmalene meivil i:i gooi! conilition. I can not toll von how thankful I feel forthe cood derived from it. I was a slave, chained with put rid sure throat and a-tlima for ten years. I despaired for ever lein; cured. 1 saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, ami but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Sent! me a full-size bottle."' We want to send Asthmalene, similar send it bv mail I'OSTPAIP, AliSOLUTKLY FKKK OF CIIAKGK. to any sufferer who will write for it, even on a postal. Never mind, though you are liespairing, however bad your case. Asthmalene will relieve and cure. The worse votir case, the more glad we are to send it. lo not delay. Write at once, addressing IK. TAFT St., X. Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. WHY SUFFER FROIYI CHINL,LGSHrswEA Chill Tonic via 25 5,800 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE. The gradual growth of our business made it imperative that wc acquire larger quarters, which we have finally succeeded in doing, and now have 5,S00 square feet of floor space which is the largest Eurni tnre, Crockery and house furnishing store in the eastern part of the State. With our INCREASED -:- FACILITIES We propose to give increased values for every dollar spent with tis. We attribute our success to low prices, good goods, fair treatment and eternal vigilance, which policy we purpose to continue. We have a big stock of all kinds of nice things and cordially invite you to call and see them. PARKER & FALKENER FURNITURE CO., "THE PEOPLE'S FRIENDS." P. S. Remember Picture Framing Is a specialty! PURE AND Fr OLD NICK FROM 1 TO 20 YEARS OLD. We guarantee every drop we have to be absolutely pure, for we filter our goods through nine immense and densely packed filterers. Will be glad to furnish you with our complete price list, and the eorresond enee will be carried on in plain envelopes. The Old Nick Williams Co., OR ADDRESS Lock BOX N() 11, "WilligLzris, 3ST. C. ILEerofretnt Tailors. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. ALL AVOIJIv tiUAItAXTKKI). UNDER OPERA HOUSE, fiOLDSBORO, X. U. fl live. rr.D. KENNEDY'S Fatoritytedy. MA)ic"KIU PtnSM th Biotd and mitnt iht D ordered lim c s twsltHy condign r c(lolly Correct, rtf wrv c tf of Ha fc,niilCOr.'STlPATIONf VI BOWELS It is a cab tt'n u' for il C. C'Km and Wealrariira peculiar to Fmiltv 4 aSoitfs (rut protect, from attack! ifcrt erilituu w Chang of Life. fSaonodofCi"Mt It turei SCROFULA t'i til Sdvfuicin Alfoctions Erup. Iivoard Ct'anecw Ctcuo. sut fj St Anthony Firf. RoMcr tnrrpa'as. Fiutulcj. Tetter of 5t Rheum. Pim. plet. toila. Blotches. 3u!d Head. Rjngworm. Ulctra anc) Sort, furor p.-n in the Bono. SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DISEASES. Rheomati. fvip?pa, VI. crr.tionolr KIDNEYSrvd BLADDER. CRAVEL. ETE5.andali Urmiry V. pos la. and indeed all disorders ilsn( from an impure? pare of t blood : and it a beyond doubt in be Alter,,,,, Meditme cvet offered to the Pukiit for wstonrj Tone and been Deb.'rf.lH k, n:...JT Price, ei.oo Relief and Permanent Cure in Cases. OX KECK ITT OK POSTAL. like Asthmalene. It brings instant uor-d eases. It enres when all else Il '-I tf-D-KENNEDY'S HI J ml M The Rev. C. V. WELLS, of Villa I in lire. III., says: ".our thought vu had overspoken yourselves. t cvet v sulTeicr a trial treatment of to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll l'.KOS.' MKDK'INK CO., 7! Kast ISnth SWEATS Grippe and all other furms of maladies when you can be cured by Roberts' Chill Tonic The world does not contain a better remedy. JWany wonderful cures made by it. 25 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to do the work. Delight ful to take. Jenkins & Fames, Dr. J. H.'Powell. MELLOW WHISKEY. We ask all who want something for their loved ones to try our goods. We have it Notice to Water Consumers. Waters tents for quarter ending De cember 31st are now due. Comsuiuers will please pay at the ofliee of the com pany by Oetolter 15th. I. F. IJoktcii, Receiver. To Public Sciiool Teachers. The public examination for the white teachers of Wayne county will le held in the court house the 10th and 11th of October. For colored teachers, the Kth and ath of October. We wish to urge all teachers who have not received cer tificates for this year to be present on the above-named dates. E. T. Atkinson, Co. Supt. of Schools. Kill The Hawks 1 There is no reason w hy you .should have hawks about you. Others get rid of all of them ; why not you ? The cel brated Draughon Haw k Caller brings the hawks, you do not have to go to them. And hereafter go out with this caller and your gun and rid your farm of these troublesome birds, and please your wife and daughter. Only TO cents each or C ier dozen. I will furnish a erfect turkey caller for 75 cents each or $G per dozen, or one of each for $1.25. Forsale by thedolds bore Hardware t'o. -Address for terri tory aud agent's rights, II. II. Dkaughox, Mingo, N. ('. f?rl have found above-mentioned in ventions to come up fully as represented. Eimtok IIeahlkjiit. william Mckinley HIS LIFE AND WOUK, OCX. CltAltl.e II. (iUdsVEMlH. Prvsideut's life-luug Frif lid, Coniraule in war mid Coileaeue in CuiiKress. Was near bis hide with otber great men wlien bis eyes were clsed in death. Followed the bier to the National Capitol and to Canton. The (Mineral require a share of the pro ceeds of bis book to be devoted to a MeKiul .y Monument Fund. Thus every subscriber becomes a contributor to this fund. Milllions of copies will be sold. Everybody will buy it. Orders for the asking. Nobody will refuse. Elegant Photogra vure 1'ortrait of President McKinley's last picture taken at the White House- You can easily and quickly clear fl.000 taking orders. Order outnt quick. Chanoe to prove success, secure yearly con tract and become manager. Send 12 2 -cent stamps for elegant prospectus. Taking lit to 50 orders daily. SO.iHXj copies will be sold in this vicinity. Address. THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMIiLY. Corcoran lildg-, Opp. I". S Treasury. Washington, I. C. GOLDSBORO Ileal Estate is as safe as U. S. Gov ernment bonds and far more desir able as an investment. The profits realized by increase in values can 1k relied ujmmi. I'ublic sentiment and confidence in "East (lold-boro" is also steadilv GROVING. The Eas' f joldsboro Land & Invest- j ment t'. will on Thursday, Oct. i 10th, sell at public auction, to the' highest bidder. 10 choice building j lots. Time of sale, 4:HI p. m., sharp. For further particulars inquire at i once, as these will doubtless sell RAPIDLY. KesjH'et fully. HumpreyGibson Co., Managers. FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S All manner of operative and mechan ical dentistry done in the lest manner and most approved method. 'rown and Bridge Work a specialty. Teeth ex tracted without pain. JOflice in Borden Buildins oppo site Hotel Kennon. Clarence S. Maxwell, Pii.G.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. MOUNT )LIVK, N. C'. Office on W. James Street. Office hours, all times when not other wise engaged. J. M. PARKER, Dentist. Ofliee front of Fonyiolle's Store. Hours from 8 a. in. to 6 p. tu. The Huestis 431 Fourth Ave. "?o.J9,.V NKW YOUK CITV. A Strictly First-class Family Hotel. Entirely new. Fifty Rooms with Private Hath, SI. SO per day. Suites of Kooiua with Private Bath, 3.00 per day. Special Hates by month or year. Located in cen ter of City, five minutes from Orand Central Iepot, via Fourth Avenue Can. Transfers to all points, at TAh St. Within walking distance of Shops and Theatres. Restaurant charges very moderate. A la Carte at all hours. Table d' Ilote Lunch, 3j cts. Table d' Ilote Dinner, K0 cts. All Modem Improvement and Comforts of a Home. A. IH KST1S, Prop. rrr.Mlles'Ji sa PtUm are pnaranteed to atop Hcadaehe in 20 minutes. "One cent a dose." IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST! So if you want the best and money in your pocket, don't fail to visit my store. I have everything you need in HEAYY - AND - FANCY - GROCERIES. And can please vou both as to aualitv. Quan tity and orice. The best sroods are alwavs the cheapest. BEST MICHIGAN PATENT FLOUR. This is the best flour and you cannot buy it from anv one lsf Hnrnft tn mv store and I shall convince you that But Facts." 13TI always make prices right. LB. FONVIELLE. WEST WALNUT STREET AM) THE T.NM ( KV CORNER." Fremont Academy. Room for 15 lo:inlcrs )y Girls. Special Feature Students (,, . j two Lours nijrjitly in presciH-e ,,j Principal. Vocal and Instrumental Mih, Prices moderate. J. H. Robertson, A. B., rlilNCIl A L. Fremont, X. ('. Littleton Female College. One of the most prosierous institu tions for the higher education of vi,ull, women iu the South. Panacea Water kept in the builcliur Nineteenth Annual Session lx-p-i t7 Scpteniber lth. For catalogue address, PRESIDENT ISIIODES. LITTLETON, X. C. Presbyterian College for Women, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SITUATION, Sir- of I'icdmont section; in centre of the city Pull niUf! Entirely new, equipped with cwry DUlLUIliU mor.ern improvement essential t health and comfort. Two girls only to a n.m. TAR I F ix'usckeeper of remarkable skill. I HuLL sisted by competent cooks, will uiMire wholesome fare. C A Pill TY Trained teachersof longexperieiuv IHUULI If representatives Iroiu licst East ern Colleges. CT A M 11 A D fl Raised to that of hest co.le-.-cx .1 OlMllUHnU, the .Middle States. tJIIIP lain ADT Teachers traiued in A meri mUOlU ANU Mil I can and turo-an schools. PUAPOCC From .'rfi to lower than any UnHriUa.Of school of the same Vrade in the South. " .MISS I.ILY UNi;, I-ady Principal. ItEV. J. K. KKIIKJES. U. 1.. President. HOTEL EMPIRE BKOADWAY AM) 3J ST., N. Y. CITY. . . . ABSOLUTELY FIKEl'ItOOF . . . SUMMER HATES KOI J JI Ni:, JULY, A U.I ST. On crossing any of the ferries, take the !th Aveiiue Elevated Kailway to .V.'th St., from which it i ime minute's walk to the hotel. Kroni Orand Central Station take 7th Ave. aiid Broadway cars, seven minutes to E.MI'litt:. Within ten minutes of amusement and &bil'l'ing centres. All cars pass the Empire. ALLENHURST INN AM) COTTAGES From Lake to Ocean.' AM.ENUIKST.X..J. finest Uolf Course In America Vanlon A 1-tI.KillTr l I. COMHI.VATION Of OCEAN, LAKE AM) WOODLAND FINE srKK KATMIXO. LA la. E SWIM MI xt; Pool.. Kt M N ; A xi) 1 A N i El N ; . .x Til K I. A K E PKEslI an.iSALT WATER UsIIIN... Send for our descriptive tiooklcts and Kate t ard. Iinth Hotels under the management of W. JOHNSON il IXX. ACME MACHINE WORKS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. MACHINIST AND FOUNDERS. New and Second Hand Machin ery of Eiery Description. "Allies" Engine and Boilers, Lane" and other saw mills, Van Winkle (Jin Machinery, Shaftings, Pulleys, Hangers. Boxes, Couplings anil Set Collars. WE MAJVUFACTURE Engines, boilers, cotton presses, grist mills and saw mills. A Large Stock of Mill and numbers Supplies. Repairing a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. klittfJlAS GUARANTEED $5,000 DEP05IT R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered. vi'rtte quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLECE. Macon. Ca F OU PURE LIQUORS AND WINES my place is headquarters, ( ignis aud tobacco I keep only of well-known brands. Don't fail to see me. II. II. (Ilkgams, Fremont, X. C. bok's Cotton Root . COMPOUND. A recent diacovery by an old physician, fiuecessitlly tnorUAJy thousands of La ii-s lHtheonly perfectly safe mtitl rellAt.lA niAlliHnfl discov ered, liewareof unprincipled riruirfrlttta whn nfTer Inferior medicines In place of tbls. A k for Cook's cotto ItoOTCoMPot-ND, fate oubu'urf, or inclosed and 0 cents I n postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail, l ull aealed particular In plain & nvelope, to ladies oulv. It stamps. AddrcM Pond Lily Company. N . 3 i ihcr lUoc. Kelrolt, alien. this is not "Big Talk kasw