‘'Only ‘Geta-H* far We Attar Tbit!” "Bata* Inn Oera hm Tlaa* taisUa. Mauiaf Wore BbcpU. Til un ro. whw. r»» mm ™i»b tOo-eaiim^ aoWrt for . oriu. l «v .,U,T “SV“tL OUI of mi un TU* >>»•»'*<:•■ ir.l contnvOor.. . OUll will hcltr« «m aria* •ora. (!«▼••>• MKTS-ir *w*ry tl£e*~ I i That’* Witt they an —y the very ir« time they mm. •CkMt." IVa Mcau<» ^3KT%IT^ la ao sl.nyta a ml *"7 *» «■» no* it an Ia a 1-w im °od»--boea»taa there la tw> work or corn-food «o do. do polo that Moot* up to your heart li 3% la yvur corita ofT >oitr laind. . J| rbc time tv a workUif—and than. that MM I*, old aom peels rlrbt elt. Urtm *h* clean. mr«-f>oo afc'n underneath—end your *d, Iiyj' _ No wonder milIlona Try 1! f«nf~bt. vhTB-Ir la Gold a ltd recoin* ■Mode* by dnurcteta eearywfcere. )?« t *£f1'* Ar •**« d* reralot of wrfco • T B. LawfGBAo 4 Co. Chlcaru. tlx Sold in Gold atom and roeoauDondod id the world* beat cor® reroodj by Ml da bom Dnig Co, anil H. 11 Robb> voa 4 f ro. O C. DiVNIRLS, M. 1>. r»u. ear, no*r ami thrum Henri Vi. n in] p a S u» 4 p D> Pbuna STB ’GfNERAl !*WS EVENTS. Napg«"'"|« a# IMarwt In Variwi Porta of Oar Country. PVariog that Mr* Woodrow Wiim won III rr^lw tl** Itmugvralltie LaO. th* roofnrencc of Cakm llHitudinia of bl l*»Bte has adopted rcvlullviM aakiug the |»n-*JJcui not b> aei'Cik* lo ilila The First Congvrgurinoal chuffh of Sob Knnx iwu hurn vitnl nmiloat lot lb log tli# lice <'baric* V AbaO. who r*. atgr.id to join Hi* Ford peace cuiutnla ••«*». to rranme the |«at»ratc alfhoegb ho %aa •»Ullng to do au at a lower at •*7 Mn Mary Lily Flagler. widow of Raory M. Hagter. made bar to*rflag* to Holett Wurth TUftchaiu of Ixiul* ▼Ulo. Ky.. the ucvaxjo* of • gift of to Be Anguotlae hnapUt*| which her (bn liu»l<*uil ftMmdnl at Bx Augoatlno. I'la g With ImImt agrtn'lca nMwrtlna >oha tlwia «H*n to (111 Dam, Ibr muntrl pal W|lag txuwr and the aatidttU woodpile in rhir-ago an* do hut Uttte l*i*lnroe. The tLc« am working and arc able to rect comfortable U*rig1nas Mrs. IO*l*orue Row*. r>>tnml* tinner ot ntihtle welfare. etPlained King Geoff* rerelTed J P. Morgan la sudltmcc at Buckingham palace Ln rocit*n!tVjn of tlw backer's Armorial aerrlcea io the allies Mr. Mnrgsa sailed for Boroi»c Bold EM no the etcaiu oblp New Tork. It vu generally ao daratood hr inreaih-d in arrange details of « new lean t<* Great Britain. Will■ 11 ii Ym Nwd a Oaoaral Tmtt Taka Orova-s Tha Old Standard Om’i TukkM cklll Toaic la eqaall? TiloaYili at a; Gaaaral Taalc bffanac It coat«ti«a cka nil kaovn tauic prapartlaaaf QU1NIVBJ •oJ IRON. It actaaa tbc Liwt, Drt*o| oat Malaria, Boric baa tka Blood Had I Boilda up tkc Whole Bjatn. 30 caota 1 “I DON’T SUFFER ANY MORE’1 •Feel Like * New Peraon," •ey* Mrm. Hamilton. Ntw Cutir. led.-"*roa» the tiro. I wee drew, yew* old until I wearer on tree 1 ieff>r«dwdi month eo 1 had to be 1 hod bend i. baekedte end -j pauw 1 wouM omiap doable every maath. 1 medium tajdied, I ir’SssL'itoii.. | .J^jMfljlrtBpjddh I i ■wy* -. -■—,li*. . 1 — -t XWXSSXStXSft a WAYNE COUNTY’S VOTE Congressional Legislative and County Officers The following is Wayne County '• official vote for NilraoaJ.CsirfMionil, Legislative and County ofLterm. And it wiH hi i»«o from tha figure* that otirguod fnoad, Mr Earl A Remphrey. Democratic candidate for Solicitor of tha County C«. vrt .led the ticket through out the county. Mr liumphrvy la sot omly a clavor and poUahad geo t leas n. hot he '# coo of ihr boat < m iuta that •vor aorv«d tha paopia of Wayoo oocnty la any capacity, sad maeamm he '• Hd tMrlaa^lrgf dtecblri. af Wa doth* jOtt .tifcV <« •» Co»«tj kvottrrr ud tl h »l» *™Ur>(nc to bla un| af fritkdt to blow that be M Iba count; Uckal of D mocreey To Mr. Um. C. Eorntfiy, ehalrmas. and Mr H R. Parker. Jr, secretary, of rb-r Democratic eieeutive cum and k*»eir so-workeai on tha committee ia da- great credit for the aptendid De® -*ratic victury and aubotaeUal gala. made throughout the county, m (ho face of an umatuajly atrenuoua and active campaign fight on the part of Mr. Eli Waller Hill, chairman of (ka Republican rsoco Ira cemmictor, and but iua»nc flgh*. and • *th*d hard,** fall lag back a* a teat »traw oo b«« hops of Hugh** Umf a lew tad Praaldaat and a g'. re mat log vision of "pie** to 6a dealt out to ilw faithful, ona am nag »bon ha ta which. Tba h •ghewt voir la lhaeuur.iy fig National honor* wai givan lion Wayn« ewv-rtrt Battas. Utf. LexHJaHvc Vote SSWATS M. H. Alkaa Ova... LM J TK*1JU,. UM BOUSE li Me I Tsli n. Dm ____ Mil W lM«i Dm. 2.(1* Natikan A Bawall. Sr*.. >.«U D ManbaS (Caracas?. Bw».. i.cm County Officers Wmlof (laiRfy Court ■ A Doaykfn . t« J ulaa CaRMi Covrt —1» li Want ... LAN RaaWar yt TVeUa-G A Grmnlbam. Lara L*3 -HI Tavlav. Sea. ).«■ gunrror . f^ww Oral win. Daw--S«J I Coeracr CM ad C BaVwe Dam... Mil ..J £ Pvrsaa. FWc... 1.AM 8hsriff..S B Edvards_ MU .J C O'3*rr?. Q«p ........ ..__ i.ui CommisstoBers tkaeoau WP Patrick . .._. MU P If JarHars.._..... MSI Jacnas A Rm*l< .. IQ' V H Haafti. 2.0* HaaaUMaaa PanJsMn P f*aaaaa .. ......_ l.«J< Major W Crate). 1.(1 P C CaliwafI ...... ).«K Jmmrr: T gakOi . I.B R B Pvclda .. LU Magistrates GaM.ftrat.Ta—lip-Ja^aa W IWnpiw, ft H OdI Ira, M 4 Taw. J A T»W. Ju A fWi»r Jal K fMrtK*. and hr a—*luaa L—tala Ihaapiairt—H .'mm D IUmA aa4 N ft Oat Uw, *ti Du- ir>i» F—k JuiniiUMI. DM.DCn»kl*. Jwl Ik»iM. ft—a. GraaftHaro RLFata. W»Ha—IL E M Srark Ra— Br«dn W 0 Su<«m. 1* V firlur, C C Ran Jaal Part**. Da<— IW..O 4rMM 4 ft Harris*. 9 C G— J<*. W Hoi— flat* Maw Kara.-L D fti—lla. H Huaran—u. ft I I—r. Da—a. BMlAa* UJHai-k Ji4a!Wlk.l4Ln>« MaHrata-J W 4«hi—. L D Maaahaw. O 1 A>«Mk. Urn. Qf«[ laaai U«y AfMik. ft R llnilM 4«Im Monta. D— Draft laaaa .l) F Paata. JC b Da—. D—ft Cn«r«4. Da— FVraailta H 0 14—ataa T 9 Biafta 4 I lftaa.il*. M U 14—aaW T F >I late, i I Vapta*. Uaaaa Mum i C—aA T J C—. Daatal Cftaarfard. 1 4 Favfttaa. ft—a Canal aMta Ral.ft.Rnm TtauKi-A 4 Piftftua. D—« Mk IMIaaKI Da—. Oaa.aiAaia Raiart Fwt—fl. Baa fta—4— .DC»a»«—. Da— Mdtaa • — C II FWtta. R— Maw H—a (Wp WT4C— Da— ft— la—ft Oa.*—Caftar. Da—. Mai—ala 4 N Baa*. D— O—l ft—a— .Mr C Mn— Da— MU I—*» O • Oar rua Dwa FMaaMto W I. Hawaii L—a •tanar Cr—ft T W ftaaw* ft— "t ^TTMMftF ■ ■—-■■ — — DvM—« Oat Mftlrli. MlkM Up iyBt— Tft* OM ftaalaM ft—ft —I ftrwpMMlft I—I* OftOtn TOTftUM abOl TOftK. 4rtaaa — Mftu4—IctaaltaU—UMtaMtttiWan T ft a rftpaih* Iran# ft a/1 (Ha flrat ftkftfttM to bollrr. iny—r NOTES FROM F0REI6N tANDS. WV« folk* Art 0» «9 •« the othaf ! •*«*• *4 Ua QieSa Herman pig |rt>n pnxlarihni during | XVlrttoer mi l,100.00i> Cut* u« again*! U 115.000 tun* In September. tl* Or»f •ena Sea « agency announce* Tl*a rruaelau dirt la Sbout io take up a lull j»r’tiding for aa Increase In I he talarli » **f If* mexul>ets InMead of 13 marka <53 TTii »«*r on Hi fueling. uj formerly, if.# hUI provide* a yearly *al ary of 2.0U> mark*, or $5u0 l'be Argentine chamber of depittlr* haa pamtrd a lav prohibiting tba ax port of a boat or flour and authorising IV government Co eetabUab a mail Bum price uu brvari TUla waa door otx torvfliii uf iba high coal of bread Tbe president akgnsd rbs a assure IWiiFiiiiHS HONEYS MUST BE RI8HT TO INSURE HEALTH. kaa People rsallae to ahat extant tbatr health dapeoda npoa iba modi lion of tba kidney* !'F>e phytlelan In nearly all c»*a* of *<■« kmi* iilue“. taakM a chemical anaJr • •a of I ho patleota urioa lla hauai tbal tittle** the Hitluae* are detag their sor k prti|K*i le. tbc other organa ran* not readily b«> liruught tack lu hesJtli ami •Eretigtb. ^ oro ibv ZMuvysar* avgkrtrd or aliiaacil .n any way. serious rrwulta am ■ore in l.illow Auroi'llng l» b^eith alaiietlrt. Hrigl.i’a l)i•«•%>.*. which U fw’b an edrauced furm of kidney iriMiblr. caused nearly leu thousand Jeatka in nn« tear, is ibe Mute of Ntw York a'ooe Therefor* it I* par He a l arly uetcaaauy to par ajure attention to tbc health of tbrae Important oigeua. An ideal herbal compound -that kaa bad fetnarkabla aureate aa a kidaeT rrnxnjy la l>r. Kilu)*r‘» dwainp-Rrxit, tbp gieei kidoey. Iieer aod bladder rtmwir Tbc uiild and beating loflueocr id IbU preparatloB. in moat raena. in toon real.eud. a n o rd log to awura aleie t up n La ami vrrtftud laaUraooy of Lb oar %bo hare ward the remedy. Whaayoor k idneya require at leniioo, gat Swamp-Root at ooo« from air pharmacy. H li Bold by eeary drag* |kt ta bottiaa of two cisaa—Otic and Howgrer. If yc «i|b ta tgnt lb to rami ^rapaeaiioa aaftd ta* oanta tp l>r.< iMiiArr • T?h.. Blngnanjptoo. fC t, fur a tamj Goldsboro as a par man ant aitiiaa— bring lag wlili bim a eorpt of txpart Barbara- and solicits Iba palrooaga of Uie Public. guarantoalog tatlafaclloo la 9r9rj particular f.'laaaliaraa at all ilmaa will ba aay motto. Respectfully. A B HOLLAND. Adalnlstratev** Motion Hai ing qualified aa administrator of Ottwitlt of J H Ban tun, deceased, lal* of Wayne coeoty. Lhla la to certify VI p'ramikpinff rlniiM against tfct estate to exhibit I bam In the undrrtig itrd oa *»t before Nor let. HI/.or tbit notice will be pleaded In bar of tbalr rerOyery. Ad purenne iodsbAed U> teiri ■State will pis sea niake immediate pay toast RICHARD BENTON. Adra K > US Goldtboro. h C TbU Haf la*. Il«t• DR. A H. ZEALY, OMTHOPATH Rmni 411, 412. 413, Bordw, Bid*. Qold»boro. K. C. Offlo* PImm* 171. RMtdMr* phoM i 178 CATARRH LEADS TO CONSlIMPiiO Catarrh is a* mnrh a blond ' m. .»♦ aa scrofula i»r r' ruti.aii^iu. !•. i< be relieved, but it -‘onnot bo rerun* by simply local Irratttvui. ]| CJIl4 hea Ja«br end * knom aa tbe beat retard v for cat an h Hood’s 8*r<*|>urilla ttitn^lirqi and tones the whole syttera. It builds ■p. Ask your Jmggt«i f«r Hood'*, and insist on having it. There is ».• • s^' real substitute. I r How a Man Who Landed On Wood Pile And Wat Sm. prnnt Head to pool Pound Ouick Relief. Once upon * Un»w |..j*rin rufnan mho lt«es in lit* .j ... r, pretty t.*m|e< .• Wea4el iJepot, Max* . r >11.1*11 «.|. t,,.« • Infl ti» gri Mtinn hall hnir cinietu last hi many wnntl cf n.*r, 1.*.* m «. c country uiusl ufu.i do. >uu Jcnly l.« slipped sod fell. Y.*n fret !*> %»*, ,• pdie of vod, kiK'lH-l mid |fu:;.*led. I r-se a nasty tumUc. a.*l Mr. t'utrui. was Injur, d paii.f dly in tu- imek, h«. wMCwrml s nh Prjiat., tC J >. M coo injta tumd to fi r*t Tbe net tiny he Inu-Lt a t .:tle o| Hkien'a Uiunwul vbuh had U*n nxntnendel uvMui. w tltun a very ' v hour* tbe soreuri* Usd vaiiu'i—i 1.. the la/nroen bid il At| js-uel. 'few... an Mllv« man one - m tr Hkan 1 Llrdnwni m*i ler.S'qmn! ji all iU»g Mona. iV. J.C. uuj 11AU. m What Kiud 1 ofu Market Does Your Meat Come Froth1 i our Voo uu cordndly imihsl to come un' Wafnaa. Can*, Ho**. Corn. Fodder, etc. RICHARD IIKMUJf. Ado* ~b. fTaycock* Attorney at Law FREMONT. ‘-N. 0. CHESTER L. LASSITER, U. 0. PHysiolaa aid Surpcn Ofllc© 8mon«l F1«wr New Hrv ka fl,» FRKMON r. N C. OMer Phoia* 11S Hotel |'bn in 7 DR. W. II. SMITH. OfBct 1HI Writ Walnut Si , RESIDENCE PHONE 449L OFFICE T1IO*F. NO 1* 1)R. E. R. WARREN. DENTIS1 Of line* o New Or&iat ll'iil Han. »> onH Ki«*or. lit ;ff. I I** «•© P • ~~DR. W. A LANE limiTlHT, rooms ;mi -tni Hordo BuCtlSaf. Thlril Finnr Ofic© PbOHO rI K«*«l<1enrr 117-1, i 90 CENTS FOR AN EAR OF WAYNE | COUNTY CORN IW« wi.! give that Partner bringing to us between now and Thanksgiving, Six packages of Mexican Btcck Powder, worth 90 cent*, for the largeat ear of Corn raised by him. [ We wiJ'also give six packages of Mexican Stock Powder to that farmer bringing in the moat perfect Ear of Corn between now and Thanksgiving. Award* will be made day before Thanksgiving by two com petent, disinterested farmer*. Wayne Connty to the front! Now, come on with yonr prite ear, and let’s hare a Corn Show right GOLDSBORO DRUG CO., Goldsboro's Biggest Drug Store 1 -——^ ] fr°r Quick Delivery of iCoal, Wood, Shingles, I Laths, and Furnace Coke. Phone to W. H. GRIFFIN & SON TELEPHONES 47 and 48. ■H1EAUCTI0N SALEi^BI TX-XE3 o. in. WORRELL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Saturday;"" NoveTTftoer HI 11:00 A. M. 1 , It has been subdivided into small farms each farm hav= |j ! | ing a nice road frontage, this being located on the Goldsbo- ! | ; ro-SauIston sand clay road within 4 miles of the city Of j HI Goldsboro near Thompson’s Chapel. This very valuable piece of property \\ | | will be sold I! II— AT YODR PRICE ON EASY TERMS" !! 111 —————--------- \ 1 | 01 j There are two tenant houses, two tobacco barns and outbuildings. It ’ is a very !! i i healthy section and is also near a church and a good school. I YOU CANNOT MAKE ANY MISTAKE \ | By investing in some of this real estate that is going to be offered you on November 25th for J j ! ! a smflH outlay of capital. Come out and see for yourself what an opportunity you have to bet- ] [ J | ter your finncial condition. < | !! i i rj 1 1 i i r i i i; FREE PRIZES- BAND CONCERT I: I I ' 8 ' ~=======.TJ , , = J ' ; An Old Fashioned Barbecue Dinner jj i 1 j ] J ! Ladies Oox'dietlly Invited | Walter & Gurley Auction Co. | j Home Office:Fremont, N. C. !! -..-j j