THE HEADLIGHT. •■rwoBirum fioo rtR yrar «. KWUMMil. MM»w4 fmmer Qouumo. i*. C.. Smrmb.r2i lUlii PRESIDENT MAKES THANKSGIVING FLEA ftpi Silts ti Wir VIctlBS In PradimtiM. CkiUng hpoo AMertm to giro thanks tm “w peace sad unbroken proper Uf,m tad lo Mcontrlbatr oat of mw ahoa tout avaas” to tks relief of tboss ***** to baitlgoeeat utVnu i>|a»n th« ' erae and terror of war baa an pttllrasljr fn»~i.“ Pmahtoot Wliana baa laaard bin Thanksgiving pn* U wmtimu aectlna .Nor. so aa tba data. Bara Mbva tba prraldetifa prods coanrerelcaed by ftrrretary oar day of has •n IbaBW to us so s pnek tat tbs «M« mv« of ta* world has boon I* On midst sf sar upoc I tbs sslisas s« opsa whom # ottboat choice or . of samps an Uidr part. Ws i__ think sf sar own fcaprfcwao wttboat tMsk big of tbs* pMfai dJsire-w. Mow. tkorofsra I. Vtnoirtn Wilson pedsldset sf the V sited listen of A Trustee, as stwniat Thursday. Nos. Ik as s day sf national thankswtrb«« and praysr sod onto sad ndstss tbs psopkr to rsssrt to tl*slr ssrsrsl Maras of wrwati.’p oo tbal day *a ralif thaaks to Almighty God for «ns MtsPif Of rears sail onbrvkco pros parity which ba has Sskrbwsd span sar habwrsd senotry la such unatlatsd moan And I alas ergs sad onaasst our duty k l>m sar day sf pews sad abidar** in Think to dwsp sympathy of tbs stricken pinplas sf tb# world upon whom lbs earns sad tarror sf war ban as pdlnaly (aRos and to ntrChois sot of our abundant swans »o tbs rated sf (tetr »«g«rtr*s. Oar psotOe cuuld at no bettor way show tbsir rsal attitude toward ths praasnr strwggis ot IS* Mitrto tnan by cootrtbst bg oat *4 tbsir sUindnses lo the relief of lhjsadorlnp whim war baa trough! In Itn WAR UNTIL 1920, NEUTRAL PREDICTS MlIns Preprint Fir Ynrt Mori ol Sfrift At tka weritof uduu of Europe ant prstmitna for many yrnra of too «rt T^odk-tlnee are an* bain* made fbat tkare will be an proro before 1XW0 Dtapntrkaa from Onoiany, Aitecrle. Enstaud. ituaaia and Prance tell of the moot trmeauVraa preporatkxta tot nan of etnmata Tbo al(M matioot are fkBowta* tka land of the central poerera tn p let-in* food npoa> a beata of orloMlkr dtatrihotVtn Kntfand »t" hne« a feod dlrtator and ration cstde, aed maatlaaa days are probe Mat Tbo Brttleb poeple will bo pot oo a diet of “war brand" to' tooaorre ' tbo aapoly of arheot- All Uuorke are to bo bonood. Not for a cento ry bore there bena aurfc draatb- metric tbaoa as wui be Irepnecd darts* tbe seat few months. The Ftaoi h potstkoarnt baa ore yet token ony dental »e ucje, bat die patches from Part* indicate It woebi eotobly tabs akallar action Oaemany baa taken another step la bee system of ouporoepantaatloo by nee military terries Ttta brtaca a CStmMmtlao of ofnrt which make* user ana. woman and child to the empire a salt la lha pipstub. or eon* aottao whose leduatrbcl and military dhhod baa withstood the sharks ol tka tas nett one arrayed asalnet I Hr ibenon alHoac It k exported the slllerl roootrlM alas wlk make forward mores alone the ttsea of the Perm an idea by or li a dm a csmpoMon tn tadotoui work RUTH LAW FLIES FAST. »mn U"H*d Mato* Nenotop Pan la CMaafa-Mpw Verb PilpM. Mia Rath Haeeroft Law la bar '•babjr" btHwao hawks all Amartcar ■awamp renwda to bar Saadap Bi«v fmap Cbb-asa ta Raw Tafb. bba kf CMfapk at 4 JB a. ■>. and mada bat •tat Map at Human. M T. tn alls fraa Cbb-am. at l«T In ttw> afternoon hartaa baaa abtbcad te daarpod and aa bar aaantlao tasks. Kha landed at ntapbatoioa at 4 BO and baraaai of the Barkaoea dwtdad Is alftnd the mah tbara. Baa naannad bar Msbt to ftor Tba Blaataaa ft tod aeUtrU beat t'aatatraaa a data la bto recant attempt al a nenaanp am Irwaa p. Haw Taeb tUe trat atop waa at Krte. Pa, tot toHaa from (klraco. wkllr Ifln Law did oat atop aadl ataa waa ro toOto troaa Iba Wtadr c*f. aw toataaataed a ■paid at oear a hundred WILL PtUV » HOW STUDY. nutl*- •# MfMto to Ht(l Wmr* mt Qm*«U CmihiUW (ftt s m4 «€H tl S • I Hr. Hto « i’LL EAT TURKEY THANKSGIVING DAY 1ST TIME IN YEARS'' Say's "Judge'* Wright enberry. who will be 76 Christmas Day. He gained 20 pounds on Taolac. “1 will rat Turkey no Thank* giving Day for the fit»i time la year*,’* **id '■Jadjft'' W richl**"ber ry. “and on Cbri*ia»^5 D*t I*H be 76 year* old and will cr Hjrala by bavlog a boUJeof Taolac ou lb* l*o • ■> dinner Ub!r. In aopreeialitMi of Ibe wonderful rHli f | h-yyr gained through li.” "JvtV*” Wrighlvitparfj (,«»! a U7 acre farm on the outtklrla of Grenoabor©, aod ‘a a Onnfi*drrale Vriarai.. Hm buoOtrfu friveda take him at ht» word when hr Baja. " is turin m«rr ilia • a bus drid Ume* whai I paid for It, ba cauaa It la th# oul> med'cloe that baa k*' d iBr," "Tbe last doctor lo a.lcod mo told my wifi*, us I lay on m? bed tick, that be framed if I woo d live until be ratuiar-J t*. bia iffice. Then It waa that a Lrlghtinr dropped lo and told >f U*.» kurc»«a with Tan ac\ I wild Mr» Wr>uliti*.a i i • get aoutn and, Oeilrve iur, l lOvB It. "Soon after IjI>hk Ta lac I ino proyrd *o that! tied tbv doctor bo needn't cotoe lack. Why, I cat dlgaat the renteat bacoa now My alaop la at good a« ar y per ton'a and By regain id itrrogtb enables me lo work again I u»a ra Clarke Lam her Co. Ml—C W Baal ra. Clarke I.unbar Co RJ—C ¥ Kreoman ra. Char lay Waat •t al MH—Harriott lirna ra. Lcalk* Vioaoo Wednesday. Deeoaubar 0. 1914. Ml—C. ft. Smith. Jr , v* Haywood Roftoi MS—T K. Talroiton r«. C. F Wigg* at al. 374— B. J. Bowdoa r*. 8 D Perklue. •71—J. A. Il^nk* ra. T D. Corley. Tburaday, December 7.1910 •17—8wirt Creak l.uiub*r Co ra. J VL Heals. 960—Ho a I barn Cottoo (ill Co r». R. Braun 4k Co •74—BryaoiUlli r«. ifattle Oill. Mk-A M HhrjRo vt U D. Gulley. Friday. Derenitjcr tRh. 1914. Wl—Matt!# ftfnnrara F. G Mnora. —N. D. Garris ra. CUrka Lumbar Co. 990—Q. A PloliU ot al re Clarke Lum ber Co •*- a mar vi i.iarkv l.nuibwr Co. *9— Asala M va Cbarlla Umia Rntcrday. Danaaibrr Mb, 1916 4313— John Mhsddmg va. Rarth 8b««t King. 491J -Cljd« Floorl v*. Fr**l llood MOTION DOCK PT It—J U kid gar tun at al* ta. (Jao F . K.lgarmn H-K C. Cobb. TrnttM ti. J. HA?* eock. 90— ftryaai Tala ti fikad? Pata •4—N. B Haigrr w K. H Am Ilk at ala 99—Wm. K N obU va Ball l.imbur Ca. 97—T. ftidrwJg# ra. J W Floain at al. 91— K W. Aoull*r>aa«| vi § IWar raa al al 99-2 B Maagrar# »i J. L liar* 4 Ca. 93 John B F.aaia va t>. D. Bait. Km >H—B II. OriKla ra Bfead 4 Ricks 999—W T. Araoek. |i(r. at aJ va 7, ■ Muagrava •47—M K Koblaaoa v« QoHihin Baggy Do. ID J.uo* W Taylor va John W. kid ward* F99—Uattta L Wllioa, A C+kmmUm. Ok± V ' MANY NEW GARMENTS JUST RECEIVED SPLENDID NEV GOATS FROM $5 UP Great Variety of Styles in Every Six** _ I STUNNING NEW COAT SUITS FROM $10 UP 31ne, Green, Brown and Plutu li Also Blacks in all Sixes | SERGE AND SILK DRESSES From $5 Up Charming Garment* That.Fit Well Bine, Green, Plum and Black i OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT - la Completely Stocked with Many New Shapes and Trimmings We are fyi better position than ever' m T to cater to your every want. IF IT’S LADIES’ WEAR - WE HAYUT COME-We Are At Your Service | '~&AjAe4i& ’U——a«« J.«i^ MK7 TJT’L’-.LaKaMMBMBWWWMWW COMPLETE SMALL FARMS with houses, stables and outhouses, ready for you to move in on January 1. 1917 to be Offered to the Highest Bidders at our AUCTION SALE j Six Choice Small Farms near BES TON, N. C. i Friday. December 1st 10:30 A. M. I Part of the George W. Best Farm Located one mile from Boston, nine miles from Goldsboro, and five miles from LaGrange, on the Boston and Saulston Road. Five of these tracts are equipped with a nice house, stab! es, outhouses, etc., to be absolutely SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDEkS ON TERMS OF ONE-FOURTH GASH. The Balance in 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 8, 7 and 8 years from date of sale, with interest on the deferred payments, or discount for cash on deferred payments. These ar© all good farm*, each with a good road frontage, in a good section. with school and church close by. The soil is a loamy top soil with a good clay sub soil, and producee aplendid crop* of tobacco, cotton. corn, and in fact, any crop* gown in thi* section. Mr. Tenant, Here’s an Ideal Opportunity for you. Yoo oan purchase one of these places, move in and start your farming operations on Jannary l | Free Dinner to All Attending Sale j HDSIC BY OCR OWN ALL STAR BRASS BAND We Sell Rain or Shine. Don’t Forget The Time, Place and Date. Be Sure to Meet Us On The Ground. SALE CONDUCTED BY Atlantic Coast Realty Co. Offices: Petersburg, Va., and Greenville, N. C. ; PERFECTION SHOKElE