“Raleigh’s Shopping Center” Boy Ian=Pearce Co., We are ready with Modes of the f 0 j Moment ih • ^ _ .<• 'r.- Vv *. . . i LADIES’ SUITS, COATS and FROCKS. Antnmn fashion in all that the word expresses l* at its heat now. The display is of compelling In terest to every woman to whom xtyle appeals. / Pretty Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists, and un usually attractive assortment at S.95 up to 12. SO THE SEASON'S FASHIONABLE FAD High Colored Silk Sweaters are here In every pretty oolor. Yellow, Roee, Copen, Qreen, Purple and the various color combina tions, prices 6.00 6.76 7.60 10 oo and 80. oo For the Benefit of Our Out of Town Patrons, we permit ex change when orders are not en tirely satisfactory. Wi pay all Parcel Pest aid all Express an purchases over $5.00 W rite lor samples or information, A. Oorjps of expert shoppers are at |VoRCHRISTM.SrPRESENTS*i j We would suggest some ol the following from i X our large and complete stock of/Jewelry 1 X Braclets Gold Watches i ^ La Villiers Bar Pins | 4 Camea Brooches Umbrollas 4 ▼ Watch Bracelets j Gold Rings • j f Cameo Rings Beauty Pins 1 ▲ Watch Fobs Neck Chains 1 Card Cam Vanity caaea Neoklaoea Charm* , Opera Olamra Diamond* Signet Ring* Cigarette cam yield Olaaaea Oold Lockett Cigar caaea Tie claape Lorgnette* . .J^ahPlaa . „ Mill fc»ig. Act. . .Ww* NovaMee • Meah Bags Oold Caff Pin* Belt Buckle* Banjo* Traveling Seta Diamond Ring* Oold oroaaea Onltar* Brooche* Jewelry cam Koontaln Pena Vlollna Toilet Seta Manicure Beta Cot Olaaa Trank* ' •1.000 worth of Comb* and Brnahea and Manicure Seta Joat Received Why pay double the price for jewelry when you can get the 8AMR GOODS for LE88 MOtfEYat the GOLDSBO RO LOAN COMPANY. Money refunded if goods are not Just as we Represent them. ONE MILE FROM HIGH PRICES — ■ » __ THE GOLDSBORO LOAN CO. N. J. EDWARD8, Proprietor Next to R. Tonkel & Co. Store i “$m HhTmIi Omh Ihg mu lot uuwtLd ARE DRGQfIMTAU and jrou mlaw that fina J j ol eihiLaration which a copious morning opol^^E you should put a •mal^^HE> lily of 6ifflmoiu Bed Regulator (The Powder on the tougu* and down with a little wiU^H^ Ila action in the sy^^Hk purifying and strengt^^Ht It drives out hard lmp^^Ks and imparities and g'.iKgmie to th 9 muscular siruc^^^B the bowola. It oeeroo^^^K tendency to chronio c^H Uon, relievos a hlostsc^^BB in the abdomon, ivaa^BK breath, and promoasw^^BS' body, mental aiertn^^vfll ms iv » JTT*" Kaport of tbs Cnodi ttu^ Of TBE BARI OF PIRYlLLE . at PikevilU. i* ib« But* of fttoflk U*r oIIba* ml tbw aIom of bualMi Nov. I7»*. 1919. RFJWJUKCK8. IsOtna and diaeouot*. It, 13* 41 Baoktoc Meow.9>,140 00 Fvriitm * rixturr* 034 *0 -9.0*0.on Do* frocD NbUoubI Book*_l« 4*4 U Hold Col*. 79. U9 Bllvor col*. lucJndi*g*ll *||. ocoo)Q#ourr*BC7 . 111.99 M«i)ob*I b**k nui** *nd oUv wr U. ». Mot**.a . 1*104.09 Toul.7S.94l.81 MAB1UT1K8. C*pi 1*1 «to«k paid la. 9.900.00 (J*dlvld*d prvfu. luMonr nOttl|«IMaiB(t lUMpd Is6l9.fl D*po*lt« •ula^c-t lo chock.... 41.997M Tint* crrtiflmfM of 4*po«il 9.964.19 fUrio*. Jopovlu . 4.099.17 Csibior • checks i.sutssdlag SSV.7S Accrued Im. das depositors IS0.S0 Total.ftkME.lt State of North Carolina, cunts of Wayse. N.rr. as. till. ~ t. It I Bcrgsr. ca.bisr of thwahors earned Hack, do solemnly sws^ that the abort atateneal ta Iras to Its boat of aiy k sow Isda* and belief. . N B HERUKR, CsMier, ftobocribod aud sworo to ha fare ma Ibis 1st day of Doc . Ills. K. l> PERKINS Notary PJbUe.' Curreot Attest: , MU.IOKD A TOOCIV H K riKI.DS, • w it HiLn. U t ... METROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP JOHH STREET, HEAR THE POST OfPlCE Tba aadaralcnad, with Bflaaa ran praotloal aipwrlaaaa. baa pWwhaaa4 Vba abora wall kaowa bad aoaraoloav It koraoad Sarbar Shop, awl baa noma to GaMaboro aa a paraaoaat ahiaao— brla*|a» with hla a oorpa a! a a part ■arbarr- • awSolia tba palraaaaa of tba Pabtto, (waraoaaala ( aattafartioa I a arary partlaa lar. I OtaaaNoaaa at all Uaaa will bant ■Mb. | Raapactfalty. I _A. ■ HQU-ASP Dr. w. a. lane Dirrurr. miotut HI—MV Sortaa tallSai. ThM floor OHaaPbom PN laMOaaa HJ-L PANS HALT MACKENSEN M lindm Aliost it Gate IS it tacAimL HietnoRTH i- B«mp Way In JUvanae mm Ke#ert* Aka ▼r^aylvaniga rereed u mark of Cam artaWa i«wy tba fnrtraaa frvm tU coattaoea In mmoBUo re riTkaoliaya'i forre# bare Oaaael thirty mUaa fmn Bi outar fort lira t lost, a titanic eteva&O) boar cfvrt ta •'•I A Junction of tbc aiaUi force* of ktartwmati and Falkrcliayu. I hr Ko%. maulAoa, aided by flaaalan tn-^ta. are ofTarlad battle on a moot of Ifij mlkv aloe* the Arge* vrrrr Hoatb of Bu.-ha raottba Roaao Koumanlaa forvea. a.' OOP®N to Prtnfntl uad Btirharnl lafUrtad a defeat oc UackrMrn. army, drtrWa them off toward tbe ewth Oa the ocher band, a Tec coo ianklac movement dhmatroaa tr* a Roumanian aolun aoctb of tba capital la adjuk laH hv rIvmi in ■ » _ _ Will Kaplsal IUummi. NMaauwlitla tlw Rum>> HuuouqUid o/ In tlic Carrathtam «n,| t«rt of the Traaajr Iranian Alps rooitnae without a BMaiMt'i kfon rwriwnd Jk»a>a tbe rapture of two \U.un ami 930 prtaouaru. RerUn assert* all oa Arifhfa we ns without anil. * ItODoru of la partial capture of KtrU baba. ace af the “laraa” to (he Hub fartao plain•, ar» Alapn—il of b; «b.* atataiMt that the It brio# •ttan oa tbe rvrkm ' eaat an«l nun •aat1* of that potnt. Moraovr*. the* Tew. ton* ara oa the offrostv* In tl.U area, (howffb Pitni|r»d aaaertft loej wer*- rr pnlaad Of tranra&ria emuomk ImpnrtMiw** ,ia an oArta) vtaleneat Uaned u» Koriij iNUPUtncaUry to (ha weeont of the ffBmtf tptmlow it tabs of t*s *n wwaksaasag "CtalU ration at tbe com .try will ha carried cat aerordlnf to thr priori'.Im prwrloeely eabxbltahad. whirl, partly ttirrrepocvd to tba necruitlee nf Uou occia aud partly accouat for tbr nr reealtlaa at tbr mitral powaia ml .ft by Toy la ad. contrary to Uttar, a. Local law." Apart from Hat leal icy ihnt I hr Orr aiaa tonnatu aiemrt. la frrl rrr tala that Ola Tentoae. arr In Knumaiile tc Hay. tbla annuaumemt rlaarly fonebadooa rllroslm rxpbdtatlou of tba inmndou ltouami.iac rrauur. ra. partlralartj lu oil. yralti. wtarat and cattle * tiaorral Turllf roai Tar ho,.. owl Wrldrahaeb. formerly »alef nanaiand *r at tbe EUhth army corpa with headnaartera at Cchlent. bah tern ip pointed chief of thr Troian ell,lory edmlnlatratloa In Hoamhala Oalkarhaya Drlvaa On Tba German elalai that Kalhrnhayn la adrenctae ataadlly aad law reached Onear-I la tadlrewtly rorrobureled by tha oBrtal B.aimat.lar. ailialwdoc. tiial Klay Frcdlmad'a fair. a hare hem trwuJrlled to retire "toward TIta." Tbla lowu'lha a little non than thirty inline north w^ai of llorharmt. on tin- railway.la tween tntoed and tbe capital A Torklah dtvlaUai bela«0ns tc Mar kruaca'a Bennie army waa defeated iworlUiy to tha Baunashn atacomaot. in tba melon of t>racanract. thirty fngr mOaa aoothwaat at Bor ha re-1, while Um nmla body of tbr Balcar-Uerman army waa drlrrn be,A from tba melon name alarm mllra acaltbwewt nf lha eapital. Id :De nobrud)a tbe Romo-Rranaa nMn troopa laoarhad oew power ft. I at. tackh. which. arrordlaf Co Bertln aad I *«•»■ «»• ken ten off with beery lam ■ FRENCH WfcR DEBT HUGE. No PliMOUN V Morolb Om ' i oldl horo. . My March U. 1»I7. th* total cndlto oeaaod by tba mock frrroroaioot itnrr rbo boalnalcia at hootutiloo will anrr-iat to •MJOMOO.QQU. aoyo Baool Pont, n porter at tko Mtpt roaanjltlao at tko ckaaiboo at dopotlea. lu rooonao«dln« tho co «m,lM> to pay tho oipoooao at mi. Mr Parat a loo tndoaoao tho oow fa la , tton projart darldad no ranotly by tko ipproprUMna cmaatttao of tko rfcaoi bar 01 drvutlaa aod which naU yufct tuunon TMaa toloo roolf bo do ■trod tram Inetooau hi tko lolaa «a Mot— aod on totm™. otoo b«*r aad achnr roanaodtrtoa PHoo Par ha.thorn AoaMooa da oaanal prMo of Nsno for lb. boot ■Horary produrfton by a kootbonor boa boon aoUMIobed by tbo haathoro kortoty at Now York ouLooaoaa aauai aarual SO. Ihrporlb (Mh.. i par ho Ira.. IN par bo Math Mood. I Ye oar lb ;;,."“"\!7'«5r,Tirra STB hMoa. hOo par lb Corn Moai . Y.thparbao Pint. ..luauporbbl •a—Tidrnnlatod .KM par lb N. C Ham. ^ Major * Oaio..... >«a par ha •wwot Pidanii.POopor bo Cbnwa Mon Mad.. mprhN Ooatoo hood Moot .lMparho« POPULATION OF U. S. SET AT 113,309,285 In Tort loiHt S< tin Wilt 10,366,778 Ptotls. ^imJaiboti nilmiini of rarh of the Caltad lain for J«,, |t i«j]7 a* tarrotaari by i(m mjm bureau, vblrl ^•••0 H* ‘■alcalartvna lt*r Inrreaac A* by the frdrral .rruo of 1UUO liUO. bare Jua* bee a a u itoom-ed aa fall ova: CantJaanUi U*led Otataa. At*to me Nevada .. M i* Hwmpd>if Wtw 2• rary K»a M»itrt Wear Tor* Worth Carolina Worth Ibkoa uu.** o*t» . s-iio* ORjrwwu 1UM Owm m.m rmitwTSrmnla UiOO Rkrttlf li'jnil CIO) Ooaitt fan Una ... i.flOr Willi I "abate Ht?T* Tannaaaoo tfiM Ttiaaa .. 4 4T - «M l'««b ,. C*t:4 Ven*M*r»« j. »>, |3 virala»a ^ l?4c t_* *a Mr.«tn* | oiab* wrm Virginia ll«« tttar*v*nin fill "A W> tiU'"« UC.3M TolaA Ca»kiarn*al I'riinJ Honors '.(T.IXBT OuMyina P«oa€t4'»n«. Alaaha 4UJU Ihiajtt U) ip« Hawaii c: 4»e Kaaur.a ruiui kw ihi ft M FkUlpi,'w lakaaAa lirt«* Ftff(i) Rice 1.23. Ml hanwaa <*> 1.01 Tefal L'aitad*S(a(M fc» . 1H.U.91 «aj tlma»«ra iiitn by aoraranr BU y. John M Parker. J A. Hopkins. Judge Boo It. Iimliwy and otters *ho refaeed to comply with the »i*h*« of fUaiarvelt and Parkin* and arret* Chart** E Hughe* a* in-mldeotUl raa didst* iaimt those aiulenrtnuO to be roc duetira the rrattgmseai arc John R«*» ert Taylor. N«*w York; E M f-ea. In* dlaaa . J. C Honk. TraiiMM>. II. T torhefna. Wisconsin. T. H Wananmk er. Houtb Carolina. If. H. lirlflltlu. low* : C. W. Hnlhert. kllnnewite ; I’ran ela J. limey, California . W II. Mrhol*. VmooDt . J U Hale. UklihnoM ; C. H Hoffman. Kktikyi n; C W Udlurr GaoTEh, J M MeCoroilrk. TVs**. C. O. O. Bear. Alabama S H. A Molar IxmhUana H. A. Trelneehaiano. Cun oaetlmt . P W. Vernon. Maine , II I. Aadcntuu. ITortda ; J M Injeeraoft. Ida ho; Barton Virw. PCrninety : B K. Bridge. Mterfaelppl; O. V fttelley. Mon tana ; E. M Harris. Rhode Island; B. T Moore. f?tab; C. N. Kimball. Weal Virginia, and ft 0. Carey. Maryland CONGRESS MEETS AGAIN. WHwn’i Railway Mila so* Bspart Trad* fiipantltn w Re PwaKa*. ft* lul Mdao WKh a hoary peugtanB ot hueUm* before It Chtef It van art tha reualnder af l*reekWot WUaan'a railway lag* latte* Arelgrrd to aakr tran«|torta lion atrtfcr* laipaaalhla. *b larging tba ipvtra and vorl a ad hv oreaafng tha awnabrrrbtp of tha later atato comOfTW r-ofanlMkio; tha lotrl gracVn bin organisation of trading la taroata for fnretga Inula, a romprefcen •tea ijttfln of waterway*, rlran and harbor taprnTooMit. tha waatera wa tar h#Tl» and appropriation bllte. D*unrr»r1<- kndrra doabt If all on tha program nahrpot tkrwgb Thay 4o nor think tha pndldMK win rail ag »itra areata* Tttry laaraf that br frate tha conn try wd*14 Ilka a r*flaf from tha aaoartalofloa of ptwllng log talatka. atan that ha rerognlar* tha rwrraafty for tha lapae af tuftoWat tlma to afford tha bnaJnoee Intaraat op port unity to rmfona Itaatf to tha aaw laglaiartnn alraady pooaad and gar tha rnontry war-dog In birtamy with It OrfmaOnt Maiarfa, fcdldaUp Ija—m Tha rrpnbiteaaa had rha frat ahaaea to hollar, anyway Mae Cared In A in 14 Day* WOAl NP* ' I VtNIS. W Mtnta la V vim Parka *f Oor Country. *»o»rrnor Jaatc* IVivaeu «»f Trim e&|irM*eO npivotal .if Ih. rtMbw high «t*4 llriag He aabl (i*r rariuara "kfa coning Hilo tiielr u«u oim! are ra lltkal to all (bay ran gat ** ii«r,four Konruaoa la a furunv. i Mora than a MII1«hi av»re rigs rvt tea j ware mn!« la ibe United Stale* during tbr la-'al year 1010 tt»a in tba pra «r. Rllaiar • Hwajup-Root la a pkrvl ctaa’a prsaaription. It baa haan tasted f«>r yaara aad baa broagM raaolta to oouailaag sombara wbo bars «a flared Iba hit non of Dr Kilatri Bwamp Koot u .iw* 10 tba lad ibpt it fulfilb a! moat ovary *i*k ta or ar 00m mg Kidney, ll'ar aad bladiltr diaaaea, ourraeia axin' ary iroabiaa arxj aaotraliaoa tha arte acid wbirb raiiaaa rbeanailam Do aot aaffar. a bottia of Swamp. R**>i lion any druggiat aoa start t'ealmaat today . llowarar. if yo« anab to taa( tbli great preparation arod laa (ROU U> Or. Kikoei A Co rttagkamptoo. N Y., for a aaiopla bottia. Wiwa wrlilag t* )t|fbL THl best test k Ik* T*n ot Tim*. Tear* ago till Goldeboro rceidtol told ot (rood ratal!, from oalng Duaa'i Khdoav Pill* l,et*r. Mr* Z L .Thong »oa ot III Park A . too*, ooadnuad ihl for mar iialtmaal aald Ikara ka* hate to recurs,oi the trouble 'u. (Jelde boro people aak lor more eoivtadog ttatieioov * Mra Tbomptoa. tart: "I aulored from oooatanl, dull, tag Klor Uebaobet aad tort ana* aad palai armat air loiaa 1 coo id hardly Curl o*ar lu bed. aa my beck bun ma to Mr kidntyt wart weak aad tbo kldaej aacrallont bolkarad me a lot. Tbrtu bnaa of lioia'a Ktdaay Pllla wblob I *ol at J II. Hill * Bob'* Drug Kioto, ramo.od tbe baetiahea and alto rags latod l ha paaaarat of km Kldday etcre 1100*/' (Statement given la Janaary, l**) OVRR SIX TEARS LATKR. Mra Tbompeoe Mid. "I bava lu go » oatlou to um Doan'a Kldnoy Pllla alaot tboy culed aa | gladllr cocftrin my format recommendation. ’ Prloa SCr., at all dealeta. Doe'i tiro, ply atk for a kidary remedy— gal f^oaa’t Kldcrr Pule—tk* tame that Mra Tboiopeos bat twice pobllclT recoin. OMIMIprJ I'lJgKar U II horn I'm D_ HoBaJo. N Y DR. W. H. SMITH. Office no Will Walnut 8l . KK8I DKNCE PBOMK U3L. OFFICE PHONE NO I*. DR. E. R. WARREN? DENTIST Of Ilona In Haw Craat Boudin. 8nr oad Floor, ttooma 11«.||5. Panne 3KI DR. A. H. ZEALY. OSTEOPATH Koomt 411. 411, 411, Bordta B»d*r. Ooldvboro, If. C. OOot Phofli 171. Bfildioca pbooa 176. MUdM-S NEW MSCOVtlY tMM,«.FTMCwk t NEW*ARRIVALS 1 ♦ Of Coat Suits and Cloaks • X Woolen Dress Goods a 4 New Line of 8ilks ▲ 4 New variety of Ladies’ Underwear. 4 ^ Big Assortment of Ladies’ and Chil- ▼ T dren’s Raincoats. • X Our Stock is Complete in Every Do- I 4 partment ▲ 4 Notwithstanding the Advance In (Joods OUR X ^ PRIC71CH remain LOW. \ D. W. COBB & CO. ! 4 Kaet Center Street, North X PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEAS Bad bloody—that 1*. UIimhI |*ut hniHire or itnptreruibed. tlnu * paic. — ia rapuuMblo for uxtv a*. ®«nts than anythin* che. It affect* e*uiv orgau and fanct'ii* Ifi auuae raaea it eau.n eaUrrh; i. others, dyaprpaia: in other*. rbenru* tus; and in sidi others, weak, tired, languid feeling* ard w wa* Ironbbv It ia rsapnaaibio fur run-down eondituma. and 1* Ik* moat nimu«>ii eaoae of dine at*. Huwl'a San**par 11 1a if the greatest puritWr and ennrher of the bkod ti»o world kaa ever know n. It ha* b»n wonderfully Mcewaaful ia reraoi n»c scrofula and othar humor*. Increasing the rad-blood corpuselaa, and bqildici up f be whole system. Out it toflky s Faina And Aches Yield To 81oan'a Liniment. The Family Friend. When youi Joints henene illd, yoni oirrulavkci prior, aod your raftering tnakce you irnublc. an rpplUnUim cl ■ Woan‘s Unlrocnt givas yuu quirk re li*f—kill* pula. rtr.:le up a r<^-I clreu haUnn, reUevewerniacwti.gi. Ilia ruler aoo ckanrr Ui uw llwn nf ihe p >rra. l(J