TIE HEADLIGHT. I m—OKarma ^.q, ril TKAR i rnftttur ' SAFETY DEMANDS FEDERAL CONTROL OF THE RAILROADS Oily ViyM Hut EnmiKto tf latin, Says A. P. Tim STATES* RI6HTS PRESERVER - WkM Mwn H«M IkoM . >n»hlirf ln»»» U Mv ( •Mi •* *«wi. mn4 Urn W.»M C.m- I »/•«•-« M Frfnl l«i.rf ■' J •amd to Kttnt T. Them, mow to to* Railway ■patatlriW AdtMory Oamalttaa. to Maetodtoa hi. prate- J »m*7 tonam to tto ow (to tto I itolw*ja totura tto Xrwlaada Jo*al I "Wi wnt to itoctiwt aa a nattoa U J wa ■■* ta dual wuntoWI; MU am < ■attonal rawrwaactaa.* aald m Thoav. ■aad wa taaat apfractal* ttot ttorlaat trunpertalton ta u aaaaatlaJ raadlttaa < to Bailout tffirteacy. It n in to bait and waakaa oar ttmaapartattoo 1 ■yataan by Wat* liana, by tto panaa ■awt lairnatrlna to tortoa by towta* ravto m top. to - wbtch ■hlppaia to am adato war* to fartoaaty UWtad by ariflab rt«*l* ttoaa lipnaad a* tto latltaada by ■authoring at at** Ha potatad awl ttot Marat ragaiatlos would to bo ta natow to (to r%ha to tto atataa bat wawbl to tto waaaa to prnaarrlai tto Mpbta which ttoy araatrad wtoo ttoy •Otar ~ tto fa ton. am to which waa tto t t to ItoW ptadi t Thi btotw Jaat ■am by Mr. rtow aa Mlawa: 1. Tto aadia pawar aad daty to ■*• MatJua atoatd to la tto bawd* to tto ■ otlaaal imraaat (leapt a* ta ail Mat aa aaaaaUallr laral aad Nrtdmtal that ttoy cuaat to aaad to lataatot* with (to atltHoary to tto aarrtca aw tan Jaa* fldbta to tto rarrlara. ( I i to a aaw body which itopht to , oaltad tto FadanJ Rafiraad 0—M ate Raglan*) Oautoataoa tenld to aataMtabad la dlffaraat pacta at < tto eaaatry la aaalat tto lalartoal* fhaiairr ■ Oaaattodaw by toadbaw la J 4 Tk* ***** of tk* --— j Ml b* MMX to MM* k to pr* I ' dna tataa aa* not mtntj mlaa aa at araaint. TbU I i tk* «*t/ *r tk* < C*ai ■!**!«*. ta tfca aaamaa at It* p*w*ra la ta ra* j an—lila rata*, to a* *4Jim tkaa* rataa •kk tk*r Ml k* Joat at oa*t I* tk* I pakk* *•* l* tk* turiat Tk tkte m* i tk* C ■Ml < Mk , l*B*tt «f farflMm. tk* tauttaa *f 1 ikm i I* nut tad tk* rtpMa *f i iMppam am-It boater. aa* traduor* al tk* raaka 4 i 4 Tk* lataratata OoaBtrta Cota Bate tea* aboaM W I*t«m«* with tk* paw. i a* I* la tk* rataa far cmrrrta* — 1. Tk* fitearal p***raMM ' / baa* ' tatrlt ^ te*a < 4 Tk* k* mount tk* a* aaatlal IManta bataram thtapa wklek raatrate tra*. La tk* «**• of *rdt**rr mmuKUr o*a**a** aa* tkaa* • *** ■la tra** ta 4m cam *f - i af iiapl'lllln I i Utek. I *; -rv ! .f ' , r • ' ■> OUR LUMOS *BS DELICATE 1 Overwork. Uch of fcwh air. mental atram n. mj arVnrw jhturt* their function*. Stfebwi cough* tear ami wear KOftT EMULSION ihould be taken promptly for hard cough*, uBwialtfing cold*. “ ^ or,)nft *traogtfa i> lowered from wyanialii high i D^uiVgniw pwteirr^rfyt iorot to ward off A naan The rich cod fewer o3 hnprowe* the qoafitw °* Mood to reform the cold and the glycerine b •nothing and healing to the hug tbaue*. * -- t^lhdilTi **bhm*WMAlachl*foOg. ^ Report of tfea Coodlilon of The Peoples Bank & Trust Co. >1 Uokfcfc.ro la IM Mala .r Monk Carolina, at Ik. cIom of bialM. MoranWr It. 1*1*. BBsooacaa. ~n- «d dtacoo.u...« MS..09 07 rlWlnfU .. 497 42 “"V** |iM*l to- Wnraliaiw and Fliiara. $*.»»* it *11*0 45 ,11 otaar raal aatal. oaawl. iMh fcoaad Loan..,.111. nnooa >«• I row Malloaal B..,k.. . lftl JS H Hm (raa Hiala Baak. an* Boakar.. 8*114.47 lakh Iuim. ...^.0^"/.“....^. Total ..'p ' liabilities I_la- • _a_L __a . _ -ms. hid.:r:.::::: IMdeoa. **** **<1 «»*•• P»*d- II.M3.H >»vc*kta «,OWct Is ob»o«;. !.:...VT.. .. Mtu tM ol Dnmll ... |B|ta |* Total.■./.. l43d.PH.4a tat* or Nouru CAROLINA—Conaty of With, m: I.Jnn *» te. Cubier of lb. ebov. uud bank, do aolninlv i*oar tb.1 b. abov. .tal.co.ai I. tro. in tb. bcM of mr koo.bdn ud ball.f _ . ... . JAMB8KTLR. Cwbl.r Subecrlbed and tnx-n In befor. me, OORRECT— A Meat bl. 13kb day of 1*?r-. W'* _ IKO. R CRAWFORD, 8. L MADRY, i W. P. ROSE. „ ”A?K.PIS! o„ FOR SALE . Saturday, December 9th at 12:30 O’clock Hie Valuable Wooten Property on James' street, a 12-room house, for division between he heirs. Thli fine property will be bold at Pobllo Auction b> the higbeat Addar, nno-foortb caab, balaaca in oae or two yeara, with iolecml on acta note annually. Thoaala will lake plana at tka proparty, and will be auctioned by luilg. D. H. Bland. Any infortnalion conenraing aamt can be obtained by taring Ed L. Edmund ton, who baa power to aell at a private aale triton the above «u. sttt ; H* SHOES Have you • OUR Fall and Winter Line ♦ | or 8H0KSI jj I HAVE YOU HAD 4 f==OUR PRICES= X f Q^ot*d to you? if not It will PAY YOU to call A ► OTJH I_.I1TH3 f r Of Fall and Winter Shoe*. Also Complete ? 1 Line of / ™ ► Men's and Boys Clothing ► AT CLOSE PRICES. ♦ SMITH & PELT, \ E OOLD8BOBO, N. C. W * ♦♦♦♦♦ ——■—==™^—e^— SERGE I DRESSES <1 Many Models at; Specially Attractive Prices ‘ i. • i $10 $12.90 $15 i I I I HERE 1 i u Gift for HER 1 EAL SETS . | w .. 8CARFS % Pride. j it. Complete_ I Timely Arrival of N Jesmles ijlk Skirts of Poplin id Sefte B5 Up. > Skirts of Satin ad Fury {Weaves All Alteration Made F#e ^ The Christmas Spiril Pervades the Entire' Stlre Every department baa aome Amely ipeclal offering in Gift Goode and Wanted t^tnter Merchandise ; FIVE THOUSAND —FENNY CHRISTMAS CARDS— NOW ON DlfelLAY AT GoldsbordnAFugr G©. THAT WAR! Boat rood* art 40 por oaat blgktr UfP wbaa I bought Iatl Jaoa, so I id ofl Ut tackle UU nuon at lease 1 %rt mi regular 11m of toys tod tre •vorka of all kinds from a aqutb up 10 a th^darfcolt- Cao ptatola. rapid Irm A GREAT LINE IN TOYS [ii—tt. Dr noth. Horns, Fancy Capa. Sauotra tad Vaata A nlet lion off hct uraa and tbell goods. Can sail right lo snail Jobt to country nercbaata and Chrkttaoac irtt eoamltloes Applaa. Or&agaa. Nats. Raislat aod caadlta. JAMK8 D. DA NIK L, Manager. Kart Cetfter Street, the old ftand BIG LOT OF FINE STOCK NOW FOR SALE At "Oakland Farm," owned by Bea Cara pea and D B Koraegey, about two railea uinth of Goldaboro. 35 hood of floe fr«eb Jersey milch oiArrf. 10 Jersey heifers. 3 Jcraey bull*. 1 yoke of large oxco 00 bead of mixed cattle, some suitable for milk, eome for boef. 30 head mule* cod horec.. , t 1 Shetland pooy, buygy and baraeas HT35 hoed of aboro. tlock will brf y>ld at Public Auction at the farm at 11 a. m., Toaoday, Dec. 13, 1910. Free barbecue ilioner after *alc. For particular* «co F. B, EdmuBd&on w |). R. wiimiinuminmiMntiKmmj imtmti REDUCTION IN ICES J r . •• . -•• • ON-ALE OWN-"'* ■$*/*•■ 'ill Ladies Coat Suits li; We anticipate the pleasure of our many customers throughout this section 1 1 in learning of this opportunity to buy a down to the minute supt so early in the < i season at a cut prioe. m- J j \ We put in force today the following prices. ! ! ^ !!! S**1.’* **** *#W ^ 10 •,7-W WS.7S for Soil* that told op ta 115.00 11.75 for Suita m.rk.d up to 81.60 M 14 60 lor Bala that aoM to m.00 16.60 for Salta that aold rip to 17.60 14 60 for 36 00 Salta II "" ' * — 1 ” 1 ■« ■ ■ ■—— ■ —. — —— ■ i More than two hundred suits are in stock at this writing, more than half of 111 which were bought during the last few weeks. • 111 Very large women and women who are unusually hard to fit will find a good i i big range of large sizes. Sizes in stock today run up to 46. Q No charges for alterations daring this sale. ] j | - H. WEIL & BROS. OOLD8BORO. N. C. |! im»m»iimiiywimwiwi»«ti»«»m»i»iitmmi • *• / ! BIO STORE i I [YOUR CREDIT isl jgjflm Talk Christmas |Th« That! % | GOOD Wi,h Ct Hetman ouly a few day* I j I J off It'a not a day too coon to begin vJllLLo ™ V IQ A A f>Q taking tiling* ovor and making np WHAT IT £ A /Av>0 y»nr mind what to give Advertises A A A gift of a WOOD PIECE OK FURNITURE ■■ appreciated Out only fur the day, Iml for A X Year* lo Come it elands an a ploaaint reminder «f Ihe Tbougblful Girrr. From a vliak »ueb u ■ we have you dan make a «uitnMo .oleetioo for any one FOR MOTHER, FATHER, ft ROTH ft i KKOR SISTKR FOR RELATIVE (IK KRIKM), llftt you ran pick a piece of die Kinewt it X Manufactory or Something Attractive amt dependable at alow price.. Right bow We are V V Showing tha Finest Selection uf appropriate Item, for the Holiday. Ever Shown Here in Our ^ A Line—A SHOWING WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO HER. A T p I Now is the Best Time to Make 2 | _Your Selectionsi X Victrolas and Grafonolas $1.00 Per Week f I Coalmen Chinn Clone t* L«uy Cba'm Hook 0.*r* H ul\\ »rl sHuar€* Fancy Kjkknr« PiHor Tahir* X £!!¥Sr ?s:,„ •»»««- .. I Umbrella Stsn.la Il*d Room Snip. 'Ul1 C-r<1 T,hl« A Moeto Cabinet. Wordri>l.c* X*£,ro!? Drreeme T.l.lu. ■ Pajlor Suita M « 'ne Obbineu 2““^"** Chiffrobr, A wwtr * - - -v ■ - Mb!i niliwrr»- •*»' • ^'-"hr- r - f Beffete CHn[i« |M ailiecTablre Plan ia A, Side Boar lie Davenport* I Library Table* Grulonoli* B • Buy Now and Pay Next Yearl f ISAACS I f Leading Furniture, Carpet and Piano Dealer • X East Center Street, Goldsboro. N. C. * I Your Credit is Good. Your Credit is Good. J 82,000,000 Strong arding a home — that”* lha ' army. For raai prepared - re change* in the weather. mo can carry H anywhere. Joking, end durable. Coal* Ittia to uaa — the chaapaai laurmnce. On the Bring line a. Aafc any good hardware r department Wore. »e, cv-a> w »»>• »D OIL COMPANY I InmMmwi BALraaoaa s^==.rc.v 1

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