■kBAUHUHr. » Motimus *i ob ru Tm * BO-rCOWKh, Miter and r~r*n.lw 0 IMWM. H. C. April IS HIT * ~ - -—— .MtvU MrtOt With |}bMH KiUm. A'aebiojitou, April U — Austria Vj -ay ranged kartell beside her ally, tti Imperial Uerman purtrumvni, a* alaat lb* Cel ted Slate*. Tnu-gbl r* alloea belasfo the Cuiud Stale* u I Urn deal monaruby were brokre at 1 a practical Mate of war brtaren III aww aaltoot mated Within a f« > hours after tbe lUU department hi 1 beea formally voided that A ut il a bad withdraw* her diplomatic rt jreaewtall ree, federal official* ar aed all of tbe A uatrlao tried •t pa, war-bnaed le American bar o< -a Toe I* ht offimnl Washington d olsred tbst tbe ally of Germany w uld undoubtedly accept there a* surra as “as set of oar,” sad tbai si actual olaab ha to ran tbe two at intuits was apparently Inevitable. (he filial break with Austria came hi anas of her detcemtaatiaa to sap p .-I Oeemway la her campaign of at smarter rulhlnaaeaa, tad beeaasr It • Called States refuted to reerlt. A obaaaadvsr Denlgnmte Count Tnr a< wahl, while blt'eoontry war teen n' < ■« iiuuiki in mr ucihiii v r plan wbtch an dalrojlng A uriaqa llm lad property.. Thlt w • aadr v;rar is 4 Ungiby (Tat« ■ ol blurtl b« tba atata drpirt a at tonight. In ahich vb» mat fan di ft of tba Auatrlan negnliatlnne w ra explained. RUM Rraaarra la rreteet rand. tCaahlogtoa, D. 0. April II —Rig id aaaauraa to protect tba civilian Pi Njlatloa of ibe failed Statra *1 tltal c«iU arUUg out of war p du warn art..pud tonight at a at icial aeatiag uf tba council of a Uoaa! defer aa and tta advignr*) e» aalialoe. Genera' war acaeuree w ra taboo up by national drfei.ee d efa. but particular attention wan 8 ** to tbe problem of war llaar fr <i production and dtatrlbuUua, at 1 tba a oat rigor or atapa warn da oi ad upoa in ebrek aar beadrney V tard a peculation la tba pnoe of Oi aaodllUa Government benda II eaa ataled, prnpnaed In adopt a* try aunt to laaara adiquatc aup o aa of food, fuel, clothing and other a aaaltUaal aaderale Hga-ra. Such f« erxl actio* ae aay be aecaeaary • I be rigoroualy in robed to pro at 31 aay fora of exlortloo being P tetlewd upon tboae who remain at la aa and "do Utalr bit" U bearing U i burdasa Ibal war aay lanpoae. WHAT IS 1LAX-F0S OABOARA BARK •MIR FLAB ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLAOK ROOT «AY APPLE ROOT •KNNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN I U»R«tt«C*icuili| C . • » C MM • «w ( it? XMle. 5 * S''1,1* pre,. REO I The “Oold Standard of Values” Tho car "Not hilt to i Prito" bit bailt For Unify. Mb Then PricoN REO Bearings. Axles. Shafts, Engines, and all the other Vital parts. Even to the Spokes la the Wheels, Are 60 per oent OVKKS17.K, inaur lag strength and safety. Ask any of the Kao own era yon know what tbefr experience has beer. Ask for catalogue, ao yon oan compere the specification* with thoae of other make of earn, regard lees of Price. Write or phone ns at oor expense, if interested, •• |W to |ln yon a demonstration. M. O. Summerlin. Mount Olive, N. C. J ! tmAHoa-tr Phone iw. | Outstanding! In every community the name Ccrtayt-erra stand; conspicuously for quality, good value, satisfaction, and fair dealing. Certain-feed Paints and Varnishes - K« their nudity from the character of materials used in their manufacture and from the exactness with which they are mixed. The formula of ingredients eon the label ahows and unmistakably worth of the paint Modern, up-to-date machin ery eliminates the uncertain ties. of mixing by hand and inaore* absolute conformity to the experts’ printed formula. The price of CERTAIN TEED Prims and Varnish es is based on the most favorable manufacturing, distributing and selling com, plus a margin of probe smaller than is generally customary, This low price would not be poaaiUle il we had to dqiend upon an ex clusive paint organization to market our paint* amt varcahca. CERTAIN-TEED Paint* and Varnishes are guana teed to give aahtfartioc. Thh Guarantee is backed by the enormous resources of the Certain-teed Products Cor poration. Whether ytxi do your own taunting or employ a pro fessional painter your b- | tereati will be best served if and Varnishes. Jht r»*4 4*thr zaa uU in CtKTAlN-TKED /Wo w f'rruuLn. IfUJm'tcwrrjdmm >m imk, pt tkm> f-ym. I IF YOO COULD SEE,1 bow tome Ice Cream ia nude yon would never eat any more of It You get Parity Ioe Cream here, and every bit of the Milk tbatgoee in it (• Stori lited and Purity Cream ia mad* in 14 “ro tary Kaotory. Don’t' run any rlak, but get your Ice Cream and Soda Water at the Goldsboro Drag Co., Goldsboro's Biggest Drug Store. o. o. Daniels, u. d. i nrs, bab, aoaa am throat <»cm I* UorAtu Bid*.. Uootai MM I Uaora I l a. (ft 1 p. m. I to I p m _ rkoM Jit j r GREAT I -REBUILDING sale f The Banner Bargain Event of the I Year for Real Clothes Economy ! Saturday Morning, April 14th, It Begins j | My whole Stock of Merchandise'must goi [regardless of price. i THE REASON ] P I have let contracts to begin work within f | lO days time for the construction of one thei | most modern and attractive stores and showi l^indows to be found in the State.- § ) It is now necessary to clear the Store andt | save the Stocks from destruction and ruinf | caused by dust and exposure. i Store Till remain closed all d&j Fridg£to mark goods. # Prices All Cut To J . The Danger Point* Bee Our Big Circulars Now Out “Announcing this Great Rebuilding Bale. i i _ I Corner Centre Si Mulberry Streets Goldsboro. N. C. v ^ — ^rr t f ^ More New Sorts and Dresses Just Received «> < Extra Safe's! aj^ Values .AT $12.50 $15 $18 THE WAYNE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $400,000.00 K. B HUKDIiN. I'ic*U1«di F K. BUR'JFN. Vire P'e*M*"t W K BORHKS. Ct'fcUi W. 1C BTltUUI’. A** Cttbitr & H M1RVKNS Auditor GOLDSBORO. N. C. An Open Letter to the Farmers of Wayne and Adjoining Counties. In an Ararairr Yrar with lUe. Cotton, ■ $»4I Bale ' Thl« Y, «r with Inflow. ■ film Bale Can Boy run mill Hu* 89 bushels potatoes at 70c, or 750-pounds lard at 8c, or 32 barrels (lour at (4.50, or 375 pounds bacon at 16c. or 100 bushnls corn at 60c, or 80 pairs shoes at (2.00, or . 730 yards cotton goods, at 8 l-2c. 44 bushel* (HitatocB at (2.25. or 500 pound* lard at 2Uc. or 10 barrel* of flour_ot #10 on, or 1UIJ pound* of bacon at Sue, or 74 butlisl* corn at (1 50. or 20 pairs alios* (5.00. or bdti yard* cot bin good* at 15c. You will therefore nee that while cotton may sell at aUceiit* js-r pound, you ran not buy a* much with It, aa wheu it sold at I* cent*, because other products hare gone up in price faster than cotton. In a former letter we called yovjr attention to the fact that all Europe Is hungry , that food stuff would probably go higher, and much higher, if the United States, entered the war. We are bow at war witli Germany, and Congress ha* called for an army of two million men. These men must be fed. The Allies niuat be fed. We ate fighting the same fight—a fight for the preservation of oirillaatiou. Enlarge your food crops, and intensify their cvltivation. If will not only j.oy you better in dollars.and oent*. but in no other way can you se rve tli« -Stais and Stripes,” and the whole community so well. Wry truly, ANNOUNCEMENT! m \ I Wc with to imri'HiQOC Iho completion of what we take a pride in believing ia one of the boil equipped plant* for the manufacture) of Coco Meu) io the* South, located in the building formerly occupied by the Carol inn Hire MilU, in the northern edge of Gold* boro. Wc art* pulling up a brand of G»ro Meal itmt wc r a poet lo niitrkel over a large* terri tory in North nnd £oatfi Carolina. are giving UlbV iho ro.ia'»ea why we believo ihie ia a* giMHl nn article of Corn Meal an ran be inado. A-U >onr grocer Io «eod you a trial order of it. To Our Friends in the Country We rxlunat a ijx-ciiil invitation to lirioe u* llieir xrnin. Wo will cxcbnngo tbitn « full brnbel of 48 pound* of tbo Ixwl meal that con bo mnslr, oillitr Imllid or unbolted, for a bushel of corn, anil will Ink ■ nv tfiimlim rnrn youmAyhave.il the ki*he*l market prico. Yo* Aie PnrUf«lAr Aboot Your Br.nd or I Prompt aarvice. You Won’t have to wail. Plourf Wliy Koi Your Porn JlealT Why State Seal Corn Meal | j is a Superior Product v 1 It U tho ciwlcm nf Irtnlf lo CLAIM SupiiIoily. Every body waul* the Itrsl, oapo:iri|ly lo a food product. cvi-n if (ho price is a little higher Our clnini uf aiipurioril? fur State Seal Corn Xfiwl real* ii|mn two point-: The Wswlern Way It i« milted from Selected North Carolina Cot n. It i, . well known by nanny peopls that our borne medc corn is superior lo wc-tern turn, even aa a stork feed. The western corn ie'groeso where tho season-nre siiorlvr: the I oom incut lo the .talk with harvesting machines BEFORE MATURITY, end im 1 perfectly cured in shock, and requires kiln drying to artificially complete uiatuii y JL for market. Thi. Immaturity harvested ami arllfically cured groin locks the Tha fnllness and SWEETNESS of tba North Carolina corn, grown u here the sen- North Carolina sooa are longer, and that remnina on the alalk in the upon field until uatiinr Way ally and fully matured. Proparly milled it make, n smooth, sweet, wholesome f„„j product. la our milUi IbiM naporior liomr grown corn i« trentod by TWO SKI’A RATE PROCESSES OF MACHINE CI.EANIMi lefora ft |* i ground into ■ fl it- to <nt pruilurt on the util faali i«o«d Burr mill*. Dirt, dnat and imperfect * grain* tin ut allow a* pi tinly in corn meal a- in wbent flour, but In Iheae tlaya of annilnry ratio tinnn that in not n eufficient o*t*<in «|,y corn Firm ( leaning Mnekine abnuM n I bcnubjecled to the -nmciLor oogh olonoing proeana uaetl for wheel in innklng the heat |tnirnl floor. State Sent Corn maalli n aoporlntivjly clem, Hrroadf leaning Harbin* wbulawtuia food product. It input up aither Bolted or I'nlxtllnd.al Die nunc price. We find Iliat I tome people are prejudiced ngainat Boiled moil, which »e nltribnte to the fact that tlio noil.died meal Ibey getia daintily anpptird l.v tbo local millet and i* ground fritm thiaaweef, bnino-matle corn, while lie; Bolted meal on the mark at uaunlly coinna irdm the larger ndllx, ground from kiln dried western com. STATE HE At COHN BEAL COMBINES THE VIRTl'EH OF THE HKHTfiUAlN OBTAINABLE WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE PIMM ESS OFCI.RANM flANHFAC TDBE. ^Veineile a trial of our Butted Meal with a Arm oonvielinn that you will And it a Superior product 60L0SB0R0 MILLING AND GRAIN STORAGE CO. GOLDSBORO, N.C.

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