THE HEADLIGHT. ' “"*****“*• “• a* ap*u «•» IN CRY AMO COUNTY. OatUs baa agaia readied iba W •*"u auk and kba war prospects arc that li mill go higher. Mr. W. A. Goat, who farm near thla dip, hIliad a chlctaa aaata •bU# ratling llgbtaood Mbadap •bleb measured 8 feel 81.8 locbaa Tba Board of A'dermea ka*a »am«d April 16 to XO Inclusive it “Ctraa-Up War*- la Goldsboro. All e'tiasos are terecetlp urged to co operau Amis Is prsaa tba prlmaris* are bslag bald aad from votes al raadj flMt Ibara la caarp assurance that tba praaaat exetlltak oltp ad. minis Ira Uoa *111 auecaad Itaalf. Mra. John Britt, of Graotbam Wonaaklp, oaaa a bale of coiioa ■bleb aba baa alorrd lor mra than M>aar«. Dutlag that Utah aba lav tba pries iaetuaiiog from 8 to ID IMS IS. D». W. W. Paiaoo aad Mr. J. W Tbempsea left-Tueadap far Merges' »b. to laapaet. tba Blau Hoapltat ¥« lo full olb»r suu losli UilHnu m ibfir ■*• official ciptcilj. TW, •Ul be absent the balance of tba waak. Tba thermometer weot dowe lo 33 kdaadaa night and tba aaat non. loa at 8 o'clock it registered 89 da «raaa. TUi wu a light froat gbout this arottoe, bat It I# that errluut damage baa sol baaa does to young gardaa truck aad paaabaa. * Tba auddea death of Mr. James M. Lofua, aged 88 yearn, occurred at hia base aaar tbla cltf Wadnaa day morals* at 8 o’clock. Tba fua aral waa bald from tba boat y enter day kflaraoaa at ♦ .o'clock aad la tanaaatmada la Willow Dale otm atary. .Tba go Taro me at hating ordered aloaad all prlaata wlraleaa stations Ufroagboat tba oouatry, Dej. Berke aad Sptaoa, of tbla city, kata din aaoaactad tbtlr aerial wires aad aaalad tba laatramant wblcb waa used for raaordiog tba Uma from * Washington dally. Thadaalb of Mra. BtUIr Rood, rallat of taa lata Mr. Balomoo Hood, occurred at tba boms of bar daugh ter. Mra. Job a R Jloaatt, to Brag doa township, Tuesday night. Thn fuaainJ was beta from the boma ysn tarday afteroooo at 1 oolock aad tba Interment madt la tba family •ury'-ag ground la Grantham Iowa skip. Ska la • urtired by tbraa mu OTU UHI WWgBItr, Altar acrrrai week* lllm, Mr. \ duke M. 8>*, Ml/ health oft Mr. departed Ihl* Ilf* M hi* ha*** o* H»r*k Tame* itr*«l Wed***d*y ■oruleg M ij» o'clock, egad 7« 7**re. He bad no children, ead It tarrlrtd 6/ hi* balaced wife, who bM oeeo ao laealid for yrara. Th* (uorraJ >u hMd from ihr bom* this *>i*r*ooa *1 4 o'oloek uodrr Ui* euapte** of UrvJnlor Order, tod tbatatarmeat made In Willow Del* The death of Mr Nalbao B Co*. Mad U^Mkr*. oocurrod of Bright'* dlwm at hi* horn* I* Graaih*« lowaahlp Saturday moral ag at 1 o'dock, after * thra* moaiha llloaat. I Ha had be** Mlod for aaarly 3* 7rare, “d laarrt ■ wife, Ibrre too*1 bod 0** dhagbltr to mouro bla d* mler. Th* lattrOMl ru mad* *1 Batba*/ church grate-yard Sunday •flaraooa alb o'clock. to Ui* ?rta ken* of a lug* *tib*riag of torrow l*g reiatlat* and frltuda. Thara Is IIUls doubt that at ary »*T» l* Gold.boro aad Wa/a* ea«oty will offer bla *»r*icta to the P rtf id** i |f esllrd upon, while, aaaay h*a* air early called upoa mili tary often* bere tod ofrrrd tbrlr art firm*. To**d*y *l*ht 8. W. Bagaea, colored, * tttrra* of th* Bpaalah- A art lot n uar, wired Bae rvUrj *1 Wpr Baker that be sould, If *• I true ted by th* lattae, I ai med total/ rala* * large volunteer Mmp4*y «# argro** I* Ooldaboeo. Ip report foe t*relce Iwmedtauly. Aft*e * abort lllaam of partly ale, Hr. Mtrahall B. Btdloaef Idrparlrd *•>*» Hfr at lb* bom* of bit titter Mr*. B*ry H. Bam, near Qr***l**f, wltb Whom b* rualdrd for year*, grid*/ moesUg at 141 a'Moeh, aged Tl ! jaara I •• raerrai «u bald Irom tkakoB* Sani'J.r BOrnlo* at JO o'alask, H»» P»kf Mel it;r*. pa».' taro* lk* Praabttrrlta etoureb. < B ■talloir la Ik* atorauca of See. W. I A. Pllaad. ako sat praeraud tor , prarlaal praaalau nntnmto, aad Ika lata rB rat aiada >a Ika oM N r I laaall *rara-|trd aaar Tboapaoa'a Ckapal. Tk* laNowlaa aklla Barr lap* ilaaaat* arra laaaad alaaa Tkaraday. Bari- Ward (S3) lo Mtaa Uala WiM—aaa an. cur to* a. Robb'11 Cm U Mia* Aaala M. D ana (S3).1 Oaaa Car Ur. Jr (ft) la Mlaa Oat ' Ma OltawM (SPJ. Jiaa A Irar (S7) •• W»~ iaaala Sulla* (St). Ir.raa L Ollaaaa MS) lo Mtaa Ijmj Ball I OrakaB (FI). Paarlla A La* (Sf) to Mlaa Mary Qataa CIS). A. C SpruMI (SSJtaMbP Baa'aa ftiaa*'l (St). Id Maalapa (SM ta Mia Add a Craufard (It). OoaaSradr (St) u Mlaa WI Ilia ■trrta* OS). Maaata 0. Radford MS) la Mlaa Masala Badfard (St). Artfcar Skaddiaa 01) ts Mtaa Laa Sara Marla* (If). Dpaala ■ avail MS) la Mia* IdtUaa Baa all MS), /aka I Prtldkard (SI) la Mlaa Laata Prlr- I M naaarratt (4S) I* Mlaa jj You Can Mike r_I_tCake with Fewer Eggs > fc*** use an additional quantity of Royal Bakkw 1 powder. about a teaspoon, in niww of each are I omitted. •£PU#V*2*£ny.w»n » aii baked ivew^way^ *** ™cipe according to the CREAM LATER OAKS OM Way Maw Way ! ARM kfltaa Ua Saw mm4 laral w-..-^■<N»egeW'it,tMa Mi. iathtM I aassSHtrsrsia^SS.SSHH?^ I ROYAL BAKING POWDER maSa from Cnacn of Tartar, (Wrtvad from (rapes. No AJum . • No Phosphate Tkt inn. Tb« pop uU» Acme Theatre '.a |H l»K tie patron* iba boeilmo.'o* pic tvra* bad beat .nodarii;* allrncUooi that ever cam a to tbla city. Billy Blll'a "Paaaiojf Review’ for the aazt three daya—matinee and al*bu— ellb the Wlaard Ref1« or "Handcuff Kla«,'' la a aboe abag lutaly aaa to our cltlaaaa aad ao doubt will ba altaratrd by crowded bouaea. Nail Wedoeaday elxht Solwya h Company will preeeot that great mualcal comedy aucceae, “Fair aad W»ratr," fur which re Mrvad aeau iro oo tale at Drown * Uraotham'* draw alore oo Monday fa* Utter* Par Kayaa Chanty. The Board of Couaty Coamlialoo, •ra mat ia apeclai aeaaioo, Saturday, with all member* praaeal and ap pointed Iba (olloeUK lax Hal lakere lor the aeveral loaothlpa W C. Pale, Rabun u, W. A. eopelaod, Great Swamp; W. L. •'-'"I n. A. I'D well, Plkanllle; Joe M. Craeibam, Graat ■•®.A T. Wataoo, Orogdea, Cbar ia K. Coor, Fork; a F Herring Jr., [odkao Spring*; E. M Whitley, Haw Hope; Gao. Coker, 3aulnloo. 3. T. Paraoa, Slooy Creek, Gao. Stanley, I. M. Wopd, r C. Orow, J. W, Tbompaoo, GoltUboro Tba Board adjoaraad to moat Mtaia In (penial eetalooon the lgth It 10 a. B , to meet tag lilt laker*, and dltpatch any other budaaaa tba* say aria*. Caaaty Comma* rt meal Frloee. Hr*l aad laeond gold medal* la Muale—Mkea Matilda Jnari. ol Fra sooi, aod Mlaa Marietta Goreleaaa, »f tblaclty, reaptctlvcly. First aod aato id gold mrdeli la Drelemattoo—Eddia Gay, of tbs 1. 3. O F. Home School and Mr Gao. Harriaoo Bectoo, of Fork township la tbe declamation content at the H'gb School Auditorium Tucaday Boralsg, tba judgre awarded tbe fold medal to Mr. Nor mao Parka; tod In the recitation coo leal lb* gold ■ •dal via awarded to lit*.* 111*. 3-ara Lae Hair*. After tba awardlog of the Dlplo nee aod ewrlldcalaa, Saperlaundaal dlklaeoo aoaooooad that Rote wood wbool la Fork towoahip, bad beta uoordad by tba judge* Bril prise, # M, for tbe beat appearance la tba parade, aad Pikaaill* bad beta ■ warded seensd prls-, ti Bo Alio bat Rotewood tebuol bad woa lb* 110.00 prior for be*lag la tbr pared* furuday miming tba targeil per lent of earolled pupil*, and that Puck towaablp bad Bern aearded be Goldeboro Chamber of Core oner o'lSilk Haaaer for tbe largeti par :aet of tewnablp child ran ia i ao par. Aa. Tbit ke tba aacond aurcaealy* ime Fori o*a won twit DriBltT1|l «Biir. Mr A K Robarlaoo, of tba Slat* lr*leiillur*l Department, umi prt Mbf IlHSbb a cafllGuatea lo lb# Ira Coro Club boy* of W|/n* aoun y wbu bad woo luu diailncllon, nua* lbom bain* Maitar Alllana Ifirait, who oot oaly wo* tbo k*U (rat pefa* for Ibo bi*ba*l IrW of eora oo oo* aero, but camo >ltbi* (bra* Owabala uf Matin* tbo taliM Slotr*' bl*hrat fiord fit •oa awarded tba Prn*re**ia Far lar i wold nodal fur in* Siau'a boot anted. Tba judjraa at tba U>*b Reboot adllyrlun Tuoaday al(bt, w* a loaort A. K. Roboriaon. ArebU bai, Hat. J. M. Robot oa ond Rav. IS. L Edward*, and Vbair da talow at tbo eoarfaaio* (an Ibo aclUtio* nada'a u Mlaa Bulb ►to at a ad Mlaa Vera a K'a*. raaoaa laafy, aad tba drboiora medal i to I*alor Baery Ooor*a Bpowlc, of bt* stay, tad Mlaa Btfal Byrd, of It. Obra, rrapoctlraly. Tbo aaoaatrr outer lot In* owp fra* by Way** Cowaty’* U a Irani y Club a* a track nacl tropby, ood ibb la* i yea* by tba I. o o W. Uum ackoof two. woo aoaeoacfally tftodod by tbo* loon tbu year, *o kot tboy bald Ik* top for aoatber »»r. ood If tbay wlc It o*oi<t ml aor, It wlH bo Ik air pwrnaooat nit. •tovl Hr* In* Mff* I nfitr Tw* |»o4 *«ra Kama ef mat* laws. fllldrad Barring, the youag while Who wai shot at a logging camp ■ear Burgs* about two wraks ago wbca he waa lekeo for a borplar at a camp ooomiiaary, did Friday night at Che Taokereley Bealtarlum la Wilmiagtoo. Ba waa XI yaara old. The two-year-old daughter of S. N. Fields, Who resides four mllea east of High Point, waa drowned Monday aaealag la a small creak osar tba borne of her pares Is Tba cbltd was playlog la tbe yard whao a wagon parted tba buuee. She fol lowed it to the creak, a abort dis tance balow tba home, aad In at tempting to cross, fall Into tba wat er. Tbe water was only about lz Inches deep, but It la tapposed that tbe currant preteoted bar from re gaining tba beaks of tba amel1 stream Two liras were lost aod considera ble property damaged by a cy. close which Struck Chatham county during Friday olgcv. Tba killed • are children of Everett Aodrawt, a girt of II aad a baby of 8 moalbe The cbl.dren'a bodlaa were found 1M yards from tba house, while tba mother, badly burl, was found a abort distance away. T. 0. Cola, a farmer, waa alao badly hurt, aod Bar other children more or laaa Icjoreo. 1 Swrerel homes sad farm botldioga warn destroyed aad timber uprooted Ibeg a path two hundred yard a wide for a diatanoe of three mllea. i mmsaltUa Pleat Ibtilp Chester, Pa , April 19. —Oee hun dred sod twelve persona, moat of them aomao aod girls, are known to bare lost their liras aod 1X1 wara !• jured by a series of terriSo explo aiues today la tba abrapool buiidiog of the Eddystoaa ammualtioo cor Iporetton at Eddystoaa, ooe milt frum tbit city. Many of tba Injured ware mortally hurt aad It la feared tbe loal death Hat will reach t&o, •bits albert probably will ba malm ed for Ufa. There was scarcely a fragment of tba structure left loiaot. Flea ad. ded to tba horror aod moat ol the bodlaa wara so badly charred that Idaatlficslloa wet Impossible. MsaUlsaa.1 idea Hckeaatr Centered. Sun Diego, Cal , April 10.— A mu sillone carrying scbooaer, bouad for a Mexican west coast port, was Bred upon aod captured by two Coiled Sluts* torpedo boat destroyers, it waa laaraed tonight from authorita tive enareos. Five sbota were Bred St^h* vassal wbea It attempted In escape and the ship was theo beach ad Several tbnuaaed rounds of rt(n aod maobloa gua ammualtioo were takes aboard tbe destroyers aod landed at a Pacific coast port OFFICIAL COD ITT rMCUBIIOft. IlMilMtf Harr A AccmiIi AMIIH m«| PaA4 I7 ■•ari •( La«t 1C. A. Huapbrey, Co. Aliy. $25 00 K*UlI» T Smith, irifcllig e» pMiM* a.oo Eai*Ha T $mith. traveling vt* • peaara 2» 00 Tk# Wilioo&Miiiorluio, Mra. Bareli Smith 10$ Claude C. Baker, lovretigat Uc death*, etc.61 50 Sou Dull IVl. A Tel Co.. MUD ty home, . .2 00 Mt Olive Drug Co., vaoioe, 6 75 Dr. W. H. Smith, salary for . 50 00 Edwards A Broughton record books. 39 6 Goldsboro Drug Co., drugs, 7 10 Goldsboro Book Store, o®ce supplies, 8.20 Brown A Graetbsm, drugs .25 Raises Drug 8lors, drugs, 8 Ob Sou. Hell Tsl A Tel. Co., long distance terrier ...... |. 23 Miss Kets Wade, typewriting and Stenographic sere , . . 7 00 Chamber of Commerce, quarter ly allowance,. 25.00 Zioo Institutions A Industries, o»ce supplies.8.70 Jordan A Taylor, previous small. i pot patients.*. a 27 Henry Robinson, burytpg deed.. 2 00 D. M. Prarsell, Inuodry/ntc., ' .2 60 John Daniels, plumbing work, .4.86 Cbarlls Pesos, allowance, . 2.00 James Gurley, aliowfcaee,.... 2 00 Mrs. J. D. Daniels, hu t Toler, -1. 15 00 Edward Harris, salary, utc . 187 16 Old Polks Home, monthly allow. »•«*.. 7.56 w. P Kxum. Jr., services co. convict camp .. a 06 E'tells T. Smith, deasoo steel loo work for March. 50.06 i£d Baker, burial eipenee. . 7 60 John R. Higgins, court cost, . 12.04 0. E Grantham, salary Mcb, 291 88 J. B Hooks, salary. Mob ... 291 87 J. B Hooks, cBcs supplies, . 10 73 R E Pipkio,,soap, .4 jj Bernes A Harrell Gro. toilet . 50 W. M Smith, prorieiose county h OtB P lg qt, G. K Grantham, cIBce eupply, *•«,. 6 05 John Jnarph, auppliea jail.. . 6 M Martha Webber, allowance, ... I ot Ed ward* ,6 Braughtoo, binding ,n<1»x. flOC K. A. Humphrey, lollcllor for M»rcl>. 40 00 D. H. Blaod, judge, March .100 Ot J. F. Tbooaon, count; alty. for March,. . .. a3 oil Oar. Power & Light Co , light*, court house aod jail.. 9 10 People* Bask A Trott Co., paup *rl,“. 1S100 U. U. Qlllikio, Haa co. home .. ie 10 Lo*ni* Dell, burial eipctta* ,..6 00 J. A Vinaoo, coal.80.00 Hoaea Broa aupplieaeo. bom* &.0C M. 1. Beet & Bone, auppllee co. bom# . 4. 89 00 D. M - Pearsall, custodian, court bou*e, Mcb.HOI T W. Flower*, auditor, Mcb, 71 00 Wayne Highway Com , bridge* . .. 781.32 Lealfc Yeleertoo, barbecue, 2nd Kegliaeot .... 110 OH Frank Jordan, Mr*. Newcemb. allowance.2 Ml ft R B-lward*, jail fee* etc , 221 21 *2.062 94 M1NLTR3. Carolina PUateer put ou pauper roll at II 10 par month. E J Caaey exempted of poll tax *a for 1916 H. P. Culbrath refunded poll tax es for 1916. Jobe Eraoa exempted of poll tax ca for 1916 Fannie Holland on permanent pauper roll at *1 10 a month. Frank Brogrien exempted from pu'l taxes for 1916 Mr. Beaman representing the Chamber of Commerce appeared be for* lb* Board to atk the use ot tk* Court Houee ground* for the Red path Chautauqua, for teaton 1917, and the Commissioner* gee* their COnMOt Tb* monthly allowance for th* Oofdlboro Hospital wa* Inerrstrd from 176 to 1100 per moesh Says Simple Remedy Prolonged His Life Dr. rtMvtll't Hyrup Prpaia Rltellre u a Rrrardf hr fan*tt|.alfoa. Amo up oldtr poo pin ihm virlew or ra-a or Iba boHp hlva i laadooot la plow up PA4 oooboa. pad tblp >P aooal if Aral raonltrat la a proauaaoad Insr l»Hi of Up hoopla flood peaUh IP dapaodaat oa racalar II; la Ihla Import pot fiinnlloa w baa. aror lbora Ip Ua ailgMaat ladiaatlaa of •aaaflpatlaa p mild tacatlap • bon Id ho lafcpp la ratlaad Iba aea|rmlloa pad dlapoaa af Ua poaamnlaiad walla Cathartic* or aorfplivaa aPwoM not bo pmp orad. kooprpr; itoaa tra taa alo lool la arilaa aad Ualr rlfool ip oat; loatpororr > A mild kiptlra aorb aa lPa ramMaa. Uaa af almpk laaptlra hatha with pap lla, kaoata aa Dr OUdmlfi htrap fapala. la tb> Map I raaaatJ;. It la cop lk la Ma prtloa. brloplac rallaf la pa raa; aotaral amoanr. wtlboat f r Iplap aa AtWr pain or dtaanmfort. la -- la Iba laata. aad aaa ha a Malawi la aat frm« alar# Mr. Rabart Laf.w»aa. tit Rlrkaaad Roolarard. Itpaaapoai. loop aora bo baa alwafl had a boat to af Dr Oabt aaff'a trrap Papala la Iba kaaaa (or IMgai a.fkuaa prar«. aa I llak hr talar H orraalonalCj aa tba Btwj arlaii aal la Ikta war kaapto* nla Haaltk ■and, II baa pralaapad kla Ilia, aad hcnaphl ataa aad ooalort Dr Ckklwad’a ftyrap Papain liaald by drapplxi araryahara. aad mala aalr dfly eaaia a botiU To arakl la.. Naiiaaa aad laaCacafra aalailuiaa ka •ara raa pal Dr. Oaldwalr. a/rap Pap da Kaa tbai a 'aaalmiia of Dr. Cald. aalTt alfraiara pad bia port rad »p paar aa tba yallatr nartao la a kirk ikp aalIM la park ad A trial haula. I raa X akai/a. aaa ha okaalaad ka wr1llaS X Dr. W B UUwpl. «aa Waahlaraa ft.. MaaUaXX. Illlanla 18K “CA8C'ABBT8" KUt " LIVEB AND ROWELH WHIN CON8TIFATED When blllooi, headachy, airk* Tor aaar aluoiacb, bad breath bad oa'da. Gel a 10-eent boi. Take aCaacaret to-oigbt tocleaaae your Liver, Stomach and Howela, aad you will turely Irel great by ■nrniag. You oeo aad womea who bare headache, boated toogue, a bad ootd, are blllooi, oervoua, upael. bothered wltba atok, gaiey, dieor dered itomacb, or baee backache aod Icel all worn our. Are you keep log your bowelt clean with Cancer 04—or marvly forcing a paeaageway arrrt few dajo with oaJtn, calbartlc piUi or cantor oi>? Caacarela immediately clcactc aod I rrgulale the itomacb, ramoea Ibe ♦our, undigetted aod tormenting food aad fodl gone*, taken the Cl caee bile from,tbe liter aad carry off tbe cootlipaled wanto matter and poleoo from the boweln. Remember a Caaoarel to night will nvratgbteo out by morning. A Iff enot t*!Y ^ Vrim your druggiat maayt b<rfW/y»i»el action; a clear bead aod dlMerfulntaa lor monibt. Don't forget the children. rnklhben' statement. Statement of the owoembip aod management of Tho ^waiooro. N. C., u required by the Act of Auji 24 1912; Editor, Publisher anil Owner— A. Roicower, of Uoldsboro, N. C. Known bondholder*, mortgagee* and other eeeurlly holdera-non*. A. RUSCOWER, Publisher. Sworn in and subscribed before me tble 8rd day of April, 1917." (SEAL} C. 0. SMITH, Notary Pub'lc. (My commission expire. Jan 17tb 1919. Kentucky Dnggist's Opinion of Kidney Medicine. 'About fifteen years ago 1 commen ced wiling Dr. Kilmer's 8 warn p Root awl tier* that lime I bare eater had e •ingle complaint Swamp-Hoot >.em* lo glee aulearaal **tl.faction to In ■>«ri lo 1Toy cam Very truly your., >• f> BKRDORFER. April MKB. »l» Pat la, Ky. Utter la Or. Kumar A la , Slattern las, I. V Prey* Nhat SwampReel willd. far low Send leq cents to l)r. Kilmer • To., llioghamtmnN, T., for a aampie also botlia. II Win boo.lac. an toe. Vo. will alao riceiee a booklet of value bio iolurmallo*. telllag abnot the kidney. 4od bladder. When writlag be >«re eed twenlina the llnlrtanot o Heedligkt. lUgular fiftf-cent end one-dolt.r etas bottle, lor Bale el all drug atom. ®**‘l Lo Vv«« CM|k Akk| Ui A cough that racks and weaken. 1. dangetoo*. II on derm I tie* ronr haallh and thru.* on eegiert Rellar* It ai oooa won Dr. Klug'a New DSeenvcry. luLa eonlhiaw balsam remedy heat. the throat, imwdn. Ih. {ddegm. It. eollaep. lie pmpertim kill ita germ aud the cold re quickly broke, no Children end grow*, uu* eUke find Dr. Kinge New Dtaooiery pleasant lo like a* well steffeetire. Have a buttle bandr la rour medicine chow for grippe croup and all brooch hi affection. At your druggists, 90*. j Clothe* do not make the met* and breachor promise auil. way eten un make him._ Kami. Iwnw. Keller.* Uufttnal work, bending anil lifting or etreuuee* exendte la a tirale on the rauaelaa. they become sore and atIO you acerlpplod and III pain Sloan s Liniment bring, rwi quick ratlrf, A clear liquid, cleaner than tounr plua lert nr metaieoia. it doae am atalo the •kin nr slog Ihe porue. Alwerehue# a bottle haudy lor lb* pala. and aoka. nf rheumatism, gout, lumbago, grippe hrnlaea. stiff...., backache and *11 eu l.ruel palm_At your ilrngglal. Ida. k Never eapecl loo much Imro a friend and you will never weal fur on*. Cl—s Away IS* WM*. HowuJ regularity tbo secret of good health, bright eye*, clear complexion, eud Dr. Kleg'e New l.ifa I'lJU art a mlltf AAd ffftMtl* lAi«tlT« tbAt r^«o ItUa I Ho howolo and rrlUroa iba «*no §♦•(•<1 lnt**tln«a by rvuinrltiff tbo ac cnmoiAlotl «*•«(•• withMit orlplnrf ! n*mr» rnil III* that b««Tv bead. il*t dull rprluf farar fa«l In* .lUappaara Gel Dr Kirtf'a Nav l.lfe nib at your dnigglu lAr j Too -u* Ibare noticed that n-onfw ^jjBcuit to retain ’ »•« IW* • plaaaent rough atrap (hat i everr child Ultra io ubf, hr Haifa l*in»-Tar Honat If jour *hlM ha« a daap Haohlng rnugh that w«»rrl«e jou glre him Dr Hm i Plna-Tar Hoerr. the anniblng plea l*«Uaraa raliatr lha '*0"|h, Inaaana tba phlegm tad heel* Ihalrrlrated liatet Ciw a botlln t*» darel jnnr rfn*pgl«l aad atari treal maet al o«re. the g CASTOR IA !■ Infuta and Chfldraa In Uaa Far Ovar SO Yaara Swim Business Loc>u. Ivavnnt wort Kara**, Frksrp J A VINSON. Wood tad OuaJ laWr.riiMu MS IM SWW-Allkifcli ol iranfc tad sar ds* m»l; tat has ns. prMUflaa. eniosaan ssd aMsftaNi A fall I las ntdrwss sad parra I sallr'M _PA LACK llltuo STUNK. mKArKIUUklAf.-Uaod kaaAlaa Iflmalda aad a It la • a Karlas saa Mlsd insanl Sard Inahlas • S near ad Aslawalaf al fnar daaad- a mad lam dla rtlpAlaa. sasa MMII farm Ksats,» lot H Poor Uaka. N. C FARM LANDS FOR SALE IN 1917. 1 ■— ■ • If yrm ioteu'l lioyiog . (nrui in 1917 there i» Du need Ui wait. Vou cl l„, Mlllilll tl poaMMtow J.ounry M. ItUS, ...I I* allowed 6 per coot i.l.ra.1 oo your puuW ,.,i .. of puiMWlOtJ. # 1 1 lo the m.jopty of ONI the price .ad Urm. .re withb.UI by requw.t „f ,|„r. Ilul ■unlioa can l<w obulacd regardi.* ,0y iwrlical.r properly by commuaicUn* mil. i!... . A lie* Ira be 290 acre farm lo Joko itooCouotyoo mu)delay road, be »«e«Q Se me aod Archie Lo0g*> *llbia 7 miles of Selma, N. C . aod eitbla 3 mtlca of Smltbfte d. 140 tcro* cleared, tbrea dwellings, p*eo of wood for farm use. Tbia la :lay laod especially adapted lo Iks growth of cottoo aod tobacco. Tbit farm can be bought as a whole or tub divided m ault purchaser Price 910,000, on wry liberal terms. A BO acre farm with HO acre* cleared, located 1 mi-e west of Dudley, N. C. adjoining the land* ul Jobo Cub aid other*. Price 94.250 , oo easy terms. A 2l0 acre (aim la Sampson county, with about 100 acrta clear ed, airjgie story eight loom bouse, paluted, with two tobaoco baroa, witblu 5 mliee of Turkey, N. C. aad 10 mi ice of Cliotoo, N. U. A 137 acre (arm, with nice bom*, oootlderable cleared land, aod locat ed oo clay road, wiibto 7 tunes of Goldtbdro, N. C., 93,25b (W oa easy terms. A SO acre farm io Saulttuo To wo ■hip, adjoining the lands of J J Newsome, with 70 acres cleared, 2 dwelhojt*, tob|rc^i baro, pack bou*c auu goou iuu. * rico ruiuuib e "lib a small cash payment and Ux oolaoce lo'teo equal annual pay mem la. A IM) • acre farm aeer Severn Springs, N. C , with 72 acres clear | ed, vtili 2 dwellings, aod located on twocouatj roads Good laod fur tbe growui of cotton, corn sad to oacco. A 6U acre faros on highway be tween Ml. Oiivr, N. C , aod Dodiey, 40 acre* cleared. Good lilUc truck farm. A highly developed 166 eert larai within 1 1 2 miles of1 Ml Olive, N. C ; 140 acre* oiearnd land, good pa* Sure wiib wire fence, with ruoaiog stream, two-tlory- nine room home, pointed and io good repair. 2 ten ant bouses, 2 tobacco burns and necessary oulbutldiege. Ooe of the moat vaKiable pUatatioo* offered for sale in the Mi O.ive seclloo for some lime. Ask for particulars. A 3t>5 acre farm, located 6 milee west of Ml Olive, N. C, with 122 acres cleared, 3 dwellings, 2 tobacco barns and good pasture facilities Cao be bought very ressooable oa eaay terme. 241 acres of highly Issprutod laod, • lib 122 acres cleared, J oca tad Io b miles of BmtlbArld, N. C , 21,000 , worth of merchantable timber, 2 dwell logs, 7 lobaoco byas and good pack bouse. Hargaao to quick pur chaser, A 72 acre far®, with 20 acres cleared, good dwelliog. 3 leoaot bouses, tobacco barn, good laod. located 4 12 mile* south of La Qraagc, X C. Ask for particular*. W. F llrogdcu'i (formerly F A. Cox farm) 231 arce farm, about two mties west of Dudley. N. C , ad joining* the lauds of Henry O'Berry and others. There are about 172 acr*a cleared laod Io * profitable statu of culttvotioo, uioe seven-room House, three tenant bouses aod two lobaoco barns . Price 112,000 with 22,000 cash and tbe balance payable 2200 per year for four yean, bal ance the fifth year. A V. ,/<r> fo.m aim oil.. ^v..,L ..I (icMdiborQj wo^j 40 acres cleared, Qv« room dwelling, two tobacco beros and good pasture. Trie* and terms upoo appucatioo. Tba I W. Bwiotoo home p ace to L)iaplia enuuty, about ail renin southeast of Ml O.lrt, coolaJolng 177 acre* with 100 acre* cleared, a oew d«e Img. leuaot bouse aad to bacco bars. Trice |28 00 per acre oa easy term*. A 433 l S acre farm, three mill a south west of Goldsboro, srilblo one mike of Asylum station oo Southern Railway, with 330 acres olearad, sis dwellings, pleoty of wood. Lard very productive for tbe growth of truck crops, cotton, tobacco aod gvsio. Tbta desirable plantation can be bought as a whole, but for tbe coovroleore of the small farm ers, the osvoers bsvt tub divided tba tract into fifteen farms varying la a sv from 10 acres to 43 seres, aid therefore offer same as a whole or In separate tracts. This is an oppor tunny for either the large or small lawyer. A 203 acre farm, with 200 acres oisarrd, located about 9 1 3 mii«a northwest of Mt Olive, oo oew c>ay road, adjoloisg tbe Koraegay school property, oic* home, large barn and stables, three tee eel bouses, good pas turn with running water. This • and la etoallent for truck crops, eottoo and tobacco Can bw had at a bargain on eaat terms A 160 acre tract with 190 acre, claared, one dwelling, located wllhto four mlltl of Ml. Olive. Good land for the growth of rollon nad lobac. co, but id a poor Hat* of cultivation at preterit Can be had at a bar. fain Mr*. BatU* Herring'a 360 acre farm, five milee real o! Gotdaboro. near Miller* 8lalioe, adjoining the mod. of J. M Wood, tha Cuell fnrai, tbe Vinton Helen and olberi Them are 190 acre* cleared lead with a two alory home, two teoaet dwelling., two tobacco barns and a conaiderable amount of merchant, able plat limber, which la located right on the lloe of the N S. Rj., with a aiding within leu than a quarter of a milt. Prio* aid Urma upoa application. A £2 ncra farm within four mil*, of Goldsboro, ole* dwelling and 26 acres cldered land. Price 93,000 on eat7 tarsia. A eery desirable 30 acre tract of land on tbe Gotdaboro nod Seven Spring* county road, right at Great's School Houaa with amali d walling. Price (M 09 per acre with terms. A 160 sore farm Bee milee weet of Qoklehoro, 125 scree cleared, good dwelling, three tenant bonnes. Prie* 960 Ofl an a..r» Will ...k ... U>© b#i#uo# lo ten equal aooual pat* ovols tl desired. A desirable 93 12 acre farm 1©* 7 miles of Goldsboro, just op* posit# Dr. Crawfords boms ©o vb« •tat# highway. A 88 1-2 acr* farm located os the Mt. O.l?# sad Newton Grot* road, H miles west of Mt, Olive, 58 acres ol cleared, biscbly improvml Und. New dweiliog, bare aod stab es, aod with)* ibort distaoc# of five moo tbs school. A highly improved 56 acre farm wiibio Av* miles of Ml. Oliva, oo clay road. Nice home ltd good (aod. A 391 acre farm ia Duplin rouoly, oear Magnolia, and known a, the r.gford U.a, pr(ce ,u w per Acra ou easy terms. A highly improved 75 acra farm lo hauls tea township, Wayoe county, with saw d walllog sad plenty *of cleared land. Asa for pArticulara. 8. 8. Waters' 590 acra farm to June* couoty, witaiu 31* miles ot Meyrsviile, with 144) acres cleared, with a good dwellicg aod two tan' sot bouses. The owcar of this farm will eicbssge it for a small cash psymeal sod allow 15 yearsio which to pay for the ramaicdar. A highly improved 52 acts farm witWn 1 milt of Pikevllie, oo Golds t>oro and PikavUlo roed. Good d eelling nod 35 mere, of eloared land. Knee 550 uo 317 acrea ol farm land located near Uroadhurel Bridge, 1U milce east ol Goldsboro, with 90 acres cleared, some timber and good pan turn. Por a quick sole the owner whl lake 54.50V for the whole. 324 acrea of the Hooks' farm, uwo.d by N. H. Grady, located 8 miles seal ul Goldiboro, about 10U acres claared Price 510 IA) per were, with small cash psymuat sod the balance to suit purchaser. Several small farms ia Johnston county, near Wilson Mills, that can be bought very reasonable on easy terms. ^ ' Tvo farms lo Saulstoo lowoabip, Way so uouoty, owned by Mr. 0 A Parks The "Mil. r_■’_.... 250 acres, with about 175 acres cleared, c.ay laou, aod located about 6 miles east of Goldsboro, on Uie Uo.dsboro aod 8oow Ho, road. The ‘Thompson P.aOe" contains 3H aor«a. »ub 250 cleared, both hare good dwellings sod the character ol the land is the beet for crops of this seotioo. Keaeuoabla price and easy terms. Lot No. 7 to the divisioo of tbs George Butts farm, which is located 12 milts east of Goldsboro, allotted to Mrs. J. P. bioith, aod eootaioa 47 acres Good land aod can be bought On reasonable terms al SUM) (19 per acre. Lota No 2, 3. 4. 5 and 4 of tb< Mr*. Ksnois Uca^J farm, 5 ml In south of LeGrange, now owoed by W. N Mewbouro, cooUiaiog a tote, of 107 acres, with 85 acres cleared Good bouses aod tobacco Darns A 27 1 2 aore farm, three mi In north of Goldsboro, no the. Gold* boro aod Wilson oouoty road, rlgbl at Salem church and school, adj.ilo tog the laod of Montague and othera. A floe IllUe farm, deair •biy located i'ba Sul Barfield farm about fiv« miles west of Ml O ire, cooWloie* 138 acres with 7ft scree cleared, and two dwellloga. Price rrasooabU aod terms easy. A 31 acre farm 2 1-t west of Ml Olive, 20 scree cleared aed a good dweilieg. Land good for truck crops aed geoerel farming. C B Seltlvee's 49 acre farm fin mlleaofMt. Olive, on clay road Oood home and pleoty of cleared laod. with good pasture The Barney U n ina lann m |>Ul, lio oouuly IJ o>,.c, auulbeatl u( *i now nwoaj l>y Ka»u» I Swln •Ofl, CO lUlBla^- jjtj n'ffn, with 2b 4cre® cleared, line* d«*e>liux and i • tocanl huuim Xbis is «u idv’ • Vock farm at it baa teens* to • p* tui-s of at»u'. b tMMi acres Gosh. 8»acnp Vir> easy term*. l»ric •6.&0U. A 106 anr Urm n» .Saulston town ■bp. Wayro cmnly. ronp«r ownad by Mi Walt Tjy.or, atx». 90 acres c-eared. n ce bo ne ti Wnaol bou-e>, ia<> tubteco bar., aod oaf pact bout* \ cf> pMMivt lire taud. I'nve bll»0 ou pci sc • ilb 13.000 cash and lUo bu.aoce • flflwco year tv* ms .f JrsInnJ. A k'tfby impMjted acre fa*i •lUilo 1 l 2 us’.lca of Seims, no male bitfbaay Willi nice home, tr, *ol bouses aud plenty of clrar<. land fJsr^uuj fuf ^,j,ck purchaser 1 A deairab c 162 acre farm local about 6 ai.j»w west of Goidsbo. with ifc) set es c leared. cic*- paint dwelling, tcr.*m onuses a<>d two i bscco b*rus. Good t.e‘i/n r>orbo and good laud • ith prjc* rea*ouab. A 125 acre farm r ear Bowdet • srSoob* Mrv **r* j*Rub p‘v M. II. Wiggiui <77 J 4 acre fa. oear Genoa. -Jb acre* c oart-d and good mu* u.* :t*.lituloa N» dweutag Pr . t and term* up appl.catlou A two acre tract of uudeielop-. Uod locaU-J about » miaa aoutb Goldtbon . wi*h li j good bou aud euu»ui*rao!( aaouci of c,«*i land Pr.ce ID 0-) >l<?f ^re ol| ea . term*. A 1HH acre fa* m. 5 re dr* writ « Ml. 0«i»r. K'thUi 1 iriitto' Smii Chapel Cuunu ulJ IJigt Sc bo with 76 acre* rrarnJ, two d (iood land boa go v! » • gnborho j A 8d acre faro* Ui For* loaoih right near lit* road ft alien., with 1 aicc hour aid wtila at» »ul 15 acti cleared laud N«re it; * bome ei i *eoirr.t,y Incited Good laud. The Irtto Gnuibaui Lore? pla io »t. td«n»Mp. oiuta.u about I5u0 acre, with 2ul> ac* cleared and ► .* dwelling*. T„ road fryutag" aud g-*>d laci LA W»»i » 24 .u*re firai *■<• Eureka p. ,• • ».»vr un i let ui*> rr» oi.ab r A 211 *• rr f«i re eithiu a ** mi , of Clark*, * ilb »^t«r trie »port*l lo New Bern, |.V) terr*rlfarrd, a* • o room met.d *.*>( uieli.og, p. and atab'.rs u>id t.ibarcn tvan, Ti price of tbu fai.r, »* $] ooo ca*h at i the beiaoc-* patau> m a>i n(ua| dub! pa>uii i.t*. A 541 acre fariu iu J »Lr»*t .n co • • l>, owned be A \V R »m*. 25 ac i cleared, *cv» n r.vnn dv»c.' .» I oecea*ar j Output d»ng* 104 1 2 acre farm to Granll. Uiwo»hip. W»t*c c tuoly tear F leg Creek High Stb<K> i i*i»e dw- • mg and HO acr.a of cleared iatid. A 2U0 acre fa** io Sarop^o ro • tT.oear CSc.lou.75 acre* r.eared.r defiling, tan i o*tt hnueer. oacco ban. at.u bttt*vury oulul inga. ii - nj tobacco iutiO. Mr F K SauV 65 l 2 a re f j with 56 acfL» cleared, right at K .a. wc-.;rri w.oarer* n* u t«._ » lud, hijfi* » uop'uita Nice hi' , tobacco i***u and tenant dnol.i* Tha I.'iau, Tav.nrlmo# place. cat»J 6 uT.l'a tort,:great of Ml O, . , about 3 uni '* west of Celt ptti, < r, 86 acrc« l le'JMI, ilir,.,.r,M 4„d . ant holt***-*. L.iud ckpcc.llj •• .. led lo U*c rO'tli of trick cr i# cottoo awl toi'iacco. Aiao Mr - C ratr ot k-td .:rw rd j«.i eated nrai So ill. a Chapr: Cbu 5 a>ilr« «»*t ,'M; O ;rc, lira a timbered. a au iCi'c (am in Grant o townvhv, \\ ;yne rmj'-tv. jvJj h g tbe pr pert; ofC.rbil*' (Jl. H and Othno, umIi aboil !6o *, % deareri. Usd •’-ypeceilv aoaptc o tbegrowtl; t.| tohicco. two itw i log* aril si >*► worth .»! ir.erch t *b!« p:cu *i e r>*» * A en a fl| * far® in Gr.«i • tjw•»• lo*n»Hp, <a m aameloc.'i y 4*l acre* o-t ired ^ d the 6* •!>«.* r e tinCkred. A tJO aci. farm inraletl i qyr L) I *«J. ebuu* ore &<*.f cleared the • I* oeoe In ao.xl* Ilar^aiu for q k purchaser. A 78 uefe far rr in Grin them I* n* •blp. owovd oy W H Coltoe • h about 36 arm cleared. |j*e i ® dwelling and team! d r«! log I •« 4td term* reavi *..ib'i* Tbe J) 3 AtUe* 'arm u Gi >e COtiDlT, uur JitriQ, rr*o IftlOitiJf |5 acre* ellli l ire home, autliciiot i-‘ 401 dwell eg*, tobacco bhro id other Improve moc t*. Tiiif ia *• proved land jeourd in one of ie beat far ir»n*r «*clior.a of Gr «e oouaty. W C S'Dith t 184 acre farm, *o ®liea «ni of Warsaw, w'th X) acree of c av and cleared, two » -y dwelling. teo lobirni barns • -d three ten-iot d Wei logo. A id far® a*. 4 •••» f»nnS|* price. Tbcrr are a number °» tome "■ "><• that the owner. would e.rbaof, for city ptoptrly. |, you bar. dly pm,>orty that you would like to pul in farm land, (hit la a iroo I ..,,,K>rlunily. If you are in die market a» a lioyer or aeller of R ,al K.uto, I will (>o gU I to confer will, y„„ I nro prepared to aell your Boat Relate by print#,* auction anlea. . Xur further information, are or write JOE A- PARKER, Real Estate. Farm Loans Negotiated, 116 East Cantrs St.. 8- ' Goldsboro. N. (

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