I ■ - 1 ■ mOmn m Ovtr, Stt ' ■jOwiFrtOflP "INIliqitfMrailMl n«kt—JfcvWitafc-* M4 tn QoMiboro and rteamattdt4 M tte world's boat com rocsody by OoKsbors Dm Co,u4M.& Robin m 4 Bm IT IS ^SERIOUS M—» MiMlni fwO fall la Kaaltaa Ika Serleeaaaaa at a Bad iwt Tkecaeelaal eckia* at a ba.l teak. Tba wrartaaaa. tea Iliad tarikar. Tka petal aad aafcaa al kldaar Ilia Mar mall aarlaaalj If aarleded Daawrroar ar^narr trouble ottaa Mae. A (toldaboro wo—a rbowa roa wkei M da Mrt J. J. Ttlklag lot, 110 R. Vlaa SC, Itoldiborn. tlji -1 kad dnll palaa la at back awl lalaa. I >aa aora aad MIS a lid H kart ara to ateop orar. 1 eJeo bad kaadacbaa aad dlujr ipalk aad fthjeru Snalad belora raj ejee Tka kldaar aacrrtloaa paaaed Irrafa larlr Doaa'a Kldaar 1’ilk auaacte aaad aaj Iwak aad faltered tea oibar nwrlnww at kldaar trookie. Saw •kraarar — back kot kara aa 1 aaa Data'a KM% Pilw »“* >*•» aw— ha a> hate M» ^ FRECKLE3. ■•WIMWTiaoutMkM.rTtaM Oi*l kpat*. -aaasnsaw&rs Ihaprwnrlptlaa utklot—u .obis KTonr.lr,4^*0U,J “ • . *"M«lr «w an Mac* of othlaa •"•h ■*iw«lk—/rani »/ tragical f«d anplf • IMtWul It al*W aid morn !l! *** r“-* ,ko“ld *at Mwl trno MnanltiHtlatHn b**un 10 d|a 15STlJ"k4? **° "ah'*/ <>»•• kata rnklakad aatlralr. ft la .aldoaa 'knt Mat* lhaa an owin la oaadad raw- 1 JJJ1? altar iKn akla and gala a baa a- ' Ufal etaar aoaaplatlaa. . *» Mr* la aak lar ILa doaM* ttpaaglk atWaa aa IWa la w>M aadar ! •WMIaa ol momtt hack II It 1.11a to ’ wn fmaklaa. ■■ _i i i I i I t « « I r » « t I « B. F. MINTZ | ATTOENKT-AT-LAW » Wataoaal Bank Bldg. 0»M>l>oro ■ H. R. IVEY, M. D. I Baanldk la IIAia.a. ! IMlttdk Id* I0l»t■ «. OEaa attr KaUnaaJ Haal. > OEea fkoa# *11, R*tid*n*« lit * _OOI.D8BORO, *; C. J ■ DR. W. A. LANE RtMMia Ml*—Mi •ardaa ialidlag. Third glaor • Q!» MMim.liiiMMI ft IIMIAA.MIAA iut*l ■ i rw»M C i * !•' I WILSON CALLS NATIONTO ARMS isks Ml ti Sim 1i Grail AaarKii Amj. "HERE flSITIA6 FRUITLESS" Aim.hm erf Narfaa That Will Tuan Mia Santa Callaa lata Baiaf by Ca«aartytlaf H.inanWa. Fanaai Hbftaaa RahataJa. All WarWt 1a*a Amy a* NaManal Barvten **• ■bft^aOa baa baas callad P°« *w tor aarrta* to a tn ratal proc ■ nation laanrA by PnsMsat Wllaou. Uartartag that -mara Asbttaa alii to •mtrlaaa." tba prtaUaot daroaoelad tbt Uttt4 appeal with reward ta thaw*. We are rmptdty putting our aery epoa ta uffaottra war fooling aad am about te rraate aad equip a groat army, but tbaea are tba template part a of iba great teak la wfcgrh wo ka»c ■ rtlr—nd ourealeea TSec, b aat a alagie —idab alonwnt ao far aa I t*a mb ta Ua cauaa wo am igMing for Wa are f«MS* fnr what wa bat»e«a anJ wite te be tba rights at wank ted and for tbg future peace and aaawrlty of tba world fb da tbu great thing wwtbdy aad awe eeaafwlly »« laoat derate oqrtdvn ta Dm ■weion wwsoat regard ie prvdt — ream tbl Urvauaa and with aa energy and b tafllgaaoa that will rlaa ta tec I real of (hi aaterprlec Maalf Wa meat rmUaa ta Cbt roumt tow great tea tad la aad bow ■May thtege—how many kiada aad tee —«■ •* mraetty and aarrlea and oatl ■MnAc*—U involve** Mutl I apply W aad. I'ttei ttwa. are tbn l kings wa imaat 4* aad da wetf bmtdaa icMln*. do lh% tblngi wMtotrt whi—« mam fighting would b* fhihlna Wa maat supply abundant fond fur eor mfraa ate* for aur a/ailaa aad our sou man no* atey, bet ato tar a largo part 01 "l wbnm ere bawa new modi aad bj ^ r let ha aa* egtep •a are operating In w >■ --tSa loom* an* manu factories how «" nMteteah lco-er~t ythtr— JJtb which tba peepl. te Knglunda3 PP?***1 U«*n»et now af. ■•• Wh haitriah or the n, Aleefy to mefce All H Serve Natien It te re Mai it U every tMnfclae imh »k-» wr tedeotrire en rerme tn »J»»p> * ** fmctortee. mfeat fee rma<*a mere h-oliAe end more «Se«ent time e«M. ewt • Menedwl end feat rm M*H«4 te the perttr^ilar ramotramenle t e*r tmok (me they have Wen. end rhet f veer to eey te ih-t the me* u4 remea ate their thoepM end Kelr mercy le them mines wtu he HrV *• WWlr? and mdurtlae rh# d|h| ** pee re and (rariam fxmt aa tryly end aet as eArtlvHf aa the mm oa in# hat tedeld oai le the tranrfim The (eduatrtal forma or the roue try. lee and *omm eMke. arm he e rnt aa em*-w creel Internet km *»-eerrk* army, •etehte end honored heel endowed le the ir>ire of the nntto* eU the wnrid and '• friend* and mvtore of free ItnerW-n«r. hundred* of Utmaende e# men otherwise Italic te mdtte// err. • wtll ef right *ed of neraeWtr ha ex —V f— tovkt and n(nf ta ■aftoaamal aatoal.Mf .«* - iu tola, hf Ivtto awl aiaia a>4 ttor win to • -wall part .1 Ika cam! patriot'* (paapp r lha Mtlea u Ik. an unto* •*. I lakp tka Ikmr lUWgn af alhw, m IWa W.< — tka farniwa af tha ana* T Mf la an who apt om Ika rpaau ka appaaww wW af «p* nptlpa aaf to — nalkna apk wMA at aaa -i rpaaal • •» •» PkantokM af awpptna uf aapa M>r af faafatpfp Tka •—»i — pi n afu Ippaala kk awpplp npMalti ha Ik* raaaml papa, la aupaaUMap. WkkpM toafato faof oa* ha Ik. .non* pnf >• »■—!- «pw at war Ika wtoto anpa srea1^?to-ari a'sruXMto™. • tor am IBM aftor paw —oTTp. “W kato par M*al< aaf a iarpp paapar — «f tka paapp af Bppapa ntwi rjlp ^ Ika kpraaea to IMka Upaai Ika r—*

Ur raff « Waf « Caftoa. I paafaaMalp .cam to ta. r>naa af a aaw»h to ctoM Ito.. ca e to atolan Aar aaa fat tkato aa g_gk»ky lym uw |MI tmmjZiZ %"**** Sj«± bstSba: S30?S3 ■nrt HM know. H w avitar m M • kM« tka* Jrtrk II IkOMiMliOateT ¥bss3s®s o—■ J. S. FBEL1K6HUYSEI. New Jersey Senator Who Urges Food Control by Federal Government. --—--6 Photo hr A met scan Pram A— wt— nos • 'on of lHa pretest pift af cotton and baipoi* span a greet scale—to tod tha a alien and (He pep’** tvary whera who ui ac*tln« for rhatr Uhartisa atud ter oar own T>o variety of thrir eropa wilt b* tha vie** measure of their oomprhhaaiaten of their oattoaa) doty. Tha itttmiMM of tha Uatttd Iulm and tha tavtromata of tha eavacal aratee •Uuad ready to ov-operato. They all do avsrythM# passible U assist former* In aacar«n« an adequate eeppty of Mod. an adaqnata Korea of lataftn whan they in moat mead ad at harvest time and tha Taaaan of axpodlUnc shipments of fortB laaia and farm aaaahlnary u wall am «r tha crop* tVihaalvas whan harvested. Tha sea tea of trade ahaJl be aa ujvhntn parad aa It la possible to oanha M. and thara shall ha no unwarranted anaatpuU tmw Of tha nation'a food supply by (hai who handle H on lu way to tha consumer •ha tflclmcr of a great bnxnry. and ora aboil not (all abort of R. Tula lot mo aay to tha takdfflaaneo of ovary sort. vbaAir tbgy ara hand tang wr foodoiaffa or uar raw materials of maao ractura or tho product* of our mi ha and factories Tho ajmo of tha country will ha aapaelafly open row Tkim la your *R»or tanRy for atgiial sarvku. •(■eUnl and dta hUnatwl Tha roust ry r■porta you. m It expects all other*, in forego nao-val yradia, to orgpaiae and expert i*« ***•► tnaata. auppitaw of avary uu- *»* •■** rtaiy af mod. with an ay row an renUHns af- *» **• ■*** •* thoaa who «alh* v tR f«» »*-•* aonrita. not hr tWa*dvta 1 ahaII each daally T«o to Uar*. and win ih. i j | gji of poopta af ovary aort and ata • *** AfCjnt U fUJny Um, . *WR or ataefcrwed power T* tho merchant let mn awggrat the motto profile and mkt ocwirr" and ta rha ahtphw’idor • thought that tho tifo of tha war depend* upon him Tha food and lha war euppjlee •-u*'t he carried hrrnoo the ooaa no matter hon maay *Mpa »h ml U> III* ho Mam The placed af j Ihoaa that go down mut ha survl’ed and i •oaakiert at onm. To tha minor laf rno I aar that ha stands wherw ih* farmer dnm The • orb af the world wefte cm him If he *l»ehrna ft fnlU anstns *nrt w a teamen aro hefpiMw. Ha aloe fc anils'ed hi tho gyaat aonrlea army. Tit nunvltrtanr 4m not nood to bo toU I Up*, that the nation loo* a to Mm to ermd and perfect ••ary process. and I want only to mailed hte employtaa that thotr aorvica la abo> htlely hultopsmsahta and la rowniad on by vvory man wtm Wves Iba oeantry and Its II homes Iwi mo autareo* a I an I bat every one who Ch»l*a OT CwUlvpUs a garden hr I pa and hatpo greatly in anfu* I ha pmt.'em of l bo feeding ad tha nathma and list ovary nouoawtfa who pr*d* rfrealntlen aa pn*al>4* fo thu appml. I malar* to tn«4**l aU« to all afv*rlla •v Ad*rw~Ua tvt tvr •*•* f»rNh v da* a e*ry aaVtantlal and Urn rtf a*rrirr to rV mHry if IV? mid |lva || anrand M* Hr ton And I Hop* that d>tfy man »BI nat IMak IV tb««n* nf It an un •nrkby or bmUflhH aab)**t *f *wn ml end banity from tb«4r fald" TV aaaramn V *f IV nation baa f«v W* mni alt nmk, art and — i a to#** Vr WOODROW WILtfQdf CREEL rTARTSJOR WORK. War Cinatr MWanf Ur** Ma Kaxn Mart AVwt N*v» Jab. Oaoraa Creel. < Iwirruan of the tartan of InfnmaatVm )w«t rrrntrd by Prrrl Heat Wl|an*. hat Irft for Wadhln£t*ai tn (aka nf» bb* aew dnrln* lie hrada fhe war mrworaMci board, with Wnrrc tartan fain«»*r Half*- aiw! Imnlrla aa hi* ano. hU* Mr Crawl hafrwa he left «*M -fl M tM|MMMr Hr Br io .r*.-r*aa •iy Raw pamt at (Uta lime I rtinnol •«; •aytldad air ml the noth aotfl I trmm Ur nalern of #.* WMahy Land In flartJa The HarMa aaaata baa p*aa«d the ■MMaea allowing peraona I* dry w tlaa tn rwetrr only on* nnan af Mgaor a** wttk tfet tartar or'* ilfnrtun Mm* *«aa* an m •mH**< w iw Aflat *1)1 at* all. Ma CatTiil ta N par* NEWS PRINT PAPER MAKERS INDICTED S«vu Chart*) With Plat to Coitrol PrlciJ. of die Btut r Turn la nit min facturere »»f ot«i print iwper la the 1'olted Htarr* ult-WM-inU r* uf the at ecutlr# (s.Mtuitte* uf tli* Nr«a Pit* Xixjmf arbiter* ueorleikm and cuiF irofHug mofv ti«an 33 P*r cent of Uf new* peiut raan^factuxvd te tita rotm try. w*fr Utrikted by a federal ffmnF* Jury to New York city 011 the that they bad ronned to onUvfM cow ■Flfwcj la real ratal of trad*. It ) aAi l*C«d tn the ledktmeute (bat tb« eey awn arbitrarily fixed the .rio^pf product wbk-s (hay coctroii»ri aaxJ* W they reatrletrd the output of t^iov *?—. U Id prwt ntlng the Icdkhaeote M . Anaiatant At tome) Gram-mi Bauififld gw Colby rvqwitel Jud^rTuihmaD te lr‘ ••t bears wrurrapae'&c our for the tad Mat of tbr tnri lu*e*iS**« 8par **' Rtvee Pulp *n J 1 lnte*Usatton into IIj* xltrattoa Am the aew* print i«ape» trad* baa going m In Wiuliiftoo for a on to uflkj Gnrrmrrni official* **se»*d titer DM evidence of great inrreaae* In nr^Q whirli threatened lo at!fie the i.JB I paper ladaatry of tbo country aodSB | matter mi taken up by agent* ott Feda-ral Vreilr ( 't*r~■ nliairm K* 1 GOETHALS BARES PLtA^ Telia ef Faded 0*rm*n Psaaata Caad f.B A (lacniin pM la niggle the r^E raual by bk»e»h»a np a vessel Ayfl with dwmefltr at (he Oatua kxl^Kid dlactooad »'7 liacmel (leorge vflbaj thela. bnildrr of the "Hk» uBu B-<» before Ifi* A markka OnXpM kal society m New Tack. K j O’eociaJ Goefbdla (old the rjHojfl rliot abortIj after the brwtnnlntJ Europe at hr rectfred frotjKS biffltMi a baity dispatch a*kh,g»rifl kick out rnr a demise wttb high expkwdree. The gflEffl I thought tn tta to Ikow op tl^B Lot ka, the vita] feature of the ‘rf“ ‘‘"•I yclrn* ft the AtOM part of the r*o*T*u thoroog My tf* ■peetad and allowed to paae with oat an A merle a* pilot oa board, Hard* hod the led when a more urgmt ma Mge from Washington amid the Aral rcgkuet bad beta root need. The reaael eras Immedlatelj baited by g alreleaa Aeah tn the Amarl/ao pilot. A sqoud of i&artoee was rushed og board. replacing the chew, who were takes off. With an all Americas emu pletnant the boat was gefclrd Ibroogh. Ibc original crew be tog permitted to board again only wbn It reached the reciAc. CLEAR STEAMER LANES. AlUae* Admiral* Suggest Plan mi Cm* fmrmmmm la Washington. # “dear the steamer lanes of the Oar mas nvtwnarloe menace ’ woa the coorea determined epos at Washing Um after the Bret jotut war coatHil alnce the Unitrd State* eniorul the war. A British and French admtraj ream to Washington and with tha heoda of tim Auer Van sary plumed Jalnt operatin')* by means of wlikb the United 8 tale* Beet win a Vi the an tab la aBioa acuuiut tba coma ton rncioy. ItoUlla of the naval opera Mtata. a brooded behind a deep veil of secrecy, will he worked oat at roofereoreo which will continue for several da/a Aroeticn’a part la the naval and of the war. tt wan aooouuead at (be nary do part men!, w Ut Im to aid In keeping thr or-eaa highways ekjar aa possible far (be rout tn oooa Bow of meoitiona. ford and utW suat’ilea to ibc fi*htlag rorcaw In Raropt NOTiS FROM F0HQ6W LM Whs* Paths A*a Ostnf a* tha DUar •Wa s# t*» QteW. FradaHefc f, Psadrrtd. fonatr A war I. can Amhaamdor to A«atr%«aM*rr tea amyod la Paris oa bto wij to WadrtacUVL Mo wradii not mm moot •a tha broak la rtJnHuaa bat or so Amartra aad Austria. Tb# Astronomical lortrtr of Franca has wofirral on Ocorgr tOtmrj Hals, tha Ansorkar sstronmnar. tho Jaaaarn modal for Important astmoocalral dts> corarlao. This la 'bo aortmd Ua# Mr. Halo has hm honond with lb# Jiss ■a* modal I la raced ml In li Ptl. WHAT IS LAX-FOS ^ ipmp CMQM A Pmssnva Laxative lps-rM>aM|*SMM««rrM^ilMt> ©ABOABA BANK ncus PLAO BOOT BHUBABB BOOT BLAOM BOOT SMY APPLC BOOT aCNNA LOAVIS AND PEPSIN ■ Ul-fwa.c.r.ul.l.,11,.1 v, *• aMMaa at tfeaaa MgaaUaa l»arWT ‘aaa, aaiffewi tfea raatetaatiaa ana aa> ■>TM I ateatattaa knllaa aai Mta*. ZaLmm-f** te*-afe£*J£ *"•■*■* " ****** Uwt. Trim Mq illlUSE PASSES /‘HUGE BOND BILL liw Billion Do In War Lou I Is Voted. Kidert fcoq dictator U Ca 'ntr«dyc»d Give* ^y *• W Eai War M akr# it NMMtiry w AmjIP Ipsmlstoi t^HoMnallsA *1 al 2JKAOOO Alas P »r\o*d m***tk/L. mo* ■AQpwoddua as . bwflooal i*rrdi( *itr written of any wintry of it* wfl QtMfitii). ra Ptffevmmt eonf;ix(t the *• tMr.e* of (be ■ T« !* itpoptbI delete o«. the l*ot.d I Tbe LIU ..ad Itvih |t lifttt detmte tv •trb-erd I.) the the w 'E mh*. X»«* tuner Mimm tbrrr iBlPC^er* e>meuTWi<1 lu u,u f «bi>«. ®wnlRpr«ilftu »•( lly (n>ttil »rur meat m Grre** pO 'Iftle Of If., upfn \ Rt*t«a Tbi* Util rvuwbm |rll^B*burlMCbni f'*t tlir Is rites: »ajotnw evt r l*Mtcr<1 for any v<*\ee u llw but •Mr 'if |l« ir.wld Tin r^B***** tv t4.>u With tin tiimntuxmt mowilier of ilir tray* and ^Pt Itotpcn ret». Krpob and PfocrwaaJrrw There to an MV arviaie rownittee on tnaoce la Hn rnab flie bill to Anal p*. J^B ■■ WK>o as 1( «tiu In- «li»(nM4>d S^BtA*latl4>u tfttlms tl>e f«kra, ^ov on, krone lad (iMiiM.l a■ t>• r r.wvt marketing and dlMrlUitloa llfkg the m Id cat authority to >•1 and Id* kldMfi to Ox Prevent apentUtir* pm# bo drafted luimedJafely and roocu cxaifrrax. Secretary »i f Houai«*i aiu.ouixrd after Oc with Fraaldrat TViUoo a« l Koiiv HN«»dant to Fi* Frieea. ■ fVmitilri.t NVlhaai had given aj. tq|M>«4Hi kaUlti that *»« tou arnxusatl to confer iu U'er nt I bo hon«c gg •HilttiT in )i« rr the fre*tc-*t an ' pfhtl of liml titvOudn W Will n«4 tic etrnwd uniat* ndea make It oOT-nawrj. 5ed aupimri uf sarh n law F»l by agrUmltural repraaewt thirty two atatea lu c'uofci 1 SecrHary Hoaanu U| ft, e"*m«rjr lloosiun. remmiug conference. earned wirb him XMe Hurine iiaauruiicc* of lb voparati*oi t*y ltie country’* Parmtiig inierexig in falSIlIng leul'a (>)<•« for connerx a tan; lord pn«lwtl«Mi of femdatufa -n turn f t ra*. blurry u read) u niullui |o tarry out the au iw tbal ruugr<-«* la exited qui£)j fu grant M ref ary flauatou oUo hattrued |iIm for the quirk ctdlxfuwnt of 2.000. OtaJ Muiletn tn Un farm may. No on- Mtable of ulelnaf military aereire w M le aotv|de«i ficnimtnt, miml hla BhJ» arc napping out detail* lu o*c tbr far attiiy wlwrr it *|U a cron,, a ng, if«ra rn reaalta. Tbr army will le •liiffrd from one aectloo in another lu a**'F number* a« air tire****iy to auil tonaOlval CXMldltlofl*. Laker In War Ceeixail. Fmalar l.inyd qweefc~ wiki tbe Brlttah ,,remler*s rkbte ~Twd labor madam mod re |» ream ra five* of welfare fepanami uf a hi bury *f tnenmnn. will leaes for America aa «ea aa i»aa1bu " Complete naval and mMIfnry rwoper atlcei win L* worked uat by mitatnaf •xrbansra of vlatta between American and witaafr array and naval c4hr%x% Th# nary department rmlran) the arrival of Admiral W a ai».. n. r ( H. I). Wldpa M. par lb ( Jl,» 4 00 o«r iMf Plaaa . . itiaipoahH *"a»r rraanrai.d i«r oar lb * H.m. M la 17a par .b . ... I.' • par bw '*'• ■ X* nwr bw t-xN I to oar l mg — MBS. T, B. MARSHALL Vice President’s Wife Who Is Aiding In U. S. Campaign In Economy, o-— Ur* Marabal) -wh lira. Wihon (ha Of nwntert and «**♦* **•*■ •* ^'iMfuailoa. la «r»i-x* taa o# ib# I'totnl SI*'-* tv >4n Id an tcvmunt camp*»an a«*m*r aaprndtrar* »r.d • art* >cm»I M.iMt«ii.m«au ar« l*ma eprtallrd and nabcrata o*«aua ar« rw »©*>*•» iNc rule at formal dinner* BRITISH HAMMER AT WALLS OF LENS Giplsn of Groat Coal Cllj Gonand loar. N* IrraakaliUl* «nmnl tf«c onnach of Mir Canadian*. aa »wrly Mumla) uiorn IbC li»7 rmtjojnl (bait gicet uul fTBfkrr" drier la-aioat Lena. that ctrlj Itb tba afternooti word war fta-died ibar the grrui Ft <-tali coal tulnlim crnlrr Nail fallen Id tlu* opetuug «wr*t» of tVv* rww aa aauita launrtvNl amfcl a br*Tj down iwwtr of rain. \be Canadian* captured Tru|.*tt defect***- r«»t «.f lirv|lii. from ItuinMwit *i»tl in |ln» eastern corner if Olr Jtt X Merer. ttotb rirar to •M otftAlrtn of lb- city \V|ir* a mi wo of pa'rnla waa arm aero an the I4o hue* mrrr»i le-n* frout to *»*m tli* Hrltt»h advnure Artu.it cwfiture la believed In hr iailj delayed. fnr the DritUb pushed *tr*dUj forwaitl mat of l.irtlin and were “#|i prwrhlii* I In* ouUkirta of Isvim," the l•lrll«>lln front Uitil.iunrirnt Aunonnred Tbaa for ibe third turn* in the war fsmt.ta the (.rite of a tain I# t mnsreud Inc in frrv and in ro«t of life anythtur previously seen Ea. h rime the ro teofe attacker# wrrt- hailed urithlu the *ecv rfiadnv* of the city a unit#. In IDfi. wLeB (unrul loch ied tbe Freer h In Ihr laiille nf \rtola. hie arm* Wat lOO.uUn In killed and wound nl. Later the Bittlah. In lr)ln« to take It froa tbe north. k*t i-d/w dorlnc the battle of T«ooe Ilut In Loth three hettlea Vlmjr rld*e *l«»**d a firm bul wark to (be alllce' •’nstnuftila. Today Vlay rldjr* hi. lo lirltlah bauda ami nrhJe Capa bare hem . lit lido thr Teu ton JrftniH lines l|imnrr, In like ImIiI« ih w rmr'nt all dwpalrtke* front |l*e fr"i*t, «fTV-l*| and anoflUial. airne ilut where pre viously Hn (he entente able If la oo* IV win* In tor rent# oti the Tenlou able. NO WHISKY DURING WAR. KertUtefcy Diet iliac# Act u Ceneewe Oram Par Peed. Jaiaeu E. I*npf«*r. bend of a id# die UlHn* company. hi# announced that bia plaut at f^xiagtoa, Ky„ win atske »o whisky durlop tile |rnKrrw or the war, M« ay* hta action la doc r« the abort ••a to grata *nd that It ha the iwtrlotle ’•oky oC •nry dtkaeo to eonarrve the mtwir Fifteen ofW Kentucky elate* when the senate ra*a .*! tlw l-ewia hill forldddln* tlte maim It.-tun* and *»4* r»f liquor Thh* bill « :m | wetted after a hitter fl/bt. ANY CHEST COLD ***** * ******* m Bronchitis or TobsOUs The irritating, lidding cough affects the lung tissue and wears down nature’s power to raai* disease germs. scorn ENIIISHM i I I I i >L# SCCTTTS MM far bronchial baubles than Mfy ear Other oae niOcfaa.' ■[A It oaafafas no alcohol. 01 *" smi a >.~i.s m i toes GENfRAl ms_ MMS. Napp«ntn|( #f Intacta* In VirWi *4 Oar Caaatry. The IUkoU I*laud nuatr Uaa pa**».l. SJ !•» 3. an a> I *M» tag »ou*au uf UliiaV 1'bn l (ht right to «i4v fur |»iv«J4*iitial t*M 41 TU*.a'i*rrtf «un account of the back njrd aa>.M of New Y«*rV high arl><*4« who t |||IM III till- II1QJ or n*\y will la* rxruwd from •tmlira ai.d bo granted i dt|4«.ing upon or raring the earth* Tbe la.erd of idu. fctluo pa mad ft raftalutUxi to4^1* affect a ^ f—->' ■* *■ * ~£dpl ra uuaiac 4ad ««fi oat the Chkftfo Mutter and Kg* board baa broti ft boll* bad "aft a patriotic dot;” b\ unanlmoua voce of the director*. Tide wa« aro-mplkhrd by abollablfig all ruloa co'er'.ng deal* In I haaa pnnlw. tr for future dehtf iy. IMitta tbe nation rarea f*»m| ftbortairr ami rat nmat feed the world. tba Nu tl atul rrrtiliu-r ao'ciplbtn, In nnv.-n tk.ii *1 Atlanlk- (*tl%, i-lnuneit n mtrr*% of I ha fertllixn Industry with « i len to o) -MliiliiC It U blnd tba g»»»**rn«»«?••» MerW* Report*. niTTCn <-rrorv.*y. h*«»,»r g^.Mflg f trail talraa et*tUKt*c . csirun ft*elA 'ttamtf) ojiatiirL lr «h«r ll*** •Mr-* «i ^Okr tnu. ua, i* i'l>a . Mate 4* irv hit.*, tt'kMl. *i»4 l.» |4im» d««m ••* fair • IM.KOlv Mradt rtr*hya ltQ ,>J(. w**wlr •»»» • bait fr**k r-*: S< 4« *«*(•■. Uh Jr* a*. g«lt.rw6. OriU, U03« aarMMlt no k>«*r graitr* liUJJV AhCtk W i. i»r No : Ami r«n». ’Itf'lV cbec*A. * »p rr»‘*t. •'»*. gr vnA*'*, *In }'«L>V* ef»t*\ Pinr»» -Ivmmu und r.«-Arh.v *vr* ■««-•. *'••«* »»••* to fa* . , JtStJ-* •r>ltr_ar) n. •^*X J«/B« Kentocky Drn&ist’s Opinion of Kidoey Medicine. ASobi bfieeu rear#ago I doaiNicn* o*«d *»(!«»■ l»r Ml inoi't 8« .tmp-KotM ami slocc that lime I hate aevrr had a k'DC'c complaint hvaap-Kont *•*.»*# loglae waiter**! aaiUfactJoa to Its UM.ll lu every case Very irt.1t yourv. I.. OBKRUORFBB April Mb. 1915 Paris. Kv. Letter la Or. Rllmer k ( a , Blaghaalea, H. I Preie What Hweap Beet willdafee Tea Send tan rant* to Dr Riiuirr Al'o, Hiogtvamlna. N Y . fo> a sample sir*: bnuic- It will convince anyone Yon «ri,t also rn-eWo a booklet of valaa'V# luiornialtoo. telDug about tbe kidney* ■ oil Madder. When writing be sure ai.«l mention tbe Ootdifeoro Headlight Regular Qfty-or.it ami riio-dollar »i*e boUlaa for ante at all drug stores Overcon o Cnrcm f Consl’*r. *':tj "■* i Don*! con (in: i* (•* r ' % •! i> l •1 kaUt o| atior. . j. ,ry • *.» i. ami Ikv i. A ■•! •* • v call lor incr% w»! ‘ • \ * i • bk u»atm«nt *1.1 i (•. i uid tn<* lorx I/1 t^th !o bow*4a. It »of*mi :.i Mtoy 7<«ara *>.. • r (* fulMM t«r cm.» t j > • i * • — ideal ItitMi-, rct.t!- - . » •tmtlliMinc. Ni'*» I. :• «* ►* Sore ihou!v . , ,'dnrsc boc. niff neck, r'i r ' ard acL yield to bio .a' l.miracot. Do not rub it* !l.ai|.ly apply ‘ the »oro ipot. it ouick'y r-netrav and relieve*. C_-at ■> than mu planer* or ointr.te.'.li, it doc» r n.iin the »kin. Kery • bunt. - v •- i. . bm‘be«. loo'.. ’'K'.e-frj.'jU *u*»k*fo and tort eri.! • * Ai *Q dr*{£Ut». 21*. y-.. r% \ Jj 00. What K; itcl of u Marl.* t Does Vr.r: Mont Cotr.: From? Cta'lttiioo** i.o •*•• .. .»* , , ;-,t Y.HI firr l‘ •»: li .1 |« iiiiim' r«n.| 1 *• . .., • •( i.|i to «|r»l< Ill’ll i.t : • r i’|.-i» lliwr I • Il». ** -.'■ Our Mer.tG ? •. al ways Atif.oii.lelj \ Fresh ar.ti Tc. trier i PURE flK ' JET I piioni: i 3. .•* • : . in v. j UK \ I. KHT , SV Mr. 1. I< I. . I ' . ViiMinin ni , . •» , M. W r si • . * h *H»«; A»*.l * . r.|•. i*. J s • bt'ich. lil• * l/ HI . M*‘. li-H-k H. ■ i i in : uiwii«t)'Mi. ii«:»r I « lit . riini t*i on I* fV) VN'r Mr. I#*,ii ml |!rr •• . - - • icr# f»nn 4 n-rv i «... j iMrllmg. liiif l«i .1 : i i|t*. v'j m( Mr A II I . iM * Hop# T»« n«ui.li • If tno wl*t> I ni i • * n |. i I. • •CO E. L. EDMUUUSO ftoMalrtii u’i |{' i' rM .»tl»*i IF YOU GOULD' S] l how Rome f • more of it You get Purify ImCrr i here, and ev< i y l>ii if t Milk that got . in it ii< Sh ifted mid Purity t rer.in i made in an nb.-< lately Sn • tary Factory. Don't run nn- rI-*!.. i t get your ice i.r* • i v i > * t Water ut III** Goldsboro Biss C , Goldsboro's Bgkosi Hr':p Sfor . CHESTER K : v. Pljlti" : * *. • CCC3 l>m«» f • V ' — *• i f FRKMtiM lit. (XRoc TliOfsr U-* II » I I . 7 \ ,i » r •»