lo Goldsboro Star. v GOLDSBORO. J. C. 'URDAY, ..... MAY ; v TO MY BROTHER. GEO. T. WASSOM. ay side, brother, sr v jliaU suuu uu gone awuj, was been my earnest prayer, cannot with mo stay. ay grow dim rjy cheeks grow pale, r ftjoje that burns within r thee fail keep my memory 1 thing apart, jou treasure all my love, -deep within your heart. uk leave me here alono would have you take, Vers of bright nature's form, 'jp them for my sake. , in your silent hours you arc sad and lone, tliou not sometimes gaze upon .Jiesc flowers when sister's gone ? Jnd should these flowersigrow faded Before your silent gaze, tould tie cold world e'er cast a shade' ross our loving days, flowers will come to thee, ' hasten memory back, ist a gleam of spirit-light,; ng your shaded track. b when my form has turtfed to dust. When years have passed away, iSe floerjJ; will bring back to you 'Tie memory oi to day. LOCALS. .uwberries. We are a city at last. Truckers are rejoicing. Se Jo the Star. oeing shipped North, one thousand subscribers, prospectus, it will interest the singing of birds is li t thin weelc. .ludge It will cout reign. Hon. 0. ioro on the niond, 'a. h . jC'n.. In what bqok and ie Bus found when and vhe Sour, and Elijah con" her alraijah's death ? IT. Wevens. Jr., late of is nowe city of Indianap ' visiting tyij). Mr. Stevens 'iy you.ug ian(J we wish him ss, ' . J .... ra thodist Sabbat? .4 uuu'a will convene 'hth iost. Let elue. coera in thc Sub. ciaims are 1 Internal Rev Vof 'N. C. TcWlf itleman and J?;vl respect inaac(og?S', saicf !tcll a mad is I should write j Message by tel. fls with bright pros eting to its friends. material education advancement of the. id, in yoinr subscript year,. JSnlnerSLel taking "advantage of -plant cotton, com, 9 trucking business '''us an important 14, 1881. .w 'S . An old lady from the rural districts was seen recently with both hands work ing the "Centennial" pump from which the water flowed freely. Having neither pitcher nor buckot, her continual pump ing excited considerable interest. At last, with consternation depicted upon her face, she said to a bystander, "Mister, please, sir, show me how to stop this wa ter from running out ! ' ' Col. L..W. Humphrey has just re turned from New York where we learn he has been cngageewith Jay Gould, tho great rail road and telegraph mogul of the East, consulting the possibility of build ing the N. C. Midland route. We hope the colonel will succeed in inducing north ern capitalists to take hold of the road for two reasons : 1st, It would give em ployment to several thousand colored la borers. 2d, It would give a competing line of through freights and resnit in much good to the people. Another Detiris. At half past elev en o'clock on Monday night we were aroused by the alarm of fire in the neigb borhood of thc old fair ground. On look ing out we saw that it was the house of our near neighbor, Jlr. J no. K. bmitn in full flame. There was only twenty-five hundred dollars insurance on the proper ty loss about five thousand dollars. We sincerely sympathize with Mr. Smith and family. A "gentleman from the country called at Griffin Bros. , and bought a ci gar. He stepped out in front of the ho tel anticipating a fine smoke. He was not gone long boro he was back again in a towering ra&e and thus to Messrs, G.: 11ns ere seegar a nit no count You've cheated me! Gimme a nother one or gimme ten cents !" "Ah!" naid the polite Mr. G. "Let me see it. My friend, the cigar is all right, but forgot to tell, you whirlt end to light!" At about one o'clock 'Wednesday night, the 1 1th inst, the vicinity of "Little Washington" was aroused from slumber by the startling cry of "firel fire !" and in a few minutes a large crowd collected to witness' the burning of Mr. Stanton Howell's house and store. Noth ing was saved nothing ! and the family barely escaped with their lives. ; Our esteemed young townsman, lawyer J. C. Stevens, was obliged to "stand out,".though we believe he lost nothing save a silver watch and that was returned to him by his friend A. 15. Smith. The sufferers have our heart-fult sympathy. Where is thc lire engine ? Answer ye city fathers. Court convened here on Monday morning, Judge Graves presiding. The charge of the Judge is considered unusu ally able and will be beneficial to others as well as to the Grand Jury. But little business was transacted tho first day fur ther than a call of the cases and setting them for trial. Witnesses and defendants were c.pnspieumi$ly absent and seemed to re-assort that old anglo-saxon spirit which Blackstone tolls us forbade a free man ever to do a thing exactly at the time commanded. The , Judge thought this Spirit inconsistent with the due adminis tration of justiccfand proceeded to ' fine the recalcitrants without regard to race, color, or blood. On Tuesday there was no court, as this day, (May 10,) was made a legal holiday by the last Legislature. Wednesday morning the court resumed business starting with the case of the State vs William Gurganus for assault with intent to kill, removed from Greene county. The State is represented by Mr. Solicitor Galloway and Messrs. II. P. Grainger, ex-Judge Strong, and John F, Wooten; the defence is sustained by Messrs. Dortch, McRae, Faireloth, and Clarke & Son. As we go to press we no tice that the State lias exhausted its force in the case and has no hope of conviction. In addition to the resident bar we no tice in attendance Col. D. McRao of Wil mington; Messrs. Wooten & Loftin, of Kinston; Judge Strong, of llaleigh; I A- Woodard, of Wilson, and Mr. Solid tor Galloway, of Snow Hill. The court will occupy the entire two weeks. THE COLORED. ORPHAN HOME Pursuant to ao-v tT1 ot Trus " met , VSmith, ' ... Wice, .presented by nation, was ht " ization was then mado with tho following officers, viz: President, Geo. T. Wassom of Goldsboro; Vice President, Geo. W. Price, Jr of Wilmington; Recording Secretary. George II. White, of New Bern"- Corresponding Secretary, J no, C. Dar .y, of Tarboro; Treasurer, E. E. Smith, of Goldsboro; Executive Commit tee, I. B. Abbott, W. W. Arringtbn, J. C. Price, Oeo. II. White and Geo. T. Wassom. A CARD. I see my name is posted up with sever al other gentlemen's, calling a County Mass Prohibition Convention on May 21st,, inst., and as I have just commenced tho publication of a local newspaper de pending upon all classes for support, propose to take no part for tho pres ent but. will take pleasure in publish ing anything as news, notices, &c. Ed. A pointetl letter from Prof. W. R. Harris accepting the position of Corresponding Editor of the Star in which he said : St. AtiorjsTiNE Normal Scitoot,. ) Raleigh, N. C, May 5th, '81. j Dear Sir: I am extremely glad to learn that you will on the 1 4th inst, launoh the Goldsboro Star forth upon the journalistic sea. I trust that it will poove a Star of the first magnitude, whose flood of light shall irradiate through out and beyond the State, and serve as a true beacon to lead the negro on to a high and glorious destiny you have my sympathy in your undertaking, and I as sure you of my hearty cooperation. You may, it you like, nail my name to your masthead as corresponding editor. I shall try to contribute regularly and shall pre pare something for your first issue. Respectfully, W. R. Harris AGENTS FOR THE STAR. The following named gentleman are the authorized agents of the Star to receive subscriptions and advertisements . Bishop J. A. Beebe, of the CM. E. church, for North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida. Mrs. B' V. II. Brooks, Knoxville, Tenn. Hon. Jno. C. Dancy, Tarboro, N. C L. II. Fisher, Esq., Kinston, N. C. Hon. '5 JO. II. White, New Berne, N C. Hon. J. C. Hill, Wilmington, N. C. M. Thornton, Esq., Warrenton, N. C. Hon. John T. Reynolds, Enfield, N. C. W. B. Baker, Dudley, N. C Hon. C. W. Battle, Battlesboro, N. C. ,)no. Howard, Esq., Weldon, N. C. John M. Lee, Esq., Edenton, N. C. W. W. Arrington, Esq., ITilliardston, N. C. John F. Yelvcrton, Esq., Fremont, N. C. Hon. Hugh Cale, Flizabeth City, N. C. Rensnow Pace, Esq., Pikeville. N. C. Joseph ("cocker, Esq., Fremont. N. C. Richard McKinney, Esq., Spw Hill, N. C. v Jolin Jones, Esq., Murfrecsboro,'N. C. II. J. (J. Chambers, Esq., Statesville, N. C L. Moore, Esq., Elkinvillo, N. C. Albert Bigslow, Esq., Yancey ville, N. C. Salem Bell, Esq., Jacksonville, N. C. 1). P, Allen, Esq., Lumberton, N. C. Alfred 'Johnston, Esq., Williamston, N. C. J. II. Camper, Esq., Tarboro, N. (", W. S. Giles, Esq., Harrellsville, N. C. J. 11. Taylor, Esq., Hilliardston, N, C. Alfred Robinson, Mouroe, N. C. Ca?sar Morton, Esq., Jacksonville, N Hon. F. Haley, Margarettsville, N. C Jones Bailey, Esq., Asheville, N. C. Chas. Grant, Whitakers, N. C. Archie Walker, Esq., Burgaw, N. C, Hon. Alex Hicks, Plymouth, N. C. ' Rev. Richard M. Dicks, Edenton, N, C. Rev. II. L. Stevens, No. 192 Missouri St., Indianapolis, Ind. Jno. Graham, Esq., Selma, N. C. W. II. Moore, Esq., State at large. TnE'Statc Board of Education met in Raleigh on Monday, and resumed con. siueration ot the selection and recom mendation of books for use in the public schools. The session was a long. 'iy one and a decision was not reached until nightfall. We "om tho Observer ' ' :s recomr mo1- toml Children s First History, Holmes' History for Intermediate; A II. Ste- pheas' History for Higher Classfs; Mitchell's Map drawing; Worcester's Tlintinnni'tr Tim f!-illnnnr nnnw rinnlra ' were chosen : Reynolds, Payson, DuatOn & Scribner's, Eclectic, Arjplefbri's and Ellsworth's. -if"'" The board transacted no further busi ness. Anotner meeting ;wui prooaoiy soon be had, when matters connected! with the swamp lands will be considered, ! it is understood. j PROHIBITION! ! There will tie a Mass Meeting of the ! friends Prohibition :tt the Court House in poldsboro on Saturday May 21. at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of or ganizing for the approaching cam paign. Interesting speeches on the subject of Prohibition may he expect ed. All friends of Prohibition, irrespec tive of party affiliation, are urged to be present, and assist in the organiza tion. Ihe public generally are in vited. J. W. Bryan, Chairman. E. A . Wright, Secretary. W. F. Ko.'iicgay, F. II. Ivey, J. F. Miller, W. S. O'B. Robinson, S. H. Isler, . 13. Smith, Geo. T. Wassom, A. B. Williams, Committee. MOOIll! & ltfllilffl CARRIAGE MAKERS Opposite Baptist Church, keep on hand ready made Buggies of the j best material. Call and examine before , buying elsewhere. BARBER SHOP. I A. B. SMITH keeps a first class Bar ber Shop in the G-reac Eastern. A clean shave with a sharp razor and clean towel. Give him a call. THE JULIA GOELET PROP ERTY SIX MILES FROM G OLDSEORO FOR saw:. Consisting of a Farm of 128 acres in a i high state of cultivation, with Gin, (jiu Stnl,n.nnwl.r V.nmnn (Wta UUU3C. 1111 UUUO UJl itllV( k.)WIU llUUHCi Press. Tctms easy. For any information call on EDWIN G. COPELAND, Goldsboro, N. C. GOLDSBORO W!t-Ceiitri Street, A. KORB, Proprietor. .11 Kinds When you want a good article cheap, stock of Furniture pun and pxamino mv before buvine elsewhere. All Orders filled prompt!y. y, my!4 6m and TfrntSHERMEN. If vnu want! (4 hiiv Thresher, Clover Hullm.'flar'se Powers or Engines (either 'Portable orlTao lion, to use for tlirrsblne, sawing or for ftencral purpose), buy the "Starved Koof'ter,, (foods. VYA Best in the Cheapest." For Price T.icA nurt Illuatmtud PaniDhlftB. tK3K.Fff sent free) write to Tlie Aiu.tm.jji lntfi4giMfca fc Taylor Comfantj MaiwHeld, 0. tRTWUlt AND WBI8KIR9. OVKrB BEARt CLUIU M Ou. Will Bwc. mi. m. jt a. . -i.i luu, ud h.Jr. t 1 ' w i yxjy Furniture Factory ft! mfeior Wfps uses BCTH MANUFACTURERS OF FINE CIGARS AND DEALERS IN if uuuuj and Smoker's Article of every description. also Cpictieries, Fruits, Nats k r(i call special attention to our '-. .1- c I! flie Gold Standard, an all Havana filled cigar for Sets. The Little hand made Havana filler for 5cts. TOBACCO! Tho DTANORA, GRAVELY, DAISY TIE, TWIST, and McAlpine's NAVY. We still keep the Large 12 inch Plug tor 10 cents. Tho BIG BLOW is tho boat 5 cent Cigar, and who has got ht Why, we have ; because we manufacture them, and do not buy North and take other people's word for it. We know what our cigars a,re made of, and guarantee, them to be the Best in the market, with- i out flavors, drugs and dyes. Respectfully, GRIFFIN BROS-, Under Gregory House. Cigar , Factory opposite Gregory House. myl4-tf Land. Land. I have THREE HUNDRED acres of GOOD COTTON LAN D in my hands for sale at $10,00 per acre. Terms of payment one, two and three years ; or I will take lint cotton in pay- ' ment. Land lies Five miles from Goldsboro. Geo. T. Wassom, Ait y. E.A.WRIGHT, , IVlagistrate. f fiS?" Office in Grand Jury rrfom in tho Court House. . WEBSTER'S ' UNABRIDGED. If yon ir.tnivl to pot Hip New ISdition of I . - . Tli-l!......n unaonugeu , uDO IT NOW." .SCO AVebstcr's UnabriilBed, pago 114, pjr iiiK thn miino of oai.-li sail showing the value ot DEFINITIONS BY ILLUSTRATIONS. The pictmvs in Webster under the, lSwordn. Beef, Boiler, Castle, Column, Kye, Horse, Moldings, l'lirenolojry, Kuvelin, hliips, (paces 1 11.4 mid lain) Steam eiitfine 1'iin Iiers, deline H4:5 words and tonus far better than tliey euiild ho defined in words. New Edition of WEBSTER, lias 4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings, Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 Names. EBSTKK'S is tho Dietiormry iwdTrT1 in Govern't Printing Ofhue. 1881. W Every Htate purchase ot Dictionaries for Seliools has been Webster's. JLi Books in the Publio. Schools of the U. S. aro mainly based on Webster. Jj Sale of Webster' is 'over 2Q times the sale of any other series of Diet's. 0 THIRTY.TWO THOUSAND have been put m in the public schools of the V. S. JL Each new edition has become more and "p more The Standard. XJ Reeommemlcd by State Supt's Behools in TT 36 States, and 50 College rres'ts. XV IS IT NOT THE STANDARD ? - Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Hpringfield. Mas' $30 to $1,000; 2 to 32 stops. Pianos $125 up. paper 'free. Address i . mar9-llm Dan'l F Beattv, ( Wash. n .13 Per day. I Light work; tor eltl w 1 samp, iono nor' ' Titan Snuff Pipes J. W MU.W Ul

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