THE ST AR. A Ri-Weekly Paper, published in the i merest of the Colored Peo ple of the South. G-X30. T. WiLSSOM, ED1T0H AND rROrRIETOIi. Flos. Geo. H. White, Attorney at Law, New Uorne, N. C, Hon. .Ino. C. Imncv, Torlx)ro, N. C, PnoF. W. K. Harms, lialoigli, N. C. Dn. L. A. BrTHHBFoiiii, M. 1)., Alnuon, Ga., Slits. U. V. H; BnooKs, Enoxrillo, Twin., Hoy. 11. B. Elliott, Columbia, S. t!., Hon. Geo. W. Prkje, Jr., Wilmington. N. C, Hon. W. V. Turner, Washington, D. C. Arc corresponding editors of the Stab. RATES OF ADVERTISING, payable in advance. One square, one insertion $ 50 One square, two insertions 1.00 One squaro, three insertions., 1.25 One square, one mouth 3.00 One square, three months fi.00 Ono square, wx months 3.00 One squaro, twelvo mouths 10.00 For larger advertising liberal contracts will be made. Light on the Path. Oh, mourner, making thy piteous moan, " What shall I do ? How can I go Down through tho desolate days alone ?" Wait ! for the righteous light is sown; Wait, and tho dawn shall grow. Hie by one como tho desolate days: It is only to-day that toueheth thee, liook straight before theol somo guiding raya Shine now on the path. aGo on with praiso In the light that thou canst soo. Washington Gladden PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. A striking affair A prize-fight. A paying business Tho cashier's. A dead failure A deceased bankrupt. It was a dentist who complained in tho country that a wasp has only one tooth. "That puts a, different fare on it," tiaid a swindler when he raised a check from 20 to 8200." It is peculiar how sound a man sleeps when MiTwifs crawls over him on her way to the kitchen to make a fire. The young lady in the novel who "tripped lightly down the stairs" to meet her lover used court plaster for her injuries. ' A member of the Colorado legislature in addressing that august body began: "My fellow-statesmen." His bill passed unanimously. There is a five-legged mule in Mis souri. This seems to be adding insult to injury, as well as a leg to the mule. Bc.troil tree Press. When you buy peanuts, that's a quart. When you pay for them, that's a quarter. And when you have disposed of them, that's a quartette. Six Jerseymen have banded together to raise 1,000,000 watermelons for this year's market, and yet we talk about the ickedness of Nihilist conspiracies. Jones: "I see Smith has taken to riding a bicycle. What on earth is he doing hat for?" Robinson: "Oh, a very simple reason to prevent Mrs. Smith from going with him !" A young Iowa farmer writes to his friends in the East, who have been urging him to marry, that he cannot keep a wife on "thin wind and pond water and sleeping on a rail fence.' The Boss " System Among: Esqui maux Dogs. There is always one bully in every team, whn gets all the choice bits that are stolen by the others, and generally manages to keep fat, no matter how short they are of provisions. He waits for the others to make the raid, and then stands on the outside to take it away from them. These Imllies are in several grades. There is the chief, of whom all are afraid, and then there is the next in rank, of whom all are afraid but the chief ; a third, of whom all are afraid but the two, and so on down. Sometimes tho food is cut into small pieces and thrown out upon the ice for all to help themselves, and then there is a rough-and-tumble fight, and snarl ing and growling, as if a whole cage of hyenaj had broken loose. But here the bullies have no advantage ; indeed, the advantage is with the small, lively fel lows that slip in and get the meat while the big ones are fighting. When a dog manages to steal a piece of meat he has a lively time of it, fir soon every dog in camp is after him, and he has to eat it on the run, if at all, headed off at every turn by one oj the bullies, and whining and choking at the same time.. . It cer tainly is one of the most comical exhfbi ., tions ever ;witnesscu Sisriinar. . "' Detroit Post and Tribune. " I have a lile girl," said Mr. Henry Dole, of this city, in a conversation, "who was trovftded with a severe lameness in her legs, pronounced by sc vj Erysipe las, by others Rheumatism. I had tried several remedies without effect, when I was induced to apply St. Jacobs Oil and I am happy to say that the use of but one bottle cured her, and she is now able to go to school again." 5T The Noise of Niagara. Mr. William L. Carpenter, in writing of a visit to the Falls of Niagara-last winter, heartily sympathizes with the impression which the sound of the mighty rush of water made upon Mr. Schuyler, who thus concluded an article in Scribner's: " I have spoken only of the pitch and rhythm of Niagara. Whatjra the quality of its tcne? Divine! There is no other word for a tone made and fashioned by the infinite God. I repeat, there is no roar at all it is the sub ifmest music upon earth." t Attluboro Chro.'iiele. Carry the News. Mr. John Etzensperger, Manufactur ing Jeweler of North Attleboro', Mass., lately communicated to us tho following: I Buffered so much with pains in my arm, that at times I was completely helpless. I used that incomparable remedy St. Jacobs Oil and was completely cured as if by magic. The truly great and good, in affliction, bear a countenance more princely than they are wont; for it is the temper of the highest hearts, like the palm tree, to strive most upward when it is most burdened. The Greatest Blessinir. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping tne blood pure, stomach rugalnr, kidneys and liver active, is tho greatest blessing over con ferred upon man. Hop bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thou sands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See other column. The slang word " crack ' (as, a "crack" regiment) is a corruption of ' crepo," to boast of. It is English university slang, and was in common use in Shakespeare's time. HOW TO SEC ('RE HEALTH. It I stranse any one will suffer from derangements brought on by impure blond, when SCOYII-L'S SAKSA PA III I. LA AXnhTll.I.I.N'CIA.orHI.OOl) AND LIVE!! SVlil'l will restore liealili ti the physical organization, it is :i si iviiKtlieiiini; syrup, pleas mt to take, and the BUST UI.UOI) 1'UKIFIKK ever discovered, curing Scrofula. Syphilitic disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas. Malaria, Nervous disorders, Debility, llilious complaints and Diseases of the ltlood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach Skin, etc. Tanner' (ierinnn Ointment cures Burns. Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, etc., soothe" Inllunimatlon, and relieves pain In tlio side, chest shoulders, etc. For over thirtv-four years Bit. tobias's Venetian liniment has been warranted to cure Croup. Culie, Spasms, diarrhea nnd Dysentery, taken internally, and Sore Throat, Pains in the Limbs, Chronic Kheuniatism, Old Sores, Pimples, Blotches and .'Swellings, exter nally, and not a bottle has been returned, many tan iiioH stating they would not be without it even if il was flu a bottle. Sold by druuf.'i-tH at hi1 and .10 cents. Depot, 4M Murray Street. New York. nsnage GREEN FORAGE 1 10 SILOS. Civing My Practical Experi ence. Also the Practical Experience of Twenty-five Practical Farmers With Ensilage and Silos. (UVINO- their experience of feeding stock of n il I kinds with Kusilapo, ur.d the practical results, conclusively showing- the undoubted success ot tliii process the Ensilage of .rrecu I'nratre Crops. Jt, this process the farmer can realize live dollars in place ot one dollar, as practiced bv tun old system 1 farming. Also wonderful experiments of teedip;: poultry at one-hnlf the usual cost, on Ensilage. This book contains 1'iO pnttes. elegantly Soun l in cloth. Every One is Pleased With It as being the most thorough and practical work yet published on this subject, and all are surprised i die very low price. for sale at all hookxlorcs, all general pi ores ami all news depots in evury city anil town IN THE UNITED STATES. If the work cauuot bo obtained of them, send lor it by mail. Price of Book, 50 Cents, y Mall, OO Cent. ; ' : ! Send rostoftice Order if convenient. Address II. 1. HTETEX, Boston, Mass. nprioritv of Dr. Bull's Cough " Met U (itto!t.'U ov that oil. mm mm Lips. Lips, says our correspondent Bow ditch, owe their extreme red color to the thinness of the covering membrane, and their sensitiveness to an abundant supply of minute nervous fibers'. latCmanly face the upper lip should extend beyond and dominate the, lower. Fleshy lips are often found associated with a volup tuous, and flfceager ones with a passion less, nature.' Lips are delicious things blessings of many agreeable concomi tants, such as smiles, sweet words, and those never-to-be-sufficiently-appreci-ated intensities denominated " kisses.' There is something soothing and de lightful in the recollection of a pure minded woman's kiss ; it is the oasis in the desert of a worldly man's life, to which his feelings turn for refreshment, when wearied with the unhallowed .pas sions of this work-o'-day world. Lips are emotion's dwelling place, and pas sion'stheir breathing giveth vitality to affections of all sorts, a friend's, a par ent's, a sister's, a brother's, a lover's. Lips that smile are gems ; those that cannot smile are like buds that cannot blossom, and which dry upon the stalks. Eternal praise to lips in general, and especially to the couple we hold dearest. Sir John Suckling in his ballad upon a wedding says : "Her lips were red, and one was thin, Compared to that was next hor chin, Some bee had tftung it newly." Troy Times. It is considered by M. Perisse that it s almost certain that the ancient Egyp tians and Phoenicians used steel, if, in deed, they did not make it. Doctors Gnv Him t'p. 'Is it podbiblti that Mr. Godfrey ia tip and at work, and cured !y soBiniple a remedy V" "Iasauro is true tlwt ho is. entirely rmvd, uud with nothing lmt Hop DUtcrg, and only ton days hro his doctors gave him tip and said ho must die!" , "Vell-a-day! If that is so, I will go this minute and get eomo fjr my poor George. I know hops are good." Will Hayes has written a new song entitled, " Kiss the Baby Once for Me." After you have finished, Will, spank him two or three times for the rest of the oik s. iHr. Mol lis, X. Y in Itcnuonsililo For the- follow inx valuable, statement from Mrs. M. 0. Arnold: Warner's. iSalb Kidney and Liver Cure has done me worlds of pood for catarrh ol tho bladder and female weakness. The wolf's sense of smelling is pecu 1 arly strong. He can smell arrion the distance of nearly a mile. Have Yoit Head It? H. K. Stevens' Book on Ensilage, the preserving of green forage crops in silos, giving lii'i own experience and the practical experience of 25 practical farmers: 120 pages, elegantly bound in cloth ; price, 3C cents : sent bv mail, CO cents. Address H. li. STKV13XS, boston, Mass. Ho, Yk B aluhk adk ! There is just one way, and no more, by which you may be cured use (.'amiolixu, a deodorized extract of petroleum. It will positively produco new hair ; there is no substitute for this marvelous hair renower. Cnn ConBUmpjUfn be Cured t Road whs t llr.jyilliam 0. Digges, a merchant of Howling Green, Ya., writes under date oi ApriHL lufil. Ho snya: " I firmly believe that AiabTh Ia xu Balsam will and has cured eou enmpliiin if taken in time and proper caro be taken of the patient both in suitable food and clothing. Six years ago my mother was at tacked with pneumonia. Tho attending physi cian 'some time after' told mo that the dia easo had settled on her Lungs, and that she had tho consumption. Not believing that a permanent cure could bo effected, but thinking I might he able to got an expectorant not con taining opium, which would afford some relief, I inquired of a druggist at Biohmonr1 Ya., ii lie had any medicine not containing opium that was a good expectorant. He them recom monded Allen'a Lung BalsSnj which I pur chased and induced my mothft,. to try. Before Bho had takon the first bottle tho improvement in her condition was so marked that I purchased three more bottles. Tho attending physician, seeing the beneficial effects, recommended its eontii led nse, and in about twelve months her lungs were pronounced cured. Urion mv recommendation many others who had the consumption have been cured. I think you can claim for your medicine the folluwiufr: Expectoration .without irritation, and healing of the lungs by keeping them froe from foreign substances, thiis arresting and curing this dread disease." Mr. Digges says ho writes because he wants it known that Allen's Lung Balsam lg doing gooth Fbom Major Downs, Military Instructor, Mt. Pleasant Academy. "Sing Sing, N. Y.: February 15, 1881. James A. Hart, Druggist, Dear Sir During tho very sovere cold weather I was suffering with atarrh. My head and throat ached so severely that I was obliged to give up everything and keep quiet. I had tried a number of remedies, hut none of thero did me the slightest good. Eia'h Ckeam Balm was suggested to mo. I bought a package at vour store. Within an hour's time from the "first application I folt relieved and the pain began to subside. I continued to uso it, and in two days was entirely cured. This testimonial hat not upon solicited. I take pleasure in recom mending anything that will relieve thoso suffer ing with Catarrh. Very respectfully, W. A. Downs." Price, 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a package EiAtltMJiJjAurCo., Owego, N. Y. Puke Cod Liver Oil made from selected liver, on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard A Co., Now York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once jtaken it pre fer it to all others. Physicians h vo decided it suuerior to any of the other oils,i markot. GOOD FAMILY REMEDY STRICTLY PURE. T AGENTS WANTED FOE DIBLE REVISION The best and cheapest illustrated edition ot the He vised New Testament. Milliuus of people are waiting for it. I)o not lie deemved bv the Cheap. John nuii lisuers of inferior editions. See that the copy yTiii buy contains 1 30 fine cuirra vina" on steel and wood. Agents are coining money selling this edition. Send for circulars. Address national FuBusinNBCo Philadelphia, Pa. CELLULOID EYE -CLASSES. Representing tho choicest selected Tortoise Shell and Amber. Tho lightest, handsomest, and strongest known. ' Sold bv Opticians and jewelers. Made by SPENOEK OPTICAL M l'U CO., 13 Maiden Lane, New York. IrTVvfiisthcSAFKST and ItlJSf ; it acts instauta nrouslj'.proditcitiK the most natural Khadexor JVackor . Hrown: does NOT STAIX till. KV ! V u,..l ic ...!.. lRIJTAnnR(VS"P',,ie(l- 11 's'a standard mO I ftUUnU W prcna-atlon and a favorila i onoverywellappolntedtni letfor ljldv or (Yentleniiin. Mold by DrueKists and up- ynvn cj nair lnesst-IS. Depot. tWWililamSt ,.V.Y. C. K. CRITTKXTON. AkU A NEW DISCOVERY. UoMfnalrrf at a Ulac, Cement or UucUagCi WILL MENU ANYTniytl. m a V V r-1 mm. Co www BILLS AM O'hlg engraving represent th t nnfsln a healthy tate.i What the Doctors Say! DR. FLETCHER, of Lexington, Missouri, says recommend yonr Jliilftaui' in preference to tuss other medicine, for couuhs and colds." DK. A. 0. JOHN80N, of Mt. Vernon. His., writes 1 fiotne wondeHnl cures of Consumption in Ilia pli by the umi of "AHcii'h JLiiuk Uiilwiini." Iffi. J. B. TmiNEIi, Blountsvillo, Ala., a pructleind .divsicinn of twenty-rivo years, writes: " It is the berfi preparation for Consumption in tho world." For nil DIsenorM of the Tliront. Iiiinits nnd I'ulmnnni'v Oi-xniiM, it will be found u most excellent Remedy. S AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI. O. For Sale by a,ll rruj;ists. Vild by McKASSON & ltOBBTNB. K-w York. NYNTJ 19 REBUILT! $200 TO $220 A YEAR ! """""""TST"""7! 1 on Kdwnrd Colleffinto Innlitntp, with Kiiixirb new brick buildings, heated wi'h steam, will reiipeu September 12, 1HN1. Thirteen Professors and Teachers. Modified Collepe Course for Indies : ColleRC Preparatory : Business : Oratorv. and Music. Address, for prospectus, .Jos. E. Kiujr, D.I)., 1'ort ljdward, N.Y POND'S EXTRACT. lontrof nil Htmnrrhaywi Veoiuui and Mucous, hot and Oolri Witter has no effect on It, For hhIo b? tho Ipariine Htttonera.Grorrt. farnitnre.Crw'keryDenlem BtulDruf (flit. HEKTOtiHAJ'll CO., Pntn; New York A KTn:r.nept (irac-lica! io;nl vehicle, with wiiu-li h jip.sui ran rnl tinea milts. 'is ;:! as hr rouHl wait one. fij: tit. TUK POPi: K'KN CO.. I4VI Wnsli.itn St., r.cvh.n. Mm. Catarrh, s jS'ftrfwv ii'S.'ttmnjritloii, lNVALrABIJi l'OR 1'ond's Extrnct it the oalj stiecific lor this illsease. Cold in Iho Bead, &c. Our Catarrh Cure (75 cents), specially pi pared to meet Berlous leases, contains all the curative properliesof I'miil's Extrnct our Nnnl Sj rlnnc (25 cents), invaluable for use in catarrhal affections, is simple and effective. Sore Throat and I.untrw. Chapiicil Ilnnils and Fnre are grrafly ben'flled by tho Extract. Frosted I.lnibs and Chilblains are proinplly re lieved, and ultimately mrcd by Pomr Extract. tW it is unxaic to use other articles with our direc tions. .Insist on haviux I'UND'S EXTRACT. Befuse all imftutions and substitutes. LAND! LAND!! LAND!!! Over 1,000,000 Acres. ' Mild Cliir lie. I'mditctive Soil. Tkiw Prices. Knsv ma;, clwtilers. eti'., iiivinn panicirlatv free. adiliv:s ' TUK.MAS USHEX. land l oininission' r, j ljllTH' LktlCK, Art. i't I'hronio Cards latest stvles with name, inc., poM. liaid. iiin. i.jfj' d tt Cm NiiM-aiilBen. Count.v),N.V. HA TKI)-'i.inlv AsrnlH tor Hl. h;:rd's Ski'-I and Biihc Snpairte7i. S. c. Cliaw, id W inter St., VUwlou. Tcrt"i aud'i.'i outfit 'd, Maine. TWOKDEBS NEVER CEARF. 'io any wmaer or tut. paprwQowtli Mud fcis name ."a nin. a-rl. poaure .I.inpf, ko oremc c.r.fwiEn clear Plots , in Komi worklnir ordr anil warrnnt- $66 j'rT vi- v u n tr U mad. aimnlT 1 Introriacn our Waiahea anil .lawalrv,aat holds (rood f fcll JlUBOIllj. TWO ODlT Will b.S lo olio address for AO ola. A flue Bold 1 ('11 l hatO f(,r .lIHIIInn.l. iaa.. - SANDEKSON & CO., Keadvillo.! 5 H tn per day at home. Samples worth ' Address Stinson k (!o.,Port- I t-asanaw sw v a a tvn.1 tnlrodm-n out' II I 1 s lSsaV. I RHEDMATIS!. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumba Backache, Soreness of the Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, S. ings and Sprains, Burns a. Scalds, General Bodily J Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all oMer Pains and Aches. v Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs 0 M a safe, sure, simple and cheap Ezter Remedy. A trial entails tat the comparath trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffer! with pain can have cheap and posiMve proof of claims. Direction! in Eleven Languages. 30LD BY ALL DETJG&ISTS AND DEALJGE IH MEDICINE. A. VOGELER &, CO., Baltimm-,Wt..V. ft. A. f The SPurest anil Itest Medicine ever Hade, A nilln.liln.llA. f n . a- . nopai, sjucmi, man drakle and Dandelion, with ell theVst and mostcurative properties of all other Bitters, niakosthegruatest Blood Purifier, Liver Reg U iVa tor, and Lite and Health Kestorinif Agent unVsMBBsBssBsnsBBBBasI eai-tn. No diHoase an possibly Ions exist where Uittei-i are use.d,so varied and perfect are thi. operations. Tho7 give nowliV0 ani ?E0r to the agei and inflrm. To all whose ewnploynients cause irregulari ty Uiebuwulsot urinary organs, or who re quire an AppetizeiTonic and mild Stimulant, UupiUtc-s are invalk.ua010 WlWOUt in icatinis M!:iuitirwliatyourfeelings or tj are w!u: the disease or ailwnent is use tui-.-i. I'on'L wait ifntilyouar aiel hu only fecllmd or minerable,vUBe thorn i It may nave has!3 ar ed I $500 will be paid for a cale thr y career help. Do not sufTer or,it yoi &utl'er,but use and urge themt01 a " Remember, Hop Bitters Is Ho.. d' drunken nostrum, but the Purest Medicine ever made : the "LVVAUnK and HOPE" and no person or famil should be without them. aafssjnaaa, D. I.e.!" an absolute and Irresistible forrminkenness,use of opium, tobaor narcotics. All sold by druggists, tor Circului-. Uoj. 241 '- Boehecr.N.Y andTr "WILBOB,' PURE OIL A To the ConNiiniptive. Wfr. (U of Cod-Livkr Oil and Limk, w1" Posk very naiiHeating flavor of ther'ie as ? UKcd, is endowed by the l'hof'f. pf I.' healiug property which rendei'.'1! ou c.iouH. Remarkable teHtimonif 11,4 eftica shown. Sold by A. B. WitJM)Rn,.iiLlki PHEAPE! u Boot ?t.nKfftptare' Com pie to w handBnmcly bound in 4 hlack hi id Hold. onJyT.O A.Mtio a History or Enniisiw at u re, 1 handsome liuio . cioth, only u cents. , Other bookB equally lq , lull denrrtf-tivt tatatap'a vivniTTiM ttf.fir1 DEAF PEOPLE HEAR fBiiKlamt si..- Caambeni Ency, lla. lOlareeti citim, , ,4.Ollp. ''' B. 3 the -ii? in l...... nf l,a ulliSt , CSV WHT WAST15 wBA If yon waoi I.umr. fTQ wtimksr ur ft tifta?j (to' W w brtutf. or in imCRHN. 0 IN rrnOKATB the HAIR Mfiri.iT-1 h LKZ. 10411, Bwrttui. Mfttt. Ddwftrt nf MPLOYMEMT fcS5 aim OALARV ptr DBoalb. advasraed. WAUES tromf afe Vo. aoo ecorve St. 1?OR Hi CENTS will send set French Cards ever used for a Cards ot attract! ve dei"i(rns for it 'enters for Scrap Books, 10e. ttr MlNKBAL SriUNfi W'atou, 304 B 1I'RE Tena aud (.'ofl'eea.--will scud you H Ponndb T-j i Itefcr to Kditor of this l'aper. . Sa mit.k Tka Co., al fearl c 40 p OOI Hn leamen Wantesl f V fasl-Nellinit ttoods on conn chance to make money. Hend stt tii ulars at once. 1'hoonlx Steam A MONT JM Best He pampley) AfiENTS WANTKf Hi'llinK Pictorial Do' .33 lK'jf ot, .. National Pif Li S350 $72 A WEEK. W . a day at home easily made, rmtl' Outflt free dd's Tbub k Co., Aiwt-M4a, nts, and expense. 90 Out " Swain Co., Ausneta,? "S a year -e.

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