J?BDE I STAR A BI-Weekly Paper, published in the Interest of the Republican Party. &EO. T. WASSOM, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. RATES OP ADVERTISING, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One square, one insertion $ 50 One square, two insertions 1.00 One square, three insertions '. 1.25 One square, one month 3,00 One square, three months C.00 One square, six months 9.00 One square, twelve months .-. . 10.00 For larger advertising liberal contracts will be made. FACTS FOR THE CURIOUS. The Romans considered it disgraceful to be donned. Pilots were anciently called lodes men from lode-star, the polar star. It is said that dwarfs die of prema ture old age and giants of exhaustion. On account of the scarcity of wood in India the people burn manure for fuel. Hindoo piokpockets "crib" with their toes while they stand with folded arms in a crowd. The Egyptians placed a mummy at their festal boards to remind them of immortality. The ivory of the walrus is covered with enamel so hard as to strike fire with flint or steel. Probably 100,000 is an underesti mate of the number of eggs 6hed an nually by the herring. The Chinese divide the day into twelve parts ot two hours' each. The Italians reckon the twenty-four hours round. A man may travel 11,500 miles in an almost straight line in Russia, 7,500 by steam, 2, 600 by rail, and the remaining 8,200 on horseback. Between the years 1783 and 1857 six great earthquakes took place in Naples, which lost thereby 1,500 inhabitants per year of that period. Grecian doors opened outward, so that a person leaving the house knocked first within, lest he should open the door in the face of a passer-by. Morocco bindings for books came into use in 1494, being introduced by Grolier, who was the treasurer and ambassador of the king of France. The classical ancients had white walls on purpose for inscriptions in red chalk like our nandbills of which the gates of ompeii Bhow instances. In the seventh century Paulns Ayineti defined sugar as "the Indian salt in color and form like common salt, but in taste and sweetness like honey." The art of iron smelting was known in England during the time of the Roman occupation, and working in steel was practiced there before the Normon conquest. There is on exhibition in Savannah, Georgia, an ingenious piece of work manship. It is a large fac simile of the coat-of arms of Georgia, constructed entirely of canceled postage stamps. A Florida man who owns 150, 000 cattle is a recluse, and lives in a shanty which has neither fireplace nor chimney. He seldom sees men, and hides his money in cans. His surplus cattlo he sells in Cuba. As an instance of the thoroughness with which musketry practice is taught in the German army may be mentioned a device which has been introduced with good results. The better to ac custom the men to interferences with . eight in a battle, clouds of smoke are produced by burning fruze and wet grass, or by other means between the marksman and his aim. "Dieu et mon droit" (God and my right) is the motto of the royal family of England. It was first assumed by Richard I., to intimate that he held his sovereignty from God alone. It seems to have been dropped among the im mediate successors of that prince, but was revived by Edward III., when he first claimed the crown of France. Since, in the reign of Elizabeth, William II., and Anne, it has formed the royal motto of England. An Energetic Girl. There is a young girl in Kansas who will make a model wife for some young man if she should ever take a notion to bow her head beneath the yoke of matri mony. Her name is Jenny Henry, and she lives on Ash Creek in the State named. A Kansas paper says she came to that place several years ago with barely enough means to sustain herself after entering the land. She went to work by the week and the money she earned was invested in improvements on the land until now, at which time she has about thirty acres under cultivation, a comfortable house, well furnished, and other valuable improvements. She will soon have a deed to one of the best tracts of land in the country. Cocoanut growing is rieooming an im portant industry in Florida. Charles Malone,r has a plantation of several thousand trees on Stock island ; J. V. Harris, of Key West, has about 7,000 trees, E. O. Lock about 10,000, and Lieutenant-Governor Bethel is having an extensive grove' of cocoanut trees planted. We can, without hesitation, say that Dr. Bull's uougn uyrup has given the best satistaction. We have sold an immense amount of it during the past winter. WALLACE, HILTON A CO., Druggists, Lock Havon, To. An Execution In Persia. This practice, which was adopted partly from the exigencies arising out of the conquest of the multitudes of China by a mere handful of Tartar soldiers, was continued, and became an integral portion of the Manchn system of govern ment, and the result has tended to con firm the wisdom of the founders of the present dynasty. The popular views on the subject of the pigtail have not yet been ascertained with any degree of cer titude ; but it may be remarked that all the insurrections of the last twenty years have put forward, as one of their features, the intention to renew this practice, which has there been repre sented as a badge of conquest. There now, however, seems more chance than ever of its perpetuation. London Globe. The execution of a Persian marauder, which recently took place at Teheran, is described by the Armenian journal Mchak as being very "brilliant." This journal says : "Early in the morning a large crowd filled the parade ground, and about twelve o'clock the condemned man was led out in great pomp to the sound of trumpets. Upon a large plat form in the middle of the square was placed a cannon with its muzzle raised upward. After Djalel Agha had recited a brief prayer, the executioner and his assistants attached him securely to the mouth of the cannon, and then applied a match to the touch-hole as coolly as if they were lighting their pipes. The explosion followed instantaneously, and the body of Djalel Agha, blown into a thousand pieces, was hurled into the air. Of all his bones only one rib was found whole, and this was given up to his wives, who had been present at the execution. In a short time this will be looked upon as a sacred relic." (Albany (N.T.) Daily Press and Knickerbocker. Abandoned. We perceive by one of our Massachu setts exchanges that Dr. Lorenzo Waite, of Westfield, an eminent phvsician of Berkshire county, strongly indorses St. Jacobs Oil. With it he cared a case of Sciatica that resisted all regular pro fessional treatment, and that had in fact been abandoned as incurable. The Baptist Home Missionary Society wants to raise $500,000 as a jubilee of fering to mark its semi-centennial year. Some of the rich Baptists favor the pro feet. La Payette (Ind.) Sunday Times. Our city druggists report an immense sale of St. Jacobs Oil, saying the de mand is based upon the popularity of its success. Wherever it has been used, it has proved its value a thousand fold, and receives its best encomiums from those who have tried it. The Chinese written language con sists of one hundred thousand charac ters. We Hello That if every one would use Hop Bitters frooly there would be much less sickness and misery in the world; and people are fast fiuding this out, whole families keeping well at a trifling cost by its use. We advise all to try it U. & A. Rochester, N. Y. Boston last year consumed 641,603 barrels of lager beer two barrels to every man, woman and child. We do not often speak of any proprietary medicine, but from what we have road and hoard of Allen's Lung Balsam, we shall take the liberty of saying to those who are troubled with a cold, cough, or any throat or lung affec tion, that from the testimony afforded, we have such confidence in this article, that were we afilicted in that way, we would make a trial of its virtues. Beware of tho fatal consequences of neglecting this timely warning. Now, be fore it is too late, utso Allen's Lung Balsam, which will cure the disease. Every druggist in the land sells it. Indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration and all forms of general debility relieved by taking Mensman's Peptonized Beek Tonio, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nntritious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating and life-sustaining properties ; is invaluable in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, particularly it resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co., proprietors, New York. 25Cents "Will Buy a Treatise upon the Horse and hia Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sont post paid by New York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth Street, New York. jPocket Scale, 25o. Howard Mf g Co., N. Y. . , Rousrh on Rata." Ask Druggists lor it. it dears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, insects. 15o. To make new hair grow uee Cahboune, a deodorized extract of petroleum. This natural petroleum hair renewer, as recently improved, is the only thing that will really produoe new hair. It U a delightful dressing. Thousands Speak. Veqetinb is acknowl edged and recommended by physicians and apothecaries to be tho best purifier and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its praise who have been restored to health. RESCUED FROII DEATH. William J. Coughlln, of Somerville, Mobs., says: In the fall of 1876 1 waB taken with bleeciinpr of the lungs, followed by a severe couch. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 1877 1 was ad mitted to the hospital. The doctors said I had a hole lu my lunfr as Mb as a half-dollar. At one time a re port went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told mo of Da. William Hall's Balsam for the Lokqs. I got abottlo, when, to my surprise I commenced to feel better, and to-day I foel better than for three years past. I write this hoping every one aiflloted with diseased lungs win take Dn. Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that con sumption can be cubed. I can positively any It has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness. WARRANTED FOR 34 YEARS' AND NEVER FAILED To CLUE Croup, Spasms, D'arrhOB, Dysenterv and 8ca Sickness, taken lnternallv, and GUARANTEED wrfectly harmless; also externally. Cuts, Bruises, Jhtvnic Bhcuuuttbmi. Old Soros, Fains in the limbs, back and chost. Such a reined? is Da. TOBIAS VENETIAN LINIMKNT. tfNo one once trying It B rer be without It; over 600 physicians use It. 25 Cents will Buy a Treatise upon tbe Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Rent postpaid bv NEW YORK NEWSPAPKB UNION, 150 Worth Strict, Hewitt. Whom lb Triable Begin Is the time to grapple with dyspepsia. To al low such a remorseless foe to health and com fort to take undisputed possession of the stomach, is to surrender needlessly the zest of life, and become a voluntary martyr to un speakable pains and penalties. No malady is more difficult to cope with, none in its chronio form so obstinately rosists medication. But tackled at its inception with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, dyspepsia spee lily vanishes, canyiug with it the multifarious symptoms which attend it, and which in their chameleon changes inspire more erroneous beliefs regard ing their cause than those of any other diseaso. Wind on the stomach, heartburn, water brash, palpitations, pain after eating, a sinking sensa tion at the pit of the stomach between meals; these and many other harassing indicia of the complaint make a speedy exit when the great Btomachio is persistently resorted to. It im proves the appetite, strengthens the nerves, counteracts the effects of fatigue and expo sure, and is a reliable antidote to the poison of malaria. Between " drouth." and "drought," the press of the country appears to have no particularwayof spelling that which indicates a dry spell. Lady Beanflflera. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy choeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmet ics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength and beauty as Hop Bit ters. A trial is certain proof. See another column. The cotton factories in the South have, since the war, paid an average dividend of 22 per cent. A GRAND STEEPLE CHASE. As if there wore not sufficient, excitement at tho usual horse-race, these meetings on the turf nearly always close with a grand steeplechase. This kind of race combines ail the excitement of the regular race, with the super-added element of danger which seems to give further zest to the sport. Horses, and good ones at that, often receive severe injuries, which render them practi cally useless for long periods. At least this was the state of affairs until owners and breeders of fine stock began to freely use St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy for man and least. This invalu able article to horsemen has so grown into favor on account of its phenomenal efficacy in diseases of domestic animals, especially the horse, that tl would be difficult indeed to discover a horsemen unacquainted with its magical potency. The Philadelphia Easy Hour, in a recent issue says : " But one of the most important developements concerning St. Jacobs Oil is the discovery that it has properties which are beneficial to the animal as well as to the human species. It has, of late, been in active de mand among livery men and others for use on horses suffering from sprains or abra sions. The most prominent instance known of in this connection, is that related by Mr. David AValton, a well-known Friend, who keeps a livery stable at 1245 North Twelfth street. Mr. Walton states that he was boarding a valuable horse belonging to Benjamin McClurg, also a resident of North Twelfth street. A few weeks ago the animal slipped and badly sprained tiis leg, making him very lame. Mr. Walton used two bottles of St. Jacobs On, on the animal and found within less than one week, that there was no need for any more, for the animal was as well as ever. Payne's Automatic Engines. 3 Reliable, Durable and Economical, win f urnish a home power with H lemuet ami water than any other Engine built, not fitted- with an Automatic Cut-off. Send for Illustrated Catalogue "J," for Information & Prices. B. W. Paine A Sons, Box 860, Corning, N.Y. 5,000 Agents Wanted fur Life of It contains tho full history of his noble and eventful Hie and dastardly assassination. Millions of noople ar waiting for this book. The best chance of your life to muke money. Beware of ' catishiwinny " imi tations. This is the only authentic and fuilv illus t rated life of our martyred president Send for ciictilars and extra terms to Rireuts. Address NATIONAL 1'UBLISHIKO CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ARTESIAN WF.I.1 WUI.LINO AM1N- J ERA!. PROSI'KOT lNOMACUINKUV snd how to nee, IB folly Illustrated, explained and highly reuom- "Amnion Agriculturist," not. n., i7, pagers. Hund for it. Pwi-lalila, low ui-icwl, wotked by man, norm or steam power. Needed hyfarmura in every oounly. GooJ banlneae for winter or Summer end very profitable. Hakes welli In earth or r-ick anywhere. We want the names of men that need woUav Rnnd stamp for lllmtrated price Hit and terms to Agents, Ftoca Well xsi7ut:r Co., 3 Best Street, How lorl, V. fl. A. W ANTED AGENTS fortho authentic and comletb 11 Lite ot Jamkh A. Oaiifield, from childhood to burial, by Col. It. H.Couwell.wlth introduction bv His Uxeelleney John D. Long, Gov. of Mass. The work is (irBt-class.and finely illustrated. Everybody will want thin book. Address H. B. KUSSELL, Boston, Mass. C A VT1 TTTTS I A never-falllui! runietl tm XJZ.XOI Neiiralfria, Nervous and Hick Headache, Toothache, Earache and all nervous diseases. Believes in 'JO minutes. Sent by mail o receipt of IS centB in jwstatje stamps, by W. J. STOWKLL. 39 N. Bond St., Baltimore, Md. URtn $7fl (wr day at home. Samples worth W free, V " AaarossSTlNaoN AOo..foi Portland, Maine. S777 A ?EAR AND EXPENHH8 TO AGENTS. Outfit free. Address P. O. Vlckery. Aiijtiimn, M e. VTT A fTllfrTTQ Catalogue rree. Addrau, ittanosrd W t X S ljj AmiTl-ienWiteh Co.,Plttiburh, Pa. gH "IfT'liTlS! viver, Cetalo(ut free. Addreia, 3T J JLH Brest Wert, Oun Worku, PUubnrtb. fa, i 7 O A WEEK. H a dayat home easily ma Je. Costly " ' t.Outat free. AdU'e To 4 Co., Auguta,Mai THE G0LDSB0R0 Mason & Hamlin and Do not hnv of HEVTTY or MARSH ATT, ,t nil nffinra nwr noli fw nr wri f A in iiu nnA va nrill 7.:;; r.r w v. JJJ5TTJ5K liUUUS M TnJfi MM Mm ! 49- Pianos and Organs sold on Installment and Rental Flan. Prices Guaranteed, SALES AND WAREKOOM3: Fuchtler & Kern's Old Stand, Three Doors South of Bank. Respectfully, COLDSBORO, N. C. BCl7-tf A SETTLED FACT. L. EINSTEIN & HAVE THE BEST OOTS, SH MILLI3STERT; In tho city, and all of which they will sell very low. A. CALL IS SOLICITED Respectfully, Xi. EINSTEIN l CO. sel7-4m FALL AND WINTER 1881. AT- ETF- We are receiving a splendid stock of FALL ai WINTER GOODS, Which wo offer to the public at Reasonable Prices. We keep the best of goods, and chargo lew for them, in proportion, than shoddy goods can bo bought for elsewhere. Give us a oall and examine our new stylos in DRESS COODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. ALSO A FINE LOT OF Carpets of Eferj Description JUST ARRIVED. H. WEIL & BROS., 80, 82 and Si West Center St., COLDSBORO, M. C. aug20.tf MUSICAL HOUSE! HANFF & SON ry the Largest Stock in the State. 5 LEADING MAKES of PIANOS 1 AND THE WOBLD-IIENOWNED Peloubet & Co. Organs. 1 SMITH, hut write to qpII v111 a Cf 1 4 SELECTED STOCK OF i " AND THE MOST STYLISH 1 V' " GOLDSBOHO STEAM I Furniture Factory!, West Center Street. . A. KORB, Proprietor - J FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. vf" When you want a good article cheap call (j examine my stock of Furniture, beforo buyijg ' elsewhere All orders filled promptly. j i myU-Gm ROBIHSOiT MOORE Carriage Makers -AND- UNDERTAKERS. Manufacturers of and Dealers in . - BUGGIES, CARRIAGE? Wagons. Carts. Etc. Always on hand, a full lino of Ropcwojr Walnut Coffins and Caskets and Metallic Are prepared to attend to Burials at Tu" ablo prices. y Office and Factory on Jcjr'k Opposite the Baptist Chwjf mj28-tf ' . ' ! & i 74 ;J -(- wm 4 s" .... . mm a..,i A