STAR A BI-Weekly Paper, published in tho Interest of the Republican Party. GKEJO- 1". WA8SOM, EDITOR AND PBOPEIETOE. KATES OP ADVERTISING, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One square, one insert -Ion $ 50 One square, two insertions 1.00 One square, three insertions 1,25 One square, one month 3.00 One square, three months c.00 One square, Bix months. 9,00 One square, twelve months 10.OO For larger advertising liberal contracts will lie made. Her Sailor lad. After a long time after Tennyson. Home they brought her sailor lad Grown a man across the sea, Tall and broad and black of beard, And hoarse of voice as he may be. Hand to shake and month to kiss, Both he offered ere he spoko; But Bhe said, " What man is this Comes to play a sorry joke?" T hen they praised him called him " smart, " Tightest lad that ever slept," But her son she did not know, And she neither smiled nor wept. Kose, a nurso of ninety years, Set a pigeon-pie in sight; She saw him eat "'Tis hel 'tis he!" She knew him by his appetitel HUMOROUS. Prof. Bell's wife is a deaf mute a dumb bell. Even the most expert riflemen are fond of Misses. ' A square dealer can hardly bear to bull the market. " You may only want a part of my tale, but I am in for the hole," replied the rat. Richmond Baton. " Excuse the liberty I take," as the convict remarked when he escaped from state prison. Lowell C.'tizen. "Yes,' sir," said Mr. Gallagher, "it was funny enough to make a donkey laugh. I laughed till I cried." "I have run for about everything over here except Parliament, and been elected everytime." Iroquoi3. A cruel maiden : "are you lonely to night, Miss Ada ? " No, sir ; I wish I was lonelier." And he bade her adieu. Brooklyn Eagle. Squinting construction : The charity committee did not mean exactly what they said when they announced : 'The smallest contributions will be most gratefully reoeived." Fame : "Did you ever write a novel ?" asked an elderly lady, addressing her question to a short-haired man who sat beside her in the railroad train, whom she had long vainly endeavored to rouse from his seeming stupor by a series of interrogatives. "No," he said, solemnly, unclosing one of his eyes and regarding her with a weary look, "I've never wrote a novel, but I've done something that'll make my name live just as long. I've sat for my por trait in the rogues' pallery." George was a good boy. He was al ways wUlins; to take good advioe. The teacher told him one day that he should avoid ' the appearance of evil. George remembered this. When he stole Far mer Clover's apples that night, he savea the cores and dropped them in front of Dick Blackerskite's yard. Dick was a bad boy, and got punished for stealing Farmer Clover's apples, but Georgo avoided the appearance cf evil. He ata the apples. The good are always re warded in this world, and the bad pun ished. Boston Transcript. An Indianapolis scissors grindei claims to have been with the Duke of Wellington in forty battles, and that ha received 132 sword cuts and eleven gun shot wounds. We don't believe the Duke of Wellington had any use for a scissors grinder. Tho Duke was not editing a paper, as we understand it. Still, if the Duke did have a soisson grinder, and he went around with his grinding machine, ringing a bell and shouting, the way they do now-a-days, we don't blame the Duke's neighbors for stabbing him 132 times and shoot ing him eleven times with a gun, U deserved it. Peck't Sun. Thirty Tons of Human Bones. Thirty tons of human bons have just been landed at Bristol from Turkey. Picked up in the immediate neighbor hood of Plevna, carted thence to Ro dosto, they now go to enrich English eoiL To those who do not give to such a matter much consideration, it may be as wall to mention that thirty tons of bones mean tho skeletons of 30,000 men. They do not inolude, probably, many stones or pieces of wood, but in all likelihood are the actual bones of the gallant men who from the inside and the outside of the wonderful earth works which Osman Pasha made.fonght as hard as they could for the nations to which they belonged. The battles of September, 1877, alone contributed nearly all this number of skeletons; but there were other terrible fights in July and August, and again when the place surrendered. Each contest furnished its quota of bones, and of these a large proportion now comes to England. It is appalling to think what was the actual Iosj of human life in the space between the Danube and the iEgean. But one thing is certain; the thirty tons of skeletons just landed at Bristol do 8Uun.l,tt1tudteq?Btel-v 'epresent the SThSS. t0k .-London "Checks." A "society" item says it is now the fashion for the bridegroom and bride to receive checks for wedding presents. The custom is an old one. A man who married a rioh young woman last spring reoeived a big cneck about an honr after the ceremony was performed. It came from a police officer. In less than ten hours he would have taken passage with his bride for Europe, if he had not been checked by the ofheers. He had led a checkered career with false checks and such. The bride could not check her tears, and her father could hardly Check an impulse to kick the villain in side out. We never heard of a society wedding at which there were so many checks. N'orristmon Herald. Vegetine ACTS .tS J. TOUIC. VeRetine also acts an a most lxmerful anil irratefnl tonic; and this feature is most noticeably experienced by persons recovering from acute diseases, aud by women who have long boon afflicted with ills peculiar to their sex alone. Invariably has it been found to increase the tone or lmwer of the nervous system, by which, in turn, all other portions of the frame are strengthened, and tho quality of the blood improved, lo man, woman or child if will impart strenath when strength is wanting. It will revitalize the sys tem of the poor over-worked being whose life is being frittered awaviu endless cares and anxieties; it will infuse the strength of iron and the roseate tint of health into the weak sinews and bloodless countenance of women crushed bv many hardships and oppressed by the dangers of child-bearing: It will give new life to the pallid and emaciated chUd whose appetite is gone, whose movements are feoble and nerveless, ana whose whole system is one of decay and dobilitation. Vkoktise is a trut tonic, aud not a deceptive stimulaDt; the good that it im parts to-day is not succeoded by injury to-morrow. Vegetine. Rev. O. T. Walker says: PnovroENCE, B. I., 164 Transit Street. H. B. Stevens, Esq.: 1 feel bound to express with my signature the hlijh value I place upon your Veetine. My family have used it for the last two years. In Nervous Debility it is invaluable: and I recommend it to all who may need an invigorating, renovating tonic. o. t waIjKeh. Formerly Pastor of Bowdoin Square Church, Boston. Vegetine PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Unomnu TUT . T n . Mb. H. R. Stevens: Dear Slr.-! have been using Vegetine for soma time with the greatest satisfaction, and can highly recommend it as a great cleanser and purifier of th blood. J. L. IIANAFOUD. Pastor of Egloston Square M. K. Church. Vegetine. PEEP A RED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. m m mi VfkVMAnu TV 1,111 . . x - . Blood, and will completely change the hlonrt in !. entire system in three months. Anv person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks mav be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible.". nvon who to. nr onnt Vr i-tw. ,1 o 1 j. , V a .;kV"V,Jr t"ni1 u a loiter wcKiiiira, I. 8. JOHNHON &. CO., Boston, Muss., formerly Hangor, llc. PENSIONS Vnv f&n fi nra for Fathers, Mothers, Widows, AU1 WOlUieX S, children, etc. Thousands ye) entitled. Pensions for any wound or disease. Bounty yet due to thousands. Pensioners entitled to In crease of Pension. Now laws and decisions. Time limited. Apply at once. Inclose two stamps foi laws, blanks and instructions. E. II. UKIiSTOX & CO., Box 72S. V. 8. Claim Attokn k vs, Washington, D. C. Fac-SMlss of 0. S. Treasury An nattonat, 11 a xk tiit.i.s. Consisting of nine exact Imitations of United States Tveaxurv Note's, and uino of National Bank Bills, 18 m all, of various denominations. As a rare, and in htautannons moans of detecting counterfeit money thi'.v arc invaluable, Frice, a package. y. A. iU.WUKW ife CO.. New 'ork City. P. 5. Box 120l! I . wa a but u fULKI wiktfr M iumnentltf diftHithes mvriinow hair, root and branch. in five minitG,withntpain.dixr.nforntivti.oi' injury I aend2atamp!jr(rpnrti()ul!irs. TnKWiLcoxfiiKMiCAi I nu,riMiiu, rpruru nt., nma.lcl'Uua, fit,. AROMATIC MILK HRwPS A P'cnsant, speedy euro P'l'SSjjj. for PILES. Ouepack LJEVw aSO ror doses will VSr arsr cure In every case. Price one dollar. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Ad-i.rc-ps DR. L. II. HARUIS, I'imbuixli, Pa. CHEAPEST HOOXSSNTKE'TCTORU) 3 iIacaula.v'Hls- II VTuin0" uVoo 'of III ,";J'. ? I m? or England. fng. Literature i i'g Ifjl .r.;i,. 5 ire linio Tois. a I mino vol. handsomely I tvtatm. cloth : onb 2.ou bound, for onlv oil ttL 1 1 f, it. II A.NIIATTAN BOOK CO . U W. 14th els. K.V. P.O. Box 4fi60 FENCE , i T 1 1 ; " HAKTINtZ lb. On.l Stianlak tn4 Wu.rd wit) for S) cnu with u. hij(bt, wlw .f 7M, nd iMk of, Hnd ft oohrkcti prUcled, wllb m Urn. tnd flu. of m.oiint, ua iuU oi.rriu.. Moo.f murand u ill nol niLti!. Addrw Prof. L. Mullna, 10 Morn'; fl. Bonoii, uw The Strongest, Cheapest ana most Patented July, 1881. Steel Posts fol WiWl AWfl U An.J . . .111 . . ttme. If yon would save money or desire employ ment send for Illustrated circular. Address a., iioui runncyviiie, h. Y. -CANVASSERS AND FAIR MEN SRND TO0E ADPRKSS to SolO Man- nfacturein, 330 TUi Ave., N. Y. beat If fa Mich. f rfytj Address Jay Hroa.on. Detroit; 'i 1N'& BALES AM T m Mi ? -n (This engraving represent! the Lungs In a healthy state.) A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. ' ConrtB, Cold, Cvoud, Ilroiichitinandall other aflcctmns of the Throat aud LUNGS, it stands unrivaled and utterly boyond all competition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It approaches so near a specific that "Ninety-five" per cent, are permanently cured where the direc tions are strictly complied with. There is no chemi cal or other lugradieuts to harm the young or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL I IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! J. N. HARRIS A. CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, O. FOR SALE BYALL DRUGGISTS. nyh tj ar it you a re a liu- n VAvw r 3 ou ar,? ft ' of bu'.iiiuKi.vcak- v?,J man of let vr.vl by tho stium uf W teriitoiliiiRo! your dr.tios avoid cy iU;ht work. rm K-r youai-n. i vor yon lit'l i y it r system uj tnir.unntH.ana us Hop Eltte-3. If yen are younir and dltifvci-ioa or ci&da ;:t?d op ninlo, oltt or puorLcaltU or lanf'iiioh iic;p, :rly oa Hop Wiot thrtt vft."r hy lifcds drill miner, tuA lnsr or ttlnutlrLthij;, without iii' (t:o mop Have 7.?nn;i jWj.s.t, i:til:tey or iriv.(i;'H;on-, p.'flJH, iti.Wrtwj oi t'.if i 'or.iacii, borc!n. hlood, You vlll no rurod if 7fj;nute Hop Birtors TfymiarPBlr.i r,y wuak and 1 t.vM'iriivd, try It may! j ovriiiitC" to rt?w- to" n bifiin nerve aud woua, use Hop B. suffering foni nny In tion ; it' you oro umi youiitfjSUtl'cniiir from lny on a Ued Oi zk-Bitters. TliousrjrJp ae an nuullyfroni boiuj lor n o K I ;1 n e V fiiseaso that mi'ht H hv u t iiur ! v iiKt' ttt 19 It I isecii. I if. It ha ? cavod hun-Eiuij, tlrcc'8. Wit H!is en ohnohitn LI II unp i m IIua gMlrunkeitTrtjsir, , m mm m NEVER l."! rAILl M'F' t0" U I H noftiestw, a. t. KJj THE GOLDSBORO MUSICAL HOUSE ! HANFF & SON rry the Largest Stock in the State. 5 LEADING MAKES Of PIANOS AND THE WORLD-RENOWNED Mason & Hamlin and Peloubet & Co. Organs. Do not buy of BEiTTT or MARSHALL & SMITH, but write to all others and call on or write to us, and wo will sill you BETTER GOODS FOB THE SAME MONEY! 3- Fianos and Organs sold on Installment and Rental Plan. Prices Guaranteed. SALES AND WABEEOOMS: Fuchtler & Kern's Old Stand, Throe Doors South of Bank. Eespcctfully, GOLDSBORO, N. C. sel7-tf A SETTLED FACT! L. EINSTEIN & CO. HAVE THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF MANUFACTORY And Wbolesale Depot 465 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN. Important to the InyaMs of America. Too MOST MARVELOUS INVENTION in thm WOULD is the "W1L.SONIA" 1UAGNETIO tJA 1MJIENTS. They cure EVERY FORM OP DISEASE known to man, without medic-ino, chances of dipt, or ocoupa tion. -iOO.UM PEHHONS. owe HELPLESS INVA LIDS, ro now rfijoicing in the blessings ot KK bTOUEU HEALTH. All checks and postofflco orrlr for " WTLSONIA " units must bo mnrlifiavaWe to WJI. WILaOM. 463 1-ULTON ST., I3U(K)KLYN. Send lor circulars, price liBtand other memoranda rcirnrdiiiK Iho " W'lLSONIA." We h ive twin tho 1 ist of thousands of " WILSONIA" patients tho loUowtMi; HEPRESLNTATIVE REFERENCES: Hon. Horatio Kevmottr, Utica, N. Y.j Hon. Peter Oooper. Hon. Xhurlnw Weed, Commodore (J. K. Gar rison, General S. Uraliam. J ndgo Levi Parsons, of N. Y. City; J. B. Hoyt (mrrchaut), Spruce Ht., N. Y.; U. V. Fainveathor, (merchant), Bpnice St., N. Y.; E. li. Stitnson (merchant), Siu'uco St., N. Y.; Thomas Hall, 1W1 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn; Colonel bayard Clark, 54 E. 40th St., N.Y.: Hon. John Mitchell (treas ini.r), Brooklyn ; Sirs. R. Kobb.U95 Wyc.kolTSt,.,H'klyn. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED! DRY BOOTS, SHO El 35 AND THE MOST STYLISH MILLIlsT BE-rl In the city, and all of which they will sell very low. .A. CALL IS SOLICITED. Respectfully, sel7-4m L. EINSTEIN 8l GO. FALL AND WINTEB WH.IIHLL 1881. FOR THE LUNGS. MUM i.iuwH Connniiiptioii, folds, Pnoumonla, In ii"'"'fn' Brncliinl DiUicultics, Urr.neliitis, roiitrh, Hiid all Uisenscit of the Breathing Organs. It eoqtlics ami heals the Mcmbi'iiuo ot the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the utaeaiie, and prevents the nieht sweats and unci v ii ich Hccninpany tiALiLi's JlAIjhAnl will care you, even tlionitli professional aid fails. SALESMEN X'ANTED to sell Stationery 7,77 ? ,9PS?S ?" commission. Send .t mm,, rmtiMiA run, uu,, warren, Pa YOUNG MEN J you wouldleara TeleBraphy in 1.1 ti a a .V mourns, ana oe certain or a .u-uu, miuiroa vaiexuiuu aroB., iianesyme, wis, Afcr.EN'8 Brain Food -cures Nervous Debility & weaknessof QenerativeOrirans. IRI-alldniifirists. penaiorcironiar. Allen's Pharmacy,!tl First av.TN.Y, AuZtiSAKTED for the Best aud Fastest! ; 2 SngiSt?n'515 B,an(1 Biblea- Wm reduced . .'.wimjuuuuingo..niiaoliitiia. Pa, $66 hZ!ftfa.l0r-8"n toW1!- ermsand"3 "ontfll . M . . oivu.,i-onianq.Maiue. A SPRING SCALE THAT CAN BK tsar -ttjw kx r.-j - j?r CAnRIKU IX THE I'OCKET ? THESE OUTS ARE FULI, PIZE REPRTTSKNT A TTfi vor w"7" PARK! S PAT1T POSTAL AMD PICKET SCALES. Vor Sale by all H ruooisi; Stationer and Hardware liealem. . If you by mail. cannot Hnd one in your town ?itW'Ft'np and we will send a sampU ITOWAHJI lnF'ft. CO., 3B4 Broadway, w York. n lANmr? V"n?!r?0?"1,! ? Mlloot. I wsooropejll darlns ti.a low in JtV.r.-, S. r:VV. .-k'.S umj .naniKiisiruniQir lar Dreun t bit aunsnnca vurt hnvnnri i..ini u. j : i. iilV .tfiMfWi,,iulIA m ,f SIMHA,or OA JUHHH, TMm to r.ll... tlx mo.t .tubborn MM otjtMhm.l ' JFIVf MlNUflfS," As wOaucuIl dow. to r..l ua UMp oorarorUbly. i, f iSl t..ii.b.5 Iter uins oiu-lbltdofs box ou MtBrn th. r.m.lod-r to tlx proprtMor snd t n mJ5 I CD lnll 6 oa rjoslplof th. prioo Jt I .OO. tH by 411 DruKCl.u. Adiltw ViiioiiZ " r. a juior him iinjjm. in ....I. j.j : REMEDY. lMMMiSMSsffi. IMHARO. AT- H. WEIL t & BROS'. We are receiving splendid stock of FALL ml WINTER GOODS, Which wo offer to tbe public at Reasonable Xrices. We keep tho best of good?, nnd charfro leaf for them, in proportion, than Hlioddy goods can be bought tail elsewhere. Give us a call aud examine our now Btyles iu DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. ALSO A FIN13 LOT OF Carpets of Every Description JUST ARRIVED. H. WEIL & BROS., 80, 82 and 84 West Center St., GOLDSBORO, N. C. augM-tf GOLDSBORO STEAM urniture Factory, West Center Street, A. KORB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS:- When you want a good article cheap call cid examine my stock of Furniture before bu ng elsewhere. All orders filled promptly. iuyii-om MOORE I ROBINSON, .... AHiiftl. Si Carriage lakes -AND- ,fe UNDERTAKE5 in nrn..,rAi t i-v -I ujmu jittLturrra ox ami uoa.-t? BUGGIES, GAEFES, Wagon CarEtc Always on hand, a foil ljf &SK? a7 Walunt Coffins and Ca8Ue$iafc Are prepared to attend M able prices. f f : ' if ' Office and Fac4n Johy , Opposite tbtf 91 Ch j i .., my28-tf :& ' 3 I MBM'

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