STAR A BI-Weekly Paper, published in tho Interest of the Republican Party. O-XIO. 1. WASSOM, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KATES OP ADVERTISING, PAYABLE IN ADVAMOB. One square, one insertion $ 50 One square, two insertions 1.00 One square, three insertions 1.25 One square, one month 3.00 One squaro, three months 6.00 One square, six months 0.00 One square, twelve months 10.00 For larger advertising liberal contracts will he made. NOTES ABOUT NAMES. Home ol .the Peculiar Patronymics Recently , Noted in the Newspapers. Bearap & Carraher are gas-fitters in Grand street, near East river. Christian Angel has been arrested at Detroit for refusing to support his family, and Christian Whuson for burglary. Mr. and Mrs. Recompense Sherry Murphy have just celebrated thir golden wedding at Sandy Springs, Adams county, O. Mr. Kansas Nebraska Bill was mar ried recently at Saybrook, Conn. Mr. Bill was born in the time of the Kan sas-Nebraska excitement, about 1853 or 1854. when the Kansas-Nebraska bill was everywhere discussed, and his father, James A. Bill, of Lyme, named him Kansas Nebraska. He has a brother, Lecompton Constitution Bill, and an other, Jefferson Davis Bill, has just been graduated at Eastern college. Mioheal Sir Sheppard lives at Ilford, England. When his mother was bidden, "Name this child,"she courtesied and re plied : "Michael, sir," and Michael Sir it was. An old Irish song records a parallel case, when a dog, answering to the name "Dinnis," was making himself too busy at the christening, and had to be checked by the mother, with the Jesuit described : "What's his name," says the priest ; "Down Dennis." savs she: So Down Dennis Bulgruddery they christened me. Doctor Willard Bliss is the name of Dr. D. W. Bliss, who attended Presi dent Garfield. He was so christened after Dr. Willard, who presided at his birth at Auburn nearly fifty years ago. The Rev. Ebenezer Bholanath Bhose has been appointed curate of St. Andrew's, Bethnalgreen, London. The Rev. William Napoleon Barley corn has been sent to Fernando Fo as a missionary by the English Primitive Methodists. Mr. Arthur Wellington Waterloo is an ex-army surgeon in England. Mr. Eldersley Clinton Dorlard de Clements keeps a laundry at Detroit. Messrs. Nova Zembla and Adam an tine Johnson are residents of St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mary Germanic Vanderbilt Phil lips was christened on the Uermamc in May last, receiving a 8300 purse from the passengers, and Mr. Vanderbilt standing sponsor also for her mother's bill at the New York Hospital a rival of Miss Circassia Wray Barrett, of the Anchor line. Mr. Hieronymous Popp, of Brighton, Mass., recently popped his knife through the cheek of an anonymous fellow-resident. Miss Pauline Castle Garden, aged two and a-half, was picked up in the rotunda on the night of the 4th of July, named by Superintendent Jackson and sent to the refuge on Ward's Island. Master Endymion Garfield Chester was recently christened at Milwaukee, Wis. Six names were put in a hat and his parents drew two. Misses Calla and Rose Budd are the daughters of Mr. Charles Budd, of Carthage, in this State. Miss Mazin Grace Brooks is a resi dent of Kansas City, Mo., her pious mother having named her (by ear) out of the hymn book : " 'Mazin grace, how eweet the sound I" i- Dr. Theodore Ledyard, of this city, used to do w. Theodore Jjedyard Smith, but obtained permission from the Court of Common Pleas to drop the last name. He gave as a reason that "It is his ambition and hope to become master of his profession,' and to build up and establish a distinct individuality in his practice, and he fears that because of the great number of doctors named Smith that name will hinder him in his objeot" ' , Mr. Charles Oliver Brewster Brook way, of Chicago, was recently allowed to drop the "Brockway." His mother through gratitude to a Dr. Charles Oliver Brewster, who had cured her of a painful malady, christened her child after him. The Young man, however, complained that tnis "concatenated name cannot be spoken without great labor of speeoh and great use of time, nor can it . be written without uncom mon knowledge and skill in English literature." (' The late Mr. Lewis Hamilton, of Kentucky, left five children ; Mr. Lon don Judge Hamilton, Master Southern Soil Hamilton, and Misses Avenue Belle, China Figure and Hebrew Fashion Hamilton. New York World. An Affectionato Remembrance. V "What shall I get you to remind you of me while I am away?" asked a fash ionable Austin young gentleman of hi intended. ' - i'U ; , "Do you want to get me something ' that will always make me think of you, when I look at it V "Yea. darlintr." "Thenbnvmoamonknv in t1v with n-j, ' ... .; About Pies. The dependence of the American cit izen upon his pie is quite touching. The amount consumed, if properly ar ranged with reference to statistical dys pepsia, would probably exceed the hor- ror-in8pmng ngures wnicn reiormers love to cite in regard to the effect of tobacco and liquors. 'From 25,000 to 30,000 pies are daily sold in the city of New York alone. Multiplied by fifty, the ratio of he population of New York city to that of the United States, it would appear that over a million and a half of pies are eaten every day by the - . . -w-r . ni 1 ml ' 1 people oi tne umtea otaies. jluib aoes not include the pies made by private families and large hotels in New York ; so that it is safe to say that at least a third of a pie or a pie every three days is eaten by every family in the land. One curious feature is that during times of publio excitement people do not et as much as usual. One of the pie man ufacturers says that during tbe illness of President Garfield, especially at the time of his assassination and the day of his death, including, also, the days of great suspense, the business of pie eating and pie-buying fell off very seri ously. The same is true of election times. Pumpkin pie is going out of fashion, being superseded by apple and custard. The Chico (Cal.) Eecord tells this story : A couple of Chinamen, while fishing in the Sacramento river near Chico landing, were attacked by a large snake, which coiled about one of them The other Chinaman seized a hatchet and cut the monster to pieces. They proceeded to measure it, and, placing together the parts severed, it measured forty-three feet and seven inches, and was as large around as a man s leg. The New York Clipper lately cited the case of Cantain Jacob Schmidt, of Tomp- kinsville. Staten Island, N. Y , who had been a great sufferer with rheumatism for . . i r. . r i f 1 . 1 mnny years, tie used oc. J acoos wun splendid success. Being pursued by a bull a Michigan man had presence of mind to discharge some tobacco juice in the animal's eyes and thereby escaped death. Don't let anybody make you believe that tobacco is unhealthy. JfYee Press. From the Atlanta CGa.) Sunday Phono graph: The editor of the Pikes County jNewtt has been cured oi rheumatism by bt, Jacobs Oi) Dr. Heath has discovered on the Ben river in Bolivia, a bonanza of india rubber. The woods are full of it. and the 75,000 pounds product of this year win reacn o.uuu.uuu pounds next. Tn PrniarmntlTB. "Golden Medical Discovery" is a concentra ted, potent alterative, or blood-cleansing rem- cuy, wail wiub guiuuu upuuons irom au wno use it lor any humor, Irom the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the formidable scrofulous swelling, or uloer. Internal fever, soreness and ulceration, yield to its benign in fluences. Consumption, which is but a sorofu lous affection of the lungs, may, in its early stages, be cured by a free use of this God-given remedy. See article on consumption and its treatment in Part III. of the World's Dispensary Dime Series of pamphlets, costs two stamps, postpaid. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The last court dwarf in England wan a Ger man named Oopperheim, retained by the Prin cess of Wales, tho mother of George' III. A Lnily Wants to Know the latest Parisian style of dress and bonnet; a new way to arrange tho hair. Millions aro ex ponded for artificial appliances which only make conspicuous the fact that emaciation, nervous debility and female weakness exist. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription " is sold under a posi tive guarantee. If used as directod, art can be dispensed with. It overcomes those diseases peculiar to females. By druggists. In 1844 a patent was granted John ' obbe, that by the art of philosophy he might transmit imperfect metals into gold and silver. Whnt'H "iaved In Gained. . Worlcingraon will economize by employing Dr. Pierce's medicines. His "Pleasant Purga tive Pellets" and " Golden Medical Discovery " cleanse the blood and system, thus preventing fever and other serious diseases, curing all scrof ulous and other humors. Bold by druggists. Impeove the wit you have bought at a dear rate, and the wisdom you havo gained by sad experience. Whnt the Director Said. A Boston reporter, while in the office of the Now York and Boston Despatch Express Com pany, had a conversation with Mr. B. J?.Larabee, one of the directors of the company, who gave the following personal experience: A little over a year ago I was taken sick. I did not know what the trouble was, but I continned to grow worse, and my complaint baffled the skill of my doc tors. At last my symptoms developed into that terrible oomplaint, Bright's disease, which has been pronounced incurable by all physi cians. My Bufferings at that time were un speakable. I was bloated from head to foot; my heart pained me; my pulse was irregular, and I was unable to breathe except in short convulsive gasps. While suffering thus I learned of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and although I had been given up to die by ;the prominent physicians of Boston, and they had told my friends I could not live a week, I resolved to try this remedy as a last re sort. I am rejoiced to Bay it has effected a per fect owe in my case, and with many of my friends, who have been afflicted with kidney troubles, either of long standing or in their aoute forms, and who, under my advioe, have used this most wonderful remedy." If every person would be half as good as he expeots his neighbor to be, what a heaven this world would be. Indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration and all forms of general debility relieved by taking Mensman's Peptonized Beet Tonic, the oidy preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating and life-sustaining properties ; is invaluable in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, particularly ii resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co., proprietors, New York. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, a medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. . Ho, n Baldhrads I There is Just one way, and no more, by which yon may be cured use Cahboline, a deodorized extract of petroleum. It will positively produce new hair; there is no substitute for this marvelous hair renewex. a nt,.1 Vtrlitnnm mt Health 1 Is a regularly recurring action of the bowels. With the due performance of this function are united good digestion, pure and active cir culation of the blood, and an adequate secre tion of healthy bile, which seeks the conduits designed for it by nature. The performance of these co-operative functions, insuring perma nent health and vigor, may, if interrupted, speedily be rendered active and regular with that finest of modern restoratives of organio activity and general health, ilostotters Stom ach Bitters. While it relaxes the bowels effect ually, it does so without pain, and without giving rise to the violent, weakening reaction always to be anticipated from a drastio purga tive. The drenching effect, associated in 'the minds of many ill-advised persons with thor oughness as its essential, is ruinous to the stomach and intestines, organs that are, on the contrary, invigorated by the Bitters, wbioh is, moreover, a supero preventive ana remeay lor fever and ague, and a proven specifio for rheu matism, debility and kidney inactivity. All errors spring up in the neighborhood of some truth; they grow round about it, and for tho most part dorive their strength from such contiguity. On Thirty liars' Trlnl. The Toltaio Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send their Eleotro-Voltaio Belts and other Eleo trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person anuctea wim .nervous uu unity, aami Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as above without delay. P. S. No risk is inourred, as 30 days' trial is allowed. Don't In tho Houe. T2 Ask Druggists for "Bough on Bats." It slears out rats, mice. ISo. ABEATTY'S PIANOFORTES. Magnificent holiday presents ; square grand planofot tes.four very handsome round corners, rosewood cases, three unisons. Beatty's match less Iron frames, stool, book, cover, boxes, 8-1.75 to S-J!7 30s cutaloguc prices, 800 to tlOUO; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, after one year'snset I'pi-iulir JMttmifbrtc, $125 to $255; cata logue prices S!i00 to 8i0 : standard pianofortes or the uni verse, as thousands testify; write for mammoth list of tes timonials. Hcalty'n I'nbinct Oltti A NW, cathedral, church, chapel, parlor, S;0 upward. Visitors welcome; free carriage meets passengers; illustrated catalogue (holi day edition) free. Address or call upon DAMEL b BE ATT Y, Washington, Niw Jrasir. HOW TO SECURE HEALTH. It is strange any one will suffer from derangement brought on by impure blood, when SCOVILL'S SAU3A- PA HILL A AND STILLINGIA, or BLOOD ANDUVE1 SYltUP will restore health to the physical organization It is a strengthening syrup, pleasant to take, and the BES1 BLOOD PURIFIER ever discovered, curing Scrofula Syphilitic disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas Malaria, Nervous disorders. Debility, Bilious complaint! tfnd Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach Skin, etc F.ili'v's Carbolic Trnclit'H nrovont all conta gious diseases, such as Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, and euro CoueIis and Colds PloaKant to the taste and a good disinfectant. HOUSEHOLD ACCIDENTS. The fnl. 'owing sugges tions are not design ed to induce the public to attemnt tho rln- - tiCS Of thO l-ROIl- lar surgeon, but. merely to placo the readers of these nno-ryi in possession of a means Of treatment of the minor flppirlnnta rncnrrirtr rlailir ,m the honspliold, and which, wliilenotdaiigerous in themselves, aro exceedingly annoying. Burns, bruises, scalds, sprains, etc., are prin cipal arnonjr these troublesome and annovinr occurences, and demand immediate treatment with tho best means at hand. In the kitchen, tho dining-hall, tho nursery and tho sitting room they are liablo to happen, and, Instead of fear and alarm at tho sightof the cut or mashed linger, or bruised or burned arm, or scalded surface, a cool and quiet manner should be as sumed, and after washing away the blood, (if required), 1 ho injured parts should be dressed with that most valuable remedy St. Jacobs On Its surprisingly quick relief, its cleansing properties, its tendency to quickly remove all inflammation, and its wonderful efficacy in the above as well ns in all muscular and other pains, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, stiffness of the Joints, etc., these rondtr St. Jacous Oil pre-eminently the beat external remedy now before the people ; which claim is fully substantiated by the strongest kind of testimony from all classes of people. Tho value of human life is so supremely impor tant that anything that tends to its prolonga tion is entitled to tho highest consideration. Charles Nelson. Esq., proprietor Nelson House, Port Huron, Mich., says: "I suffered so with rheumatism that my arm withered, and physi cians could not help me. I was in despair of my life, when some one advised me to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so, and.asif bymngio.Iwa instantly relieved, and by the continued use of tho Oil entirely cured. I thank heaven for having used 1 his wonderful remedy, for it tauei my life. It. also cured my wife." HT N U SI PENSIONS, For SOLDIERS. widows, fethexs. mothum children. Thousands yet entl tied. Pensions gtrea for loss or flnger.toe.eye or ruptnre.TmricoseTelnf or any Dlseaoe. Thonfl&nd of pensioners and Jjldiers entitled to DiCKKASE and BOUNTY. PATENTS procured for Inventors. Soldiers lanu. warrants vroeweo, oonfrlit ana sola, fioldlerl and heirs annlv for Tonrrivhta at nnan. Snniisl stamps for ''The Oitiien-Soldier ," and Penelon and Bounty laws, blanks and instrooUons. We Address N, W. Flticrerald&Co.Pcitsioa cwiniecD bnuuBniius oi rensioners ana Ullenls. fATUIlAM -Ti, Aiooa, uoa MS, w aihiniton, p. Q. MANHATTAN BOOK CO.. H W. 14th St., N.Y. P.O. Box 4880. CIV WOT WAST A MONEY t Ymn t mM or old. vlA If too. weal ft Ltmriul mniuabe, flowtne TC vhukeie er e hotrr growth of htlr m bold W B O knda, THICKEN, STRENUTHKN eiul INVIQORATI tho HAIR eorwhoro doe'l bo hui.bnKd. Trj tho groot Sputlifc olowrorr wbloh ku NIV1R 1ST FAILED. 8 ma ONLY H1X 01NT8 te Dr. 1. OONSA. LIZ, Boi 1S4, Bootoe, Mooe. Beeoyo f ell ladlftUoee. Sonrolkrf lorirrrwi ifinnrnin itsnTII I r A'PriceilAetn. elioM.nollAUUb IVIUUCK 5 THO I ILLCOobymall. BtowelldtOo. ymall. BtowelldtOo Jharieatown, Man. OPIUM Morphine) Habit CartHl la 10 tOotOditys. No pity Mil Cared. Da. J. bTKl', Jebanon. Ohio. if "sfTTVTC! Revolver. Oataletn free. Addnea, 3T U XX id Orea West. On Werke, nueDtrxk, fa, m : -n si ii i i ' rc. -sons Elli I ton of England. r Eng. Literature. 1 Pee ITu -r.Miw 1 1 ' l'pe llrao vole. I I umo vol. handsomely 1 1 catalogs cloth;onljta.oo'bouD(l,foroDlviOoi. II J. $5t0 $20 i'ftSfS fcPor THE GOLDSBORQ Ilason & Hamlin and Do not buy of BEA.TTY or MARSHALL k SMITH, but write to all others and call on or write to us, and we will sell you BETTER GOODS FOR THE SAME MONEY! Kf Pianos and Organs sold on Installment and Bental Flan. Prices GJ-iiax-anteed. SALES AND WABEBOOMS,: Fuchtler & Kern's Old Stand, Three Doors South of Bank. Respectfully, COLDSBORO, N. C. sel7-tf A SETTLED FACT I L. EINSTEIN & CO. HAVE THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OP - DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, MILLIUER In the city, and all of which they will sell very' low. A. CALL IS SOLICITED. Respectfully, sel7-4m FALL AND WINTEB NEW GOODS AT- H. WEIL & BROS'. We are receiving a splendid stock of FALL anfl WINTER GOODS, Which we offer to the publio at Reasonable Prices. We keep the best of goods, and oharge lesi for them, In proportion, than shoddy goods can be bought for elsewhere. Give us a call and examine our new styles in DRESS GOODS, CLOTHINC, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. ALSO A FINE LOT OF Carpets of Every Description JUST ABRIYED. H. WEIL & BROS., 80, 82 and 84 West Center St, COLDSBORO, N. C. aug20-tf MUSICAL HOUSE ! HANFF & SOtl rry the Largest Stock In the 8tta. 5 LEADING HAKES ot PUNOS AM) THE WOBLD-BEJfOWNRD Peloubet & Co. Organs. SHOES, MATS AND THE MOST STYLISH .J L. EINSTEIN & CO. GOLDSBOEO STEAM Furniture Factory, West Center Street. A. KORB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. 0 t When you want a good article cheap cry'.and examine my stock of Furniture before nfing elsewhere. All orders fillod promptly. . myl4-6m , MOORE & ROBINSf , i, Carriage Mfiters. -AND- UNDERTAKERS. Manufacturers of taenia BUGGIES. CMMES, Waeons. jrt8' Etc' , , , .lino of Rosewood and Always on hand, a ft. .nH Mnt.llin f!,. TTT 1 i nea i , r . 7 iioumiumuisfujauto BnrisJS at reason. &re prepares to aw , able prices. irron John St. III! I 't-S uiin M. . v V X A A a 4 Baptist Church, Opposite my28-tf -