ed to a Rtore keepers position his District. 1110 UUlUdUUlU toiui. 3rd. That he had pat up a job GOLDSBOKO, N. C. Saturday, APRIL 8, 1882. The 'Colored State Convention has convened and adjonrned. Hon. Jno. C. Dancy, of Edgecombe, pre sided, and Mr. A. S. Richardson? of Salisbury, was elected Secretary. The first day's proceedings were qnite stormy, but after the perma nent organization was perfected, and different committees appoint ed by the chairman, there was a calm, and businees moved on with soch intelligence as never before graced the proceedings of a colored convention. There were quite a number of good speeches made ,.g the sitting of the conven tion, and all tempered by words for the good of North Carolina and her people, irrespective of race, color or previous condition of serv itude in abort, w believe the convention was a success and will result in much good to tbe whole people of the State. The resolu tion introduced by the lion. Jas. H. Harris, and adopted by the convention, giving encouragement to the independent movement has waked up the native, and put the But the result will not be realized until the 2nd day of November, when some anti13ourbou will invite Governor Jarvis out and down from the lotty neat which he now occupies as Governor of North Carolina. A SKETCH OF COL. GEO. B. EVER ETT'S REMARKS BEFORE THE COLORED CONVENTION, AND HIS KtiMAKKs ON THE CARS AND GENERAL CONDUCT IN GOLDS BORO. have Bocae exporence iu pol itics, and tbo ' utiSTtaa,n otK- ingaof tricksters. But the manner in which the Hon. Geo. B. Everett .onducted himself at, and in the eolored State Convention in Golda boro on 29th ult. is with astoniah ment to many good people in this section of the State, where he had the good fortune toapend bis boy hood. He said on the cars when on his way to the Convention "That he wanted to bo treated as a colored man in the Convention ahd that he wanted the colored men to consider his claims ste though he was a negro." We are sorry to note that the manner in which he acted, it put us more in tbe mind of a Boss negro at a corn husking than a white man who claims to be Revenue Collector of the 5th Distriot of North Carolina. He nosed around the Convention for two days trying to get a chance to speak, but whether he was a delegate from Forsytti county, we J: i ii l i aid tti auviacu, luuugu UU WiJH 1U regular attendence of tbe proceed inge of the Convention and shown a disposition at several times to speak when the judiciary reso lution was under discussion, how ever the evening before the Con verition adjourned he was permit- -mI a few minutes to address the .invention upon the condition of ttfe colored people in the 5th Rev et ne District of North Carolina. He said that he was oppointiut ed collector of the 5th District about nine months ago by "jlr. Garfield?' and that a respectable colored man by the name of Prof, Chas. H. MoorS, of Greensboro, N. 0., had been recommended to him for a position in his office as Xclerk and who is a graduate ot $mERST College, but be f was afraid" to appoint him to that posi tion. 1st. Because be had ayonng man in his office that is the son of a widow, who wrote 329 on every street corner in the town of Win eton, during the last campaign and that if be should appoint Chas. II Moore, he was afraid that somo of bis clerks would steal something and lay n to jiioore. 2nd. Several distilleries bad been stopped and others dieolved co partnership when they learned iL.i .mm har hoon rernmm Anrl ".Ulttb ucgw on one of the Distilleries in his District to force a negro to be store keeper to a white distillery but the negro had let the cat out of tbe wallet, nnd he was forced to em ploy a white man to satisfy the in dignant whites that predominated in his section of the State. 4th. That he requested Chas. H. Moore to goto Washington D. 0. on his own expences to request the Secretary of the Treasurer and President Arthur lo let him re main in his office, because he was the only man in tbe 5th District who had ever shown a disposition to recognized the true merrit of the negro. 5th. That ho appointed n color ed may to a clerkship in bin office the day before he left Winston at a salary of one thousand dollars a year and that he could not find one in his district and was com pelled to telegraph to Charlotte on Saturday in order to gel him in his oflice ou Monday, bt fore he left with him to fhr Goldsboio Con vention on Tuepd&y aioiuiug. Mr. Everett read Several copies of letters (he said) Lo had written to "Geueral Ratim" CommiHMiqner of Internal Revenue at Washing ton. He was not atisfied with reading a certified copy but had an affidavit as long as his district sworn to by himself upon the Hol ly Avanqelcst of the Almighty God, th-it be did write them in which he said many sweet things about tl;e nnrepublican manner iu which the Federal patronage has been dished out in North Carolina. 6th. He said again that he was willing to do auvthings to keep Keogh, Wheeler and W. P. Cana day off of his back and would love the negro in piopotion to the 7th. He said that the Lord would deliver his enemies into Lis bauds and quoted at length the verces of the 12th chapter of St. Maik 'Render unto Caesar, the things that are Cassai" we sincerly hope that Mr. Everett will never 'be persueded again to surrender his dignaty and follow up a negro conventionf for we feci for auy white man, who has nothing more to do than loafer around a colored convention especially where he is not wanted and may the Lord deliver him hereafter from sueh a position. R THE USUAL RESULT. It is not to be denied that a good sewing machine is one of the most important appurtenances of the modern household, We thought we had a eood macbino in our household until one day the agent of the New Home presented himself at onr door and proceeded to deliver an oration upon its characteristic merits. 'But, we answeied, "our machine serves lis nicely and suits us well, and we do not care for anotber. " The aeent, however, was persistent, and hnaily begged the privilege of leav ing one of his machines with us, "for the ladies to try." The request was not unreasonable, so we granted it but more to oblige (he agent than anything else; for we really did not want the machine, and had not he remotest idea of buying it. me macnine once in tne nonse, it was natnral that the ladies should look it over, They did so, and as a consequence fell in love with, it. They say that without tbe slightest wish to decry or diHparge any other machine, this, all things consid ered, is, in their opinon, the most de sirabie one to be had. The upshot of the whole matter was that the old machine was disposed of, ana tne ijioht nunuing New Home in stalled into our household a very fair and satisfactory arrangement being made witn tne agent. It is pronounced a genuine beauty and a real comfort, and our folks wanted us to tell other folks about it. This unrivalled machine is manufac tured by JOHNSON, CLARK fe CO., 30 Union Square, New York, who wish us to eay that all who will send for their new illustrated catalogue and enolose their advertisement (printed on another page), will receive a set of fancy advertising novelties, of value to those collecting curds, etc. TRY A BOTTLE OF Cherokee Cough Cure. The very thing. Every bottle sells another. It recommends itself. Price 25 cents. To be had at all drug stores. Ad dross MRS. SUE NELHON, Ooldsboro. N. C. OAK OIL FOR WORMS, prepared by Dr.P. H. Hicks Toisnot N. C. fl e. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits, she was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. she can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter Ross. Springwater. Wis. SAMAIUTAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheumatism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a cine of fits for my son. E. B. Ralls. HinttsTitle, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE V. as the means of curing my wife of spasms- Rev. J. A, Edei. Beaver, Pa. SAM All ITANNERVINE Cured mo of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. wm. Ilenson, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NEK VINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over f 3.000 with other dootont. 8. K. liobson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of asthasma. Miss. Jennie Warren, 740 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after giving up to die by our family physician, it having over 100 in 24 hours. Henry Kneo Vervilla. Warren Co., Tonn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after snfferingfor eight years. Albert Simpson, Peoria, 111 SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after sper ding $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thornton. Claiborn, Miss SAMARITAN NERVINE . Cured me permantlyof epileptic fits of a stubborn character. Rev. Wm. Martin, Meohanicstowon, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2'fiUO in eighteen months. Mrs. E. Fobes. West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilopsy of nine years' stand ing. Mis-. Orlena Marshall. (irandy, Newton uo., mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yeari duration. Jacob Suter. t. Joseph, mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and gen eral debility. Oliver Myers. Ironton, Ohio Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many yeara standing. Isaac Jewell. JovingioUjAi. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have beeu well for over four voars. Uhas. E. Curtis. Osakis, Douglass i;o., Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very bidly. Michael O'Connor. Ridgway ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. David Trembly. Dss moines, Iowa SAMARITAN NERVIFE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 3i years standing. Henry Clark, Fairfield, Mich, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. E. Graham, North Hope, Pa- SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits- He has not had a fit for about four years. John Davis. Woodburn, Macoupin Co. , 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE IS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Or may be had direct from us. For further information inclose stamp for our Illust rated Journal giving evidences of cures. Address Dr S. A. Richmond & Co., World's Epileptic Institute Mar. 18th 1882 1 year. A Great Enterprise. PROF. W. E. BURNETT has opened a first-class one door south of Fuchtler & Kerns, up stairs next door to STAB Oflice where lie will be pleased to see his friends and the public generally, He guarantees satisfac tion In SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING, to. Thanking the public for past favors, and by strict attention to business hopes to merit, a contmuauce oi tne same. Oct 26-ly. GOLDSBORO STEAM xxrxa.lt-u.i-o Factory; WEST CENTER STREET. A. KORB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS When you want a good article cheap call and examine my Btock of furniture before buying elsewhere. All orders promptly filled. WILMINGTON, N. C. The advocate of EQUAL RIGHTS be fore the Law, at the BALLOT BOX, and in the patronage of the Government FOR ALL MEN REGARDLESS OF COLOR The advooate of LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT. In favor of a FREE BALLOT and a FAIR COUNT. It Opposes Monopolies. Believing it to be the duty of the United States Government to see that the children of the whole country ar THOROUGHLY EDUCATED. Therefore the POST will advovocate a VA-TIONAfc Educational Law. The POST will be INDEPENDENT AS TO MEN, but will always stand by the principle! of the GLORIOUS Old Republican Party. Price only $2 00 PER ANNUM for SIX MONTHS, $ 1.00. X7 xxx. 3P. Cauaday EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WlLMINGTOM, N. 0. W. P. Deshoug Bro DEALERS 111 LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. All parties who wish to do so, can buy their GROCERIES without going into the apartment used as a bar-room. NOTICE THE BLUE FRONT. Oppposite tho MARKET HOUSE. W. P. DKSHON0 k BRO Feb 4-3m. MOORE 8 ROBINSON. AND UNDERTAKEES. Manufacturers and Dealers in BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, CARTS, ETC. Keep COnstftiitlv nn lmtl.1 n. full annnln n Rosewood and Walnut Collins and Caskets and Metallic CaseT. Are p -epared to attend burials at reasonable prices. OFFICE AND FACTORY ON JOHN ST. PDCHTLKR & KBHN. Manufacturers of and Dealers i PARLOR. CHAMBER AND KITCHEN PURWITUH.B iiEADSTEADS, MATTRASSES, LOOKING GLASSES, CHAIRS, PICTURE FRAMES, AND BUREAUS 67, AND69JSAST CENTRE ST., . GOLDSBOKO N. c Relief for Rheumatism. WHAT GLARE FIBER IS. This new material is a strong, tough, elastic flber, cut from the pine leaf and chem icalized for mattranses and bedding pur poses. It retains all the curative virtues found in pure pine, which is so beneficial to those sutTering from rheumatism and fever. It generates Ozone oxygen air purifying the atmosphere of the apartment in which it is placed. It makes a comfortable, durable and elastic mattrass, and will not break or mat down. FOR SALE BY FUCHTLER & KERN Stevens Peacock, Manufacturers of MASONIC AND SAMARITANS IEL egalias. For Price List, address STEVENS & PEACOCK, Goldsboro, N. 0. Jan. 21. ' JSTexxr Grooorios. J, F. DOBSON Three Doors South of Market. Keeds a full supply of Groceries. Clears Liquors, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. OTTLED BEER TILL YOU CAN'T REST, GOLD. Great chance to make money. Those who al ways take advantage of tho good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy while those who do not im prove sucn cnances remain in poverty, we want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. ny one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive out fit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spalr iiiuiuniiLB. r un miormatiOH ana au mat i needad sent fre.o. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Notice. The undersigned having, on the 27th day of February, A. v., 1888, duly qualified before the Probate Court of Wayne County, as Ad ministrator and Administratrix on the estate of Iley Greenfield, deceased, hereby give no tice to all persons indebted to the said de cedent to make Immediate payment, and to all persons having claims against the said de cedent to exhibit the same to the under signed on or before the 1st day of March, A. D., 1663. ALFREkHOWE, J0L1A GREENFIELD, Administrator and Administratrix. This J7th day February, 1882.

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