The? oldsboro Star, Satday, April 8, 1882. Thero isnowia Rooky Mont yester- day. What hf become of the Bapiitt Review! We never e it any more. The Sta Republican Exeoutive Com- mittee me i on the I8thinst. in Raleieh. Hon. OjHnibs, II. 0., from the 2nd District, wll ntorn home to spend a few days the net t May. Prof. W. E.Barnette has removed his barber shop e door south of Fachtler & Kern's, spitairs, opposite the Stab offloe. Attention Is called to the traveling pnblio to th! change of schedule of the W. & W, Bailroad, which took effect April 3nd; 1882. Mr. Iticlard M. Lee of Chowan Co. , was in attendance of the State Convention, He is one of the rising young men of the Eastern seotbn of the State. We called upon the Eev. A. B. Wil liams, pastor f the First Baptist Church. He informedas that he added about BO new oonv erti to his church this year, also 10 has been idded by letter, making a to tal of 60. We were informed yesterday that some of our Towi Commissioners who voted to tax bar keepers to Texas and back during the prohibition fever are nowquite anxious for a reduotion of tho same it is a bad wind that never shifts, Mr. H. M.Strouse is daily reoeiving his new stock of spring goods. Some of the latest and best prints of the season are to be had at this house for five cents per yard. Gentlemens' ware a specialty; give him a call, and he will take pleasure in showing yot all, We speijttwo days of last week in New Berne, w'ere we had the pleasure of meeting Eons, E- Hubbs, I- B. Abbott) E. A. White, E. E. Dudley, Joseph Nel son, Register of Deeds, M. Hahn, Shoriff of Cravooi, Uobt. Hancock, Jr., Mr. Henry Collector c' Customs, Geo. H. White, and a host of oliers, both white and colored, whose natOM our iimitea spae0 will not permit - 'My wife and I am one,' explained the oolored eentleman; adding, with a smile that was childlike and bland, 'and I am de one.' The President a few months ago informed a well known Congressman that his policy would be to ignore fractional lines in ih Remiblican party. In other words, ha was going to treat the stalwarts and tho anti-atalwarts as one. The only trouble is that judging from his recent ap pointments he regards the stalwarts as one.' de Wilmington Revuw : Major H. L. Grant, of Goldsboro, oontenplates moving to this city and going into the manufac ture of briok on a large scale. Maj. Grant haimuch experience in the business which hi proposes establishing here and turns out briok almost epual to the Phila delnfcia brick in appearance. A year or twetgo fre visited Goldsboro and found AF ' . . i a 1..fAaf and rJTVs nttoninery to uo ui mo '""" - i, impbvedjkind. hat dtes this mean 7 Tlliepote and unfortunate Exodusters that leftlWavno county two and three jears agolfor the west are gradually mak ing Iheirfwar baok to JSortn uaroiina Mr. Benj! Jones, who sold his house and otat a great eaorifice and moved out weatfhai lefet two of his children. His wife and! oldest bo5 has returned to this State, ana a living in Wilmington, Mr. Jones will rjturn in the fall to oommenoe life anew, -ihout a home or money. The iiio hJ, noor deluded people will AltO VMVVT - - hauat the ten in their graves that per on.Lrt them to leave their comfortable (homes. We take ertat pleasure in noting that Vir esteemed ard honorable friena, Hon t. S. O'B. Ribinson, has been appointed fated States District Attorney by rresi dfht Arthur, and has been unanimously cjjatlrmed by ttu Senate. It is worthy of hob to state ttat Mr. Rohinson was a Gafield Elector In this State, at the last Pudendal eleotton, and polled several hutdred more votes than . any other Re DhlHnun before the neorjle in that eleo- tic. His appointment is only a rooogni atfcn'of true and praiseworthy nierit- aixwator and humorist ou the huskings 16 Robinson has but few equals in the Sbte. flox Hunting Pabtx. One night last the Sheriff of Wayne oounty, and the polce foroe of Goldsboro went fox hunt iWith a large bull oanine in tho south eh part of Little Washington, on tho Viynesboro road. It seems that they kW the whereaboits of this fox, or had information that he was the same one who had been carrying off Messrs. Borden & Bro's cotton. However, they jumped the fox, but some one of the party pronounced it to be a blaok hog bear, and at last Bo counts it was in the low grounds of the Neuse river, near Goldsboro. We are also informed that Dr. Roberts seized one of these ferocious night criminals in the streets the other day, and came near being seriously injured. Gov. Jarvis would do well to order out Capt Green Everitt with the Goldsboro Vance Gnards or the white and colored malitia of Wayne. Maxob's Coubt Tuesday. Thii tribunal of justice was well attended on Tuesday by the Lads of Town Several of whom were arraigned before his honor for an af fray with deadly weapons. The defend. anta were Masters Geo. Dudley, Armelias Hazell, James Davis, Jag. Jorden, Jas. Rhodes and Albert MoCray. Geo. Dudley seems to have got the worst of the game and reoeived several serious cuts, none of which are dangerous. The witnesses for the State that were reoognizod are J Beaton, Ed. O'Hara, Jas. Bryant and Kizo Wellons. The six Defendant were bound over to the Superior Court toau swer for using knives reclesa on the Sab bath day boys you ought to remember the commandment. "Remember ffteNab bath day and keep it holly" other wise you will have to go before the Judge and an swer for your Sabbath braking His Honor well said ' 'that there was too much fighting in Goldsboro by both white and oolorod. " Assault With, an attempt to Commit Rape. On Tuesday morning we called at the residence of Mrs. Mariah Dixon, who informed us that her daughter, Emma Dixon, age eleven years and nine months, was playing near a house which is about 25 yards from her residenoo, where Henry Carter, the would be rapor was painting. It seems that the little girl asked Carter for some tobacco, and he told her to "send the other children home and come in the house and he would give her some. This she did, and Carter eamedown from where he whs at work and siezed the girl and raped her The girl is not of sound mind, and wound not be a competent witness in a coui't of justice, otherwise this defamer would answer for the outrage upon the gallows, where Noah Cherry, Harris At kinson and Robert Thompson did. We are informed that Carter is a member of the church. This is a' oase where a colorod jury in particular is needed, as all the parties con cerned are colored; If it had been a white child a limb would have.. tried. W The Goldsbobo Graded School. On Tuesday morning we visited the Graded School. This school is under the super vision of Tuf. Miles Tucker, of Philadel phia, Pa., and from what we have seen of him in tho lat eight or ten months, wo think him to be the right manin the right place. He has given his wholo attention to tho education of our children, and his example of moral walks since here has been that of a perfect gentleman and worthy of imitation by the pupils and young men of the commuity. We first visited the 3rd grade apart ment, which is taught by Mrs. Rachel Dixon, and has an attendance of CS schol ars daily. We next visited Mrs. Sarah Anderson s apartment, which is of the 2nd grade. She has a daily attendance of 00 pupils. We were then shown into the 1st grade apartment, whioh ia taught by one of our old pupils, Miss Nancy Askew. She has a daily attendance of 73 scholars. Prof. Tucker then showed us into Mrs. Mary J. Dorth's apartment, which is a part of the xt anl 2nd grades. She has a daily attendance of the 1st grade of 27, and IG of the 2nd grade, after whioh we visited the 2nd part of the ist grade, whioh is taught by Mrs. Dorah Robinson. Here we found 81 in daily attendance, and reading away on their charts and printing letters on their slates, tc. Frem here we were carried to the new school building, where Prof. E. E. Smith and Mr. J. C, Stevens teaoh the 4th, 5th 9ih grades; there we found 58 in daily at tendance. Thus ended our visit. The school will close on the 21st. They will give a picnic for the scholrrs and de stroy some of the good things. The school will open again on the 1st Monday in September. Devotional services of the A. M. E. Z. Church will be held as follows : Preaching at eleven o'clock a. m.t and half-past sevon p. m., eaah Sabbath. Class meeting rrom naii-past three to half-past four o'clock ; preaching may follow. Preaching eaoh night at eight o'clock. Young people s prayer meeting each Thursday night at eight o'clock. Leaders meeting Taesdav mght before the first Sunday in eaoh month. Choir meets Monday and Friday nights. Sabbath school nine a. m., to ten o'clock and forty minutes a. m. Teachers' meeting each month, J. H. Mattocks, Pastor. Presiding Elder's Appointments - Second Disteiot. Kenansville, March 18th: Duplin Itoads, March 25th; Kinston, April 1st; Newbern; April 8th; Goose Creek, April 11th; Goldsboro, April 15th; Wilson. April 22d; Warrenton, May fith; Ringwood, May 13th j Brinkleyville, May 20th; Northampton, May 27th; Halifax, June aa; Masnviiie, June 101 h: Richlaud. June 17th. The brethren of the differ ent circuits, stations and missions, will please have all their reports readv. so that we ian proceed with the business of tne Uuarterly Conference. Rhv. H. Epps. P.E. A great revival baa jant closed at the A. M. Z. Church. Rev. J. H. Mattocks Pastor in charge After six a weeks protracted re vival, They recieved 99 new con verts, and added 107 new mem bers to the church. March 12, the Pastor in charge emersed 28 in tb Neuse river, and on the 1st sabbasii in Aprial, 34 more were emeref d in the river, and 11 others were Baptised in the church at night, inakiug a to tal ol TS. The flrat euoday ia May L 1 mere are quite a number mote to be Baptised. There were quite 2000 people ou the river banks on Sabbath to witness the Bap tising. We are also informed, that the indebtednss on the church has been paid off, and that Pr visions are being made by the Official Board, to build side gal eries in the church, and a Bellry Tho church is not large enough to hold the congergation. Quartly Conference on Saturday ,aud. Sac--ament on toe Sabbath Eev. E. H. Hill presiding Elder. DEATH OF AN ESTIMA.BLDY LADY. We were pained to hoar of the death of Mrs. C. Smith which oc- cured on the 23rd ult. in Mount Olive. She was the Mother of our Townsman Maj. E. E. Smith. Although quite aged, She was much loved, and leaves a large nunber of relations and friends to mourn he r loss. "Dearest sister thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis God that bath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. Peaceful be thy silent slumber Peaceful in the grv e so low, Thou no more wilt sain on ." L ""Y$ri again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is fled, Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee When no farewell tear is shed." AN INTEEVIEW IN THE OPERA HOUSE GOLDS BOEO, N. C. A respectable colored gentle man hailing from Tarboro, N. C. went to the above named place, and of course took a front seat, for which he paid 50 cents, as the other white and colored did. Our high-toned colored friend was consoling himself upon hav ing such a comfortable sear, but, to his surprise, the polite Usher Mr. Wilson, informed our snuff colored friend that he must take a seat over there, pointing to where the unbleached Americaus were sitting. But, he remonstrated aad kept his teat, There upon the usher made a hasty Exodust down stairs, and sent up the Chief of Police, and on his arrivel another interview was had. The Chief in formed the contestant that he was setting with the white people and that he must be seated with the colored. Again the contestant re monstrated and asked, what is the price of admission? The Chief re plied, 50 cents sir. The contestant remons-rated again, and said. Sir: am in titled to my seat, and would inform you who I am. The Chief said, who are you sir? The reply was, I am the Mayor of Torboro. Ah! said the Oaief, I am glad to meet the Mayor, how is the Mayor this evenning? I am well I thank you Sir, how is the Chief After this colloquy the Chief made an Exodas down stairs, and held a lengthy conflab with the Pro' prietor. After which the Prcprt etor came up rtalrs and took a bird's eve view of the Mavorof Tarboro in the dimdis tance, then inatructed the Chief to koeo cool. This seemed to please the Chief much, he returned and addressed the Mayor ot Tar boro and said, keep your seat sir. We are proud to have the Mayor with us to night. This clearly shows, be you ever so black, that prominence pre - dominates over the prejudices be tween the two races. Therefore colored men become prominent, and take a front seat. APPOINTMENTS EEV. W. J. MOOEE, Pre idling Elder of tho Ealeigh District A. M. E.Z, Church, for the year 1882. April appointments let and 2nd Greenville Station. 8th and 9th Washington " 15th and 16th-Hookerton Circuit. 22nd and 23rd Snow Hill 29th and 30th Stantonsburgs " SAMARITAN NEiWNE Cures epilptio fits. Spam' , Convulisons, St. Vitus Dance, Virtigo, Hysterics, In san ity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all nervous diseases. This mfallable remedy will positively eraaicace evory species or nervous derange ment, and drive thein away from whenoe they came, never to return again. It utter ly destroys tne germs of disease by neu tralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female weakness. General Debilitv. LLeucorrhcea, or whites, painful Menstrua tion, Ulceration or tne uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflammation of the Blad der. For wakefulness at night, there is no better remedy, During the change of life no Female should be without it. It quiets the nervous system aud gives test, comfort and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thous ands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not be cause he like it, but for the pleasure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruin. Like the Opium Eaters, he first uses the drug in small qunti'ies ns a harmless an tidote, The sootuiog influenoo cf the drug takes strong hole upon its victim, loadina him on to his own destruction. The habits of Obium Eatiiig aud Liquor Drinking are precisely what oating is to alimeut veinees, as over eating first influences the stomach, which redoubles i's cravings until it paralyzes bo h the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or doso of Opi um, instead of satisfying; only adds to its fierce fiers, until it consumes the vital force and then Itself. Like the. gltjt,toivy instant relief in all such oases. It produces sleep quiets the nerves, builds up tne ner vous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NEltVINE Cures nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofnlo, Syplis, diseases of the Kidneys and all dis eases of the urinary organs. Nt rvous de bility, caused by tho indecetions of youth, Permanently cured by the use of this in valuable remedy. To yon, young, middle aged and old men, who are covering your sufferings as with a mantale by silence, look up, you enn be saved by timely efforts, and make ornamets to society, and jewels in the crown as your Maker, If you will. Do not Keep tnis a secret longer, un til it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflioted, t .ke Dr. Kichmoi a s samatuan .nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, ar rest premature decay, impart tone and energy to the whole system. Samaritan Nervine Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or mav be had direct from us. Those who . J. . ... . . 1 t iU wisn to oDtain inriner eviaeuueo ui mo ourative properities of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 3 cent Postage Stamp for a copy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving nunaera or lesumouiuis oi oure from persons who have used the medicine, and. also their pictures photo graphed after their restoration to perfect health Address XX 5 A-HJ0HMOND&CO-World's Epileptio Institute, ST. JOSEPH. MO W. S. O'B. EOBINSON, Attorney t Uaw. Practices in all the courts of the State and In the TJ. 8. District Court. Oflloe rear ot Grainger s nryau a buik. Goldsboro, N. C. GEO. T. WASSOM, Attorney at Law. Goldsboro, N. C. P. O. Box, 584. Protice in all the oourts of in the U. S. District court. the state and NEW GROCERY. W. B. BAKER, DUDLEY, N. C, Keeps on hand a very large assortment of of all kinds of GrB.OOE5H.IinB, and sells them at the very lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. Nov. 12-ly. ! WILMINGTON AND YVELDON EAILEOAD COMPANY. COITDEXSED SCHEDULE. TEA1NS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 2nd, 1882, No. 48, Daily. NO 40 Daily Lv Welilon 337 p m 6 10 p" M Arrive jtocKy Mi sua " Ar Tarboro .8 85 p'm Lv Tarboro 9 00 am Ar Wilson .'. '. '. ' '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 5 48 p'm ArOoldsboro 6 42 " Ar Warsaw 7 50 " ArBurgaw 904 " Ar Wilmiiigtou 9 55 " 714 " 8 25 p. in 9 00 a. m 7 44 p. 'in 8 27 " 10 55 p in TEAINS GOING NOETfl. HO 47 Daily, NO. 43, Daily Lv Wilmington 640 am 615p m 7 05 p m 8 28 p m 9 56 p m 10 64 p m 11 36 p m Arrive Burgaw 7 26 Arrive Warsaw. ; 8 41 Arrive Qoldshoro 9 4 Arrive Wilson 10 43 Arrive Hocky Mt 11 23 Arrive Tarboro 8 25pm Leave Tarboro 9 00am 110 p.m. 3 00 p. m. Arrive Weldon ....1250pin105 am. Train no. 43 North will stop only at Kocky Point, Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mt. Olive, Dudloy, Goldsboro, Wilson, Rocky Mount, Euneld and Halifax. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson. Goldsboro and Majr nolia Train no. 47 makes closo connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bny Line. Train no. 43 runs daily and makes close connection lor all points north via Rich mond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen. Sup't. A. POPE. Gen'l Passenger Agent. GO TO Dodson's CS-.llory, WEST CENTEE STREET, For Pictures of all styles'. Frames, etc;, for sale. Prices as low as the times will allow; Prof. Moore's Liver, Kidney and Con sumption Pills, are gnarauteed to oure any disorder arising from a disordered state of tho vital organs, or contracted by a malarious condition of the atmos phere. For sale by Acy Exim, West Centre Street, Goldboro, N. O. tf f( a week in your own town. $5 outfits (JpOOfree. Zio risk Everything new. Capi tal not requrled. We will fuvnirh you every thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a bus iness ai which ynu can make great pay all the time yon work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & CO., Portland, Main The advertiser having been permanently cured of t hat dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedv, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sulferei's tho means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which thev wiil find a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &, Parlies wishing tho Pre- HcriDtiou. will mease address, nev. n. A. Y Wilson. 194PenuSt.. Williamsburg. N. PIMPLES- I will mail (free) the recipe for a sample Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, lean ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful- also ith structions for producing a luxuriant grawth of hair on a bald head or smooth laoe. Ad dress, inclosing 8c. stamp, Ben Vandelx & CO. , MBarclay St., N. Y. THE MOST POPULAR H . a r all' (-1 ALWAYS T LIFETI ME fe- 30 UNION SC. NEW YORK Chicago iLL.-e- t9 Orange mass. - - m SEWING MAEMINEELJ Spill Errors of Youth.. A irentlemnn who suffered for years fvofa Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will tor tne sake oi sunering nuinumiy, ruu i to all who need it, the recipe and direction loi mgking the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit ty the advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OQDKN, 48Codar St., N. Y. . na$