The Goldshoro Star. GOLDS BOROj N. 0. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1882. the one hundred and thirty seven in harmony with his Btandiug as thousand republican voters only t a republican, and that bis speech continued fbom fibst page. That same court after a aeries of the most favorable events to the black man, declared that no State Bhall obstruct the exercise of col ored men in their jury service by her Legislature or t brough her ministerial officers charged with drawing furies. We will be satis fied with nothing less than the full concession of every right guar anteed to us by the confutation and laws of the laud. There was a time when we were isolated and barricaded from the almost impreguable awna of American citizenship by wall ot prejudice, but by peristeut efforts the gates have been thrown open to us. It was indeed a great struggle. The plumed Knights ot Justice have broken the enemies' phalanx and line after line has given way. Tbe banner of equal rights has been unfurled on parapet after parapet following the panic strick en and retreating forces. The race has been recognized and honored by positions in high official life. Colored men have filled nearly every station in our civil government; and now, in the face of all this vindication of our free citizenship and our manhood and the exercise of our rights be fore tbe law, the county commis sioners are found to be tenacious ly clinging to the forlorn hope of keeping tbe negro in obeyance by locking the jury box against him. The intention ot the convention is to purge tbe jury box and plant the colors of American liberty that n.pia folds may flatter over it lorever. RESOLUTIONS. BY THE COMMITTEE. Whereas, In many counties in norm uarouna not a name or a single colored man has Leon rep resented on the jury; and Whereas, The laws of North Carolina provide that the names of all competent citizens shall be placed in the jury box, according to sec. 1 chap. 17 of Battles Eevisal; and Whereas, In several counties in North Carolina the names of colored citizens do not appear in the jury list. Therefore Resolved, That we, the colored citizens of the State, insist that the law be strictly carried out in all counties of the State, and that all citizens who are competent for jurors be placed in the jury list and drawn without regard to race, color, or previous condition. Resolved, That we request the United States District Attorneys ot the several Districts of North Carolina to prosecute all violations or dereliction of duty of our conn ty commissioners in placing the names of competent jarors in the jury box. BY J. H. HABBIS. Whereas, The democratic leg islature ot North Carolina has taken from tbe people the right to elect their magistrates and county offi cers contrary to the spirit of our free institutions, and tbe Ameri can system of local self govern nient; and whereas, The tendency of legislation since the bourbon de mocracy obtained control ot our State government, has .been to favor the few autocrats of that party at a sacrifice of the popular rights of the people; and Whereas, By a shamefal ger rymander of our large cities and senatorial districts minorities are allowed to rule majorities; and Whereas, By a shameful ger rymander of our Congressional districts, one hundred and twenty thousand democrats (according to the election returns) are given oue representative, xuereiuiw, be it Resolved by this Convention : 1. That while wo Uo not favor the abandonment, of any of the principles of the republican party which have donu no much tor the education of our race; and while we heartily endorse the adminis tration of President Arthur, we hail with pleasure the nninistak able evidences of a liberal movei meut in North Carolina founded on popular rights as against bour bou rule, class legislation, and ty rannical monopolies. 2. That wo willhai' unoh liber il movement, fonodfii ujnr- huc.1i nrineinU'i-: and ar.'. iwit v t n-vi i nose lilh-.ral iie" n '. n-'-.. int'nrfl acted with '.Uuw.waV.C party who am not W'n.lf n bv tut narrow prejudice of a by-gon ng, and who are willing o bury the dead past in an earnest and joint effort to build up a new North Ktatp.. to make the burdens of government bear equally upon all citizens, and guarantee to all equa rights and privileges, under just and humane laws. BY J. H. WILLIAMSON. Resolved, That the members of this convention, representing as they do the ente rprise, the energy and intelligence of the colored peo pie of the State, will, o:i their re turn to their iespectie homes, do all iu their power to induce the leading men farmers, and those engaged in tbe trades and piofes sions to use all means in their power to make tbe next Annual Exhibition of the Industrial Assom ciatiou the grandest in the aunals of onr State, and one that the negro race will be proud of. 2. That the last Fair was a suc cess in every respect, and in order to make the next Fair eclipse any in former years the cooperation of tbe members of this convention ia essential and much desired. 3. That the Industrial Assoeiai tion requests that all good men of the State should become interested in the Association by taking shares in said Association.. BY W. H. QUICK. Whereas, All men elected to office are reasonably expected to represent the sentiment of their constituency. And Whereas, We, the colored citi zens of North Carolina, have been sadly disappointed by the nonx recognition of our sights as loyal citizens at the hands of some of those in whom we have reposed our trust and that we feel keenly the galling discrimination practice ed against U3 because of our color. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we will give our support to oo man or party who does not practically recognize the just claims and privileges of all and every man, even the humblest citizen of the State. BY THE COMMITTEE. Whereas, The Hon. W. P. Canaday has been, and ia now, a bold advocate and defender of tbe rights of the colored, people State of North Carolina and the United States, and Whereas, The said W. P. Can aday has resigned his official posi tion that he may the better defend and protect those rights so dear to us as a race. Therefore Resolved, That we, the colored citizens of North Carolina in con vention assembled, do truly appre ciate the independent position he has taken, and holds, in defence of our every right as American citizens and that we hold his posi tion up to other white republicans in tbe State, as a true example for them to follow. BY THE COMMITTEE, Resolved, That we endorse the course pursued by Col. Geo. T. Wassom towards obtaining the rights of the negro in the State. BY W. E. HENDEBBON. Resolved, That we utterly re pudiate the late speech iu tbe Sens ate of the United States by Sena doe a great injustice to the color ed people in this country, and that the great strides made by our people in the last sixteen years, in wealth and culture, is a sufficient guarantee to any man not blinded by prejudice, that we are .lully de serving of all the rights of Amen can citizens. BY THE COMMITTEE. Resolved, That "e petition the commissioners oi tbe various couns ties of tbe State to recognize the lights of colored men ou joriep, es. pecially in thoyi e-ount'e where thev have vvv. x ! ? from this priviU-?,-" rl vn: P Oil iiifi teudii-'' utlitr fli ( for ton -.t'.i a ..' i in wbich i tit; j ht and conducted toe convention. - The business having been com pleted, at 4:30 p. m , the conven tion adjourned sine die. In- Vv IS ini'i Uf I.KHi, )ii'ti'.itd over bJMnes!? of the PLAN OP ORGANIZATION. BULESAND REGULATIONS FOR THE OBGANIZA TION OF THE BEPUBLIOAN PABTY OF NORTH OUROLINA. seven of the eight congressmen to wlich this State is entitled, and tor Jones of Nevada, as not being We lepublish below tbe plan of organization adopted by tbe Re- pnblican State Convention in 1880, which will have to be carried out during the present campaign, and the Republicans of the state will do well to study it so as to be able to carry it out. I. Count Organziation. The election precinct shall be tbe unit of county organization. Each pre cinct shall have an executive com mittee consisting of three active Republicans. They shall be bieuu ielly chosen by the Republicans voters of the preciucts, and shall elect one of their number chirman. iney, snail convene together at such time and place as th major ity of them may elect. They shall biennially elect a county executive committee, to consist of not les thau five members, who shall elect a chirman from their number. Va cancies in precinct committees shall be filled by the voter of the precinct, aud in county committees by a convention of tbe precinct committees duly called; Provided, that in case a vacancy ocura with in thirty days prior to au election, such vacancy may be filled by the vote of the remaining members. II. Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial Districts. There shal be a Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial District Committee, composed oi not less tnau oue member from each county, nor less than seven members, bieutiiallv elected by the several district con ventions, each of whom shall elect a chairman from their number : Provided, that a senatorial district, committee shall only be elected in districts embracing more than one county. Vacancies occurring with in thirty days of an election may be filled by tne vote of the com mittee. . III. State Executive Committee. There shall be a State Executive Committee, composed of one mem ber from each Congressional Dis trict in the state, to be designated by the district delegations iu State Convention assembled; two mem bers at large, to be elected by the State Convention, and the chair man of the convention at which the election is held. They shall be biennially elected at the State Convention, shall choose one of their numbsr, chairman, and shall elect a secretary who is not a member, who shall reside at Ral eibjf. IV. The chairman of the respec tive county, district aud State Ex ecutive Committees shall call their conventions to order and act as temporary chairmen until a perm anent organization is affected, with power only to appoint, and receive the report of, a committee on cre dentials. V. No executive committee shall have power to elect or appoint delegates to any convention, whether county, district, State or National. VI. No member of an executive committee or delegate or alternate duly chosen shall have power to delegate his trustor authority to another. VII. Representation. Repre sentatiou iu county conventions shall consist of three Republican voters as delegates, aud three as alternates, from each precinct in the county, aud no more. VIII. Representation in Con gressional, Judicial, Senatorial and S;atu Conventions ehall con sist of two delegate and two al ternates ouly, for every member of the lower House of the Geo(:ial Assembly and shall be apportion ed in tbe several counties accord ingly. IX. Dclt-gaiea and alternates to county conventions shall be elect ed only by a vote of the Republi cans of each precinct in precinct meeting asseuipled; and delegates and alternates to district, State and National conventions shall be elected by a convention of dele gates duly elected and sent by the people for that purpose after due I'Otice aud publication ot not lens thau fifteen days, of the time, place aud purpose of such couven tion, and not otherwise. X. The certificate of the chair man and secretary of the meeting setting forth regularity of the primary meeting or convention election of the delegate aud alter nate thereat, shall bo accepted when uncontested, as a good acd sufficient credential for such dele gate and alternate. XI. Tbia plan of organization and procedure shall continue in force until changed or abrogated by a subsequent Republican Si at Convention. Adopted in State Convention July 8, 1880. BOOKS. B Sewing Mac fes. Come here 'When vo'ii want, Note Books, Blank Books, IB crythlug lu tne Book line at Different Makes of O Se from fib up. un timd o: OFFICE AT THE THE MESSENGER BOOKTOBE J. EiliiNl',' ft . - L ill Agent andF""1"1"- Gotpsboro Aug 6-tf . 1 - H. M. STROUSE ( Cast. Goldsboro Music House. ODD FELLOWS' CORNER STORE, SATS He can and will sell Goods Cheaper than Any House I have now an immense STOCK of Now SPRING OOOIJ S Consisting Of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, CARPETS, And in fact, everything kept in a FIRST-CLASS STOEE. Yon are respectfully invited to call be fore pnrohasing. .13311.: STHOUSE. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cor' Store. 7V XX. 3ES3VraLIia-TT353Xi, West Center Sf., rear of J. W. Edwards' Saloon, DEALEB IN RAGS, BONES, SCRAP IRON r OLD BRASS, LEAD, COPPER, AND JUNK GENERALLY. WE CARRY THE LARGEST' STOCK IN the State, which you can sec Vy visiting our large and commodious rtoro. Mvo LEADING MAKES OP PIANOS : me Mason tSa PELOUBET & CO., AND SHONINGER ORGAN. We sell for CASH and on easy Monthly and Quarterly payments. DO.fOT he en. ticod oft by bogus advertiser!, such as Beatty, Marshal and Smith, hut rlte us and we will send you a pamphlet oi dissatisfied Purchasers. We arc selling STANDARD PIAN03J FROM TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS UP. ORGANS, $22 UP. A trial Is to be convinced. Agents wanted In every country store and salesroom. THREE DOORS SOUTH OP BANK. HANFF & SON. Tho GoldsborStr GOLDSBORO, N. 0. THE ADVOCATE Of EQUAL EIGHTS BEFORE TH LA', AT THE BALLOT pX, Jro IN THE PATRON LGE "OP THE ; . V Gr overn Ma ' xx t For fill Men RegardieJ: Of Color Tbe Advottatpl , LOCAL SELF UOYJ&RlsMEl In Favor of a Free liillofc and a FAIRCOUT. v Believing ic to be tbe duty ot the United States lioverument to see that the children of the whole coi n try are thoroughly; educated IT OPPOSES AONOPOJ1ES. Therefore the STAR will apocate a NATIONAL Educational La The STAR Willi Adv (La nn ot Color, bat will the principles of the Pcount "fat th REPUBLICAN PA Price only $1.00 per six momna 00; ceifti monies, au, cents. sr. ranum; iure&

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