The Goldsboro Star. GOLDSBORO, N. 0. Saturday, APEIL 22, 1882 ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOB THE EDUCATION OF THE FEEEDMEN OF THE SOUTH A EICH DONATION. Norwich, Conn.. April 12. John P. Slater, a wealthy gentle man of thia city, has signified his intention to create a fond of $1,- 000,000, to be known as the "John P. Slater fund," for the education of the freedoien. The fund is to be vested in the hands of trustees, who are to apply the income ac cording to the instructioa of the donor. I is uuders ood here that the act incorporating theoe trns tees is to be presented to the Sen ate at Albany, N. Y.. to-day. Mr. Slater thus explains, in one para graph of his letter to the trustees his general object : "The genera! object which 1 desire to have ex clusively pursued is the uplifting of the lately emancipated popula tion of the Southern States, and their posterity by conferring on them the blessings of Christian education. The disabilities form erly suffered by this people, and their singular patience and fidelity in the great crisis of the nation es' tablish a just claim on the sympa' thy and good will of human and patriotic men. I cannot but. fee' the compassion that is due in view of the prevailing ignorauce, and which extsta through no fault of their own." Mr. Slater purposely leaves the trustees the largest lib erty in making such changes in the methods of applying the fund as may from time to time seem wise. He suggests that the edu nation of teachers for the colored race may be the wisest purpose to which the fund ' can be put after thirty-three years three-fourths ol the trustees shall for any reason agree that there is no further use for the fund in the form it is now instituted. He authorizes them to apply the capital to the establish ment of foundations subsidiary to the existing institutions of higher eduoation, so as to make them more freely accessible to poor col ored students. Under the present institution of the fund he special ly wishes that neither principal nor income be expended in land or buildings for any purpose than that of safe and productive invest ment for income. Albany, N. Y., April 12. As semblyman Patterson to day in troduced a bill "to incorporate the trustees of the 'John F. Slater Fund.' " The bill names Messrs. Ratherford B. Hays, of Ohio; Mor rison R. Waite, of the District of Columbia; William E. Dodge, of New York; Phillips Brooks, of Massachusetts; Daniel C. Gilman, of Maryland; John A Stewart, of New York; Alfred H. Colquitt, of Georgia; Morris K. Jessup, of New York; James P. Boyce, of Ken tucky, and William A. Slater, of Connecticut, as incorporators of a fund to be called the John F. Sla ter Fund. Rutherford B. Hayes is named as the first president. Washington Republican. make them come to Jesus in five! minutes T You say that all San- day school teachers and evange lists and all ministers must bring their illustrations from the Bible. Christ did not when he preached. He drew them from the lilies, from the ravens, from salt, from a can dle, from a bushel, from long- faced hypocrites, from gue3ts,from moths, from large gates and small gates, from a camel, from the needle's eve. from veast in the dough of bread, from a mustard seed, from a fishing net, from debtors and creditors. That is the reason multitudes followed Christ. His illustrations were so easy and so understandable. cmct shall have an executive com mittee consisting of three active Republicans. They shall be bienn ielly chosen by the Republicans voters of the precincts, and 6hfll elect one ot their number chirruan. They shall convene together art such time and place as the major ity of them may elect. They shall biennially elect a county executive committee, to consist of not less than five members, who shall elect a chirman from their number. Va cancies in precinct committees ehall be filled by the voters of the precinct, aud in county committees by a convention of the precinct committees duly called ; Provided, that iu case a vacancy cenra with- foroe until changed or abrogated by a subsequent Republican State Convention Adopted in State Convention, July 8, 1880. , a m t A colored mail agent on the Richmond and Danville Railroad says 'that the reajuster democrats and niggers are having a good time in 'Virginia, but that it is mighty hard on old fashioned white republicans.' North State. "Looking across to a bill, Christ in thirty days prior ro an ele.-tion oid fhn nirw nf .Ttrnsa,lfm. Talk- SUCti vaCrll.: m ' e tilit'd iv,- tin; vote ot Mi tvii;i:ii!ti,i mna.oerF. II. C ngrioii .1. .Iniiicial and Seuutoititl Ditiirtfis. Thfie (.ball tw a CM:gf(i!-ioi.ihl, Judicial and Senator! Dih.riet Committee, comnostd ot not less than one mg to the people about the con- apicuity of Chritiau nample, He aid: The world ia looking at you, be carefnl. A city that is set- on a hill cannot be hid.' While TTa maa cnuaVincr nf th( divine JLXO W HQ Duuip - care of God's children a bird flew member from each county nor less past, He said: 'Behold the ra vens. Xoen loosing uuwii iu ujc valley, all covered at that season iiAn(n.o Ha aatii . illAnBinnr the lilies.' Now what is the use ot ' -- - luo . nnmmit.tafl shall nnlv lio fiW.tfwl m nninr, onatr nff in snmA nhsp.iirfl 1 6 6 J TrMutiite Bmhranina mm' A thim ntiA of history, or on tbe other " , " & "7 than seven members, biennially elected by the several district con veutions, each of whom shall elect a' chairman from their number part side of the earth, to get an lllus- tration. when the earth and the heavens are full. 'Why should we go away off to get an illustration of the vicarious suffering of Jesus Christ when only last week at Bloomfield, New Jersey, only ten . or fifteen miles from here, two little children were walking on the railroad track and a train was coming, but they were on a bridge of trestle work, and the little girl took her brother atd county. Vacancies occurring with in thirty days of an election may be filled by the vote of the com mittee, III. State Executive Committee. There shall be a State Executive Committee, composed of one mem ber from each Congressional Dia trict in the state, to be designated by the district delegations iu State Convention assembled; two ineni bers at large, to be elected by the State Convention, and the chair man of the convention at which THE USUAL RESULT. It is not to be denied that a good Hewing macmne is one of tbe most important appurtenances of the modern household We thought we had a good machine in our household until one day the agent of the fiew Home presented tuumtlf at our dyor Hud proceeded to deliver1 an oration upon its characteristic merits. JJut. we aiiswtv. ed, ' our nihchine serves us nicely and salts us well, und we do not care tor another. The agent, however, was peisintetit. and finally begged the privilege of leav ing one of his maohiues with ns, "for the ladies to try." The request was not unreasonable, so we granted it but more to oblige the ageut than anything else; for we really did not want the machine, and had not he remotest idea of buying it. The machine once in the house, it was natural that the ladies should look it over. They did so, and as a consequence fell in love with it. They say that without the slightest wish to decry or disparge any other machine, this, all things consid ered, is, in their opinon. the most de sirable one to be had. The upshot of the whole matter was that the old machine was disposed of, and the Light Running Mew Home in stalled into our household a very fair and satisfactory arrangement being made with the agent. It is pronounced a genuine beauty and a real comfort, and our folks wanted us to tell other folks about it. ; This unrivalled machine is manufac tured by JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, who wish us to say that all who will send for their new illustrated catalogue and enclose their advertisement (printed on another page), will receive a set of fancy advertising novelties, of value to those collecting cards, etc BOOKS. BOOKS Sewing Machines. Come here when you want School Books Note Books, Blank Books, Bibles, elc. Ev erythiug iu the Book Una at lowest Ogures DIFFERENT MARES OF 3 SEWING SUCH INK From $1C up. On time or for Cash. OFFICE AT THE THE MESSENGER BOOK STORE. J. H. PRINCE, Agent and Proprietor. Goipsboro Aug 6-tf . cto SON. Goldsboro Music House. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN the State, which you can see hy visiting our large and commodious store. FIVE LEADING MAKEH OP PIANOS: The Mason. tSe JStctrxilixx, PEL0UBET & CO., AND SHONINGEE ORGAN. H,..U.UU.U UU.K. eeoUou j8 Md Th Bha workas gentlV as she could toward . ...... , , o,.,. the water, very carefully and lov ingly and cautiously, eo that he might be picked op by those who were standing near by. While doing that the train struck her, and hardly enough of her body was left to gather into the funeral casket, 'What is the use of our going past ages, ago, ia Michigan, a mail-carrier on horse back, riding on, pursued by those flames which had swept over a thousand miles, saw an old man by the roadside, dismounted, helped tbe old man on the horse, saying, mnow wmp up ana get away.' The old man got away but the mail-carrier perished. "What is the use of going away off in ancient history to find an il lustration or tne tact tuat it is dangerous to defy God, when last summer, iu the Adirondacks, I saw a flash of lightning and a bolt eo vivid, I said, 'That struck some thing very near.' A few days af terward we found that two farm ers tnat Monaay morning, nan been seated under a tree, the one TALMAGE ON MODERN ..PREACHERS. The following ia an extract from a recent sermon by Rev. Dr. Tal- 'mage : "People will not be interested in what we say unless we understand the spirit of the day in which we live. All the woe-begonish statis tics are given Dy tnese wno are trying in our time to work the worn oat machinery of tbe past times. "The simple fact is, the people are tired of the hamdrum of re ligionists. Religions humdrum is the worst of all humdrum. Yon say over and over again, 'Come to Jesus,' until the phrase means ab solutely nothing. Why do you not tell them a story which wil ba biennially elected at the State Convention, shall choose one of their number chairman, and shall elect a secretary who . is not a member, who'shall reside at Kal- eihs. IV. The chairman of the respec tive county, district and State Ex ecutive Committees shall call their conventions to order and act as antral nfF tn finrl an illnstrntinn in when fnnr nr tWa wpp rs wiuyu.a.j -" ' " - v - " I , . , - ;t . . i . .1 anent organization is aneciBu, wnu power only to appoint, and receive the report of, a committee on cre dentials. V. No executive committee shall have power to elect or appoint delegates to any convention, whether county, district, State or National. VI. No member of an executive committee or delegate or alternate duly chosen shall have power to delegate his trust or authority to another. VII. Representation. Eepre sentation in county conventions shall consist of three Republican voters as delegates, and three as alternates, from each precinct in the county, and no more. VTTT TJonrodontatinn in flon. boasting how mat, tneaayoeiore, .ona Judicial Senatodal 1. L . OUKAfU ha hoH rtr lua I 7 and State Conventions shall con- on trie saooatn, ne nau go; uis hay in, and so cheated the Lord out of that part of the time any how, and both of them laughed over tne acmevement o wnitic they had wronged the Lord of His holy day, when the lightnirrg struek one dead instantly and the other bad been two weeks in bed when we left the Adirondacks, and and has become an invelid tor life. "Ministers should seek to be original in their illustrations, and strive to interest those they seek to make converts of." PLAN OF ORGANIZATION; H. M. STROUSE, ODD FELLOWS' COENER STOEE, SAYS He can aud will sell Goods Cheaper than Any House X3NT TOWN. I have now an immense STOOK of ZVTo-w SPRING GOODS Consisting Of DRY GOODS,- CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS,' TRUNKS, CARPETS, sist of two delegates and two al ternates only, for every member of the lower House of the General Assembly and ehall be apportion ed in tbe several counties accordingly. IX. Delegates aud alternates to county conventions shall be elect ed only by a vote of the Republi cans of each precinct in precinct meeting assempled; and delegates and alternates to district, State and National conventions shall be elected by a convention of dele gates duly elected and sent by the people for that purpose after due l otice aud publication ot not less than fifteen days, of the time, place and purpose of such conven tion, and not otherwise. We republish below the plan of X. The certificate of the chair- organization adopted by the Re- man and secretary.ot the meetiDg, publican State Convention in 1880, setting forth regularity of the which will have to be carried out primary meeting or convention, during the present campaign, and election of the delegate and alter- the Republicans of the state will nate thereat, shall be accepted, do well to study it so as to be able when uncontested, as a good and to carry it out. . sumoient credential for such dele I. Coant Organziation. The gate and alternate. , election precinct shall be the unit XL This plan of organization onty organization. Each pre- and procedure shall continue in bules And regulations for the organiza tion OF TBE EEPUBLIOAN PAETY OF NOBTH OHBOL1NA. And in faot, everything kept ii FIRST-CLASS STORE. Yon are respectfully invited to oall fore purchasing. be- We Bell for CASH and on easy Monthly and Quarterly payments. DO NOT? he en. tlced off hy bogus advertisers, iuch aa Beatty, Marshal and Smith, but write us and we will send you a pamphlet of dissatisfied Purchasers. We are selling . STANDARD PIANOS', ROM TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS UP. ORGANS, $22 UP. A trial Is to bo convinced wanted in every country store room. Agents id sales- THREE DOORS SOUTH OF BANK. HANFF i; SON. Th.o'babrJ&txr GOLDSBORO, N O, E ADVOCATE OlfflQ RIGHTS BEFORE THIIjIW. XX.I3VE.: STUOTTSE. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cor' Store. GOLDSBORO STEAM urnlture Factory; WEST CENTER STREET. A. K0RB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS When you want a good article cheap call and avtiTTitna mv stock of furniture before buying elsewhere. All orders promptly filled. AT THE BALLOT IN THE PATRON. THE Gr O V O X" IX 231 For fill Men Regardlea The Advocate LOCAL SELF GOVJI in avor oi a i ree im ana a eiatd nriTTxriV - , r ft Believing ic to be theioty of the United States Govfnuwnc see that the chilen of ' the whole coawV &e THOROUGHLY pDVCKED IT OPPOSES A'NOP( UjAL 11 Bff7 :2A ' botlor flMENT f Therefore the SI a NATIONAL j Educati&al to The ST A' Willi Adi Man's Claims tor offiooi of Color, out win n the principles of the REPUBLICAN Pi Price only $1.00 per Six months 50; t4 months, 30, cents. fate r