5 )oro Star. GODLBOEO, IT. 0. 4 toort y. The ColoradjiPftfnonvention will meet at Washington, D. C.f June 27th. We eall spjQ0B2 JMention to the advert tisement of jsegh Edward, in an other oolumn-. . ' We respectfully reauest onr sub scribers, whoBnbsoiption has expired, to renew, at fltfCgciy thWr paper will be dis continued. "-7U" We are in reoiepja speech delivered at Trenton Jones jc$ny, by Mr, T. a M. Simmons on .the BtMl. which is unavoid ablly crowded or4;.fil& issue, but will ap pear in our nextjj . ;:' ' V . : TT!TT Messrs. Kobinsliyvand Griffin Bros, who are largely erfVatfS in the brick bnsl ness, ere deliveffigc1ome of the finest brick that has beeasbld in this market for years. The delegaislai thd-Grand Lodge 1. 0. of G. S. and D. of S- convene in the city of Charlotte, N. 0., on the 20th day of Jane next, at 12 o'clock m. Arrangements are being made with the railroads for cheap fare. Any desiring information on this subject S&OffldvUklrrespond with the Kev. W. J. itiJoM Wlson, N. C. On returning'liome the other day we found on our desk a coby of the Bulletin, published by.theColored Men's Union, Knoxville, Ten.Son. W. P; Tardley is editor. It speaks with no uncertain sound. We gladly placj(.$n our oxohange list. Hon. Geo. H. White, of Newbern, N. 0, has been indorsed in Craven county for the position of ItQiiatiJr of the 2nd Judi. ciul .District. Me is an able young man and would be an honor to his people, and fill the positien with entire satisfaction to suitors in his district. The A. M. E. Church, colored, of Golds. boro, hold SaJtathSflhool every Sunday morning at a rtjclsg.a. m. , L. V. Davis, Superintendent; .Sd&albi Josephene Cobb1 Mrs. Precilla ECfrfBftt, Miss Lilly Dod sonandW. Er'Se'Esq., teachers. Mrs. Geo. T. Wassom, Prof. E. E Smith, editor pf 'Enterprise, and Prof. A. Ji. Vincent, are attending tne closing exercises of Shaw University, at Raleigh. i QSLkOx Dr. Jno. D. Pearson, of Fremont Wayne county, is preparing for the Leg islative race in this county, on the lade- pendent ticket. Who is the next man on thistioket? iU,k .The town Commissioners are having the market house improved and cieled over head. Why not respectable mar ket house and l4,deeet with it ? The County Convention of Craven county has elected her delegates to the State, Congresfiibuatihicf Judioial Conven tions. Delegates to the Congressional Convention are CaptV E. Hancock, Jr., J S. Manix, V. A. Crawfoid and E. R. Dud", ley. Wayne win 'flotd-'her County Con vention on Jinra ' lOllfo elect delegates, &o. Jones couptwbpkl her Convention today. Theyw-iaiviilotorse Hon. E. E. Page for Congress, jfc ' The convention of colored editors at Mashington nexL.mpnj-U, is to be one of the grandest alhrfrffofus kiop ever help Six million colBKS1pSople will be re presented by the , colored press, whose power is being felt throughout , the land There is a colored lady living in South Carolina, who came from Africa 110 years igo. She can ffjmgg&er her parents and . nany similar things when she loft, among . tiem that she was sold by her uncle. She came to American as Sarah Zank, but has wice married aJftme is now Sarah tonne-.-.fiWw. vt matx. Our townsman, it. m. Johnson. Esa.. Bars that he wi"gjjfl"i&endanc;e of the vaious conventiocs Ita this section of the Stta, with his famous convention pistol, toieep things wjayMQRr shape when a west brother can't stand the storm. We woud suggest Wilson, pn the 19th of July, b a mitablo pliCfSCfriend Johnson to displfy his oonvtifcUiity. JfiZJ, The ndependjpiifc Jatat'wL'onvention con venes Juie 7th. The Eapublican State Convention con vanes jme 14th. TIH Cbngresional Convention of the 2nd District, onvenes July 19th. Judicial CouvertiiWja Second District, meet in Tartoro Juutott, to nominate a Judge and Solicitor. Wayne Cointy CBHVSEtion convenes Jane 10th.' lOSHtf Hon. John H. Collins, Solicitor of the 2nd Judical District, oalle'd in our offloe just as we were pngtftPptess. He speaks hopeful of being-jjnjminated for Solioi- Ihe Messrs. C. B. Ayoock and E. T. Albrit- ton, County Superintendents of Education for Wayne and Greene respectively, an nounce that the Goldsboro Normal Soheol for the counties of Greene and Wayne for the colored teachers will begin' on June 13th, and continue one month. They urge that every colored teacher in these two oounties be certain to attend; all others, are invited A fine programme with a list of instructors will appear. lhis is one of the best opportunities we have ever had to fit the oolored teachers for the work of the school room. We hope that every young man and woman of our raoe will appreciate tho efforts of Messrs, Aycock and Albritlon in establishing these N&rnial Schools for the training of the white and oolored teaohers in the counties of Greene and Wayne. Board can be had at reasonable rates for all who wish to at tend. No teaoher can afford to be absent from this school for the training of teachers and fitting them to know how ' to teach and govern their schools. The Republicans of tho 4th Ward of Goldsboro, met at the oourt house on the 24th inst. , for the purpose of electing del egates to the oounty convention, which convenes in Goldsboro on the 10th day of June, at 12 o'clock ra. , to elect delegates to the State and Cougressional Conventions Mr. J. F. Dobson, ohairman of the 4th Ward executive committee, called the meeting to order and explained the object. After which he announced that it was in order to elect a permanent chairman, Upon motion Rev. S. V. Cravom was unanimonsly elected chairmaB. Col. Geo, T. Wassom and Mr. H. S. Davis were re, quested to act as secretaries. . Major II. L. Grant, Geo, T. Wassom and C. C. Best, Esq., were elected dele gates, and Messrs. J. B, Capps, J . G. Bag well and W. H. Thompson ware elected alternates. Messrs. Goo. T. Wassom, J. B. Capps and J. F. Dobson were eleoted executive committeemen for the ensuing two years, A vote of thanks was voted the chair man and secretaries for the faithful man. ner in which they had transacted the bus iness of the meeting. : Adjourned tine die, The Good Samaritans of Goldsboro had a good time last week. It was an occasion of a pic nio and levee. The way they de stroyed the good things that were spread before them, is Dot a snppriso to those that had the good fortune to bo present. The editor of the Stab was invited to de liver the address of the accasion, but his abaenoe in the western part of the State prevented his presence on that enjoyable APPOINTMENTS OF REV. W. J. MOORE, FOE JUNE. 3rd and 4th Keysville Circuit. Hth and 12th Leacbville " " 17th and 18th Town Creek " " 24th and 25th Morrisville " ' ' It has fall from the lips of a dying 2nd District offloe holder, that it wonld never do for a Wayne county man to be nomi nat d for Congress, kate, says he, the county will soon be out of the Congres sional District. But that is not this lo quacious gentleman's real reason, his rea son is,, that if a Wayne county man was nominated he would have to go to work for a living instead of diotating to others what to do. There are some men who are friends so long as they can use you, but the very moment you show to them your manhood they will forget past favors and bestow all their affections and rewards upon those that damned them. If there is one man more than another that should be condemned by his fellow man, it is he who forgets his friends and seeks tho company of bis enemies with reward. Gen. Robt. B. Elliott. The Repupli. can New Orleans, says : On Tuesday the Uth, in the United States Circuit Court, Judge Billings presiding, on motion of Col. Leonard, U. S. District Attorney, Gen. R. B. Elliott was admitted to prac tice. His admission into that honorable body of learned practitioners is the first instance of the kind within our knowledge of a recognized Negro entering that select cirole of the expounders of our National Law. If experience and talents are desira ble requisites to the lawyer, then success certainly awaits Gen. Elliott. But such is not the fact that Gen. R. B. Ellic tt is the first oolored man admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Hon. Jno. Smyth, of North Carolina, now Minister to Liberia, on the Western ooast of Africa, is the first negro that ever donned that modern oourt of learning. ,. ( 3 , , EXCURSION TO CHARLOTTE! Monday June 19th, 1382. OF the I. O. of G. S. and D. of S. Trains leave Charlotte Depot at Wil mington 4.30 P. M, on the 19th, and ar rive at Charlotte at 7-45 next morning. Tickets good for ono week! Fare for the round trip $3.00. a. C. Green, Aug. Wil liams and J. Holloway, Managers. In au argument the fool wants to bet, the brute to fight, and the wise man to put on hia , hat and take a walk. H. STROUSE ODD FELLOWS' CORNER STORE, SAYS He can and will Bell Goods Cheaper than Any House IN TOWN. IJhave nowjan immense! STOCK Now SPRING &OOUS Consisting Of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, CARPETS, And in fact, everything kept in a FIRST-CLASS STORE. Yon are respectfully invited to call be fore purchasing. II.rJVT.: STHOUSE. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cot' Store. West Center St., rear of J. W. Edwards' Saloon, DEALEH N RAGS, BONES, SCRAP IRON" OLD BRASS, LEAD, COPPER, AND JUNK GENERALLY. PARKER & PETERSON", Desires to Inform their fi-innds unri t.lm miii. lie that thfty can be found ono door west of express winco, wnere tney keep constantly FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, VEGETABLES, ETC.. which thoy will be pleased to sell you at lowest cash prices. Respectfully, PARKER & PETERSON. T la. Goldsb or Str GOLDSBORO, K. 0. THE ADVOCATE OF EQUAL RIGHTS BEFORE THE LAW, AT THE BALLOT BOX, AND IN THE PATRONAGE OF THE C3r overn m out For all Men Regardles Of Color The Advocate ' LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT In Favor of a Free Ballot and a . FAIR COUNT. Believing it to be the duty of the United States Government to , see that the children of the whole country are THORO UQHL Y ED UCATED IT OPPOSES MONOPOLIES. Therefore the STAR will advocate a NATIONAL Educational Law. The STAR Willi Advocate no Man's Claims for office on Account of Color, but . will reflect the the principles of the . REPUBLICAN PARTY. Price only $1.00 per anuum; six months 50j cents three mouths, 30, cents. N. B. STANLY, Keeps constantly on band a largo assorment of BURIAL OASES OF ALL KINDS &o.. N. E. of A. Day's old stand. MMINE Cures epilptio fits, Spam, Convnlisons, at. Vitus Dance, virtigo, Hysterics, in san ity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, neuralgia, and all nervous diseases. This infallable remedy will positively eradicate every species of nervous derange ment, and drive them away from whence they oame, never to return again. It utter ly destroys tne germs or disease by neu tralizing tho hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female weakness, General Debility. Leucorrhoaa, or whites, painful Menstrua tion, Ulceration of the uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflammation of the Blad der. For wakefulness at night, there is no better remedy, Dunne; the change of life no Female should bo without it. It quiots the nervous system aud gives rest, comfort and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Aloohalism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. Theso degrading habits are by far the worst ovils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thous ands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not be cause he like it, but for the pleasure of drinking and. treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruin. Like the Opium Eaters, he first uses the drug in small qnntities as a harmless an tidote, Tho sootbiog influence cf the drug takes strong hole upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Obium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to aliment veiness, as over-eating first influences the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes boih the stomach and appetite. So every arms, or liquor or aose oi upi um, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce tiers, until it consumes tne vital force and then itself. Like the glutton ous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in all such cases. It produces sleep quiets the nerves, builds up tho ner vous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of Heart, Asthmi, Bronchitis, Scrofulo, Syplia, diseases of the Kidneys and all dis eases of the urinary organs. Nfrvous de bility, caused by the indecetions of youth, Permanently cured by tho use of this in valuable remedy. To you, young, middle aged and old men, who are covering your sufferings as with a mantala by silonce, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornamets to society, and jewels in the orown as your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, un til it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflioted, take Dr. Richmoi d's Samaritan Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, ar rest premature decay, impart tone and energy to the whole system. Samaritan Nervine Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidenoes of the curative properities of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 3 cent Postage Stamp for a copy of our Hlustrated Journal of Health, giving, hunderd of testimonials of oure from persons who have used the medicine, and. also their pictures pho to graphed after their restorstion to perfect health. Address Tr S. A. 3FtI0HMOND & CO- World's Epileptio Institute, ST. JOSEPH. MO, GEO. T. WASS.OH, Attorney at Law. Goldsboro, N. C. P. 0. Box, 584. Protice in all the courts of the state and m the U. S. District oourt. NEW GrROOEEY. W. B. BAKER, DUDLEY, N. 0., Keeps on hand a very large assortment of of all kiads of and sells them at the very lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. Nov. 12-ly. NO PATENT, NO PAY. 3EATENTS obtained for Mechanical Dev ice, compounds, Designus, and Labels. AU preliminary examinations as to patentability of Inventions, freo. Our (iuido for Obtaining Pateuts is sent free everywhere. Address !L6ul3 Bagger & Co., Solicitors of Patentsi WASHINGTON, D. O. WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 2nd, 18e2, So. 48,1 no 40 ; laily. Daily Lv Weldon .33T p'ni (i'lri i'"m .6 09 " .714 " Arrive Kooky Mt Ar Tarboro., Lv Tarboro., .8 25 p in .9 00 a in 8 25 p. m 9 00 tt. m Ar Wilson ..,.5 48 pni 7 44 p. m 8 27 " xruiuauoro 42 " Ar Warsaw tm " ArBurgaw 9 04 " Ar Wilmington 9 55 " 10 65 p m TRAINS GOING NORTH. SO 47 NO. 43, Daily, Daily Lv Wilmington 640 a ml 615pm Arrive Burgaw.. 7 s 105pm Arrive Warsaw 8 41 " 8 28 p m Arrive GoldBboro 8 48 " R6 p m Arrive Wilson ........1043 " 10 54pm Arrive Rocky Mt... 1123 " 1138 pm Arrive" Tarboro.!'.'."'. 8 25 p ni 1 io'p 'ni! Leave Tarboro 9 CO a m 3 00 p m. Arrive Weido'lV. '.'.". '.'.'. " .' .' ij. 50 p ni 1 05 'a m. Train no. 43 North will stop only at Rocky Point. Bureraw. Maa-nnlin. Warsaw. Mt. Olive, Dudley, Goldsboro, Wilson. Reeky Mount, Enfield and Halifax. I Train no. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson. Goldsboro.and Mag nolia Train no. 47 makes closo connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via BnyLine. Train no. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points north via Rich mond and Washington. All trains run solid betwenn Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palaco Sleepers attached. JOHNF. DIVINE, Gen. Snp't. A. POPE. Gen'l Passenger Agent. GO TO Dodoon's Grftllery, WEST CENTER STREET, For Pictures of all styles; Frames, aim. tor sale. Frices as low as the times will allow: Prof. Moore's Liver.' Kidnov and Con sumption Pills, are guaranteed to oure any disorder arising from a disordered state of the vital organs, or contracted by a malarious condition of the atmos phere. For sale by Aoy Exim, West Centre Street, Goldsboro, N. C. SJaweekinyour own town. 5 outfits yQtree. No risk Evetything new. Capi tal not requricd. We will furnirh you every thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and lioy and girls uiuue gruai pay. Keauer, 11 you wain, a bus iness ai wiucii you can mane great pay ail the'time you work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & CO., Fortland, Maine.. To Consumptives. Ihe advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, ly a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sutferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. h will send a copy of the; prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using tho same, which thoy wiil find a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &a. Parties wishing the Pre scription, will please address, Rev. K. A Wilson. 194 Fenu St.. Williamsburg. N. Y. PIMPLES- I will mail (free) the recipo for a sample Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, lean ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful? also ith structions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad dress, inclosing 3o. stamp, Ben Vandelf & CO. , J2Barclay St., N. Y. THEMGST POPULAR OTALL' v SEWING MAEHINEH, ALWAYS raw nBnrfl T LIFETI ME SURPASSES OTHERS olnsonppIi&Ba. 30 UNION SQ. NEW YORK CHICAGO ill. -e 0 RANGE MAS S. IS iiie n lliFV PAi s1' V 1 a 1 -mmmm IDI SjggBipjgj-g 1 UA3 Mfl T 191 r n UAL - - Errors of Youth. , A gentleman who sultered lor years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for -the sake of suffering humanity, send free ' to all who need it, the recipe and direction foringkingthe simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing tn perfect confidence, JOHN B. OODEN, 42Cedar St., N. T- 1 i