HON. GEO. H. WHITE FOR SOLICITOR. At our county Convention, held on last Wednesday, the 17th inat., resolutions were passed unaui mouBiy endorsing the above named gentleman, aud instructing oar delegates to the Jadici&l District Convention to put him in nomina tion and use all honorable means to secure him for Solicitor for this district. The resolution referred to is a just recognition of the mer it and ability of Mr. White. He is a young man of upright charac ter, refined education and success ful lawyer, having had nearly four yearn experience as a practitioner. Ho ably represented us in the last Legislature, and was one of the principal kadors on our side, and we do not believe that this district could find a man who would more faithfully and ably perform the duties of Solicitor than this youug We trust that the other counties in the district, win aid Onvfiu iu securing his nomination. Lodge. STATE CONVENTION OF THE RTC PTTBLICAN PAETY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rooms Rep. State Ex. Com Raleigh, April 18, 1882. At a meeting of the State Execu tive Committee of the Republican Dartv. held this day, it was unaui monslv resolved that a State Con. vention be held at Raleigh, ou Wednesday, the 14th day of Jane, 1882, in accordance with the plan of organization of the Republican party, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate tor con gressman at large, a Judge of the Suorcrae Court, for the ratification nff.hfl nominations made by. the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4tb, 5th and 6th Dis tricts for Judges of the Superior Courts, the appointment of State Executive Committee, and to consider other matters materi ally affecting the success of our cause and the final overthrow ot Bourbon Democracy iu North Carolina. J. J. Mott, Ch'n. J. C. L. Harris, Lec'y. Newbekne, N. C, Maj 17, 1882 In accordance with the plan of or ganization, and pursuant to the call of committee, the Republicans of Craven county met in delegated convention at the court house on Wednesday, May 17th. 1882, for the purpose of ' electing delegates to the state congressional and judicial conventions. The county convention was called to order and properly consti tuted by the usual rules governing such bodies. The following named delegates were unanimously elect ed to represent this county in the nominating conventions named below; State Hon Orlando Hubbs, Geo H. White, W. E. Clarke and B. W. Morris. Congressional Robert Han cock, jr John L. Mauix, Virgil A. Crawford and E. R. Dudley. ' 'i Rooms Rep. Dist. Committ. Goldsboeo, May 12, '82. At a meeting of the Republican committee of the second congress ional district of North. Carolina, held this day, it was ordered that a district convention be held at Wilson, N. 0., in the connty of Wilson, on the 19th day of;July, A. D. 1882, at 12 o'clock m., for the purpose of nominating a candidal for Congress. Frank. D. Dancy, Oh ru n Eobt. Hancock, jr., Seo,y. Gov. Cullom, of Illinois has dis banded the militia of Chicago which consisted of the celebrated Sixteenth battalion, colored IndeN pendent National Guard Ilia ex case for doing so was that a rednc tionofthe State militia from ten regiments and seventeen battalions to eight regiments was necessary upon economic grounds. The col ored people of Chicago have have held a mass meeting and petitioned the Governor for a restoration. PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. BULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THK OBOAKIZA- TIOS OF TEX BEPUBLIOAN PASTY OF NOB1H CtlBOLINA. We lepnblish below the plan of organization adopted Wy tin Re publican State Convention it: 1880, which will have to Im carried out during the present, campaign, und the Republican of the state will do well to Etndy it so a to be able to carry it out. I. Count Or'ganziation. The election precinct whall be the unit of county organization.- Emsb pre cinct shall. have an exi cutive com inittee consisting of three active Republicans. Thv shall be bieun idly chosen by th Republicans votfts ofthe precinct. RtxleiiiWl elect on-j ot their number chiim m Tui-y 6liaU convene- t Kerl.tr at ouch time and place a- 'lit- major ity 'if them may elft;i, Tln-.v tuli bieuuiaily elect a county txe;:i;uvc committee, to oonsUt of ii"t lns than Ave member?, who shall elect a chirman from their number. Va cancies in precinct committees shall be filled by the' voters of the precinct, aud in county committees by a conventiou of the precinct committees duly called ; Provided, that ia case a vacancy oscurs with in thirty days prior to an election, such vacancy may be filled by the vote of the remaining members. II. Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial Districts. There shall be a Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial District Committee, composed of not less than one member from eachcouuty, nor less than seven members, biennially elected by the several district con ventions, each of whom Bhall elect a chairman from their number: Provided, that a senatorial district committee shall only bo elected in districts embracing more than one county. Vacancies occurring with in thirty days of au election may be filled by the vote of the com mittee. III. State Executive Committee. There Bhall be a State Executive Committee, composed of one mem ber from 6ach Congressional Dis trict in the state, to be designated by the district delegations in State Convention assembled; two mem bers at Targe, to ba elected by the State Convention, and the chair man of the convention at which the election is held. They shall be biennially elected at the State Convention, shall choose one of their numbsr chairman, and shall elect a secretary who is not a member, who shall reside at Ral- IV. The chairmau of the respec tive county, district and State Ex ecutive Committees shall call their conventions to order aud act as temporary chairmen until a perm anent organization is affected, with power only to appoint, and receive the report of, a committee on cre dentials. V. No executive committee shall have power' to elect or appoint delegates to any convention, whether county, district, State or National. VI. No member of an executive committee or delegate or alternate duly chosen shall have power to delegate his trust or authority to another. . - VII. Representation. Reprew sentation in county conventions shall consist of three Republican voters as delegates, aud three afi alternates, from each preciuet in the county, and no more VIII. Representation in Con gressional, Judicial, Senatorial and State Conventions shall con sist, of t wo delegates and two al ternates only, for every member of the lower House of the General Assembly and shall be apportion ed in the several counties accord ingly. IX. Delegates and alternates to county conventions shall be elect ed only by a vote of the Republi cans of each precinct in precinct meeting assempledj and delegates and alternates to district, State and National conventions shall be elected by, a convention of dele gates duly' elected and sent by the people forthat purpose after due j lotice aud publication ot not less than htteeu days, of the time, place and purpose "of such conven. ti n, and not otherwise. X. The certificala of the chair man and secretary of the meeting, setting forth regnlati'y of the piimary meeting or convention, election of the delegate aud alter nate thereat, shall bo accepted, when uncontested, as a good and sufficient credential for such dele, gato and alternate. XI. Tbis plan of organization and procedure nhall coutinue in force until changed or abrogated by a snbsequmt Republican State Convention Adopted iu State, Convention. July 8, 1880. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits, she was also deaf and dumb, but it cared her. she oan now talk and hear aa well ae anybody. Peter Kosa. Spring water. Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheumatism. J. B. Fletoher, U'ort Uollins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E. B. Balls. Hiattsville, Kan. . SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms- Rev. J. A, Edei. Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. wm. Henson.Aurora, m. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. S. R. Iiobson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of asthasma. Miss. Jennie Warren, 740 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after giving up to die by our family .physician, it having over iuu in z noars. rtenry juiee vervilla. warren Uo., 'loon. SAMARITAN ' NERVINE Cared me of scrofula- after suffering for eigut years. Aioert Simpson, ieoria, 111' SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 wuu oicer aooiors. j. w. rnornton. Claiborn, Miss SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permantly of epileptlo fits of a stuoborn character. Rev. Wm. Martin, Mechanicstowon, Md. SAMARITAN . NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2T)00 in eighteen months. Mrs. E. Fobes West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' stand ing. Miss. Urlena Marshall. Grandy, Newton Co., Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yean duration. Jacob Suter. St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and sen eral debility. Oliver Myers. Ironton, Ohio SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also sorofnla of many years standing. Isaao Jewell, Oovingtoa,KY. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of fits. Have been well for over "our yoars. (Jhas. E. Curtis, Osakis, Douglass Co., Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very bdly. Miohael O'Conner. Ridgway' Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured ". me of epileptio fits. David Trembly, Des moines, Iowa SAMARITAN. NERVIFE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing. Henry Clark, Fairfield, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. E. Graham, North Hope, Pa1 SAMARITAN NERVINE Care'l my son of fits- He has not had a fit for about four years. Joha Davis. - Woodburn, Maooupin Co., 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE 13 FOR SALE - BY ALL DRUGGISTS Or may be had direot from us. For further information inclose stamp for our Illust rated Journal giving evidences of Cures Address Dr a A. Richmond & Co., world's Epileptio Institute liar. 18th 1888 1 year "DTj CrP business now " before the --JhUc. You can make money Jf ? w?rk ,oruB than at anything else. CfPitol not needed. We will start you. ?ii , aF and npwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Mow Is the time. Yon can work In spare time only, or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well.- No one can fail to to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Addrsss True A Cp ' Augusta, Maine. . . : v v' i Herviai. 33 POST I WILMINGTON, N. C. The advooate of EQUAL RIGHTSL be fore the Law, at the BALLOT BOX, and in the petronage of (be Government FOR ALL MEN REGARDLESS OF COLO!:. The advooate of LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT. In favor of a FREE BALLOT and a FAIR COUNT. It Opposes Monopolies. Believing it to be the duty of the United States Government to see that the children of the whole country are THOROUGHLY EDUCATED. Therefore the NATIONAL POST will advovocate a Educational Law. The POST will ho INDEPENDENT AS TO MEN, but will always stand by the principles GLORIOUS Old Republican Party. Price only $2.00 PER ANNUM for SIX MONTHS, $ 1.00. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VVlLMINGTOM, N. O. BOOKS. BOOKS Sewing Machines. Come here when you want School ttooks Note Books, Blank Books, Bibles, elc. Kv erythiug iu the Book line at lowest figures Different Makes op Sswixa Macbikk From $16 up. On time or for Hash. OFFICE AT TUB THE. MESSENGER BOOK STORE. J. H. PRINCE, Agent and Proprietor. Goipsboro Aug 6-tf . Goldsboro Music House. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN the State, which you can see bv vlsltiuor our large and commodious store. MVK LEADING MAKES OP PIANOS t Tho Mason cfe 3VXn,rkxlixL, PELOUBET & CO., AUD SHONINGER OEGAN We sell for CASH and on eay Monthly and Quarterly payments. DO HOT he cn tlced off by bogus advertisers, such a Beatty, Marshal and Smith, hut write us ami we will send you a pamplUet of dissatisfied Purchasers. We are seying STANDARD PIANOS FROM TWO HUNDRED DOLLAE8 VP. ORGANS, $22 UP. A trial iB to be convinced, Agent ii wanted in every country store and sales. THREE DOORS SOUTH OP BANK. HANFF & SON. GOLDSBOEO STEAM "u.rxiltxr Iaotory; WEST CENTER, STREET. A. KORB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OF ALL K1KDS i n guuu article eneav &2i?,,iH"to?F. 01 future -It WllflTl vn nun j . buying elsewhere nuea praera promptly 1 A Great Enterprise. PROF. W. E. BUENETT has opened a first-class Baxrtoeir Shop, one door south of Puchtler Kerns, up stairs next door to STab Office where lie will be pleased to see his friends juul-the tlon n Keneral'y' IIe Siuutwa aatistne- SHAVING, HAIR .CUTTING, Thanklnir the tii1I fnr by strict afitentfon in tmalnoan hnn on tO merit a contlnuauce of the tame. f W, S. O'JB. ROBINSON, Practices In nil tl. t-h. Mil to r.il in the U. 8. District Court, Oo3ldsb6ro:N.0arttinC'f Bla'B Of0t e 1 JiPSI

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