J. 'act J V Goldshoro Star. GOLDSBOEO, N. 0. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1882. r . a the campaign. He was emphati ; cally in favor of coalition, and all that he asked was that all should be treated alike and go for the greatest good for the greatest uu tuber, CON- REPUBLICAN STATE VENTION. At noon yesfcy (Wednesday) the wpnolican State convention "assembled at Metropolitan Hall, in Raleigh. The floor of the hall was used exclusively by delegates, admitted by card, and the galleries were densely paeked with spectators. We have attended scores of Con ventionsiu this and other other cities and towns, but never saw one conducted in a more orderly manner. The floor used by the delegates was divided off into di visions of counties and this ar rangement much facilitated busi ness by consolidating for cousulta tion the eeveral county delega tions. The full capacity ot the hall was required to accommodate the delegates, but there was no crowding. At about 12 m. Dr. Mott, chair man of the State cxeGutive com mittee, called the convention to order. The order of conveutiou having been read, on motion, the follow ing committee on credentials was appointed : 1st District, J. H. Cox, Per quintan. 2d District, W. 22. Clarke, Cra ven. 3d District, G. W. Price, New Hanover. 4th Districf, Stewart Ellison, Wake. 5th District, J. P. Stanton, Ran dolph. Gth District, 0. J. Spears, Rich inond. 7th District, J. Q. A. Bryan, Wilkes. 8th District, D. C. Pearson, Burke. This committee having retired, Hon. D L. Russell was called upon to address the convention Acknowledging the honor of the call he congratulated the men he saw before him men who had eo long stood together in the struggle for human rights, and said that when the history of this grand EVENING- SESSION. On the reassembly of the conven tion Judge Moore took the chair and thanked the delegates for that manifestation of their continued confidence in making him once more their presiding officer. The object of the convention was the election and counting in of their candidates for the State at Large. Cheers. He spoke of the frauds in the late'elections and their cul mination in the circuit conriof the United States. The luxury of counting out, he thought, wonld hardlv beaeain indulged in. He J w then epoke of the Liberal move ment. The bourbons of old had had disgusted every true man,and he hoped to see every good man strike hands with the good iu this great movement. He called upon the people, especially the republi cans, to rally as they never before bad done, and to vote solidly for the candidates of the liberal move ment, and be declared that if a candidate he would ask the vote of no man who refused to support the entire liberal ticket. Great cheering. He estimated trie lib eral majority at 25 000. THE PLATFORM. J. 0. L. Haris, chairman, of the committee on resolutions, now re ported the following: The republicans of North Caro lina, in convention assembled, re new the pledges made in all form er platforms and declare as fol lows: 1st. That the bourbon leaders of the democratic party are respon sible for the passage of the prohi bition bill and the agitation reunit ing therefrom. The said bill hav ing been rejected by a vote of the DeoDle. the republicans of this State, in maintaining the funda mental principle that a majority must rule, request their candidates for the Legislature to vote for the repeal of said prohibition bill and against all similar measures i 2d. That education is the bul walk of American liberty; that the constitution of the United States requires the national government to secure to each State a republi inst, waitbe firs- organized evl ; dence on the part of the liberal and progressive men who have hereto ! fore acted with the democratic party, of a revolt against tne des potism of bourbon democf ecy; that tree thoaght, free speech and inde- endent political action. ;$eived encouragement from the action of Said convention; that the men' who had stood in convention and de nounced the destruction of popu lar rights in North Carolina and the evils of clas legislation, are worthy ot the confidence and sup port of the people. That Oliver H. Dockery has always been true to the rights of the people; that he is a man of ability and experience, and the course of the people m this campaigu has been wisely en trusted to bis leadership, therefore we endore his nomination for Con- gressman-at-Large 2d. That George N. Folk is one of the ablest jurists in the State, is siugularly free from prejudice and bias on account of race and politi. cal affiliation, and is in every way fitted for the important office of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; therefore we endorse bis nomination as made by the liberal democratic convention on the 7th inst. 3d. That the lives, liberty, pros perity and happiness of the people are inseparable from an incorrup. tibfc and non-partisan judiciarj; therefore we endorse the nomina tions of Charles C. Pool, John A. Moore, Frank H. Darby, William A. Guthrie and L- F. Churchill for Superior Court Judges. 4tb. That having seen in the public prints that the candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of the 5th district, as nominated by the liberal democratic convention in the city of Raleigh on the 7th iust., declines said nomination, this convention will not make a nomination for that position, but authorizes the republican State executive committee to act in con cert with the State committee of the liberal democratic party in fill ing said vacaucy on the judicial ticket. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE S G.OGDS MTOKS 1, UltfAKS v AT JO S E P H EDWARDS. $10,000 worth of goods most be sold within the next GO days, at 25 per cent cheaper than any other store in GOIiSSBOnO. I am selling a good article of Calico at 4 to 5 cents per yard; a nice quality of Dress Lawns from 5 to 6 cents a yard; a good article of 1 unbleached Sea Island Cot- 1,000 of a good quality of gents Gauze Undershirts at 25 cents a piece; 25 dozen men's straw hats, from 10 to 25 cents a piece; 500 gents stiff hats, from 50c to $1.00 a piece; 5,000 mens' White Shirts, (a good article) at 50 cents a piece; 500 dozen pair mens' fancy balf hose, all colors, at 5 cents per pair; 1,000 pair of working pants from 50c to $1.00 a pair; 500 nice and nobby Spring and Summer suits, all wool, from $3.50 to $4.00 a suit; 5,000 table oil clothes at 40 certs a pattern. ANDTOBACCCf All parties who wish to do so. can Imv their GROCERIES without going Into the apartment used aaa bar-room. NOTICE THE BLUE FRO i Oppposlte the MARKET HODSE. W. P. DESHOffG 4 BRO Feb 4-Sin. MOORE 8 ROBIN?" Carriage AND UNDERTAKERS. Manufacturers and i)eal".rs in BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, CARTS, ETC. Keep constantly on hand a uTT s Rosewood and Walnut Coffins and and Metallic Cases. Are prepared to uui-juiB nt reuHouaDie prices. OFFICE AND FACTORY ON JOHN . - ' 1 V H. M. STROUSE, ODD FELLOWS' CORNER STORE, SAYS He can and will t-ell Goods . Stevens Peacock, Manufacturers of j MASONIC AND SAMARITANS "F7 A n 1 -I V For Prioe List, address STEVENS & PEACOCK, Goldsboro, N. C. jun. zl. New Grocories. J, F. DOBSOff Three Doors South of Market. Keeds a full supply of Groceries, Cigars jjiijuuio, oiuuKing- ana unewmg xooacco. OTTLED BEER TILL YOU CAN'T REST Rennblic same to ba written, of all its good and great, the , greatest can form of government; that the honor wonld m e-iveu to the ord- amount of money now collected nal abolitionists and the southern and disbursed by the State is less republicans, and Judge Russell than is absolutely necestary to proceeded to sketch . the career of furnish each child with a practical ,aoa .lnoaoa Vatarrina tn th Enerlish education; therefore we fovor the appropriation of the in- mid h was nrenared to coalesce ternal revenue tax on distilled spir with the liberals aud strike hands ituous liquors by Congress, prb " - CO ar were making for human freedom Referring to prohibition, he said he voted for the ratification of that act and would do so again In his opinion, however, the ques tion had been settled by the people the several States and Territories, to the full amount of money derived from this source, and to be expended in educating the children of our common coun try 3d. That the present system of and he for one would abide the dej county government is based upon the monarchical principle ot taxa tion without representation, F.nd is erford. cision. James H. Hams, of Raleigh, was londly called for. This move ment inaugurated a new depart ure: he said, not in principles, however, but in methods ' He de clared in favor ot liberalism. As teas then said the first republican datform constructed seventeen years ago was broad enough and strong enough for all men to stand upon. James E. Boyd, of Alamance, - spoke next. He congratulated the meeting and said of the republi A&n nartv that it never took a , v r v right from a man or stuffed abal. lot box. Referring to tne liberal i and independent movement he laid he was there not to dictate to continuance of the tariff which en- any one but to give an individual aDiea the labor and capital em- expressiou as a worker io the par pi0yed in our great industries to ty. He had always been a liberal, compete fairly in our own markets and wonld always be ready to take with the labor and capital of for- anv man by the hand who would egn producers. renounce boorbonism and go for J. c. L. Harris, of Wake, intra the rights of the people. daced the following renolutionp, . T V, O'Hara followed Mr. Boyd which wer , -nanimonsly adopted: anrf addressed himself chiefly to 1st, T' .v.he liberal convention the issues to be presented during) which pj KIGHXJiiasSION On the re-asnembling of the con vention the election of a State ex ecutive committee was proceeded with. The following were selected by the several congressional district delegations and the selections were concurred in by the convention : 1st District, Dr. P. John, Pas quotank. 2d District.Willis Bagley,North ampton. 3d District, W. P. Janaciay,JNew Hanover. 4th District, James H. Harris, Wake. 5th District, W. I. Henderson, Davidson. 6th District, W. R. Myers, Mecklenburg. 7th District, T. N. Cooper, Ire dell, 8th District, J. B. Eaves Buth- Cheaper than-lny House GOLD- iisr town. IJhaye nown immense! STOCK of KTew SFBINQ G-OOU S Great chance to make money. Tiiose who al- ' -ways take advantage of the good chances for making money that are offered, generally tecome wealthy, while those who do not im prove siicn cnances remain in poverty. We wani many men, women, Doys ana gins to work for us right in their own localities. y nv one can do the work proDerly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outr fit furnished free. No one who engages fails to maKe money rapiaiy . i ou can uevoie your whole time to the work, or only your Bpajr moments, Fall information and all that is needed sent free, Address Stinson & Co,, Portland, Maine. utterly subversive of the rights of the citizen, and should be repealed The inherent right of the people to elect every officer clothed with a portion of the sovereignity of the State, from the chief executive to the humblest official, must not be denied or abridged, to the end that local self-government may be resorted to the people o" .North Carolina. That an bonesr, connt must follow a free ballot, and the majority shall determine who shall make and execute the laws 4th. That sonhd policy, based upon the experience of the past twentv-two years.' requires the An election was then gone into by tbe convention for three com mitteemen for tbe State-at Large. A number of delegates were put in nomination, but the vote for the three highest was as follows : Dr. J. J. Mott, Iredell, 191. J. H. Leary, Cumberland, 128. Co'. I. J. Young, Vance, 121. The.so nominations were made unanimous Col. I. J. Young moved to ameod the plan of organization so as to empower members of the executive committee nnaoie ,to attend tne committee meetings to appoint nroxies from their several dis tricts. . This amendment was streuuouS; ly opposed by Col. Canaday and Col. Wassom, and finally voted down. - The convention then adjourned sine die. , Consisting Of DRY GOODS, CLOTH1JNG, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS. TKUJNKS, UAKfJiilB, And in faot. everything kept in a FIRST-CLASS STOKE. Yon are respectfully invited to call be fore purchasing. ix.invxi STHOUSE. d Raleigh on the 7th OAK OIL FOR WORMS, prepared by Dr.P. H. Hicks Toionot N. O. ' Odd Fellows', Hall, Cor' Store. f)Tj,C' buslnetm now Deiore tne Jt5 J- public. You can moke money faster at worn ior us inin at nuyiuiug bibb Canltol not ueeded. Wm will start you ia n dftv and UDwards made at home d; the industrious. Men, women, boys an ii-ia wantefl everywhere to work fo: r iQ th. 7imA Ynn can wojk in k-pare business. You can live at home au-d do the work. No other nusmess win vj nroll nilAfltl ffl.il tO IO ITlWe enormous pay by engaging at once. Owotiy outfit ana terms iree. uxuncjr " ' easily and honorably. Address xruc aai, Augusta, maine. TRY A BOTTLE OP Cherokee Cough Cure. The very thing. Every bottle sells another. It recommends itself. Price 25 cents. To be had at all drug stores. Ad dress MRS. SOE NELSON, Goldsboro. N.C NEW GROCERY. W. B. BAKER, 1 ' DUDLEY, N. O., Keeps on hand a very large assortment of of all ki4ds of aHOOEIlIES, and sells them at the very lowest figure." Call and seajor ypqrself. Nov 12-ly. NO PATENT, NO PAY. TA.TENTS obtained f" Moo'"' Dev ice, compounds, DesUHUB, , -fSsmy 'Obiaininl Address-r- Louls Bagger & Co., Solicitors of Patents, WASHINQTOK. D- C- $5 outfits NQtloe. The undersigned having, on the 87th Say of February, A. D., 1882, duly anallfled before the Probate Court of Wayne County, as Ad mlnlstratorand Administratrix on the :ostate of Iley Greenfield, deceased, hereby give no tice to all persons indebted to the said de cedent to make immediate payment, and to all persons having claims against the said de cedent to exhibit the same to the under signed on or before the 1st day of March A.D., 1683. t . ALFRED HOWE, JULIA GREENFIELD, , Administrator and Administratrix. - Thle 27tb day February, 1882. ... nreliminary examinatlM. of inventions. frtmGuldr T,Jto i.anrit free everhere. rtttcuv. - . week In your own town. irNo rfsk Everything new. Cap.'. UyfJ will tfWfhg. Sffi-SWSm men;" WmZtt make great pay. Reader, If you want a bus iness a" which you can make great pay all the time you work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. W, S. O'B. ROBINSON, Practices in all the courts of the State and in the U. S. District Court. . Office, rear of Grainger & Bryau's office, Goldsboro, N. C. Al

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