! . . - " . "B A. .-'". v- 1 N. 0. .STEWS, j to make the Stab a better weekly at that. ' " There are more new houses being built in Goldsboro than any town in North Ca rolina. Thanks to Mr. 0. A. Scott for a basket of nice peaches on the 14th inst. They were delightful. Hons. P. D. and J. G. Danoy passed through our city a few days since en route for the State convention. The editor of the SbAb will deliver the annual address at the G. L. of G. S. and D. of S. this week at Charlotte. The President has approved the sen tence of dismissal in the case of Seoond Lieutenant Harry O. Flipper, of the 10th cavalry. About one hundred colored delegates, en route to the State Grand Lodge of Good Samaritans, passed through Goldsboro on Sunday for Charlotte. - . The next colored annual fair will com mence Ootober 9th. The secretary, Mr. John H. Williamson, is now actively en gaged preparing for thonext fair. A bill has been introduced in the Span ish Chamber ot Deputies providing for the immediate abolition of slavery in Cuba, and granting the slavas civil rights- Many thanks for the invitation to at tend the examination exeroises of public school in No. 1 township, Eedgeoombe county, June 23d, J882, S. B. Boyd, prin cipal. The State of Texas is to hold 11 normal institutes in July and August, one in each Congressional district, the Legislature having appropriated $4,000 to pay the ex penses. Prof. E. E. Green, of Wilmington, Hon. John C Dancy, of Tarboro, and Mr. C N. Hunter, of Baleigh, passed throng our city on the 14th inst. , en route for Bal eigh. While here they visited the teach ers institute, and seemed to be muoh pleased. The State convention and coalition war a complete suooess, of whioh we will to" occasion to speak in the future, in we will endeavor to foreshadow ant ,- flect the signs of the times, and cogii, the result of what the future will bring forth to the people. Oscar Wilde is changing his costume frequently during his second wastern tour. In Cincinnati he wore a swallow- tailed coat of black velvet, lined with red silk, knee-breeches and waistooat of black satin, blaok silk stocking, and masses of laoe in place of shirt bosom and ouffs. We are pleased to see a part of our many townsmen calling at Prof. W. E. Burnett's tonsorial palace to be waited upon. This speaks well for the Professor, for every one seems well pleased with his work. He deserves a liberal share of patronage as he pays strict attention to business. Mr. James A. Davis, a prominent young lawyer of Oxford, joined the liberals and independents in their convention in Bal eigh on the night of the 7th inst. His speeoh on that oooasion was well con ceived and happily delivered. He ex pressed himself in favor, of free thought and independent ' political aotion. Mr. Davis has quite a reputation as a speaker and canvasser. , '. The 2nd Congressional District and the relative strength of the three prominent ' candidates for Congressional honors. Col. L. W. Humphrey will carry the fol lowing counties on the first ballot: Wayne 4 votes, Greene 2 votes, Edgeoombe 4 yotesj total 10. Hon. J. E. Q'Hara will carry Halifax 4 votes, Northampton 4 votes, and Warren , . 2 votes; total 10. Hon. O Hubbs will oarry Craven 2 votes, Lenoir 2 votes, Jones 2 votes, War ren 2 votes; total 8. Hon. Geo. W. Stanton will carry Wilson 2 votes. Total number of delegates 30. When the steam fire engine oomes what will our City Fathers do with their $2200 soda fountain ? Echo answers what. The devil of this offioe suggests that it be charged to full capacity and the town mules and Sylves ter Pate bo attached to it, and have it hauled to the various speaking preoinots to furnish gass for the demooratio orators in Wayne county during the campaign. Therefore be it enacted by the City Fathers oi' Aldermen of the town of Golds boro, that the soda fountain, two mules and one corporation negro, by name Syl vester Pate, be and are ordered to be ."WSJ mittee. And bi this committee i mpowereu w use said fountain until site? the final count, or un til the 20th day of November, 1882. ' Ealeigb, June 15, '82. , . . Devotional services of the A. M. E. Z. Church will be held as follows: Preaching at eleven o'olocka.'m., and half-past seven p. m., each Sabbath. Class 'meeting from half-past three to half-past four o'clock ; preaching may follow. Preaching each Wednesday . night at eight o'clook. "' Young people's prayer meeetiag each Thursday night at eight o'olook. Leaders' meeting Tueeday night before the first Sunday in each month. Choir meets Monday and Fiiday nights. flabbath sohool nine a. m., to ten o'olock and forty minutes "a. m. Teachers' meeting each month. J. H. Mattocks, Pastor. ' For the Star. I take this method of expressing my appreciation of the kindness of the good people of this city. I admire the pride shown them, and as a stimulus to people of other towns, I send these few words to be heralded abroad. On Friday night, the 16th of the present month, the writer was the reoipient of a very pleasant pounding by a large number of our citi zens. Space will not allow me to mention but I shall make especial mention of a few, Mrs. Cathrine Jordan, Mrs. Celia Smith, Mrs. Fannie Taylor, Mrs. Harriet Johnson, Mrs. Amia Fousoa, Mrs. Amia Jordan, Mrs. Harriet Cobb, Mrs. Patsy Wilcox, Mies E. J. Delly, Mrs. George A. Williams, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. E. O. Brown, Mis. M. A. Short. Messrs. Jor dan, Holt, Walker, Morrisy, Green, and a large number of others. My prayer to heaven for continued blessings of peace and prosperity in every vocation of life. In the interest of the Christian world. J. H. M. GOLDSBOBO NOEMAL SOttOOL. The first session of the Golds boro Normal School, for colored teach ere, for the counties of Greene and Wayne, will begin on Tuesday, the 13th inst., at the Colored Grad ed School building, in this city, and cotinue four weeks. The following teachers have been selected and the annexed Programme arranged: Prof. E. E Smith, of the Gf 1 vo tirade" acnooi, Jfrinci u- t8l inguage, Calistl rMrs.G. T. Wassom History, (U. S.) Histo Mr. J. C. Stevens, ot the Uoids- boro Graded School Ari theme ic, Orthography, Penmanship. Lectures of School Government will be delivered. Among the distinguished edu cators expected to lecture during the term are Hon. K. P Battle, President of the State TJniversityj Rev. H. M. Tupper, President of Shaw Unive8ity; Hon. J. 0. Scar boro, State Superintendent Public Instruction; Prof. N. R. .Roberts, of Shaw University, and Prof. W. E. Harris, of St. Augustine Insti tute. It is expected that every colored teacher and person looking for ward to teach in the near future will be present. Ed. T. Albritton, Co. Supt. Greene. C. B. Atcock, Co. Supt. Wayne. For the first time in the history of Wayne and Greene a Normal School for the instruction of col ored teachers, opened its session of four weeks on the 13th of June, with eighteen teachers present, The worthy County Superinten dent of public schools, Mr. C. B. Aycock, was present, and deliv ered an able, instructive and elo quent address to the teachers, which was received with marked attention; and be assured ye ene mies to popular education, that with such a chief at the bead of school affairs in this conuty, we cannot fail in the effort of improv ing the youth of said county. The yonng men and women should in terest themselves in the cause of education. The teachers have heard during tbe session, instructive addresses from such distinguished gentle men as Prof. E. E. Green, of Wil mington; Hon. John C. Dancy, of Tarboro; Chas. N. Hunter, Esq.,of Raleigh Banner, and Prof, -oore, of Wilson. The teachers seem now to ap preciate the necessity of improve" ment among themselves. The Stab arges every person that instructs the youth, not only in Wayne and Greene, to. take ad vantage of every privilege offered by the government tendiDg to raise the. standard of education among them. Be ye assured, that any person seeking to instruct the youth in the future mast be up with the times or the wheel of progress will grind the would-be instructor into powders, and none bat those persons traly interested in the proper training of the youth can seek preferment from the more intelligent in the near future. Too much cannot be said in praise of our honored County Superintendent; he has shown himself the friend of education , and in the establishment of the Goldsboro Normal School he has enshrined himself in the hearts of the friends of education in th!a county. The address has had the wholesome effect of causing the school to Increase at the present time of going to press to thirty five teachers, eager for improve ment. A BRIDE NOT TWELVE YEARS OLD. In the northeastern portion of this county, on Monday last, there was a romantic matrimonial sen sation which is unparalleled in the history of the county, and, so far as we know iu the State. We briefly give the facts as they have been detailed to us from reliable sources. They are about as fol lows: It seems that one Louis B Fosky, a young man about 22 years of age, had been playine the devoted to Mfss Martha, daughter of Mr. wade Evans for some time, whenever an opportunity presented itself, althongh she was a child under 12 years of age. In deed his attentions to the girl had become so marked as to arouse the suspicions of the parents, and . to -cause them to be on the alert. But Monday last her father being aged in shearing sueep at his brother's, a short distance from his home Miss Martha took ad vantage of his temporary absence, and met her would-be lieee lord at Mr. Tom Bennett's, a neigh borjS house, about two miles from her home. The necessary license had previously been obtained, and the justice of the peace, J. C. Thomp son, was sent for. Upon seeing the extreme. youthful and child like" appearance of the would-be bride, it is said that Mr. Thomp son declined to perform the cere mony until assured by Mr. Ben- nat, at whose house they were. that the father had consented to the marriage. Judge Thompson then proceed ed to tie the knot, and about ten minutes after the couple had been pronounced man and wife, the vexed father, who had been noti fied of his daughter's absence from home, appeared upon the scene The groom was standing in the doorway, -and, as the father, wild with anxiety, attempted to enter tbe house, the groom drew a pis tol, and, it is said, snapped it at Mr. Evans, whereupon Evans ran upon Fosky, seize1' tbe pistol aud wrenched the same from his hand. proceeded to pommel him with it over the head . Fosky succeeded in getting away from Evans, how ever, and ran into the bouse. The girl bride in the meantime had gone out the back door and was walking in the direction of tbe Da rental home she had abandoned but a short time before. The groom, seeing her movements, at tempted to ionow, out Mr. ifivans, leveling the pistol upon him which he had but a few moments before wrenched from his hand, com manded him to stop, which he did. Mr. Evans then overtook his daughter and accompanied her home, where she still remains. Eastman Times. ' CREMATION; " The Pennsylvania University, in TPest Philadelphia has established a crematory, and the bodies dis sected by the students am reduced to ashes very quickly, and at little expense. The Philadelphia Board of Health has under consideration a proposition tocremate the fMies of small-pox patients who i .j at the hospital, thus averting the danger of infection to the living while burying the dead. It seems, says the Philadelphia Times, that the hanging of Gui- teau is not to remove the ill-starred Guiteau family from public notice. A late report from Milwukie indicates that Mrs. Scoville Gui- teau's sister, has applied for a dii vorce at Waukesha from her husb and, Gorge Scoville, on account of failure to support her properly. He will resist the application for the divorce, but desires a sepration. He claims that she left an unpaid board bill at the" Aator House when she left there on the day she was to deliver her lecture Two or three very bitter quarrels are described as having taken place between the couple, in one of which Mr. Scoville threatened to jump overboard from the boat on which they were cross. ing the lake. NERYINE Cures epilptio fits. Spam. Convulisons. St. Vitus Dance, Virtigo, Hysterics, In san ity, Apopiexy, i-araiysis, isneumatism, Neuralgia, and all nervous diseases. This infallable remedy will positively eradicate every species of nervous derange ment, ana arive tnem away from whence they oame, never to return again. It utter ly destroys the germs of disease by neu tralizing me Hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, ana utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female weakness, General Debility, Leucorrhcea, or whites, painful Menstrua tion, Ulceration of the uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflammation of the Blad der. For wakefulness at night, there is no better remedy, During the change of life no Female should be without it. It quiets the nervous system aud gives rest, comfort and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thous ands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not be cause he like it, but for the pleasure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruin. Like the Opium Eaters, he first uses the drug in small quntities as a harmless an tidote, The soothiog influence cf the drug takes strong hole npon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Obium Eating aud Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to aliment veinees, as over-eating first influences the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes boln the stomach and appetite, So every drink of liquor ot dose of Opi um, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fiers, until it consumes the vital force and then itself. Like the glutton ous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in all suoh cases. It produces sleep quiets the nerves, builds up the ner vous system, and restores body and mind. to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of Heart, Asthma, .bronchitis, Horofulo, Kyplis, diseases of the iudneys and all dis eases of the urinary organs. Nervous de bility, caused by the indecetions of yonth, Permanently cured by the use of this in valuable remedy. To you, young, middle aged and old men, who are covering your sufferings as with a mantale by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely enorts, and make ornamets to society, and jewels in the crown as your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a seoret longer, un til it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul, ir you are thus aitiioted, take Dr. Riobmot d's Samaritan Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, ar rest premature decay, impart tone and energy to the whole system. Samaritan Nervine Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direct from us. Those who wiah to obtain further evidences of the curative properities of Samaritan Nervine will please enolose a 3 cent Postage Stamp for a oopy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hunderd of testimonials of cure from persons who have used the medicine, and. also their pictures photo graphed after their restorstion to perf eot health. Address Xr. S. -A.. 3FLI0HM0ND & co. World's Epileptic Institute, ST. JOSEPH. MO EV AN'SHOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C, On Harrington street, one block from the depot. The table is furnished with the best that the MARKET AFFORDS, At reasonable rates, per day or week, with nice rooms and other neoessary comforts. TURNER EVANS Proprietor. PIMPLES- I will mail (free) the recipe for a sample vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimplea and Blotches, leaning- the skin soft, clear and beautiful: also 1th structlous for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad dress, lnclnsinir Sa. ntumn. Ran Vn11? At CO. , JSJBarclay St., N. Y. ; Errors of Youtli, A gentleman who suffered lor years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, wl for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for mgking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. 0ODBN, 42Cedar St., N. Y" Tlx o O-oldsb or Str GOLDSBORO, N. O. THE ADVOCATE OF EQUAL RIGHTS BEFORE THE LAW, AT THE BALLOT BOX, ' AND IN THE PATRONAGE OF THE . Gr o -xr ern ra ent I For all Men Regardles Of Color xne Advocate LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT In Favor of a Free Ballot and a FAIR COUNT. Believing it to be the duty of the United States Government to see that the children of -v ?. the whole country are ' ; i THOROUGHLY EDUCATED IT OPPOSES MONOPOLIES. Therefore the STAR will advocate a NATIONAL Educational Law. The STAR Willi Advocate no Man's Claims for office on Account of Color, but will reflect the the principles of the REPUBLICAN PARTY. t Price only $1.00 per anuum; Six months 50; cents three months, 30, cents. To Consumptl vo. The advertiser having nemi vnrmanently cured of that dread diamine, Consumption, by' a simple remedy, is anxiou.s to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they wiil find a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c, Parties wishing the Pre scription, will please address. Rev. E. A Wilson. 194Penn St.. Williamsburg. N. Y. Prof. Moore's Liver, Kidney and Con sumption Pills, are guaranteed to cure any disorder arising from a disordered state of the vital organs, or contracted by a malarious condition of the atmos phere. For sale by Aoy Exim, West ueuire ireei, uoiasDoro, JN. V. West Center St., rear of J. W. Edwards' Saloon, DEALER N RAGS, BONES, SCRAP IRON OLD BRASS, LEAD, ; COPPER, AND JUNK GENERALLY, N.B. STANLY, Keeps constantly on handa large assorment of BURIAL OASES OF ALL KINDSj &o. N. E. of A. Day's old stand. PARKER & PETERSON, Defllren tn Inform Manila anri lie that they can be found one door west of umce, wnere tney keep constantly on hand FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, VEGETABLES, ETC. which they will be pleased to sell you t lowest cash prices. Respectfully, PARKER & PETERSO '