2. FctMTLER $J KIRN- T33C33 OST! Manufacturers of and Dealers i PARLOR, CHAMBER AND KITCHEN WILMINGTON, N. C. 3?UIIN-ITURE BEADSTEADS, MATTRASSES. , r LOOKING GLASSES, The advocate of EQUAL RIGHTS be CHAIRS, PICTURE FRAMES, AND BUREAUS 57 AND 69 EAST CENTRE ST., GOLDSBORO N. C. fore the Law, at the BALLOT BOX, and in iue ptironage or me government FOR ALL MEN REGARDLESS . r- f Relief for Rheumatism. WHAT CLABE F1BEB IS. This new material is a strong, tough, elastic fiber, cut from tlie pine leaf and chem icalized for mattrasses and bedding' pur poses. It retains all the curative virtues found in pure pine, which is so beneficial to those suffering from rheumatism and fever. It generates Ozone oxygen air purifying ine anuospnere 01 ine apartment in wnlch it is placed. It makes a comfortable, durable and elastic mattrass, and will not break or mat aown. FOR SALE BY PUCHTLER & KERN ikrae, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits, she was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. she can now folk and hear as well as anybody. Peter Boss. Spring water. Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheumatism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E. B. Rails, Hiattsville, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms- Rev. J. A, Edei. Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. to Henson, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. S. R. Hobson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of asthasma. Miss. Jennie Warren, 740 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured onr child of fits after giving up to die by onr family physician, it having over 100 in 24 honrs. Henry Knee Vervilla. Warren Co., Tonn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnred me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albert Simpson, Peoria, 111' SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnred my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thornton. Claiborn, Miss SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnred me permantlyof epileptic fits of a stubborn character. Rev. Wm. Martin, Mechanicstowon, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnred my son of fits, after having had 2'500 in eighteen months. Mrs. E. Fobes. West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' stand ing. Mise. Orlena Marshall. Grandy, Newton Co., Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yean duration. Jacob outer. St. Joseph, Mo, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bicncbitis, asthma and gen eral debilityi Oliver Myers. Ironton, Ohio SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many years standing. Isaao Jewell, Covin gton,KY. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over "on: yoara. Chas. E. Curtis, Osakis, D"glass Co., Minn, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a end of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael O'Connor. Ridgway JPa, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. David Trembly, Des moines, Iowa SAMARITAN NERVIFE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing. Henry Clark, Fairfield, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. IS. Graham, Nona nope, fa" SAMARITAN NJVINE Cored my son of fits- He has not had a fit lor about lour years. John uavis. Woodburn, Macoupin Co., Ill SAMARITAN NERVINE 13 FOR SALE ALL DRUGGISTS Or may be had direct from us. For further Infnrmatlnn innlnRA ntamn for our Illust rated Journal giving evidences of cures. Address Dr- S. A. Riohmond & Co., World's Epileptio Institute ST.TOSBP.MO. Jur. jovn jobs x year, Opposes Monopolies. Believing it to be the duty of the United RtntAH (Invcrnrnont ti uw mtr a n (Via children of the whole oonntry are BY OP COLOR. The advocate of LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT. In favor of a FREE BALLOT and a FAIR COUNT. It THOROUGHLY EDUCATED. Therefore the POST will advovocate a NATIONAL Educational Law. The POST will be INDEPENDENT AS TO MEN, but will always stand by the principles of the GLORIOUS Old Republican Party. Price only $2.00 PER ANNUM for SIX MONTHS, $ 1.00. Wm.P. Oauaday, EDITOR , AND PROPRIETOR WltMlNGTOM, N. 0. mptt ItraiMW Mnp ML (Si. UFERBlrY IQCATEP at a city unequalled in the 23$ State for schools, virtue, beauty and health, having good water, pure air, and no malaria, and being easily reached by lines of Railroad from six directions, viz. : From Danville, Lynchburg, Richmond, and the North ; From Raleigh, Goldsboro and the East ; From Wilmington, Fayetteville, and the South-east ; From Charlotte, Salisbury, and the South ; From Winston, Asheville, and the West; From the Yadkin Valley and the North-west. OCCUPYING as a gift from Lyman Bennett, Esq., of Troy, N. Y., the above represented elegant and spacious brick school building, containing a chapel covering half of one story, Library, Principal's rooms and office, two fine recitation rooms containing very large blackboards, maps, globes and charts, a pleasant dining room, convenient kitchens, and two stories of large airy, furnished sleeping rooms, and surrounded by ample and beautiful grounds overlooking the city. FOlfNPE in 1873, and hitherto sustained by the Freed men's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to meet the demands for educational work in Virginia and North Carolina, for which work in the whole South this society in 15 years has given more than one million dollars. P&TBONIZEP and fostered by the North Carolina Con ference of the same church, which says of it : "The School is efficiently managed and affords ample facilities for our colored youth of both sexes to obtain a thorough training." Extract from Report of Com. on Education, 1S7S. " Resolved : That we endorse the labors of the Principal and associated Faculty, of our Bennett Seminary." Resolution of 1882. (MTIflGlS'RlB by an able corps of teachers, graduates from the best schools of the country. APSSITQ aMtnr desiring Christian education, having proper character, age, and attainments, regardless of Creed, Sex and Color. While teaching Theology only in that department, the school is pervaded by a Christianity so true and broad, that, like the mustard tree of the parable, Christians of every religious belief, may, unmo lested, lodge in the branches thereot. As to educating the sexes together, it believes wjjth. a high author ity, that . it 1 clusi vely for 'Corrupt influences are more liable to abound l either sex, but particularly in separate schools for or with Richter, that " To insure modesty, I would advise th but I will guarantee nothing in a school w Kill less where boys are so?' togotheri Tether, and and with Dr.v William F. Warren, President of the broadest and most liberal University in the world (Boston), that "Joint education is better than disjoint education." It accords with the Civil Rights Bill, and is no respecter of persons, accepting none because they are black, rejecting none because they are white, nor being perplexed over the neutral tints. OFFERS FOUR COURSE; OF fTOT, viz: I. Common English, of three years. II. Normal, of two years. Such was the fame of I'ennett Seminary, that when the Legislature was establishing State Normal Schools in different parts of the State, the training of teachers for this quarter of the State, was left to it. As rapidly as possible it will enable" teachers to use the New Natural Methods of teaching. III. College Preparatory, of two years. Students may be pre pared to enter any American College. IV. Theological, of Four Years. This will attempt so much as possible of the Four Years' Course of study, required for the Minis-, try of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and laid out in the discipline. V. A Collegiate Course, equal to that of the State University, will lie established whenever a sufficient number of properly pre pared persons call for it. Instruction is given in Singing, Printing, Needlework, Cooking, and Housekeeping, without charge. Instrumental Music at a slight charge. AIMS TO MAKE THOROUGH STUIJEINT rather than scantily-informed Graduates, for " Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much, Wisdom is humble that he knows no more." STANDS BEHIND NO SCHOOL in the state, in excellence combined with cheapness. FURNISHES; at cost, which varies from year to year with the markets. It has been as low as five dol-' lars a month, or forty dollars for the school year. All other ex penses are equally low, because cash must be paid in advance. For the exact terms-of this year's sessions, or for any information about the school, address the Principal. Rev. JLBUR P. STEELE, B. D., ft'! - BENNETT SEMINARY, I ; ;. , -yf GREENSBORO, N. C v WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 2nd, 1882, NO. 48, Dally. no 4(1 Daily Lv Weldon 3 37 p m 6 10 p' m Arrive Kocky Mt 5 09 " ,7 14 Ar Tarboro 8 25 p m Lv Tarhoro 3 00 am Ar Wilson Ar Goldsboro Ar Warsaw Ar Burgaw Ar Wilmington. 8 25 p. m 9 00 a. m .5 48 p m7 44 p. m .6 42 " 18 27 " .7 50 " .9 04 " . 9 55 " 10 55 p m TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO 47 Daily, NO. 43, Dally Lv Wilmington 610 am Arrive Burgaw 7 26 " Arrive Warsaw 8 41 " Arrive Goldsboro 9 4S " Arrive Wilson 10 43 " Arrive Rocky Mt 1123 " Arrive Tarboro 8 25 p in Leave Tarboro 9 CO am fi 35 p m 9 25 p m 7 45 p ra 9 4pm 6 59 p m 10 38 p m l io'lV "in". 3 OOp m. Arrive Weldon ....3250pm 12 00 m. Train no. 43 North will ston only at Rocky Point, Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Jit. Olive, Dudley, Goldsboro, Wjlson, Kocky Mount, Eulield and Halifax. Train no. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Mag nolia rrain no. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Kicnmona, ana aauy except Sunday via Bay Line. Train no. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points north via Rich mond ana Washington. , All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen. Snp't. A. POPE. Gen'l Passenger Agent. GO TO Dodsoii's Gallery, ' WEST CENTER STREET, For Pictures of all styles'. Frames, etc;, for sale. Prices as low as the times will allow; d d ( a week in your own town. 45 outfits free. No risk Everything new. Capi tal not requried. We will f urnirh you every thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies mafto as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, If you want a bus iness at which you can make great pay all the time you work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT ti CO., Portland, Maine. G E O. T. WASSO M, Attorney at Law. Goldsboro, N. C. P. 0. Box, 584. Protice in all the courts of the state nnd ra the U. S. District court. OOLDSBORO .STEAM JTa.mitu.r Factory; WEST CENTER STREET. A. K0RB, Proprietor. FURNITURE OP ALL KINDS When you want a good article cheap call and examine my stock of furniture frefore buying elsewhere. All ordoM promptly filled. A Great Enterprise. PROF. W. E. BURNETT hm opened a first-class lOcor'toea? SJaop, one door south of f nchtlcr & Kerns, up stairs next door to STAR Oillce where he will be pleased to see his friends and the public generally. He guarantees satisfac tion iu SIIAVING, HAIR-CUTTING, die. Thanking the public for past favors, and by strict attention to business hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 26-ly. W. S. O'B. ROBINSON, attorney .t Law. Practices In all tho courts of the State and in the U. H. District Court. OlHce, rear of Grainger & Bryan's oillce, Goldsboro, N. C. BOOKS. BOOKS lowing Machines; Come here when you want School Books i Note Books, Blank Books, Bibles, elc. Ev ' erythiug In the Book line at lowest figures Different Makes op 0 Skwtno Mauhin je From $16 up. On time or for CaBb. OFFICE AT THE THE MESSENGER BOOK STOKE. J. H, r'KlNCE, Agent and Proprietor. Goipsboro Aug 6-tf . TTJmjPJT dts SON". V1 Goldsboro Music Muse. EVAN'S HOUSE, . RALEIGH, N. O., On Harrington street, one block from the depot. The table is furnished with the best that the M ARKET AFFORDS, At reasonable rates, per day or week, with nioe rooms and other necessary comforts. TURNER EVANS, Proprietor. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK If tho State, which you can see by visiting our large and commodious store. FIVE LEADING MAKES OF PIANOS: The Mason tSts IXrtxxiXin, PELOUBET & CO., AND SHONINGER ORGAN. We sell for CASH and on easy Monthly and Quarterly payments. DO NOT be en ticed off by bogus advertisers, such as Beatty, Marshal and Smith, but write us and we will send you a pamphlet of dissatisfied Purchasers. We are selling STANDARD PIANOS FROM TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS UP. ORGANS, $22 UP. A trial is to be convinced Agents wanted In every country store and sales room, y : THREE DOOES SOUTH OF BANK. BANFF & SON. '"'J 1 j) V i N i P y j . fe ' iris ;es. he "'Ml , V, 4