Thereat lonal Canh Offer lb depositor every AS cominodmtion Me bank ing will wMtraat. a co. At koRWdoD, jr. presfe a. Ot KORNKOAY, 0tllr f Tha ailPrial Dank R'rtrfs .vour hnsiaess and will ho Slutt to talk or cor- rospavd with yon. GEO. A. NORWOOD, )R.,Pret. M. a. BET, Vice-PrttSt. -vr 5 "This Argus o'er the people's rights - No soothing strains -of Maia's son V ' Doth an eternal vigil keep; Can luU its hundred eyes to sleep." VOL XXIV " GOLDSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1909. fs;;aT 1 - NO. 45 . . ; : " - I ANTE-SEASON BASEBALL GAMES .1" - Goldsboro Will JPIay tour Match Contests Pre iivious to Opening. CHANGE FOR LADY WiHHER A. & M., Trinity And Atlantic Christian College Teams Will Play on Local Diamond This And jiSext Week. Every young lady in Goldsboro will have an opportunity to secure a sea son ticket of admission to the "base ball park through a contest offered by the Athletic Association in selling tickets for the opening game, Monday, May 17, with Rocky Mount on . the local diamond. The offer begins to morrow afternoon, and all contestants should secure tickets from Mr. Ed win Lee, at the office of the Southern Cotton Oil Company. A series of ante-season games have been arranged as follows, to be playetd on the local diamond: Saturday, May 8 A. &. M. Monday, May 10 Trinity. Wednesday and Thursday, May 3, and 13 Atlantic Christian College. I The price of admission for adult 25 cents, children 15 cents. f The Athletic Association has not r5 ceived any bids for privileges at ttye park for the season for a sumeieijU amount to justify them in disposiris of the privileges. The association w53I not consider any bid less than $10. Any person desiring to bid upon the se terms should make it known by noon, May 6, to Secretary Edwin Lee. EUREKA HAPPENINGS. Mrs. David Sasser, of Goldsboro, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mlsouri Yel verton, this week. ' " ' , Quite a number from Eureka at tended the district conference at Stan tonsburg which convened April 28, 29 and SO. . Miss Annie Crow, of the graded school faculty returned to her home in Goldsboro Saturday. Miss Susie Sauls, of Wilson, at tended commencement this week, and stopped with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Yelverton. Miss Leila Martin returned from Wilson Wednesday, where she attend ed the marriage of her cousin, Miss Etta Paschal. Messrs. Charlie Benton and Henry Paschal, Henry Woodard, of Wilson, attended commencement. The Pikeville and Eureka baseball teams played a match . game on com mencement day which resulted in Pikeville defeating Eureka by a score of 12 to 3. The faculty of Pikeville High School attended the concert on Wednesday night PASTORS UUIOII fyiEMOmALSERViqES Large Crowd Attended Ser vices Sunday in Honor of Rev. Fames. 1: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH frequently . reminded the rest of us when our presence was due at 10 : 30 Monday morning. From his sick room in Chase City, when he could not be present, he wrote, and the letter was in due time for the Monday meet ing. To us he always appeared and was brotherly in spirit, broad in char ity, liberal in view, wise in counsel, prudent before engaging in a conflict and brave when it was actually on. We shall miss him we have missed him; our association has been profita ble; our fellowship sweet; our com munion in prayer and -tther wise : upr lifting but these are over,' here and now; your last grasp of the hand has been felt; your lastwise'counsel has been heard ; your last prayer and ben-r ediction have been uttered. But iq LETTER DESCRIBES ADANA MASSACRES Missionary Writes of T he Terrible Slaughter in ! Asiatic Turkey. NORTH 0 L 111 the general assembly and church of Former Brethren ol Ministerial As-!tne it-boni which are written m smallpox Has Wrought Havoc Among sociatlon ot Which He was Pres- again. we venture again to remmu mis audience of Goldsboro people of the loss to this community in the taking away from our midst of F. W. Far- . x. . , i v, I ries, the citizen. If "you have not To -niarVit'e mminria.l ttlflfiimff In tlie ' . "'S"' " " Iff A 54- V.l I . . P,o0hrforian r!Wrh in honor of its l""uu 1L "Ul- W1" iL uul" Ult Constantinople, May 2. Miss Eliza- beloved and lamented pastor, the late Place is hard to filL He did not force beth S. Webb, a missionary from Bun Rev. F. W. Farries, under the auspices himself into your thought or work. ker Hill I1L has written as follows laent Honored His Memory With Tributes. The Homeless Population In Adana Following Massacre. - - i Adana, Asiatic Turkey, May 1, via - BASEBALL BULLETS. Pick-Ups From the Diamond Far and Near Some Players You Enow Something About Them. Four more of tfce Goldsboro Giants came in yesterday and are ready to begin work. They were Otis, Deviney, Thompson and Prichard. All are pitchers, and that gives us six up to date, with one more to come. The men, beginning this week, go out morning and afternoon, and some real hard work will be gone through. All the pitchers are large men and look as if they could go some, and Miller will no doubt get some good ones from the bunch. "Handsome Harry" Otis, the big left-hander, is the biggest one in the crew, and when right, has as much speed as any pitcher in the business. Thompson, Prichard and Deviney all have good records and should make good. De viney is a spit-ball artist and will Jshow1 the people something new in I I that line. NOW YOU HAVE IT. Ltt'sTiansIate "Industrious" Betting rid of Dust. Thomas, the other shortstop, should be in today, and we are exceedingly anxious to see him, as he is said to be very good. When Horace King was asked about The first annual commencement of I . .'. ' n-i FlHe sought no position at your hands. nr ti,- rQt Have nf th Tnanra in .QI tne evangeucal x-ttsi.ui& uuiuu ui i . . . J . ' fhp tpam ht stnirl "Wtll thov nor Eureka Graded School occurred on -n itselfthe great com- He shirked no responsibility that you Udana when the girls' school to which r. ,team' sfld', WF"' tney cer Wednesday, April 28, but the real together of all classes and sects put upon nim or besougbt him to un- he was attached was in the greatest commencement began on Tuesday af- Qf Qur peoplea most eloquent and dertake. Pastors' Unions, Anti-Saloon danger: temoon, when the efficient and much touching tribute to the esteem in LeaSues hospital boards, whatever 0ur friends came to school as us- loved superintendent treated the fac- . s held in they were if they meant the good of ual on Wednesday (April 21). Al- ulty and students to lemonade and ... whne the snoken eu- tMs community, could always ask hi though we heard there Was much un- logies met a tender and tearful echo time and helP and kno they could rest Iu the city, we went on with prep in every heart in that thronged con- not ask in vain- His work win abide; arations for a school entertainment, let his memory the memory of this ,n ka hiH wt h Snnn hB. gregauou. natfent true earnpt imriht natri-i x. .. o'clock in the afternoon tp three, and The meeting was presided over by pf.tle1"' true' eaTst' "prignt patri gan and before noon we were afraid mnrnin oirm.n nf tho Pastors' Union. wen as auie, ciean, ler- to send the day scholars home. There " " V . p". nii v.OT-fa T,rawa maAa o-ioii I . . ... I vent and laborious minister of the I -rrr A I mere are enougn ot 1116 auu an xca. ui nw Bi n Tin ( Huhhorri Whjfh OltlCe WAS I Wits CUUBiaUl III VB HIcU IU KU and not a cloud marred the exercises - ld" . ey p w Farries during gospel, be perpetually and affection- on 0ur annual meeting, but were such good lemonade and such a quan tity of it, and how all did enjoy it, es pecially the little folks. Wednesday morning dawned cloudy, but by ten o'clock the sun was shin of the day or night. consisted of recitations and declama tions interspersed with music by the talented Miss Susie Sauls, of Wilson, but who was born and reared in Eu reka; no one has ever listened to more sweet and enchanting music Lhe Firgt Bapitgt church. than was rendered by Miss Sauls that day. The resignation of Mr. B. L.. Crock er as . manager of the Southern Ex press office in this city went into ef fect today and he is succeeded by Mr. F. B. Crowson, of Wilmington. Mr. Crocker has had in contempla tion for some months the step he has finally taken, looking to going into business holding wider opportunities, but as yet he has not definitely decid ed what line he will take up. It is to be hoped that -he will remain in Goldsboro, for he has made friends here, with all our people, and tliey would be glad to retain him' and his excellent young wife as perman snt citizens. ; nm,Hfni truA n1 tenderlv lovina up and to give you also part of that danger by a Turk who had come to pwip w, then snoken hv those inheritance upon which he has already take them home. Accordingly, notes Editor Artrus At ten o'clock Supt. E. T. Atkinson . .aA w hv thfi Paa entered. He loved you and you loved to their fathers and to the governor . . vi o cV,- or,rl lrr,r,roonW0 tallr in " . " ' " him. and. SWeet thOlieht. VOU did not. .- -lFui, tuC ouujcv u 0uCDl0i, ,.. tors' Union. These were Key. yv, u. .; - ' - "clc vnn.Cn, as uu ie- ling permit me to say that there is FWch he congratulated to faculty o J . . their excellent worK during tne year. , . M Georee C. Royall. nresi- uni11 you sait so" in one or an" "As night came on fires began to L , , w Mftpj. which h infmdiirAdi 8m.t. R A.I . . - ' . ...... other you said so aeain'and aeain. and A .... -.n . P-""" " ucu"'" w i riont nf Tne nnsnin nnarn. H.nn nun. incxic uu in an un ctnuua auu w c wcie i 5j i - n. Woltz. of the Goldsboro city schools. w g G'B. Robinson.- hough deflth caraa n. a land Jarful that the rioters would break ZZ ZZ rZ T 4. X mm rm A-Hwl 1 I II U I tTl If J C3 C r T"Q flrn T- . nitYl O - -l I . . I - r . - ' ' 13 ipuiw juowws ivxi. Qn behal o the Pastors Union the r"" v nto trie scnooi Duiidmgs. Finally, nf a street snrinkler a 00. fcJ Tt" I Allxrrnfv w c t vxr Vt tST U 1 I IQ 1 " " " . V0 1 V 1 Iff ) 1 1 I. II J II H f I K - 1 IlfT-W 51 I lUiiuvviuA iraa txvx wj ,v j . 44. . 1 ' our privilege to listen to a more mas terful address. The audience was held spellbound for nearly an hour, tWs way to giye brie expression of our ana eacn ana every one was sorry estimate of the life and our apprecia- Compromise of $1.50 on Lumber. Washington, D. C, May 1. All ef forts to get free lumber in the tariff bill have been abandoned, and despite the attacks which have been made by Senator Nelson and others upon the so-called lumber trust, it is proba.ble the Senate will advance the duty to $1.50 a thousand. .This figure is compromise between the present rate of $2 and $1 fixed in the House bill The Democrats are largely respon sible for this added protection to the industry. Chinese Emperor's Burial. Pekin, May 1. The burial of the late Emperor took place today and was accompanied by ceremonies of a most imposing character. The event was attended ' by all of the high offi cials of the Chinese government, and by special ambassadors sent by vari ous governments. The United States was represented by Mr. Rockhill, the American minister in Pekin. s tainly don't look like that bunch of 'rah! rah! boys' that we had here last season, do they?" All those concern ed are very maich pleased with the team. As they will be out both morning and afternoon from now on, the hours of practice will be changed from two enough of the men here now for the men to go through signal his life, and the special choir ren ately cherished among us. This, his interrupted by the screaming in the praftice; and that sort of work will I ...... .. . .1 w I V - tfi - - vnAi Tn4-'n nil null VahJ 49 -mm Tie exercises Wednesday morning d6red during the service several fa- conSregation of believers,, to whom, he streets and the shooting. vorite hymns of the dead pastor. 'Mr. Chambers attempted to go to came from his distant home to minis- The special scripture reading was CCu "uu the government building for a guard, . I H MM I I I 1 if- III- lit VII lliri HYIKTI11V I I x f . i . hv Rev E. H. Davis, pastor of St. " 0 dux iouna it impossiDie to get toi xt is nhrrh and the nraver nas now Deen" broken, we tan only through the mob. Our Turkish chil- . " ' . .. commend you to God and the way of was by Jtev. Ki. 1. watkins, pastor oil z 1 ui " i"ui i"uu6m n. begin at once. Let's all pull hard for our boys, and help them in their hard fight that is to come. AS TO STREET SPRINKLING. His good, which is able to build you would be possible to send word of our Citizen Believes the Most Sanitary Method Is by Using Sprinkler. Public Education." It has never been vis, who had been assigned this duty: ers to him.yet, strangers no longer, it "We, the pastors comprising the Pastors' Union of Goldsboro desire in Our soil dries verv auicklv and the mocK at tne gate ana m waisea tue surface of the earth on our srteets Hngnsh consul. He left three of his was among them that loved him and whom he loved, that the sum)m,ons came, and if we may be permitted so to say. we doubt if a better nlace for I 1 r. . . . .1 i .. . 1. 1 . . a .. r o .lH,h t woo noot I " him tn answer that snmiTYnna Qr.rl tn ,t. x. , luu,m 141 luc au apuium ui " "c aocu, """b" .h vo. i t5n n tnp lohorfi amone us of ouri " " . - . ;iri,n;i iiurryiug 10 scene 01 , v . . . , . I- - " I i v.i i4. l l j i j I - - nc miAin-muow ui v,wn- tne amner nour. we wisn every man late beloved brother and honored DI.CC D,cc" WU1U MC iuuI,u 111 ins nauve ocotiana or ms Deiovea ;uard of Turkish soldiers to take care f us." Trouble. contains innumerable disease germs, especially might be mentioned among these the tubercle bacilli, the germs and have woman in Wayne county could I rMl1pnt p, w aT.r,eS. heard Mr. Woltz's address. I D w Canada than right here in Goldsboro, Thp oldpfit amnns lis? think every one who heard that ad- knew him comparatively and actually wher &S citizen' as f "end, as brother, but a short time; His coming to Golds- dress will be made better and have as pastor, we have all loved the man A Woman of Goldsboro Writes Cob vlnclngly And we Hope Effect ually on The Impending Vital Question That Can Only be Set tled by Settling The Dust. Editor Argus: - '21iQ "We the undersigned, for the sake t health, for relief of merchants and lousewives, for improvement to our oity, beg and implore the mayor, joard of aldermen and members of -he street committee of city of Golds- ooro, N. C, to devise some means and consummate some plan by which the streets of the city shall be sprinkled regularly during the summer months." The above petition, started into cir culation a few days ago by some of the members of the Woman's Club, was met . with such cordial response .n signature and sympathy of inter est from those to whom it has been presented that it seems well to bring jefore the public at large some of the necessities for the consummation of lie plan proposed. "For the sake of health" If one believes in the germ theory, ue knows that many diseases are due co the presence in the body of living rganisnis or bacteria, which when waken into the body produce a morbid liect upon the system!, or form pot ions that are often fatal In their ef fects. This doctrine no longer rests ju indirect evidence alone, but on the positive discovery of such bacteria in ouch diseases as typhoid fever, etc. There is no more frequent or sure means of getting such bacteria into the system than with little particles jf dust. Doesn't it seem wise to pre sent this possibility? VV ho would "not give a trifle to pre vent W hat he would give a thousand worlds to cure?" "For the relief of merchants and aousewives" t ) "For the merchants" Some of the most enthusiastic en dorsers of this petition have been merchants and clerks in stores, who say that yards of their fresh summer .stock is often rendered absolutely un salable because of dust that is blown higher and loftier ideas in the future. L antedated that of any of us by a and shall revere his memory The dinner was just a one as Eure- number ofyears. But it does not re Ka people always nave, ana now every one did enjoy It. There was plenty and an abundance left. quire years to know some men. Con scious of nothing they need to secrete, thev are not naturally secretive. They The annual concert began at eight , -re confidence and invite it. and o'clock, and consisted of songs, drills, their living day by day is of the sort prayers a uower lesuvai auu a anon piay. ine tne Apostle had in view when he children did much credit to them- L. t 5.- fntiM IWiXUlG, Jul V 1115 ClXll.lo, D.UUTTI1 Clllia To you, his congregation, and to his afflicted family blessed even in afflic tion we, his brother pastors, bring this unworthy tribute, and with it the assurance of our affection and of our sumption ; and mingled with the dust Washington, May 2. The armored they are wafted by the wind into our i ruisi-rs North Carolina and Montana, respiratory apparatus, into our homes tfrhich left Guantanamo, Cuba, April and even on the very food that we i3, under orders to hurry to Alexan- eat. and thus feeling that our board of uLo tUeir sto,es every time tbe doors Jretta, Turkish Asia, to protect Amer- aldermen have always at heart the ttre opd- It settles on counters and icans there during the present disor- hest interests of the neoDle whom thev rftock wita such insistent regularity lers, were 1,150 miles east of Gibral- serve, I have no doubt but that they 'l iS "Voasitue to get ria or it Deiore far at 8 o'clock last night, according will mnVc cnosriv :ini sntifrtnrv,t3 damage ls-aone to a cablegram received here today. raneements for the proper sprinkling ,i,n VvXieu the housekeeper does her read of all men." In such lives God's "W. G. HUBBARD. "G. T. WjATKINS. "J. H. FRIZELLE. "E. H. DAVIS." Smallpox Epidemic at Adana. furnished by a band composed of Mr. K appears draWn out in living char- j. u. Mum ana son, jonn tsurt ana artfirs Th. ove of his God is in his Mr. Frank Sauls, on the violins, and hear his steps do not slide. His meat The fear is that Mr. Roosevelt will ivx. OUSJ oauis un pmno. ins irai- ig tQ do tne wiu of Him tnat sent bim return with a petulant liver. Kudyara sic was sucn as you might expect anA tn fiTl5cH ic wt ,anA nf I Xipling says he has .no chance to come . . iV. Si . , aias - 1 . , I v 1 - iciuuui iu city. .vm 1, iuu c.c. xuu t.c t. Tif f has Wn IniA imnrt svorv I UOlIie WHU a.SUUUU liver extend many, many thanks to them. Every one pronounced this, thefirst Adana, May 2. Smallpox has brok- MISS MAGGIE MCMILLAN NOW en out in epidemic form. It is impos- MRS. ERASTUS CRUMPLER sible to estimate the number of cases, but during the past two weeks the Wedding Solemnized Sunday After- spread of the disease has been fright- noon at the Home of ful because of the terrible disorders and tne Homeless . elemnt roaming I i-lcamn? wll nrwf 'A Hav it shnnld hA done with for that day. Any daily the Bride. attentions to all the little household duties, though small in themselves, in the aggregate take much time and thought for the doing, if only once; but when this work is accomplished only to be undone in ten minutes by a flood of dust from the streets the Master has been laid upon every part of such a man's being and every part is under contribution, constant PICTURE ' ; PRESENTATION. You can foreive even a politician by annual commencement, a success, ana contribution to His will. It requires being the one yourself. " W1" .,wra year not long for a Ufe of such quality to flavor. W) IOU Utl Ur We wish to say that the impression our brother first made upon us was distinctly of this kind, and during the The home of Mrs. McMillian was the scene" of a very pretty wedding Household duties become wearisome Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, to say the least. "Its no use, is a when Miss Maggie McMillian became phrase used many hundred times a Two Thousand Bakers on Strike. New York, May 1. Two thousand bakers of the east side are on a strike today in demand for the former sive loaf, higher wages, closed shop, short er working hours and better sanitary conditions. The strike, it Is declared was caused indirectly by ; the recent Patten wheat .'corner, which led to a reduction of wages. In consequence of the strike 385 bakeshops are crip pled and unable to supply their cus tomers. to Eureka Graded School commence' ment. . . The same faculty has been asked to have charge of the school for the coming year. Mr. A. A. Miller, of Goldsboro, came down with Messrs. Atkinson and Woltg, and at the noon hour took the picture of the building, the teachers and students. MAGISTER. Eureka, April 30, 1909. Portraits of Davis and Lee to the N Dride of Mr. Erastus Crumpler, of day by housewives who (if it were not Clinton. The ceremony was perform- ior tins ever-present ausij wouia ao ed by Rev. E. L. Parker. their work cheerfully and well. As it A large number of friends and rela- is, "dust' and "disposition" are very w I Goldsboro Graded Sehool. " On Thursday of this week. May 6, at the noon hour, Thos. Ruffin Chapter tiyeg attended the wedding. The variable quantities, and there's no Willi A LAIUE BALK, f Daughters of the Confederacy -v ill present to the Goldsboro ( traded Counts Come High. Aiken, S. C, May 1. It Is said that before Count Colloredo Mannsfield Miss Nora Iselin's fiance, ..f left : for Washington yesterday afternoon pa pers were signed guaranteeing him the transfer of $2,000,000 to his name before the marriage takes , place this month. v'"' The Iselins will leave Aiken on Sat urday for New Rochelle, N. Y, Count Mansfield will soon proceed from Washington to New Rochelle, where the wedding is to be held.- . . . . Advertise In.the ARQUS, short years of our association it has Pey TronMe Mates, Yon MiscraMe. School a picture of . Jefferson Davis I : . - lanri a nicture of General Ttoberc J . never changed except to deepen. He Almost everybody who reads the news- .U tin r' esentjition to be mtdt bv iTTirr5Afl 11a a a a. mo n nf flnrl r-nllArl I is t Irnnw of the wonderful I ' j- w Miss siIHa TCirhv and the arc litn.nre cures . iii.uc .uy i. i " . ji Kilmer's Swam p-Root, to be ty superintendent Woltz. II the great kidney, liver Tbe C(Hiision is.cne that calls for a iv and bladder remeay. young bride was the recipient many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Crumpler left over the Atlantic Coast Line Sunday after noon for their future home in Clinton Dry Territory Increased. to his work, whose will and whose work he loved and constantly strove to subserve. He was no theorist, no vagarist; but whatever promised the uplift of the community and the glory I J of God : commanded his time and HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Concord, N. H., May 2. The changes strength, both of body and mind. The resulting from last fall's referendum glory of God did not restrict his ef- on the liquor question in New. Hamp-forts to the enclosure of his own de-l of sure way of keeping either from be- ng very troublesome. "For improvement of our City" V. hy do we dread summer in Golds boro? It isn't any hotter here .than In many other places. We wouldn't want 10 scratch summertime off our calen dar anyway. But we would like to uuX i me'dl- Patriotic demonstration on the par, of Th t astute politician In all have sprinkled streets! Anyone who cal triumph of the nine- the citi..CTi3 of Goldsboro, who are Europe the man who has played one has been tempted to take a walk or a teenth century; dis- I cordially invitea, to tne scnooi a; tins power against another thirty-three aiive on a beautiful summer day, nHfiCafreLchSbv hOUr ; on-. Thursday-' to :particlpH.8u years. with remarkable success, hasUnows what it is to start out with RQSji Dr." Kilmr, the emi- m tne ceremonies. lost power at last. He has fallen be- dreams in your head and come back I Every child of the school is asked to i, tUii-lwiiit filist in YOUr fiVPfl. "WthAn vnn'va atv4b iMMiiwy mrwmm I - taUOC C iUll IgUCU CLO.UO vvwonvi I " - - F v w t der specialist, and Is bring a penny on that day, or more tion he had agreed to support. He gotten it in your hair until It's bri&t- has fallen, not because of any failure Uy; your eyes until they're blind; your uv r -0 oiii.c :.. iw ucu Ottiui uclj , I llUIllllltttlUll. KJLUVl J-UlUS Ul our IU1UBII ...... ..(l In nrnmntlv riirlnf v Wlth t.D( result tnnt thp npntlihltfriTI laa nroll aa tha wVmla onmmiinifir aval . . . . i i I J J : - : J ...... 1 ' territnrv in thia -tf i iriv in. fh. w0fl.i,M , Mo VKiJhirM isth0r sented in grades to the fund for erect- of his comnlex foreign policy, but be- nostrils until-they are afflicted with creased. There are now but twenty- his counsels, his labors. . :. form of kidney trouble. , , ing a Confederate monument in the causa be had lost support at home, chronic sqeezing; and your shoes unv. five of the 230 towns in New Hamn- "Our Union. far m anv one nf us Dr. Kilmer's bwamp-KOOi B;noi wo- pauona! temetery ax AningioD. especially in the army. I til you feel like you're shod with sand- - i i . a. MMrvtriinar rm r it vnu na k.iu ' - i t shire in which saloons or wholesalers concerned or knows, was his crea- ..""rri?; In his great game of playing both paper us ratner natural to want to i mw . . "T" W1r.rrri-"j .u"r.TJ- iMt HALUULa WKUSUi JSLisuiii th.mM-. th Hamld- leave Goldsboro for the sea. i ill nit i 1 1 1 t.t Trr ('nil itts 1U2UUULI1IKII. iiHSH i i Hiii z hi HHN . 1 1 un r riiiT on ti ni iupt thA rmnv vn nrxu. iiiu uccu imiim i -a -- - twenty-five towns had a total popula- thinking brain, ever planning for the In so many ways, in hospital work, in private COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER Man regime never failed to appeal to wjiy not second the above petition x.- on in ji i. it . I 3 .. ... I wietlct. amon? the helpless toa POOr tO pur- I ' ' 'i . Uha fonaHnlom nf tho fnllnwpra nf thplwltll illdUStrlOUS efforts tn fnnanm. nou ui . .wivwcorotii8 10 iu goou 01 ui cofflHranuy ana ine ex- r " u nrVpH successful (n L. ... . . r":" L - . . " - ... T . last census. The total population of tension of the Redeemer's Kiedom. He Kuie inauguratett ior uraers or gneat Mohammedan faith. All told, mate some pian ior aally sprinkling all the towns in the' state was about it was 'Strfho first called us together, beeii Tmade by which all readers of thispaper County Home and Convict those followers number about 175,-of the streets throughout the summer? ?.Bft.000 an that as regards the towns Must a little nver twn vora on i Ma who have not already tnea u, may., nave i Mmp. . 1000,009. or ratner more tnan an tne v . maustrious" into hv nnnnintinr. mnro thn bavt- nwn stnrtv on awa, taa sample bottle sent free by mail, also a BOOK The county 'commissioners in Protestants In the world. Because "getting rid of dust," and make Golds- eighths ot them are now no-license, led by himself, stated what was in his ifni", monthly session today elected Dr, J, he was the head of all those religion- boro the Garden Spot! Six of the eleven cities, hvaing an ag-mind and-his object in so callihgus when writing mention reading this generous Malcolm Bizzell county health officer, ists, he was retained in the revolution gregate population of 50,000, are ; also J The Union, then organized, has con-1 offer in this paper and no-license, sq that, including the large tinued without a break until now, andsend your address to cities, about two-thirds of all the peo- up to the time of bis death was con- Pj!?!" plo of the state are living in no-license j stantly- presided over by himself," al- regular fifty cent and Homof swamp-Root. territory. .- -i -.vays at the earnest Insistance of his I dollar sizes are scid oy au gooa aruggisi. for a term of two years, to succeed I of last July, but his capacity for in-Meeting of Grand Lodge R. A. M. Is Dr. Theo. Ginn, whose term expired jtrigue has at length been his undoing. Winston-Salem. today. The board also instituted a newt Carrie Nation will raise on her Ar-j The annual meeting of the Grand' i ethren, though not without remon- Va ' Qnratnn.Pnnt 1 )r . Kilmer fl Wp Ml slutntfic flip clfflirnlAl I trance frr.m himsplf TTo wan nlwaval. . ... . ..1 .jj '.. oinnUmf. i " t . - - anmiHtooi, ana mo wiuisea, buguuumt .irii .i:ir lu-irignuurN in ine new s- in at a regular meeting, save qq ovcry DOtua '!is. Audrey s & Waddell Furniture ! .vh-n the will of God ordered -other- V. wise. He never forgot it, and not in-1 Additional local news n tkird page. ruling whereby all provisions bought jkansas farm hickory hatchet handles. J Royal Arch Chapter " of Masons- of North Carolina will be held in W3ns- ton-Salem Tuesday, Wednesday vamf- The affair in Turkey was a compro- Thursday, May 11, 12 and 13. It is Dont make any mistake,. out rememww for the county home and convict camp It is her best crop shall be approved by the chairman before purchase. - I:ra?se a fine day at night. mise. Abdul Hamid lost his throne likely that several will attend .from and kept his head. - this city. . v j f

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