MCAt BfilSf 8. fttlT'A.fcO ,fst TOUB TOOTS. ItrfiiS of Interest til and Almond the Tut-h bh the iight: that'8 "the great white way." The dog days have passed; hut the dogs are still with us. They do say that the Goldshoro tohacco market is the hest of all. Pellagra sounds like a good dis- inptors to foster, as a patient thus affected is said to last I n. from ten to fifteen years. Summer is gone, and the coolness of the weather this morning aroused thoughts of the coal bin. A full coal bin maketh a man content. just to think, the north pole has been discovered since April 18, 1908 more than sixteen months, and we have only learned of it. And yet the world has gone on just the same. .Mi- Mai A fevatfs Went id g&rattfga today to vi& relatives.- Mr. "viv Robinson is Visiting colk-g H$s in Taffctfro. LEARNED CONFEREES Mr.- 3, L Hathcock went to Greens boro 6dfiy on a business trip. llfes Beao".e Darden, of Fremont, is Sthe guest of Miss Pearl Creech. leeiing insider Ways Aid Means For Better Law Enforcement. . Miss Jeb Whitfield, of L&Grange, is in the city, visiting Mis Vivian "Woo- Before Adjourning Mr. Tom McGee, Jr., f S"nbw Hill, is visiting his father, Mr. Thomas McGee. Mrs. Lena Cos, of Maysville, is in the city, visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Allen. Mr. Edgar Bain has returned from a short vacation trip in the western part of the State. the Commission Will Complete a Comprehensive . Report As to Necessary Changes. New York, August 31. The com mission appointed by President Taft, consisting of Attorney-General Wick- IS FE11AG1AI It st Miis m'l.f ! : stf anea that, afwr Iviii ns? u ui hseaiJ for three hundred 'tU; ii Li t u i vi :nv deVeldiJ that In lk:h tr.m nv is liable to pro duce pellagra. If ii true that pella gra is not a ne"w disease, for it was first observc'ii Hi Spain as far back as 17C5; TbiS aisiase up to a few years agb was confined--to North Italy, to Portugal. Austria, Roumania and in the Southwestern, portion of France. It is much more likely that our lax BAR8EE DROPS GOUNSLL hot of Alcohol Durham Man Indicted for Murder of Engineer Holt Plays Strange Prank. What is a "tonic" ? A medicine that increases the strength or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative f Ayeis Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take a medicine doctors cannot endorse. . C.Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. immigration laws are more responsi-1 Barbee Has Thrill for an Without daily action of the bowels poisonous products must be absorbed. Then you have Impure blood, biliousness, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills for constipation. ble for this disease than corn meal, for corn has long been with us, and pellagra was never known here until a few years ago. We find the disease described about as follows: The name Pellagra is derived from two Italian words Pelle, meaning ersham, Secretary of Commerce and skin and aSra. implying something Mr. Lionel Weil left Monday at noon i I on an extended business trip to New Mr. Brutus J. Clay, of Atlanta, attorney for the Southern Bell Tele- York and Boston. TVhnne Conmany. is in the city, hav ing charge of some suits pending in Miss Josie Giddens, who has been the Superior Court, now in session visiting relatives in Greensboro and kere Salisbury, is at home again. jr George Farfour, the wen- Maj. ana Mrs. w, i. iionoweu, wuu known and popular East Centre have been spending some time at street merchant, has sold out his Black Mountain, returned home last Rtoek and business stand at tnatinignt. . j I ... nnnnr "T1 "WnlTlllt point, ana oyeueu uy M . w Fftlkenei. dnd little street, adjoining the wholesale es tablishment of Mr. A M. Shrago, in the store once occupied by Mr. George B. Edwards. It is a real pleasure to all of his many friends here tQ greet home again from St. Luke's Hospital, our young friend and townsman Mr. Ar thur Jenkins, who has been through daughter, who have been spending the summer in the mountains, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Graves left i Thursday morning on a pleasure trip to Ocean View, Norfolk's delightful i seaside resort. Miss Fannie Jones Lamb, of Wil- he ordeal of an operation for appen-1 mington, to the pleasure of her many dlcitis, and had a close call. "Jack' is looking well, and is now entirely convalescent. A phone message from the bed side of Col. I. F. Dortch in Raleigh today brings the saddening informa tion that he is not so well. In fact, all his children, some of whom, since his recent improvement, had come to this city, have been summoned today, and grave fears are entertained for his recovery. Mr. B. F. Harrell, the ligntnmg photographer, who has built up such a widespread patronage for his "Cute Studio," over the Savings Bank, on West Centre street, during the spring and early summer, and which has been closed during his annual sum mer vacation, has returned to his post of duty and is as busy as of yore. The work of tearing down the double brick store on West Walnut street, formerly occupied by South erland & Co., preparatory to the erec tion of a handsome modern two-storj structure, began this morning. The new building, as heretofore stated in these columns, will be occupied by the widely known Kress & Co., who have 5 and 10 and 25 cent stores in many leading cities of the country. Tlnn't foreret the new series oi stock issue in the prosperous Golds- boro Building and Loan Association opens next Saturday, September 4. Il you want to make a good investment profitable to yourself and nelpful In upbuilding your home town, you coula not do better than buy a block oi stock in the Goldsboro Building ana Loan. Mr. Wj. E. Stroud, at the Bank of Wayne, will give you all required information and issue stock if de sired. young friends here, is visiting Mrs. George C. Southerland. Miss Mary Aycock, now of Raleigh, is snendihe a" few days here with Miss Mary Cleve Daniels, where we are all glad to see her. Misses Ethel and Lucia Watson, of Greenville, S. C, are in the city, vis iting the home of their uncle, Mr. George A. Norwood. Jr. Miss Rebecca Humphrey, of the fac ulty of the Goldsboro Graded Schools, who has been visiting in Asheville and Greensboro, arrived home Tuesday. Misses Nina Basnight and Bethany Labor Nagel, Secretary of Interior Ballinger, Solicitor-General Bow ers, Commissioner Prouty, of the In terstate Commerce Commission, and Representative Townsend, of Michi gan, to recommend amendments to the interstate commerce and anti trust laws and to reorganize the ex ecutive departments to make the en forcement of existing laws more ef fective, met here today to begin its important work and shall probably remain in session for" a week or more. Before" adjourning, the com mission will complete a comprehen sive report embodying its views con cerning the necessary changes and amendments. This report will be submitted to President Taft before he leaves for Chicago on his Western tour, September. "15. The President intends to make a careful study of the report of the commission and in tends to use the material contained therein as the basis of a number of speeches he expects to deliver dur ing his trip through the West and South. President Taft fully recognizes that not only is the effectiveness of ex isting laws crippled, but the admin istration is greatly handicapoed in their enforcement by the lack of a which the different departments would have a clear field for work. At present, for Instance, the bureau of corporations and the bureau of labor of the Department of Commerce and Labor encroach upon and dupli cate work done by the Interstate Commerce Commission. There is also 'conflict of authority between the Interstate Commerce Expectant Public, But It Was Not Beady for This One. The Shepherd Case. Durham, N. C, August 30. Reuben Barbee gave the court . of Judge J. Crawford Biggs its first surprise to day when Judge R. W. Winston arose and read a statement in which it was rough. It may be defined as an en demic trophoneurotic disease of toxic I indicated that Barbee did not wish origin produced by the ingestion of I to have the counsel, R. W Winston and "Victor S. Bryant, appear longer for him. Reuben always has some surprise, not to say thrill, for an expectant public, but it had not been ready for this one. He is a most eccentric cit izen, and while the few think he may I be losing his mind, the more take it as a sharp ruse. They do not un derstand it at all. It is known in that connection that Barbee has se cured the fee, but that he is now de manding a return of a portion of it. There is little doubt that the fellow DISTRESS Ifi MEXICO. Flood Victims Fully 2,000 and City Borders on a ramine. The farmers are harvesting spring wheat, and Jim Patten will harvest it later. Aeroplanes were as common at Rheims as automobiles in an Ameri can city. CASE COMPROMISED. Atlantic Coast Line Pays One Thong and Dollars to John H. William son. t :- , jaaa The case of John H. Williamson against the A. C. L. Railroad came up for trial at Monday's session of Su perior Court and through his counsel, Mr. John D. Langston, the plaintiff comnromised with the railroad for $1,000. Williamson brought suit for injuries received last July at South Rocky Mount. While in the employment of the defendant company he fell from a car, sustaining Injuries to his back. Campen, of New Bern, are in the city, I Commission and- the Department of visitina: the home of the latter's brother, our esteemed townsman Mr. Ben Campen. Miss Catherine Hawkins, of Jack sonville, Fla., who has been the guest of Miss Julia Borden, left Tuesday af ternoon to visit relatives and friends in Pittsboro. Mrs. M. L. Smoot and children, of Salisbury, and Mr. Frank Giddens, of Beaufort, have come to be with their father, Mr. L. D. Giddens, in his critical illness. Mrs. W. B. Allen and daughter. Miss Louise, who have been visiting the Justice. The Department of the Inte rior in land fraud and other cases has encroached upon the Department of Justice. The President is desir ous of removing all friction, and wishes to have some plan evolved un der which the Department of Com merce and Labor through its bureau of corporations and bureau of labor will be enabled to work up cases . in which violations of the interstate commerce and Sherman anti-trust diseased Indian com or mabze, and affecting the brain, spinal copd, diges tive and cutaneous systems-' -the skin. The symptoms of 'this; "now much dreaded malady may, be referred to the nervous system, alimentary canal and the skin. It always begins In the spring with weakness, lassitude, gid diness, headache, articular pains, se vere burning sensation In .the small part of the back, radiating to the limbs, especially the hands and feet. There may be a slight jaundice ac companying this stage of the disease. The skin is the last region to be affected, and is limited to the parts exposed to the sun, when It begins to turn, a deep red color. This redness sometimes -develops in twenty-four hours and usually lasts for about two weeks. Sometimes the skin when attacked y the disease may have in dolent ulcers to come upon it, which, however, are always perceded by a violent itching and burning. After the latter acute conditions subside tht outer layer of the skin scales ana may be rubbed off as if the integu ment had been covered .with bran. The skin thus removed of its outer coat ing appears thick and leathery. This condition may be repeated every Hum mer for four or five years, when tht skin becomes dry, wrinkled and with ers, not unlike that seen in old age. Patients affected with pellagra us ually suffer most during the hot months of summer, and appear quite well in winter, but in the spring; the disease becomes manifest, growing more aggravated each time. Patients die from this dread malady by developing meningitis, insanity, in fact, any form of mania may accom pany the condition. Patients may sink into utter imbecility, especially the young who may b epellagrous. Women suffer most and children least frequently among - the poor, when the disease is not severe. A victim may last ten or fifteen years. Benzoate of soda affected the tem per as well as the stomach out at Denver. Three Hundred More Bodies Found by Searchers on the Outskirts of City Red Cross Appeal to . the American People. Mexico City, August 31. A dispatch I from Monterey, which was swept by a flood a few days ago, says that three j hundred bodies were found This morn ing grouped about an old well near the iron foundry on the outskirts ot Pellagra was not known when the good old hoe-cake was first on the bill of fare. Acting secretaries are conducting the government, and no one is the worse for it. In campaign management do Amei ican boss can hold a candle to fine old Diaz of Mexico. thinks from what the newspapers say the city. Approximately one thousand How Farming Pays. laws are suspected. The Department I Raleigh "News and Observer. of the Interior will perform the same service in alleged violations of land laws. It has been suggested that in the aome of her sister, Mrs. O. L. Baker, Department of Justice there be estab- in this icty left Tuesday t morning for their home In Norfolk. lished a bureau of prosecution to which will fall all prosecutions when the evidence obtained by the other Mooora Tjicnn ThomnsriTi Warren Winslow.' George Wilson and Willie departments justifies appeal fc the Griffin left Tuesday afternoon to enter upon a year's work at the A. & M. College, in Raleigh. Misses Eunice and Mildred courts. It is .believed that the Inter state commerce comraisio". will be reduced to quasi -judicial powers, and will not investigate as weil as pun- Ed- isn -y iolations rf the Interstate com- mundson left Tuesday afternoon to resume their studies at Meredith Col- lece. formerly the Baptist Female University, in Raleigh. merce act, such investigation t: come under the jurisdiction of the Depart ment of Commtrce aud Labor. It is expected that tiie commission will recomm jiid to the President cer- lf. n.ircrn 17 CVrahtroA find u'6 I tain omoTimoTito tr tVia Intoretata Eleanor, who have . . daughter. Miss been spending the summer at Bar Harbor, Maine, are at home again, to the pleasure of all their friends here. Lieut. Hugh Broadhurst, U. S. A., who has been visiting his parents, Capt. and Mrs. D. J.' Broadhurst, in this city, left Monday to report for duty at Fort Myer, near Washing ton, D. C. Later he will go to Fort Riley. commerce laws and the Sherman anti-trust law. It is believed the com mission will recommend that power be granted the government to con trol the classifications made by the Twenty years ago the farm of- Mr. W. S. Cobb, of Lumber Bridge, Robe son county, could have been pur chased for two thousand dollars. This year Kinder his, expert manage ment he has already grown crops worth $23,213 on that farm and on a part of the land he has a second crop of cotton which gives promise of making a bale to the acre. He has also grown enough wheat, oats ana corn to run the whole farm. Mr. Cobb believes there is money in farm ing in fact, he knows it and he is of the opinion that the supreme neea of North Carolina today is expert ag ricultural education and that the schools should more and more train the boys and girls for living on the farm. He wishes to see the , chlei emphasis placed upon agricultural, rather than mechanical education. YJ(hat Mr. Cobb has done eveiy grad uate "from the A. & M. College and every other young man who will mix that he could be gotten out' easily. Some time agi it was published in the Herald that there would be no effort to get Barbee out until the merits of the Shepard case were ascertained, the Durham negro who was in Ohio when caught having much to do with the final settlement of this case. The statement of Judge WJnston covers the attitude of Barbee well. It may not embrace the amount of amus ing gossip coming from Marbee head quarters, some of it to the effect that the prisoner thinks all the lawyers have it in for him and that he is really being persecuted. He has had an idea that he could have been tried long ago had the counsel represeD ing him not deferred to the solicitor. The attorneys were with him when Mayor Graham released him from custody in December. They made an excellent defense for him there and his "firing" his lawyers, which really he has done, is much the most myste rious thing that has happened since the night of the murder of the engi neer. Judge Winston's statement, signed by him and Mr. Bryant, was read in open court and filed with the clerk. Barbee looks well despite his long confinement. He looks neat and clean, has his face smooth, but for a mustache. This latest move of his is not understood at all. He has the people guessing. He has not lost his nerve any time, and since he an nounced imiaiediately atfer hi?, arrest, "false alarm that eye of his has had its usual semi-smile. The counsel will probably be named at thes morning sitting of the court. Being, a capital offense, Barbee will, of "course, be compelled to have law yers. In dropping the two that had his case, it is recalled that he is mvnua the junior member, whose magnificent defense acquitted him of a similar charge more than ten years bodies have been recovered to date, and it is believed that the statement that the total death list will amount to 2,000 is well within the figures. As the reports come in it is seen that the situation at Monterey is mori serious than it was at first supposed The city lacks food and water. Tht Federal government has sent an ad ditional $10,000 to be expended for re lief. Monterey reports resumption of th street car service in the higher par of the city and the Ughing systen again is in operation, but telegrap. communication is still damaged. Th pubic is responding liberally wth sub sorptions. The expressions of sympathy fror the American government are deepl. appreciated here. Another aeronaut has stayed up for two hours and thirty-seven minutes. They all seem to have a penchant for thirty-seven minutes." A woman may be a terrible shrew, or have almost any other fault, if she the mother of eight children she ieserves something better than kicks it the hands of her husband. MORTGAGE SALE. Washington, August 31. The Amer ican National Red Cross Society ha issued an appeal to the America people for contributions for the relit of the Mexican flood sufferers, sayin. in part: "Contributions received by the Rec Cross will be promptly forwarded b telegraph and reports of the disaste and relief measures will be publishe from time to time as received by th lirection of the central committei Contributions may be sent to the Na tional Red Cross, care of the War Dt partment, Washington." The central committee has directe that $2,000 be sent to Consul-Genert Hanna, and that sum will be at one telegraphed to him. This sum nearl exhausts the fund always kept o hand by the society for emergenc and additional funds are urgentl needed for immediate use. By virtue of power of sale con- ained in a mortgage executed on the 1st day of December, 1906, by G. W. Jdgerton and Annie Edgerton to mnius Slocumb, trustee, and re- orded on the records of Wayne coun- y in book 18 page 233, I shall offer or sale at the Court House at Golda- .oro at noon on Monday, September ae 5th, to the highest bidder for cash, ae following property, to-wit: A lot a the city of Goldsboro situated on ohn street and described as follows: eginning at the northwestern corner f lot No. 105 and runs eastwardly ith the northern line of lot No. !. o the corner of lots Nos. 141 and 142. aence northwardly and parallel wiia ohn street fifty-two and one-half 52 1-2) feet to a stake, thence wesi ardly and parallel with the first lino o John street, thence southward; y .nd with John street fifty-two anl ne-half (52 1-2) feet to the begin -ing, it being the same lot on which aid G. W. Edgerton formerly resided. This July 26, 1909. JUNIUS SLOCUMB, Trustee. ' MI RE MAN DEFEATED 4 GAIN. The court should not take longer than, a day after the selection of a jury to try Barbee. It will take up the case of Solomon Shepard, who has confessed to the murder of Engineer Holt. Senator Aldrich may insist that his central Ftederal bank shall be a Stan dard Oil concern. railroads ?nd also to determine thebrains and expert knowledge-with in-! MR. BIGLER CALLED TO OHIO BY DEATH OF HIS MOTHEB Mr. John Bigler, of the firm of Big ler Bros., Mobile, -Ala., who have the contract for the sidewalk paving in Goldsboro, received a telefram Tues day morning announcing the sudden death of his mtother m Middletown, Ohio. Mr. Bigler left here Tuesday after noon to attend the funeral. MB. A. IL EDGERTON RETIRES. Keslgns As General Manager of the Enterprise Lumber Company. Mr. A. H. Edgerton who for several vara has been actively associated with the well-known Enterprise Lum ber Company, of this city, in which he owns stock, and for the current year has been its general manager, has resigned his position) his resig nation going into effect yesterday, and after he has spent some weeks in needed recreation he will engage in other business. " Mr. Edgerton Is one of Goldiboro's best young business men, cultured, refined, energetic and popular, and in whatever line of business he may elect to take up he will be essential ly successful, for h6 has in him all the elements to succeed. Sever Accident. reasonableness of rates in advance of their fioing into effect. The mem bers of the commission are known to be of the opinion that the Sherman anti-trust law should be amended so that permanent injunctions may on ly be granted after hearings and that temporary injunctions should be re stricted to a specified time limit. The commission also favors that the law Wednesday - afternoon a very dis tress' ug accident occurred aU Utilit:- Manufacturing plant. While one of I be so amended that labor organiza- the employes, Mr. P. C. Price, was op- tions will not be guilty of conspiracy erating a swinging circular saw the when engaged upon a peaceful strike, belt blew off and as he reached up- President Taft believes the. most wards with his right hand the saw effective administration of the laws struck the left just at the wrist, cut- can be brought about by making the ting the flesh and bones. The hand Interstate Commerce Commission a was left hanging only by the front judicial body, the investigation of dustry and determination. an do In farming in North Carolina Messrs. John and Samuel Wilkin son, who were born on a farm, near Pantego, Beaufort county, have made a fortune by farming, and in the lum ber business. They say tbey have made more money 4, in proportion to the capital invested In farming than in the lumber business, andl they are devoting all their jtlme to. draining and clearing land to be. vsed for growing . crops. Every ' time a Virginia Republican draws a Federal job they begin to talk of carrying the state. It is to be hoped that we shall have Federal regulation of food laws. Un cle Sam. is enough of a Dutchman to nold Clesanliness next togodliness. A man has been cured of paralysis by the stings of many bees. Strange this simple way of restoring the pow er of motion had not been thought of before. GOYEBNMENT TO PRINT A BETTER AND LIGHTER POSTAL Washington, D. C, Sept. 2. The contract for supplying 3,487,000,000 ligaments, although fortunately the complaints to be conducted by thePstal cards to the Postof&ce Depart-1 of wickedness is big artery was not severed. The In- bureau of corporations and prosecu jured man was carried to the offices tions to be .under a special bureau in of Drs. Miller and Ginn, where he the Department of Justice. He an- displayed admirable fortitude while tlcipates little trouble in framing tne Government Printing Of&ee, which the wound was being dressed. The suggestions for the control of over- su omitted, the lowest bid, $934,717.95. physicians hope that an amputation capitalization of corporations and the Py selecting a stock of lighter but I To Chicago, I1L, ment during the four. jears beginning January l, 1910, was awarded today by Postmaster-Genera.1 Hitchcock to A lecturer at Chautauqua, New York, . says . that New York city and Chicago are so terribly wicked that it would be a shame even to men tion it. Why do not the churches in our Southern cities, where the rate the least in the world, send missionaries to these heathen places? ATTBACTIYE LOW BATES. will not prove necessary. STOPPED TROLLEY CAB TO TAKE DOSE OF MEDICINE over-issue of stocks and bonds. Hel"1161, quality, the Postoftfice Depart- believes it will be more difficult tol1116 expects to provide a better card draw up the proposed amendments to I8 less expense. The saving will be Account Convention, Sept. IS to Southern Railway. Bankers' 18, Yia the anti-trust law. ENTEBTAINS S. S. CLASS. WJnated, Conn., Sept. A woman passenger on a trolley car on tne In honor of Miss Nellie Constable, Tarryville line yesterday asked the Qf Durham, who is visiting here, conductor to let her know when the car reached a certain store. The car had passed that point when he re membered the woman's request so he gave the motorman three bells and the car went back to the store. The woman then took put a box of pills and swallowed one. She told the con ductor a physician gave her the pills and told her to take one in Bristol, another at the store,, and. a third when she reached home. - , where she one time resided, Mrs. W. R.. Thompson entertained her St. John M. E. Sunday School class last night in her characteristic hospitable and cordial manner. . ' Those participating in the delight ful occasion were Misses Nellie Con stable, Ethel Scott, Berta Brc wn, Eu nice Thompson, Eula Johnson, Carrie Perkins, Lela Roberts, and Messrs. DeWitt Scott, Luther Jernigan, and DeWitt -Thompson. effected in the reduced "traveling ex penses" of the card, because of lighter For the above occasion the South ern' Railway announces the sale of weight, on its journeys from the time round trip tickets to Chicago, 111., and it leaves the manufacturer until it return at very low rates. Tickets on reaches, the "ultimate consumer. " sale September 10, 11, 12, with final There will be three el yles -the reg- return limit to leave Chicago, not lat- ular, the reply postal and ten million er than the night of September 20. card3 of a size corresponding to- the Round trip rate from Raleigh, $27.45; standard index card. This list is ex- Goldsboro, $29.85; Durham, $27.30; pected to prove of great convenience Henderson, $27.30 ; Oxford, $27.30. and value to business men. Those who are interested in th progress which women are making i their efforts to gain a foothold in va rious employments formerly reserve for men will be glad to know that woman has recently been given th important position of "sworn tran lator' to the courts of Paris, distane ing all of her competitors. According to the Englishwoman, "sworn translator" must be perfectl conversant with several language must have a wide range cf genert culture, and some knowledge of pena civil and international law. In the case of Madame Cighera th necessary knowledge has been ae quired without very much difficult! Her father was English, her mothe German, and each knew three lat guages. Her husband was himself . "sworn translator," " and an Italian she herself is a naturalized Frencl woman. It seems that since her hut band's death ten years ago she, feel ing herself qualified for it, has un tiringly begged to be allowed to d such work as he did, there being n law against a woman doing so. Sh imgLt Lave continued begging, bu that an important recent law&uit re vealed the ignorance of many of th men "sworn translators," and M. For ichon thereupon insisted on an ex animation not only of candidates fo. but all persons actually holding suci positions, the result being that fortj out of sixty-two were turned out o, their employment. Madame Cighert then once more asked to be allowed te pass the tests, and did so with per fect success. A woman, it is noted, has recently been employed in an English court of law as interpreter; and it certainly does seem as if wom en might very well engage in this occupation if only their knowledge were perfect enough, and their work sufficiently thorough. A recent magazine says the most important iteiu in household economy is "the sinking; fund." The majority of tha people are more interested In the fund that helps them to rise In the world thye rising fund, i The Southern has two trains a day making direct connection for Chlca- For Imrt&er information as to Pull man reservation schedules", etc., ap ply to .your nearest agent or adddress Bv H. DeBuUts, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. - j Since Japan whipped Russia there is no reason why another " darkhued tribe should not attempt the conquest of Spain. Why does not some ambi tious Napoleon attempt the rejuvena tion of some of those fine old coun tries Spain, Italy, Greece and the like? Byron tried it, it is true, but tLen he was only a poet. . Mexico is permitted to vote as Diaz pleases. He is the model of all po litical bosses. , -". NOTICE. The undersigned will sell for casM c the Court House door in Goldsboro, t twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, ie 14th day of September, 1909, cei iin valuable city property belonging j the late R. D. Holt, by consent of xe said R. D. Holt heirs, for division mong said heirs. 1st. A certain residence lot, con fining a two-story dwelling, situate a West Centre street and fronting 32 et on said street, and extending estwardly from said street 110 feet. 2nd. Two lots, fronting on said . est Centre street, with a one-story welling on each, 103 feet, and ex jnding westwardly on Oak street II -2 feet to a stake. 3rd. Four store lots with a one cory brick building on each, front .ig on Ash street 67 1-2 feet, and tun ing southwardly 50 feet. 4th. Three certain lots, extending .n East Centre street 40 1-2 feet, with . one-story building on each lot, and anning thence eastwardly 50 teet. 5th. A certain vacant lot. about-. 0x50 feet to the rear of the abovvij .amed lots. The right to sell the above property -a single lots or more is hereby, re--served. 1 This 11th day of August, 1909. w. T,,:qoiyiCH;. aw-4v Attorney NOTICE, I Having qualified as executrix of til! , state of D. E. Smith, deceased, late f Wayne County, North Carolina, this s to notify all persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceased to oxhibit them to Wi T. Dortch, at his jffice, in Goldsboro, on or before the i7th day of August, 1910, or this no Ice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 1 All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of August, 1909. MATTIE J. SMITH. Iaw6w Executrix of D. E. Smith. Loolk Oojfc FOR M. HI. D-Hobbs He has some of the best prices on Plumbing, Garden Hose and all other material in my line. It will pay you to see me or phone 802, on East Centre St., near City Hall. 1-1. l-i. MO BBS. ; ; TH5 PLUMBER,

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