I i I 1 A Oamooratie Newspaper. 1BE "WIRELESS NOW AVAILABLE. Published every Wedneaday and Sat urday. THE ARGUS PUBLISHING GO. JOS. E. ROBINSON Editor Subscription Price, in Advance. DAILY AEGUS. Dne Year......... Six Months....- Three Months Pne Month.... One Week. SEMI-WEEKLY AR6WS. . m -t AA Year , Mnntha -60 ...15.00 ... 2.50 ... 15 ... J0 ... ao On Blx Three Months . . . Entered at the Postoffl.ce in Golds boro as second class mail matter. In these days of aviation we are apt to lese sight of that other scientific wonder, wireless telegraphy! And yet it is a system that is steadily gaining gvound among the naval powers and in the commercial world. The Eng' lish government has taken over all the Marconi stations on the British coast, and messages will hereafter.be accepted at any British postoffice tel eerauh station for any ship having tireless equipment. Mr. Marconi is now in this country .'Che trans-Atlantic station at Glace Bay is to be rebuilt, and when the work is completed he promises to de liver wireless trans-Atlantic messages at the rate of six cents a word. In this country six- companies re J5 port that they have in operation 122 wireless telegraph tower stations The- are located at the large cities on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, HEWS FROM WALTER the home of. Mr. and Mrs." George Bec ton. Mr. Alden Yelverton, of Fremont, was here - Monday, " looking after his fi : 5x a -rrrtuj-i. i 1 . -mm .. j f j.ximiug interests, yv line uere lie was mSOIiai liienilCfiS 2HU lUl- the -guest of Mr. and Mrsfl George Becton. : ; Messrs. John and Emmet Gurley, of Buck Swamp, were visitors in our community last Sunday, after attend ing church at Ebenezer. - ' .. . . Rev. J. M. Carraway was the guest of Dr. . and Mrs. will Crawford last A Call Back to the Old Time "Corn Sunday between services '.where his TH EW AT K1 Fl S CASE rent Events Chronicled. Trial of Black Mountain Cod- stable Charged With Double Shooting. No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying inis tnmg, mat ining, ior your cougn. Uarelully, deliber ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. - Sold for nearly seventy years. Ml V V - m m mm. m, W imp aiconoi in this cougn medicine. . C. A yer Co. , Lowell, Mass. Shucking" Rev. J. M. Carraway Preaches Farewell Sermon v at Ebenezer. visits are always occasions of enjoy ment to the entire home circle. Mr.-. Nathan JHines, of Selmar was visitor in the community Monday, av the home of his brother Mr. Simjpsoi Mr. and Mrs. Con Whittington left Hines. Mr. HineS contemplates re- last week for several days' pleasure, turning to the neighborhood to mak They stopped" over' in Raleigh to at- it his home, which his friends here tend the fair and from there went to are' glad to know on UreensDoro ana tpencer, on a visit to Mr. Jim Mitchell planted one . acre the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes relatives. of hairy vetch and rye last season and at Hawaii. . Inline last calendar . Miss Julia E. Howell, of Goldsboro, preparing the land thoroughly, break- n... if the etnoTc market vear the six companies handled 163,- hs the euest of Miss Mary Anna Whit- ing with a two-horse plow a-nd har- vv licit uiaitciB . - " - . , .5h nrWiinir fourteen S17 messages. Three Of the compa- tineton. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rowing to -a nne seea-oea. cents? The public obstinately continues to believe Dr. Cook.-despite Peary denunciations. ie cu. nies reported a net income, the other con Whittington, - during their ab- the crop twice, once in May, and onct three showing at present deficits. sence. and Mr. Leon Howell, of our in June, then planted peas broadcast All promise to become great money community, spends each .night there, for hay. From the two cuttings earners simply because operating ex- having in charge the' stock, etc penses are low. They have no long The county fair still has its balloon ascension, even if, in some cases, it has no airship. .. lines to be blown down by passing storms. In less: than five" years every wireless company will be, it is thoucht. on a paying basis. The ten tative period .is ended, and the , com- The aeroplane dance is the latest mercial prospects of the wireless is thing in Paris! "May I have the next now. as well assured as is that of the fly?" the man asks. - Morse system, wmcn it may yet ano- . gether supplant.. The predicted frost is only prepar ing the persimmon for the President's arrival in Georgia. vetch, and one of .- pea-vines, he gath ered three and one-half tons of hay as fine as was ever put. -in a barn, be sides leaving the land with the ap pearance of having been covered witt barnyard manure.- He used no fer- tUiTifn. a-nd thft lniiri" wsrrf Tint vprv ffir- uu 3vii wnicxu i.- This ig an Qbject legson wWct Our neighbor, Mr. Lon Dail. had a corn snucKing . last a riaay nignc. which is the first one we have heard of in this immediate section. :They are not nearly" so common as lti for-. AIRSHIP POSSIBILITIES. In case of a great war within a i m.,if- v in onv VBar Lime uum uu i v VVnO StOie ia.lts yoiasuiui . . - ing It giving out a iiuiici but a democratic government, the aeroplanes would no doubt be used H background as a kind o reflect thief would be executed. "Banker arrested' after bank fails," Bays a headline. The news is that he was arrested at all.- Perhaps the aeroplanes would be used for scouting purposes, while the diri gibles would be well loaded up with tiful, and the old corn shucking "hoi lers" were familiar sounds most evsry night in the week during corn-gathering time. Two things account for this, many farmers house their corn in the shucks, and advancement along educational lines have put "the - oid fa.shioned corn pile,. with a man walk- a "holler" in the ion on one's dignity and intelligence. Their many friends here, in' their would pay any farmer to imitate. Wje fear very much that the present price of cotton ' is going , to cause many who contemplated planting wheat to increase their . acreage of cotton "instead. But, if the price oi cotton remains satisfactory, it shoula serve as a still stronger cause for them to plant enough wheat for theii own Use anyway. For if everybodj Neither of Young Men Disorderly or Made Hostile Demonstration To- "-. " . ward Officer Defendant '. . in His Own Behalf. " Asheville, N. C, Oct. 26. In. the iial . today of F. C. Watkins for the urder of John Hill Bunting at Black lovntain, , August 7, Burley. Gowan .nd Qlem Jones,- negro employes of he Gladstone Hotel, where the shoot- ng occurred, testified .that .neither "linting nor Paul C. Collins had made v.y hostile demonstration toward atkms when the constable shot iiem and" said they did not hear the wo. men use any vulgar language or lake any disorder, as Watkins testi- ied they did. Both Jones and Gowan estified that Watkins shot Collins rst; whereas Collins testified that 3untihg was the first one shot. When court reached an adjourn ment this afternoon ; both the negro witnesses,' "who accompanied Watkins o the room when the shooting oc- urred, had been examined and cross- xammea ana vvatKms naa made a tatement in his own behalf and much f his crpss-examination had been fin- shed. Gowan and Jones appear not o have been shaken in their testimo- iy, despite a stiff cross-examination y Mr. Craig. - The defendant, - Watkins, promptly Why try this thing, that thing, for your constipation? Why not stick to the good old reliable family laxative Ayer's Pills? Ask your doctor if he anprovs this advice. Women Suffer Ago Kidnevs And Most Women Do This Not Knowing tho Real Cause of their Condition unese poor. Buffering women have been led to believe that their misery of mind and body is entire ly due to "ills pf their sex." Usually the kidneys and bladder are re sponsible or largely bo. And in such cases, the kidneys and blad der are the organs, that need and must have attention. Those torturing, enervating sick headaches, dragging pains in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swell ing of the. extremities, extreme nervousness or hysteria, listless ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling1 are almost certain symp toms of disordered and diseased kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills have, in thousands of cases, been demonstrated as remarkably beneficial in all such conditions of . female organism affording the most prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an Illustration of what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray of Columbus, Ga., writes that she was very ill with kidney trouble, and that she is now well and' that these Pills are what cured her. They are very pleasant to take, : and can in no case, produce any deleterious effects upon the system as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep- arations are apt to do.- E. C. DeWitt & Co, Chicago, m, want every man and woman who have the least suspicion that they are afflicted with kidney and blad der diseases to at once write them, and a trial box of these Pills will be sent free by return mail post paid. Db it to-day. Cuban politicians are reported on the verge of a duel. Another . one of those tropical revolutions. NATURE'S CURE FOR RHEUMATISM In a disease so painful as Rheumatism, medicines containing opiates ia rennrted between President Taft and Cannon. Must be- forms of airships that discard the gas- Cannon is no insurgent. DaS WJliie lUB.VUU1!' ,tor.'. ' The aeroplane will probably be prer a mistake. taught of fitting the syndicate, termed in war in the course of a few tnougnt uj. iuii.nj5 j . . , years, because it offers comparatively Di-nhohio viaH th thought, but iackea J ' . he never had a Probably had the thought, but lacked the nerve. plants more cotton, wheat will, be cor-1 - ook the witness stand when the respondingly scarcer, ' and even ad-1 "tate rested and made his statement bombs to be dropped on the enemy's i old home, deeply sympathize with Mr. mjtting that ah acre of Wheat will not f the occurrence. He was subjected ships or forces or cities. atL- Mrs. JJaily Gurley m- the loss or pr0duce as much flour as an acre oi to a severe cross-examination by. T. A. The present situation calls for both their interesting litue girl, Alice cotton will buy, still the wheat will be Tones, but his assured manner did not in case of war; but it is plain that the Jones, whose death occurred last Fri- unencumbered, while probably the j tesert him. Prodded by the questions trend is toward, aeroplanes for com- day at their home in Goldsboro. The cotton will already be spent for sup- "f Judge Jones he reviewed the trou mercial purposes. - The hope of a com- remams were brought here and buried Piies and fertilizers before gathered, bles he. had experienced, the shooting plete conquest-of the air by man rests, uu caiuiutio' aHciuwu.,,m t-a. &y an means plant enougn wneat ior i ma wounamg eitner Dy nimseii or i vc-iluo ting urugs are oixen usea.. sucn treatment is dangerous not nnt in dirieihles. but in the various burying ground at the old homestead 11Rft.r ' another convict guard of a fleeing ne-1 nly ?e?ause it. frequently causes the sufferer to become addicted to the While words fail to soothe the au-.-.- : : ro eonTict some vears am. his shont- us"ou"' u"u iuwuys injurious w we system. a-JOti. yi auiun.u& u.E.u.ivo x.- U HJEi J. A. JJa.lT JT Xjll JJJ W3. voted parents, it affords some conso- - . - - - ' tation to Know tnat ail-is wen witn Prof: Vi. .H. Phillins and Mr. W. A. ?.e child. To Him who has seen ht Martin were visitors to Goldsboro! Teak into hisTiouse at Black Mouri thus to bereave them; .we commend Saturday.' small resistance to the wind and be cause the marksmen down below will -iad hour of their, darkened home. Mr. and Mrs. F: E. Sauls spent Sun day in Goldsboro. guests of Mr. and . . A, Tint OPS ahlfi tO- mt SO Small a target. I aW.a ntilmntrn. noi-finc r nnt luiimr T " T71 r,A A man charees nusoana-Deaung . . . I ujm uu"u ,1""", .uui. uu6 . . unuuuu. ; , hScs Tjr fa . Anrl VPt some DeODle 0-. . - .. - sauoucu vvj.i.u.a.3 inauji giuuuu-pcao a,o ivj.1 . in. u. Auijuiaij.c w aiiu. uauguici , ... rint caminS -- - i iuey cuuiu cat., biuic uiu iiin.ii iuci lvnaa lviauci, opeiiu lULuiiuajf aiiu iuco feet, carrying as a passenger the Bryan's stack of peas, pole! and all, day in Wiilson. crown prrhce,- will go far to convince last Frlday night, and next mprnihg Mrs. G. R. Benton and children all military men that the aeroplane is huex was the maddest darkey in this spent several days in Fremont and best adapted to war purposes. section. He was.. figuring upon not Goldsboro the past week. Aviation is, however, a new art. " only having enough to seed a larger Mrs.. H. H. Walston and children, is just fairly, launched, so to speak. patch next year, but the thoughts of .of Saratoga, spent Saturday and Sun- and wnen ne did not respond told wit ness to get constahie vvatKms. Wit ness said that he rxfet Jones and the two waked Watkins, who "asked what say the suffragettes are not gaining ground. Ben Tillman has refused to pay $10 for a place at the Taft banquet. Con gratulations to the other guests are in , , , The Wrights are cautious men, but not being able to perform his duties day in Eureka, as guests of Mr. and President Taft will have a chance whatever . test has been imposed upon with a p0cketfui of peas all the time Mrs, II.. Z. .Bogue. cu,. buyer uSu, mS buouc- Rheumatism is a disease of the blood, and its cure depends entirely upon a " "w l luuiuuu puiiuuauuu tjj. Liio circulation. as long as tne Diood remains Mountain, his shooting -and killing bfl saturated with uriq acid, an inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles negro who he said was trying to ana tenaons OI tne oay wiu exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and hot; o v-exxaxx ucau ui nmo uuxa. txaxix wiul uuuliuuo. iiie oiio sai ana sure euro ior ILhemnatism is R. S. R Tt is nat.nrA' -rAmaHTr fnr Yi ia Hiano -moA am, and his cutting of a man named of the healing, cleansing iuices and extracts of roots, horn and harVa from ;dbetter, who was head of a crowd I the natural forests. S. S. S. does not contain anything that is in the slightest Peking to initiate him by the pleas- way injurious to the system. It is absolutely and purely vegetable, and. ng process of "nreine-" him " free from opiates or sedatives of any kind. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by ng process or pressing mm. removing the uric acid from the circulation, it makes the blood pure, rich . Burley Gowan, the negro porter, and heaalthy so that instead of depositing sharp, uratic impurities into the .stifled that when ' he came from I muscles, nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes everv Dortion of th hndw rhureh about one o'clock he went to natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical ouyiw iifo to aii who write ana request it. :is room some twenty steps from the sotel and had been there about twenty minutes, bearing no noise, when Pro-1 nrietor Manly called . for Clem Jones THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. triom. thAv . navo met. successtullv. I i.-.t,j 1,-,, r,v,i irn. tit!.v m t,is Ttn tn chnw the Stuff he'S made Of When w ... ... I was . aituiaicu iu luuiuuguij wuo iu&ses iviaijr itiiiiaiic vv , uci 11c net - ri ' fc. Hn r. n n n n r i i tt rna TnTQtnncr niara in - -1 iittti 1 - a i . t . , . t- . . . . . . iu.vy aic caonj iwo,, ms ire. Aiex saia: wny, way,, n aey ton. uettie ijaram, were visitors ai he hits that artillery punch in Savannah. Germany, according to cable ad vices, is behind America on foreign mission work. Probably believes that reform begins at home and -continues there. A strong physical resemblance has been noted between Judge Lovett, new John D. Rockefeller. There is also a strong financial likeness. the world today, but - a single . addi- QOan min', Til ketchem, eatin' my the home of Mr. Heriry Sauls, near tional year may develop new. ideas peas yit" No doubt but that it was Sherards X Roads, Saturday and Sun and. new features that may change the the sarue crowd who got his melons day, situation . altogether. me vvrignt iast summer. . The ladles -of Eureka met last Mori- brothers nave fully demonstrated that T ,r . c:.,..,,. fdav afternoon and organized a Par xtev. J . ivi. oa.rra.way yieaciieii u5. farPwH sermons at. Rhenezer and auua&c.u ouviCW. u. xx Pine Forest last Sunday, this closing verton was . elected president, Mrs. H, -f, :QQ --t,ia -..t,,,,!. t,h -A. Overman Vice-president, and Miss jtseuian martin secretary ana treasur men can fly, and thousands of keen intellects will,, hereafter proceed to bring the new art up to all reasonable war or commercial demands. Expe- rienced scientists - anticipate a : rapid according to the; rules of his church, iiutcu ucuCCix &- development, and- it will no doubt be I - .t ;. " , head of the Harriman lines, and , at Qll vnw a J next year. He' has given four years i,--,.. . of earnest, faithful work, 'arid endear man fan car pit nTArpnnifl the artrac-1 r . .-. ,tv .-led himself to the hearts of all people . . : . here. The love and .esteem, and abid- a gosuag. , . er. Our ladies are always alert for the. Interest of the church and school and keep at work all the tithe.' ""' ' The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Eureka is holding the week Mr. Wickersham's visit to the Fed eral prison may or may not have had to do with enlarged quarters for male factors of great wealth. MOJfEY BACK. ing good wishes of both congregations of thanksgiving , and -prayer , this : week. ine services jvionaay ana luesuay were conducted by Mrs! . H. A. Over- DEYOTIOJT OF THE GREEK PEO-PLE. will go with him to his "new" field, and the e-nnd sped he "has Sown hftre. bv 0 ' " , j tic, 1 X. .irAjM TIT -r' W caln i, his upright walk and" godly conversa- Juan. misa "" J. H. H1U .& Son Sell a Remedy for Overman read an interesting paper on Catarrh on That Liberal Basis. vice to the Master will continue to tne woman's work in China and Miss bring forth fruit. -May Heaven's bless afar tin. read one Ori -Korea. Mrs. T. Rronfiio TTvnmpi nvpr thA gefm-rid. ... 1 inffs ever attend him. ' "; den membrane, and it will Kin tnej . - v ;. , X" , . - -Wednesday, and Mrs. W. J. Yelverton germs, and cure catarrh. ;' The freight -train bnjthe Southern- jor Thursday, Mrs. E. ,C. Exum Fri- There is no other way you must nred the held in iront oi Mr.Jonn . day. Thege meetings are very inter- Way, back in 1863 a son of the then King of Denmark was made King of , nTZZlr hl set where the germs are before you Davis' last Saturday, and. as thfe wind esting - especially when the leader and he had held the confidence or tne j,aBnxr Wi r wov.- wnwic. o ';.f-iritt tw .. - uu. "-"-. j . a . . gives - . mionnaiion fair in a remarKaDie Uegree.- . . tnara wi1 .ha nn morn hawking, not I hav. and BAT-innslv. thrfiatenine ; his ' : - ..rv' Iti tVlA - ww. " . " at I y I i -tf - . -7. llUilllCtij " tUC . CllgilgClllCllL UL LUCii Of late there has Sprung rip; in m . ty.0 mnrr,!nff. tTint nfFeneivt. I hai-n and ctahloa sriri rcaiHon(a w"hifh .J.-x . ,..v.x r - i-tti T Tn peopie aown """T And when catarrh germs have dis- South, it v "spread .rapidly, burning work d0ne, on the -foreign -fields, his kingdom suffered in the Cretan at- , .v. ... , . . . - : 4. .-.. . .. .. w M I I f lf-l f -l I I 1 1. 1 I t-T I I.INIItlH Will UHliUCU . I LWC11I.V-BCVCU. Idl.CC . &Lai:n.S VJX. UCfl," V 1UO iate "ere nas Byruii-uyiu. even m the morning; that offensive I barn -and stables, and. residence, which , daughter -Lelia' to Mr Sidney J. little kingdom a league compdsed oi breath wiU aisappear; there will be no doubtas.saved.'bVplowlii,aead;,wards . of Wilson the rilarriag army. These men demand i many needed military reforms, and he sin gle Greek legislative chamber has Ed marriage to no more obnoxious mucous, or cough- of 'the flames. "The flames would leap take place early in December, Ing,. or sneezing, or husmness ot as high as the pines, and large pieces Messrs. W. I. Becton and Jake Mayo voice, or difficulty in breathing. All of burning hay were blown, several spent Saturday "and Sunday visiting thosa (iime-rppaM acflfissnnps nf the I rmnrtreri varna acrnsa trift flftln-.-. 'It- 11. l li -d j t : 1 v. nn-oini, " -. -t " LUt!ll UllCie, ivil. vjrcui uctiuu, vji conformed to their wisnes Dy pasBinjs demon catarrhwill disappear, and as was frightful to witness,, and .very Waltef - Mr Mayo, will fill a position bills to deprive the royal princesor gQ i0w. of health will re- much alarmed '-- the - -family, yte. .tlBcle.,-;''Wte regret to lose wuuiiouu w . .0- turn anrt all the RT.rengtn ana energv I home, nam anrt sranifia were in nan- vi s ..in tvt iuij- uu w "7-r- that was formerly isea in combating ger; ,v .. 0 Mayo is ayoung man -6f sterling forms demanded by tne neiienic. miu- . . i.rmilg of Wtarrh. will bring I ttv,i.. w' r awtK -a wm hn iotiv m!co hv .... - " : . -. w . uuw9 , it 4x1 -j.bu,i0 vvW x.x viu )iuuv-ui - nui iu( auu ' vr nx tJ hi tvxj xuaowvu , . ? .. .. . ri --,.. back your vitality and ambition, win side.' near the Quaker-Bridge, was-our entire community. ceptea tne situauoa ujr u,u-6 . make a new. healthy, habnv being of 1 , v?o JW-Uw .n.k--iii t tu,. ii..ir 'o- en . n . . T-mxr 'ThA " ' - - I . iaiwiii, uio 0ux17.11-ifi.1rT F.1111 u.-juivi UILI.10 1 1 1 1 1 ua iuaooj , nuw cs, v ouua. iBBifiiij nuiu n von in a. few weeks. . . " . i n tvt. woI. qw. i-. , tn . V ; XIXX (liXl- xx.x , S Vtt4.V s'-a-l-,f'V-uf TCI J XX JLAOb ' TT iXVj AO X VjX .Vi HVUXV w. -a 1 - 1 M XV K-MAvw-n-wvv . runs uyuuma mu : ; J. H. HU1 & Son will sell you a weekt Where he has many friends who; better,5 her friends and playmates will ui xmsu us, complete Hyomei outfit for fl.oo. This l are always glad to feel .his friendly . be glad to learn good policy to put the army on the .-,fl-a a nft tt,hair. antti nf TTv-ruU ': : best possible footing and-in the best omei (pronounftd Elgh-o-me)' and in- possible fighting condiUon... j ; gtructions for. use. . Sold" by leading Rumors continue to. be j spread dpllB.r1atf, everywhere: Extra bottles 1 grasp. , t m Tri --ill MKil-tAiita aoroaa mat we xviug . wii uuiv-, gQ centi And bear in mind, money and that tne crown wm ue u.ercu iback if Hyomei doesn't cure.; the Duke of the Abruzzi, the moxn-. , tain climber who loves an American girl. These -rumors iave small foun dation, however, for King George still retains the, personal devotion of the" Greek people. The crown prince and his hrnthp.ra are noDular. and their dismissal from the army became; de- 'lilfi! Cures indigestion Xt relieves stomach misery, sour stom- Dr.-Ed. Person and Mr. John Hare Mr Ram -rnw th dPRPrvAdiv nnn- were on our streets yesterday, much ular clothing clerk at Messrs. H. Well . the pleasure -of their many friends Sr Tirn's snrf 'AfV T? T.' Prnw nnA nf nere. a ; : : the clever and courteous members of C Our school will open Monday, This the 'Korrect Clothing Company, both year bids fair to be the best school of Goldshoro. attended services at Eh- ever naa at iureita. xne eaitt .nwnH,. . of Mr.4 ty. be here that was last year and Mrs. Herbert HowelL They have 7ith ?erhapS the additlon of another memoer. ... , many friends here, , who are--always glad 'to see them. -- , Mr. " and". Mrs. Haskel Fields, . from MAGISTER. rrri Z?ZZZirZ:X rrrX near Princeton,- were- guests- of Mr. sirable because the step . was neces- j. 60 .lyrnggists In all towna.tand Mrs. Z D. Toler, of ' Grassmere, sary in order to carry out -the pro- .. , .. . , . ,. - last-Sunday,, after services atEbene- posed reorganization of the military rAKTED Two or three good fresh j zer. forces of the kingdom. CAED OF THANKS. CITY TAXES DUE. I, The city tax for 1909 are due, and those owing ; same Lwill please call promptly at City Hall and settle, Very respectfully, . J. S. WARRICK, October 13, 1909. Tax Collector milk cows. Mrs. 10-27 dlt swSt v. . 1 -M. Nash. ;m; T, DICKINSON, Attorney at Law, GOLDSBORO, Nf C. Editor Argus: The undersigned de sire through your columns to ac knowledge their appreciation "- and Mr.-Jake Mayo, of Eureka, has. ae- lasting remembrance of the many cepted a position with our eriterpris kina oflices of friends during "the re ing merchant, Mr. George jBecton, cent fatal lllndss of their little daugh and has already entered upon his du- er. and the so many beautiful flowers ties. .We gladly welcome him to our contributed at her funeral. We cannot community and extend to him its sin- find words to express our thanks, cere cordiality. ' " ' Gratefully, . Mr. Will Becton, of Eureka, spent ' M. D. GURLEY. v Saturday night and Sunday here, at .' . " i . MRS. IL D. GURLEY. the trouble was. Witness told him he was wanted to quiet a disturbance at the hotel. When they reached the ho tel they, met Manly, who told Watkins to restore peace, iwitness said - he eard no noise as they approached he hotel, but Mrs. Woodruff put her head out of a window and called tr 'hurry up" as "they are in the hall now. In the hall upstairs they saw no one. except Mrs.:Linville and went Irst to Room. 17. and then to 19 where the Officer knocked. Someone inside asked "Who's that?' and Watkins re plied- a-policeman. The officer en tered, lighting a match; and when it went out told - Clem to make .a light, and Jones lighted the" lamp. The aoffieer asked the two men; who were sitting on the side ot the bed. what all the fuss was about," to" which ne of .them replied that there was no uss, that they were just talking. The officer told them to get back in bed r.n a loud tone. Collins, who was try ing to get Bunting to lie down rose with his hand extended as he talked to the officer, the pistol fired and the light went. out. The' men were not making any ; move to attack the bffi- er. Collins, who,-was shot first, fell ack- so that his f oof closed the door and witness was shut, out in the hall He- heard '- a second shot and Bunting exclaimed, "My God, he'-s shot me in the stomach!" ? - ' ' Watkjns on the, stand" told of the struggle which had : come just before the " shooting in which the two. men had him down. Wheh-in4;his position he claims .'he fired the gun arid then was again thrown on his ' knees ' anc fired again. He gave a complete story in detail, although he appeared a little nervous, v When cross-examined by Judge Jones .-. for , the prosecution - his whole past life was aired and he be came "flustrated" . at several points, but on the whole maintained hM orig inal story. - .'f-.1:-, ;.; , v ".' THE MONTH OP OCTOBER HAS WEDDING GIFTS ALL OVER IT Your desi resard your purse's capa city are consider ed here in our assortment. . R. A. CREECH STOPS THE HACK! This most reliable : cough syrup is made from old time drugs, tried and true, and is especially valu able for children,' because it is not check full of opiates like the advertised cough sSrups. Pleasant, Prompt and Harmle&s. Get a bottle to-day. . Only 25 cents. Go I d s b o r o Drug Co The People's Popular Drug Storo. Joseph Edwards! AT MRS. AST0R SUES FOR DIVORCE. Newport, Oct. 26. Social circles on both sides of the Atlantic: were start tied today by the announcement that Mrs. John Jacob Astori leader, of the Newport four hundred' since, the re tirement of the late Itfrs. William As torz is suing "her husband, Coir John Jacob Astor, for a legal separatiori.: The case is now in the hais. of the referee, C. H. Young, the proceedings having been conducted with . the ut most auiet.,; There has been no reve lation made of the causes ..on - which the action Is based. ". . .' . ' .. The utmost regret Is expressed in every quarter, as both Mr. ; and "Mrs. Astor have enjoyed the highest es teem, and their married life was gen erally supposed to be' harmonious and unclouded. - - ' - - 100 Ladies' ; Coat SuitsJn' all sizes and' colors the latest styles and designs.. These are well selected suits and as beginners in Ihis liue, we mean to undersell any - line of suits in this city and elsewhere.) : ; Give us "a trial aud'you will be convinced that you -''J- can sava at leastfive dollais on your . winter-suit. vOur ' line of dress goods, clothing; shoes is cem plete and be assured you it,can . save money by .buying at our estab- -' : lishment We will prove that good results are found at JOSEPH I; EDWARDS, M, I " ' - U": J : : - ? CHAMPIONtOFSLOW PRICES. IDVEKTISE IH THE ARGUS 'r. I' f I I' i )