CQ.A IRK .9 r J? i 1, : .v 2 a st ir K 1 a, s 1 Q'ifiF iitiiluni. THINKS HE IS" ABROAD Neuse Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F.. meets -every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in their own new hall. Cor dial welcome to visitors. Goldsboro Council, No. 39, Jr. O. J. A M meets every Thursday evening rt 7:30 o'clock in Junior Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. Ruffin Lodge, No. 6, K. of P., meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock ir, J - i'or Hall, over M. N. Epstein's .-oi c iv iihtly welcome to visitors. Maf"!o:;a i-- it, ,"o. 100, !,'oodmen of t;:e xXov!-i, meets every Tuesday evening at 7: SO o'clock in Junior Ordi-r Hall. Visiting brothers are I . -; y c v f lco'-Tie, VMh oro Lodge. No. 139. B. P. O. E., hiirsday night in the Elks " ("ooFtiiut street, which is '. - on, :S0 to 1 a. m. Vis - pij'Hlpd to register are ' u-.'.o at all times to Or Cook's Lawjgr has no Urn of his Wherea- l i f t baits. Biycussed the Affidavits Losse, "WIio Claims to Have Fur. i.-isli(?d Calculations, and the Eroker Go-Between. New Ycrlt, Dec. 9. Dr. Frederick A. Cook's personal lawyer, Henry Wel lington Wack, has severed relations with his client: Mr. "Wack refused to night to confirm or deny his with drawal, but it can be affirmed on com potent authority, that,, after a consul tat ion with his partners, Mr. Wad: for an .announcement. It might be thought I had deserted Dr. Cook-in his need. He may be delirious in .a sani tarium or on the ocean unable to de fend himself." " A close friend of Mr. Wack reiterated, however, that Mr. Wack has long ago decided to close dealings with a client who did not keep his counsel informed of his in tentions or movements. "To this phase of the situation, Mr. Wack made this contribution: -"Dr of Captain Cook has disappeared of his own voli tion and not by the suasion of his friends. I last heard from him fcy telephone on Tuesday, November 23. I had seen him personally two days before. "Last night Dr. Cook's friend, Charles Wake, confessed to me that he hadn't the faintest idea where the doc tor now is and that he hadn't heard from him since Tuesday, November 23. Mr. Wack, however, did receive a letter from Mrs. Cook on December b, dated December 4, and posted Decem ber 5 in Brooklyn, asking him to dis continue all expenses on the doctor's AD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. is and Around the wrote Dr. Cook so long ago as Novem br 30 that he must beg him to seek accountj and to forward certain pa le gal advice eisewnere. "I haven't the remotest idea," said Wack tonight, "where Dr. Cook r . City. i tc:: i: ts:.:.: .no s'iow vpye Superior ra-ary 24. ;e. else you'll be se who hurry to ny a small boy vn on awakening . :'.'cn. '.iM. once a year pers which Mr. Wack understood to be affidavits bearing.: on the doctor's dianuted ascent of Mount McKinley. is keeping himself or why he persists Thege affldavits the doctor had origi- in seclusion when his presence is vital naHy intended to take with him to Eu to his own interests and his friends. rop6j where they could be available Fersonally I am inclined to the belief for the UniVersity of Copenhagen, if ho is abroad. desired. ' "One thing, however, is certain, others of Dr. Cook's friends granted tl.ere is agreement tonight for the first tonight that Captain Loose consulted time among tnose wno nave aiwaya believed that Dr. Cook discovered the .ii-i varies S or 40 with nearing the turn T.T,- north pole, those who have never be lieved and those who have waited to be informed on disinterested authority. Turtisans and skeptics alike now con- accord- fcd certain cardinal facts which ad mit of no argument, namely: Dr. Cook I as sent his records to the University of Copenhagen for the inspection of a committee. Two men one a broker. you thought M-fl0 says he acted as go-between, and 3 weeks oerore "av3 will begin is thr cliron. -;s, tho to fif- 1 c rily e-ion- typhoid fever, settled why it ;ln3 after the freely with him and even occupied rooms adjoining his at the Gramatan Inn. Whether this propinquity serv ed as an opportunity for co-operation merely or for. collusion is a point of which not even Captain Loose cared to pronounce positively. The captain, however, went freely into his own mo tives this afternoon. "I went to Dr. Cook," he said, thinking I could help him. A short talk convinced me he was ignorant of torn of th sentials of navigation, ifcr task mla:r4, but tkt was bo . question for me to debate so long as I was paid. Now that the payments have ceased and the doctor has disap peared, I shook out. "I supplied the figures. They were gratefully received. What use was made of them is bound to appear." . Praise ,: ww. :; - I jC .m. " Mis - -J IMPOR TINT ! We Are Goirtg to Leave! There will not be any work dene at the Cute Studio after Friday, Decem ber 24, 1909. Don't fail to let us make you some of the little penny pictures or other novelty work. We have a. beautiful assortment of Christmas cards and mounts for the Ping Pong Ficturts which we will be glad to show you. Remember, we are going to leave, and don't forget the date Friday, De cember 24, the last day for work here. Come now and avoid the rush on the closing days. " This is. your last chance, so don t miss it. Watch these low prices: 25 Ping Pong Photos for 25 cents. 6 Cute Ovals for. 35 cents. Special 6 1-4 Cabinet for 7 cents. 12 Shirtwaist Panels for 35 cents 6 Post Cards for 50 cents. Special 6 1-2 Cabinet for $1.00. T-ELH: OTJTIE; BTTJI3IO WostUe litre Street. Goldsboro, If. C. Ex CONGRESSMAN MEEKISOIM COMMENDS PE-RU-NA. have used several bottles of Per una and I feel greatly benefited ! thereby from my catarrh of the head, i feet encouraged to believe that If use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing." David Meeklson. ENDS LIFE OX TRAIN. President of Pittsburg Bank Just Re leased From Sanatorium. ait. ; ,.cr t.iart : 3 Lave 0. - s - 00 early ' "tt '. clone at the Tiiillion our , l v' 'ft. on as .;. .cla ani stars Lc- ..lit ep as far . ens, having got- ;.,?? is on a hunting r r'-ac.oast. When he of "what luck" may- ".ii)-:. if- -use he is a truth- one, a skilled navigator have sworn tl at ttey supplied the doctor with a t. ornplete set of fabricated observa tions covering his trip northward step by step to the pole, in agreement with his narrative as universally published. The sworn statements carry within themselves their own proof or dis proof. "That is to say, if the paper nov? in the hands of . the University of Copen hagen contain any considerable por tidn of the boreal observations which Capt. August Loose says he worked out 'by the reverse route' no farther north tban the Gramatan Inn, in Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 12. John Mil- I: vonxviile, N. Y., the deduction is that ier, of 52 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, t o k felt no confidence in the ade- president of the Mellon National csiiacy of his own proofs. Bank, Pittsburg, committed suicide If, on the contrary, the Copenha- this afternoon near Prazers in a Pull- gen records show that Dr. Cook mado man car on the Pennsylvania Rail no evident use of the calculations road. Captain Loose says he supplied, it Miller was on his way home from would be fair to assume that he ac- an Eastern sanatorium. While sitting cepted them only as checks on his own with his wife, he drew a razor and data. The inquiry will then revert to whipped it across his throat before its first status: Are the original ob- she comprehended his intention, servations of Dr. Cook sufficient?" Several men seized him, but too Asked flatly if he had or had not late to prevent the act. withdrawn from Dr. Cook's affairs, Miller died while being carried from. Mr. Wack said: "This is not the time the train at Downington. OTHER REMARKABLE CASES. - Mr. Jacob Ii. Davis, Galena, Stone county, Mo., writes: "I have been in bad health tot thirty-seven years, and after taking twelve bottles of your Peruna I am cured." Mr. C. N. Peterson, 132 South Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes : 1 cannot tell you how much good Peruna has done me. Constant confinement in my store began to tell on my health, and I felt that I was gradually breaking down. I tried several remedies, but obtained no permanent relief until I took Pe runa. I felt better immediately, and five bottles restored me to complete health." A SINCERE RECOMMENDATION. Mr. I. C. Prosser, Bravo, Allegan Co., Mich'T, writes: "Two years ago I was badly afflicted with catarrh of the stomach. I had had a run of typhoid fever, was very depleted. I could find nothing I could eat without causing dis tress and sour stomach, finally I came to the conclusion that I had catarrh of the stomach and seeing Peruna advertised, began to take it. It helped me soon, and after taking three or four bottles I was entirely cured of stomach troubl, "and can now eat any thing." Ask your druggist for a free Peruna Almanae for i910. Goldsboro Floral Co. Phone No. 192. New Livery Stable The undersigned has opened, on John Street, in the brick sale stables of Mr. Jos. Edwards, an up-to-date LIVERY single and double teams ;and solicits - the patronage of the public. Give us a trial call. Respectfully, S V. Lewis & Co. AdvOTtlm In th ROUfi -Six -v-v V.axwell" automobiles .v.-d in ti e .ity this morning, over Norfolk &. Scutliern Railway for (ioblj-i oitt Garage Company. Thus Jsbnro c:y.niL.ues to -cid modern features. .... Ciirago, who was, sum , . - . :'A some c'.ays ago by - VI illness of her venerable ..-.3 --crariiod home, leaving the . r orievvat better, we 1 to state. " ..-jiuiay- blind tiger drunk and ; : Lize men in the - - nil J - ' '.'-'' . ( 1 i sit - 181 bout Furs? rn t'. i ( 1 1 : - c: re ICayor tton mills was Higgins this ; . y Jv ; a- a l:-i"c was used and n v. as cut, the parties : : : u cicr io tlie January term ; .. x M lor Court. .1 ' .; .'..Istins in felling a tree t;T,7ijaip last week, . j, L'iitc; Mr. Albert Vail sus ; . ; . ; cut on his leg by the ;.i r:i:. -D of another cutter - . - ; ; ;.l : .:e,ve and striking him. l ; . ; owe a. up the wound, anl , -; j - it will not prove se- The hosts of relatives and friends f .Mr--and Mrs. A. R. Edgerton, of the carriers of the county, will deep er sympathize- with, them in the death i f !u4r promising young son Ray-'.-...ti..-.t,- thirteen years old, which oc- , rea "at the Goldsboro Hospital at r a arly hour Friday morning of iever. The interment was made Pri . " tv;riing in. Willow Dale Ceme tery. Tue brightening of holly berries i che for est, the bustle of .shoppers in the streets, the Santa Claus dreams of little children and, all other happy harbingers of approaching Christmas tiCi3 are now being crowned by the surest sin, of all the . special-Christmas advertisements xr ofrr Goldsboro's live !)asi:cr men inr the , columns of l.:3 .'i-0u:.. Ate you one (Of -them? If you are not, do not "knock" the town" iZ you experience, dull .trade; .for the thrifty people of this community and county read the Daily and enii Y,'ccIJy Argus, and are guided, in their trading by the informat4ori they con f--'t:i the-columns' of this paper. Try it and see. ... . . .. . Can yon tell one sort of fur from another? Do you know an undyed pelt from one thai has undergone the dye? Can you tell an imitation from the original? If you can, you can buy your fur anywhere.' But if vou are not an expert the only thing to do is to go to a house upon whose word you can rely and put yoursett in their hands. We have been handling furs for a dozen years and we do know some little about it. We do know we buy them from first hands right and ask only the usual prof ir. In other words we sell furs as we do other merchandise and we stand' back of any representations we make to you. 'We will use you right as our vast number of customers will agree. Come to us for vou r furs. We will surprise you with the values we give whether you spent five dollars or f ij ty dollars. We show furs that are popular this season. ' - Black Lynx O'possum x Beasom Seal v ' Wolf Mink Suqirrel Pointed Fox and many others. Muffs and Scarfs to mateh. WOIL - Some are using magnifying glasse in their efforts to locate Nicaragua. it UST at this season of the year there's many a person who is wondering 4what to give a man for Christmas." tell you; probably n w; but the chances v of two weeKs i.f tcr here that . i) 1 c. s. th; dV gi cori::i he n - hi a prefer yixestions for ristmas One dinrn 60. of our Hart .h Or perhaps a Hart Sci -alfr fine for 1 over- itorm weir; a ma gocu bushicfefe suit: :.a H e light kind and co.tt, tVr dress liberal useful gift; $16.50 to You might think well of Hart Sehaftner & Marx wi sell them right ; 20 u If you decided on such a gilt the questxn ci iz can be easi'y solved; bring us an ou s.uit :-r cver coat; or tell us his size; afteiwaid, if tie clctlts don't fit him right we'll change or alter them free. .Ta.?r3 ace many other things for men in a stole like this; not so cjstly as clothes; quite as accept able and useful. ' ear; each one in a separate box if you wish, rich silks of the best quality; many fine color ings and patterns; from 25 to 75 cents. A great stock of good gloves from the best makers, 1.00 to 2.50. And heavier, cheaper gloves for other than dress wear. Umbrellas; imported fancy woods, s good variety from 1 up. Sweaters and sweater coats are always accept a 1 3; good things herefrom 1.25 to 5.00. Mufflers, the sort every body wants a good as sortment of colors from 50 cents up. Fancy waistcoats for alt occasions, for dress or . business wear; some very smart novelities inim ported and domestic fabrics, from $2.50 up to $7.50. Men's jewelry sets of all sorts; cuff links; dress, and dinner studs; sets in cases, cuff i.nks m d in to match; full sets with shirt studs and ai&tcuu but--tons alike. Prices very moderate. - These are only a few suggestions; we can't cata logue the whole stock; come in and see. We issue gift certificates for any amount you say, cr for any merchandise; the recipient of your gift can do his own choosing. Any goods you buy in thiss way are on approval, and may be returned and morey refunded, if you choose. A. -A n FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. puTlo 500,000 SHINGLES - v All Grades in Cypress, Juniper and Tine. If you need Shingles, I can save you money. I HAVE THE BEST COAL, Both Soft and Hard, and sell 2,000 ponnds to the tor WOODOak and Pine, " - -- - ---- v-,. - ' . "-- . . Cut and Split to Suit. Let us have your order. i TERMS CASH. PAY THE DRIVER. , W. D-0. (Girafflinio Phone 47 The Ooal and Wood Qalr n- 7 ' 1 1 I I 4" i I V.i It ; - V I; 7 ID C PtnCFO'TD TXTTT ; 1

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